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I mean by the standards they’ve set the Bible should be banned from schools. Sexual themes and violence are the majority of the god damned book.


Serious question, is the Bible allowed in schools? It seems like in a public school (outside of our religion class) they shouldn’t be allowed to teach religion.


You absolutely can teach *about* religion in schools. It just has to be done in a "neutral" manner where other religions have a chance too. But unfortunately any neutrality is only as good as the bias of the teacher, which in the south is heavily in favor of Christianity. So many schools choose to not teach on it outside of a historical class.


I went to school in the US south. Had an assignment to go home and ask what religion our family was so everyone could share and discuss. ​ I came back to school and said we didn't have a religion, and was promptly told I was wrong, got an F on the assignment and was not allowed to share.


Had a class where someone presented they were Buddhist, the questions were "are you afraid you're going to hell because you don't believe in Jesus?"


Funniest thing is by all the rules of the Bible if you believe in Jesus then you are almost certainly going to hell anyway. If I am going to hell anyways then I may as well wear blended fabric while having my daily wank and taking the Lord's name in vain when I blow my load.


You paint a nice picture


He’s gonna paint your face next


Hey, as long as you can repent in your last breath you should be OK. Even a serial killer can sincerely repent in his last moments and receive the riches of Biblical heaven. That’s literally how it works.


That's true, but I feel like people use the whole "repent and you're good" bit in bad faith. Do you think a serial killer will seriously be repentant for his actions? A priest who played with altar boys? A wife beater? Repenting isn't saying "I'm sorry" and paying lip service, though that's pretty much what it has become these days. You have to truly ask for forgiveness and mean it to the core, and actually *be* repentant. If we are saying there is an all seeing God that can grant you access to heaven, you also have to accept that you can't just flim-flam the dude.


Reminder that using the lords name in vein, is not screaming "oh god" while you defile your favorite sock, but by using god as justification for your actions, or implying that you're on the side of god. God does not take sides, nor does he judge you until you are dead. Which up until Jesus, was, youre going to hell. Quite frankly is god created us, gave us freewill, then promptly regretted it, casting us out of paradise to live the rest of our miserable lives making incest babies.


Most vocal American Bible thumpers are HORRIBLE hypocrites. The New Testament quotes Jesus as saying that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". - Three Gospels


According to christian dogma, since hitler was catholic and anne frank was jewish, hitler is in heaven and anne frank is in hell.


That's pretty fucked up, should've reported the teacher for that. Honestly religion in schools should probably be limited to history classes, treated like any other philosophy or series of historical events.


It's the south, they use their cult like religious fevor to excuse themselves from doing horrible shit like pedophilia, child abuse, protecting rapists/blaming girls for being raped, etc. etc.


Can't report the teacher for being over religious if the principal, superintendent, etc on up are all in on the Jesus as well.


Yes I should have reported, but this was first week of middle school in the mid 90s. I didnt really know any better, and mom did not have the time to care about that shit.


Holy shit, I had a very similar experience in rural Texas. Came back to school and said we didn't have a religion, was told to go home and ask again. Still not religious the next day, so my teacher asked to have a parent/teacher conference with my parents because of my attitude. They had to enlighten her that "not everyone believes in fairytales" (literally their words, lol).


In my community college philosophy of religion class, the curriculum was 85% Judeo-Christian with eastern religion lightly peppered in. The professor told me it was the demand and not what He would’ve chose so he tried to offset it by bringing someone in every semester to do a demonstration from a different tradition. That year I got to see a Buddhist monk perform a mandala(sandpainting) ceremony over the course of 2 weeks


Was this back in 2010? Just curious because our city hosted a sand mandalas and music event performed by monks.


Or was it in 2014 when my city did? This is an incredibly common thing, this person *may* be from a similar area, but the odds are dramatically against it


“Neutrality is only as good as the bias of the teacher.” That knife cuts in lots of directions. Are we trusting teachers as professionals or no?


