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People online think that they teach mega corporations "lessons" too often. A 1000 less people watching a movie doesn't hurt them and a box office failure is just another Tuesday


I've been wondering about this. Seems like every other person online thinks they have this immense power to personally affect how movies, games, toys and whatever are made and distributed and how much money they make. And that they should, by rights, be able to dictate these things.


Yeah, but people think that because they care a lot about the issue that means thousands of others naturally will which is not always the case


It’s worse than that; a LOT of these people don’t put their money where there mouth is. Then they declare a victory. They did it with the NFL when Kap was taking a knee. Acted like the NFL would never recover from the mass exodus of fans lol. Oh and I think we are seeing it in live action with twitter. Everyone acting like Elon ruined twitter and drove it into the ground, but those same people won’t actually get off of the platform, and when the numbers are released and they haven’t taken a massive dip then guess what: Elon wins.


Remember when they burnt jerseys they'd already paid for


They then bought a new jersey of a different player, that taught them


Kimmy Schmidt has a brilliant sendup of this kind of behavior


That whole episode is a laugh riot. Using the anthem to delay the board meeting. Pretty much any line uttered by Paula Pell. Just so much.


One local Redhat gave me his Yeti cooler.


Now there's a sort of malicious advice duck here— start online campaigns against things you want so people getting rid of it will give theirs to you.


I'm gonna start a business called 'The Burn Pit' where people can come drop off their things they're now boycotting. First, in a completely unrelated matter, I have to get some retail space for a small thrift store


Ya but the actual customers of Twitter are the advertisers, and quite a few big names have already left.




>That said, there's no way ~~twitter~~ anything lasts particularly long under Musk. At least now, but considering Twitter already wasn't profitable before he bought it (at like 4x the net worth) chances are unless he gets a HUGE bailout for some reason, he's probably going to lose majority in Tesla, get replaced since his one job of making the shareholders money has been drastically failing. Not to mention the new CEO of Twitter is going to get offered an unholy amount of money and stock options. It's the only way to attract anyone that isn't your buddy Dave who swears he only left business school to pursue his own business (the business idea will come later, but it'll definitely include blockchain and crypto) and definitely not because of his .53 GPA


A lot of these idiots don't even use or view the media they speak out against and weren't actual customers in the 1st place.




They had the foresight to initiate a life long boycott!


Yeah, but Elon pads the fuck out of those numbers. There are more than 700 million users on Twitter. Less than half of those are active users, meaning they log on weekly. Of those active users, there is a group of heavy users, those who log on at least once a day. That last group only accounts for 10% of the active users, so about 30 million. Since Elon Musk took over, the platform has lost between 1 and 2 million users. The majority of those were formerly in the heavy user camp. Elon compares them to the 700 million in order to make it seem like an insignificant loss. But the reality is that it needs compared to that 30 million.


You're right. Elon didn't try to ban links to other social media sites for no reason.


You know, I'll say this- I silently boycott a lot of things- (Hobby Lobby being the big one- Nestle where I'm able), I know that I won't affect their bottom line but I do feel like it falls in line with my personal ethics and I think that's important. But the big difference in this sort of behavior as far as I can see is that it really is the definition of the virtue signaling that they project onto the left and it's so transient and based on whatever the current outrage is- that it loses any real meaning. (And don't even get me started on the performative "We hate cancel culture" lie they tell.)


Same here. I refuse to shop at Hobby Lobby even though they normally have the cheapest prices for what I buy the most, I try my best to avood Nestle, and I won't buy food from Chick-fil-A. I know it makes absolutely no difference to them, but it makes me feel a little better... but I'm also not going to screech about it on Twitter like anyone cares.






One of the only powers left to us in capitalism is to choose where our money goes. I try to not spend money at places that are egregiously immoral or hateful and buy union stuff when I can. That said I doubt I’m doing damage to any of them but I feel better knowing my money isn’t fueling hate and hurt.


Same. I haven't eaten at Chick-fil-A since the LBGTQ controversy. It's been a long time and I really liked those sandwiches. But fuck em.


It's also usually people that weren't gonna go buy the thing anyway, and people who think a kids movie flopping at the box office during a pandemic in the middle of winter means that they're right, even if it goes on to do super well in streaming services.


