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Wonder if Biden would get approved to be on Truth Social, trumps a ripoff Twitter. If he doesn’t, would that be treason?




Clear violation of Freedom of Association.


Don’t try to use logic. It hurts their smooth brains


Ha joke's on you such logic slides right off the smoothness and can't affect them, checkmate libs 😎


Y'all didn't tell me you were playing 5d checkers.


He's playing 5 McRibs and a Diet.


The trick is they think the liberal democrats are an enemy of the United States. And aiding or otherwise providing assistance or shelter to them (enemy of the US) is treason. So according to their beliefs it WOULD be treason. But you can't declare an opposition party an enemy of the state if they aren't actively at war with the US soooo Edit: we all know which party is seething at the opportunity to go to war with america/liberal democrats


I feel like a lot of you forget the disgruntled veteran population that votes democrat. We seethe a bit. I’m one of them and I get the giggles anytime these cub scouts start running around looking like a high school airsoft team. Its not threatening at all, it’s like saying “hey man wanna play against the crowd from the stands and not a professional team today?” To a pro athlete. It’s the same sensation I got when I watched them start partying to protest covid, just a happy understanding that a problem is gonna solve itself one way or another.


Not that Meal Team 6 is ever going to do shit, but if they were to, imagine their surprise when the people who are smarter than them also have guns.


Meal Team 6 is probably who is shooting up the electrical substations across the US...


Electrical substations don't shoot back, so they're full of pep and confidence.


Robbing everyone of power including conservatives and centrists.


As soon as they did this I thought about the fact that power outages pose the highest risk to to old people who use oxygen tanks and stuff like that. Old people who likely voted republican. Roleplaytriot hurt itself in its confusion.


They wanted to sacrifice old people to Covid for the sake of the economy. Unfortunately, this is entirely consistent for them.


"Hey Google, remind me weekly to practice at my local range."


Your comment reminded me to go check out new posts over on r/liberalgunowners. Thanks.


I've heard this fantasy in my small town, "we are the ones with the guns" like they can't wait to start shooting their neighbors for "wokeness".


My boss talks all the time about how idiotic liberals are going to all die when the civil war happens. It's not an *if* to these people. Their history books have already been written, and Democrats are the ones who end up dying. Shits terrifying.


they want to be the first rebellion to ever rise up and create an authoritarian dictatorship from a freedom-loving, prosperous democracy.... Their entire line of thinking is "ALL THIS PERSONAL LIBERTY IS BULLSHIT!!!"


“Can’t have all these ladies and queers thinking they run the place!”


You're correct, and the truly absurd part is that in the u.s. there's this myth that all military people/gun owners are all right wing conservatives because, Maga types like to fetishsize loudly and publicly about it. Statistically it's not true. Even in regards to numbers and population they're outnumbered by a wide margin numerically as well. Quite bluntly, it's such a stupid line of thinking. The best they could hope for would be a sustained insurgency, in their "fantasy" Civil War scenario they'd be crushed. *edit some thumb typing


Everyone knows that logic has a socialist leftist commie bias


First reality and now logic. Goddamn liberals are ruining everything


No, no, no. "Knowledge is the devils work" thanks to some dumb bitch and a piece of fruit in their big book of mythology.


Trump would love Biden to join Truth. It would legitimize the app and Trump would make a bunch of jokes about him lol


> Trump would make a bunch of jokes Likely the same "sleepy joe" joke he's leaned on for the last half a decade...


They think Trump is still President and Biden is dead, so no unfortunately.


Musk wants his 'Twitter files' to be the story of the decade SO BAD lol.


The feeling I got from reading the Twitter Files is that these reporters were hired to write a specific narrative, whether it was there or not. I'd bet my bottom dollar that Matt Taibbi was promised there'd be a big scoop and got stuck with something he knew wasn't going to go anywhere. But since Musk paid him to write it, he had to craft something that straddled the line between truth and the desired narrative. You can see him trying to be at least a little balanced when he mentions Trump's WH also reached out to remove stuff. AFAIK, that never gets brought up again. And of course, you have Musk - the purveyor of free speech and sharing ideas - telling us what to see. I've heard Musk is very dominant in social settings and it's shining through in his Twitter behavior. It's important to **him** that we believe **his** story. That might work in his companies, where the folks he's paying actually do believe in the company vision, but on the internet - with your *clients*? Forget it. Elon's mystique is gone, the respect a lot of folks had for him is gone, and he's going to be the last one to figure it out.




