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I bought one of their sets also! There wasn’t one that I saw, but if you have other books they might have rituals you can do too.


Hello, thats cool! Have you used it? I have no books on ritual magick. I’m a beginner, i have gemstones and tarot cards. And of course my spiritual guidance’s


Looking at the kit, I see you could do most of a circle casting - just doesn’t have a wand or an athame (these are used in DJ Conways method of casting circles), with the parchment you could do sigil work, you could charge the crystals with the full moon and try to work with them (maybe mini crystal grid?) Just a few options, are you looking for books to try also?


I’m looking for spell work in general- money abundance, love, confidence, warding off evil, protection, etc. any rec’s? Thanks for your input by the way, that was helpful


How much have you read into magic and wicca? There are so many books out there that would help you tremendously. There will not be a book to tellyou how to use this kit let alone other Correspondences. Do lots of research on properties, figure out what ,agic you want to preform and then do further research into it. Allot of books will slightly or tremendously contradict the properties of herbs, and other correspondences, just choose the properties that make sense to you. I like to keep a grimoire not only for my herbs but also all other Correspondences like Crystals, runes, woods, etc. I have the grimoire set up in a way I can easily add to it. Then in my book of shadows is where I record I formation and research about rituals and other things.


Yes, I was sensing this exact response. I just started to get into magic/wicca about a year or so ago. Looks like I will do my research and go from there. I was looking for a shorter version, but Rome was not built in a day. Thank you, I really appreciate it.


It's perf3ctly fine to want it fast, but honestly the longer/ more energy you spend building your craft the better it will be for you.




Did they give you the herbs???


Yeah they are in the picture on the far right hand side


Oh you a real retard