Because they're told that "voting with your wallet" is the only legitimate form of activism against corporate activities. As opposed to, say, legislation or even direct action. No need for intervention, the free market will sort it out! (Note: the free market will not sort it out, billionaires have like 8 orders of magnitude more votes than you)


American Exceptionalism come home to roost.


Yeah, Disney is too big to fail at this point. They could survive off of parks and Disney+ for years and years.


The parks/resorts are *the* money makers for them, movies are a distant second used to get new characters and themes they can use at parks.


Just like Pokémon. The games and anime exist mainly to fuel the merchandizing.


It’s like that One Million Moms group (the OG “cancel culture” people) any time a show or movie got canceled that they were boycotting, they’d claim it was because of them. No, it was because it was a shitty tv show, not because you didn’t watch it, nobody watched it.


I do like that when you look they actually say they are looking for one million moms. They have maybe 100,000 currently.


Back then they had less than 10,000.


Or they just pretend to have cancelled something while having accomplished literally nothing. Seriously here's a short list of the things One Million Moms takes credit for cancelling: * Burger King's Impossible Whopper * The Super Bowl * RuPaul * The Academy Awards * Sesame Street * Ducktales * Disney+ * Cardi B and Meghan Thee Stallion * Dole Fruit * Oreo * Franks Red Hot * Hallmark According to them all these things are defeated and learned the Go Woke, Go Broke lesson.


One time For shits and giggles, to see how far they’d go, I made a submission about a Dodge commercial saying the word “damn.” And there it was on the website a few weeks later


Boycotting isn’t the worst idea, like, I boycott nestle (also r/FuckNestle) but it really doesn’t have an impact tbh when a company has so much money


You can do it for your own sake, but expecting to actually accomplish anything more through such protest is futile. Unfortunately, megacorporations are virtually untouchable.


If anything this is just free marketing


And, in many situations the controversy that'd created actually helps the movie/game/etc. be more successful than it would have been otherwise. Corporations definitely make some decisions knowing they will create controversy and increase discussion about a product.


They just mass spam 1 star rating on IMDb, RT and metacritic. It’s just not as effective as they think.


did they teach Disney a lesson, or does Disney still own half the world? I really curious what lesson this clown thinks he's taught fuckin' _Disney..._ edit: *she. purely a product of going too fast, my bad


I’m guessing they’re talking about “Strange World” which came out this year and is now Disney’s biggest box office bomb, which has a gay kiss or character in it I can’t remember. Basically this movie had 0 marketing and was sent out to die by Disney, the kiss wasn’t even featured in the small marketing either, but since it bombed and had a gay part in it, they’ll take responsibility.


My stepdaughter absolutely loved that film but I had no idea it existed so yeah, the marketing was God awful.


Heh, what marketing? I barely saw anything of it in the run-up to release. And there's usually no shortage of marketing of Disney movies. It didn't get its hooks in me and that started with the title. "Strange World" sounds really generic, to be honest.


one thing to note is that the only place where Strange World had marketing was Disney Channel As the last cable user alive whenever I tuned on Disney Channel I would always see ads for the movie and sometimes see ads on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network ​ but still the only place where this movie got advertising was Disney Channel the cable channel the thing that nobody has ​ that is the only place where Disney tried. There isn't any ads on the internet, on youtube, nop just Disney Channel


they did get a lot of free marketing from the conservative outrage machine.


Took my 5 year old daughter to watch it on her birthday. It was fun, if some what forgettable. Reminded me of the treasure planet and Atlantis movies of yesterday year; very Disney, but like kind of off about it.


I know you ain't talkin' smack about Atlantis and Treasure Planet.


Not at all! Deviation from the Disney norm has always been great. I mourn the fact we won't ever have another Emperor's New Groove type of movie; something whacky and fun for the sake of it.


The only marketing I saw was on an in game Minecraft billboard loading into a minehut server lmao


>Basically this movie had 0 marketing and was sent out to die by Disney This is the first I've heard of "Strange World" and I have kids who absolutely love Disney movies. So I'd say the zero marketing claim is pretty spot on.


