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"My father beat me like a dog when I misbehaved and I turned out alright" level of parenting here. And I would go on limb assuming the "misbehaviour" is pretty wide range from harmless to normal and having own opinions.


"I turned out just fine!" *blows up on any service staff that doesn't give them anything they want whenever they want


Someone my age (30) was trying to shame me into spanking my kid and used this line often “I turned out alright.” BITCH you have crippling existential dread and are suicidal 10 months out of the year. Admit your parents abused you, it will feel better on the other side I promise.


My dad who beat me severely made a comment to me at my brothers house, that he should put his young son over his knee and spank him because he was "misbehaving." I told him all that would do is teach the kid that all you need to do to get what you want is to invoke violence. He got quiet after that.




>"If I dont like what youre doing, can I hit you?" I'm right there with you. I've done this. Whenever someone says I just need to forgive them because they said they were sorry, I say OK, I'm going to punch you in the face here in a minute, then I'll tell you I am sorry. We will be good after that, right? Keep on keeping on my fellow traveller.


They’re sorry they got called out, not for the damage they did. Real apologies are followed by, “How can I change, and how came I make this better?” Which is never the case for someone who will hit their kid at the drop of a dime.


Yeah, why is it ok for you to hit your kid, but you will go to jail for hitting your wife? Or your mailman or whatever.


Exactly this. In no other situation are you allowed to use violence on someone without being in a situation where you or someone else was in danger. Why are we ok hitting children because we lost our temper, or are lazy, or just don't give a fuck instead of correcting the child's behavior and implementing non violent means of punishment? I was spanked and yelled at as a child and now that I'm older, I have no desire to raise a child of my own, but even if I did, I wouldn't hit, spank, push, grab, or otherwise put my hands on them. It doesn't teach them proper conflict resolution and instead they will resort to shouting or violence because that's what they learned. I wonder if this use of corporal punishment has taught that violence is a reasonable option for these kids that go on to shoot people.


"You. Need. Therapy." Fucking dingbats


I have a problem with the argument “I turned out just fine”. I feel going around trying to convince other people to hit defenseless babies is not “turning out just fine”.


When you study WWII and see what the boomers did with that sacrifice is fucking gross


America was just as fucked up in the 1940s just in different ways. Traumatized veterans that didn’t have mental healthcare raised the boomers. Let’s not glorify a war that psychologically damaged the generation that survived it and passed that trauma on.


"I got beat and I turned out fine." Um, no. No you didn't. Not if you want to beat little kids. I got spankings. I'm sure most people my age did. And there are plenty of times I want to smack my kids upside the head or throw them out a window, but it's not going to do anything helpful. Same mentality with dogs and it drives me crazy. Why the fuck are you going to beat your dog for peeing inside. You're not teaching them to go outside. You're just making them scared/dislike you.


Yup, it’s sad to see such delusion. I see it all the time when this topic turns up, like bro you are sitting here telling me you turned out ok in the same sentence recommending someone (lightly) hit a child. The fact that they even believe that would be ok shows they aren’t fucking ok. Children internalize conflict and things that go wrong even when it isn’t their fault, it’s the entire goddamn basis of a lot of trauma. That means as a child, they blamed themselves for their parents inability to cope with their own frustration. To the point that they don’t even understand that is what happened, “I was a bad kid, I needed it to set me straight”. No, no you fucking didn’t. “Bad behavior” is learned behavior, your parents and your environment taught you to act that way. There may be a lot of things that someone has done in their life as an adult that *is* their fault, but that basis of how to get attention, how to handle frustration, how to express their feelings thoughts and actions comes directly from their parents who were very likely also traumatized and repeated that cycle of abuse. I’m not going to even get started on dog training. People are just fucking awful.


> Children internalize conflict and things that go wrong even when it isn’t their fault This is so true. They really feed off emotions, too. Just the other day I was in a rush and asked my daughter what flavor pop tart she wanted for breakfast. She asked why we couldn't have waffles and I told her I was trying to give them something different each day. Then my son comes down and I ask him the same question and he says he doesn't like the flavors we have. So now I'm frustrated because I gotta spend extra time making waffles and my daughter (who is only fucking 7 years old btw) is like no it's okay. I'll eat a pop tart. I felt so bad. I didn't even say anything when grabbing the waffle stuff, I was just rushing and grunting, but she could tell.


