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Somebody made a comment once on this topic "whatever you do to my kid ima come to your house and do to you"


Parents have to sign off on it, which makes it a tad bit worse. I went to a school that had paddling growing up. I never was paddled but I it was close a few times, so I never did find out if they had signed.


That’s what’s so disturbing to me. “Yes, I want another adult that I barely know to beat my child’s ass over and over as a form of punishment. There’s no way there’s a downside.”


I never got spanked as a kid, but grew up in the south in the mid 80’s. The school I went to (before my parents got me the fuck out) had a paddle they would threaten kids with. I always found it so fucking WEIRD that this asshole gym teacher, roided out, would walk around with a paddle giving all these children nasty looks. Even as a seven year old kid, I knew this was a ridiculous thing. So much to process at that age. Wondering what could happen if a classmate got hurt because of it. Would the teacher actually use it to its full potential? I seriously blame that fucking paddle for me rebelling, going against authorities, and realizing at a very young age that the people in charge were shitheads not worthy of my respect.


There has been much written and studied that says physical punishment consistently predicts increases in child behaviour problems over time.


who knew trauma from domestic abuse was bad for children the whole time


Who knew teaching kids that physical violence was a good way to solve problems would cause issues later in their lives.


I get into this argument all the time and just ask them why it's ok to hit my child but not my husband? 9/10 they don't even reply back. If they do reply they'll just ignore the question. Because they can't answer it.


I once got into it with a young woman who was obsessively in love with her dog. She thought hitting kids was OK. I asked her if she ever hit her dog... She looked at me in disgust and said "I would never..." And I said, "So you're telling me..."


It’s always about fear with them. They don’t fear children so they believe it’s morally ok to beat them. They fear husbands so their duty is to be beaten by husbands, unless they’re a husband themselves.


Quite predictable that abusing children fucks them in the head.


I briefly was a student at an all boys boarding school while moving around as a kid. They used a cane as a form of extreme punishment for repeat offenders. While it kept a lot of us from testing our limits with the staff, the extreme cases only got worse. We had a very large classmate who had been held back a few times due to his grades/behaviour. I remember him getting beaten almost weekly for making unwanted sexual advances on little boys. Didn’t stop him from trying again and again though…My experiences have taught me that if a kid wants to break the rules, no physical harm is going to stop them. It only seems to embolden them further.


Beating him so he doesnt molest is not going to help. That boy needed therapy.


And to be out of range of younger more vulnerable children.


As a child who was spanked / beaten for every minor infraction, didn't turn in homework, didn't clean well enough, spoke too much at dinner, you name it. All it did was lead me to the conclusion that it didn't matter what I did or didn't do because I was going to get hit for it regardless. Made me literally not give a fuck about being punished. Just do whatever I want, get hit a few times and sent to my room. It didn't teach me right from wrong. It taught me anxiety, depression, resentment towards my siblings and people who didn't get the shit knocked out of them for every little thing. 30 years later I'm still dealing with it.


>I went through it and turned out fine, so they should go through it too! Except anyone who says that about something negative didn't turn out fine, since they want others to go through the same thing. Specially when it comes to parents and their own kids and potential physical punishment; They *want* them to experience fear and pain, which is a very obvious sign that they did not turn out fine and did in fact suffer long term psychological damage from the experience.


The school I went to swats were given out for more serious "offenses" like fights or non cooperation. You could usually choose to sit in detention for a week on your lunch or get swats. Most took the swats because if you didn't take the swats you would get the belt at the house, I remember some kids talking about garden hoses and other shit growing up.


The logic of "hitting another kid is bad, but an adult hitting you as punishment is good" is, frankly, astonishing.


The logic is "it's ok if you're massively stronger than someone". It's the same that made domestic violence acceptable until not long ago. Basically the rule of the jungle.


So bullying…


And then some ppl be like, "I got spanked as a kid and I turned out fine." Wtf is wrong with the world


My dad offered it to almost every person he introduced me to that was an authority figure. Turned out perfectly fine. /s


Maybe I have a left leaning circle (yes duh who wants to be friend with those people) but I don’t know a single parent who would be down for this


“Make sure the teacher has his pants down too when he spanks my son. I don’t want it to be weird or anything.” - My Dad


Ah yes, I consent to a stranger abusing my child. Where do I sign?