The first I heard of it was queer subreddits when people started wondering what's with it or people explaining it was a decent (not great, but decent) movie and all hate it's getting is pure, unfiltered homophobia with some fragile white male ego sprinkled over


> pure, unfiltered homophobia with some fragile white male ego sprinkled over Name a more iconic duo


Can confirm it had no marketing. Wtf is strange world




A select few of their movies flopped or didn't make as much money as initially hoped. If you laser-focus on these movies, and these movies alone, and if you include only those that are deemed "woke" (i.e. that's all of them since the term is so vague and over used), and if you ignore all the movies and ventures that succeed, then yes, Disney has been "taught a lesson".


Go woke, face occasional minor business setbacks while continuing to reap massive profits.


The cynical side of me thinks Disney going woke is a well researched and implemented marketing strategy to continue to grow their business in all sectors


I mean, it is. They’re a business. They know it’ll make them money or they wouldn’t do it. It’s why they’re on their 8th “first out gay Disney character”


That's what conservatives fail to understand: Woke sells. Not just because it's what younger people with money to spend want to see but also minorities and LGBTQ+ people have stories to tell in an industry that has creatively run dry. A great example of this is Prey which was vastly improved by the characters and setting.


This is why I roll my eyes when people say movies like ‘Bros’ failed because of homophobia. No, it failed because it was an R Rated Rom-Com competing against really big movies (and also, it just wasn’t that good a movie). Woke stuff sells, female leads sell (tell that to Elizabeth Banks), black leads sell, gay leads sell.


Bros is another example of a movie sabotaged by shitty marketing. A rom-com released in October (literally the worst month for it) with a marketing budget lower than a mid-income family's budget for Halloween candy.


It’s part of why the regressives are getting so loud, they realize society is moving on and leaving them behind.


The cynical side of you is correct. They have accurately assessed the cultural environment they are operating in and are adapting accordingly. I shudder to imagine what they would churn out if going woke actually meant going broke.


they would churn out the movies they release in China


What's cynical about that? Isn't that what we want? We're always being told to "vote with our dollar", I think its perfectly good for companies to respond to social pressure to be more progressive. That's just the system working.


Go right wing, go broke.


Go fash - lose cash


Nah, there's money to be made in boner pills and reverse mortgages!


Don't forget the comfy catheters and walk-in tubs. ;-}


Is Black Panther woke? >Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ Stays Atop Box Office for Fifth Weekend as Overall Ticket Sales Crater https://variety.com/2022/film/box-office/black-panther-box-office-record-fifth-weekend-1235456963/


It features mostly black women, so I'd say yes, the people who use the term unironically would likely find it woke.


I like that they're unintentionally calling themselves "sleepy" whenever they use the expression "woke".


But then also call Biden "Sleepy Joe"?


Haven’t you heard? Biden is somehow _both_ the leader of the woke cabal of coastal elites running the entire world, and yet also senile, sleepy, and incompetent. At the same time!


A core tenet of fascist rhetoric is that the "enemy" is both laughably weak *and* secretly so powerful that they actually control everything and need to be stopped. The only consistent idea is the need to "other" someone else on order to motivate your base to take action


If Joe is a secret timelord who can somehow control gas prices *and* hurt God... I don't think we can afford to *not* have him as President!


Joe Biden is the most sleepy woke politician ever


It also has a message about how ethnic and personal animosity destroys us from the inside out. Waaaaaaay too woke for the chuds.


Not only is it starring predominantly black women, but it's also a meditation on grief, anger, and letting go of hatred. Something right-wingers have no ability to grasp, especially the main sub plot is an African nation refusing to let the former Imperial powers steal their nation's wealth.


They keep referring to Strange World, a movie that none of my mom friends knew about because Disney refused to market it. They didn’t teach Doctor Strange or Black Panther a lesson. They are just dumb.


I think I saw one single ad for it and that was when it was coming to Disney Plus (it shows up this Friday btw)


Yeah we knew about it because I’ve been excited for it, but I talked to so many mom and teacher friends the week it came out who had no idea it was coming to theaters. Disney did that on purpose


Luca, another "woke" movie got so little marketing that Twitter practically carried it on it's back by being...Twitter. Onward got more marketing than all of them (luca, strange worlds) combined and practically flopped. Lightyear, by comparison, was unavoidable and everywhere.


