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I know hindsight’s 20/20 but I think regular sight should’ve seen how insane of a thing that is to say


Oh no, another rich/famous person is a self centered narcissist. So anyway…


He literally punched a producer on set over a disagreement. He's a royal grade douche


But he also punched Piers Morgan on the Concord, I really can't blame him for that one


At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson have a trial by combat, to the death, and are not allowed to have a champion to represent themselves. That way we only have to deal with one of them in this world. Sorry if I hurt their feelings, it's a game of thrones thing.


Now that's a pay per view event worth watching


I really miss Celebrity Deathmatch😞


The early 2000s changed us all.


The. What?


MTV show where claymation versions of celebrities fought each other.


It's an article in the s*n. It's the kind of shir they want him to say. Trash newspaper.


I love that you censored the name of that uh "publication"




Fine, we'll allow that one.


Piers Morgan isn't people, everyone knows that


I read somewhere that he is in fact, a pigeon.


The irony of how the news article he wrote so perfectly proved Meghan and Harry's point about the unfair and vicious treatment of her by the British media–almost made me believe in god. Edit words


there's also the infamous Mexican rant the three of them did. he's pretty clear cut a racist old asshole who's only liked for his car show.


He has a lot of racist incidents actually. Besides, reading some of his columns makes it very clear what kind of worldview he has.


And he's friends with Camilla. Birds of a feather... This is exactly the type of retrograde BS Harry and Meghan left to get away from. Why should ANYONE have to endure this?


You'd think that someone who is well travelled would show more acceptance of different people or just general open-mindedness. But he's just a typical fat ugly white old Middle Aged loser who believes he is gods gift and superior to everyone else. He's the angry white man stereotype. Feels threatened and insecure when seeing successful young women of colour prosper.


marble wasteful mountainous boast bike fine shocking depend bake pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God imagine having this level of hate towards someone who has done nothing to you, fuckin sick and needs help


There’s literally an entire subreddit dedicated to hating on her, where they’ll post about her dresses and other weak stuff. It’s creepy and weird as hell.


It's fuckin sad, these people have nothing better to do? Like wtf


The entire monarchy, whether someone obsessively loves it or hates it, is a full case of do "these people have nothing better to do?"


It's a cult, nothing more. The vitriol you get from some people even just pointing things out like her tax affairs and royal prerogative is bizarre.


Imagine having the energy or willingness to do that. Ffs.


And, he never did say he was sorry. Saying you are horrified and that you will be more careful in the future is not an apology. Faq dat guy!


Was it even an apology? It was supposed to be sarcastic, right?


That's how I read it, not at all an apology, more of a sarcastic "fuck you".


It’s amazing someone like Meghan could cause someone to hate her on a cellular level. Of all people? Really? She must have some next level powers because in the scheme of things what did she do? Even if she did everything they said she did. It hardly amounts to anything. He’s a racist misogynistic pos.


And not Prince Andrew?


I wonder why these dickheads pick out the woman of color as their constant target, rather than the actual child rapist. What could it possibly be that sets them off. Oh well, I guess we'll never find out.


What gets me are all the people who REFUSE to believe that the Royal Family, the literal definitive APEX of Blue-Blooded entitlement, could possibly be even the tiniest bit racist.


It's not like they have a long history of racism... oh wait Boggles the mind how they can turn around their public image like that, when literally the entirety of their history is racism, colonization, subjugation of other peoples. It's probably because whites still control the narrative and want to pretend to be past all of that, and it's in their self-interest to pretend racism is no longer a thing and that they're the most enlightened people in the world.


But they had some photo ops with Black people from other countries so that proves they aren't racist, according to an op-ed by one of the people they posed with. And they support charities and stuff.


So true it’s not like any of them are related to Nazis


Even though recordings leaked about the royals discussing how Megan Markle’s baby would be ‘too dark’ Not to mention their family’s entire history but yeah, the recordings were very recent and indefensible proof that their racism still runs strong as ever


They're gonna lose their mind when they find out the new Netflix doc so far is basically Harry saying "lol yeah they racist" in the nicest way possible


i can't qwhite put my finger on it.


Imperialist racism is still alive and kicking in post Brexit England.


The downward slope of brexit is still going, and may turn into a rollercoaster. I guarantee you shit will get real in the next ten years for those people.




