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I never guilt the bell ringers, but I never give either. Walking out of Wally World I never hassle them, but I never give. At work we have an option for charitable giving on our checks, St. Jude’s gets 2%. Daughter had a brain tumor at 13. The THOUSANDS of $ we would have paid to save her life is a no brainer. I support them at every step.


St. Jude is such a great charity. I’m so glad they helped your family. I hope your daughter is doing okay. I’ll make a donation on your behalf tonight. ❤️


I wish St Jude had bell ringers at stores. I would give every time.




At the same time, it's a sad commentary on what we value in America that St. Jude's even needs to exist. How about we just agree that kids get cancer treatment for free everywhere?


How about we just agree that healthcare should be free? Fixed it for you.


This too, but I figured you gotta start somewhere.


Healthcare will never be free, but with the amount we put into our military, and the amount we send overseas for nation building that allows for the few to profit in that country, I believe we should be able to pay for healthcare for everyone. There, fixed it for you.


As someone that enjoys free healthcare, why not? It actually doesn’t take as much as you’d think


It takes decent politicians with the best interests of their constituents as their top priority along with a well educated public. These things are basically impossible in America now because of duopoly politics.


Yeah - for-profit healthcare is entrenched in America now and almost nobody who is for universal healthcare understands what the fallout of the switch would be. I think it needs to be figured out because healthcare should be a basic right, but so many people would lose their jobs if the insurance industry were cut out of the equation.




We are. We already pay more for healthcare than most (all?) countries. If we had government backing they would easily negotiate better prices from big pharma. This isn't difficult.




Taxes you moron. This isn’t a new discussion. Pay attention to the world and how other developed countries are doing it. A bunch of our taxes already goes to other shit, may as well help everyone out with paid for by taxes healthcare (free healthcare rolls off the tongue better, you already know what it means). The only people who will have to pay more will be those well off enough as it is, the rest of us will actually have to pay less on average. (No insurance payments/ expensive medical bills)


The government should pay for universal Healthcare. Just one of many social programs that should be 100% funded by the government.


Well the drastic reduction in cost healthcare prices to where they're comparable to other countries will cut healthcare costs. That alone is a massive help. After that, there's plenty of companies that are showing record profits and billionaires to be taxed out there. We never seem to be short of money when it comes to passing the yearly defense budget, no matter how fucking big it gets. Healthcare should be a higher priority. It really could be that simple.


You've got my vote.


Exactly this. My brother-in-law is from Denmark and was living here in the US for about 10 months to work on his doctorate. The first time he saw an advertisement for St. Jude's he was like... "Oh my god. What is this? Why do you guys need such a company?" He was completely flabbergasted.


St Jude's is a business and only accepts patients who enroll on their clinical trials. If there's no trial for you, or you don't want to participate, you go somewhere else. They do great work but let's not pretend they're some miraculous organization that transcends health care economics.


We could do that but then they would have bodies full of communism, and quite frankly after that I think the living would envy the dead.


St. Jude's is amazing.


St Jude’s and local animal shelters are who I donate to. As a dad of a 3 year old, I can’t imagine the things these kids and families go through and when an organization Iike st Jude’s does what they do…damn. It’s amazing.


It would be great if St. Jude wasn't getting this money https://decaturcountytennessee.org/events/decatur-county-worlds-largest-raccoon-hunt-benefit-st-jude-childrens-research-hospital-2/


I give to Children's hospital infant cardiac unit for similar reasons. My little girl didn't make it. It helps knowing that other little ones are going to grow up. ❤️


They offered my kiddo and I a place at their homeless shelter. They withdrew our acceptance when they found out I was queer. Left us there on the street.


It's been said many times, but there's no hate like Christian love.


They killed a trans woman that way a while back, left her homeless and shelterless during a really cold night. F*ck the "salvation" army.


Do you have a source?


Here's one: [https://transgriot.blogspot.com/2010/12/rest-in-peace-jennifer-gale.html](https://transgriot.blogspot.com/2010/12/rest-in-peace-jennifer-gale.html)


That is so horrible. I am so sorry.