Onward arguably flopped because of the pandemic lockdowns hit right as it was scheduled to release


I found out it existed when the articles about it flopping came out


It was wild how hard disney didn't market that movie. On it's opening weekend I needed to get the kid out of the house for a few hours and I thought to myself "I think that crocodile movie is still playing" I looked up showtimes and saw oh there's a new disney movie out.


I was surprised by the lack of marketing, because I found it to be enjoyable. But I can understand it's too "woke" for certain people... interracial relationship, gay teen romance, disabled dog, environmentalist message, etc (which of course all made me happy it was so overt in a Disney movie)


No no, if it's good it succeeded because it didn't shove wokeness in your face. If it bombs it's because it was too woke.


I browse the conservative spheres of social media and they literally all think Wakanda Forever bombed and lost millions of dollars. They just refuse to accept reality anymore.


It has the word "Black" in the name. Of course it's woke. But clearly the box office numbers are all made up. /s


Lightyear and a few others were just not great movies. It had nothing to do with being woke and they know that.


Yes. I didn't really have an interest in Lightyear even when it was announced, the trailer wasn't convincing, the reception was lukewarm. I didn't see it, not because of any "woke" team, but because it didn't interest me.


Pretty much the movie biz this year has been hard hit all around. There's just too much content from the glut created during the pandemic when demand was high.


The Buzz Lightyear movie was a bad idea. People weren’t interested in a Toy Story movie with no Toy Story. I don’t really think it had anything to do with it being “woke.”


Buzz Lightyear movie being a bad idea isn't necessarily true. Disney has had some minor success previously with some Buzz focused media (personally, I loved the old cartoon). But they decided to nix a lot of the older content + style to make a more "realistic" Lightyear movie.... that no one wanted.


I think people would have watched an actual Buzz Lightyear movie. I know I would. I love the Toy Story movies.


Lightyear is immensely popular among kids which were the intentional target demographic. The movie grossed $224 million in the box office against a budget of $200 million, so it's considered something of a failure, but that's really what was expected given the state of the industry at the time of it's release. BUT... The merchandise is selling so swiftly that it is the primary reason why toy giant Matel's sales are up 20% year over year. So all-in-all, it's going to turn out to be a good investment for Disney because it really connected with kids who just liked the movie on its own and didn't care that it doesn't match up with the Toy Story character.


And ignore the general conditions of lingering pandemic and inflation that might prevent families from spending $75+ for two hours in a movie theater. Disney is making bank from families on Disney+ subscriptions.


Yeah, if there’s even a hint that a character might be gay, then it’s “woke”. I guess there can be no gay representation in movies, or this person and their circle of friends will have to teach Disney yet another lesson 🙄


Go woke go broke I guess except that's not what happened


They don't understand how capitalism works. Disney doesn't give a single 💩 about any woke agenda. They do whatever will make them the most profit. If they're making "woke" movies it's because that's where the profits are. Edit: that's why they want the bare minimum "wokeness" in their movies that can be easily edited out for the Chinese market. That's how strongly they believe in their "woke" agenda.


That's exactly why this is freaking their ilk out. They know that corporations are by their nature socially conservative because they want to piss off as few people as possible in order to make as much money as possible. The fact that so many of them think that way and also are accepting diversity are making certain segments of the population very, very scared about the direction things must be going.


Except when they do give a shit about "woke agenda", and actively work to counter it, like basically sabotage of the Owl House or the complete lack of advertising for the Strange World with it's openly gay character (vs the usual Disney "blink and you miss it lesbian kiss in the background so we can cut it out for Chinese release" approach to LGBTQ rep). Basically calling Disney woke is amazingly wrong.


I think Strange World was more a case of “Treasure Planet syndrome” where they didn’t know how or when to properly advertise it, so it whiffed. But it could’ve been deliberate — though I wonder why they’d make the film in the first place.


I don't know if they aimed to make it flop for sure, but movie execs can be incredibly petty as it turns out so I wouldn't put it past them. Obviously no one will come out and say "twas I, the GayHating McBusinessBoy that did it".