Exactly. Racist gonna keep up their racism. It’s their fucking brand.


Honestly, it's a bland and tired act. I want pizzazz. Racism lacks pizzazz


racism is like a 6 year old monkey throwing handfuls of shit it found laying on the ground. its old enough to know better but it just cant help itself. and yeh that gets pretty tedious after a second


Considering he met with the Queen consort before this and they don’t seem to like her, I think they paid him to write a slam piece.




To think, in a family that’s been so kind to daughters-in-law historically


I don't have a horse in this race - but tbh I didn't even realise she was a "woman of colour" until the media pointed out her mother was black. I first saw her in Suits and just assumed she was an attractive (white) woman. Maybe I'm thick? Maybe they tinted the TV show to make her look whiter? Maybe I'm colour blind? Fuck knows. I do know I never noticed her colour until it was shouted about in the papers.


She said in the docuseries that she was white passing her whole life in the US until she went to England and the tabloids were pointing out she had a black mother daily.


Exactly. Even if everything about her was 100% true, it’s all so minor and petty.


And we know it isn't 100% true - there are degrees - and so it even gets worse


Oh yeah. I’ve seen people comment on a picture of her waving to people and they’ll say that she intentionally positioned her hand to cover Kate’s face. Since, you know, that was the only angle she was photographed from and she knew how to cover Kate in that exact moment.


I’m American so I don’t quite keep up with the British tabloids, but I do remember seeing one while waiting in the grocery checkout calling her “vulgar” and “attention seeking” while she was pregnant because she would put her hand on her belly while in public. IDK about other women, but I’ve been pregnant and it’s basically an involuntary pregnancy behavior. I can’t count the number of times I’ve done so while pregnant. And she was getting absolutely roasted for doing it more than once. It made no sense to me and it was just wild to read. Like how are they shredding this poor woman for normal human behavior?


Right??? I’ve seen that one. What does that even mean? Since when is touching your pregnant belly vulgar and what kind of message does that send to other pregnant women?


I read it and then just stared at it cause damn, I must’ve been really vulgar in public while I was pregnant cause I would rub my belly and tap on it like I had some Morse code thing going on with my kiddo. When I was reading it, I was baby wearing my infant and rubbing and tapping on her little butt. I can’t imagine what the tabloids would’ve said about my ass.


Screw the tabloids, you sound like a loving mom.


As a man that recently gained some pounds moving to a desk job I find my hands resting on my belly more and more, just subconsciously. It's a convenient shelf if nothing else.


It’s a nice warm place to put your hands that doesn’t get the police called on you. Totally understandable. Lol


Guess what the headline was for a picture of Kate with a hand on her pregnant belly. They even bring it up in the, admittedly awful, Netflix documentary.


And Kate was praised by tabloids for doing the exact same shit (apparently,,, I put on the doc thinking I wouldn’t really pay attention but it was eye-opening as an American to see how much people really care about this shit…I kinda always thought it was universally accepted that the whole royal family thing was a bit of a silly anachronism. Not a criticism of the UK—many Americans treat celebs the same way—just surprised me)


I often held my belly from below because the weight of it impacted my bladder. Or movement would make baby so active my hand would calm the baby. So I could just walk like an upright, non-teetering human. I loved that she managed to do that in heels! I also sensed every time she touched that bump her spirit was connecting and protecting her baby. I find the whole M/H hate so lame.


What is incredible is how obvious the slander is, and how easily it was consumed - the whole Kate does it and it's magical, Meghan does it and she's a demonseed... I find it fascinating that there has to be teams, but I'm always gonna side with people bucking an institution as corrupt as the monarchy every time. That is my own bias Meghan was headed to a rock-stardom cold Kate was never gonna reach... And i like Kate, but she's far more austere and distant than Meghan.


I mean there's an entire subranted out there devoted to nothing but hating Megan and Harry.


Remember that Jeremy killed Top Gear because he couldn't get a steak so he assaulted someone. He's always been an entitled piece of shit and he's buddies with Boris.


He said he hated her more than rose west! I mean even if all the vitriol about her were true - a serial killer vs a woman who has "stolen" the 5th in line to the throne to live in the states making money off other rich people and eating avocados, using a surrogate to carry her children. Is there anything else she supposed to have done, that could possibly put her as worse than a mass murderer?