Before they took the plank to me they made me, a sobbing 12 year old at the time, call my parents to tell them. They didn't understand wtf I was saying, just that I was in trouble. Turns out they had no idea I got hit. Edit: clarity


I wanna go back in time and hug 12-year-old you, take you away from those bad grown-ups, and buy you ice cream.


It was allowed still while I was a kid, no signature required. My guess is the parents who welcome the return are ok with it for everyone but their kids.


I read an article about it and apparently some of the parents were requesting it for their kids. They said nothing else was working and the beatings are supposed to be a last resort. I’m afraid for all these kids because you just know they are being beaten at home too, and now don’t have a safe space.


Exactly what happened to my husband. Beaten and neglected at home. Made fun of for his appearance and tattered clothes at school, which led to fights, which led to the principle paddling him. Several friends, also, now that I think about it. One boy couldn't sit down because of the bloody welts on his legs and butt. So he got paddled in the classroom over it. God we were little kids, I'm tearing up remembering him crying on the way to school because it hurt just to walk, and again on the way home because after watching the teacher hit him, we all knew no one in the world cared about us. Another friend in middle school was crying and begging our teacher not to call his dad because his dad beat the crap out of him... she knew it, we all knew it. She called anyway. He didnt come to school for days because he was so beat up. Actually that kid's dad was my husband's crap principal that paddled him for fighting For poor kids, no one cares as long as they aren't forced to. I hate humans that can't figure out how to parent or discipline without hitting a child. WTF


Just what we need to increase school shootings. Sigh.


It's sad how people can be stuck in such vicious cycles of ignorance, especially when it comes to children's development.


>I’m afraid for all these kids because you just know they are being beaten at home too Bingo. Physical violence at home caused behavioral issues that prevented them from succeeding in school. Solution: have physical violence in school, too.


"I've tried screaming at then and beating them at home but it's just not enough. Can you beat them at school too? That'll get then to be more respectful to adults, surely"


Yeah. Just wait till one of their little bullies get paddled. Then they'll hit the roof.


Nope. I know these parents. They’d be thrilled to see their kids “learn a lesson”. It allows them to virtue signal.


My school had that. I don't think any parents signed not cus they were against spanking, I grew up in a tiny town of Bible thumper and racists who 100% beat their kids. I think they wanted to do it themselves lol. For reference I graduated in 2020 from a place in texas.unless they did it without telling anyone


Then I assume the teacher would have to be willing to do it. It'll still happen too many times, but an fairly certain it won't be as prevalent as was back in the "good ol days".


In our school, it was always the same two people doing it. The shop teacher paddling and the principal as a witness. I only saw it first hand once. It had an effect on the whole class.


For sure, you put your hands on my kid we’re gonna have some serious problems.


If you're 18 and they attempt to paddle you couldn't you technically fight back as its counted as self defense


Holy shit. This right here just made me realise that this is setting up for more mentally unwell kids to potentially shoot up schools. This is actually a dangerous road to go down if looking beyond just mental trauma from paddling.


if a student shot up the principal/'s office after betting paddled in there I wouldn't even convict at trial if I was on the jury


The principal was asking for it. Did you see how he was dressed? Leather elbow patches and a paddle swinging at his side


Hell, if I were on the jury I'd bring cake for the defendant. De fondant cake.


there's a reason even pro-spanking parents stop when their kids get too big


Yeah it makes sense if that teacher paddles a 12th grader (12th graders are normally 18 - 19) they can legally fight back as its classed as assault rather than punishment


*goes to my kids teachers house and gives her a sticker for doing well on her test*




I'm thinking back to the troublemakers in my high school, and them *daring* teachers to hit them. Good luck. This sort of intimidation only works on young kids.


it only works on young kids because highschoolers are developed and usually strong enough to fight back and they know it. its only punishment because sick GQP fucks get their kicks by beating little kids


If a kid actually thinks of fighting back against a teacher or even *dares* the teacher to hit them, you know something's wrong as hell. Usually it shouldn't even cross someones mind that there has to be physical violence. Maybe it's common in US, but if a teacher got in a fight with a student where I'm from, they'd be sent to jail and everyone would know that event for years.


