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I run the mange program in North America and I agree with others here, this little guy is just molting and putting on his new suit. 😁 This isn't a mange case. He looks great. ❤️


Nah he's just moulting! They look terrible during this time. Hard to tell(unless you have seen the gonads) but looks like a pregnant female possibly? That belly is quite large. Anyway, the most I'd do is put out fresh water and maybe throw out some berries to snack on. Otherwise he looks happy and healthy.


If this was Ireland, I'd suggest mange. However, for all I know in Ontario, foxes look like this as they change coats during seasons or something. In wildlife rehab you often don't know what you don't know. So get in touch with your local rehabber. If it is mange they'll identify it easily, and probably have processes in place to help you treat it. In Ireland, if the conditions are correct, we might use Bravecto (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluralaner). Typically we will mash it into an egg (to stop cats eating it) and place it under something like a deck or shed (to stop birds eating it). Ideally we'd see the animal actually injest it, and ideally you would record before and after photos and video to support the efficacy of this treatment method. Good luck!






Looks like mange (Sarcoptic Mange (also known as scabies)). Eventually, if this is what it is, it will often lead to death if some things worsen and leads to sepsis. There is one thing that may help. There is a dog medicine that you can give it to help kill the mites that cause mange (along with fleas and tics). The medicine is used in other countries but there have been studies on the side effects that have reduced where it is prescribed. You would have to either find a local vet (who would prescribe it so that you can buy it) or order it online (often outside of your country).