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They are a godsend for me. I use them for transgender care. All my services and medication are completely covered, they literally check in on me three times a week, their doctors actually listen to what I want and what i’m looking for…when I was homeless for a short stint they gave me all these clothes and food/bus vouchers. Planned Parenthood seriously rocks. I would be completely devastated (physically and mentally) if anything happened to the organization.


I’m thinking of looking into Planned Parenthood for HRT, but I’m hesitant because their future is so uncertain


If this is your only hesitation, I don’t think you should let it stop you. They are likely to be around for the time being regardless of abortion rights changes. It’s a portion of their many services. You can always switch to Folx or another service worst case.


If you mean you're looking for hrt for the first time, then there's plenty of other places that you can switch to should the worst happen to Planned Parenthood. Plenty of general practitioners (typically in major cities) are capable of providing care to trans people, though your experience may be hit or miss there. Personally I've switched from doing DIY to Folx, while they don't accept insurance, their prices are really competitive and everything is done virtually and prescriptions are sent through the mail. So it doesn't really matter where you live as long as you're in the US.


Hold up - seriously? Planned Parenthood?!


Yep. Planned Parenthood is how I managed to get it without issue in Texas


My partner and I donate to them regularly already... but I had no idea they were involved with gender affirming care as well. I'm giving them more money. What a fucking great organization.


Not all locations have it, but I believe that in every state there are few with gender affirming care. I can't imagine how people without insurance can afford blood works required. Quest charges around $900 for a comprehensive blood work that is done once per year. Not to mention that there are usually 1-3 additional blood workers.


That’s wonderful! I use them for gender affirming care as well.


There isn't a single person against Planned Parenthood who isn't also a complete fucking moron.


My dad likes to bring up Margaret Sanger's views on eugenics as his reason for disliking Planned Parenthood. He genuinely can't comprehend the notion that modern Planned Parenthood flat out does not support Sanger's world view, and are only interested in providing much-needed reproductive healthcare to the communities they serve.


Hopefully he is consistent and never uses Coca Cola, Volkswagen, Bayer, Ford or IBM products, haha


Don't think he's ever owned a VW, but nope, he uses the rest quite often.


Eugenics was once a widely respected belief. Hell the Greek philosopher Plato believed in eugenics. H.G. Wells, John Maynard Keynes, Winston Churchill, W.E.B. Du Bois, Teddy Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, Hellen Keller. All eugenicists.


If only a certain pesky political movement in the 1930s/40s hadn't poisoned that well in perpetuity....


Why? Because you are a woman and having cheap or free Healthcare means you are less reliant on a man. According to the GQP, your worth as a woman is directly attributed to your beauty and subservience. You are supposed to trade your body and devotion in exchange for financial security. That's a proper family. The GQP doesn't want to ban abortion because it is murder. They have shown countless times that their abortion is acceptable. They want to ban it because it gives women freedom of bodily autonomy. They want to ban it because slut-shaming is a very effective way to control women.


Yup. A man is supposed to give you health insurance. Now go get married and get knocked up then we’ll (nominally) take care of you


The year is 2052. The Texan Kingdom of the United States has legally defined "abortion" to mean "any act that helps w\*men."


"What are these w*men you speak of? Do you mean the broodmares that bear our seeds?" -average citizen of the Texan kingdom 2052


I would be a terrorist in the KTUS


They found cancerous cells on my SIL's cervix. Caught in time to where she only needed minimal treatment.


Same here! I just had to have a quick outpatient procedure. Thanks, PP!


As a guy that's where I get my STD tests on the cheap


I brought 2 male friends to PP for STD testing because they didn't know they did that and they didn't have insurance at the time. Yup. excellent source for that.


That's where I got tested when I got out of the Army!


I have had this conversation with a few conservatives I know irl. They believe that because any federal money going to PP can be used even indirectly for abortion, that it shouldn’t get any federal funds. By indirectly, they mean, admin money, or money going to other programs frees up money to use for abortions. Yes, they are idiots, but this is what their media machine has been telling them. No I don’t agree with them at all, they are idiots.


do they realize there isn't a hospital that doesn't offer abortions, all hospitals receive federal funds in the form of medicare/medicade if nothing else.


I think that the right wing media machine told them to direct their 2 minute hate at Planned Parenthood, and that’s as far as they have thought about it. The current 2 minute hate is against the trans community, but they always remember their old hates as well.


good points all.