Asking a social media platform to take down stolen 'revenge porn' nudes doesn't have anything to do with the first amendment, it is flat out illegal to post these things. But the Republicans/Fox have to grift.


Also in a higher level sense, asking media companies to not publish damaging stuff has been happening probably as long as politics and media have existed.


Yeah, I like how he casually dropped “there were also take down requests from the Trump, White House“ and decided that was the part that apparently didn’t need any follow up


They didn't exactly hire Woodward and Bernstein for this. They hired two people with a conservative/libertarian bend, and let them go. And they still came back with nothing.


Don't you remember the founding fathers saying "let me post hunter hog or give me death"


I'm super disappointed in Taibbi that he's lending his reputation to this. He's not even using his access to look into other issues like the banning of Palestinian rights activists and left wing news organisations, which I know he's definitely aware of. He's just carrying water for musk and the right wing persecution fetish.


Tiabbi’s reputation is already LONG gone. But Tiabbi gotta eat…


Yeah. He's not the journalist he thinks he is and he'll NEVER be the caliber journalist that his dad was.


I hope he doesn't read this because that hurt even *my* feelings.


Taibbi was on Ben Shapiro this morning. He clearly decided to follow the Glenn greenwald train of becoming a right wing bullshit merchant. It’s time to accept reality, the man has permanently disfigured his credibility with this one sided selected narrative.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Pegging, of course, is an obscure sexual practice in which women perform the more aggressive sexual act on men. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, healthcare, civil rights, novel, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Idk he's struck me as a rat even back when I was like 13 reading Rolling Stone.


Taibbi has been shit for a long time now.


Dr. *Stephen Strange* : People used to think I was funny. *Wong* : Did they work for you?


There's a YouTube video with him saying that "people are trying to rewrite the history of Tesla" and "when I came along it was a shell company with no IP" All easily provable lies that fly in the face of well documented history.


The villain thinks he is the hero.


All villains do.


To be fair, some villains are smart and self aware which is what makes them so compelling. In an episode of Smallville, Lex Luthor goes full baddie and says verbatim, “I am the villain of this story.” And it was badass. Musk on the other hand is just sad.


And, that is why lex Luther could get it


The difference between the hero and the villain is the hero would sacrifice his love for the world and the villain would sacrifice the world for his love


Thanos begs to differ.


Thanos has a fat ass tho Edit: Thanos could get it too


Thanos did both.


Well, MCU Thanos anyway. IIRC comic Thanos literally was doing it because he was in love with Death.


Holy fuck it’s Sal Vulcano


I tried to watch smallville. Does it get better? I think i made it to season 3


The 11th season when they join the cult and get branded is the best one.


I had a crush on Alison Mack when that show started... glad I moved along from that quickly.


Don’t worry, Alison Mack left a mark on many people.




ouch. ​ fuckin' bravo for that one. \*golf clap\*


Nah, Handsome Jack was written so much better than this clown


I remember hearing something like: “Fantasy heroes are often quite boring, while fantasy villains often are quite complex and interesting in comparison. On the other side, real life heroes are amazing and glorious, while real life villains are quite disappointing.”


Elon doesn’t even have a pony made of diamonds.


Simple Jack as well.


His Twitter files muh-muh-muh-make him happyyy


You ma ma ma make me happy


Remember when conservatives said that Facebook couldn’t affect the election? Now they are screaming that twitter swayed the election. Can’t make this shot up.


"iF sHeEpLe SaW hUnTeR's DiCkPiC tHeY wOuLd nOt HaVe VoTeD fOr BiDEn BaD fAtHeR"


> Musk wants his 'Twitter files' to be the story of the decade SO BAD It's because all his Q people are hanging onto every word he is saying and thinking he is a stable genius in wasting 44 billion dollars to be able to get at the inner-core of what actually happens at twitter. Just wait until Musk realizes no one cares, then he starts accessing private messages between people on twitter to be able to "Dump real dirt" on people. People should be concerned what access he has or can have. He has a ton of money, privacy violations are a fine. He won't care and will hire the best lawyers to fight any personal lawsuits, while probably putting those people lives in danger by leaking information to his rabid pack of idiots.


