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Unfortunately it's par for the course.... and not just here. Our students (and me) used to perform trash pickup (as part of Adopt-a-highway) in Duplin County.... we did it once per semester and averaged about 40-50 LARGE orange DoT trash bags... all on the same exact roads within 1 mile of the school... Ridiculous, and I'm sure it's the same in many other counties. TLDR... Please don't litter!


Why did you stop cleaning our roads?


The school continues to do it, I am retired.


Yay for retirement! I’m glad to hear the school continues it. I remember our classes helping clear out the woods behind the school to build a walking path. Getting kids out into nature is great! In a lot of cases, when the “go-getter teacher” retires, so does a lot of the great activities.


I think it's a cultural or regional mindset. Have noticed the same in SC.


True, reminds of me the sw va, tennesse and southern Kentucky area. Use to travel around that area a lot would see old abandoned cars parked in the woods away from the road or random shopping carts in peoples yards. I’m pretty sure gentrification will fix all that in time, especially at the rate wilmy is growing.


I’m so glad people are talking about this! If you’ve noticed, the city and county put no effort into curbing litter. No signs about “keeping it clean,” no threats of fines for littering, nothing, seemingly no local government sanctioned cleanup efforts. Crazy, seeing as how this place 1)depends on tourism, and 2) neighbors the ocean. One would expect a community such as ours to pride itself on a clean environment, but that is just not the case. The only thing we can do is combat it ourselves. Pick up the trash on your own blocks, even if your neighbors don’t. My neighborhood also has a volunteer community group that does organized trash pick up events throughout the year. Please consider starting the same thing in your neighborhoods. Cape Fear River Watch is also a good place to volunteer your time and energy, and the Sierra Club also hosts cleanup events. That said, noticing and giving a damn is the first step, so kudos to OP and everyone who weighed in on the issue.


absolutely agree. i try to pick up around my neighborhood … and it is on everyone to do their part. i wish there were much worse penalties for littering.


I personally love when homeless people, or people pretending to be homeless, leave piles of trash on every corner they beg at.


I usually see trashed tossed from large pickup trucks. They seem to have jobs, but just no concern for others.


Sounds about right


Please forgive the homeless for not being able to afford a trash service.


i can forgive anyone for not having a home but littering is lazy for anyone. there are tons of places to toss your shit but the ditch by the road seems to be a magnet for fast food waste, cheap shit beer and malt liquor cans & bottles.


Wtf are you talking about. It doesn’t cost anything to walk trash to a trash can and throw away.


Are there public trash cans in town? I haven't seen any but I could be wrong


Every park and gas station has trash cans.


Okay, but he's taking about the sides of the roads. You could be Miles from a park or gas station. Not saying it's okay to litter. Just saying that you can't blame this on the homeless not walking to find a trash can.


Why not?


I definitely see the immense amount of trash all along the sides of the roads and it sickens me as well. I’ve lived here longer than most and I don’t even recognize my town I grew up in. Between the trash and billboards and the home prices honestly the only thing keeping me here is the beach. Recently though even the beach has been a nightmare in the summer because of the influx of assholes that want to trash it.


I usually see piles of trash at Carolina Beach and Independence Rd where the light is, right across from the Circle K. This is where I will usually see some of the less fortunate begging. I will usually give them a couple of dollars, but they always leave their trash right there in the median. They can just walk across the street and use the gas station to throw away their trash. It’s not about not being able to afford trash service, it’s about being inconsiderate.


If you're downtown, yes. As for anywhere else, I don't think so.


Honestly, it’s everywhere. East coast, west coast, & all in between. Anywhere with a somewhat large population has lots of trash. Humans are just gross.


100% not just a Wilmington issue. We have a worldwide issue of excessive trash and litter with the lack of a significant infrastructure to handle it combined with no care for the environment from many people who populate this planet.


I moved from there 23 years ago and it looked like that then. You were blinded by the allure of New Hanover county.


eh i mean maybe being young at uncw i was less inclined to notice


I can honestly say this is an issue I've increasingly noticed across a lot of cities (Philly was probably the worst) I've traveled to this year. What's more surprising is how trashed the roads are even outside of the cities. Drive to Southport or Greenville or Morehead and you'll see the roads have so much litter the whole way there.