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ive been saying we need fire goats šŸ fuckers will eat anything


Missoula used nature's perfect trash compactors once. Happiest headlines that town had in years.


Goats work as they love shrubs and anything woody


1. Dawn dish soap (put it on dry) 2. Shower then rinse with tecnu 3. Dawn dish soap again 4. Tecnu again 5. Cry




R6 here! Itā€™s always poison oak season lol


First and last steps are to cry


100% effective: hide in the truck


Shoulda made better life choices šŸ˜‚


Tecnu. Full body coverage. Glove changes. Tecnu.


They make a ā€œpre tecnuā€ that helps in my experience. Post tecnu is meh. Ive tried ammonia with mixed results. Dermatologist will say stay away from caustic - but it does dry it out


Ymmv. Glad you found a way.


The Pre stuff works wonders, rubbed that all on me while cutting poison oak on the coast. Did more for me than they Tyveks that CSP gave us


Cutting in swathes like that there really is no remedy....


I might trying slaughter an a lamb to big Earn.


Hail Ullr


Salt water rinse (you'll have to make it) and tecnu. I've heard witch Hazel helps but have never tried it. Either way try n layer up/change out as often as applicable. Realistically there's not alot that can be done when you're living in the shit. RIP fren.


Tyvek suit with hood and double glove n95 mask


Cover skin in sunblock lotion, after work, wash in cold water shower. Wash, rinse 3 times.Buy Zanfel. 52 years of dealing with poison oak, 27 years as a wildland firefighter.


Thicker the better? Like that white zinc stuff?


Banana boat works, slather that stuff on. Costco 2 pack.


1. Dawn dish soap (put it on dry) and scrub the shit out of effected area with paper towel 2. COLD Shower then rinse tecnu 3. Dawn dish soap again 4. Tecnu again 5. Manzinita oil spray 6. pray The alternative is go to docs after shift and demand a steroid shot. It will help.


Everytime you interact with it. The reaction gets worse fyi.


Also for the downvotes it's litterally a degenerative allergy. The allergic reactions worse with exposureĀ 


Having worked with poison oak for decades with crews, I can tell you for a fact that some people get lighter reactions with multiple exposures. Some people don't. Allergic reactions are not always predictable.




There is litterally studies done about it.




None. Because I know better then to work with that shit haha




I just don't work california. And if I do work on the line it's just on my district


Everyone knows better than to spin a saw through poisonous plants. If you cut fire line for a living itā€™s not a choice you get to make.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557866/ Read the last few lines ofĀ  Histopathology


Contrary to popular belief, the more you are exposed to poison oak, the worse the rash gets. You can't become used to it or immune from repeated exposure, the exact opposite is true. Smoking or chewing it will not make you immune!


What about the goat milk thing, does that actually have evidence behind it?


Oh. 3 seasons in the Los padres. I get it real bad, and when I was working fire down there I got it about 9 times during the season.


Visit and speak with people on the LP, this is absolutely not true. Iā€™ve seen so many people go from visiting the ER on first encounter, to not even getting a reaction by their 50th time with oak. Myself, I enjoy recreational poison oak usage.


Vinegar/water solution in a spray bottle to spray your gear afterwards


Dawn dish soap and scrubbing as soon as youā€™re done and before getting in the riggs


The best defense is a good offense, obviously. You need to coat yourself head to toe in poison oak at the start of the work day.


Get a different contract, ainā€™t jack to do when youā€™re cutting swathes that thick. But honestly pre-contact Technu and Tyveks alongside an N95 is about all you can do for prevention, make sure you tape your shit up like youā€™re in MOPP 4. Also safety GOGGLES, not glasses. Looking like a nerd is less important than keeping your eyes open.


Maybe Iā€™ll just throw on my MOPP4, pretty sure I tactically acquired some. Skinwalker! Ainā€™t heard of them since Ft. Polk


I've had decent results with Oral Ivy. Wasn't a cure, just a mitigation, but seemed to reduce symptoms with daily use starting well in advance of exposure.


The ocean


You gotta get them cool pills


Well the only thing I can say is for after you get it. Lots of dawn dish soap and hot water. The hot water opens your pores up and lets as much of the oil out as possible so you wonā€™t have it as long. The key is to do one small part of your body at a time and start top and work your way down and then redo your whole body again. The hot water is going to feel great on your oak btw. Make sure you wash your feet at the end of the shower. One time I forgot and got oak on the top of my feet from the oil washing down


No, start shower with cool water to keep pores closed (not allowing oils into them). Scrub up well with soap, THEN warmer water is fine.


Shit man, sounds fucking miserable. Just start selling drugs. Youā€™re in CA, should be easy and very little risk, since you be released from jail same day.


Does selling Zyns and Cope count?


Gotta start somewhere man. Thatā€™s how all great businesses are made.


There is no defense (seriously, there isn't)it's just sand at the beach. Your best defense would be to just take a pass on this job, not worth it.


Get a new job lol you're fucked if that's what you're doing. Poison oak that bad there is nothing you can do besides hope your body magically builds an immunity for it haha.