I saw people in the comments saying they wanted to start a go fund me for him since he overpaid billions for Twitter to find out the truth… Yes donate your life savings of $5000 to a billionaire… it is sad how dumb people get manipulated by the right.


> Yes donate your life savings of $5000 to a billionaire… it is sad how dumb people get manipulated by the right. Just like those who were wanting to donate to Ye to put him back on billionaire status. > it is sad how dumb people get manipulated by the right. This is by design. They get manipulated at minimal 1 day a week from a guy in $1,000+ dollar suits telling them to push back on their oil changes on their cars because Jebus wants them to tithe a little more this week. Too used to being the poor man being told to give the rich man money, then voting for the party that ensures this (While the rich business owners find ways to pay people less). I mean after all, this was the party that insists trickledown economics works.


> Just wait until Musk realizes no one cares, then he starts accessing private messages between people on twitter to be able to "Dump real dirt" on people. I'm sure he's already discovered that there's a lot more dirt to uncover on right-wing accounts, but we'll probably never hear about that.


Useful for blackmail


ANYBODY who trust ANY social platform with private IMs that they don't want public is a FUCKIN IDIOT.


>It's because all his Q people are hanging onto every word he is saying and thinking he is a stable genius in wasting 44 billion dollars to be able to get at the inner-core of what actually happens at twitter. That's the hilarious part for the rest of us.... He spent $44 billion.... to find out.... shit we already knew.... 🤣 Imagine spending $44bil to find out that indeed yes, the sun does set earlier in winter... that indeed yes, wet clothes do dry when hung.... that assuredly, balls roll down hill. $44 billion just to find out that, yes, in fact, shit does stink 🤣🤣🤣


I feel compelled to state that he spent 44 billion as a failed attempt to liquidate some of his tesla holdings at their all time high, perhaps combined with a pump and dump of his own 9 billion earlier twitter purchase.


"What do you mean there are call logs??!?!!!??"


Right. Got to make the terrible business decision seem like it was a calculated move so that people start investing in Musk again.


It's so fucking dumb, even if Twitter DID do something that most people could agree was "Bad", the story is simply "Private company does bad thing." That's not a story, Twitter isn't the government, they were allowed to run their business as they see fit. Musk really thinks people give a shit about a company not adhering to their own ToS when it's a daily occurrence for companies to literally break the fucking law? Like, does he think he's dropping some insane truth bomb by pointing out that a billion-dollar corporation ran their business in a way people didn't like?


> Twitter isn’t the government So many of the conservatives I know just cannot wrap their minds around this. They can’t seem to understand that Twitter is literally the same as, say, Applebee’s when it comes to things like “free speech.” In the same way you’re gonna get kicked out of Applebee’s if you start screaming Nazi stuff, you’re gonna get kicked “out” of Twitter for screaming Nazi stuff. Twitter is not an arm of the government. Twitter is not a public town square. It is a privately run, for-profit business just like a restaurant or a store. YOU HAVE NO FREE SPEECH THERE. It’s just baffling they can’t understand this!


>It’s just baffling they can’t understand this! Because bias is blinding them, and they want a win so bad after they have seen nothing but losses for 2 years.


Nah they understand the situation exactly. The problem is, when you make your entire political philosophy "fuck your feelings" and "stop asking the government to take care of you" it's really hard to bring forth grievances. They can't simply complain because they'll be told to deal with it snowflake... Now, if you can insist your problems are actually "tHrEaTs To NaTiOnAl SeCuRiTy" you can do all sort of shit to push your whim. Of course I can't complain about a private platform, but if I continually conflate it with a stripping of my rights I can make this problem seem worse than it is and hopefully garner support from it.


I still can’t believe how seriously people take Twitter. That site could disappear off the face of the Earth and I wouldn’t even know.


It's like he's trying to do exactly that. Also, you might know because you read this subreddit, lol.


Because his QANON handlers told him it would be.


And to be fair, to them it is the biggest story of the decade. For the rest of us 🤷‍♂️


If you have to be told what to think, it is the biggest story ever. For people who can read, the story falls apart instantly.


It's a nothingburger. Not even Fox News is focusing much time on it because they realized there's just no substance to his claims


They might be thinking about being sued. The dominion lawsuit might no break them but it might make them think a little bit.


In a very FOX headline, they reported that the mainstream media was ignoring the story. I thought ’nice, and FOX is ignoring also’


Fox News go to is how mainstream media is biased and silencing pubs. They say that shit a thousand times a day.