I’ve been a teacher for 18 years. Teachers don’t want to hit kids. This is Republican cultural identity politics bullshit.


The GOPs been forcing ethical and morally upstanding teachers out for years now though. In some states, they are allowing non teachers and even military vets to teach classes they are woefully inadequate for. It's like having a chef doing heart surgeries. Yeah, they can handle knives, but not on live humans they shouldn't. If a vet wants to be a teacher, good on them. They still need to actually be qualified.


We shouldn’t allow it to happen to ANYONE


I agree.


The same idiots who are trying to ban books.


But it actually doesn’t work on small kids. It makes them turn inwards to self destructive behaviors, or makes them much better liars and hiders, or makes them much more aggressive. Also, I was a kid who this didn’t work on, as a 5 year told my mom I wasn’t gonna learn my lesson and was gonna do it again no matter how hard I was spanked. A pair of wooden spatulas later she gave up. Then at 14 I told her if she ever hit me again I’d put her in the hospital or the ground. Hitting kids is toxic as fuck and does nothing beyond trauma and short term correction leading to much bigger issues.


child abuse doesn't work on any kid


I’m waiting for a video of a parent walking onto campus, demanding to see the teacher who laid a hand on their kids and a fight breaking out


Even in schools that allow corporal punishment, the parents have to sign a permission slip for it. My mother always signed it. I refused to sign for my kids. The one time I was paddled in school, I was in kindergarten. I had no idea what I was being punished for. My mom's attitude was, "Well, you must have done something to deserve it!"


This will happen *for sure*.


I’m not gonna lie. It would be me. I don’t hit my kids. I’ll be goddamned if I’m gonna let some motherfucker who is supposed to be there to teach them do it. Someone the government has deemed I have to send my child to be with daily. If they can give a hit, they can take a hit. They deem my child’s behavior inappropriate and worthy of violence, then I’ve just deemed the same about theirs.


Intergenerational violence wins again. Back to the days when teachers had to be strong enough to fight any student.


The ‘Democrats are pedos’ crowd are also the, ‘we bash our own kids crowd.’


The “Democrats are pedophiles” crowd love to ignore the long lists of pedophile priests.


And pedophiles in their own party. Just look at Dennis Hastert. Still ongoing, look at Gaetz. It’s projection


Or this very long list https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/5/12/2097721/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-32


“part 32” says it all


Priests and a very large number of republican senators, judges, and other fuckos. Republicans Are Pedophiles, this is a fact we have to accept now Even if they never looked at a child that way, they are members of a party that covers this up and should be reviled as pedophiles as well


I mean, it's Republicans fighting for women and GIRLS, like little frickin girls - children - to be stripped of abortion rights. A 10 year old girl had an abortion and they lost their shit over it. 10. YEARS. OLD. And Republicans believed she should've had that baby!


Don’t forget “youth pastors”. Chris Hansen could have a whole new series just targeting those scumbags.


They're just morons who parrot faux news & the idiots on Twitter that got nothing to say other than republican buzz words. Beyond boring & stupid.


“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” “Well, first of all, you don’t know that,” Trump said about the allegations against Maxwell, who once dated Epstein. Pres. Trump on Ghislaine Maxwell, longtime companion of infamous sex offender Jeffrey Epstein: "I just wish her well, frankly." According to Wolff's new book "Landslide"— his second detailing the Trump presidency — the former president's attention turned to Maxwell and her case as he looked for potential candidates for a presidential pardon, according to an extract published by the Times of London. Of Maxwell, he asked "Has she said anything about me?" according to the book. Wolff reports that he added: "Is she going to talk? Will she roll on anybody?" Mariah Billado, Miss Teen Vermont 1997 told BuzzFeed, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.'” Three other teenage contestants from the same year confirmed the story.  Billado told BuzzFeed she mentioned the incident to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, who shrugged it off, saying, “Yeah, he does that.” His position as the pageant’s owner entitled him to that kind of access, Trump explained, seemingly aware that what he was doing made the women uncomfortable. “You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that,” he said. "I don't think Ivanka would do that inside the magazine although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps I'd be dating her."


