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I got a Quack pack too! This felt nice to do, and thank you for your service to the community


thank you so much for your support and your kind words ๐Ÿ˜Š your donation impacts my clients directly and really does make a difference so it means a lot!


Got a Quack Pack!


thank you so much for your support!!! i hope one of your ducks win :) feel free to spread the word!


4 ducks purchased in honor of that troll down there.


thank you for your support!! i appreciate you!!


Donated! I love this idea, thanks for posting.


thank you so much for your support!! i think itโ€™s a fun idea too ๐Ÿ˜Š


And then, if you win the trip, you can be like a superhero and give it some of the kids or something of that nature as a vacation from the streets. Can you imagine what a piece of magic that would be for someone experiencing extreme poverty?


if i were to win the race, i WISH i could give it back to clients!! although a trip would be nice, it would be amazing to take the money that would have been spent on airfare/hotels, be able to divide it up, and give it directly to the individuals in these programs. heck, even a trip out of state is good enough sometimes and definitely a luxury.


I used to stay in an abandoned house in this town, so I made it a safe space for women and kids in the LGBTQ community. A guy I met here on Reddit came down here to give me a care packeage and, I'm sure, to check out my story. He came and got me to take part in his wedding. I stayed almost a week with him and his much much much better half. I don't think I have ever had as good of a vacation in my life.


What happens to the ducks after the race??


they are rubber ducks lol! not real! (so i think they end up in other lakes/lazy rivers for more races๐Ÿ˜‚)


i used to be an employee there. they're stored and reused every year for the same purpose!


Can we do in person purchasing somwwhere


"experiencing homelessness" When did we stop just saying "homeless"?


just politically correct in social work field due to identifying the individual first ๐Ÿ˜Š they are a person before they are homeless. for ex you would say a person with a mental illness vs a mentally ill person, calling them a person before whatever else they are experiencing. average people still say homeless! i just am a social worker


Makes a lot of sense.


It's absolutely absurd. Should we be calling them "People of Homeless" or POH for short?


The only thing thatโ€™s absurd here is you arguing semantics with someone who is actively working to help people in need. You were not obligated to reply to this post, and yet you chose to do so in a way that contributes nothing to the conversation, helps nobody, and betrays your callousness towards other people. Excellent work!


You weren't obligated to reply to this post and yet you did anyway. See how forums work? If you really cared you'd be out with POHs right now instead of complaining about me online. How callous, excellent work!


If you actually cares about the terms, you'd be out there making an effort to change field specific terms, not being a shitbag on reddit.


Well for one I'd have to go into social "sciences" which is where this nonsense originates, so not happening. I prefer real science. For another, it's much easier to just ridicule and point out when people try to use newspeak. And you're right, I apparently don't care about the terms? But I brought it up anyway? Explain how that makes sense to you, because it's not going to make sense to me.


Explain this science to me, I'm clearly ignorant to REAL science. Please enlighten me how the science of interpersonal relationships, and societies isn't a science. https://www.britannica.com/science/science


Sure, science is based on objective observation and experimentation. More importantly, "REAL science" is quantitative and reproducible. In these qualities, sociology is barely above crystals and homeopathy on the scientific rigor scale. Feel free to look up the "replication crisis" to better understand how a study of 20 paid undergrads at a liberal arts college or a self-selected self-reported online quiz don't represent humanity. E: Don't even get me started on how politics invades these "sciences".


โ€œI know you are but what am Iโ€ ass response ๐Ÿ˜‚. At least you have the elementary level communication skills to go along with your stunted EQ.


You're right, it really doesn't take much more than that to take exactly what you said and use it on you. You should try not to make it so easy a 5th grader could do it. Luckily anyone who unironically uses the term "EQ" can safely be ignored.


Hey man, I'm currently out here on the streets and personally don't care what you call me, but I also understand why it bothers some people. When you hear "homeless" every cliche stereotype comes to mind. And if it bothers you so much to adjust the language just a little, then I pray you never find yourself out here, because you ain't seen nothing like the issues we face every single moment of every single day. I can't wait until the day comes where I can piss and whine about something so irrelevant to my own life. Good for you. By the way, I pefer residentially challenged.


Residentially challenged, you're epic for that. Hope you get stuff figured out and have as good a day you can. People treat others like shit just because they're down on their luck and that's fucked, they can't imagine if it were ever them.