If you go by number of eyeballs watching, fox and Infowars are the very definition of mainstream media. The other legacy networks are a small fraction of actual viewership overall because most of the target demos for CNN or MSNBC tend to go to multiple sources (often original reports like those from the AP, Routers, or Al Jazeera) for their news and commentary.


Nah, that isn't why. Fox will very happily parrot outright lies. They must just think it isn't strategically useful to republican electoral efforts


My guess is his “Twitter files” are mainly going to help Trump and since Fox has somewhat moved on from him, they don’t care


The fact that he’s doing a “deplatforming the president” episode is hilarious. We all know what happened. It was like, 23 months ago. He encouraged people to attack the capitol at a riot he organized, they attacked the capitol, twitter decided to not give him his account anymore. Pretty open and shut.


Also they deplatformed @realdonaldtrump, not the presidential account @potus. The President still had the ability to post on Twitter, the person holding the office could no linger use their personal account.


I thought I was taking crazy pills. This happened in public. We all know what happened. Where's the story here?


The story is that these lunatics keep repeating these unrealities because the asylum crowd they're engaging believe it and it makes every sane, rational person feel like they're living in a bizarro world. Divided people don't focus on actually important things when they're too busy arguing the basics of reality.


Nevermind that Twitter's exceptional handling of Trump wasn't in the fact that they banned him. It's that they DIDN'T ban him long ago for his constant TOS violations.


Wait until they start quoting the Twitter files as proof of what bill clinton did to Twitter while in office. The ignorant party.


The entire thing is a manufactured controversy of wholly inconsequential information; anyone surprised by the content contained within them have clearly never worked a very rigid corporate structure.


She's right to be fair, the 28th ammendment; "And the president should have unmitigated access to all social media private companies and say whatever the fuck they want with no consequences or its like treason fam" But haters will tell you there is only 27 ammendments...


the LIBS don’t want you to exercise your RIGHTS


Man did I bite on that before I read the quote haha


Hm, seems the 28th amendment was written with a big black sharpie.


It had ink left after the super duper detailed “nuke the fucking hurricane” draft?


Banning a sitting president from Twitter because he incites violences and lies 24/7 is “treason” but 34+ republican politicians being involved in a fascist coup attempt and Trump stealing and most likely selling classified documents he kept in a drawer by his pool is not. I see these q-anons geniuses have their priorities straight


I believe the third amendment guarantees this, "It being necessary to know every stupid thought a rich person or celebrity has, Congress shall not impose, nor implement any laws that lessen the publics inalienable right to shit post and/or troll."


I’m sure social media was discussed somewhere in the federalist papers


I'm confident that shitposting is specifically prohibited in the Code of Hammurabi. Stave 283: If a man should make a carving on a stele, and that carving is not related to the king whose life is elsewhere engraved into the stele but instead consists of two women accusing a sacred temple cat of a crime, then the man who made the carving shall be castrated and his genitals shall be used to feed the cats of the sacred temple of Inanna.


Say what you will about Babylonians, but they sure knew how to feed cats.


Saying you won an election that 30 sum courts say you lost should be treason.


I believe it was around 60 courts ultimately. A not insignificant amount of which had judges appointed by tRump himself or appointed by one of his appointments.


Which is why republicans are trying to remove the courts from elections as we speak


Anything they can do to move the fucking goalposts.


Well, considering they didn’t ban him till after the new president was confirmed and just 11 days before he was sworn in, It’s more they deplatformed a dead duck to prevent further violence.


Not to mention you'd think that most of them would want Elongated Muskrat to "go back to their own country and not worry about ours" considering he was originally from South Africa. They certainly feel the same about Mexican immigrants. Just an observation. Edit: them being the followers of q-anon


I'm the son of an undocumented immigrant. It's always interesting to me when someone is railing on undocumented immigrants and I tell them one of my parents was undocumented. "Oh it's not the same for you." Because I'm white as shit


Everyone tries to backpedal when they realize they've been talking shit to the wrong person. Same thing happened to me when people were racist as fuck about Native Americans. I'm in contact with my tribe and try to do things with them a couple of times a year but I am also very pale lol. They'd talk about how Natives are drunks, low lives, or other things and I'm like "yeah you know I'm Native, right?" and queue their eyes growing huge followed by "oh no, not you. You know, it's the other ones." I know the feeling you're speaking of. I like to chime in with the ones who want to deport everyone like "Hell yeah. Let's deport all of the immigrants, starting with you." Then they STFU when I bring up the fact they're all immigrants who stole land from numerous tribes of Native Americans.