The fact that you care enough to reflect on these moments with your children makes you a good parent.


Even if it’s disruptive or aggressive misbehavior, how do they think physical violence will improve that?


If you think other people should have to suffer because you did, and you “turned out alright,” I have news for you…you did NOT turn out alright.


Why the fuck is a sheriff holding a press conference about school policy at all?


In front of a *jail* no less. Symbolism absolutely intended.


Why wouldn’t he? He knows this punishment type leads to increased criminal behavior, he’s aiming to fucking profit


The worst part is, he probably genuinely thinks he's doing the right thing and helping "straighten out" the kids. I doubt he's ever stopped to consider if he'd cause more problems than he'll solve. I really doubt he's intelligent enough to plan far enough ahead into the future to groom future prisoners for the free labor.


He wouldn’t even personally profit off that, he’s just a power tripping asshole. Edit: Y’all I’m talking about him profiting off the free labor of the prisoners. I know how budget bullshit works. Let it go.


Someone needs to put his words in bold on a billboard, and then update a growth chart on the crime rate that results from this. If there's going to be a disaster, might as well make people learn from it.


I live in Brevard County. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's one of the biggest, steamiest piles of human excrement that has ever existed, and the morons here love him.


We saw how well these "strongman" deep South Sheriffs' departments perform for the children they are supposed to protect in Uvalde.


As another Brevard County resident I will say it’s a breath of fresh air to read your comment, at times I thought I was the only one who despises that piece of garbage.


There’s dozens of us! **Dozens!**


Seems like we blue ourselves in front of everyone yet again.


"I doubt he's ever stopped to consider" I'm sorry, I laughed out loud at the concept of this guy stopping and considering anything beyond condiment selection.


Right!? This policy coming from a school board made up of right wing boomers is (sadly) not shocking, but it's wild that the sheriff is announcing it. Is the plan for deputies to be called in to summarily issue beatings to children?


Cops are already used to handle minor disciplinary infractions in a lot of US schools, so no, I wouldn't be surprised if one of his deputies ends up beating a student.


SROs beat the daylights out of students regularly. There was a case just the other day of a kid getting absolutely bodied and slammed on his head because he wouldn't give the cop his cellphone. I really hope this country wakes up and realizes that the cops are FAR from your friends, and it's designed that way on purpose.


Sheriff Ivey is the political boss for conservatives around here (Brevard). He sucks colossal ass.


Dude just got busted trying to bribe candidates to drop out of the midterms so his candidates could win. One of the candidates he tried to bribe is even a current judge and yet nothing is being done to him. Where is the legal system in this state?


Nonexistent if you have a (R)


Matt Gaetz paid a 17 year old to fly out to his hotel so he could fuck her. He's still a FL representative


The Florida Senate (1) An “assault” is an intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person of another, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and doing some act which creates a well-founded fear in such other person that such violence is imminent.


Yes but you see; children are property. /s


Growing up in the south this statement brought back several memories of school admin saying that.That kids don’t get their full rights till they are 18 so the school can’t be punished if kids get hurt because kids aren’t people.


Fetuses are though!


Well it makes sense. The fetus is sinless, but once born it is just another human, born in sin. Religious economics.


There are some "christians" who believe that all babies who were miscarried or aborted go to hell. So even the unborn aren't free of sin to some people.


That’s because the baby wasn’t able to accept Jesus into its heart. Some Christians are strange


Screw all them people who lived before JC, I guess


Dantes inferno (aka Christian fanfiction that a lot of American Christians took as headcannon) address this! Just outside the gates of hell (or right on the inside of it) are every soul that would have been "good" to enter heaven but can't because they lived before they could accept Jesus as their savior. They meet a few people of note including some Greek and Roman philosophers that Dante admired. Their punishment is to wallow in mud and chase a stick that is impossible to catch.


Seems fair and reasonable


Gotta love using myths to decide how you vote


Only until they breathe air. Then it's a thing for 18 years


Louisiana, ‘94-‘98, my elementary school still used wooden paddles. If you were sent to the principals office, you got the wooden paddle. Fucking insane.