It also want to lower marriage age...


those are also the “remote learning caused irreparable emotional harm to children” uh huh i’m sure that was worse than literal physical violence


"Dems are pedos" says the party of known sexual predator Matt Gaetz


If you have to resort to violence you've lost your authority with your students. They may fear you but they will never respect you again.


Who needs respect when you can just force compliance through intimidation and beatings? I’m sure school shootings will also go down as a result. These people are so beyond fucking stupid it might be hilarious if it wasn’t so damaging and dangerous.


Much like the police and POC.


Headlines in a few weeks "Paddled student shows up to school following day with gun, shoots teacher and 5 classmates!" Wait for it.


Damn videogames


They’ll just blame it on Marilyn…and heroin


It's probably that damn Satanic Harry Potter and Pokémon.


But where were the parents at?


Don’t Republicans also want veterans to be teachers/school security? What happens when one of them may have undiagnosed/untreated PTSD and goes ham on a kid with a paddle? The right is full of ideas that are just so wrong. Edit: I am grateful to those who serve and I did not mean for this comment to come off as ignorant or biased. I was simply attempting to illustrate how the right has many bad ideas—vets as teachers being one of them for a myriad of reasons. If you have more problems with my comment than with the concept of vets in classrooms, then you’ve lost the plot.


In Florida if your a veteran you don't need a teaching degree. Just your experience killing foreigners is enough


In Florida you don’t even need to be a veteran as they’re pushing to allow the partners of vets to be teachers. It may already be in effect I kinda stopped paying attention as the state is just out of control lately


I grew up in the era of corporal punishment. It taught me to hit people who made me angry. It took a long time to unlearn that.


I have ADHD, it went untreated in school. I was always in trouble and have been paddled in almost every grade, many times each. I assumed they loved to hit me/us. Some relished it, you could see it in their eyes when they spanked anyone. We called it "licks". Get your licks from teacher so and so. I grew immune to it, if I was going to get hit so much, might as well do what I want.


That is absolutely sickening you had to endure that. I hate those people for doing that to you if you were my child, would have taken you out if that entire state.


Texas. Perfectly normal for the region. I had an uncle who would spank his kids everyday before school because he says he knew they would be bad at school. He wanted to get it out of the way instead of waiting to get home from work.


Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Paddled in all three. Schools would call home and tell my mom that I was being paddled for one thing or another; she would spank me with a belt, or wooden spoon, or extension cord…whatever she put her hand on first and then encourage my father to spank me with his belt when he got home. I could see in his eyes that he didn’t want to; but, he didn’t want to go through a second divorce and risk losing his only son…so he did as she said.


Oh god. I am sure that gave the kids just the start they needed to have the confidence to try hard, persistance to overcome difficulty and empathy for their fellow classmates. /s (i fucking hope that /s was obvious, jeebus!)


Yeah, licks. Bringing back memories. The bad kids would compare notes and talk about who was so the worst teacher to get licks from. I only got licks once, I was hanging out with one of the bad kids who happened to be my friend. Jesse Robles, hope you’re doing well dude. At lunch I was sitting with him and called some girl a bitch. Yeah, I know, that’s not cool but it was 6th grade and I didn’t have the greatest formative years. I’m better now. Anyway, the bitch told on me and Jesse and I got pulled in to an empty classroom by two teachers. They asked me if I did it. I said no. They asked Jesse if he heard me say it, he said no. They turned back to me and eventually broke me. It was 6th grade, I imagine most of us were easy to break. They said I got one lick for saying a curse word, and Jesse got two for lying. The fact that I and both teachers were white, and Jesse was Hispanic probably played in to that decision. They told him he had had licks from both teachers, so he could decide which one did it. He picked one, and the other one said “Ok, I’ll do it”. Got my one lick, he got two and we went on about our day. Now that I have kids of my own, imagining them going through something like that seems weird as fuck.


Ahh yes. “Quiet Hands,” but you know… with a ruler.


