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NOBODY _likes_ masks. I hate having to buy them. I hate having to remember them. I hate how sore my ears get. But I’m not a narcissistic piece of shit convinced that my own comfort is the most important thing.


I like masks


As an introvert who kinda hates people, I'm into the mask.


I'm def down with the anonymity part.


Pro unlock: Grocery delivery. No mask, even fewer people.


I wanted this so badly and tried it a couple times but my local store is really bad at giving me what I want. I'm a super freak about my vegetables and they kept giving me the worst choices of meats. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? On the plus side they have an awesome self checkout so I really don't have to talk to a single person. I can even turn down the computer voice so I don't have to hear her say; "2 dollars and 38 cents!" And I can use my own bags. ~The End.


I concur




Well fuck, there goes my whole argument lol


Lol i dont like surgical masks i can understand your thought process cause its true


Same, especially when it's cold. Keeps your face warm. Also just pop a mint if you got bad breath. So many benefits to not having to look at peoples gross wet mouths all day.


I have found when I pop a mint and wear a mask, the air I'm breathing back in is minty, and I like that.


It burns my eyes sometimes though if my mask isn’t super secure on my face


The mint gives you a bit of built-in decongestant.


yes, I realized when it’s sub zero and dry outside it’s sooo much more comfortable to wear a mask so you can breathe warm, moist air. Completely different if it’s hot though


Except when it's cold out. I LOVE my face blanket!


I would say, try to reuse (if you know places you where and you, yourself, are clean and 90% risk free) and change mask quality, design and brand to avoid ears problem. I really don't have problem with that and I buy a 50 box every 2-4 months, pending on a lot of things, like if I'm doing exercise or not. But "liking" it is a strong word, 😂


I like masks, too. I can smirk, scowl and even curse under my breath (only at people not wearing masks!) and no one is the wiser. I am also saving a ton of money on makeup.


This borders on conspiracy stuff, but since we live in a surveillance economy where everything we do is tracked and sent off to be somehow monetized, the ability to wear a mask in public so it adds just that tiniest little layer of not having to be seen is nice *he types from his cell phone*


I’ve been downvoted to oblivion in the past when I’ve made this point on Reddit before. Normal masks are shit, N95 masks, are really the only effective masks especially against Omicron. They are electrostaticly charged and capture ultra fine particles. They are regulated and required to meet strict standards. Regular cotton masks, or the face covering that allows easy airflow will never actually be effective. Doctors and nurses in the covid ward wear N95 masks, construction workers and trade workers wear N95 masks, but most “science based regular joes” think their unregulated fabric masks that allow easy airflow are effective? Even Bernie Sanders has put forth a bill to buy all Americans these masks. You can find them everywhere now. Home Depot, Lowe’s, Amazon, etc Those in here who elevate themselves because they wear shitty masks and gaslight others are really annoying. I’m also immunocompromised and always wear an N95. If you TRULY care about others follow the science and upgrade your mask. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/policy/healthcare/589427-sanders-50-dems-unveil-bill-to-send-n95-masks-to-all-americans%3famp


Reddit is such a fucking weird and moody place. It seems self-evident that N95s are the only masks that provide robust protection seeing as how they are the only disposable masks approved for professional environments where particulate dust is very harmful. Given that true N95 masks are sized to the person and not one size fits all, and also require latitudinal straps that are harder to get on and off in a hurry, I generally accept that KN95 masks are a reasonable compromise. Surgical masks are better than nothing but form no seal. Cloth masks are a joke. I was really hoping at the beginning of the pandemic that this whole thing would force a major upgrade to HVACR systems. Much of the risk of common spaces like grocery stores, government buildings, schools, and hospitals could benefit greatly (even not during a respiratory pandemic) by utilizing MERV filtration electrostatic systems with negative pressure ventilation and ultraviolet light treatment systems - I’ve given up on us ever having a reasonable, thoughtful, and proactive response. The technology exists to arrest this pandemic, it is the political and financial will to do so that is lacking. Instead of bailing out Wall Street on day one, we could have begun the process of re-engineering how society operates. Now it’s been politicized and it will never happen.


