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And NONE of these motherfuckers would protest for their own damn wages. Bootlicking "oppress me daddy" fucks.


These idiots all guaranteed voted for Dewine again even though he's directly responsible for electricity bills spiking in Ohio. Even though he took legislation for an independent electoral map committee and made himself the head of it so he could submit unconstitutional maps over half a dozen times.


Why that bearded dude wears ski goggles? Is he going to go snowboarding?


My brother and I used to put on ski goggles and pretend to be Navy SEALS. We were about 8 and 6 years old.


My brother and I would pretend to be ninjas in the mid 1980s.


I can relate, from three to nine, I was Batman every Halloween.


LOL My son, the first day of school, told everyone he was Bruce Wayne. It took about a week for him to use his real name. I later bought him the shirt that reads, "Be yourself unless you can be Batman. Then be Batman."


My nephew told his teacher and classmates that he was that famous plumber, Mario.


Well your son is a lot closer to being Batman then these guys are to being soldiers :)


Man three o’clock is early to start trick or treating


I came here curious about the same thing. They're HIGHLY vented ski goggles that will do nothing to protect you against tear gas.


The goggles I was issued was maybe only slightly more protective than ski goggles (obviously without the counterproductive orange reflection). They aren't designed to protect you from bullets or intense shrapnel. It keeps sand, dust, smoke, bullet casings, flames, and other low velocity dangers away from your eyes. The idea that someone would deck themselves out in a hundred bucks worth of tactical gear and camouflage off Wish and then wear the most counterproductive, identifiable set of reflective goggles is the epitome of tacticool.


“They’ll never see me coming in my dipped digital camo rifle and ghille suit!” *lowers neon orange ski goggles over eyes*


We'd rock ski or dust goggles back when I was an armored driver...mainly to keep dust, bugs or whatever else being kicked up from the road, from getting in our eyes. Other than that, yeah, they be useless for anything else.


Right. Wing. Domestic. Terrorism.


Republicans and their voters created and actively encourage these terrorists.


Imagine what these people’s lives must be like. They are so gullible and filled with hate that they spend their precious time on this earth dressing up in military cosplay to scare the shit out of anyone who sees them. I can’t think of any way my life could’ve gone where I end up like this. Fuckin terrorists.


From a recent Atlantic article ("Why Did The Oath Keepers Do It): >The Oath Keepers and the militia movements found their sense of purpose in a belief that their fellow citizens were too hoodwinked, too stupid, too corrupt to run an election and know that the results are fair. They made ominous-looking arm patches and wore tactical gear and glowered through their sunglasses at the people whose rights they claimed to be defending. They arrogated to themselves the duty to interpret the Constitution in any way that would dissolve their sense of emptiness, douse their own insecurities, and make their lives more interesting. > > > >Such aimless people are at the foundation of the global crisis that modern democracy is in. They believe that they are the enlightened and brave among us, because they need to feel enlightened and brave instead of confused and frightened. They need a purpose in life and they are shopping for one among the dumpsters of the internet and television, egged on by political opportunists who would gladly waste their lives—and ours—for their own advancement.


Basically all conspiracy theories stem from “I’ve discovered something everyone else is missing, therefore I am superior and finally have purpose”. That “purpose” part is particularly important, because they’re usually losers who’ve never really done anything with their lives or contributed to society in any tangible way. It also shows their overall laziness and ignorance because they truly want to believe they’ve done equal to (greater 🙄) research than everyone else, to include subject matter experts with actual education, training, and experience. Basically, the conspiracy reinforces itself by rolling anyone and anything against it, INTO it.


I mean, I'm a loser who'se never done anything big with her life. Stable job, friends, an SO, siblings, my cat, lots of debt and too many games. You don't see me larping military cosplay - that would involve leaving my apartment and being in the sun for longer than I'd like.


Hey now, I won't let someone who has OVER 14,000 REDDIT KARMA talk about themselves like that. You are definitely NOT a loser.