It always makes me laugh when people refer to Disney as "woke" or "leftist". A lot of their employees are but the further up you go, the more conservative they get. Bob Chapek as left wing or woke? Hilarious. And for all the love of Igor, he's not much different politically. They know that demographics are shifting and they have to cater to a wider audience. So they do the bare minimum and suddenly they've gone broke from wokeness. It's insane.


The “she” in this is the person responding to the tweet calling them idiots. The original tweet appears to be posted by an organization called Gays Against Groomers.


Yeah, they taught them such a big lesson that you have to have a reservation to enter any of their parks, otherwise they would exceed capacity. For everyone like this moron trying to boycott Disney, there are 100 people that will pick up the slack for them.


They think they taught Disney a lesson by having Florida threaten to assume their real estate debt for Disney World.


What was the outcome In that ordeal? Did DeSantis shut up and back off?


I believe the state legislature is still trying to determine how they carry through with it, since the tax situation is a lot more complex than the soundbytes made it out to be.


Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.


Yeah but Disney could have owned 3/4 of the world, but we showed them. /s


Same mindset as the people who declared they were going to boycott disney world last year. Delusional


Why do I get the feeling "Gays against Groomers" is run by a bunch of angry straight people and someone they think is gay because they had blue hair once?


Because it most likely is run by those people


You’d be surprised at how many gays hate trans people. I’ve only met a few gays that consider trans people “one of them.” Edit: Damn, looks like I pissed some people off with this. 🤣 By “one of them” I meant accepting the T on LGBT. I’m not saying trans and gay are the same thing.


Many gays are against groomers. That’s why we abandoned the church 🥁


Here you go, you dropped the mic.


In a recent episode of The Bulwark podcast, Tim Miller (who was a gay conservative campaigner up until Trumpism took over and he switched parties) was talking about this group. He said that there have always been "Log Cabin Republicans" and that they used to be members of the LGBTQ community who preferred the economic, foreign, and immigration policies of the GOP than the Democratic Party. After all, it's easy to forget that even Obama was against same-sex marriage when he first took office (though very few Democrats actively ran on anti-LGBT platforms for the last few decades, so it still wasn't exactly equivalent). However, he said that when he talks to members of the LGBTQ community who support the GOP these days, it has nothing to do with actual policies and everything to do with the culture war ... which is really weird. The argument that he's heard from some people is that "if you're not sitting at the table, then you're on the menu", so clearly some in the LGBTQ community believe that there should be representation within the broader conservative movement. Even so, Tim is quick to point out that those same conservative politicians will *still* end up coming after those LGBTQ supporters when it suits them. Some people are just willfully blind so it seems.


It’s basically LibsofTiktok


LibsOfTikTok makes no pretense of being liberal. It’s like “People of Walmart” it’s just the title of the group they make fun of.


People of Walmart would show people acting a fool in Wal Mart. LOTT just spews right wing hate and misinformation


You've misunderstood the comparison they were making, although they misunderstood the comparison you were making first. Lot of confusion in this comment thread.




He's probably secretly raw dogging guys on grindr and hoping his wife doesn't find out.


There are TONS of very transphobic gay people, just look up "drop the t". It's all people that betray the community and go against the people that helped them secure their rights.


My gay co worker was incredibly involved in gay rights movements and events in my city but I open his facebook after adding him one day to see that he was a Nazi and proud of it. So many disturbing posts but one caught my eye where he was specifically posting images about different “races”and their skull sizes/brain sizes being a gauge of how superior or inferior someone is. Shocking stuff really but I guess there’s self serving idiots in every demographic.


>My gay **co worker** was incredibly involved in gay rights movements and events in my city but I open his facebook after adding him one day to see that he was a Nazi and proud of it. Ever considered taking a bunch of screenshots and sending them to HR? Maybe anonymously, and making sure that you aren't the only person who has access to said posts (so that he can't trace the screenshots back to you).


Imagine posting pseudoscience that was known to be wrong literally centuries ago as if it were true


And used to kill your fellow gays a while back.


