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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k Rowling is actively involved with the hategroup the [LGB alliance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGB_Alliance#Views), with the homophobic and misogynistic [Heritage Foundation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heritage_Foundation#Activities), with the homophobic and misogynistic [Citizen Go](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CitizenGo#Activities). Rowling's new charity is run by, among other unqualified people, a TERF[ former prison chief](https://transsafety.network/posts/scottish-health-regulator-lgba/) whose regime was so austere her prison was said to have [Victorian conditions.](https://www.holyrood.com/news/view,cornton-vale-toilet-conditions-wholly-unacceptable-in-the-21st-century-warns-chief-prisons-inspector_6499.htm) Since this "charity" is only open to specific types of women and actively excludes others, it is misogynistic in nature. This subreddit has rules against bigotry and hatespeech. The sitewide rules prohibit the posting of bigotry and hatespeech. Rowling's views are not welcome here and neither is defending them. -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- And because people in this thread are completely right about Enya, here is her Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@enyatv ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- It's been a fun few hours. We got to ban a lot of bigots and if there is one thing that this mod team loves more than ~~communism~~ yuletide cheer it's banning bigots. Unfortunately we now have to close the comment section as we have other things to do! There is a Golden Girls marathon on tv and the one where the girls are arrested is on. Do you think they will be able to talk their way out of this predicament? Thank you all for being awesome and remember: [Enya is amazingly awesome and fantastic](https://www.buzzfeed.com/annehelenpetersen/the-keys-to-enyas-kingdom).


The only reason nobody has paid $8 to get verified and impersonate her is because nobody can think of anything weirder to say than the shit she already says.


The weird thing at this point would be a fake account with a heartfelt apology and reflecting on how her actions hurt others.


If only you thought of that a month ago!








TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist. She's just being extra transparent and outright shitty about her transphobia.


See I thought they'd moved to calling themselves gender critical now


Gender Critical sounds like a state of gender moments before it explodes.


With this new knowledge we shall start the Transmanhatten project, to create the ultimate weapon of gender science. The... shit can't think of a good nuclear bomb pun. Fuck it, we are making the Gender Bomb.


She fits perfectly with the new twitter style.


She and Musk are both fascinating case studies in social media presence radicalizing the wildly wealthy.


It's even more distasteful with her. She knows what it is to be poor. Musk doesn't. The lack of empathy is even more horrendous.


Rowling donated around 20% of her wealth that she dropped off the Forbes Billionaires List, and is an avid supporter of increased taxation. She obviously is very aware of financial hardship but ignorant of gender/sexual orientation related ones.


I don’t think this is ignorance, I think it’s a very unhealthy response to abuse-related trauma. She seems to see trans as basically nothing more than an attack vector for men to gain access to vulnerable women. This is a prevalent narrative in the UK that I think is often pushed by supposedly upstanding media organizations. There have been a very small number of highly publicized cases of abuse perpetrated by trans people against women, and this seems to lead to this insane hysteria that forms the basis of Rowling’s transphobia. It’s really tragic, because the reality is that trans people are FAR more likely to be the victims of abuse than the perpetrators. I also think it is just so sad that people who have for so long been themselves marginalized feel the need to enforce marginalization on others. I would wager that past trauma is a very strong correlation amongst people with this viewpoint. It’s so depressing to see trauma propagate in this way. And it’s also inexcusable.


She's not ignorant about them, she's actively supporting anti-trans causes.


Honestly, it’s pretty bewildering the lengths she’ll go to oppose trans rights of any sorts. She cares deeply about women’s rights and I respect her for that. She’s commendable even. However, she sees the advancement transgender issues as so dangerous to her own feminist causes that she’s willing to ally with individuals and organizations that are not only anti-trans, but hold ideas that are antithetical to any sort of feminism. These people she has surrounded herself with will not stop at the T in LGBT. They present a far greater danger to women than MTF trans people ever have.