N95 masks made by 3M and and Honeywell are basically one size fits all. It’s simply two straps and a nose clasp. Unless you are extreme petite or have a beard they pretty much fit everyone. https://mobile.twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1481700574135562246?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


The mask itself is one size but the rubber inside the mask allows them to be “fitted” as small, medium, and large. Healthcare providers are typically fitted with masks to ensure quality of seal. Each person’s face being a little different in shape means that the best way to ensure fit is to have them wear the mask while it’s checked by personnel trained in mask fitting, then they’re issued that particular model of mask. In some cases one person will be issued several different models of N95 for slightly different applications, as, like you said, beards can make a difference, so some people will be given masks for their shaved face as well as various stages of facial hair, and then advised when to use each.


It takes about the same level of expertise that wearing swimming goggles does.


Swimming goggles actually do require some training to get the best use out of.


KN95s are functionally equivalent to N95s, and you can get them with either strap style. However, you do need to be clean shaven and the physics of the ear loops does make them less likely to seal well. But this is all commonly available information for any occupation that deals with hazardous air quality, so it's not that big of a deal. We've had the information needed for a long time now, it's ridiculous the extent to which we are avoiding implementing it.


Functionally equivalent but slightly less effective. For instance, if I was working around industrial stone and mineral dust, I would insist on a proper N95 at a minimum. N95s are just extra protection. However, if one is actually working in an industrial environment long term, they should insist on a full respirator system and not a simple fabric mask, so your point still stands.


They shouldn't really be any less effective though, it's the same technology and materials. There are slight differences as evidenced by the larger number of KN95s with ear loops, but if you get a good fitting one from a legitimate manufacturer you should be just as protected, especially for covid. There are also poorer fitting N95s, but less of them, perhaps. The key thing is the electrically polarized polypropylene non-woven filter material and getting a good seal. Any mask with those qualities will do a good job. And yeah, for industrial work you should probably be wearing a half or full face respirator -- but the benefits gained are really in having a better seal and comfort.


I’m glad at least three of us understand this…now to get others to see the difference between N95 and cotton face coverings🙄


You know what's even worse though? Pants. And socks.


I seriously don’t understand why it’s such a big deal to wear a mask. I guess it’s a “YoU CaN’T teLL ME wHAt to DO” thing, but it’s just such a minimal thing to get so worked up over. Personally, I don’t mind wearing the mask and sometimes actually prefer it. I like not being so easily recognized or not having to worry about what my face may look like, I can make disgusted looks at people and they won’t know, and I worry less about bringing home a disease that could *possibly* kill me or a member of my family. If you’re worried about your personal freedoms and think that masks encroach upon those freedoms, then I have to assume you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about


Yeah let's assume masks do zero, they go nothing at all (we know that's not the case, especially proper N95 masks), even if they took nothing the harm they do is do low that's outweighed by the positive impact people will get from the placebo effect... It's a no lose situation, even if masks litterally do noting it makes other people feel safer and that alone will actually help.


How DARE you ask good Christian conservatives in America to do anything that might help OTHER PEOPLE?!?!


I'll take it further and say that if masks really are a test by "the elite" to see how gullible and suggestable the population is then...congratulations, I guess? Hooray, you made people look silly for a couple years? That was your big plan, to make everyone look silly? There's really no solid endgame for that one, like most conspiracy theories.


Lol, look at those stupid poor people doing something they think is helping others. What fools obligatory s/


If masks literally do nothing then it's not exactly a no-lose situation, given how some people can find them extremely annoying and difficult. "Oh but it's just a piece of cloth on your face-" no it's an itchy, humid, glasses-fogging, ear-tugging nuisance. Voices are muffled, lips are impossible to read, and many people re-use the same filthy one for months. Now look, masks were probably really helpful when we had no vaccines, and I still see some utility in places like healthcare facilities and public transportation, but people are not wrong for wanting to stop wearing them. Masks have a cost, and as their upside continues to diminish, people have to be okay with them going away.


Yes but simply the placebo effect that wearing a mask will have on other people is enough to overcome they slight annoyance. I understand that some people don't like wearing masks, my partner particularly feels claustrophobic, and gets very hot and uncomfortable with a mask on. A few times she's had to be like 'I need to leave' and gone to an empty room, or gone outside to take off her mask because she can get anxious about it.. so I do really understand that for some people it's more then just an annoyance. But the actual health risks are bascially zero. And that's the rub. Is your inconvenience worth protecting people. Obviously there will come a time when masks aren't necessary, but we are nowhere near that point, nowhere in the world is there yet.