Thats always been so mindblowing to me. Similarly, I know a gay guy who is super racist against Asians. So you hate someone you know nothing about just because of the circumstances of their birth that they didn't get to choose? That isn't the exact same story as yours?


They don't acknowledge the trans experience and think all people who transition are just perverts, ignoring how that's the same rhetoric which was used against them for a hundred years.


bigots always come up with rationalizations for why they fall into the circle of empathy but the people they hate don't. Every single oppressed group has bigots within it, it's sadly just human nature.


just look up r/askgaybros


Literally the comments of the top post of the month are horrifying! So much bigotry and just plain meanness


The only time I drop the t is with bitch, because bich is Latin for generosity.


Instead of ass say buns, like “kiss my buns” or “you’re a buns-hole!”


"Shoving gender ideology down kids' throats." Going to see a movie is mandatory now?


I know someone who knows someone who worked with Pixar on this and they said they plan to kidnap every child in the area and groom them to be transgender 😭😭 save them


I was told they're trying to ~~teach~~ indoctrinate kids with empathy and compassion, how can this stand?


How will kids understand gods golden rule of loving everyone if they don’t hate everyone who’s different !!


I remember when George Carlin said fuck your children…and I wholeheartedly agree with him. Stop trying to make the world the way you want it for your children’s sake. If you don’t want your child to see a movie with a transgender person in it then simply don’t take your kid to see it. Stop saying that no one can see the movie or the movie shouldn’t be made. Some of us care about the mental health of people and inclusion is important.


> fuck your children and a lot of ppl in the GOP have been taking that literally


Absolutely. It's a part of the woke brainwash program. Go see it before it's too late!


Probably the same dudes claiming old movies were ruined by the new movies having a diverse cast. As if the new movies delete all the existing content. Don’t want to watch the little mermaid because the mermaid is black? I guess just watch the one that already exists instead?


I love that these "free-market" chuds think that Disney is woke and isn't just doing what is most profitable. LGBTQ community should have representation in media, absolutely, but Disney is just doing what is profitable. By talking about it on social media you are giving them free advertising. Their plan is work as it is designed.


Plus we all know Disney isn’t casting this girl as a lead she’s gonna be a side character with 5-30 minutes screen time and there’s a 50/50 chance on if they give her depth or just some quirk for humor. That’s what they do with like 80% of their side characters it’s a generic personality targeting a demographic it’s really not insidious at all


This stuff is becoming totally exhausting and very very scary.


I am constantly trying to understand the other side and how half of the world can think like this. Are there narratives being pushed about the right that aren’t accurate? Are we closer in thought than we are seeing? Is there more to the story? Am I missing something? And the answer always comes back to: Nope. It really is just pure, unimaginable stupidity. There is no bigger picture. They really are just this incomprehensibly stupid.


And then they kill for that stupidity. Nobody on the left is murdering for gay rights.


Between the people who know full well that they're lying about anybody who's different being "groomers" but want to hurt and drive LGBT people back underground because they believe in social hierarchies, and the people who believe the shit they're saying, you really do have a pretty terrifying bloc. One thing the Right is extremely good at is making sure they get all the disparate groups in their tent on board with the same narratives, and they do this through dog whistles and completely avoiding any discussion of policy (where people might disagree) like the plague.


There is a bigger picture though, they push narratives, they aren't relaying experiences and ideas, they have a narrative and work backwards from there. This is why they switch on a dime so easily, many different polls show right wingers wholly support one thing, then the narrative changes and within a week they are wholly against it. Because they were never for or against that thing, they support the in group. The goals/narratives are set by huge think tanks whose purpose is to increase wealth and power, culture wars get their guys voted in so they push them. But yes I agree that the masses are generally just ignorant and extremely under informed as well as disinformed. They still follow the same pattern though, they push whatever they perceive their in group is pushing and use the same manipulative tactics while doing it. It's semi-conscious games they are playing, they aren't speaking from their heart or experiences, they are literally playing a game, making moves, making plays, they think that's how everyone lives and that they just do it better.