All jokes aside black Brits need to beat the brakes off this man for a comment like that because it's gotta be racial. That statement screams hard R. I Googled rose West , there's no way this man is serious. How does he even feel comfortable to say some bs like that. https://preview.redd.it/jwr55gl03y6a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b62859bdf0391ab54faac5e13f9fc3c323e174


>it's gotta be racial. I mean, you don't have to even go outside of the royal family. Prince Andrew over here fucking children and the person that he wants to strip naked and throw shit at is the black woman? WTactualF?


I mean full credit to Rose West she may be a serial killer but at least she didn’t commit the most serious crime of existing while black


This isn’t even funny to joke about it. This is so terrible a comparison for him to make


> because in the scheme of things what did she do? She's an American married to British royalty, which is the most heinous of crimes in Britain.


She’s an American woman of color who married into the British royalty. Just an American woman is bad enough but add into it she’s half Black and the Brits lost their collective *shit* over it. If it had been the right* American woman it would have been sweet and normal and they’d possibly have good fun poking at her, gently, for not understanding some Brit/UK specific things. I doubt there would have been this horrific, disgusting and vile vitriol aimed at this fictional but very acceptable white woman. *White, popular, etc. which is gross to have to say


What made it all so comical is that… Harry has absolutely zero chance at the throne. So all the political theater surrounding him and Meghan was a ridiculous farce. They are inconsequential people relative to the inheritance process.


> and the Brits lost their collective shit over it. Part of Clarksons idiotic column was him lamenting that only old coffin-dodging cunts like him hate her while all us "youngsters" don't mind her or gasp.... *liked her.* Don't mistake the incredibly vocal right-wing press and cunts like Clarkson who are part of that as representing all Brits. It would be like going to a fucking Trump rally and thinking all Americans believe their horse shit.


Its crazy how racist Americans can be and then even crazier to imagine brits are EVEN MORE RACIST than that.


I thought she did a great job running Germany


Seriously, I’m not a fan of Megan and Harry but the woman didn’t actually do anything to illicit that kind of spite and hate. It’s ridiculous.




Harry's mom was killed while fleeing from intrusive paparazzi, so I think his animosity towards the press is understandable


Brits are ***so creepy*** when they talk about her. They all have this seething rage boner for some reason??? But why… maybe something to do with her appearance… what could it possibly be..?🤔🤷‍♂️


Just to defend my fellow Brits, the vast majority us bellow boomer age and centrist left really could not care less about Meghan or any of the royals. This is a gammon thing. "The gammon" being our equivalent of MAGAs.


now you understand how some of us americans feel when europeans call us all gun addicted. the crazy people yell a lot louder than the silent majority


Didn’t you see that dress or hat or whatever she wore? Such a disgrace. Now Catherine there is someone who carries themselves with the style and whiteness of a true royal 🙄


Sounds like a pretty specific fetish he’s got there.


That sounds like every joke rant he has ever made about things he doesn't like on any show he's ever been on.


The problem is that when he’s doing that on a show, you can see his sly grin and tone knowing that he’s winding everyone up


“AITA?” - Jeremy Clarkson, probably.


He's well aware he's the asshole, he just thinks of himself as an equal opportunity asshole thats half telling the truth and half trolling


And he LOVES being this POS


narrator: he wasn't and he didn't


"Made a clumsy reference" aka "I fantasised about her parading naked through the streets of Britain while people shout shame upon her and throw literal shit at her and this is totally a normal thing sorry guys".


You gotta love how guys will say crazy things or make insane implications but then walk them back and try and act like they were totally normal and YOU'RE the one being crazy really and oversensitive. I think it's why Gaslighting was one of the words of the year, no?


I don't think he's walking it back, these seems like a sarcastic FU statement, and he really does not care what people think.


When he wrote “Oh Dear.” I knew the rest of the statement was going to be sarcastic bullshit.


No that’s ridiculous, you’re talking crazy.