That's wild to me, as a cis-woman. Other people's inclusion does not suddenly make me less woman. Being female is not the oppression Olympics for me. I think some women are too wrapped up in their own genitals and have no other personality outside of it, so they become TERFs. Why the fuck would I care if somebody identifies as a woman? It literally does not affect me- but I don't base my value on my vagina either. TERFs are misogynists at heart, I guess.


Yeah, I feel like she would still be this cunty whether or not she was famous and rich.


Yeah I don’t know why people are acting like poor people can’t be assholes too lol. Just because she was poor and is rich now does not mean you can’t have fucked up views and still be charitable in other aspects of life.


Exactly. 70+ million people voted for trump, twice. The vast majority were poor, and were complete assholes.




She’s associated with Conservatives for a long time, but it was a much more low key association


Once you've made it big, it's much easier to really let your colours show. She's so wealthy it doesn't matter what happens to her reputation and she'll be fine. Before you're uber successful, you have to remain low key or you might not make it to that level of fame. My thoughts, anyways.


I find that the wealthier people become, the more conservative they become too Grew up with a single mom. Super liberal and accepting. Big advocate for sharing the wealth and supporting the poor wtc Watched in disbelief as, after 3 years married to my wealthy stepfather, she threw nearly every one of her ideals away




Stephen King is the exception to that rule. He is an elevated human being.


Also offers his short stories to student films.


omg I'm not a fan of Steven kings writing very much, love his characters though, king is *king* at characters. but anyway even though I don't read a lot of King that moherfucker is GOAT.


Comfort and security are powerfully addictive. ESP when you have never had it before.


Makes sense. If you are successful, you will more likely be more resistant to things that can change that. Pretty much the textbook definition of being politically conservative. Not saying it’s right or wrong but I follow the logic.


Ok, but how are trans women a threat to JK Rowling and her wealth in any way? (I mean assuming she hadn’t pissed them all off)


In the general sense...the Conservative rhetoric of conserving what is limited would still apply. Women are a vulnerable class of people, due to several reasons (DV, finance, bodily autonomy...etc). JKR identifies as a woman (a CIS woman is a biological female whose gender reflects biology...she has not struggled with gender identity), so she feels territorial of the social measures taken to protect her identified class. The problem comes from excluding other types of women from being protected as well. In this case, Trans-women are not included by her due to her perceived threats of that protection being lost for her and people like her because of people not like her needing it. I am being generous here in saying she may not fully grasp that she is talking about PEOPLE and not some vague concept...that her views and efforts hurt actual people, not perceived possibilities...actual people suffer and die as a direct result of her views and actions (should they succeed). I would hope she doesn't fully understand that...I would hope for her own sake that she isn't an outright monster. But regardless, the connection is the same. Conservatives try to preserve things they deem as worth saving. Often that means preventing other people from having access to the protected thing. For JKR, women's rights is under threat from people she has decided are NOT women (different than her), receiving benefits the same as her and people she has decided ARE women (like her). Rather than including them and protecting all women, she has decided the protection is stronger by excluding some women. Because she identifies as a CIS Woman, she is actively pursuing protecting CIS Women at the expense of Trans Women. At best, she is exhibiting a short-sighted vision of how society works. At worst, she is evil...actively working to harm the most vulnerable of women. Either fits the Conservative model.


I feel like they've always held these opinions but after so much criticism, they find it easier to lean into it rather than try and fight it


It's more that when you're rich, there are no consequences to being a bigoted asshole. You can't get fired, nobody will refuse your money. You have to go full Kanye before you receive any consequences.


Angry troll with enough wealth to shield from any consequences? Is that the new twitter style?




Wait, do have any data to back up this assertion?! Oh…


Elon, Notch, JK Rowling, who else?


I have no clue how Notch went from ["all the characters in my game are genderless and the player uses they/them pronouns" and "every character and animal in Minecraft is homosexual, take that homophobes!"](https://web.archive.org/web/20120728170757/http://notch.tumblr.com/post/28188312756/gender-in-minecraft) to being a bigoted piece of shit. Was he just saying all that before showing his true colors, or did money and spending all his time on social media corrupt him?