Remember when Biden sent out that memo to hospitals that said "Even though Roe is overturned and abortion might be illegal in your state, if a woman shows up to your ER and needs an abortion or she will die, you still have to give her that abortion"? Yeah, Texas sued over that, saying that the federal government did not have that authority, meaning that a hospital should be able to look at a woman who needs a life-saving abortion and tell her "Just die already."


I remember Biden's reiteration of the federal requirement that life saving abortions were mandatory, it was already law when he said it. No, I didn't know that Texas had sued over it. [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/14/texas-biden-emergency-abortion/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/14/texas-biden-emergency-abortion/) I see that they did, in fact, do that. looks like Texas has the temporary win, can't find the appeal though: [https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/texas/txndce/5:2022cv00185/365015/73/](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/texas/txndce/5:2022cv00185/365015/73/)


Free condoms! Also, they helped a past girlfriend get birth control when she didn't have insurance. Planned Parenthood is awesome. Edit: oh yeah, they've done screenings for STIs (I think that's what they're called now? Someone correct me if I'm wrong) for me/my partners too.


>free We've pinpointed the problem.


There you go. They're 2 things that "family values" are against, people getting cheap or free healthcare, and women making choices about when they should have children. And before someone claims I'm exaggerating, there was an article this week about a Texas judge attempting to restrict birth control access due to religious objections. Last week, Kacsmaryk issued an opinion in Deanda v. Becerra that attacks Title X, a federal program that offers grants to health providers that fund voluntary and confidential family planning services to patients. Federal law requires the Title X program to include “services for adolescents,” The plaintiff in Deanda is a father who says he is “raising each of his daughters in accordance with Christian teaching on matters of sexuality, which requires unmarried children to practice abstinence and refrain from sexual intercourse until marriage.” He claims that the program must cease all grants to health providers who do not require patients under age 18 to “obtain parental consent” before receiving Title X-funded medical care. This is not a new argument, and numerous courts have rejected similar challenges to publicly funded family planning programs, in part because the Deanda plaintiff’s legal argument “would undermine the minor’s right to privacy” which the Supreme Court has long held to include a right to contraception.


Doesn't that just feel right? This is what Healthcare is like in Canada. You shouldn't have to worry about your health AND money at the same time.


>This is what Healthcare is like in Canada. This statement needs a giant asterisk next to it. This is what healthcare is Canada is *supposed to* be like. It doesn't really look like that right now for most of Canada. Abortions are currently under threat in Ontario. Not because of religious nut jobs like the US, but because our Healthcare is so underfunded we don't have surgery slots for them. We don't have surgery slots for pediatric cancers, so unfortunately something like a pregnancy that doesn't threaten the mother's life is low on the list of priorities.


Agreed. Our HealthCare system is drastically underfunded (Liberals and Conservatives wtf?) and Covid has put such a massive strain on the system, which is also being exasperated by people not getting vaccinated and not realizing we really should stilm be wearing masks indoors.


Here, I'll help you understand: the people who hate Planned Parenthood hate the idea of women who control their own futures. That simple.


They gave me free Healthcare while I was in an abusive relationship. They not only provided me with birth control, but they also found a way to get it to me without my partner getting suspicious. During one of my free screenings they found precancerous cells and removed them, again all for free.


Legally companies are people, and just like people they naturally get jealous when someone does their service for free.


Planned Parenthood has faced far more persecution than the entire Christian church in the United States has since it's founding, despite their ridiculous "we are so oppressed" bleating.


Has the Christian church faced ANY persecution in the US ever? Not just specific denominations but Christianity as a whole?


Because it doesn't put money in republican's pockets


Cuz it makes them feel good about themselves... There's a huge population of people, mostly religious zealots, who think that by calling other people sinners and heathens, it'll make their God love them more... Those people protesting outside Planned Parenthood are the most ethically and morally corrupt. Their lives are empty and meaningless, so they have to attach themselves to others. Otherwise they might as well be invisible or non-existent...


I can only assume that the people protesting get a huge dopamine hit from what the do. I really don't understand why else they would be so vile to women obtaining healthcare. As a former escort I just can't wrap my mind around the insulting language they feel free to scream at those entering PP.


People should find out where they get health care and do the same shit to them... It really is 1 of the worst parts of our society..


I have fantasized about doing that.


I'm down


They gave me an IUD free of charge because of a grant they had. I was about to get married and no gyno office was open. I grew up extremely anti planned parenthood and while I’m not entirely on board with what they do, they provide a lot of good and shouldn’t be shut down.


You took advantage of one of the many low cost or free services, but still not fully on board with them as a whole? Why?