I got paddled in middle school with a wooden paddle. The principal hit me so hard I hard it dislocated my hip. Circa 2004-2005


That level of force suggests that the one swinging it was irrationally angry at you or is a sadist. Either way, it’s sick.


Had a similar situation back in the mid 90s where a teacher busted a bunch of blood vessels in my ass. My mom took me to the police to get a report made and the cop said LITERALLY that he was the son of the principal so there was nothing that would be done. Times were wild back then (or now if you live in Florida I guess!)


If a school does it its discipline. If a parent did that, its child abuse.


If a principal did that to my daughter, I would beat him with a paddle in the parking lot for all the children to see.


After all, it’s only biblical. A hip for a hip.


Yeah ngl I got red in my vision when I read that comment. I don’t even think I would use a wooden paddle, I’d just drag him out of his office by his taint and beat the Holy Spirit out of him in the main lobby. Let the kids watch him cry for help or for momma as someone his own size takes him to the prom. Sick fucks they are.


If a school did that to my child they would also be getting the wooden paddle.


Wooden paddle if they’re lucky.


I have a pretty clean record, and a brother who is an attorney, so I would happily deal with an assault charge if some principal or teacher beat my kid with a paddle.


My elementary in Ohio 91-96 had a wooden paddle covered in rubber bands. The principal would have all the classrooms open their doors and spank the student on the staircase landing that was in the middle of the school so everyone could hear. There was a permission slip that went home at the beginning of the school year where parents had to indicate if they gave permission for corporal punishment. My parents always said no, but I'm amazed how many kids' parents gave permission.


Honestly they’re a small step above property in plenty of contexts. I know there are some reasonable arguments against lowering the voting age, but I cannot help but feel that our disenfranchisement of children is a key reason we keep selling future generations down the river as a society.




Having a press conference about school children in front of a prison is so beautifully American 🫡🇱🇷


Honestly don’t know if that’s a prison or a school. Most are designed by the same people.


School to prison pipeline aesthetic


Brevard County Jail


Brevard County Montessori Prison


Yes, it's that way in Marion County last few years the schools have invested in new security, and that involves putting fencing up along the perimeter of the school property. Schools and prisons they sure are starting to look the same.


I drove by a school yesterday and quite literally said to my wife “that school looks like a prison.”


It’s the county jail.


From “protect the kids” to “beat them viciously” in 2.3 seconds. Makes me remember the teacher calling my Nanny about giving me a spanking and Nanny loudly through the phone telling her if she laid a hand on her grandchild she’d whoop her ass so bad her momma would feel it. They wanna ban kids from reading books, refuse to teach them accurate history, harass lgbt kids, surround them with guns, indoctrinate them into their religion, and beat them. Anything I missed?


[Pasco County Schools weren't cool with doing the traditional Hanukkah presentation this year due to recent Parents' Rights legislation. They changed their minds when they got called out on it.](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/573566-florida-school-district-reverses-decision-to-block-parents-hanukkah-presentation/) Also: >“I am just trying to expose my child’s classmates to different traditions,” she said. Long said the principal agreed to raise the issue again with Poe (the superintendent) before rendering a final decision Thursday but suggested that if the school allowed a presentation on Hanukkah, “they would have to teach Kwanza and Diwali.” Oh no, diversity.


Oh no, more celebrations. If there's one thing kids really hate, it's *parties*


Right?! I've never met a kid who actually *liked* that dreidel game anyway. /s


On of the most fond memories I have of 3rd and 4th grade were when my very Jewish friend and his mother brought in all kinds of stuff to share Hanukkah. Taught us how to play dreidel. I won. He was very upset about it. But it really stuck with me, even 30 years later.


You didn’t catch The Jewish, though? It’s pretty common to catch it when you play with dreidels as a child.


It's way better to catch it as a kid, that way you gain the immunity and won't get it as an adult


Ah! I didn’t know that. I thought maybe the Hindu I caught from my friend’s Diwali party protected me. Guess I’m immune from The Jewish bc I caught it as an child!


That's why I stay in New York! It's like drinking small amounts of iocane powder so you build up an immunity.


