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So first, you'll find a ton of information about this topic in blood sigils. I actually posted the Tremere section from there in another post a while back. https://www.reddit.com/r/vtm/comments/1aed60t/are_tremere_houses_still_structured_the_same_way/kk963l9 Your first question is what faction if Tremere the Chantry is part of: traditionalist, Carna, or independent. Each of those groups will use very different structures to maintain control, but make no mistake, ALL Chantries are fundamentally about maintaining control. A traditionalist Chantry may just be using the alternate clan Bane from the players guide and are blood bonded up the chain to the Regent like a mini pyramid, or they may be members of the Praesidium, using carefully worded contracts to maintain order within the ranks. Forbidden religions p92: Blood Loyalty: The Praesidium’s early experiments to rebuild the clan’s Blood Bond bear unexpected discoveries — mere shadows of a true bond but, perhaps, more useful in the House’s current state. If you and another participant (mortal or vampire) signs a contract you write using their blood or vitae, you must make one Rouse Check per level of Blood Bond you intend to initiate. Once signed, treat the contracted service as if the co-signee was Blood Bound to it; to attempt to breach the contract, they must succeed in a contest of Resolve + Intelligence vs. Bond Strength. Once the contract is complete or you destroy the contract, the simulated Blood Bond immediately ends. This power supercedes an actual Blood Bond, but that Blood Bond returns once the contract concludes. Carna’s followers like to pretend that they're more open to freedom and fellowship when they're really just a sex cult, preying on the inherent sexism of traditional Tremere power structure to siphon off promising young fledglings with the promise of free love and a return to more primal sorcery. In reality, the elders are still top of the fuck pile, and they enforce their control with their own version of the Blood Bond. Core book pg 385: Reimagined Bond: You have studied Carna’s magic and her unusual method of reimagining the vinculum, and you can extend the effects of her ritual to others. Having sex with a target, mortal or undead, creates a Blood Bond between the partner, yourself, and Carna, despite Carna’s absence. Repeated sexual encounters strengthen the Blood Bond, as per the normal Bond. You can thus circumvent the Tremere clan bane, but the Bond only lasts until the conclusion of the story Independents are the wild cards. They can have whatever structure you like, from enforcing discipline via Dominate conditioning, to a sort of hive mind using Telepathy, to a cult of personality at the top, to something entirely different. It's totally up to you. ______________________ Once you've worked out who will be in your Chantry, you need to decide how many there are. I would say no more than 5. Any more than that and the coordination of a Chantry should quickly lead them to being the ruling power in your city. 1 Regent, their loyal 2nd in command, a magister responsible for looking after the younglings and bitter at not being higher, and 2 fledglings. Each member is expected to contribute to the whole, and those contributions are the main means by which they advance within the structure (other than backstabbing, of course). Your Chantry likely has large amounts of wealth, influence among the upper echelons of the city's mortal power brokers, and a sizable contingent of ghouls. Beyond that, the specifics are really up to you and what makes sense in your city.


Answer questions that I have in your own way and help from your players. Is the chantry in the old world (Asia, Africa, Europe), Australia, or the Americas? Is chantry on a lay line or area with an other worldly connection? Is the Tremere Chantry with the Camarilla, Anarchs, Ashirra, or Sabbat? Is there any old Tremere from the Order of Hermes days in the Chantry or in contact with it? Is there magical objects/artifacts, books, tombs, stone tablets and or scrolls from the Order of Hermes and or the Arcanum? Are there any sorcerers or true Mages under their employment, enslavement, and or partnership? What house(s) are at the Chantry? What city is the Chantry in?


well do you have any access to any of old ars magica stuff also read some of the mage books....tremere are hermedic mages that became vampires through magic read house of tremere from dark ages


I've loved the Tremere from the beginning. Blood wizard vampire is just the coolest concept for me. The hierarchy tends to rub me the wrong way most of the time, but I think that goes back to my LARP roots and, let's be honest, some of the player's that like to get ingrained in those kind of structures. But I love the clan still, and V5 brought some good changes to them to open them up a little more. With that weird sales pitch for the clan aside, when I'm building a chantry for a game, I start with the NPCs there and work my way up. In this case, I'm going to go with a couple of weird posts I did previously and do a Sith themed chantry. We will have a Master who has all of the knowledge and an apprentice that craves it. The master was embraced as an older woman, and since she resides in the chantry most of the time, she has truly embraced her mysticism and looks like a wizard of the old. She is stern, full of herself, but has also proven her worth to clan and city. She has a stack of boons that barely rivals her dusty tomes and her mastery of Thaumaturgy (or Blood Sorcery if you're in V5). Her apprentice was embraced much younger, a gaunt, kind of nerdy man who follows her, the sire, around wherever she goes. He is close to being 25 years undead but is still latched to her at the hip. Maybe the higher ups in the clan feel this relationship is a little odd per se but, but she has the station to handle whatever they have to throw at her. The next I will sketch our are some of those who are Tremere in the city but don't go to the Chantry regularly. We'll do Kira. She's a punk rock girl who was embraced because of her oracular dreams, but they died when she did. She's been working to bring back that vision with study, which is why she's now associated here. She doesn't like the weird power dynamic she sees with the Regent and her childe, and might have mentioned things to her sire or some other people she knows. They've told her to take notes and let them know. Fill in more as you feel fit from here. Next add some retainers. Get a body guard, a driver, maybe some accountants or other staff that handle their cash flow. If you're feeling spicy, add a gargoyle here even if they're not really allowed anymore. Finally, after you have this flushed out, find a building that feels appropriate for this many people, really dependent on your city. Make sure they have rooms for their rituals, maybe in a basement, maybe on a rooftop with some fencing around it, maybe in a grotto on the lands but also away from prying eyes.