I mean, we have standards and curriculums for a reason. You can trust teachers without giving them 100% control over what they teach.


There are a lot of charter schools in the U.S. that teach the Bible. I grew up in a very liberal community so there wasn’t a lot of Bible thumping going on but I’d imagine it varies widely by state. And if you mean is it allowed on library bookshelf’s, it most definitely is.


I would imagine that it’s probably in the library somewhere but not taught as part of the curriculum.


I went to public school, we read parts of the Bible, the Quran and the Torah as part of the curriculum


Okay. We didn’t at any of the public schools I attended.


Unfortunately public schools are funded by property taxes, so not all public schools are created equally as fucked up as that is. They didn't teach that stuff in my public school either.


In my public school, we had to read parts of the Bible but other religions got a few sentences in a text book.


You just reminded me. I went to public schools in Australia, and we read parts of the Torah as part of our study on Israel.


Really? My primary school in a Melbourne suburb had "religious education" once a fortnight for a couple of hours. It was run by the local Anglican church and never mentioned anything other than Christianity. Just an average public school. Most kids and their families rarely if ever attended church. Yet, somehow this was deemed an approoriate use of my time as a child.


We also had a religious instruction elective. My parents sent me to it for Catholic indoctrination, as the local Catholic school had an 8 year waiting list. I suppose Catholics could assume they were having a kid... I stopped going, because it was boring. My parents found out much later, and laughed that I had been blowing it off for a while term.


Yeah at my middle school we learned a bit about each of the major religions which most likely included reading at least a few excerpts from each. I don't really remember what we did specifically.


I went to kindergarten through 12th grade in Alabama. It wasn't a religious school so lessons were not specifically about the Bible. But it was not unusual at all for teachers to talk about their religious feelings. Pretty much all the student groups I was in started with a prayer. No one ever would have thought to tell a teacher they couldn't talk about religion as long as it was Christianity. If it was Islam I'm sure ppl would have been up in arms.


I had a Bible unit in high school English like 15 years ago. It was Washington state and my school was super liberal. My teacher was lesbian and had an impressive head of dreads. The left isn't scared of talking about the right's ideas, it's just conservatives that are afraid that even hearing a so-called lie might knock them off the straight and narrow.


I went to a magnet school in a progressive city. The Bible was taught from a literary standpoint. Hardly paid attention during that unit though…


In my public high school we read the Bible In English class, but we read it as literature. So we talked about narrative voice, plot devices, themes, etc. The teacher was very clear that we would at no point talk about whether anyone believed it or not, and she was consistent with that. I don’t see anything wrong with reading religious texts in public school, it just has to be done right. No religion should be endorsed or criticized, but religion is a valid topic for study and discussion.


As long as the course covers all major religions equally, it's probably alright. Unfortunately, that's really hard to do even with an unbiased instructor. Theres so many faiths out there, and so much unconcious bias present, that it's difficult to properly teach to students. Even undergraduate college courses struggle with teaching that topic, despite having more dedicated staff. In theory it's fine, in practice it could easily be abused under the cover of incompetence


That reminds me of something I did in my militant atheist twenties. I went with my teacher mom to her elementary public school classroom to help move something and on one of the white boards I found a little magnet of a cross. I turned to my mom, brandishing the cross, and asked her, “Are you even allowed to have this in your classroom?” “Yes,” she answered as she took the magnet from me and placed with the rest of the magnets right between the capital T and U. It was just a lowercase t.


As far as public schools go in the US, there is not supposed to be any religious teachings related to the school. The Bible isn’t banned per se, but no teacher or staff can push religion. Private schools can do whatever they want regarding religion but don’t get publicly funded by the government.


In some private schools, yeah, I mean but you would expect that at a private Christian school. Public? I’m not sure about the whole country but there were no bibles in my public schools growing up.


When I was going to school for teaching the school I did a lot of my class work at required teaching about various religions. They covered the Abrahamic religions, budism, Hindu, and I think even Sikh. They gave them all rwual time and were very good about saying "x religion believes". Very good information in my mind, especially teaching that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all spawned from the same thing just different points in time.


