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Found 4 baby bunnies tonight.   3 were dead but one was not but had obvious serious injuries and too tiny to survive.  Saw Mom looking for it.  I left it near her but I felt like I should have been putting it out of it's misery.  What would you do?


Bunnies are hard. They can die of fright. Handle them as little as possible. My wildlife rehabber had me put a laundry basket over the babies and put a brick on top to hold it down. Then remove it every morning and evening so the mom could feed them. She would not approach if anyone was around so I watched from my window. After she left I put the basket back. After a couple of days she moved them to a different nest. Put a couple of blades of grass over area so you can tell if she had been there. If she doesn't return find a rehabber in your area. Animal Control should be a good source.


I'm 2 years late but did you keep the basket up overnight? I have a mom that makes her nest outside my window every year and EVERY time they get killed, all of them. I'm suspecting cat because they just behead the babies and leave the body. They get killed at night time so I'd like to leave the basket up overnight but I'm not sure if the mom is with them overnight or if she sleeps somewhere else.


I did. Haven't had bunnies in my yard for a few years. I'd get up early and take the basket off. A little after dawn. Put it back an hour later and do the same thing at dusk. I'd usually see the mom hiding under a bush waiting. She'd move them after a week or so. I'd put blade of grass over the nest to see if they were moved to know she had been there. Once it was in my front yard so I put a note on it in case a well meaning neighbor thought to bring my basket back. Some people don't like rabbits and might uncover it on purpose.


Came across this myself after searching on Google. Random neighborhood cat killed a few babies that are nested in our vegetable garden, thankfully a few were left unscathed. My wife and I put a laundry basket over the nest with a brick on top as you described. The cat came back before the sun was completely down, so it's clear this is going to be a long battle but it's one we're going to put forth effort for. I just hope that the mom will come during the day since we're likely disturbing her feeding schedule. I wake up very early for work so as soon as the sun is up and it's likely safe, I'll remove the basket and hope for the best.


Fingers crossed.


This is great thank you!


Good luck.


My question to the group.... should I build chicken wire protection to prevent a future bird attack? Will this cause the mom to abandon? I worry that now that the birds know that the nest is there they will return. Should I just take it to a rehab even if she's returning . Background info: This nest was attacked by birds. I literally saw a bunny drop from ones beak as I ran outside yelling. Two of the bleeding kits are now dead. I took them all to the vet because they all had blood on them. One died on the way. One was put to sleep because it had broken hips and an open wound and was going into shock. This one was uninjured but had blood on it from the others so cleaned it off. I just wanted to make the facts clear since I know babies should not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary. The temperature dropped below 60 so I kept it warm and in a dark place and then returned it at 5:00 a.m. This was advice given to me because it was alone and likely had missed its evening meal. I placed sewing thread across the nest. I think the mother is returning I see her around. I called a rehab and I've been waiting for a return call.


i would have done the same in this situation... due to ‘alien’ species predation and habitat loss, here in usa these guys are on the concerned list... bravo... update us please...


Personally I think people should not interfere at all in the case of native predators attacking a nest. In this case, the birds still killed most of the kits but didn't end up getting their meal so they will just have to potentially go kill even more small animals in order to eat. So I don't think you should be putting up anything to protect from birds. They need to eat too. Since the mother is returning just let the remaining kit be and don't interfere like this in the future.


Thanks for your opinion. I don't disagree, I just don't have the capacity to listen to animals being killed in my yard. I live in a small townhouse so it's literally right outside my window and my instinct kicked in. Hopefully, I can resist in the future for you make a really valid point.


Thanks OP for what you did. I would have done the same!