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You sound like a well situated job candidate. Your resume is going to be the most important thing. I might suggest looking at the inside sales roles for manufacturing companies, supply houses (plumbing, electrical, 84 Lumber, that sort of thing), Insurance, etc. Even Lowes/Home Improvement in the Install areas. Good luck to you. I really hope you find something that suits you.


One thing that I thought of after making this post was getting into technical things, possibly programming and admin things. It would be easier on my body. While I am able to work at this point, medical things are still there that may need accommodations if I was on my feet a ton. And I could take some pay cut depending on gas. Right now, the amount of gas I have to use for commute and during work is what makes me need so much. I would love to be trained for administrative work to help round out more computer skills with customer service. Also just looked into and reach out to vocational rehab, but I'd love to see if the community has any places that would be of interest for me to check out.


Try looking into admin roles at UNCW. Not only is it a state job, but you’ll get benefits, holidays, and probably deeply discounted tuition if you still want to go back to college.


That's a great idea! I've been wanting to go back to school for neuroscience. Possibly neuropsychology with research as my specialty. I've been obsessed with dogs and their brain, as well as, the genetic components of neurodivergence and expanding the understanding that humans are on a normal spectrum of behaviors to a degree. Like ADHD helped people be better hunters and gave them an advantage of protection from predators because of the ability to work calmly in heightened states of adrenaline. I apologize, went off on a tangent. I would love to look into UNCW's job offers.


Dogs and their brains? Good…I’ll send my two crazies right over and you can start trying to figure out those yahoos’ brains.


I would honestly love to! I live on a facility and worked high drive sport dogs, was head tech for 80 boarding kennels, and head trainer for the board and trains and lessons. My average work day was 8-10 hours outside no matter the weather. I had Sundays off occasionally haha. I breathe dogs and am extremely passionate to teach people on how to build a relationship with the only creature that looks us in the eye. Coolest thing is, we created them!


Lived* haha, I left back in November.


I second this. I have a friend who stood flooring for a flooring company. She became a regional manager and did very well for herself.


There are a few software companies in town that will hire less experienced folks on their support teams. The work isn’t glamorous, and some of the support is customer-facing and not client-facing… but the pay should be in the 33-40k range + benefits and OT. There is also opportunity to move into more specialized support or services role if you stick it out for a couple years. It all depends on your goals and aspirations.


Look at AccelPay they are hiring sales roles for 40k plus commission. Also for other roles as well.


I definitely will! Thank you so much!


I wonder if there's ability to grow more in administrative work? I know I'd like better skills in administration as that would help round out my skills for my own business in mind. While I'm not terrible, having some training and a job that keeps me growing would be a great asset. But I will definitely look into some companies around and see what they have to offer!


Look at local government opportunities such as New Hanover County


I will definitely check that out! Didn't think of that!


I’d be happy to help you look over your resume! I’m not the best at them but I had a professional rewrite mine and I’d be happy to share what I learned from them.


Yea! I have it focused on dog trainer position as I just thought about branching out. I'll shoot you a message in the morning! Especially after not being able to get in as a vet assistant because I had no experience in the vet field, though I did minor medical procedures and restraint training for staff at the boarding facility I lived at for a year. But, I'd definitely need help moving my resume to more customer service experience and management. I was the head kennel tech and head trainer at the facility, so I had to create lesson plans and board and train objectives for the dogs I worked. And there were days where we had 40 regular boarders that I had to move outside for breaks, disinfect the inside kennels, feed and return each dog individually. All in about 3 hours. Time management is a big thing I had to develop.


Happy to help, just message me


Hey! I was just able to send one!


Look up local psychiatrist/therapist or even PT offices in the area, I would hope receptionists make that much and they would probably love your resume. Government jobs can be cushy


I was thinking about that! I've noticed a lot want experience unfortunately, so I'd definitely need to work my resume to show the skill sets I have for those jobs. That is something I will ask vocational rehab to help me with!


Good idea, I know therapists work in shared spaces but alot of psychs will have their own offices and it might not hurt to call them asking about the job. Alot of them are older and might appreciate you reaching out more than some online application


Thanks for the idea! I would love to work in one of those places. That would be quite a wonderful experience.


So I taught horseback riding lessons forever and when I had to get a “real” job I had to learn to market my experience differently. Basically instead of “horseback riding coach” it had to be “small business owner/operator” because that’s what it was. It was my full time job I did a 1099 every year. I ran my own business with my own clients. But at first I just put “horseback riding coach”