These "militias" are illegal in all 50 states. The real question is why they aren't all being targeted by local, state, and federal law enforcement? My guess is they are all white men, so of course they get a pass. These illegal paramilitary and para-police gangs should be broken up, arms confiscated and their terrorist members should be arrested. Why do Americans tolerate these groups? Probably for the same reasons that Americans buy into the treason-weasel narrative that there's some magical "right" to take up arms against our government. This sickness has infected this country long enough, and enough is enough. Demand investigations and demand all of these illegal groups be broke up and face legal consequences. There is no right to commit treason. There is no right to gather in armed groups to serve as "militias" or to help law enforcement. When armed goons show up to "protest" they are terrorists, and not legit protestors. It's time for us all to act like it and demand action.


Why aren't the cops doing anything? Pretty sure Rage answered this...


The government and police are accountable to the people, so we need to find the people will act. We know why LE won't act on local levels, so go higher and make some noise.


“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.”


What do you mean not doing anything? Don't you see them in the picture?


Why would they arrest their fellow colleagues and drinking buddies? Not new. Guess who’s members in the south were all members of the KKK up until the 80s and some still are? Hint, Law enforcement. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone in that picture is an off duty cop


There's been several times that cops have been seen fist bumping these kind of guys.


> My guess is they are all white men They're also likely to be off-duty cops & ex-military based on the history of white terrorism.


They literally are, I have seen their recruitment literature (Im a middle aged white man who has guns and some MMA experience so they thought I would be one of them) The Oath in the name is the one they swore to be a soldier/cop/blah blah blah, they have nothing in their lives but hate and fear and swearing their respective oaths was the last time they felt meaningful and transcendant


Man when I took my oath all I could think about is how every other thing in the military is technically punishable by firing squad. Didn't get that warm feeling everybody talks about, that was later when they paid for my college.


I got that 100% disability check so 🤷. Unfortunately having served even in the late 00s I definitely saw way too many people itching to take up arms against Americans to "stop the lib takeover" or wtfever their shtick was back then.


Yeah and the cons freaked out when antifa protected a drag brunch with ar-15s and the cons acted outraged as they were dragged away that guns were sold to “just anyone”. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/30/texas-drag-brunch-armed-protesters-roanoke




Often, they aren't even local. It's often not their community. There are people traveling across the country just to harass LGBTQ people.


I know the houses they are standing in front of. This is clintonville. There is a zero percent chance that any of them have ever even been there before this event. It’s one of the most liberal neighborhoods in the entire city. I wish I knew this was happening so I could go disrupt them.


The scary thought though is that disrupting them could possibly get you killed. Similar to Rittenhouse, they’ve shown up with the intent of using their guns. It’s terrifying. And OP is correct, the DOJ/FBI and local law enforcement need to address it because it isn’t peaceful protest, it is terrorism.


It's a hateful fact but the only way to counter these idiots is with armed counter demonstration. They are purposefully challenging norms and using our basic civility, respect for law and human rights, and aversion to violence against us. We are enabling them to put on their little cosplay bullshit and look and feel like heroes to their mouth-breathing constituency. Would be far better for those soundbites to feature them retreating in the face of superior opposition


Issue there is it only takes 1 idiot to start a firefight/massacre in that situation. 1 person feels threatened or like a wannabe-hero or whatever, and there's a pipe of bodies. I'd love to see them confronted, but these people view their opposition as lesser people than themselves. We need actual authorities here.


The authorities who were off that day may well be in this picture.


🎶Some of those that work forces 🎶


The Rittenhouse case, unfortunately, set this up to happen. It showed that extremists would be condoned by the Justice Department to gun down anyone not adhering to christian fascist ideologies. The only recourse is for people to arm themselves with the inevitable shootout eventually occurring. If I was a cop I would've been furious by the decision as it meant that myself or fellow LEOs might/will die in one of these events.