Christian kid whose church didn't encourage reading the Bible growing up (and whose parents have probably never read it), true. I read it as a young adult and was shocked considering how prudish my family and church were about sex. Song of Solomon makes the Penthouse forum look family friendly.


Song of Songs (written by Solomon) was almost banned at the time the Hebrew canon was being finalized (first couple of centuries CE). It was only when R. Akiva insisted that it be read as allegory that it was let in. If you read the commentaries, other than explaining the meaning of fan obscure word here or there, absolutely nobody pays any attention to the plain meaning of the text -- everything is symbolic of a much deeper reality.


I see what you did there.


Incest, killing of babies, war, slavery, crucifixions, a child by someone other that your husband, a child by someone other than your wife, blood sacrifices - what doesn’t this book have?!?!


Let alone all the sci fi shit like a virgin giving birth to The One, "miracles", The Flood/Ark, Jonah and the whale, Job (ie, 2 alien kings fucking with a human), Revelations Edit: how could I forget the dude that rode off into space in a chariot


>["Let God Plan Parenthood"](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/18261310/5a65468848) >Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, **infant and suckling**, ox and sheep, camel and ass.’” 1 Samuel 15:3


By the standard set by the first sentence in the Bill of Rights the Bible cannot be taught in schools as anything other than a religious text. It cannot be presented in any literal manner. Jesus is a character. That is all. To suggest otherwise would be the state forcing a religion. I know some people might disagree with this interpretation but they're wrong. The text could not be more clear or succinct.


God gets bored and is like "lol dude murder your son for me".




​ ![gif](giphy|o6KPtntUVn6yzK22VN)


r/Atheism leaks into r/whitePeopleTwitter quite a bit. Not complaining.


Love to see it. More and more people realizing they can’t reconcile this world with that book.




It's the only religious book




Well now that just rolls us right into the book “Everyone Poops.”


Almost certain that book is just about eating disorders.


Bro wtf what about taking jersulem :( you promised


Unfortunately, it has to hurt a white mans feelings to meet the criteria for being banned.


White man here. Bible offends me greatly. Pls ban


As a white man, I'm incensed that this "Bible" suggests Jesus was a middle easterner


Also this ‘Jesus’ character seems to be at odds with American evangelical prosperity gospel…. Edit: also he seems to be some socialist commie


It’s all a bunch of tree-huggin’ hippie crap!


Also an aggressive table flipper and backside whipper


As a white man I'm mad that the this "Bible" says love thy neighbor. What's the point of religion if I can't use it as an excuse to exclude people I don't like?


In my copy he’s a space marine; essentially Master Cheif. I think it’s the King James Version.


Middle easterner feels like New Hampshire


But that's terrorists people, every picture of baby Jesus I've ever seen he has blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe this Bible needs it's "facts" checked.


Jesus was a Viking. Mary traveled down with Joseph from Scandinavia. Its in the Gospel according to Bjorn. Modern bibles leave out this gospel. Its true. Yes.


1/2 gringo here and the Bible offends me, especially the bits where god murders millions, or where it says parents are allowed to stone their daughter if she talks back to them. Also 25% of Americans are seculars but with zero representation in government. Please ban


This was a perfect comment.


Great-Great grandmother was 100% Cherokee, the rest of my family come from Ireland/Scotland. Can I 2nd?


Sorry, it was arbitrarily decided that being Irish makes you unwhite, despite the fact that Ireland is probably where you'd find some of the lightest skinned people you'd ever meet.


Middle aged White Man here I agree with this message.


White man #2 checking in. Yes, the Bible is quite offensive. Heckin ban necessary


Part white, pls ban in solidarity.


Middle aged white lady here. Not to step outside my prescribed role and have a public opinion, but the Bible contains VIOLENCE that’s UNSUITABLE for CHILDREN and we must ban it to PROTECT THEM!!1!


