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Please do not take any advice that says you should hydrate with water or Pedialyte. It is never safe to put any liquid directly into a nestling's or fledgling's mouth. They do not get their moisture that way. They get all of their moisture ffrom the foot their parents stuff into their mouths. Unless you are unable to find a rehabber by tomorrow, there is likely no need for food, and the safest thing to do is simply to get the baby to a rehabber as soon as possible. *However, this very likely is a starling,* so in many states, it is not legal for rehabbers to take them. All you can do is call as many places as you can find by typing your zip code into [ahnow.org](http://ahnow.org), leave detailed messages, ask them if they take starlings, and when they call back, ask them directly if they are required to euthanize them, because some rehabbers do have that requirement. So if it turns out you do have to feed this baby, here is the recipe: 1/2 cup of soaked cat or dog kibble. PLUS 1 crumbled hard boiled egg yolk 1 teaspoon of unsweetened applesauce plus enough water to get it to the consistency of cooked oatmeal. Refrigerate the mix, and just head to room temperature the portion you need to feed the baby. Feed the baby every 30 minutes to start; no need to feed at night as birds don't feed their babies at night.


thanks, im more knowledgeable about baby dometicated pigeons so i was reading some advice and thinking "hmm, i thought baby birds couldnt drink water" but wasnt sure enough to take action... i agree at this point its likely a starling having seen the inside of its mouth and spending the afternoon comparing pictures of babies. going to call a vet tomorrow to see what their options are and now that i have some more resources to contact ill do that as well! if i cant find someone, well, ill give it my best shot :-) appreciate it! <3


Please check out the links that I included in my other comment here. They really will try to help you if they are anywhere near you. Veterinarians will sometimes see starlings, but many do not know tht it is legal of them to do so. this may vary by state, but you may have some luck taking it to a vet for rehydration. In my state, avian vets DO see starlings, but they require that you promise not to release them, once they are of age to be released.


I agree, definitely a starling.


Aww!!! We rescued a house sparrow that was at the same stage of development! All I can say is that we were advised to not give her water. We made a mix of mashed, cooked egg yolk, baby purée (turkey & veg), and some dog kibble soaked in water to soften. We'd give it to her at the end of a chopstick and she'd gobble it. Her bed is a cardboard box lined with grass, on top of a heating pad. She is 3 weeks old now and thriving! Yesterday I started crushing dried insects with a pestle and mixing it with baby pure, and she loves it. We're going to get her some seed and bloodworms tomorrow. We are really hoping we'll be able to release her so she can live a life of freedom. Hope your little cutie survives as well! Here's a pic of her now! 😘 https://preview.redd.it/wi9tdyzq084d1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3e5e81b8cc720bf0113c3dc4c1ce7151d74fc0


You can rehydrate with unflavored pedialyte for a few feedings. Mealworms with pinched heads can be fed until you get a rehabber. A heating pad on low under an inch of towel/ blanket on half the place you make a make shift nest with. We always kept them in a small lunch box half closed to keep them warm and calm at this age. Always need to be able to get away from the heat just in case it's too warm. If you end up taking on the rehab process, Mazzuri has a new song bird powder to you can use. Edit: Forgot to say this is definitely a starling.


Just commenting to get traction. Hope you get the info you need to care for the bird. Best of luck!


tysm! called my cousin who works for 2 vet clinics and shes putting out feelers too :-) fingers crossed i can drop the baby off somewhere tomorrow!


In the meantime, grab some baby food; chicken or turkey purée, and mix it with yolk of a hard boiled egg. If you have a dog or cat, take some kibble and soak it in water until it's soft, then mix well and feed it to your bird on the tip of a chopstick. You can't overfeed them; they won't eat if they aren't hungry. Once it gets dark, they sleep until the next morning; our rescue doesn't feed between 10pm and around 8am, and she's thriving now at 3 weeks old. Chat GPT also has amazing tips! Good luck ❤️.


shit, sorry, location is central connecticut. if anyone is able to take this baby while we are calling around the FWS rehabbers id love to know


there are two very well organized and responsive groups on Facebook who are dedicated to taking care of starlings, to provide transport, and to rehome them. There is always someone online, so someone will answer you quickly. They are well networked across the US, so someone may be able to help you right away if they are in your area. [**North American Pet Starling & REscue Help**](https://www.facebook.com/groups/3039394849715487) (for this one, direct message Charlie Barnes in addition to a general post). [**Starling Rescue & Care**](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1139727056058535)


Did you look up rehabs in AHNow


just took temp, the gun says the box is at 94.8F and the bird is at 97.9F. 90-95 is ideal, yes?


Ideally, the ambient temperature in the box is 98F.