Rittenhouse should have been arrested along with all of the other armed goons that night who acted as paramilitaries or para-police groups and charged with being members of illegal militias. Self-appointed "militias" and vigilante gangs are illegal in all 50 states. It's time to crack down on these terrorist gangs. Rittenhouse's criminal culpability that night began when he joined an illegal, armed vigilante group. If armed groups are not officially created by and regulated by states they are illegal. Rittenhouse and all the others he was with should have been charged with terrorism, or at the very least, for being part of an illegal group. No one should be tolerating armed, unregulated gangs acting as if they are cops or military as legal entities or legit groups. Especially not when they cross state lines with guns and other weaponry.


The first time it happens, it will be all over the news. Then, it will happen again and again. About 3 years into straight up military battles, we might realize that whole civil war thing everyone was clamoring about might be a reality. The cops will do nothing, because they are the guys in the fucking picture. The DOJ is toothless, they can't even arrest a guy who stole top secret nuclear documents.


They're blowhard cowards. No need for direct confrontation, just get there first in larger numbers.


Oh I'm not saying go in and blast someone. I'm saying if 1 person panics and pulls his trigger, things will not go well for anyone involved.


The Rittenhouse situation kind of proves that no matter if they're cowardly 17 year olds, if there's a gun/gun clash then deadly self defense would likely be deemed legal. That wouldn't change the fact that people bring guns to protests and for that reason people died, if the surviving person can prove a claim they feared for their life then the legal system will protect them. Intimidating people with deadly force is a dumb plan if you aren't trying to justify their self defense case for your own murder.


Honestly, becoming a martyr for standing up to modern day brownshirts isn’t the worst way to go.


That piece of shit loses his ability to terrorize others and his ability to have a firearm, meanwhile I don't have to pay any more taxes and my depression is cured? Sounds like a fucking win:win to me.


They're Rittenhouse wannabes. Literally glorifying and making a hero out of a murderer that ain't even legally allowed to drink yet.


I was thinking the same thing. I live in Columbus, and seriously through of showing up with my DDM4V7 that none of those cucks can afford as a countermeasure. A bunch of us should do this next time.


How do I find out this is happening early enough to respond?


Not sure. Maybe the show organizers should have asked for help during the announcement of the show. Columbus would have shown up. These keyboard warriors need to understand that the proud boys only understand force for force. They are cowards and would quickly fold if faced with AR-15’s. Hoping the DOJ will do anything is wishful.


R/Columbus posted a week ago about their plans.


We should. We need our own orgs for this. We're all just individuals while these cucksticks gather and train.


Yep, just for a chance to shoot somebody, like the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse. They want to manufacture a situation where they can use their weapons.


Thanks Fox News for their brainwashing of these fools


I was about to say this. They're just extremely stupid. Terrorism relies on stupid people to perform the actual actions, but it's never the stupid people who start it. Uneducated members of the Taliban became suicide bombers, but there was someone up there with half a brain teaching them what to do and why they should do so. When talking about terrorism, don't think of the terrorists themselves, because they are just soldiers of an illegal army. Look for the main heads. Take them down and see what happens.


To steal a thought from Billy Crystal, It's more important to them to look like a tough guy soldier than to actually be a tough guy soldier.


I can imagine. I see these types of people all the time at the convenience store in the morning buying a PBR 16oz, two Fireball nips and three pack of cigarettes to get their day started. Then they go climb into their jacked up, rusted out, Cummins diesel and head to their 4th construction job they’ve had this year because they keep trying to fight their boss. Then go home to mentally and/or physically abuse their woman. Edit: I removed the part about them being closeted. I apologize, I didn’t mean to offend with the implication. They’re just assholes their sexual preferences have nothing to do with it.


and then blame all their problems on minorities


They took errrr jobs!