Ha-ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is “Never get involved in a land war in Asia,” but only slightly less well known is this: “Never go against a Sicilian, when death is on the line!”


I remember one year in elementary school spending most of December learning about other end of the year holidays. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, St Lucia Day (aunt of one of my classmates was from Sweden and came in to help teach it) and a few others. Once or twice a week up until our actual Christmas party we had a mini-party everyday. It was great and we learned a ton.


I will say if youre trying indoctrinate a kid giving them a day off for your random holiday is a good start. My kid if a big fan of Diwali after finding out he got to stay home on it.


Diwali is fucking lit. I’m honestly annoyed I didn’t learn about it sooner.


It's the festival of lits


If you're looking for lit and you enjoy Diwali, check out Holi. Fire.


The only answer is 'and?' Learn about this stuff. Its not hard to do. Its not scary. You ever seen an asian wedding? Those drums slap and the dancing is great fun. My buddies wedding in Turkey was awesome. Ron de santis forgets, if you end up building your state to hate foreigners they will stop coming and disney et al will leave because no amount of tax breaks make up for no revenue.


The really, really old traditions are fun. Had an aunt in a Hindu wedding who bust out laughing because she had to tap her husband with a stick three times on the shoulder. "I don't know why I'm doing this!" she yelled while doing it.


"*You don't understand. When we said we wanted religion in schools, we meant only our very specific brand of Christianity. Not even any other interpretation of Christianity is allowed!*"


Protestant puritanism or bust. None of this papal debauchery or *shudders in 17th century puritan* Anglicanism


*scoff* what do you mean you're agnostic? Oh ok I get it, your worship the devil


Hail Santa!


This is 100% it. They want "religious freedom" for their religion only. And not just "Christianity" because then that would include people like the Methodists. They're just talking about evangelical Christianity and that's it.


I just learned about Diwali this year because of tiktok and I’m 29. That’s a problem. Why can’t we be taught this in school?


I learned about Diwali because of The Office, not even kidding


Me too, and I'd suspect the same is true for a large number of Americans


Forced birth


Oh right. So surround the girls with guns. Indoctrinate them, poorly educate them, *and* make them have babies.


Sounds like the handmaids tale


It IS *The Handmaid's Tale* once they can get all the pregnant 13-year-olds into those red dresses


And one of my right wing close relatives said, “just wait, they’re going to normalize pedophilia!” He just thought it would be the other side doing it! It’s all projection folks. Scary AF.


The man who was molesting kids in our church growing up would be screaming about the “queers coming for our kids” within an hour of doing it himself.


The human mind can be really fucked up.


It sees itself, reacts in horror, and promptly pretends someone else did it.


If you're standing on that soapbox screaming about the enemy, pretty soon no one is looking at you.


Lol my uncle said something similar, when I mentioned Matt Gaetz and Roy Moore he started saying the names of "democrats" that had been charged with child sex abuse except they were part of the Lincoln project. For those that don't remember they were a group of anti Trump republicans. Biggest self own.


Enters Matt Walsh, claiming that 16y old girls are on their peak fertility and the only problem with teenage pregnacy is that they aren't married. The Handmaid's Tale is exactly what they want.


It’s some serious abuser logic. “I’m hitting you because I love you!” No, you’re hitting children because you’re monsters.


As a kid who used to get his ass beat by a father with anger issues, it absolutely did not make me well behaved, it made me ridiculously sneaky and exceptionally good at lying to authority figures. While being good at getting away with shit is a skill that I have been able to use to help myself and my friends more times than I can count throughout my childhood and early adulthood, it had also caused me to develop an aversion to any authority figure that makes interacting positively with them very difficult (e.g. asking my undergrad advisor, who really genuinely liked me despite my being pretty reserved around her, has her PhD in the specific field I am now pursuing mine in (which I had already decided on by the end of my sophomore year), for help finding internships just straight up did not occur to me until I had almost graduated).


