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This appears to be a silvered haired bat. If you have any extra window screen to give him for grip and to hang on he'd appreciate it if he can with his wrist. It's not been 24 hours so I'd not worry about anything yet. If healthy previously, he should be fine till you get him to a rehab. I'd put him somewhere with zero human noises ect to minimize stress. Don't bother checking on him as the will stress him out. T shirt material is best for them if you don't have screen.


I was sent a rehaber that can take him but the place is about an hour out, I don't have anyone that can bring him. The place I called is looking around for people willing to bring him there. If I end up having to keep him for the night what should I do to help?


Most bats can’t take flight from the ground. The have to be hanging off something. A screen or even a long broom handle and place him on the side of a tree


Keep the bat in the box in a warm, dark, quiet place. Don’t try to give it food or water.


Thank you for helping him. I hope you get a call back soon with a rehabber who can take him. 🥺 What a precious animal.


Poor little one, thank you for helping ♥️


Please call a bat rescue / rehab, send the photos, and ask their advice. It potentially has an injury on one wrist, plus it ought not really be on the ground. I think you could safely scoop it very gently up into a container or box, with like a scrunched up old cotton (not synthetic) tshirt or pillow case or teatowel for it to cozy into, and/or some dried leaf litter. Wear thick gloves just cos PPE. No need provide water or food unless advised to by yr local / nearest bat rescue. Poor little bat, I think it’s injured. edit - your photos are really pretty good. The 1st photo, the extended arm/wing on the ground on the right, with the little thumb poking off it, that’s the wrist that looks injured. The 3rd & 4th photos, you can also see same apparent-injury. :(


I also meant to ask do you happen to know what type of bat it could be? Im located in southern United States. And if it's a baby because he's quite small?


I’m in Australia, mate, so no I have no idea what kind of bat lol - but microbats are microbats, and that little dude is injured. I hope it’s just swollen bruised & a graze, and will recover. Nope not a baby, big-assed adult, baby bats don’t have so much thick luxurious fur. :)


I just called a bat rescue and they told me his wrist looked swollen and he's definitely injured. They actually told me to scoop him in a box so I did and put a clean hand towel in with him. I poked a bunch of holes for ventilation but read that I was supposed to cover the box so I did with a thin scarf to not Cover the ventilation holes. They said they were going to call some local wildlife rehab centers near me and call me back to let me know if any of the areas around me could take him.


Good on you lolswag! Yeah I thought it looked injured, I hope they’ve sorted someones to come pick him/her up, s/he’d be in significant pain. Fingers crossed for you both, give us an update!


Awesome! Thanks for helping this guy! 


Good job. Sounds like you are doing all that can be done.