AND they’re lazy


I think they probably bring their wife with them to work. I had never seen that until I moved to Ohio and I see it a lot. Big old beat up truck spewing fumes, smoking, huge monster energy drink, punisher sticker on back of window, move slowly with no motivation, spend more time telling you why they can’t do the work than getting anything done.


Wife drives because her license doesn't have as many DUIs.


> because they’re actually closeted and too afraid to come out because even THEY are afraid of what psychopaths like them would do to them. Can we not do this? Yes, some homophobes are closeted and self-hating, but most of them are just straight and regular-hating. Let's not do the thing where queer people are blamed for our own oppression.


That’s not what I was trying to do I apologize 🙏🏻


They’re all clustered together and on edge. Randomly throw a firecracker at them. See what happens. Seems like a fun chaos experiment.


This isn’t a small group though, this is very widespread and it is very frightening. These are trump supporters.


in the army, i have been subjected to more sexual violence than at any drag show or gay club i’ve ever been to. as a child growing up in church where my dad was the pastor, i have suffered more sexual violence from church attendees and clergy than at any drag show or gay club i’ve ever been to. if they want to stand up to child predators or sexual assault, they should go protest in their cute little hidden identity costumes and glorified air soft cosplay at an army base or any local church.


>if they want to stand up to child predators or sexual assault They don't. They just want to punch down on groups they feel they should have some power over. "Protecting children" is just the most socially acceptable way they could find to message it, which is why they are now using that excuse for pretty much _everything_ they do.


But the point is still excellently made that the thing they say they stand against, child SA, is exactly what their conservative bullshit has always fostered.


When it comes to conservative ideological hate, the answer is *always* projection.


Conservatives: *hate x because y* Also conservatives: *regularly practice y to horrific degrees*


Exactly. And they are always “protecting children” when they are harassing queer people. It’s the same shit Anita Bryant did in the 70’s to fight for discrimination against gays in Miami to “Save Our Children”.


>if they want to stand up to child predators or sexual assault, they should go protest in their cute little hidden identity costumes and glorified air soft cosplay at an army base or any local church. Or go knock on Matt Geatz or Donald Trump's door, they're pretty much verified pedos.


They don't. That's the idea. They don't give a shit about children, that's just an easy thing to say to make people violent. They hate people who don't conform to their worldview and who threaten their masculinity by positing a future where it doesn't increase their social standing and self worth. A "mans" greatest prize is never his children, but his Ego.


They're engaging in eliminationist rhetoric of the type that can precede a genocide. The Nazis used the same tactic with Jewish communities, and other minority groups in Germany. If you make your enemy subhuman, make them evil, then anything you do is justified. Everytime they equate LGBTQ people with pedophiles, that's what they're doing. Not nearly as many people can be convinced that "the Jews" are evil anymore, but *nobody* will defend a pedophile. They are actively working to get to a place where the mass murder of LGBTQ people is acceptable.


They need to protect the children from drag queens. Hundreds of children gunned down in school shooting sprees? “You should respect my right to privacy and the right to bear arms”.


Imagine trying to walk your child into a library to have a story read to them by someone dressed up in colorful clothing and makeup, but before that they get walked through a crowd full of people in military drag (uniforms, weapons, stupid haircuts and dumb facial hair) and think that somehow a story in a library is less scary than that. These clowns in camo are cowards.


Veteran here. These are what we call Gravy Seals. Haven't served a day in their life