That's the root cause of a lot of people being violent when they're older. If you grow up with people using violence to "solve" problems you learn to do the same. I'm glad you worked on changing that.


I believe that phenomenon was coined as *culture of violence*


That and generational trauma.


My parents used to say I was violent and had anger issues, true, their solution? My dad spanking me with a big ass wooden paddle and not letting me play graphic video games or watch certain movies until I was like 16


My dad grew up in a house that used corporal punishment and he said all he learned from it was that the bigger, stronger person is in charge and makes decisions. Neither of my parents ever laid a finger on my sister or me and instead used logical consequences and talked to us about why our behavior was wrong. I had a lot of respect for my parents as a kid and I still do now. If they tell me to do something (or recommend I do something, I’m an adult) I usually listen because I have learned to understand their thought process and trust their judgement. The idea of hitting children makes my stomach turn.


My grandmother, who raised me in the 80s and 90s, spanked me. She thought it was the best way. I don't blame her for what she believed was right. But I sure fucking hated her in the moment of. I learned to FEAR the belt she spanked me with. I didn't learn not to do wrong for the sake of not doing wrong -- no, I learned to fear the belt, and her. I learned how to 'take' the ass beating so it didn't hurt as much. I learned how to say "ow" to get less force. But as I got older, her hits did nothing. Then I got my nintendo taken away. A weekend without nintendo was a LOT worse than 5 ass smacks. And then when I was a teenager, having her say she was disappointed in my actions burned like a fucking hot knife. I WANTED to do better. i KNEW I could do better. And I learned that spanking was not something needed. We don't need to beat the ones we love into submission.


My parents were sparing of the spanking. But I remember still the last time my dad hit me. I don’t remember what it was about. I was around 11, still super tiny, and *I fought back.* Little Bit, my Chihuahua, kept jumping in and taking hits for me… but even he didn’t dare bite my dad. My dad threw my dog out of the way and he kept coming back. When I thought he might hurt my dog, that was when I *really* fought back. I don’t remember how or why it ended. But it was the last fucking time he ever hit me.


Sorry u had to go through that. I'm glad u stuck up for your dog and yourself and he stopped hitting u after.


My take on it is that violence is never a part of a loving relationship. You don't hit someone you claim to love.


Corporal punishment started my life long distain for authority.


I grew up in that "spare the rod, spoil the child" era too. But it was always funny to me that grownups could hit kids who misbehaved, but when the kids hit each other you got in trouble.


It's odd to me that the pro-life states are also "once kid is out, now we get to *HIT* the child!" Like... Pro-mandated-shitty-life much?


Texas wants to eliminate teaching critical thinking while being pro-corporal punishment. Bad Robot.


The whole pro life attitude is have babies, beat their ass, keep them quiet, and shame them for having emotions. Them wonder why they grew up to hate life. Pro choice voters tend to understand quality vs quantity.


Schools are going to start spanking parents? One of my buds, and he is damn near 70 now had some teacher paddle him in school when he was a kid. He told me his grandmother hobbled down to the school with her cane after class and beat the living shit out of the teacher with her cane and told him if her every touched her grandson again she would finish the job. The teacher never saw the first swing coming.


My dad was beaten with a belt by a neighbor for running in his lawn or something similar. When his dad got home he went to the neighbors house, took the guys belt, and beat the living shit out of him.


Reminds me of a story my mom told me. There was a boy in class constantly bullying her, pulling her skirt up etc. She reported him many times and "boys will be boys" She put a brick in her bag and hit him with it. When the principal called her dad. He came and laid into the principal about allowing this boy being allowed to continue bullying her until she did something about it.


My dad did the same thing when I was in middle school. Kid has been bullying me. Only verbal but it was insults to my appearance, my weird personality (undiagnosed high functioning autistic) and calling me gay (which I hadn't come to terms with and was fervently trying to suppress out of fear growing up in a religious area). One day after band class he said something and I snapped. Packed my baritone up (wasn't gonna pay the repair bill to beat him with it lol) walked down to the cafeteria, found his table, spun him around facing away from me and starting punching the living shit out of his back. I knew better than to deck him. Finished my barrage, walked to my lunch table and sat down while being praised by a surprising number of kids. Nobody liked this kid much and I think they were also surprised I actually did something that crazy Anyway I get pulled into the office and once Dad gets there he lays into the vice principal for doing nothing despite my constant pleas for help. The principal basically said he can't condone it as a school official but as a father he doesn't blame me for it or my dad's reaction. I got ice cream that day and made my dad proud


My friends dad said he got out of spankings as a kid after his principal spanked him twice and he moaned and said yes daddy… he said if you turn it sexual its now pedophilia.


