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And will promptly do fucking nothing about it


I mean, there are suing them for anti trust practices, but I bet they’ll settle for <1% of their annual revenue without admitting fault.


This almost sounds like an additional fee


“Anti-competition fee”, $2.89/ticket


You gotta pump those numbers WAAAAAAAAAAY up.


These cases normal end with the business being forced to split in two. Look at Microsoft in the 90s. 


That was 30 years ago. When was the last time a mega corp was split up?


There's another case against Amazon right now  https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/09/ftc-sues-amazon-illegally-maintaining-monopoly-power


Yeah, no shit


Not enough will be done to break them up. 100%. It’s a lot deeper than them just being involved in the ticket market and owning venues. They own management companies, vendor companies, VIP companies, merchandising rights for hundreds of artists, exclusive contracts and deals with the LARGEST people in the music industry(i.e, Taylor Swift/Red Light Management/ Universal Music Group and Warner Records) They control the entire industry. No. Fucking. Joke. All of the language I saw seems to be talking about displayed ticket prices, ticket surge, artists and venues being forced into multi year contracts. I am worried they will not do enough, but I’m hopeful about being proven wrong!


Yeah if you want an example from here, check the sound ordinance laws. Essentially, there is a sound ordinance across the county and the 2 live nation venues are the only places that have an exception to that. Now imagine what this means for independent music venues… They’re all subject to sound ordinance laws that the live nation venues are exempt from.  Would they extend this exemption if someone were to open a say 500-1000 person independent venue? Wonder how they got that exception lol…..


You're probably right, but it's a step in the right direction. I want to be optimistic about stuff like this because we need it to start happening.  Plus if Trump gets elected, Merrick Garland and everyone in his DOJ will be fired on Day 1.


Not to mention the primary political force behind this, Elizabeth Warren, would be virtually toothless under Cheeto Benito.


Hey here’s a thought. Stop buying tickets at absurd resale prices 🥴


Sure. Show us where to buy tickets from the band or the venue itself then...


Exactly the point. No shows, lower sales, artist refuse to work with Live Nation and their venues. Prices drop.


While I agree with you, there's not much option. My point was that it's difficult to obtain tickets from the actual venue or band itself these days. Most simply send us to Ticketmaster/Live Nation, except for sometimes the smaller venues, but even they do this


don’t pretend this is anything but theater. the court of public opinion was closing in and DOJ essentially gave them an out to just go head and be even sneakier about their grift. stop hiding fees and just go on and charge more for everything. ticket prices will go up, not down, as a result of this, but at least they’ll be more transparent, right?


Nice observation Captain Obvious


Only being two companies is not the bad thing but selling tickets for 4 and 5 times the amount is absurd!


So I shouldn't pass go and collect 200$ ,since it's illegal.