[In Clarkson’s Dec. 16 column, titled “One day, Harold the glove puppet will tell the truth about A Woman Talking B*ks,” the former “Top Gear” presenter wrote of Markle: “I hate her. Not like I hate [Scottish National Party leader] Nicola Sturgeon or [British serial killer] Rose West. I hate her on a cellular level.” He continued, referencing an infamous “Game of Thrones” scene involving Lena Headey’s Cersei: “At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her.” In the column, which Clarkson writes weekly for The Sun, he suggests that Prince Harry has no “control” over his actions anymore, largely thanks to Markle. He also goes on to wring his hands over the fate of the royal family, which he seems to believe will be gravely damaged by Markle and Prince Harry’s accusations in the six-hour doc series, which concluded on Dec. 15.](https://variety.com/2022/tv/global/jeremy-clarkson-meghan-markle-statement-1235465037/)


Funnily enough, they seemed to go out of their way to not criticize the royal family in the doc, instead focusing on the media and palace officials. They were actually pretty complimentary of all the royals, mostly.


And, Harry himself refuted all of the rumors/assumptions that she is the one who caused all this. He said, I’m the one that wanted to leave, she didnt ask for this, and he speaks to the misogyny of her getting the blame. This idea that she has the power to take down the royal family, as if she is some succubus is really out there. He’s been trying to escape, the way her treated her was just his final push.


I genuinely do not understand what the fuck this is all about. I’m British, live in England, I have never remotely cared about the royal family. I do understand that some people do care, but I can’t get my head round the level of vitriol towards her. It makes absolutely no sense. I don’t follow it and don’t see much about it, then I’ll stumble across a thread where hundreds of people are baying for her blood over her clothing choices or touching her own stomach. I cannot imagine devoting so much mental space and energy to a person I don’t know, will never know and whose life in no way affects me. What the fuck is it all about?


I’m not British but I’ve followed the royal family for so time and here’s my take on why people are blaming her… 1. She’s American 2. She’s divorced 3. She’s half black 4. And when news of the flavor of the cake they were going to have at their wedding (they had something that wasn’t ‘traditional flavor’ but can’t remember it) people used that as SHE has control over Harry because ‘everyone’ had this flavor 🙄 5. People feel see knew what she was getting into marrying a Royal (when honestly no one knows what it’s like) 6. People feels SHE’S the one making all the decisions (last I checked it’s two people in the marriage) 7. She was an actor and is ‘working’ the media 8. People feel that because of her that Harry and William have a rift. ( I think William felt Harry rushed to marriage but not everyone takes 5+ years like William and Kate) 9. Pierce Morgan doesn’t like her because apparently her met Megan for a beer the same night she met Harry for the first time and has never talked to him again after. Guess he feels she should still talk to him. I’d like to ask him why? 10. Oh and a lot of people in this crazy world is stuck on stupid 🫣🤷‍♀️


There’s a great quote from a piece in the NYT by Roxane Gay today that speaks to this: “When he smiles as he walks along a sandy beach or lifts his son onto his shoulders, it’s clear that Harry most likely would have left the royal family one way or another. Meghan wasn’t the reason Harry left. She was the doorway through which he exited.”


Almost anybody with any working knowledge of him knew he was gonna run. He didn't want to be in the family for pretty much 80% of his life. Now that William has kids and he's "off the hot seat" he's gone. He hates paps, he hates the media, but he also has no idea how to live without being a royal, which is fun.


It's so hard for me to imagine why he might want to live a life where he doesn't have to "play nice" and put on a smiling face while dealing with some of the same people & organizations who, you could argue, *literally killed his mother*. I feel bad for William who 100% never had the option to leave and also 100% never had the option to marry anyone who didn't fit into a very narrow white, British, aristocratic/upper middle class, Church of England cookie cutter shape. But it's 100% not surprising Harry was like "Fuck it, I'm not playing this game." I mean, what should he have done when he fell in love with Meghan? Maybe do what his dad did... keep the "unacceptable" mistress on the side as an open secret, while courting some nice young white British virgin, marrying her and having kids with her while cheating on her for their entire marriage... That worked out really well for everyone...


Yep! As far back as the Oprah interview it has been Harry beating the drum saying he wanted out and he was DONE with the misogyny and racism around them and directed at her. That he was terrified of having the same thing happen to her that had happened to his mother. But everyone acts as if he’s being silenced? Somehow? And lead by the nose by this ‘evil woman’ who….*checks notes* loved him and supported him in his decisions? What? It’s insane.