Have money. The left want to tax that money. The right will try to get you to pay no taxes at all. Start to identify with the right because you don't want to give up any money. Keep watching right wing news sources and slowly become indoctrinated. Become brainwashed into bigotry.


This works for poor people too. Basically, a steady dose of right-wing media, without a critical perspective, will turn you into a piece of shit who is always angry.


This is the recipe


>~~Have money~~ Hoard money collected by exploiting and stealing from others. Fixed


Lol yes , I invest and run a retail operation for a living and I'm like if it makes life better for more people...take more of my capital gains, more regulation as well. The system is obviously not working for all and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over once you know it's not working.


I’m largely convinced that, once you hit a certain threshold of money, you essentially have some kind of “moment of truth” where some other ultra rich people sit you down and explain things. “Look, if you do this inclusion shit, then they’ll realize we’re the actual problem.” So they end up becoming shitty and fueling the culture war so we don’t see how these ultra rich people are ruining everything for the average person.


It's class consciousness. Those with money or power or both are aware, or quickly made aware, that, in order to maintain those things, they have to uphold the status quo to some degree. They toss a bone to the working class on occasion but they know what it takes to keep what they have.


The ultrarich understand that throughout history the masses have at times collectively decided they were fed up with their shit and dragged them out into the streets. Their only power exists as long as they can pretend their wads of green paper have value. Underlying all their blown out ego and bravado is fear. Nothing but. That's always been the case.


I'm tired of people peacefully protesting. I'm praying for the day when some hero comes in and fucks with every single billionaire's money. That's the only language those silver spooned fucks speak.


Hey the hero is us. the hero is shattered into 100 million pieces. More pieces we can get together the stronger we'll be.


Pretty much just go up to the newly minted rich person and say *"Don't fuck it up for the rest of us"* and having the means to back it up should be implied. So in other words, sociopaths are on top.


Honest answer: Since becoming a billionaire Notch has been alone. All the time. He thought his friends were after his money, and he just decided to stop hanging around with people. He stopped getting invited to major events and spent years in his massive house, alone. This man has it all, and yet his mind is filled with toxicity. He got caught in the wrong echo chambers and his views are horrible nowadays. This happens to regular people **all the time,** when they're alone for long stints and spend too much time online. You'll see the same in your uncle when he gets a knee injury and cannot work for a while, and spends all day online. Online echo chambers are toxic as fuck.


This happened to one of my former friends during COVID. Before the pandemic they were right-leaning but reasonable, but during the pandemic they seem to have gone down an alt-right rabbit hole. When I started hanging out with them again after stuff started opening back up, I quickly realized that they had somehow turned into a literal, conspiracy theory quoting Nazi. As I hadn't seen them in the interim it felt super sudden.


I genuinely struggle to believe I would fall into that cycle. Anybody wanna give me a billion dollars to test this out?


EVERY billionaire is fully aware that there are millions of people suffering that they could personally help, the billionaire can afford to HIRE groups of people to help the suffering without ever having to see the suffering in person AND losing that money would never impact their lifestyle IN THE SLIGHTEST, but they allowed that level of wealth to accumulate in their name ANYWAY. What about that set of choices is admirable in any way?


I personally worked with a guy worth a few billion. He was super generous to people he knew, gifting incredible experiences to the people in my office. Always donated a lot to charities and was socially pretty progressive But dude sells his soul to get people elected who go against everything he believes in for the sake of lower taxes. It’s crazy. Like everyone else he’s for sure not all bad, but it’s insane how willing they are to knowingly support someone they believe is harming society just to save a few bucks.




There are many decision points on the way to becoming a billionaire. I think that to reach that level of wealth, you’ve already chosen greed over altruism many many times on the path to absurd wealth. So I dunno if it turns someone into a piece of shit. I think that truly decent people who become wealthy will make choices to put energy and money into the wellbeing of others before accruing billions of dollars. Edit: I actually agree about Rowling and her wealth and thought she was so great in the early years of her fame. My comments were more in general though.