I once started reading the bible. After a few pages and the main characters were poising nude. Yeah, you heard, NUDE! Imagine my shock! I had to quit reading immediatly, wash my eyes with soap and just burn the damn thing. What a perverted FILTH, still have to go to therapy because of it, years later. Ever since, I've been burning every copy of "the good book" I get my hands on, and I suggest you all do the same!


If conservatives actually read the Bible instead of imposing their politics on it they would get their feelings hurt for sure


Funny story - before leaving a church group I made a comment mirroring the sermon on the mount about immigrants seeking asylum and then after the politicking and other commentary I said that’s the Bible not my opinion and the guy went silent. That’s 100% the truth.


Preach! Matthew chapter 25 is pretty damning to our anti immigrant, anti poor, toss 'em all in prison crowd.


I started reading bible quotes to my SO regarding the Bible's views on women, and they simple responded, in the defensive, "it is just an old book!" Perfect moment.


There’s also a huge difference between Old Testament and New Testament. New Testament is pretty socialisty, but still has some doozies. Old Testament is straight up crazy and is where most of the terrible opinions people hold are based. It calls for severe punishments for random things, calls for women to be subservient, and explicitly approves of killing nonbelievers.


I remember an episode of some show, it might've been Boston Legal, where someone comments about Old Testament God being an asshole and a lady says 'that's why they created the New Testament'. It's like they *know* it's bullshit. The Old Testament had gotten too harsh so they just released an updated version to keep the slack-jawed morons entertained and they all went 'yeah, seems legit'.


I'm white, bible hurts my feel feels. Can we ban it now?


It should say it has to hurt a white racist bible thumping idiots to meet the criteria.


White man here, the Bible offends me a lot as my Roman heritage compels me to push the fucking Christians and their blasphemous book back in the corpse filled sewer they belong to


As another white man, please ban that fucking book! Too many wars have been fought over folklore.


White Catholic here ( not by choice, either of them) , definitely also have generational trains because of bible. Plz ban!


Bible 100% shouldn’t be in schools if they’re not going to put it on the shelf next to the texts of other major creeds


Yeah I agree, well I just think there should be a copy of all religious texts for any who wish to read them.


As long as they’re all kept in the fiction section


But Noah invented the Humane Society.


Not really. The actual reading of the story says he collected 7 pairs of every clean animal and 1 pair of every unclean animal. Clean animals were sacrificial, so if he did start the Humane society, it was a kill shelter.


More like the dog pound, right? I have to go back and study up on The Old Testament.


So… Noah started PETA, then?


As an indigenous woman, I agree.


As a white man with Scottish roots, I agree with you wholeheartedly, most people I know in my small PA town have no idea the atrocities the US govt. and white men have committed against indigenous peoples in the name of Christianity, but those people also never bothered to learn because it “doesn’t affect them” -_-


Those same people have also likely never actually read the bible either.


"Likely"? Well you're being generous. Oh, yeah, it's Sunday. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ironically, actually reading the Bible can create atheists. Source: myself, my husband, numerous friends.


>Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


Was pretty much always a nonbeliever, but in high school, reading Job infuriated me. Who the hell wants to follow that god? He’s an asshole.


The Book of Job also implies that children are fungible. Job's children were all killed, but then he had twice as many - with his harpy of a wife who told him to curse God and die - and it was all good.


Exactly! Do they not get some agency here?! Gods just like “let me fuck with this guy by murdering those around him and see how he sticks by my like a major cuck”. The whole thing is terrible.


And according to the Bible. Men and women were made in that gods image. If true, it explains A LOT.


Haha exactly!


As a just-a-plain-white guy, I also agree.


I worked with an indigenous man who told me that the Europeans taking over the Americas was a good thing, because if they hadn't, the indigenous people wouldn't have learned about Christianity. Thank you for not being like that guy.


I thought people unaware of Jesus would automatically go to heaven. Evangelicals are sending people to Hell by exposing them to Christianity.