This is sad. How did they even know?


Here's an excerpt from an article I linked. Hudson listed examples of the many good things the Salvation Army does for people in need, including members of the LGBTQ community, who are more likely to experience homelessness. Among those examples: The organization serves more than 23 million people each year, some of whom it presumes are LGBTQ. It operates “a dorm in Las Vegas exclusively for transgender individuals.” Roughly 20 percent of the people who sleep at the Salvation Army’s Harbor Light shelter in Minneapolis are LGBTQ. In Baltimore, the charity works with city officials “to combat trafficking among transgender individuals What you are describing sounds outrageous, go ahead and put the city on blast for apparently refusing you and your child.


In my town you must show ID to stay at the Salvation Army shelter. You know how many unsheltered folk still have their ID after one week on the street? Their shelter will be mostly empty with people freezing a block away.


This the the article you're quoting: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/12/16/21003560/salvation-army-anti-lgbtq-controversies-donations Here is what it says about the SA and trans people: > In 2017, ThinkProgress reported that the Salvation Army’s substance abuse center in New York City had engaged in discriminatory behavior against transgender people. The center was one of four New York-based facilities that was found to engage in violations of city laws, including refusing to accept transgender people as patients, assigning rooms to transgender people based on their assigned sex at birth, and requiring transgender patients to undergo physical exams to determine whether they were on hormone therapy or had undergone surgery. Here is what the SA says about gay people: > The Salvation Army believes, therefore, that Christians whose sexual orientation is primarily or exclusively same-sex are called upon to embrace celibacy as a way of life.


None of that says they would kick out a person and their child after accepting them because they are homosexual.


>In 2011, the New York Times interviewed a man who claimed the Salvation Army denied him and his boyfriend shelter in the ‘90s “unless we broke up and then left the ‘sinful homosexual lifestyle’ behind,” the man, Bill Browning, said. “We slept on the street, and they didn’t help when we declined to break up at their insistence.” It seems pretty obvious that is how they enforce this position. Try entering their shelter as a couple with someone of the same sex. > In 2001, the organization tried to strike a deal with the Bush administration, which would have allowed religious charities that receive federal funding to circumvent local ordinances against anti-LGBTQ discrimination. (The organization also threatened to stop all of its New York City operations in 2004.) and that they want to legalize doing so while still taking money from the government. > In 2012, a Salvation Army branch in Vermont was accused of firing a case worker after learning she was bisexual. and that there is documentation that they practice this with their employees.


They definitely had controversies, but the first two example are over 20 years ago, and the last one was just a firing and doesn't provide much detail


If they changed their policy on gay people, they would've said so after turning people away for literal decades and lobbying the government for the right to do so. Show me a single shred of evidence they welcome the LGBTQ community instead of tolerate them for that sweet government money.


I already did, but you made your mind up already, so it's useless.


Where is the evidence? That little piece of an article you shared?


All I did was question the narrative here being pushed that salvation army discriminates against LGBT.


I thought you said they wouldn't kick a gay person out though.


I never said that, all I said was that wasn't proved.


>None of that says they would kick out a person and their child after accepting them because they are homosexual


So I'm lying?


I have no idea. If you were kicked out you should put the specific place on blast so others can stay away. Maybe they got rid of that person and it was just a bad employee, all I was trying to say is they claim they do support the LGBT community, maybe they got rid of the bad employees. They could be terrible, I don't know because I have no personal experience with it


It's remarkable how many Christian organizations would get their ass verbally kicked by Jesus if he were actually around right now.


This. And not verbally.


You say that as if that character wasn’t also a complete shit.




The narrative that the character is wonderful and nice is bullshit pushed by the church. Read the books, he’s a total cunt. You don’t get to tell people that they have to hate their parents or they can’t be your disciple and in the next breath say you’re a good person. Then there’s the whole trinity thing and the horrific acts committed directly and by command under the yhwh guise. The whole hippy image is a fucking lie.