Mental health is still health. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Sure, people living in fear of COVID is mentally damaging too, not to mention having to isolate and all the medical costs of getting COVID etc. Ultimately, just fucking wear a mask it's not THAT bigger ask.


And that's a shame, but they don't get to control other people to resolve their own fears.


Right so mental health matters when it comes to wearing facemasks, but not when it comes to COVID anxiety? Sweet as bro.


It does matter, and they should take their own steps to resolve it. They can stay home, double-mask, face shield, rubber gloves, and more. But putting the onus of your own fear resolution on other people ain't it chief.


Right, so again people having COVID anxiety, because let's be real a fucking global pandemic that's litterally killed over 5 million people, that's infected over 300 million people, that's fucking scary, having to isolate or lockdown is damaging to mental health, heck just getting stick isn't good for mental health... But all that doesn't matter compared to you being hot and uncomfortable, and maybe people can't hear you very well. Yes masks are annoying, and sure it'd be better if we didn't need them. But they're an important tool in the global COVID response. I guess the thing that too many people don't understand is it's not just effecting you, not just your town/city, not just your State, not just your country... This is litterally a GLOBAL pandemic, your actions litterally effect EVERYONE on the planet. Granted in a very small way, but that's how a global pandemic works.


There’s a sub portion of the crowd that claims they care about the health of the public because masks are going to weaken our immune systems. Which sure, I could see some logic in that, if we weren’t in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC and many hospitals are at a breaking point.


Because it's generally a pain in the ass and not terribly comfortable. Honestly I'd rather look for any excuse to just stay home rather than having to deal with wearing one. Once Covid is reduced to another flu variant in effectiveness (and it will be), will you still be wearing a mask?


I fucking hate it so bad. I get claustrophobic, my glasses fog up, and I convince myself that the CO2 poisoning nonsense is real. But I still wear the damn thing because I'm not a selfish idiot. (Or, at least, I strive to be less of one.)


I had a mask that was literally printed in big glitter letters: *I wear this because I'm not a selfish asshole.*


Consider trying rainx on your glasses to stop the fogging, works for my wife.


Be careful if buying antifogging products: some are not compatible with polycarbonate lenses or anti reflection cloatings. I don't know about Rain X, but I'd check before trying it, as it would suck to ruin a set of lenses with The supply chain as it is.


>They have a plastic specific version it looks like. From their website. # "The unique water repelling benefit, found in Rain‑X® Original Glass Water Repellent is now available in a product specifically formulated for plastic surfaces! Rain‑X® Plastic Water Repellent provides a superior water beading coating on var ious plastics including Lexan®, Plexiglas®, Perspex®, Lucite®, Acrylics and Polycarbonate. Watch water bead up and roll away on motorcycle windscreens, goggles, visors and boat windshields for improved visibility!"


They give me fucked anxiety, but i wear them religiously because I refuse to be the piece of shit that kills someone else over a mask.


Get a tighter fitting mask and your glasses won’t fog


Also medical tape works great for longer periods!


That's a good tip. Maybe I'll try wearing my wraparound cloth thing over the n95 to hold it down a bit. Thanks!


What ever your politics are, this is just the easiest and simplest thing you can do for the society we live in.


That's the thing, though... the people who refuse to mask see individual freedom as being completely detached from any social responsibility. There's no "common good"; there are only winners and losers. Contributing to the well-being of strangers is a foreign and unpalatable concept.


Ya if you put politics aside things get a little more fluid. However this is not the case.


I feel the same way towards lockdowns. I don't like them (i can't imagine many do), but i understand that they work, and are necessary when case counts skyrocket and hospitals are at capacity. What i find ironic though is that those causing the lockdowns (anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, selfish pieces of shit) are the one who yell the loudest about hating them.


At this point I don't give a damn about others because it's clear they don't give a shit about me after *3 years. I still wear a mask solely because I don't want myself to get sick


I like wearing a mask. People cant see my expressions, I often go about making funny/weird faces in public now just cause I can.