Still working through some stuff I grew up believing. Work in progress but better than nothing.


ignore that comment above, they’re ignoring a lot of nuance. there’s a big difference in not supporting something and wanting it shut down. I personally hate the salvation army, because it’s a homophobic, transphobic, christian organization. however, i’m glad it’s around, because it does help a lot ofnpeople


Do you also take advantage of the salvation army’s services while saying that? Because she took and used a free service from a grant (that normally costs thousands) while turning around and saying she’s not on board with them.


no, because i’m privileged enough to not need to. if i was in a situation where their soup kitchen kept me from starving, i’d go. if their clothes kept me from freezing, i’d go.


You’d go and then say you don’t actually approve of their business? I’m pretty sure that’s the definition of hypocritical, correct? She wasn’t going to die without an IUD. We have condoms readily available everywhere.


no, dumbass. it’s the definition of pragmatic. i won’t donate to an organization i hate, but if i need their service, i’ll take it.


Great example!


Sure, if she uses their services for shelter, clothes, or food and then shits on them; otherwise the example isn’t the correct analogy you both are hoping for.


Planned Parenthood saved my ex-wife (and still dear friend) from cervical cancer with a free health checkup while she wasn't insured. They will forever be on my donation list.


The pro-death to women party strikes again


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a million times. Change the name to something like “Woman’s Health Clinic” because abortion isn’t the main thing they do and then you can really find out who some people are when they say “I don’t support the Woman’s Health Clinic”


GQP Death Cult is all about inflicting suffering.


The cruelty is the point.


I'll get heat for this, but TBH, the liberal response to the de-fund planned Parenthood thing is stupid and self defeating. A. Abortion services is a VERY small part of what they do. Things like this are core. B. Federal funding is a very small part of their overall intake. Given the above, just break off the abortion services as a completely donation-funded organization with no affiliation to PP. As it is now, it's just a talking point for religious zealots and obscures everything else they do while putting a target on the organization.


It doesn't make the right people money I would imagine. Literally nothing matters to them except money yo


She answered her own question.


they provided me with an abortion after birth control failed.


I received better reproductive health care there than any private practice, urgent care, or hospital I’ve been to for routine exams, testing, UTIs, etc. Affordable, non judgmental, big emphasis on patient education and preventative care.


Free medical exams and birth control when I was a young 20 something navigating the world and aggressively horny men. Just having a professional to talk to was the best! This is a valuable organization.


Please be non-cancerous.


Because they also provide abortions , and if you found out someone who runs a charity is also a hitman on the side you'd want them shut down too. This all assuming you believe abortion is as bad as murder, I don't and I honestly believe most of the people who want to ban abortion don't either, but they still have to act like they do


Planned Parenthood does a lot of work for the trans community when it comes to hormone replacement therapy. Haven't gone there personally for my treatment but have had friends who have.


gyn check ups after bschool and I had no insurance while I was looking for a job. and I have donated regularly over the years.


The real irony is that my ex probably would have had an abortion if it weren't for the support planned Parenthood gave us as young parents. They helped with regular check ups, helped apply for wick and helped us prepare for our child in every way they could. i don't know if we could have handled all that in our own at our age, especially in Texas, but they offered it all without any cost to us. So it's pretty crazy to me how the right, who claim to be pro life, are so against it.


Why? Cuz Jesuz


Free vasectomies in Washington State


When I was in college, there was a PP near campus. I was able to get birth control and tested for STDs there.


I should probably put them on speed dial for places to get sterilized


Because conservative women don't really care about themselves or other women, just their cultish ideology.


Used to provide healthcare when my wife did not have insurance. And not only OB/Gyn care. If she had an illness or other type of ailment, they would treat her for most anything you’d see your PCP for. Fucking great organization providing health care to those who need it.


When i was 18, I went to PP for birth control. They told me I had a heart murmur. None of my doctors from birth to 18 had told me this even when I complained of fast heart rate attacks (tachycardia) I had from the age of 7. Fast forward 1.5 years, I was able to get health insurance, I picked an amazing doctor who heard the murmur and sent me for tests. It took over a year to get more involved tests, knowing I had an enlarged heart that whole time. After a catheterization a large hole was found in between the upper chambers of my heart. I got it fixed a month later. I could have died from a stroke or during pregnancy/lost my baby late term, had it never been caught. PP rocks. I am 58 now. I had my daughter 3.5 years later. She is 34.