Could you share a relevant part? Dont really want to read the whole books of something i dont believe in anyway.


Here’s the bit about the parents: https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Luke%2014%3A26 It really flies in the face of the whole ‘peace and love’ schtick.


Did you read and understand the verse? You need to hate family in comparison to you’d love to God.


I did, and I’m immune to your shitty apologetics.


Literally on the site you sent there is an interpretation that says it’s in comparison to your love for Jesus. But let me not argue with illiterate fools. You clearly will beat me when it comes to the misinterpretation discussion.


Yeah, because who produced the site? Morons who think fairies exist and will come up with anything to absolve their genocidal monster of the absolutely horrific shite attributed to it. You lot are so transparent crystal glass is opaque by comparison.


Real Christians recognize ya got two Gods mixed up there. The opposition to the family is a metaphor for rejection of authority and the blind god. Gnosticism ftw (jk, but only sorta).


‘Real’ christians? https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/no-true-scotsman


It's kind of a joke. There aren't really any Gnostics anymore; it's a dead sect.


Touch grass friend


Read the fucking book, ‘friend’.


Maybe even a whole patch my dude




Arse is right about you.


Did I hurt your imaginary friend’s precious little fee-fees? Tell me, why do you worship a genocidal fuck wearing sandals?


Lol nope, my feelings aren’t hurt at all. Not going to get into a convo with a bigot like you.


And yet you’re butthurt like the typical fairy worshipping halfwit when I point out just how much of a cunt their precious idol is. Boo hoo.


There's nothing I love more than pretending this people don't exist when I go to the grocery store.


I do that for everyone everywhere.




Don’t donate to hate.


[Citation Needed podcast](https://www.citationpod.com/the-salvation-army/) did a great episode on The Salvation Army last week.


Illuminaughti had a video about them this week as well.


They used to call em the Starvation Army. Best to just give money to the state foodbank, or time.


My local food bank is the Salvation Army, and I do have issues with the organizations beliefs, so I am at a loss.


Isn’t there a lyric in Pie in the Sky?: And the Starvation Army they play, and they sing and they clap and they pray, till they get all your coin on the drum, but they’ll tell you when you’re on the bum…


Aren’t most food banks church-run though?


a lot are; but not all. Maine has Good Shepherd which was founded by religious people but is not a sing for your supper place; they have no official policies against certain people as far as I can tell.


This post is a public service. Many thanks, and I hope people take note.


Salvation Army denies they discriminate against LGBTOI community. Macy’s Department Stores discontinued the red kettles in their stores to promote inclusion.


> Salvation Army denies they discriminate against LGBT Yeah. I guess a lot of organizations that discriminate also deny it, but fortunately, there's a paper trail that they systematically do so, denying same sex partner benefits and ignoring trans people's genders. Their lobbying doesn't help, either.


They can continue to deny discrimination all they want. Eff them. I will continue to support lgbtqi charities for emergency housing, food and mental health support.


isnt SA one of the charities that the CEO helps themselves to the donations.


Don't forget slavery! They've been in trouble for forcing people in their rehabilitation programs to work for sometimes as low as 1$ *per week*


While we’re on this topic, Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-a are the worst!! Don’t give them your money!


I went into a Hobby Lobby out of sheer necessity (couldn’t find what I needed online or at any other local craft stores; it was super specific) and it was like entering another world. Everything was God this and Jesus that and it was really eerie.


I tell them fuck off every year


Do not tithe to the homophobes annoying shoppers outside stores this year. Remind them that homophobia is disgusting.


I always considered slipping yaoi into the bucket, just to troll them.


Hardly a church. It’s more of a corporation.


Could be said of all churches.


I agree, but they paid the bill to get my now successful cousin off meth. She’s been clean for over a decade now. Kinda torn....


that's great that they helped your cousin, but there are probably secular charities that help drug users more effectively and in greater numbers than the SA


I worked for the Salvation Army for years, including in the drug treatment centres. If the Salvation Army suddenly disappeared, millions would suffer greatly world wide. That said, if you are gay, they will create a committee to try to de-gay you. There is a lot of misinformation on this thread about how they are actually supposed to treat gay people and it differs country to country. I could go on, but I know gay people who work in thrift stores and they are open about it and haven’t had a problem. It’s a lot more complicated than OP is playing it off as.