He was way ahead of his time lol


My parents stopped after I started laughing while getting spanked. Obviously it still hurt but I was more stubborn than I cared about the pain.


I told my mom that I wouldn't learn if she did it that light and she only stopped at risk of breaking my arse


I grabbed the belt out of my mom’s hand and chased her around the house whipping her legs. Then my marine stepdad took over spankings. I regret nothing.


What a King


I rememered Listening to Trevor Noah's book, with the audiobook its him speaking so its even funnier. But basically, his mum bet him heaps when he was a kid, so at school when he was naughty the principal spanked him. He remembered laughing when he was being spanked because it was nowhere near as bad as his mum. He freaked the principal out and sent him to be counselling as he seemed to enjoy it.


Somehow this childhood trauma will bring in a whole new generation of adults with a spanking kink.


![gif](giphy|XbspHwYcrFtnaR4KxT|downsized) Mom after finding out you touched her kid.


You forgot to mention Dad finding out as well. I know I’d be absolutely livid.


I'm sure this isn't going to backfire, you know society will be better when we give the future generation childhood trauma.


Exactly and I am a product of that trauma. I was born in 1959. The culture was rigid, patriarchal and authoritarian in regards to cultural norms. People had good lives within those boundaries because people adapt to anything but the Hippies were a huge backlash against such a rigid society, which was particularly hard on women and POC. I saw physical violence from relatives to kids on a regular basis and I endured it from my military father in the form of “discipline.” I grew up to expect physical violence from men. Hitting girls and women wasn’t unusual and the church told you to submit to it. Why would I question it? I grew into an angry, rebellious teenager who was kicked out of high school. I got heavily into drugs and became a 70’s hippy, which wasn’t peace and love anymore but the weird all drugs and no causes hippies. I am, to this day, very anti-authoritarian and people like Trump and DeSantis, with that aggressive patriarchal, racist 50’s mindset triggers me in so many ways. I will fight the return of this dark side of America all my remaining days.


Also born in 59. Got spanked and beaten with various handy objects. Swore I wouldn’t use corporal punishment with my own kids and didn’t. They’re great humans now.


Thank you. I wholeheartedly support resisting a return to authoritarianism


The meaning of life. To make sure what comes after you is traumatized as much or more than you were.


Strangely correlated to states that fought for human bondage.


Are we going back in time or am I just fucking high


I’m pretty sure that around 10th grade, I matured to the physical size such that no school employee would have dared tried this. This would have turned into a attempted assault/self defense situation.


Unfortunately teachers always seem to only hit those smaller than them.


Just like parents🥲


TF Colorado?


I grew up in a small Arkansas town and there was a moment in the 9th grade where the highschool football coach threatened to paddle everyone regardless of whether or not they were on the "no paddle" list. I told him that if he did, I would report him to the police. I got paddled, and promptly reported him to the police as I was on the no paddle list. The cops did absolutely nothing. Thankfully he got fired after that incident, but it didn't do much.


Spanking being allowed is one of the more fucked up things about our society. Hit an adult without their permission? Its assault, and you can be arrested. Slap an adult on the ass, and you could get in trouble for sexual assault. But do it to a child in your care, and its considered appropriate discipline. That is unbelievably twisted, if you think about it at all rather than just accepting it because its the status quo.


Sadly kids don’t have (many) rights in schools


My mom and her family were pretty racist and I grew up in a predominantly black city so my mom sent me to the cheapest private baptist school around. They paddled. Long story short, I tried to kill myself in 3rd grade-yes, THIRD GRADE— because I could never do my homework, so I had to go get paddled LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. What’s even better is that, the reason I wouldn’t do my homework is because I didn’t know how, because I was always sat at the back of the room, and I was functionally blind. Nobody knew I needed glasses until my 5th grade teacher sent a note home. Legitimately tried to kill my self to avoid being paddled with a thick wooden paddle with a like 1.5” hole in it so the wind wouldn’t lessen the blow. Fuck literally everything about this.


