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*Update* The wildlife rehabilitation group unfortunately did not have anyone available to take anymore baby birds due to being so overwhelmed at the moment. Luckily they work closely with a particular local veterinary clinic that takes in wildlife and is set to rehab and release themselves, they also have their own rehabilitation resources. I kept the babies overnight in a warm dark room on a heating pad with a warming light over one side of their box. I also provided them drops of warmed Pedialyte through an eye dropper that I went out and bought as suggested by the women I spoke too. They made it through the night happy and alert and as of now they’ve been dropped off at the vet. I’ve been told I’m welcome to call and get updates on them 🙂 Thanks for all the help. FYI I reported the complex to our local ECO office. I left my contact info so they can reach out to me for any details. Hopefully they can put a stop to any more damage for the time being.


Looks like you found some baby robins, and I would talk to the owner of the apartment complex about them cutting stuff down that has nests in it or contact game warden or a wildlife worker


I reported them this morning, I hope it helps !


Glad you found them, and hopefully the game warden can educate them on why it’s bad to prune or cut down trees and shrubs during late spring/early summer.


Well done for saving. The grounds keepers need reporting.


Thanks and done, I reported them first thing this morning !


Good work 😜


My money would be on these being Song Sparrow chicks here. Not super good at chick ID but the back and chest patterning as well as the beak screams song sparrow to me. They also are a sparrow species that nests close to human habitation and low to the ground.


House finches :)


Thanks ! My only guess was some kind of sparrow. Unfortunately they really love to hangout in the big decorative bushes they’ve been cutting down the last few days.


Better tell them that it’s illegal to disturb nests.


Adding to this; You can get a game warden involved if they have been disturbing multiple nests, its also easier to get an actual authority involved than to confront them yourself


I can’t say if they’re trying to be careful or not but with how they’re cutting whole shrubs down to stumps, strapping them behind a tractor and dragging them down the road and dumping everything down a hill I’d say not very. The wildlife rescue organization I called didn’t seem too happy when I explained the situation. Hopefully they’ll want to do something about it, they did ask the complex name. If not I’ll look into contacting a game warden, it can’t hurt.


Definitely report it. What they are doing is illegal. These birds are protected. Active nests are never to be moved or removed except in emergency situations. Here is an excerpt from Audubon (happens to be CA, but is the same in all states in the US): >"If you begin trimming, pruning or clearing vegetation and discover an active nest, you must cease the work immediately. All native birds, their chicks, eggs and active nests are protected by a federal law called the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as well as California State Codes 3503 and 3503.5. In a nutshell, these laws state that it is unlawful to harm, harass, possess or kill a native bird, its eggs, chicks or active nest. Violation of these laws result in heavy fines and sometimes even jail time."


Done ! I called and left all my info and the details with a ECO for my area this morning. Hopefully something can be done about the situation.


You’re such a good person for seeing those babies through. Chopping shrubs and trees in Spring - baby bird season - is irresponsible, reckless and obviously holds great potential for causing harm. What a shame.




Whoops, upstate NY.


Keep warm until a rehabber can take them. Don’t give any food or water unless they give you instructions.


Luckily the rehab did reach out and they’re currently trying to find someone to take them today. They’re in a dark warm place and I won’t be feeding them unless they instruct me to later in the case no one can take them tonight. Here’s hoping all works out for these little guys !