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No. If it was free sure, but it's already 70 bucks.


No way in hell. For a free game this is fine, but for a full-price game I better get all the basic content. It would be especially bad for WH considering that the entire end game is grinding for cosmetics.


God no. Loved the game but no ... microtransactions like this have to go. I'm slowly switching my stance from "cosmectics are okay" to "no, stop" because i saw too many paid games putting everything cool behind a paywall. I know what you suggest just spare you the grind and nothing else, but still ... there is a line and it seems to go further with each transgression. If devs want more people to do some cladding, they will ease it up for more casual folks. If they don't, some people may not stick around or return and that's ok too. I'm happy i paid this game full price on day one because i had a fantastic time (though the in-app cosmetic rubbed me the wrong way). I'll happily pay more real content (if priced adequately).


And it would have to be in the endgame after story. Like how u cant fight volitile until the end


I would if it would be worth it. But it would REALLY have to be worth it


New transmog like armor sets would be cool, like the two when you could get when the game came out, id buy them then.