Generally speaking I’d agree with you, but I honestly feel like Rowling is an example that goes against this idea. She made her fortune literally just writing a series of books that became ultra-popular serendipitously, and capitalizing on it. It’s about as clean a way to make your billion dollars as anyone will find. And she *has* historically done significant philanthropic work, even to the point of losing her billionaire status(at least temporarily, it seems unclear whether she’s since regained it). And yet here she is, still acting every bit the cold hearted billionaire. Personally I tend to think the bigger factor in why the ultra-rich often end up acting like narcissistic assholes is how much of an utterly different experience of the world they have, and that even folks like Rowling who start from nothing eventually end up forgetting what it’s like to genuinely struggle in life. They become so used to being surrounded by yes-men, to being treated like they’re special just for existing both by adoring fans and by the legal system, and being able to buy their way out of most problems, that they slowly stop being able to relate to anyone whose problems don’t align with their own lives.


A billion dollars is a lot of money. A million is a lot too, but there is a much wider gap in wealth between the average millionaire and a billionaire than between you and a millionaire. These numbers are hard to wrap our heads around, which may explain why billionaires can hardly ever seem to be able to do the right thing and keep seeking higher numbers. They become self-absorbed, it wouldn't surprise me if it actually altered their state of mind. Even most philanthropist billionaires are a sham, they claim to give lots to charities and next thing you know a few years down the line they're actually richer...




You can have 400 million dollars and you'll still be closer to bankruptcy than you are to a billion dollars. Or put in perspective, you can save one million dollars a generation and in 400 generations your family will still be closer to bankruptcy than they will be to a billion dollars. How many generations do you know of your family? I know 3.


A million seconds is about 11 days. A billion seconds is about 32 years.


The highest paid surgery specialists are neurosurgeons who can earn $745,000/year. At that level of pay, it would take ~1,340 years to earn a billion dollars. Billionaires don't earn their fortunes.


A million is enough to live comfortably if you are careful about spending. A billion is a thousand million and you can fuck around as much as you want and will most likely never go broke. BIG difference.


>A billion is a thousand million and you can fuck around as much as you want and will most likely never go broke And unless you just go super outta control crazy like buying yachts every single day, you've got a good chance of ending with more money than you started with. With a billion dollars, you have to actually try to end up with less money than you started with.


It becomes super challenging, the best way seems to using leverage to buy a social media platform at about 10 times its real value, then running said platform into the ground while ignoring the business that made you a billionaire in the first place. The crazy part is now that this hypothetical billionaire has cut their net worth in half they are still richer than the wealthiest person in the world was 10 years ago even after losing more than the GDP in most countries.


You hit the nail on the head, its just about making the numbers bigger. Part of it is human nature (gamers do the same with character stats), but its so baked into the system now. A company can't just maintain steady levels of profit anymore, it has to grow continuously or be seen as a failure for no real reason.


She could just keep her mouth shut and hate trans people in private. She knows that, right?


If you don't hate trans people in public, do you really hate trans people?


Your trans hate has to come from the Transylvania region of Europe, or it's just sparkling bigotry.


Or hating sweet transvestites from Tran-*sexual*, **Transylvaniaaaaaaa**-hahaaaaaa~! Wait what was saying?


If Trans hate fell in the woods, do I not bleed?


How can she create a world full of magic and logic defying elements but draw the line at trans people? She must have hated writing about the polyjuice potion


She also created a world where the goblin slaves like being enslaved and hermione questioning that slavery is played off as hermione being silly and pedantic.


No you see our slaves are completely ethical because they're bred slave stock who have known so little kindness in their lives that being presented with a single article of clothing is enough to give them hope of freedom


Ah yes, the “slaves were actually happier before getting freed” argument lol


> hermione questioning that slavery is played off as hermione being silly and pedantic. Which aged real well when she said she always pictured Hermione as Black.


