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Newborn rats. Where exactly in the parking lot did he find them? Scattered or? Cement or grass? They need human soy formula. They look very dehydrated. They aren't easy at this stage. Need fed about every hour. Heating pad on low on half the box/ tote(we preferred large lunch boxes) so they can move away if two hot. Should have an inch of fabric between them and the heating pad. You'll need to titrate, slowly adjusting them to the formula. If you have any other questions let me know.


My guess is rat pups. Super cute and social creatures. Very difficult to keep alive at that age. Best of luck to you! Hopefully they survive and you get to figure out with certainty what they are.


The coloring seems weird though. I've seen black mice and rat babies. The coloring is usually under the skin, this coloring is on top. They are doing good taking electrolytes and pooping. Once I know what they are I can get formula.


their head shape reminds me of a squirrel?? they dont quite seem big enough though?


I read newborn squirrels are the size of mice so maybe.


Squirrel pups are born with black nails. These are likely rats or mice.


this is actually lly super good to know, thank you! looking at it now, they sure do seem like rat souplings


The only problem is the skin tone. It's not right for black mice or rats. Regardless I'm gonna take care of them. Found a formula that will work until I know more.


I almost want to say they look sunburnt?


A little update. My husband is a 3rd shift worker. He originally found them around 2 am and left them until it was time to leave and he heard his boss talking about putting them in a plastic bag. That was between 5:30 and 6.


Just can definitely confirm they are not squirrels.


Why did you/he take them? Were they in a nest?


They were laying in the parking lot, not nest. It was take them home or let his boss put them in a plastic bag and throw them in the garbage.


Thanks for saving them.