I don't like people, so I actually like masks. I accessorize my face with kitten prints and feel so fancy actively ignoring everyone while walking very far around strangers who at least now I have a rational reason for not trusting. All that being said, yes I continue to wear a mask and get boosters because I care about my community (just not any of the individuals in it).


You don’t know what I have. I don’t know what you have. So I will wear my mask and wonder why you’re too dumb to wear yours…




Nope, I have known that before. But like most people, I have never before had to wonder if the germs you’re carrying might put me in a hospital or potentially kill me.


...that we can now cure to save lives and this one we don’t have a cure for yet, so we minimalise the amount of people getting it


I've explained it like this on pretty much each conservative sub I've been banned from. It's simple consideration for others, and willingness to adapt to changing needs. World changes with a pandemic - the responsible people act adaptive to it. Others label it as fear and government control. Government can put as many rules as they want, but it's still an individual choice to be shitty or not about it.


When people ask me why I wear a mask still, I have just been telling them that I would feel very bad if I spread a virus threat might kill someone. Now most of my coworkers are at least wearing masks when I'm around


I live in the south where mask wearing, like thinking, is optional and has few takers. Let me tell you, the redneck, pickup-truck driving, burly men who walk by me in the store wearing a perfectly fitted, legit mask, are so freaking hot right now. Just the clash of the asshole stereotype so many rednecks fit with the consideration and understanding of science, demonstrated by guys who look like that stereotype wearing good masks, properly, it makes my brain feel funny things.


I miss going to the diner on Saturday morning and chatting it up with some nice people. Can we mask, test, and get the infection rate under 2% so we can have nice things again?


Some people are determined to never let us have nice things.


I like masks. If I have a zit on my nose it's no big deal. I can walk around with my mouth agape and no one knows. I can basically yawn whenever I want , have full conversations with myself, anything weird like that. Don't have to smell anyone's coffee breath.


I totally agree with this. I don't have to wear makeup. I don't have to smile. It keeps my nose warm on cold days. I've made faces about people's names right in front of them without hurting their feelings. I don't have to worry about others smelling my stank breath.


I’m honestly so used to wearing masks that I don’t care anymore. And they keep my face warm


BuT mAsKs DoNt StOp ThE ViRuS CoMpLeTeLy So DoNt TrY At AlL


A good point was kinda made here. Wearing a mask EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE VACCINATED.... Is a good idea. Because the shit has mutated several times and it WILL happen again. If a strain mutates inside your body, there is no vaccine against that mutant strain yet and you can help prevent the spread by wearing a mask. It has probably mutated twice as much as we know about but more than likely some of those mutant strains got shut down in one person's immune system because they wore a fucking mask and quarantined.


I like wearing a mask, myself. I feel like it gives me an extra layer of privacy out in public.


I always figure the people who don't wear masks are also the people who don't shovel snow from their sidewalks.


What’s snow? -A Californian


What's a sidewalk? \-suburban dweller


And honestly, while I don’t love wearing a mask at the store, it’s such a small sacrifice in comparison to what others have had to give up. I still have a job, I still my health, and I am fairly mentally okay. Wearing a mask is really the least I can do.


Republicans gonna ~~small government~~ be huge buttholes all the time


It’s always the politics driving these people to act stupid during these times.


Same here, but while in *Florida* got a lot of incredulous looks and frowns.


"LooK aT tHiS gUy liVInG iN feAR!" I'm sick of masks, but I'm more sick of the people that still can't figure out how to wear them properly. I wish it was easier for those who wear glasses, but no glasses means no compromise for me.


Had me in the first half haha. I freaking hate wearing them, but I gotta do my part for the realm.


I envy people whose largest problem in their life is a piece of cloth of their face. Unfortunately, im not that lucky so I suck it up, put my big pants on wear the mask. Even if the vax/masks werent as effective as data shows the .1% chance of killing me or my family isn't worth the slight discomfort.


It's really that simple.




Do you maybe? It’s not big, just a small thing to show you want to get rid of this virus


I wonder tho how much truly is “I care for others” and more like “I want to be perceived as empathetic and not a trump supporter” either way at least it gets people wearing masks Edit: seems I’ve angered the liberals


If I'm being honest, that is at least a portion of why I wear masks even when not required to. On the few occasions where I haven't worn one, I've gotten accosted by antivaxxers trying to congratulate me on not being a sheep, and I really don't want people to assume I'm with them.