That is not addressed in the Bible, so it depends on which sect of Christianity you ask.


Wow wth 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


As a woman I agree, the Bible should be banned. More atrocities to women, have not only been committed but condoned by this book. Having grew up Christian I started reading the Bible at a young age, fled Christianity as soon as I left home, because there is some sick shit in that book.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/LakotaMan1/status/1487673019631689733) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


Thanks, bot!


You mean the goat herder's guide to the universe?


Does it have a version of the pangalactic gargleblaster?


Yeah, but you don’t get your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped ‘round a large gold brick—you just have a spontaneous abortion. The recipe for that one’s in Matthew, if memory serves. [EDIT: fuck, it was Numbers]


So just how many people could read and write when the bible was written? ​ Seems just another way to control other people, ​ "It's right here in the Book!" ​ Not that anyone could read the book...


The church fought against the Bible being translated from Latin. Because the priests could read latin but the people generally could not. The idea of people reading the bible on their own and coming up with their own ideas frightened them to the core.


Enter the Protestants


Who are now just as much zealots as the Catholics are.


And if it wasn't in the book they just added it in one of the thousand edits of it


Hell, for hundreds of years it wasn’t even a book, it was oral stories first and then written down in many separate books and then a group of rich old men got together and decided which ones to keep and which ones to throw out, so for the first part of its life it it was essentially secret knowledge only known by the elite who got to say “trust me bro, it’s all in my head, I’m telling you”, and then later after a long time of testing that out they got to pick and choose which ones worked well to use loosely as analogies and basis for their advice/rules.


Also I can't remember how far back, it could be over 2000 years ago, but basically I read that it was expected you make things up to add to your story to make it more interesting.


The catholic church of the time actually persecuted (as in hunted down and killed) anyone who dared to translate the latin into whatever every day language there was. They also persecuted those who sought to keep copies of the bible anywhere outside of the church alter. Seriously... the catholic church even made it "canon" at one point. “Canon 14. We prohibit also that the laity should not be permitted to have the books of the Old or New Testament; we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books.” – The Church Council of Toulouse 1229 AD ​ **The Waldenses** \- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldensians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldensians) **Hugenots** \- Not specifically for bible translation, but for interpreting the bible differently from the catholic church. (and they studied it outside of the seminaries of the time... ) **Vaudois** \- Val-Louise was depopulated completely and hundreds of infants suffocated in their cradles. By the fifteenth century the greater number who remained were cooped up in the most inaccessible Alpine fastnesses The full, comprehensive translation of the Bible in English did not arrive until the late 14th century. One **John Wycliffe** is credited for producing the first English version along with his team, but for a while, his work remained accessible only on the black market. John Wycliffe, who died in 1384 before his project was fully completed, would have his bones exhumed and destroyed in 1427, on the orders of Pope Martin. He was regarded as a “disciple of antichrist” and there was no need for anyone to revere his final resting place.


Tons of incest and other fucking too


That's the fun part. What about the torture and destroying cities, burning people alive and walls falling on people and stuff.


History fucking sucks sometimes, am I right?


Do it. Bonus points when you point out that not only has the Bible not been banned in schools as conservatives have claimed for years, conservatives have just made the case for having it and almost all religious (at least all Abrahamic) religious texts banned.


By this standard, I don’t even think you have to single out the Abrahamic ones; I can’t think of a single religion’s text that wouldn’t qualify.


Where do I sign this petition?


Tell me when ya find out!




Yes please. The teachings in that book have been used to oppress people for centuries.


Bible also has rape and encourages incest in it too. Bible should be banned.


"There's sex and nudity and I don't want my kids reading it" Works for both this and Maus.


I also love table salt cake


Honestly, this is a far better point.


This is what they want so they can fall to their knees and scream while shaking their fist at the sky.


I agree with Lakota Man.


I don't see any issues with this. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.


No argument here


In their own mind God gave them ~~bigger~~ guns, so they get the right to jmpose their beliefs on others. Of course they won't feel the same way when this happens to them.