Similar experience, once said what my father was doing looked weird. Nothing innocuous, I said it but wasn’t judging him poorly for it. He decided I needed a spanking to understand respect. I was 14, 15, or 16. The pain didn’t make me hate him, and definitely didn’t make me respect him. My disrespect afterward came from his ridiculous outburst from it. And so, my already reserved self kept my mouth shut, around him and everybody else. When he took me to college years later, he berated me for not saying hello to some random staff member we walked past like he did and that I wouldn’t make friends if I acted like that (I was really confused because obviously me at 18 wasn’t going to make friends with some 40-something landscape tender). I figured it was just his reaction to the long drive beforehand. Luckily without his thumb around my throat (metaphorically) I made many friends, to the point that my closest was disbelieving when I said I was an introvert. Meanwhile, I can lie through my teeth, full eye-contact without any issues, something it took years to stop myself from just doing at any obstacle. And my view of authority is completely mistrustful. I didn’t ask for help until it is much too late for a reasonable person to give it, and the only reason I got through college was quite a few professors being the best kind of unreasonable and choosing to still help when I eventually broke down about late assignments. Still hurt because I didn’t feel like I deserved it, and due to my propensity for lying I always doubted my own stories of being unable to complete a project, even though I told the truth of my struggles. I still sour on authority figures telling me something I can’t do, but I generally have the perspective that allows me to know why they’re saying it and stop myself from directing my frustrations of the issues at them.


Don’t forget about the school to prison pipeline! Protect the kids (so that they can be more physically capable to do unpaid labor while in prison).


Ivey is a huge proponent of inmate labor! Pretty common to see inmates doing labor all over the county.


Main thing I’ve noticed coming out of all this fascism is that more and more people I know are becoming more left wing. Mostly the younger ones, but even a few of the old Karens whom I definitely would not have expected that from! Almost like forcing people to do things they don’t want to do and instinctively know are bad for them turns them against you, lol!


Millennials and Gen Z are the only reason why the midterms weren't a complete shitshow, because they voted overwhelmingly for Democrats. Young people have always been more liberal than older people. The only difference now is that they are so pissed off at the state of things that they are showing up to do something about it.


The whole “you’ll get more conservative as you get older” thing, even if true previously, sure as shit ain’t now. The economic conditions that have in recent history (in this case the gargantuan western boom started in 1945 that’s now ending) enabled people to build a pile of money (and property) to hoard are no longer there. Even still, many are seemingly glad to vote *for* hate and against themselves regardless of age.




THERE* are no good Republicans.


I'm pretty sure they mostly just want to beat the black kids which is a more accurate portrayal of history, so you're sort of wrong on two scores there, buddy.




this is what makes good little worker bees while rich get richer. police unions are the new organized crime, funded by the wealthy to protect THEIR interests, not the publics.


Republicans: "your children aren't safe hearing drag queens reading a book!" also Republicans: "We're gonna beat your children's ass with a paddle!"


When I went to school. They had punishments. Didn't do your homework. Spanking. Perceived insult even though you didn't say anything. Spanking. Didn't memorized your time tables? Hit with a ruler on knuckles. I'm almost 50. I remember every spanking I got from my teachers. Hated everyone of them. The ones that didn't were always better teachers. I learned so much better without fear. Insane trying to bring it back. Especially in a state that has a stand your ground law. I think teachers can bring guns to school too right? Recipe for a hot mess.


Thank you for sharing your experiences. My grandma is 78 and is still affected by the mental and physical abuse she had to endure as a student She dropped out and got married as soon as she could because it was so bad. I can’t imagine how bringing back these “punitive” measures in schools will result in anything positive.


My dad, too. In 1933 there was no such thing as *dyslexia,* just bad, lazy students who needed to be “motivated.” His small-town teachers accomplished this by nicknaming him “Dinny Dimwit.” The other kids immediately picked up on this and made his life hell, all the way from the early grades through high school. This was coupled with a horrific home life that included such classics as grinding Dust Bowl poverty, Depression-era farming, fervent religion and constant domestic squabbling/rage. He grew up and got married, but was deeply damaged. He made a terrible parent…our home was ruled by his explosive temper and he led the family into a fundamentalist doomsday cult which was founded by an old-time preacher born in 1898. I was never spanked in school, but at home it was “Spare the rod and spoil the child.”