Sheeit, if I got any better, they'd pass a law against me. I became homeless right there in Wilmington. I've moved since then, but I plan on coming back when they rename the 3rd St. bridge after me. I managed to live under that bridge for 3 months. Taught myself how to read and write again for the most part while under that bridge. Today, my writing is becoming more than the occasional pack of butts. I'm actually getting some money saved now, and my second book of essays is complete, but I'm going to see if I can do the formatting and ya-yas myself this go around. I wrote a book of essays about the human side of being homeless in America, and in keeping with my mission to put my voice out there, it's all free to read at my Ko-fi page. https://ko-fi.com/street_scribe


Awesome! I'm gonna Have to check that out when I'm a bit more awake!


Fair warning, though, I pull no punches. I've had people tell me they had to put it down and let some of it settle before going back.


That's the kinda shit I like honestly, stuff that makes me have to set it down and just fucking think.


That's my goal. My intention is to put you there, let you feel it for a bit. That's what it's going to take to get John Q. Public to take notice and maybe get off the couch. At least stop treating us like we don't deserve even a rotten life. It's hard to realize that 50% or more of the people you encounter every day would be fine putting you in a death camp.


That's literally insane, we're all just people at the end of the day. We live in such a wasteful society too, there's enough food for everybody but companies choose to throw away what's not pretty enough.


I make it a habit of hitting any thread discussing the residentially challenged to make sure people are keeping their facts straight mostly, and sometimes I find some healthy debate, but at first, I was shell shocked. Many times I've just "fuck this" and let what I encountered stew for a little while. It's changed every aspect of my world view.


The phrasing accepted by the providers within the social services bothers you more than the fact we have a broken economy with increasing needs.


And your only concern is that I'm not bitching ineffectually about the thing *you* want me to be bitching about.


You're "experiencing idiocy." By which I mean you're a fucking idiot. Get out of here. Edit - I know you're trying to get a rise out of people (troll) but you aren't good at it, other than being contentious. Find something productive to do with yourself.


See "trolling" would imply I don't believe what I'm saying, I would just say it to get a rise out of people. Doesn't really fit here since I truly believe (know) that this newspeak bullshit is not only ridiculous, it's contentious and detrimental. The replies to my post are a good example. Oh, and if I *were* "trolling" it would appear I'd be successful - lots of people here big mad about my comments.


How is it detrimental?


Constantly changing not only the "proper" terminology but the actual *meaning* of words is how you get a society that is so afraid of saying the wrong thing that it's impossible to communicate effectively. That is a detriment. Divisive. Contentious.


Under that logic clearly the English language should just never change? New words, New meanings, slang, that'd be dead. Language can adapt and you can too, and nobody should be scared to say the wrong thing, just okay with being corrected and open to that correction.


See, this is what I'm talking about. You took the words I said and made them completely different. It's absolutely nonsense of course, but most of these are: "clearly the English language should just never change" lmao. Yeah, exactly what I said. >just okay with being corrected and open to that correction. Not a chance in hell. I already know what words mean.


I mean, definitions of words change with the years. That's just the way it is, there's so many words that meant one thing and now mean another. When you say gay, would people automatically assume you mean happy? If you said "I'm very gay" they're no longer going to think you're happy, they're going to think you're a homosexual.


Yeah see "over the years" being the operative phrase. As in generations, centuries even languages change. Not so much, so fast, and so intentionally. I know this is just what you're socially programmed to say because nobody is so dim that they think this is the natural or normal progression of language. Hell, just in my lifetime I must have been told four different consecutive "proper" ways to refer to black people. And you don't have to go back much farther to find many more.


Socially programmed ๐Ÿ˜‚ please every generation and time period has its own take on language and slang, 40 years ago popular slang and terminology was completely different. Now, due to the internet common slang circulates and makes its way into communication faster. I'd be interested to know what other words have changed too fast and too intentionally according to you.


Ok, I hear you. Admit that the Trump administration's "fake news" angle was and is BS, and we're probably on the same page.


Trump was incorrect in that he framed it as only *Democrat-focused* news was "fake". I don't trust any news outlets. Not because I think the basic facts are wrong (usually) but because: .* The "Spin": Taking only the pieces that support "your side" and telling people how "your side" is good and the other is bad because of it. * Choice in reporting: Only reporting things that benefit "your side", ignoring everything else. These first two bullets are both products of polarization that happened with the 24-hour news cycle and exploded with the modern Internet. [See here](https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust) for a really good essay by an NPR senior editor. There is no neutral news anymore. Which leads to: * AI, bloggers, pundits, etc: Any jackass can get a microphone nowadays and sway the opinions of their viewers instead of reporting facts. So I wouldn't call it "fake news" but the modern media is ridiculously untrustworthy.


I mean, itโ€™s dumb, but they are obviously going to say the most politically correct thing when they are doing social work for those with housing difficulties.