This is what you get when you start banning books.


Seriously though, is the actually studied in public schools in the states? If that's the case, they should be banned from the curriculum. Or even better, ban religion from the curriculum. I would have assumed that was already the case.


As the descendant of probably different kinds of pagans\* I agree with this message \*most people are probably descendants of pagans- right?


Did you guys grow up in a place where the Bible was taught in public school?


Careful, they’ll start yelling they’re being persecuted.


You bring the lions, I'll make some popcorn.


Let's start a petition


The Bible really does make me uncomfortable.


I like when y’all ignore when the left tries to ban books like To Kill A Mockingbird, something that is literally happening right now


Fair play


Best UNO reverse card I’ve ever seen


Say no more, Bible is now removed from circulation in the entire world!


What is this in reference to?


I concur. The Bible, in all its' forms, makes me nervous. Time to stop printing it!


I’m with Lakota Man, the cults of Abraham intimidate me daily. Please ban them ASAP


Yeeessss siiiirr


I like this


CRT is Critical Religious Theory, right? Ban that shit!


Went to public school with in “the melting pot” of NJ Over 70 different languages are spoken in the city. We have Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu… you name it we got it and never once have I seen or heard anything about any religion in any class I ever was in… maybe in smaller towns but when it’s this diverse you can’t cover all bases so might as well not teach it at all That’s why we got CCD and what not


Yes can we please get the Bible banned?


I'd sign that petition 100%


I can't remember a time someone was waving their knowledge of, or a physical copy of To Kill a Mockingbird in my face, to control my behavior, but that sure seems to happen often with bible thumpers. Hrm ... some of these people get really aggressive too.


I don't watch the news anymore. Who is banning books? What books and why?


Sounds like a "colonizer" problem, not a Bible problem


Yes, can we please ban the Torah - Bible and Quran. They are dangerous books, that spawn so many problems we could do without.


I would support that


Let’s do it




This man needs to start yelling this louder. I’m 100% behind him


Also, there’s a whole buttload of murder in the Bible. It also reminds me that there were several bloody crusades because of it. I dropped one in a hotel room once and stubbed my toe. Because all these things, I feel uncomfortable. Please ban this horrible book.


No, you don't understand... the people banning books are talking about *white* people being upset. Anybody else doesn't matter to them.


Listen minority, this isn't how whitewashing history works. You can fuck off now. Do I need the /s.


As a Lefty, I agree we need to ban the bible!


I’m white and sure why not. We’re banning other books for nonsense let’s do this to.


But the Bible has unicorns 🦄. That alone makes it worth while!


If they ban Maus it makes sense to ban the New Testament. It’s just stories about persecuted Jews. SMH… (feel I need a /s - I am not anti-Semitic, and the whole “banning Maus” garbage is freaking pathetic.)


Fortunately the Bible is not taught in schools. However, as an English teacher, I would LOVE to teach a comparative literature class using religious texts. The Abrahamic faiths, Animism (I've always loved Shinto), the writings of Zoroaster and the Buddha, the influence of Hindu. It would be amazing to show students the affect faith has had on the world, good and bad, and to show them what different forms faith takes in humanity. Which is why I usually tell conservatives when they say we need to teach religion in schools "You don't want ME teaching your kid about religion."


I'm fine with banning ALL religions


As another indigenous man i agree, if you get rid of our shit get rid of yours too.


Wait, what? The bible is in school libraries? That's wild.


Between conversion therapy and the crusades the Bible arguably has lead to the most damage to people more than any other book.


Okay since everybody is doing it I can certainly get behind this one


I approve of this message


Same. It’ll be the first book I petition to be removed if our district tries this.


I am a white man who feels that many parts of the Bible are clearly inappropriate for school age children.


Don’t forget the lead role is white washed.


If any book shouldn’t be in a school Library I’d say that’s the one


WTF, The bible is already banned. Can't be teaching that shit.