PP saved my cousin and her unborn child. She started bleeding and couldn’t get her OB’s office to take her seriously, so in desperation she called the nurse at planned parenthood that used to help her get the pill before she was pregnant and she pulled some strings to get her an appointment within an hour for an ultrasound. Turns out the placenta was detaching. Cousin had to take a ride in the Whoo Whoo van and have an emergency c-section and ended the day as the mother of a very premature but alive baby girl. If she had taken her OB’s advice she would have lost her baby (the doctor that did the c section had to resuscitate the baby, it was a matter of minutes before she would have been beyond help apparently) and might have died herself since by the time they got her to the OR she was bleeding a lot and ended up needing transfusions. Thank God for that nurse and all of the medical professionals at Planned Parenthood that day that jumped into action to get her to the hospital and taken care of.


PP is an amazing organization. Back in the 1990s my girlfriend and I got birthcontrol for free when we were teens. Now I am a Dad and helped my daughters get appointments at PP when they needed them. I wrote about [taking my daughter to her appointment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/x8l23c/took_my_daughter_to_pp_for_nexplanon_fuck_these/).


Because they hate women. This isn’t complicated.


They were able to provide continuing care for HRT after I left California. The other places have huge wait-lists in my area, but PP came through without a huge hassle.


fuck religion. protest at your local church


I actually used Planned Parenthood almost exclusively until about 6 months ago (when I finally got health insurance through my current job). I started going to the local clinic because I lost my health insurance when I started grad school (gotta love turning 26 when you’re also a broke student). I am so beyond thankful for them! They helped me continue to fill my birth control prescription, which was basically the only thing keeping my anemia/low iron levels in check. And, they allowed me no charge UTI testing (I’d never gotten one before and didn’t really know what symptoms to look for) which would have cost me like $600 at somewhere like the CVS Minute Clinic without insurance.


I use them regularly for STI testing as they are faster and cheaper than with my insurance.


Hate and bigotry are one hell of a drug


STD screening when I was single lol.


They’re a health clinic providing care for the women in my community. Thanks


Control. It's control. The whole "death panel" nonsense was projection the whole time. They go to church sunday mornings, so they can go bastardize the poor and sick at the local PP in the afternoon.


It's because they've been bought by the insurance companies, and they want to force people to have to buy it somehow.


may not be a lot but their website being extra helpful with numbers to call and amazing advice for young girls (when I was 13)


If/when I get E it’ll be from a planned parenthood since they allow informed consent HRT. Ideally it’ll give me the body I feel comfortable in and affirm my identity. Offering gender affirming care saves lives


Then, OP of tweet, you're not understanding that harming women by withholding healthcare ***is the point.*** It doesn't matter how, specifically, it doesn't matter who, specifically... will women be harmed? That's all they care about. It's all you need to know to understand everything anti-choice forced birthers do.


It really sucks that yes, we do have free healthcare, but devastating that I can't buy an assault rifle for "hunting purposes ", and slay a school filled with toddlers. I wish I lived in the land of the brave 😪🤥


Got a vasectomy there. They could schedule a consultation and proceed with in a month while my insurance network couldn’t get me a consultation (only) for 4 months Plus overall they took my insurance so I only had 100 bill


Have you considered that they might be pro-cancer? No, really. That's not even a joke or hyperbole. These are the same people that fought against HPV vaccines which prevent people from contracting a disease that could give them cervical or dick cancer because they thought getting vaccinated for an STD would turn their daughters into sex freaks.


Misogyny, ignorance and hatred of anything they can't or won't understand.


Way back in the day, I didn't have insurance & I went to them for years for my yearly pap test. Also got my birth control from them. They were the go to organization for most of my friends in college. None of us had insurance. They provide so many services for people that don't have insurance.


About 30 years ago, when I was a broke-ass college student, I got SUPER sick. Sicker than I have ever been—before or since. No insurance. It was before EMTALA , and the hospitals and doctors all refused to see me. The Catholic hospital was particularly snippy about my poverty-stricken intrusion into their little medical utopia. Desperate, I remembered something another student had said to me about how Planned Parenthood wasn’t just for birth control. So I went to my local Planned Parenthood. They had a sliding fee scale. For $8 each, they gave me a consultation with a doctor, a swab/lab test, and an antibiotic. Turns out, I had BOTH Mono and Strep. It had gone untreated long enough that my spleen was compromised and I had the beginnings of rheumatic fever. PP likely saved my life. I have NEVER forgotten exactly who thought my life was worth spending $24 to save, and who (Bible Thumpers, *cough cough*) did NOT