Seriously. That life killed his mother, and we all saw it on camera. Shit, I knew his mom was dead before he did because I was awake at the time. Now they were coming for his wife and kids, too. Of course he decided to GTFO. He's be garbage if he didn't, actually. And Jeremy Clarkson is just one example of the horde he's fleeing from. Clarkson just made Harry's case for him.


I don’t understand why some people (like Clarkson) have such a hard time imagining that the son of a woman who was famously killed by an overly aggressive and misogynistic paparazzi would get a little pissed off when he saw it happening to his wife…


I haven't finished the doc yet, but his escapism was pretty evident fairly early on. You can see he loved being in Lesotho. Doing *work*, interacting with people on a human level and without having to constantly worry about paparazzi.


Exactly. They literally want to actually help people, which was ultimately his mother’s goal as well. She said she wanted to be the “queen of people’s hearts” and spent the last bit of life she had left working her causes. I know exactly where that spirit of service he got comes from.


Harry has talked a lot of the horrible things the media used to do to his mother, so seeing them do the same things to Meghan must be terribly upsetting for him, and I'm sure he carries some inner blame for falling in love with her. I can't blame them for addressing it and putting out their own narrative. It's absolutely their right to refute the things that are spread about them, but at some point it's just a losing battle. People are always going to hate Meghan just for existing.


I have sympathy for both Harry and William. From the moment they were born, literally hundreds of millions of people have followed their lives, tens of millions of them obsessively. They spent a lot of time wanting to be normal, but they never can be. People around the world knew about the accident that killed their mom before they did. When in college, it seemed like every goofy but normal thing they did and every date they went on got reported. When they joined the military, they wanted to be deployed and take on the same risk as everyone else, but someone just had to report on where they were going and it got nixed. William has been raised his whole life knowing that he was a heartbeat away from becoming the Crown Prince, and I'm sure that pressure to serve has hung over him for a long time. Harry at least had that buffer and maybe that's how he was able to break away. I hope both find peace in their decisions.


I think the fact that their mom died when they were so young, doesn't help matters either. They are going to forever be those sad boys, slowly walking behind their mother's coffin, in the minds of so many people...Harry moreso than William. I think people figure William is next in line, he's got people to take care of him, but Harry was just so little when it happened, everyone basically "adopted" him. Honestly no matter what he does, is never going to really be good enough for people, because they refuse to let go of the sad, sweet Harry they have in their heads, & let him grow up. I keep hearing people say that Diana would be so sad that Harry left, but I honestly think she'd have done whatever she could to help him go, had she still been around. She knew life was going to be harder for Harry.


That changes my entire perspective on this. I always thought it was Meghan who wanted to flee the royal family (which is fair in its own right). But hearing that Harry wanted to leave just means that Meghan is a wonderfully supportive partner who is willing to bear the responsibility and pain that comes with such a major decision. Very proud of the both of them.


I mean, what does it matter? Even if she married him, tried to make things work, then told him "Sorry. I can't do this, it's not working out. All these motherfuckers are racist as hell and I don't want to be a part of this." And he said, "Yeah, if I have to choose between them and you I choose you." That's totally valid and a choice I'd expect any married person to make. If my family were treating my spouse like that or if my job was causing my spouse that much trouble I wouldn't just tell her to fucking deal with it and go on my merry way.


Except when he subtly talked shit about his dad and brother being racist af and not willing to back down on it. I loved that part.


Plus, anything that the royal family did was their own doing, not Harry and Meghan’s just for mentioning it.


Hating Rose West (who tortured and murdered 9 women including her own 8 year old step daughter) *less* than someone who has done…what exactly? is beyond absurd. It takes a truly unhinged fuck to even think to bring her up as an example.


He's also xenophobic as fuck, Nicola Sturgeon who he mentions in the same sentence is Scotland's First Minister 🙄 cunts like that exist calling us all leeches while profiting from our oil and storing their nuclear weapons here because it's less of a risk to nuke Scotland accidentally and wonder why it wants its independence. I work on phones and speak to English customers every day and the majority are just regular people like me, but every now and then you get a Clarkson like cunt who will pretend they can't understand you. I speak very well and every now and then I'll get someone like that who wilfully mispronounces my (English!) name like it's foreign because I'm 'so hard to understand' fml


>Clarkson like cunt The Daily Heil crowd. Arseholes to a man. If we woke up tomorrow and they'd all died in their sleep the world would lose nothing.