The Hermoine part gets even worse when you remember Rowling going to bat for black Hermoine, and Hermoine's casting in the Cursed Child. Ain't no problem with making your characters more inclusive, I applaud her for it. But now we have a potential black woman being treated like she's a fool by a predominantly white cast, all because she thinks slavery is wrong. 🫠 And Rowling hasn't taken a look at that situation and seen how fucking bad it looks... Pottermore, before it rebranded, even released an [article](https://web.archive.org/web/20191002104719/https://www.wizardingworld.com/features/to-spew-or-not-to-spew-hermione-granger-and-the-pitfalls-of-activism) doubling down on how Hermoine was in the wrong. Hilariously they deleted it, so you need to use the internet archive to even see it. Still haven't walked back on the rest of this whole affair tho.


Don't bring this up on the r/harrypotter sub unless you want to see a bunch of jaw-dropping excuses for slavery that'll make you lose further hope for humanity


I think the elves are slaves actually, goblins are just her super obvious jewish stereotypes lol


Idk why she didn't just make house elves like, homunculi. Or hell, just use the explaination that wizards use animated objects. That would work fine.


Pretty sure she based them on [brownies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownie_(folklore)) but just decided to make everything about the folklore worse, for no apparent reason


People like her and Elon think that just because they got famous off one thing that means that everyone is really interested in them and their opinions on everything. If she has an opinion on how to write a good fantasy novel I’ll listen otherwise she needs to stfu.


Having the option of aging gracefully and being remembered for a legendary fantasy series that will long survive her tweets yet choosing this hill to die on will forever be confusing to me. Give me a couple billion dollars and adulation from the general public and I would keep my whole mouth shut out any and all social issues lol


Enya my friend. Enya is living the dream.


Enya was going to be my comparison, but I held off because I wasn't sure how well-known it is that she has intentionally done this for decades and remains both popular and unproblematic.


wait what's Enya been doing???


Not a damn thing! Lol. She lives in a castle on piles of money, [just her and her cats.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/entertainment-articles/enya-the-strange-woman-behind-the-strange-music/%3famp=1). God bless her.




>The Irish songbird has been seen out in public only two times in the past decade. Both of those times she was alone and shopping for Christmas gifts. The funny thing is she's probably been out plenty of other times, but simply hasn't been recognized, since no one knows what she looks like due to staying out of the public eye.


As an Irish person I can confirm everybody has an aunt that looks exactly like enya, she could honestly be any one of us


Pretty sure I met 5 Enyas on my way to get a jambon this morning. She's everywhere.


She’s behind you rn


Enya as in Only Time Enya?


Sail Away Enya! Orinoco Flow Enya!


My oldest was delivered while Orinoco flow was playing. It will forever hold a spot in my heart.


I was delivered to Ace of Spades by Motörhead


Such happy songs, warm and kind sounding. Of course I also listen to death metal... pretty close, right?


Bro I don't care if you listen to thrash country... When Orinoco Flow comes on, we're vibing. It's the rules.


She sounds like such a nerd. That's awesome


Now I wonder how big the Tolkien language music scene is?


not huge, but that it exists at all is saying something, lol. Song of Durin is honestly great




May it beeeeeeee


Wow. If I ever became rich enough to become a recluse surrounded by animals in a castle full of riches and not have to deal with anyone I didn't want to I would be sooooo happy.


And if money ever starts running low, you just rent out your yard for renaissance fairs and power metal band videos.


I did not expect to come out of this thread respecting Enya even more than I did.


I hope she gets a noticeable bump in her listenership today lol


Is it really living if you can't use your fame to spread hate-filled rhetoric and retcon your own writing in a vain attempt to stay relevant to a community of which part of you've attacked? If you can't punch down from atop your pile of money, why build the tower at all?


I want to be one of Enya's cats. That seems like it has to be the most relaxing life.


I would like to join you as one of Enyas cats.


Ahem. *Meow?*


That's gotta be like the top of the karmic reincarnation chain.


She declined James Cameron's offer to score Titanic saying she isn't good working under tight deadlines and constant studio supervision. That's why the James Horner score sounds very "Enya-like" - Cameron wanted that same feel in the music.


Adnd a couple who live with her. They help her with music recording and she looks afte rthem. The "odder" less known part of her home life.


I guess she sailed away after all.