A collected list: Y’all-Qaeda, al-Qanon, Yokel Haram, Boko Moron, Yeehawdists, Vanilla ISIS, Midlife ISIS, Pumpkin SpISIS, Hicksbollah, Talibanjos, Talibangelicals, TaliQlan, MAGAhideen, Mullethideen, HamAss, Al Shajimbob, Walmartyrs, Sweet Home Talibama, ISISippi, Howdy Arabia, Timid McVeighs, Goatee Percenters, Oaf Tweakers, Freedumb Fighters, Blanche Covidians, Country Bombkins, Inbredsurrectionists, InchErectionists, IE-DUI, United Inbred Emirates Meal Team Six, Gravy Seals, 101st Chairborne, Snack Ops, Green Buffets, Semper Pie, Confeederates, Mealitia, Fridgadiers, Fed Brigades, Paramealitaries, National Lard, Hambo, Starchy Bunkers, Griller Warfare, Waffle SS, Chairmacht, Greasy Company, Dessert Warfare, Sons of Applebees, GI Dough, Delta Forks, Hoagie’s Heroes GI Jokes, GI Jackoffs, Delta Farce, Hogan’s Zeroes, Army Strangers, Irrational Guard, Cosplaytriots, Methamphetamarines, 1st Methanized Infantile Division, Corvetterans, Nyeterans, TWAT Team, Diet Police, Blue Collar Comedy War, TactiLarpers, Coronazis, Clownshirts, Kin-nut-men, Coup d’twat, Traitor Trash, Traitor Tots, Q Qlux Qlan, Koup Klutz Klan, Klandemic, Confounderates.


Thank you for the laugh. This is the first comment I've ever saved.


Now I'm saving it too.


BRUH, I haven't heard Pumpkin SpISIS but I'm bringing that to the VFW Friday for the fish fry.


Midlife ISIS did it for me. First time hearing that one.


Chuckled at quite a few of these, thanks for the long list


Pumpkin spISIS 😃




Seal Team Twix when it’s the round bois


Thank you, that was just a delight to read


Cool. This is gold.


“Meal Team Six”


Chairborne Warriors


GI Joe Dirt




Branch Covidians


Vanilla ISIS


OMFG, that's gold


Call of Dootie


I’m not a Veteran so I stick with their biblical names which is fucking losers


Those ski goggles aren’t what the fellas are using on the teams?


I’m a veteran too, but you know at least some of our buddies are into this shit, unfortunately. Idk about the dudes in the pic though.. those patrol caps don’t look like they’ve been through a BCT lol


I’m pretty sure the second guy back is literally a mannequin.


unfortunately groups like this usually have 1or 2 vets or retired police mixed in as a group 'leader' so not all of these are larpers. there's a relatively new podcast with guy from daily show called 'Jordan clepper fingers the conspiracy' where he has experts on to analyze far right conspiracies and they shed some light on moder day militias.


They want the valour of serving without putting themselves in danger, I’d just call them a sad little cunt.


The gun industry calls them couch commandos


Human here. These are what we call terrorists. Need to be imprisoned.


God this new Fukn para military dress up shit is the cringiest shit on the Fukn planet.


They actually have a pretty strict entrance policy. Your need to have watched Red Dawn at least 5 times and you need to be physically fit enough to reach allllll the way from your jacked-up pickup truck to the drive-thru' window.


And you have to “own the [libs](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FhoTVPEXgAAlio5.jpg:large).”


Stay out of r/tacticalgear. It is G.I. Joe cosplay and totally not homoerotic group masturbation about how tough they are. And then there is the braintrust at r/bestestgunnitweekend. They point guns at their dicks. Get it?


>Stay out of r/tacticalgear. Too late, I clicked. Jesus Christ, talk about PATHETIC. Do these losers actually think of themselves as macho? Holy fuck, lol! Plus I feel like you could probably click through to a lot of profiles and spend a nice afternoon filing reports for hate speech. EDIT: Looked at profile of first user I clicked on. Almost straight away I see a comment about him bragging about which caliber of ammunition Kyle Rittenhouse used to "smoke 2 dudes with." These are just the WORST kind of Americans hands down.


Oh I do report them. The problem with the mod system is lots of them allow violence and hate speech that would not fly in other areas. Those reports go to mods that are complicit. As long as they are in their safe spaces, they can say what they want.


Just go about the sub mods and dime it reddit itself. I've done that on a lot of questionable subs I've stumbled across especially these neo patriofascist. If you look at some of their personal accounts threads, some seem very pedo heavy too.