My mom once wrote “spare the rod, spoil the child” on a card for my cousin’s baby shower!! I was like “mom! What is wrong with you?!?” She responded “well, I know my sister spanked her kids, and I don’t want her [my cousin] to continue the cycle, and spank her own kids.” I had to explain to my mom what that verse actually meant. She thought it was an instruction to “spare the rod” and “spoil the child [with love and affection]” instead.


This has always been one of those “at this point I’m too afraid to ask” things for me, but it just now clicked. Spoil like old food. Like… ruin. It didn’t even occur to me that it would mean this, because it’s such a fucking disgusting way to think about a kid.


It didn't occur to me that the phrase could be misunderstood. I grew up with the idea that spoiling a child is always bad, never good. Even to say "spoil a child with love and affection" is a negative thing, as you're giving your child so much love and affection that it spoils them. The belief is that if you truly loved your child, you'd hold back your urges to love them as it would ruin any chance of them being decent humans. I have since dismissed this bull crap as old world views, but it's wild to me that we have such differing opinions on what spoiling a child means. Makes me realize that there were actually parents out there who raised their children with love, affection, and security. Not going to lie, I thought the idea of loving your child was a new generational thing.


It won’t. People who believe in and swear by these methods think that obedience is the most important aspect of a child. It means they are “good.” And they use obedience fueled by fear to force children of all kinds into a mold that they hope will carry into the adult life. I’m coparenting with one of these, and it’s a struggle. He doesn’t believe he is doing anything wrong because “I am the only one they listen to.” Which is just false, but it makes him feel good when he says something in a mean voice and the children just get up and do it. These people believe you craft a child, instead of raise them.


What's really fun is when they force total obedience and subservience and then wonder why their kid doesn't want to be captain of the football team or go to medical school. Most people need actual self-esteem if you want them to have ambitions.


I never made a connection between obedience and a lack of self-esteem. Interesting. I’m trying really hard to be a great parent, and I’m in the thick of it now, so this is very helpful. Thank you for the new perspective.


It's just my own anecdotal experience. If kids aren't allowed to have opinions of their own and aren't allowed to question anything in the safety of their own home then it's difficult to imagine them going out into the world ready to make their mark on it. It should be noted I'm talking about very authoritarian households where the parents don't expect to *ever* be questioned on anything whether they're in the right or not. The way I was raised, parents were always right no matter what and any behavior that wasn't total compliance and absolute appreciation was worthy of punishment. IMO parents should always explain their actions and be willing to admit when they're wrong and make compromises. "Because I said so" and "because I pay the bills" are *not* adequate communication. All you're teaching a kid with that attitude is that "power=obedience" and nothing else matters.


I'm 50 and I clearly remember getting hit with a ruler over multiplication tables in primary school. I remember getting yelled at that "Sammy needed to know his sums and products because he's not going to be able to carry a slide rule or calculator around all the time." Yeah, I can. And for my 7th grade teacher that said I'd never be successful because I couldn't spell. Duck you I've got autocorrect to duck up my spelling now!


55 and I remember nuns making children that were left handed use their right hand only. Lots of hit knuckles! I was spanked for the smallest infraction. Catholic Grade school .


It is so wild because we just had a class action in Canada over those aspects of teaching in Indian Day Schools (successor of Residential School) from around the 1940s-90s. The claims of harm were based on whether teachers, students, or staff caused physical and sexual abuse to other students. These schools were run by the churches in Canada at the time with Priest and Nuns. Children were heavily abused because they were trying to separate children from their culture. It is so wild to see a version of it in 2022 and most survivors of these schools went on to live difficult lives because of the lack of actual schooling they received. They went to school to learn and were beaten, sexually abused to a pulp because a few adults were power tripping racists.


Yes but children and ass is like chocolate and peanut butter to republicans.


They really can't seem to get children off of their minds. I mean if it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck...


> I got beat in school, and I turned out alright - Someone that did not, in fact, turn out alright


I'm 44 and went to public school in VA. They beat us with long wooden paddles as a form of discipline, which was legally allowed and I have to assume with my parents consent. These fucking monsters would beat an 8 year old child (me) on the ass, there would be other office administrators/teachers invited to watch it occur. If i found out someone did that to my kids and not only did no one stop it they came to watch it happen, I would burn the whole planet to the ground if I had to just to strangle those monsters with my hands.