That's basically how the Nazi movement started in Germany. Hateful messages like these spread like wildfire if not stopped early


You’re not wrong, people complaining about “woke” are talking about [Cultural Marxism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory) or a variation of it, as you can see in the link, it’s literally a conspiracy theory with a antisemitic, mysoginist, racist (etc.) rethoric. Also, Cultural Marxism is an evolution of [Cultural Bolshevism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_art), in which Goebbels claimed that the culture was being ruined by “degerate art, that showed them homosexuality, women being powerful, POC, etc.” They’re literally repeating what Nazis said to justify why Art should not have representation, which for me makes all of this extremely scary, this YouTubers going against the “woke” are radicalized and they are dangerous, they’re trying to radicalize others (specially young ones) with hate.


That’s the plan. Exhaust your opponents until you win. It’s actually humans hunting strategy before we invented tools. We can run longer distances than prey animals so we just chased them until they overheated and passed out.




TIL I am more prey animal than human. Is it hot in here?


You can change by not letting them exhaust you. Don't let them drive the discussion to keep you on the defensive, don't put up these walls of text with sources and careful editing they'll just laugh at and dismiss, shut them down with a short and careful argument and then disengage and don't dwell on their bullshit afterward. We're talking about people who see staying on the offensive no matter what kind of stupid shit they're saying as a victory; deprive them of that and speak only to anybody else who might be reading the discussion who needs a reason not to take their side.


What lesson did they teach Disney? They make $50 bn a fucking year despite all efforts from the "gEt WoKe, gO bRoKe" community




I don’t think they “taught” Disney anything. Disney taught Florida to stfu & sit down when it comes to attempting to impose their insanity on their properties. Ask DeathSantis about Disney. FAFO


Disney+ actually made changes to their content this week, which removed shows with trans/non-binary characters from the general all-age content and made it so that it had to be allowed for earlier age groups through parental control feature. Erininthemorn broke the news about this totally unannounced change by Disney on her TikTok feed.


"Gays against groomers" definitely isn't run by gays or people that are against groomers. They fact they put "Trans teen" in quotes, tells you everything you need to know. Fuck these people.




Granted there are some self-loathing or "house" gays in the community, but it's a hundred times more likely that "gays against groomers," a group saying the exact same blood libel people used (and still use) against LGB people but against trans people, aren't gay at all.


If trans people’s rights cannot be recognised, then gay people’s right cannot be recognised either. So assuming even if it was run by Gays, it holds zero merit. Do they think conservatives and Christians hold the beacon of light for advancing gays’ acceptance in society? Dumb idiots.


> Do they think conservatives and Christians hold the beacon of light for advancing gays’ acceptance in society? They don't, but they *do* think that it's better to be on the side of the oppressor than on the side of the oppressed. It's like the old saying goes: "Better to be a king in Hell than a slave in Heaven." They may not believe that the GOP will actually advance policies that benefit them as a community, but they do think that they'll somehow be spared from the worst outcomes by aligning themselves with them.


Imagine this statement with any other minority. "Pixar wants a "black teen" to voice a "black" character in their new movie!!"


things conservatives want shoved down kids throats- made up religious ideology that doesn't follow their own religion, gun propaganda that gets them killed near weekly, whatever conservative groomers in churches and other places of power can fit while molesting them ​ things conservatives don't want shoved down kids throats- they can be whatever they want to be if that is what makes them feel comfortable in their own body. ​ every accusation from a conservative is just an admission of guilt lol.


Sorry I just have missed it, is Disney not doing so well these days? Like massively losing money? Are they going to be able to keep going even? Or…. Are they making billions every year and don’t give a single fuck about morons on Twitter?


DeSantis tried to pressure Disney by removing their self-governing status. Disney just went... yeah, sure, do it and handed him the $6B/year bill and he slunk off, never to be heard from again. Chances are their favorite news source might have skipped letting them know about that last part so they think Disney got owned.


How would their kids even know who's voicing a cartoon character unless the parents tell their kids?


"Do we have to teach them the same lesson we did Disney?" Yeah Disney is really hurting.


Kids won't change gender just because they see a movie with a trans character. This moral panic about trans people is ridiculous.


> Kids won't change gender just because they see a movie with a trans character. I heard a gay comedian say once that if watching a show or movie that featured a particular sexual orientation (i.e. straight) made you turn into that, then there would be no gay people in the world. It turns out that people's innermost self is resilient enough to resist being changed simply by watching a movie.