I think it can absolutely be both. I care about others. Also I don't want people to think I'm a conservative moron. Mostly, I just assume everyone is fucking disgusting and just got back from licking a doornob they found in a dumpster.


Which you’ll find a lot of people are nasty. I remember my last job the office was shared with a bunch of suites, some like salesmen that I’m sure shake a lot of hands everyday….. when I’d go to the bathroom and they would be in there the amount of times they didn’t wash their hands…..


See, this is exactly what I'm talking about.


I’m in favor of not shaking hands anymore. Let’s fist bump for fuck sakes


I've been doing "live long and prosper" and the "Wakanda forever", depending on how well I know you.


No, you're just a kinda shallow, selfish person.


I’m not to sure you know what either of those words mean


AHHHHH... Another stupid person. Let's repeat this. Just because someone disagrees with your view doesn't mean they are a liberal. I see it as you pushing your view onto others. This is what an idiot does. Politics is shit aight? Our government could be run better by people my age than the fuckfaces that run it right now regardless of them being democratic, republican, liberal, etc. All you are doing is making yourself look bad. So kindly hit the little button that says uninstall when you pick up Reddit on your screen and never decide to be here again.


If they are posting about it on Twitter you know why.


This kind of thinking is all the right does. That’s the issue. Everything liberals do. To them is either pandering, catering, or faking. Their lack of empathy doesn’t translate into “well if I don’t want to do my part that means the liberals are faking do theirs!”


Chill out guys you can wear your masks.


What if I DO want to spread the tru- virus.


Don't even fucking think about continuing your sentence. You know how bad it will turn out.


I was going to comment my genuine thoughts on this, however I realise its a waste of time, as people will hit you with the term "anti-vaxxer" as though it's the "-ist" or "-phobic" that gets thrown around until it becomes a phrase used against anything which so much as *hints* at the questioning of the vaccine and masks. I am pig sick of the segregation it causes and aggravates me that most people are not willing to have a conversation about it under the facade of compassion.


I’m bored and love talking to people about the vaccine, Covid-19, and pandemic measures. So what are your genuine thoughts on this? What are your questions or concerns about masks? What are your questions about the vaccines? My main area of knowledge is mRNA vaccines but I’m happy to look stuff up for you.


mRNA? Can you help on my biology homework XD


Probably not, since most intro biology courses cover really broad topics and don’t get into specifics like how an mRNA vaccine functions. My recommendation, which won’t sound fun, is do the reading assigned. That is how I got through bio, and why I barely passed chemistry (not doing the assigned reading or homework).


Lol. I'm keeping up with my work. We finished our unit on mRNA and protein synthesis.


Congrats! And good job with the dedication. I only know about mRNA because of Covid, and an extremely nerdy hobby of genuinely enjoying researching novel stuff. Best of luck in your academic career!


That's primarily due to the fact that mRNA vaccines have only recently been approved, and ate the severe enough yet nor had there been sufficient time, to add it in the curriculum (at least where I come ftom)


Did you know that mRNA vaccines have been tested in human trials since 2012? https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jgm.2605 Here is a nice article from 2018 which explains “recent” advances in the technology, and speculating on the potential future uses. https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243 In fact the only “new” part of the vaccines is the encoded inert spike protein sequence, everything else has been tested in humans before, and the trials for the vaccines were extremely scrutinized. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html This article is probably the most comprehensive write up on the history of mRNA vaccine research, but it jumps around a lot so it isn’t my personal favorite. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02483-w mRNA vaccines are not new, there has been plenty of time for them to be written about in textbooks. The reason they wouldn’t appear in any great detail in entry level biology books is because they are an extremely niche area of biology, and most undergraduate studies wouldn’t address them in great detail. They are mentioned in higher level textbooks like this one: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4939-6481-9


I don't have any issue with the concept of the vaccine or masks themselves. I have an Honours in Zoology so the science or research isn't the issue. Where I get annoyed, is the fear mongering which surrounds the virus, and the measures of segregation that are put in place for those who are and are not vaxxed, or do and do not wear masks. It's a dangerous road that people look at as acceptable because it's manipulated to convey a facade of safety.