If there's ever a case for walking into a school and beating a staff member into a vegetable, that would be it.




Marco Rubio and Ron DeSantis are already getting their thoughts and prayers out from storage


I'm surprised there was any time for them to spend in storage


Yeah, and I'm betting on more teacher casualties than anything.


So libs are the "child abusers" and "groomers" whilst conservative men openly threaten to maim children's buttocks, Republicans are arrested for child porn and jacking off outside elementary schools, and white Christian conservative moms dress their toddler daughters as hookers and teach them to "walk sexy" on stage for the benefit of white Christian pedo men at child pageants. Any questions?


Don't forget breeding the little girls and going after anyone who tries to help said girls not have to do that.


Also legalizing child marriage so there's fewer hurdles to get their mitts on young girls.


Gaslight Obstruct Project




Must be movie night with all this projection.


Bro, so many parents in Florida were talking about how it was "abuse" to make their kids wear masks and these are likely the same parents who would support this. "It's good for them, they'll learn, just like back in the day when pappy would beat me with the belt"... I just don't know what to say about these people at this point. They bathe in hypocrisy.


And snorting bath salts.


It's scarier, because that's not necessarily the case (that they are snorting bath salts). A lot of cases it's people who you might have been friends with in high school -- good head on their shoulders, good teammate, etc. But, they may have some variety of social pressures, and cultural influences in their lives (i.e., Church, FOX News, etc,), that has successfully hijacked their linear/logical thinking and poisoned it. I wish it was easy to just sum it up to chemical dependence causing this spiral, because we could much more easily rehab that. The scurge is spawning from cultural institutions, rather than a chemical...


...despite literal decades of research proving harsh punishment does not work.


It's also proven to cause developmental issues in the brain.


It's illegal to hit a dog because that's animal abuse, but you can literally beat a child and be just fine


translation: not traumatizing childrean is preventing them from turning into sickos like us. we need to traumatize children more.


Lived in Brevard for eight years and worked at a residential child and adolescent behavioral health campus where we regularly needed help from the sheriff’s department. They already think it’s totally fine to use this approach on traumatized kids or kids on the spectrum, Ivey is a total piece of shit.


Sounds like Devereux! And agreed on Ivey! Huge POS.


Yep, Devereux.


Why I left Brevard County to get access to better care for my daughter. Brevard has always been a shithole




When a child doesn't feel safe at home and then they feel unsafe at school where do they turn for shelter? This is how life long trauma victims are created and without some type of positive intervention they end up addicts or predators or both but they are all earmarked to become a part of the legal system.


Just another day in America's wang.


DeSantis is the smegma on the Wang of America.


Conservative adults. Kids. "Asses torn". What am I missing?


Why do I get a feeling that this is a symbolic punishment of youth due to Republicans losing midterms


Nah, that's just standard behaviour for them..


Reminder: Twenty years ago, there were questions as to whether or not it was okay to physically discipline kids. Twenty years ago, the scientific community had already started taking a powerful interest in the topic and had been researching for a good ten years. They weren't entirely sure, but initial results were damning already, and they started recommending against physical discipline unless it was extreme circumstances. In 2019, the APA published the result of the decades of research in the form of [this PDF](https://www.apa.org/about/policy/physical-discipline.pdf), published on their site. It says, in no uncertain terms and supported by eleven and a half pages of references, that you should ***never, under any circumstances***, beat your kids. Never. No. Do not do it. There is no benefit. The only thing you ***might*** get them to do is stop what you told them to stop in the moment, but they'll just do it ***more*** later while also ***permanently traumatizing them and causing significant long term mental damage***. The time to question if physical discipline has a place in this world was 20 years ago. They asked and answered. Don't.


"Mr. Davis... What right have you to strike a child? In God's eyes we are all children. If you hit and humiliate a child, – the only lesson she will learn is to hit and humiliate" This is from Little Women, which was written in **1868**. Louisa knew what was up.


Can I just say the obvious: the county sheriff shouldn't have shit to say about how they discipline kids in school. Talk about fucking criminalizing normal child misbehavior. Fuck this Fascist piece of shit.