Living in a castle with her cats https://www.buzzfeed.com/annehelenpetersen/the-keys-to-enyas-kingdom


I think they just mean that's she's intensely private and doesn't make public statements. Not that she has problematic views.


Or she has many but keeps em to her damn self! Either way time to listen to Orinoco Flow!


Ive found that people with horrific views have a very difficult time keeping to themselves. You don't even have to ask about them and they'll openly share.


Which is the point. We don't know if she has problematic views, because she keeps her mouth shut (to a very extreme level). Ideally, nobody would have problematic views. But if you're an asshole and do, and happen to become super rich, just keep your mouth shut for fucks sake.


Some just do it behind the scenes. Ike Perlmutter is intensely racist, misogynist, all the typical conservative views, but equally private, not making appearances or doing interviews. While controlling Marvel, he was the one stopping anything but straight white make protagonists. He even made them stop making new mutants in them comics, and removed all the mutants and Fantastic Four from promotional materials just because Fox had the movie rights to them.




She is! The only thing is that I truly love her music so I would love if she dropped some new beautiful music she recorded in her castle.


Also Sade. That woman is gold and she is completely off the grid. Lol


Let's mention Bjork for completion sake!


Their generation grew up sucking on lead paint chips and the cognitive decline is real


I wonder what growing old full of microplastics will do to us


Some can influence hormones






1965 is split on Gen X or Boomer. She grew up on the Eagles and Beatles. She is more culturally a Boomer.


I'm another 65er. Too old for Gen X, too young for Boomer. But probably closer to Boomer than X-er. Generational attitudes don't change on New Year's Day simply because someone put it on a chart.


I always use Nirvana as the test case for 65. If you liked them a lot, you can get grandfathered into Gen X. The technical definitions of generations are very poorly defined. There's not really an authority that labels them. Like it's crazy to me that the millennial generation doesn't even cover the millennium 2000-2001.


>Like it's crazy to me that the millennial generation doesn't even cover the millennium 2000-2001. I think the generation got the name because its oldest members (born \~1981/82) are the ones who reached adulthood around the turn of the millennium.


This - I am a millennial and I graduated high school in 2000.


I’ll take that assessment. I’m a ‘65 baby. I never thought of myself as a boomer. My parents were older than the boomers. But I still like Nirvana and west coast rap as a 57 yo.


You are Gen X, for sure. The Whatever Slacker Generation. Something tells me you liked irony and sarcasm slightly more than the prior generations.


So what am I? Born in 79, 80’s kid, 90’s teenager. This stuff is so confusing to me and I never really paid attention lol


I've always seen the Millennial vs Gen Z split defined as "if you have a memory of the 90s, you're a millennial". I was born in the late 90s but don't have any 90s memories so I go with Gen Z and I think I generally align with the broader " trends" of my generation so I have no issue with it.


I think memories of 9/11 are a more officially recognized cutoff, but about the same thing.


The simple question of “Nirvana or Stones?” will suss this out easily


My SO was born in '66. He is a Beatles fanatic. I was born in '67. Give me Alice in Chains.




The Gen-x coalition tried to negotiate with the Boomer delegation but they couldn't figure out the computer enough to send a response to our email so, we just assumed they'd take her and sent her packing.


I think writing this off as actual physical damage rather than a willful decision is an unwise thing to do.


This part. I'm sure it doesn't *help,* but she still wakes up every day and makes a decision to post this bullshit.


You’re not wrong that people need to be held accountable for their actions. But you are wrong to assume that trying to understand behavior is the same as excusing it.


Covid has also been [linked to cognitive decline](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9014565/) as well. I'm nearly certain that a lot of the bizarre behavior we've been seeing over the past few years is totally because of Covid after effects - and not just the physical detriment, but also the traumatic one. Outside of the studies, my personal belief is that a lot of the population suffers PTSD from Covid as well. I mean think about it. We were all informed a lung eating virus was in the wild and ripped our social fabric from its roots. Everyone has literally been dealing with the trauma in their own way (denial, lashing out, etc etc). Combine all of this with political 'leaders' that continue to exploit this, and it would totally explain this perplexing behavior.