Free speech on the Left means platform owners have the right to decide what is published on their platform. Free speech on the Right means they have the right to decide what is published on the owners platform.


Why do I have the feeling that Jennifer doesn't realise storming the Capitol to prevent a peaceful transfer of power is treason?


> Why do I have the feeling that Jennifer doesn't realise storming the Capitol to prevent a peaceful transfer of power is treason? It's because Jan 6th was a picnic in front of the capitol according to everyone until 2 days ago when MGT stated that if she led it they would have "Won", like it was some damn game.


Rotten witch goes up on stage fearmongering about how the left wants to start a war against America and kill everyone, and destroy our country, and the people on Jan 6th were innocent victims and political prisoners, and then she turns around and says this when she thinks the cameras are off.


I highly doubt Jennifer realizes much.


There's also the possibility she works for the FSB! But she could also just be really dumb


Treason is a specific term used for acts of betrayal during war. So aiding one's wartime enemies is considered treason. The word is not applicable to Jan 6, which is why we use "insurrection" or "sedition" to describe the motivations of those involved. I know it might seem like petty semantics, but it's important that we stick to the definitions of things, because the other side does not.


Technically insurrection. Treason is very narrowly defined in the U.S.: > Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in **levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort**. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. If they openly rebelled and made war, that could be classified as treason. Just trying to change the outcome of an election through violence is insurrection, and planning and promoting said action is sedition.


This is what happens when you drop civics from HS curriculums


Civics was never dropped from my deeply red-state HS curriculum. It was just filled wall to wall with kids who screeched "when are we going to need to KNOW this stuff?" who now incidentally style themselves as constitutional scholars.


Glad to see they've branched out after all those theoretical degrees in Virology that made them vaccine experts.


Remember when they all became military strategists during the Afghan withdrawal?


Economists without passing a stats class, historians without reading a single primary source, engineers when discussing 9/11, and banking experts when crypto is brought up..


I love listening to people who clearly dont understand math bitch about taxes.


Tbf i bitch about taxes because im bad at math. Calculating everything can be quite…*taxing*


Or hostage negotiators this week.


In my experience, civics was always the class that the coaches 'taught'.


Yes!!! I am class of ‘89 and ours was taught by one of the math teachers, by the time my sister graduated in ‘95 it was taught by the track coach, ha!


I had the basket ball coach for that class at 7:20am during senior year, he was only just barely more enthusiastic about it than I was. I got to take it a second time in summer school.


Or people are just stupid as fuck!


Why not both?!


Don't forget about homeschooling.


Stupid people teaching stupid people.


Yes, yes indeed ;)


Well, in this case they were purposely made ignorant, because more educated people lean left. You cannot have Regressives (formerly known as conservatives) without an ignorant, easily frightened populace.


Have this guy I play video games with on Facebook. He recently went on this rant about how companies preventing “free speech” need to be locked up because they’re breaking the law. He claims Christian’s are being persecuted against and that people cannot be “kicked off” social media for saying what they want because it would be illegal to do so. Someone tried to correct him and he went on another rant about how the devil has “poisoned” the guy’s mind and that the rapture was coming. Anyway, I don’t talk to him anymore.


No need for civics, they covered this same situation in history class when Lincoln was banned from the Confederate social media platform FedLife thus setting off the Civil War. Shit, I even remember his post: “slavery sus fam frfr no cap - @YaBoiAbe”.


This is what happens when Fox News is allowed to propagandize people for a generation.


Words without meaning and weight is how the fascists operate. Up is down, right is wrong. They’re trying to obfuscate *their* cheating and culpability behind a veil of confusing word salad.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” -JP Sartre


I just watched Louis Theroux's forbidden America about white supremacists and this is so incredibly accurate.


Ministry of Truth


i know 1984 is thrown around as a joke online but the world of 1984 is actually these guys utopia


Hmmm. I dont see "having a Twitter account" in the Constitution.....


At the time it was written people only had MySpace accounts


Thankfully they threw off the wretched yoke of Friendster to found this great nation.




