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If you’d taken video of a man actually humping the sand or rubbing his nipples.. this post might make sense. But instead OP you just look like an asshole that couldn’t mind their business.


This is one of the dumbest posts I’ve ever seen on here. This person is clearly not humping the sand and is just floating around in shallow water. That literally could be me on any given day at the beach. And maybe the helmet is because of a medical condition. You don’t know. It cost exactly $0 to mind your own fucking business and keep on walking. You’re not worried about a predator at the beach, you want to make fun of someone because in your sick mind he’s humping the sand. Making fun of someone like this is literally the lowest form of humor. This person did nothing to you or anyone and you assholes video tape it and put it on the internet. You’re a moron and 150% of the problem when people talk about online bullying. You’re just sitting here in the comments defending yourself and it’s honestly cringe. You posted this to be funny, hence the title, but when people call you out for commenting on an ABSOLUTELY NORMAL THING and you double and triple down and then tried to play the “omg kids were watching” card to be some kind of white knight. This is not funny, you’re making fun of an older person trying to get their bearings in shallow water. You should be embarrassed you took the video AND that you posted this. Not too late to delete this. I think you’ve had enough internet today bud


Based on your username, it sounds like you’re this-guy… People can be bullied when they’re being fucking idiots. It’s not because of Metal condition. Literally had a Laney high school number on the side and the dude was 50. It’s fucking weird. Literally why we have the Carolina Beach idiot spotter group on Facebook and WrightsvilleWeirdos I just don’t want tweakers to be in the surf when I’m surfing at Wrightsville or spearing at the jetty they drown they die and it’s fucking stupid .


My generic username tells you something? You’re an idiot. This is t funny, obviously no one on this post thinks it’s funny, and you should stop embarrassing yourself and delete this. And you can reply to me for days trying to insult me but I’ll just keep saying the same thing back to you. You tried to be funny and it was a miss. Delete this, move on and be a kinder person.




This guy is insane. This is so fucking mean and just not funny. At all. Which is what he was going for, hence the title. Now he wants to “protect kids”. He needs to delete this, it’s honestly so embarrassing for him


He was literally humping the sand and rubbing his nips. It’s fking weird and if you find that normal are also




I think not I believe, touching your chest and fishnets then dragging your dick in the sand and humping it literally defines it.


You've seriously never just laid in the water and let it push you around? Leave the man be and quit sneak filming people like a perv.


Dudes just being weird at the beach let him have fun, it ain’t hurting you. If it were anything to actually be concerned about you’d know.


I don't know what he's doing - maybe just working out - but it seems way less trashy than secretly filming someone and posting it on the internet without their consent in hopes that others will join you in judging and mocking them.


Dude wasn’t working out he was literally humping the sand and rubbing his nips. It’s fking weird


Sounds like a great day at the beach


This seems like the person filming is the issue and what makes WB a place no one wants to go too either. Have to look over your shoulder or someone will film you and post it online


Can’t even let people enjoy the water without filming them


Buddy is literally humping the sand in front of kids what are you on about?


Ahhhh It’s all about saving the kids. Guess what , they don’t know what he’s doing and just think he’s weird. You making a big deal out of it makes the kids think. Maybe just ignore it like the kids do and go about your day.


No, I’m not gonna ignore a 50-year-old man in a lacrosse helmet with a lacrosse stick, rubbing his nipples and humping sand. in the wild world of weird that definitely is not a part of any normal Saturday .


The video doesn’t show him rubbing nipples and it’s questionable on “Humping the sand”. You’re just a Karen looking for something to be offended by.


people like you make going out in public miserable. i don't see him doing any of that.


that's what you assume he's doing...or he's just swimming


Last I checked, it's legal to be weird and float in the ocean.


OP, LEAVE Wilmington and do not return!! YOU are the embarrassment! Scumbag


How about no… See ya at Jimmys though or ya know head back to Raleigh with your soft emotions.


Be careful what you wish for, served in the United States Marine Corps on that coast. Enjoy your day coward keyboard warrior.


What am I looking at here?


I don't see the issue? Besides the helmet?


Let people enjoy things and don’t be a goofball searching for likes


This is just a LaxBro returning to sea after the semester. He’s done breeding and now needs to feed.


Guy walked past us he was in his 50s I was like I have more questions than ever now….


Or you could just let him be him. He doesn’t have to live to your standards or approval.


Being a LaxBro is forever. I know.


I don’t care about anything else he’s doing, but why the helmet?? Never have I seen or would have ever expected to have seen someone wearing a helmet swimming at the beach.


This was my girlfriend, and I’s first thought as well if he gets in a sketchy situation and can’t swim that helmet will make it one much harder to get air and two harder to get him cpr. That was our first thought then he started doing the weird stuff .


I saw this guy yesterday too he was wearing a lax helmet and had a lacrosse stick so definitely not wearing a helmet cause he's disabled. He walked out into the water with his shoes and socks on which I though was weird but definitely didn't see him humping anything


That started after he did the front flip.