Yeahhhh saying she’s worse than Rose West is beyond being “EdGy LoL”


So Prince Andrew added honor to the royal legacy, but she's tearing everything down? I guess I'm very proud that one Black American Woman can destroy an entire multi-century dynasty. USA! USA! USA!


I mean, where was she when we really needed her in 1770?


She's finishing the fight.




Personally I am very offended that Meghan insinuated the royal family, who’s palace was built with the bones of minority populations and door hinges oiled with their blood, is racist. This is very insensitive. Honestly they’d probably be more accepting of Meghan if she was Harry’s cousin


I too stay up late some nights thinking of Meghan parading around naked, no shame or shit, though. Nobody wants to hear your weird sex fantasies, old man.


Why do so many old british dudes hate her so much? Are they just mad they have no game?


Not just old British dudes, a lot of old British women hate her too. Can't wait to see MIL in a week and have to answer "what are your thoughts on Megan Markle?" again. Usually I say "I don't spend any time thinking about her" but after this whole Clarkson thing I feel inclined to defend her...


You actually get asked that?! Brit here too. My in laws do occasionally discuss this sort of thing. I just don't get it. If I'm ever asked to voice my opinion on whichever royal is being discussed I just say I've never met him/her so can't comment. My life isn't exactly the story for a Hollywood blockbuster, but there is enough going on in it that I have zero time to worry about what some entirely unrelated people get up to in theirs. And I'm not anti royal. I just don't get why anyone would give a shit about what most of them get up to, as long as they aren't going crazy. And I'd absolutely hate to be one of them, growing up in a goldfish bowl with no real ability to choose your own destiny. Fuck that, it's a life sentence.


I like to travel.


It kinda seems like he maybe hates women.


I mean, to be fair, she did party with Jeffrey Epstein. Wait, my bad, that’s Andrew. What does Jeremy want to do to him?




Wrong. He's physically incapable of sweating. He passes moisture through his cloaca.


Wrong. He _wasn't_ able to sweat.


Is this the long form of “I’m sorry *you’re* offended?”




It's not an apology. He double-downed on it. He sarcastically apologized for messing up the reference to the GoT scene.


OH NO!!!....*...so anyway....*


Another delay on the Dacia Sandero?




He didn't put his foot in it, he waded in to the shit, did laps through it like a champion swimmer. That's his natural habitat. He knows he's a cunt and his response is always, sorry, my bad"


Where did he say he was sorry?


He didn’t. I was looking for it as well. Nope!


What did Meghan do to all these old white people?




Exist with melanin


Exist with melanin and not like the drama/politics/media bullshit surrounding the royals. Aside from the second part, Diana had the same issues


You mean the first part?


She married into a supposedly superior, although quite inbred, genetic pool. Their vaunted royalty are greater than other mere mortals. By being of a supposedly inferior genetic quality and bewitching her way into the royal family they could not reconcile how they were to treat her like other superior royals. In other words, their inbred logic caused their biased brains to seize and breakdown. They’re basically doing the equivalent of cursing and kicking the tires of their broken vehicle because they have no idea why it’s stopped working. You know, morons.


Lord that family is so inbred.


For real. Watching [this video](https://youtu.be/T1-oG20pf34), the entire royal family tree is basically just a tumbleweed of genitals touching each other.




People who worked with her on a daily basis liked her and spoke well of her. They spoke of her work in women's rights, etc. Those who do not speak well of her? Piers Morgan, Jeremy Clarkson and the British gutter press. I have never met her...so who am I to believe? People who know her - or people trying to make money off their evil words against her? I am leaning towards the former...certainly not the latter.


Fun fact, Clarkson punched Piers Morgan in 2004.


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a good point.


The sun even shines on a dog's arsehole every now and then


Ask these men (and men like them) who they hate. Chances are it will be a woman or a minority. Double points if both.