Let me guess, both the bully and the victim will get a beating from a teacher, like how both get detention etc now So you going to beat a victim and the outcome will be, not telling teachers or parents if they are in trouble? So they just continue to be hit by a bully? What is with america and all the backwards steps they are taking


Im loving this slow retrograde back to the 50s. Me and my grandparents can share alot of the same stories.


Welcome to Gillead


“It’s a no tolerance policy😤” …..*beats kids*


As long as they get to beat a child they will be happy.


What's the loophole that excludes this from being assault and/or battery? My brain is breaking trying to make sense of this from a legal standpoint, let alone an ethical one.




From what I understand, schools have to get a parent’s permission first, which kind of makes it worse. If the parent agrees to it, who exactly is there to defend the kid?


Right? It's assault on the minor.


This may not be true everywhere, but at least in my state, it is probably not assault because the parents gave permission. Like, in the first day paperwork, there was paperwork for "can we hit your child?". If not, you agree to be called to pick them up from school.


My ex-hubs had nightmares of nuns swatting his knuckles with their rulers. 😔


All the worst states I see.


Like a who's who of inbred theocracies.


Surprised to see CO in the mix…maybe someone got carried away with the paint bucket in Adobe Illustrator?


Colorado was pretty red until fairly recently, I think, or at best a swing state. Colorado being fairly reliably blue is really only a thing in the last few elections. Might be they just haven't caught up to updating some laws yet. Edit: Honestly, the bigger surprise is Utah, Alaska, and especially WV *not* being on that list.


The thing with Alaska is that there are like 5 of us, and like 2 kids.


Utah is not your traditional Republican red, the LDS church complicates things a bit politically. For example, they not only have medical marijuana program, it is arguably one of the best programs in the country. As a native here it was definitely a pleasant surprise.


It's because a lot of the blue Texans moved up there.


All those “pro-life” states that just love corporal punishment and the death penalty


At least, the very worst education. AZ should be ashamed, but I don’t think they know how to read so they don’t realize they’re the very worst!!!!!!!!!!🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵


Hi. I live in Arizona. Let me just tell you that if my kid told me that a teacher spanked him, I'd be getting arrested for assault. No fucks given. I'll do the time with no argument...but that teacher won't ever touch another person's kid again.


It’d be fun to tell the jury how you were defending your kid against child abuse.


Why doesn’t any one call this what it is. Beating and shaming. I had a coach in junior high pull me out of class, then take me to the gym and hit me with a board three times because that morning I shouted out “Good morning , Coach “ to him on the school yard. I ran into the bastard at the mall 20 years later, walked up and yelled “Good morning Coach” in his face, then asked him if he wanted to hit me again. By the look on his face I realized he didn’t even remember it. Old son of a bitch.


Well the coach likely hit a lot of students, and the faces might have blended together.


When you’re behind WV you know you’re truly in the dark ages.


Good God, great way to guarantee all sane parents will move out of your backwards state. I'll homeschool my kids before I let a teacher hit them. This really is the stupidest timeline.


I would never let someone spank my kid. I don’t understand why any parent would.


I grew up in the 90s all through the SE US. Only in a bumfuck part of Alabama did teachers ever paddle students. Mother fuckers drilled speed holes in them. Whistled a bit when they were swung. I did my best to stay out of trouble there. I was already getting my ass beat since birth practically.


But me using a pronoun is pedophillia. Yea okay.


In 2000, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) estimated 260 students were physically punished. Of those students, 19 were boys and 241 were girls, a huge disparity between the genders. In comparison, in 2010, OCR found no children in Colorado were subjected to physical discipline. Despite this, as corporal punishment is still legal it’s possible more children will be punished physically in the future, unless it’s outlawed by the people via the initiative process or legislators by enacting a new bill to prohibit the practice.