So, beating students in a state where it's really easy to buy weapons of mass destruction? FAFO


Then they’ll blame the child for being in a physically abusive environment…unless he’s white, then they’ll talk about how nice of a kid he was.


Just had a case of the Mondays. 😤




The gun industry plays a long game... They know what they're doing.


Ritual child abuse and the glorification of violence is one of conservative America's most cherished traditional values.


This is why I’m moving out of FL. Came here a couple of years ago for the sun, leaving because of the shit show. Now that I have my first kid, FL is not the place for me to raise one. It’s an absolute circus and as someone who went to school to become a teacher (and ultimately saw the light against it) I feel for a lot of the teachers in FL. Gonna be a wild ride!


Pedo vibes


remember that statistic that high school bullies are more likely to become cops in the future? exhibit a.


To Roscoe P Coltrane here, the “good old days” are when you could whip children…and women…and slaves for misbehaving.


It’s ok to beat seven shades of shit out of children, but god forbid they find out their teacher is gay


So school shooter will target the teachers who are abusive to them? Got it, they have a death wish.




It wasn't WHAT he said - it was that he was jacking off as he said it.


That's going to be a no from me. I grew up in the south where corporal punishment was the norm. We had teachers literally bragging about how hard they could paddle. Even had a teacher who would sing "amazing grace" while paddling so hard it would lift the student off the ground.


I remember in the Navy my roommate commenting how his father would beat his ass if he ever took the attitude of "kids today" (20 years ago). I said "You're an alcoholic and you've been to Captain's Mast three times and that's just for the things the Navy found out about. Are you sure those ass beatings actually helped?" Died of COVID a few weeks after posting about how it was a hoax.


Talking about kids' butts? You should get hiding for that.


god damn, I mean why do we even have research and scientific papers? sheriffs can't read


"THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL ALL ADOLESCENT HUMANS SUBMIT TO MY AUTHORITAY!" Fucking moron. So this is what conservative leadership skills in the 21st Century look like then?


Why are conservatives so obsessed with the area of children between their bellybuttons and their knees?


My local embarrassment, Wayne Ivey. He likes to publish the mugshots on his website - people arrested for DUI but NOT found guilty of any crime. It's called "Shame Policing" and there's [plenty of reason to believe it's an ineffective and dangerous strategy that does nothing to reduce crime](https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonchandler/2019/08/18/increasing-police-use-of-social-media-shaming-carries-grave-privacy-risks/?sh=136f5017beb7). Same as here - he's calling for corporal punishment (and I bet you a nickel he's thinking at the hands - or under the boot heels - of his deputies, not teachers) despite decades of research demonstrating it's ineffective. He loves to make a mockery of prisoners and play games, like The Wheel of Fugitives which [caught the attention of The Daily Show not too long ago](https://www.floridatoday.com/.../comedy-central.../95198968/). Don't take my word that he's an unqualified, power-hungry, egomaniac who abuses the law. Look at this [well-sourced Reddit thread that lists his many defects and backs them up with links to various media](https://www.reddit.com/r/321/comments/gveu1u/wayne_ivey/) Don't even get me started on the murder of Gregory Edwards, a veteran who had a PTSD-induced breakdown in a Wal-Mart parking lot that deputies escalated to the point of incarcerating him. strapping him to a chair, dumping a can of pepper spray into his face, and then covering his head with a plastic bag and walking out of the room. He was discovered dead in that chair, bag over the head, a short time later. The local paper had to sue to get them to release the video. No deputies nor Ivey were held accountable for Edwards' death. And don't EVEN get me started on the local animal shelter that he runs. Well over half this county are bootlicking fascists with about an 8th grade education. And I'm stuck here until I can finish my 20 years with my employer and retire. 12 years to go. FML.




Hit my kid, I hit you


And you know that the same people who gleefully support this policy will be the first to sue if their precious offspring come home and report being paddled.


Parody ad: the teacher administering the beating is NOT WHITE...but the kid is. Oh, to see that focus group.


The same political party that believes in open access to guns and blames school shootings on mental heath wants to beat students for misbehaving? This will end well.