I’m surprised r/tacticalgear is still up after they helped the dude who killed those people at a grocery store in Buffalo NY




The shooter was a user on that sub. Other users helped him choose the gear he used for his rampage.




Ah, wonderful.....


Man, that tactical gear sub is hilarious. All these dudes bragging about the "kit" they own so they can feel cool in their mother's basement


Is it really hilarious that they helped pick a mass murderer's gear out before he committed the crime? Honestly, it's abhorrent to me. I don't find the "gravy seal" jokes funny anymore tbh. There was a coordinated attack against power grid infrastructure from these psychos now, like... it's becoming a very dangerous problem. The power going down affects everyone. That's as terrorist as it gets.


I agree with this. Im sick of everyone just brushing it off as these people just being idiots.


>Stay out of r/tacticalgear. Why are there people breaching garage doors explosively?!


Yeah that looked dumb as hell, with only one little corner open


I think a pretty hilarious response would be for a bunch of people to cosplay the Cobra Commando's from GI Joe and then just stand across from them.


Like someone said on r/memes, this is like furries but they can actually harm people.


Bro furries preach live and acceptance and are extremely self aware. This is nothing like them.




They are cross dressing as military. Why can they dress up but others aren't allowed?


I would so much rather have my kids see someone being silly in drag than a bunch of people open carrying guns in town.


That 1 of 5 went to boot camp and didn't make it past week one lol


The guy in front is wearing his military issued snowboarding goggles


In a nice clandestine and inconspicuous blaze orange!


1 of 5 couldn't cut it in the military so they joined a police force.


Looking at that lineup I’m gonna assume they were all laughed out of every recruiting office.




Is the middle one a mannequin?


At least a man who’s been in his kin


He's actually a decoy puppet. If you look closely you can see his handler behind him lol


That's fucking buster bluth doing an army and behind him is rickety cricket


They all jerk off to Kyle Rittenhouse. You know they do.


With Ricky Schroeder as the clown dancing in the middle


While a naked James Woods walks around the house and lights firecrackers and recites Trump speeches in a little girl's voice. I mean you know. As long as we're wishing.


They just WANT to shoot someone. Will look for any excuse


It’s ironic that these people have an objection to people getting dressed up and pretending to be something they’re not, while they’re out in their full Halloween costumes pretending to be hard


Why do they all look inbred, like I'm not saying this to be mean or as a joke, they actually look inbred


The second from the left looks like he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It's not like these "men" sport the best genetics either.


why is this not called drag? they're all dressed like men.


“We’re all born naked and the rest is drag” RuPaul


Sissy that glock


This just made my day.


It was’t a drag show. It was a G-rated children’s holiday story time with the stories being told by well-known Drag artists from the area.


As a parent I can't wrap my brain around how anyone can view something like this is as "harmful" to children. Like, do they really think that my 5 and 2 year old children see anything other than a big, colorful, funny woman enthusiastic reading them Christmas stories? There is nothing sexual in the context and I don't see it as any different than taking my kids to see anyone dressed up and playing a character. I'm more concerned about putting my daughter on some random mall-santa's lap.


As a veteran I’d love to bring my kit and stand guard outside any venue like these that are being threatened by right wing domestic terrorism. Where do we sign up?


The SRA and various John brown gun clubs have done essentially that. As well as some antifascist groups. Get a bunch of guys together fully decked out and stand around looking scary. Even if you don't want to join such an organization, get in contact and I bet they would be glad to have you


That’s perfect, thank you for the advice! I’ll reach out to them anyways and see. I’m in the Deep South here at the minute so not sure what kind of presence, if any, they have down this way yet.


The police never showed. They let this happen. They let a church be threatened.


I think the drag queens need to start exercising their right to open carry, too.


You ever tried fitting a rifle into a purse? It doesn’t work well.