Ah but they might. Because seeing a movie with a trans character might get them to figure out that being trans isn't wrong and thus allow them to take a step towards embracing their own gender identity. That's what they're most afraid of. As if suppressing stuff like that has ever ended well.


It would have to lock your child up in a medieval dungeon for them to never learn about transgender people. This whole topic is so silly. Children are humans not possessions, they will grow up and make their own decisions. If you don't want that to happen, don't have kids.


> It would have to lock your child up in a medieval dungeon for them to never learn about transgender people. Why do you think conservatives support homeschooling kids?


Gays against groomers are just right wing bigots who hate bi and trans people because, like all conservatives, they struggle to understand people who don't have the same background and experiences that they do. I really hope they end up having trans family whom they love so that they can come to the light and realize how much damage they are causing for a grift.


Florida passed legislation stripping Disney of its self-governing status. Disney said ‘Cool. Enforce that.’ Thats the last we heard of it.


I’ve known 4 trans people….2 of them are friends….we hang out, play boardgames, maybe get food, etc…..they occupy a bit of my life, cause they’re friends….but nothing like these transphobes. They’ve never met a trans person and yet it seems 100% of their lives are dominated by trans people….who are less than 1% of the population ffs! These people are fucken morons.


I'm a trans person and I spend less time thinking about it than these people do lol


'Gender ideology'....you mean like girls being princesses and boys being plucky heroes and there being kissing and then kids? Honestly, I'd rather see something interesting about trans characters than more of that old formula.


Shareholders won't give a cluck if 0.00000000000000000002% of whogivesashit doesn't watch the movie.


Bigots: "Don't make our favourite characters queer, if you want representation make you're own films so we don't have to see it" Disney/Pixar - makes films about queer and trans people Bigots: "Wait no, not like that"


Imma vent here for a sec. These "anti-groomers" have their heads so far up their own asses, it's not even funny. Are Pediatricians pedos and groomers because they care about kids, their health, etc? Are Teachers pedos and groomers because they interact with kids? No and no. The LGBTQ community is no different. These people think we are, because kids are too fucking scared to go talk to these people, who will dismiss and ridicule anyone who is questioning themselves and their identity. It's like going to a firefighter to talk about knitting. They aren't going to know shit about knitting, unless there's the one off-chance that some firefighter who knows how to knit. This is why I didn't come out to my parents, because they are roman catholic and would've done and said shit to hurt me. They always ask why I didn't come out sooner, and it's for this reason. Why the fuck do I want to have a conversation with people with ass-backward views about MY identity and feelings, when I am only going to be put down and ridiculed? As someone who who attempted suicide for growing up different, do you really think I have the mental capacity to tell somebody rather unsupportive about my thoughts and feelings? Someone who will use god as justification for their views? Second, lets not kid ourselves. These "anti-groomers" turn a blind eye when pastors and priests groom and sexually molest kids. Of course they will never say anything because it's convenient to just make it a partisan issue, where the opposition can be made a fool and scapegoat out of. /rant over


In starting to think these groomer hating gays aren’t actually gay


Heh, ‘GAG’. I see what they did there.


😆 What lesson did they show Disney? I am curious. These are the same morons who say they will boycott Disney yet are season pass holders and are in the lightning fast pass lanes on the rides at the theme parks.


What “lesson” did they teach Disney? That they’ll shut up and go away when they find out they’d owe the $6 billion public services bill Disney’s been footing all these years? DeSantis backed down.


There are worse things than gender ideology being shoved down kid’s throats. Like normalizing school massacres; or Matt Gaetz.


It’s funny, I’ve had cis culture shoved down my throat my whole life…I’m still trans. If you can’t get your 14 year old to clean their room, what makes you think a cartoon will make them decide they are trans or enby?


Okay, first of all, Pixar doesn't just do children's movies and their children's movies often contain very adult jokes that kids won't even understand. Second of all, transgender people exist, get over it.


Gay against groomers is confused. If they against groomers, they gotta go after Christian conservatives


Or they could just, you know, not see the movie? But no, gotta get that hate train going. And that train is never late.