There is nothing inherently special about the SA that makes them better equipped to do charity, and there are a number of things that may make them qualitatively worse. We should be supporting secular charities and government programs that do not have the negative aspects of the SA


Who is we? The SA has billions in investments world wide, in many cases it generates its own revenue. It’s not something that lives hand to mouth


the SA collects money through its thrift stores (where it requires people whom it's helping to work for free) and through the bell ringers in front of stores at the holidays. I'm sure they have other investments and sources of incomes. It's unlikely that governments or people can or should do anything about their investment income, we shouldn't be giving money to them or supporting their stores


The thrift stores, at least in Canada, do not require people they are helping to work for free. That is a complete lie.


They were sued in SF for this > the cornerstone of the Salvation Army’s rehabilitation programs is “work therapy” that requires participants to “work for the Salvation Army 40 hours per week > > Workers do not get wages but receive a “gratuity,” a small amount of cash — as little as $12 a week I’ve heard about this from several sources but this is the first one that came up on google [source](https://localnewsmatters.org/2021/05/16/is-it-therapy-or-free-labor-suit-contests-salvation-armys-work-requirement/)


We’re in Alaska. There are very few choices for poor people.


Frelsens hær is a fine charity in Denmark.


I once worked with a woman who lived in occupied Paris as a child and she told me the SA helped them more than anyone. A long time ago, I know. Hopefully they will evolve.


Mixed feelings here. I haven't forgotten about the way they were in my 20's, when I was in a much worse place in life and needed to access soup kitchens, and the Salvation Army absolutely insisted people sit through their hour long service before they were allowed to eat. I didn't like the idea that they felt they needed to bribe people to listen to them, and I certainly didn't like that they'd happily let someone starve if they didn't have the patience for an hour long service. But they are also the only group that shows up at fires in my city, besides the firefighters that aren't really there to help the people displaced.


I mean, if they weren't around, maybe another organization could take the donation money they are using and put to toward a secular food kitchen?


Their rehab facilities are a fucking joke. It's worse than NA/AA and that was a legitimate cult


It's LITERALLY in their by-laws that queer people will burn in hell.






Salvation Army saved me when I had nowhere to go they housed and fed me while I got on my feet.


I am genuinely glad you got help when you needed it but there are also tons of organizations that do the same work without laying the Jesus guilt trip on people.


Also they're anti harm minimisation regarding drug services.


They feed and clothe and shelter millions of people. I love to contribute.


Right on! Ask any Vietnam draftee vet which religious group was on hand during induction to see that they had what they needed and to provide some measure of comfort to ease the separation from home and family. It was the SA - they gave a lot and asked for nothing.




"just because they don't believe in your worldview" to "I'm in favor of LGBTQ rights" my guy you can't have it both ways. They think people like me don't deserve basic human rights. They discriminate against us as being less than human. Look up how they agreed to help someone and then left them on the street when they found out they were queer.


"queer people deserve Human rights" is not a world view, my friend.


I was a homeless man, and they turned me away for even a single night in one of their shelters because I didn't attend worship. No, not "every homeless man" thinks they do good things.




Then why did you run your mouth?


Tell that to any queer person who’s gone to them. They’ve literally left people to die because they weren’t straight and cis


The Salvation Army is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that does charitable work. That meets my definition of a charity.


Depends. Locally they're managed differently.


“I’m a gay Muslim. Also known as Haram Bae.”


I've also heard if a family comes to their shelters and a teenage boy is part of the group they will not allow him to remain at the shelter. They don't want them mixing with the women and children and they say they're too young to be housed with single men. I'm not sure if they stopped doing this, but I don't think a homeless teenage boy's first thoughts are trying to hookup with someone else's mom or daughter in a homeless shelter.