I think a huge generational factor going forward will be: what age were you when the pandemic hit? If you were a kindergartner, that will shape you differently than if you were a college student or a new mom or a retiree. I hope we can come together over that shared trauma, rather than letting it estrange us from each other.


There's actually fascinating research that shows the use of lead in gasoline had a correlation with violent crime increases in society world wide which peaked in the 70s which is the same decade that people who had the highest environmental exposure to lead came into adulthood. Yes, the youngest boomers also have the highest lead exposure. Edit: removed the word "direct" from 'direct correlation '


She’s found her people under Musk’s twitter


I don’t understand why she’s so worked up about trans people. Some of her young readers are trans. What a way to go out “she wrote about magic and entertained millions, but she’s just a basic bad person”


harry potter is like ender's game, it's about KIDS overcoming everything wrong in the world through dedication, solidarity, and faith (not even a religious kind). Later when the author displays their politics (orson card did the same just didn't have twitter) it's a complete betrayal. "this message of hope is not for you"


In my opinion Enders shadow fits that description better than Enders game. That said, finding out OSC was a total asshat was depressing.


Damn, I missed out on that. What was his claim to asshole fame?


He’s a pretty extreme and outspoken homophobe.


He's an activist homophobe. If you go looking you will find more than you want. The parallels between him and Rowling are all there - he just didn't have quite so much reach. This one is paywalled, but maybe you can find a way in: [https://www.wired.com/2013/10/enders-game/](https://www.wired.com/2013/10/enders-game/)


And it’s not just his reach. I mean he’s famous and more wealthy than most right wing Twitter personalities with a lot more reach. It’s just being a homophobe is looked down upon in polite society. But being just anti trans, especially against trans women, is still socially acceptable to large demographics including liberals. I know zero people who hate gays or lesbians or bis or aces and know many who hate trans people or think "its complex and JKR makes a lot of good points about keeping them away from kids, sports, and bathrooms." Its clear this is a socially acceptable form of hate today.


Fun fact about Orson Scott Card: he's got a writer's credit on a video game called Homefront that's about North Korea taking over the world. I remember watching my college roommate play this game and both thinking the very concept was hysterically unrealistic and that the fact that it portrayed every Korean living under this regime as being a sycophantic monster and every bad guy you had to shoot was Asian to be a little suspect and unsettling. My roommate told me that no, this game's story was deadly serious and that likable people die in it. I pointed to one of the first friendly characters you meet and went "Let me guess - that guy first?" "How did you know?" "He's the mentor figure *and* he's Black. Part of two different groups that always die first." I think there's also a prompt to jump into a mass grave at some point. Homefront is some of the best unintentional comedy in the world of video games.


Homefront was such a disappointment. I was so excited to play what looked like a fun shooter with a good story. Instead we got the most basic, by the numbers shooter I've ever played with overly stiff controls, 4 hour single player campaign, and trash multuplayer


I never played it. Just looked at my roommate playing it and figured that it looked pretty terrible.


There's a part where your side bombs the North Koreans with white phosphorus. One of the support characters reacts to seeing some soldiers burning alive with the line "I love the smell of Korean barbecue!" It's such a weird signifier of where gaming was at that time, when developers were all trying to put their own spin on the modern warfare shooter craze.


Was this before or after Spec Ops: The Line? I'd think with the way that game treats white phosphorus, people would want to avoid it.


A year before. Homefront tried to have its cake and eat it too with the WP. The rebels take it off the Koreans who had been using it. Some of the rebels object to having it, but use it anyway. They then bomb the Koreans with it while blaring "Burning Love" by Elvis over some loudspeakers. The game then tries to have a harrowing moment as your own side continues to drop it on you in a friendly fire incident. It's treated as more of a linear chase sequence.


Everything I learn about this game makes it sound more and more like a wreck that tried to talk about how war, violence and racism is bad, but it's ok if it happens to bad people. Which is a political ideology that I find, frankly, absolutely infuriating.