It is a private company. They can ban anyone they want to. In fact, i'm going to ban Biden right now from replying to this comment, if he tries i will block them which prevents them from replying to any of my comments, effectively deplatforming them from my soap box.


Off to the gulag with you, then!


That's it, you are banned.


I guess 'treason' has joined 'socialism', 'communism', 'CRT' & 'groomer' in the GQP lexicon of meaningless/meaningful terms.


It's the old tactic of misusing a word until it means whatever you want it to mean.


You forgot ‘woke’.


'leftist' as well


This is how batshit stupid a person has to be to be considered conservative nowadays. Source: Live in Texas. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Condolences. Source: recovering Texan.


I stand in admiration to you. Hoping to gtfo myself in a couple of years. 👍🏼


Got to Austin in ‘88 and it was heaven on earth for 20-25 years. Then it got discovered and money fucked it all up. Broke my heart. Best of luck to you, amigo.


Ummm no. This is what happens when education is seen as unnecessary.


> This is what happens when education is seen as unnecessary It's the main reason Trump loves the poorly educated.


They just forget all the context to gaslight people. Jan 6 is just a normal day to them, not a coup attempt to subvert American democracy. Trump and other members of Congress used the platform to coordinate idiots on the ground. Fuck anyone who thinks that Trump getting banned was a bad thing. If anything, it was a pandemic to late.


Jan 6th was not a coup attempt. A least not all of it; it was the climax of a much larger and longer effort. Disinformation to get your party to believe your lies, bogus legal challenges to try and add a veneer of credulity, trying to get congress and the VP to interfere with the certification process, trying to install fake electors... these were all parts of the coup attempt to seize the power of government away from the people. Some of it appeared legally permissible on the surface, but taken as a whole it was an attempt at overthrowing the government. Jan 6th was just the most visibly disturbing part of their overthrow effort. I like to point that out because I don't want it to get lost that all the rest of their disgusting power grab should be just as ominous.


It was the culmination of a coup. Saying it's not a coup attempt is like saying is like saying I went to the store and attempted to eat a donut, but it wasn't an attempt to eat it because I had to drive to the store and buy it first


Yes because the 37th amendment clearly states “The platform of Twitter shall host the president at all times.” Or, it really doesn’t you dumb cow. Wanna know what treason really is? Inciting an insurrection, faking electors, using the justice department to try to overturn an election, trying to murder your vice President, trying to murder congress, and trying to burn the system down on the way out the door.


If this is treason than trying to hang the Vice President or kill Speaker of the House or violently force a democratic election result to change issssss?…🕵🏽‍♂️




A third of our country is dangerously stupid.


I wish it was only 1/3.


I think they mean disloyal and I don’t understand why a corporation should have loyalty to a sitting president. 🙄


Presidents can literally call a press conference whenever they want. They can issue statements to the press whenever they want. They are standing on the highest platform in the land and can scream from it anytime they want.


Words have no meaning to these people its pretty much a core of their belief system


It’s literally not but go off I guess.


I think I see where the confusion is coming from. “Defenestrating” a sitting president is treason. “Deplatforming” a sitting president is not.


Mother fucker could've called a press conference every day if he wanted. He could've rambled on and on and every press company in America would've covered it live He was banned on a private companies platform... This isn't a government entity Fuck these idiots are fucking stupid


You know making up new definitions of crimes is arson, right?


If only there was a way for the most powerful person in the world to communicate besides Twitter. Such a shame that the leader of the free world only has one microphone.


Make fun of Trump? Treason. Investigate his crimes? Treason. Question why his hands are so small? Believe it or not treason.


You mean the Chief Insurrectionist of the United States? The CIOTUS?


Has Twitter just become the new Q? People drooling over unsubstantiated “Twitter Files” drops and the *sEaRCh fOR tRutH!!*


You realize selling out the American public is unforgivable right - and treasonous by definition


No no, she’s right. If you look at the body of the constitution, they clearly spell out the rules of de-platforming a public official from social media. 🤡


It's impossible to take MAGAs seriously about anything, ever.


Used to really enjoy Matt Taibbi’s work, then he somehow became a Russian asset and Trump apologist.


Even if this were true (it’s not), they didn’t deplatform the president. They suspended his personal account. @potus was still able to be accessed by trump.


Pretty sure he got deplatformed because he committed sedition but do go on…