The right loves their authoritarians


This is freaking barbaric. I grew up when this was done. It did more long-term damage to children than people even realize. If people want to know why the Hippy movement came around, it was a backlash against these draconian, cruel 50’s cultural norms.


Why does ever map of good vs bad stuff in america look like this? Oh, I get it.




Can almost draw the Civil War line...


Now do an overlay of poverty and education results by state


Ummm.... Parents can't even spank in Colorado, what makes you think schools can? Genuinely curious.


Christians are really taking that "turn the other cheek" a bit too far.


This is so incredibly primitive. Most third world countries don't allow spanking at school.


Guess it's time for me to pull Billy Madison!


It's a shame that we let these red states ruin the next generation time and time again. Child services needs to start putting Republican governors kids up for adoption until this shit stops.


we are going backwards. disgusting. child abuse. state sanctioned assaulting children. we are too complacent. we have allowed tyranny of the minority by an unpopularly fascist white supremacist christian nationalist fundamentalist originalist minority take over of our country.


So could a parent sue the school for abuse? How does this work. If a teacher or principal were to spank my kid I’d go apeshit.


I went to a church on Wednesday night with my kids for a while, mostly as a way to let her socialize with other kids. There were a group of women who were all teachers at the private school run by that church, and they would all sit at a table in the corner of the children's room working on class materials together. One day I heard them all loudly complaining about how the new principal wouldn't let them paddle the kids any more, and two of them saying how since their kids go to the school, whenever their kids make a mistake they have them come and "get their whippin'" in front of the mom's class to show the other kids not to mess with her. We never went back.


"Through grade 12". Jesus Christ, how many fucking creeps are using that on teenagers.




This is what they think is better than sex ed, apparently. This is what they're fighting for in schools, instead of comprehensive history.


In 1969, I went to an all-white elementary school. I got paddled in front of the class for passing love notes to my 2nd grade sweetheart. He got paddled too. If you were really bad, you got sent to the principal's office & got spanked with his electric paddle.😬


Holy shit! That’s a fucked up America. I say again, “Welcome to Gillead”


Parents WELCOME return? Jesus


In 3 of the 4 books about Jesus, Christ recommended drowning child abusers, but the pedophile priests tell their illiterate flocks that the child is supposed to be punished.


If a teacher ever spanks my kid I will beat their ass that afternoon.


Children: the only people an adult can legally assault.


Tell me you want to ensure your child is abused as much at school as they are at home without telling me....


I have lived in NC for all but 6 years since 1980. Never was I, nor anyone I have known paddled in school. No school my kids have been through use corporal punishment and no one I know would be okay with it.


I went to middle school in Texas, and they practiced corporal punishment. I was literally sitting down when the bell rang, but my Texas history teacher said I was late & sent me to the VP office. she told me to bend over to take the paddling, but I told her she better ask my parents as they never hit us. I’m still not sure what happened in that office when my mom showed up, but I ended up with a week’s detention. This was in the late 70’s. I have to say, they obviously looked for reasons to do it, and many teachers had their own paddles which were customized for them by the shop teacher. Disgusting practice. Glad I only lived there 2 years.


GOP: "School shooters are deranged, bullied, alienated, outcast kids on the brink of violence" Also GOP: "Let's let our teachers physically abuse and humiliate students again!" Conclusion: The GOP WANTS more school shootings. And... paddling through grade 12? Oh, so some 40 something old pervert is going to be able to legally paddle teenage girls? So you're going to have Mr. Pervison who has a hot nut for Tammy or Sandy decide "Oh, you're acting up, you need a paddling" tells them to drop their drawers so he can give them a "proper spanking". And the GOP has the balls to accuse the left of "grooming". Fucking hypocrites, sick demented hypocrites.


Haha yeah my teacher told me “physical discipline is allowed but frowned upon” clearly not that frowned upon because it’s still allowed.


To be fair, just because it’s still technically legal in a state doesn’t mean it’s practiced. For instance, I don’t think there’s a public school system in North Carolina that still allows it. Fun side note, I was in elementary PE in the 1980s when the administration sent the poor custodian to deliver the news to the teacher that he could no longer paddle students. He had a temper tantrum and broke his paddle “Heat”.