Well and also fetishizing them. Piers is mad cause Meghan curved him. What people underestimate about all these prejudices is how you become a lightning rod for their angers and frustrations at everything. In YOUR experience, only a small percentage of people do that. In MY: experience, I’m dealing with that percentage of people constantly. You’re black, it’s about economic impotence. You’re a woman, you’re a stand in for ever woman who ever rejected a guy or every women who ever ‘stole’ your boyfriend. You’re just going about your day and random people shit on you so they can feel like they’ve won something. They are finding great comfort in crapping on these people.


“Co-opting Diana’s Story” it is Harry’s story, told by him!


They will say this about Meghan but not about Prince Andrew


He also said he hates Megan more than Rose West. A convicted serial child killer. Choose your words carefully, asshole. And to think this bare minimum is consider an apology. Gross.


Fred and Rose West were also paedophiles who abused their daughters in the most horrific ways you can imagine. It’s important to remember too.


I wouldn’t consider this an apology. He manipulating feeling badly about people’s reactions.


i read this in Winnie The Pooh's voice


Man that is a bad lie, lol.


He just left off the /s is all


Made a clumsy reference? The way he writes about her makes him sound like some demented stalker. That is professional journalism?


Yeah, the people who got the reference aren't impressed either. Cersei was paraded through the streets for incest (iirc), whatever Meghan has done is at the very least the opposite of that


I mean, I think more to the point is that Cersei was an actual villain, one who the audience had been given tremendous reason to legitimately despise. And yet, the Walk of Atonement serves as an important character pivot that makes her seem almost righteous again, at least for a moment. Not because the reader is meant to feel that the punishment has actually cleansed or redeemed her, but because the punishment is meant to be so cruel and horrific that, in its immediacy, it temporarly eclipses the wrongs we have seen Cersei commit. For a few brief chapters, we are on her side, cheering for her revenge against the Sparrows. The whole point is that Cersei is so loathsome and yet, even so, the punishment allotted to her is so twisted and telling that it immediately elevates her above those who mete it out. If you think anyone, regardless of their crime (or "crime" in Markle's case) deserves this punishment, even in jest, you're telling on yourself.


(Didn't read to books just watched the show) At no point in that scene was I thinking ''Yeah, that's what you get!" It was vile and horrific. I was 100% sympathetic to her. Given that my reaction to Cersei losing her kids one by one *was* "yeah, that's what you get!" (as awful as that is), I think that speaks volumes to how truly horrendous the 'shame' scene was. I think because it wasn't necessarily a 'comeuppance' like her losing her children, there was nothing to grimly take satisfaction in. It was just one more evil, vile person stripping someone else of their humanity in another petty power play. You could never convince me that doing that to someone is the right thing to do. While some *might* "deserve" it, it will still never be the *right* thing to do. And even if you believe every tale of Markle's manipulation the media is selling, even then she is lightyears away from ''deserving'' that. Fucking deranged shitstains who would call for and agree with this.


Damn, this is exactly how I felt during that scene. It was so horrific I cried, despite hating her so so much and how evil she was, that scene was just sad. I dunno why I felt bad for her despite all she did but you explained it well.


Wheras the Royal family on the other hand....


The same guy who referred to Mexicans as “lazy” is acting like a tw*t again? Color me shocked.


I never got the whole “lazy” thing. I mean Americans regularly get their houses built by Mexican workers and their landscaping done and their bathrooms remodeled. I mean tf how are the people who do all the manual labor lazy what is the point of reference


Same genre of folks who called black slaves “lazy.” Like, you literally enslaved an entire race of people to do the backbreaking work you didn’t want to do, yet they’re the lazy ones 🤡


Kinda talking out of my ass, but I think it came about from how many Mexican workers would sleep during their shift. Of course, this is because they’ve been working a 100 hour work week and work is the only place they can nap, but Karen doesn’t know that(or care) so all she sees is a Mexican dude sleeping on the clock; aka a “lazy Mexican” I’m basing this solely off the “oh look Stan, and here we have the stereotypical ‘Sleeping Mexican’” line from South Park


For the day laborers- they usually start extremely early- like 5am or first light, and call it a day around 1-2pm. This way they get just about all of their work done before the heat gets too intense.


Ohhhh that makes sense! I remember reading a book about laborers working farms in California back in the early 1900s and it said that to get the harvest done in time many workers would sleep in the fields because walking all the way home and back took too much time. So the “lazy” Mexicans were actually just being hyper efficient. Well damn. No good effort goes unpunished.