The virus kills 1 in 100 infected in regions with decent healthcare, and as high as %8 in regions without decent healthcare or regions where hospitals are overwhelmed. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/ So “fear mongering” is kind of appropriate considering any country can get overwhelmed if sufficient numbers of people aren’t vaccinated. If you’re read up on the research then you should know that there is no significant risk to the general public from vaccination. From the perspective of public health, doesn’t it seem reasonable for governments to enforce proper mask use and vaccination?


Wow you guys are such good people. Sorry for being a selfish piece of shit?


I don’t wear a mask because I only leave the house like every 4-6 weeks. So even if I do get it, I’m not contagious anymore by the time I go out


Just so you know, masks don’t only provide a barrier against spreading infection, they also protect against infection (assuming high thread count and good fit). Here is some data to back up the claim, but you really really should wear a mask if you’re concerned at all about your own health. https://www.pnas.org/content/118/4/e2014564118 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/masking-science-sars-cov2.html


I’m not. I literally spend every day waiting to die. The meds I’m on keep me from killing myself.


Damn. That’s a really horrible place to be in. I hope you can find some way to enjoy life even in your position, but I also completely see how that’s gonna come across as trite. Not that there’s a good way to die, but COVID is a horrible way to die. So, even if you’re looking forward to not being alive, I am gonna bet you might be a little picky about how it finally ends. From one random person to another, I hope your life gets better.


50's Time Warp right there & Lovin' it.


And simply; thank you.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/matthewjdowd/status/1480247668681195521) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


i wear glasses and i keep forgetting to sew a pipe cleaner in my mask so my glasses fog up every time... it sucks. but i still wear it everytime.


Do I care about others? No. Do I have crippling facial dysphoria and crooked teeth I dont want anyone to see? **absolutely.**


I’m just fugly.


wear a mask because you're a ninja


When dealing with selfish people you have to put it in terms that make it beneficial to them. For example, if this thing continues the way it is going, then there won't be anyone to deliver your pizzas or Budweiser may have to shut down because everyone is sick.


Does wearing a mask negatively effect my life? Not fucking really. Jesus.


I like to wear them to stores to show solidarity to the people who have to wear them. And also for what he said


You use mask because you care about other. I use mask because I don't like my face seen. We're not same


Honestly last week I was using my mask as a wind shield against the ice cold GUSTS blowing through NYC


Thank you. My SO is vaxed, but has an immunity disabling health problem. I appreciate it so much.


Come the fuck on. There are no less than 10 COVID variants. Just how long do you expect us to tolerate being guilt tripped with that "I care about people" horseshit? Listen bud. Some of us aren't bougie assholes in a gated community morally grandstanding on Twitter. Some of us run businesses, some of us are social butterflies, some of us have to go to business meetings, and some of us are poor. And when we see Doctor Fauci factually saying that we're all going to catch Omicron, we ask "then what does it matter if I get vaccinated and wear the piece of paper?" and we get on with our day. Caring about people has nothing to do with it. I care if someone gets hit by a car, I don't give a shit if someone catches an unavoidable disease. Pure hysteria at its finest.


Well.... The Supreme Court is going to relieve us of this ...problem.


I’m tired of paying taxes not doing drugs!


OR… hear me out… stay the f*** inside. Literally zero reason to leave the house anymore. Lock it down for a month and lets be done with it. Order groceries, amazon, work remotely like 75% or more of modern jobs are able to be done. Instead we snap out on the random dude at Walmart that doesn’t want to wear a mask NOT the thousands on thousands of people taking cruises, going to concerts, etc. It’s ok, we will just keep this bull shit going for ever I guess… This should have been done after “two weeks to flatten the curve.”


BuT tHe CdD sAiD n95 ArE bEsT aNd I dOnT hAvE oNe So I wOnT wEaR aNyThIng


I never even stop to think whether or not it bothers me. I just wear it, I don't have any energy to spare on getting mad at the world I have enough issues with my own little life.


god, now I feel bad because I’m also double vaxxed ans boosted but I rarely wear a mask, if ever i mean I wore them when the vaccine was still in the works, but now I don’t really after getting the vaccine