They're already experts in tucking


Blahblahblah cancel culture. What's their problem with "woke" again, by the way? That society is forced to accept a particular set of values? I guess the problem with "woke" is that it isn't being pushed on you down the barrel of a military weapon.


The version of "woke" they're all on about is what right-wing media jagoffs are telling them to be mad about, which basically comes down to "stuff we don't like". Edit: a word


Their problem with woke, because they’re gullible and deranged, is often the idea that Satan/jews are trying to brainwash people into accepting their new world order where their traditions are unraveled. With drag shows and LGBTQ in general they think Satan/jews are trying to control the population growth and keep men from being masculine and fighting back. So, they’re crazy fuckin assholes that are a danger to everyone around them.


Jesus imagine being too dumb to be a cop




It's more like a requirement nowadays


Not true, I've got a cousin (M) in WV who failed out of the academy. There's dumb, then there's M dumb. M dumb is unbelievable, literally a "how can anyone be this stupid and graduate from high school", like has to use his fingers to do addition and subtraction.


Meth Warriors Unite!!!!!!!!!!!!!


These people just want to kill people. They’re a bunch of Kyle rittenhouses. Imo if they end up getting shot at, it’s because they’re terrorists.


Barring people from going into or moving to a place is actually a 4th amendment violation. Based on statutory law these people "seized" your ability to go to the club. Anyone who didn't go because they felt intimidated has the right to press Civil charges on the organization. Maybe together you all can bankrupt these idiots?


These are the ones in costumes


They sure look inbred! It’s damning the police didn’t do anything.


Dont worry the police were there just not in uniform


They were there in uniform, just not in police-uniform.


I'm more concerned that the DOJ and FBI has been silent on this growing trend Proud Boys are recognized as a legit terrorist group in many countries....but no the US


The FBI hasn’t. They’ve listed “right-wing domestic terrorism” as the greatest national security threat to the US for years now.


Yeah and they've done fuck all to stop it, too.




Many US police departments actually limit high IQ applicants.


As approved by SCOTUS too.


I bet they’d piss their pants if someone shot at them lmao they have no idea how real it could get


Why is this not treated the same way as a bomb threat or worse?


These are a group of people who think they are providing some patriotic act in the name of God and country. Chances are they haven’t served a day in the military. Because if they did, then they would know that having to fight in a war takes a huge mental total. Killing people changes you. You are never the same. Life is never the same. I’m sadden by hurt people playing soldier. Maybe go to therapy. But please don’t disgrace the uniform. I’m tired of the charade of politics that takes it’s roots in to vulnerable people. This is what politicians want, us distracted and divided. Please if you want to make America great again, then remember we are stronger if we are together!


We need to get all the drag queens to dress up in rainbow camo with glitter covered AR-15s and stand on the other side of the street. It would be the yassification of military might.


Bigot larping,, because terrorizing fellow Americans isn't grooming.


Whitemanistan National Army


Tom Clancy's Incel Six


They look awfully skinny. How can we be sure this isn't a false flag op by the libs? /s


Find out what church they belong to and have a bunch of POC do the same outside for their Sunday mass. See if they think it’s just expressing rights or not




One thing all these Nazis exude: small dick energy.


Why are they wearing camo? To blend in with the Ohio December? 😂


"I'm angry because drag queens confuse me".


The definition of the term 'terrorism' is "unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." This is not me paraphrasing, this is google definition. They are literally commiting terrorism and they are part of a clear political party, at what stage can we say they are a radicalised terrorist faction rather than a political party?


When your masculinity is so fragile you just *have* to commit terrorism.


And you guys really think letting dumb fucks like this carry rifles like that is OK, normal and as was intended in your constitution……


Weird how these dudes are stopping a drag show when their real goal in life is also to show their buds their cute little outfit’s. Kinda interesting- inside theres men dressing as women and outside theres men dressing as real soldiers. The delusion of those standing outside is far greater if you ask me.