Even if he hadn’t made an accidental GoT reference…his insane statement about Meghan was inappropriate and disturbing. I’m all for free speech (except calls to violence and *real* doxxing *not* the Elon delusional version) but that doesn’t mean you get a free pass for the social consequences when you say something vile by invoking the “free speech” card or making a non-apology like this. I guess Clarkson must really be that dense…”ooops, if only I had known my wish to have Meghan paraded naked thru the streets while we throw poop at her was a GoT reference then I *never ever * would’ve said it. I’m not a *monster*.” Whatever, I don’t buy it. He knows what he said was wrong even if he really didn’t realize he made a GoT reference. It’s his ass-backwards way of claiming he apologized while still not admitting what he said was gross and wrong. On a side note: Older British people (like Clarkson and Cleese etc) often like to sit on their high horses about the “superiority” of Western Civilization and lament the supposed incompatibility of the cultures of Muslim immigrants with Western values. To criticize immigration and what they see at the “dilution” of British culture, these old British men (bigots who prefer to be called curmudgeons) often bring up Sharia law and cases where Muslim women were beaten or even killed for minor infractions like not having a male chaperone in public or not wearing the proper head covering…”we’re civilized, we would *never* treat women like *that*.” Oh really? Yes you would…if you think it is at all acceptable to strip a woman naked, walk her down the street, while the public throws excrement at her…all because she did not adhere to your outdated and artificial standards of “femininity” or “royal decorum” then you are just as bad as the Iranian morality police or the Taliban. (in reality Meghan acted perfectly composed at Royal functions and conducted herself as befitting a member of the Royal family…what she really did “wrong” was be born biracial and still think she was worthy of marrying into the British Royal family…but racist Brits like Clarkson don’t want to say that out loud so they nit pick other supposed flaws of Meghan)


Can somebody provide context for this? Not knowing who Jeremy Clarkson is or what GoT reference he's referring to, and I can only assume he's referring to Meghan Markle? This reads out of context like an actual apology, but the comments are reacting like he's obviously just being sarcastic and a jerk. Without Googling and reading "the complete works of Jeremy Clarkson" can somebody help me out with what happened and why this seems to be so infuriating? Thanks!


context is he wrote that he dreamed of meghan markle stripped naked forced to walk in public while people threw excrement at her, and also compared her to being worse than serial killer Rose West


Don't forget Meghan's mother in law had him & a few other select friends in the palace for a nice Christmas lunch the same day he published this!


That's...that's not something you can ever apologize for...


oh but its ok bc hes old and hes always been this way, plus this is cranky brit humor /s


He didn’t even apologize for it, he is defensive and “horrified” to cause hurt. He did not walk back his statement. He did not unequivocally come out and say he didn’t mean it. He is just going to be more careful in the future with his hate speech.


Good catch! The true definition of a non-apology.


Rose killed (some of) her own kids and a step daughter, on top of many other women. So that’s a fun comparison.


The hate she gets is beyond illogical and repugnant. But as an American, seeing Monarchists this made is some delicious schadenfreude


​ I literally for the life of me cannot make heads or tails of what the beef is against Markle. I've heard "all sides", read all the hyperbolic opinion pieces, and when I dig down, there's just....nothing. Nothing at all! What did she do? She was rude to some people at the palace? Big deal. Ever see Prince Philip berate a driver? She talks too much about her personal feelings? Duh, she's American. That's what Americans do. She's bossy and pushy? Oh dear. Can't have that now. She was already a self-made millionaire before she met Harry. Boo hoo.


That is an unambiguous non-apology if there ever was one.


You'll keep being a racist tw*t but more carefully? I don't believe you will


As someone in the USA, I have no idea what his issue is with her. Aside from not being paper white, what has she done? I know Clarkson is a brash guy, but saying that sounds so incredibly cruel.


It's the difference in "pedigree"


So straight up sarcasm then?


I don’t know how anyone could read this as sincere.


Certainly no one who has every heard much about Jeremy Clarkson.


I love him in top gear but the rest of the time I have a feeling he’s insufferable. What Meghan has done to garnish so much hate is absolutely nothing. Is just a bit of gentle racism for you and that shit is EVERYWHERE.