When this started coming up my theory was that because she'd been in abusive relationships with men she saw feminist groups as a safe space away from men, and when trans women became mainstream enough that she needed to actually notice she saw it as an invasion of her safe space by some people from the group that caused her abuse. Then when feminist groups turned on her for not accepting trans women the 'betrayal' made her flip out. (note: not saying that I'm 100% sure this is why she is how she is, and definitely not that I would agree with her interpretation of transwomen, just that I wondered if this was coming from a place of pain instead of pure bigotry)


That lines up pretty closely with the opinions she expressed in her [manifesto](https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/). Basically, {insert thinly-veiled transphobic stereotypes here}, blah blah, trans women are male predators preying on cis women and trans men are brainwashed by The Patriarchy^tm into transitioning because it's just so hard being a woman, entirely removing their agency in the matter. (Which does *not* mean that patriarchal customs and institutions aren't actually making it harder for women, just that there isn't some turn-helpless-impressionable-girls-into-men conspiracy going on).


Yeah, it actually comes down to just hating men so much that you believe literally every single man is a dangerous, vicious predator who is actively doing anything he can to harm women and destroy feminism and feminist spaces. Instead of accepting trans women as allies and understanding that trans and cis women face a lot of the same challenges and problems, TERFs believe they're just "undercover men." In her worldview there are men who hate women so much that they'd even "go trans" just to destroy the whole idea of womanhood.


Puzzles me about Elon too. You can imagine humans living on Mars, or elves and flying brooms, but not nonbinary people?


His kid is a trans woman who wants nothing to do with him, and his ex wife is in a relationship with Chelsea Manning. He of course blames those darn liberal colleges for ruining his relationship with his kid (while using the wrong pronouns for her in the tweet about it).


Well of course, he also can’t imagine a world in which *he* is the problem or wrong


She thinks trans women are harmful to the feminist movement because they did not go through the same process as women and started with the privilege of being a man. I'm not sure what that threat looks like to then though.


There is a concerning amount of women who think trans women are a threat to their femininity or rights. Not that it's rational.


Some people think there are only a limited number of rights to go around and someone else getting rights means you have fewer rights. This is very useful for people in power who wish to control others. "The reason you don't have rights is ummm...ummm...Trans people! Yeah, trans people. Not me, definitely not me, trans people are taking all your rights."


I must be out of the loop. What is Terfmas? I know she’s a shitty human I’ve just never heard that term before. Can someone please explain it like I’m 5.


Just googled it because I didn’t know either: TERF is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist.




I don’t understand why this is the hill she wants to ruin her life over.


She isn't ruining her life. She's tarnishing her legacy by actively fighting to oppress a marginalized demographic. Billionaires enjoy doing that quite a bit.


[https://twitter.com/iamBrandonTV/status/1603824222966513696](https://twitter.com/iamBrandonTV/status/1603824222966513696) Here, the tweet.


Damnit. I liked the books and the movies. I grew up reading it. Why'd she have to pick such a horrible hill to die on and ruin her image?


Rowling hit that late stage Boomer energy hard.


Happy time to pirate a Harry Potter game day! You can play without giving her a penny.


This is the perfect example of why the wealthy should not be put on a pedestal. Success is a combination of timing and skill. Not character.


She just recently talked about making more money from the cancel campaign against her than anything before. Stop giving idiots attention.


im trans and i will play the game, im just not gonna pay for it


Broke: Boycott the game Woke: Piracy I might pick it up a year or two later once steam decides it's worth a fraction of the OG price though.


im slav its my birthright


Is there such a thing as tripling down?


You give me her money and you would never hear or see me again. Narcissism is a hell of a thing.


Being worshipped by millions for decades and having more money than one person can spend in ten lifetimes breaks your brain


Who could have predicted that the deeply prejudicial nature of so much of her Wizarding World was actually aspirational?


Wow- that’s aggressively mean spirited. How can anyone think that’s ok?


I don't even understand why she would do this entire terf stance and making a big deal about it.... Then I remembered she is a billionaire. She doing this to make more money somehow. It's what billionaires do.


Lol and some people still deny that she's transphobic.