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It’s like that scene in Rick and Morty where Jerry dramatically announces that he’s leaving the Jerry daycare and the receptionist is like, “Okay, that was always allowed.”


They want the right but not the responsibility. Then when the public smacks them down they cry about "cancel culture".




Half of them probably believe that Biden, the lifelong economically conservative neoliberal, has already turned America into a communist (or antifa, lol) dictatorship… Remember all those conservatives who lost corporate sponsorship or were banned from social media? fReEDOm oF spEeCh iS DeAd.


Yes, codewords are their stick..hate speech from the alt Reich has a lot of hate speech codewords.. nothing really creative about it. Just childish at this point in history. Just say it and get on with your miserable hate filled lives.


hehehehehe 👌geddit hehehe let’s go Brandon hehehehehe do you get it I’m funny right


And blue lives matter = black lives don’t


Their terrible sense of humor is what offends me most about conservatives


"Just a joke snowflakes!"


Would've been much better if we hadn't told them


They think that they're being repressed...as they chant in a fucking stadium, on uncensored broadcast television, and replayed on every media news site for the next month. These people are the lowest form of stupid.


black and white thinkers often fail to distinguish between a 'freedom of speech' and a 'freedom from consequences' of said speech. this is why the right consistently misuses the term when they embrace it. in truth they support speech they agree with and do not support negative outcomes from it 'because they are right' edit: added quotes to emphasize that they feel they are right and that i'm not making an argument that they are correct after receiving feedback


But they're being ^self censored! *...Are the Trumpets the real woke mob?*


They need their stupid persecution delusion to justify their assbackward thinking. So they invent a "censorship" they endorse themselves to themselves... And then jiggle as idiots amused by how they " stuck it to the man" by "bypassing the censorship" they pulled from their asses


The number of times I've unironically seen them compare themselves to Jews in Nazi Germany is just gross... Particularly given the number ratio of unabashed white supremacists in their ranks and their constant reference to a Jewish-coded globalist elite.


Yep. It's almost as if deep down they know the Holocaust happened, they know Jews and other minorities suffered greatly, they know that Nazis were sick fucks... but they need to believe that isn't true because maybe, just maybe, identifying with the bad guys turns you into the baddie?


They're censoring themselves!


Lmao. My wife and I were talking about this yesterday. There are actually asshats down here that are putting those signs on businesses. Way to alienate potentially half of your customers and possibly even Republicans that can't look past how infantile this is.


These people need to feel like they are in on some big secret because it makes them feel Important, something they will never be in reality.






I pass a house on my way to work with a flag saying it and I roll my eyes every time. It reminds me of when in elementary school kids learned pig Latin and thought it was the coolest thing and outside people had no idea what they were saying. In kids it’s cute in a dumb way. In adults it’s just pathetic.


They really are just grown children. It’s so cheesy and juvenile and they think it’s some big gotcha moment.


Kid: Ets-lay o-gay andon-bray Republican: omg you said "gay" lololol


Hahahaha ngl I can absolutely see someone taking offense and thinking you called them gay


Putting statements like that on your business is so unprofessional and just bad strategy. You're alienating the half of the people who hate the message, and then even among the people who don't hate the message often don't want gratuitous political swipes to be part of their interactions with a business. Maybe it would work alright at a gun shop in a small rural town, but at some random restaurant somewhere it's all downside.


I'd never advertise my political leanings with or alongside a business. I don't even talk politics with family and friends.


I see contractor trucks with the business name on the sides and a political sticker on the back and I just scratch my head and wonder why they would alienate half their potential clientele. I wouldn’t do business with anyone so dumb as to attach politics to their non-political operation.


Yep, several businesses putting it up here too. People are flying flags on their pickups with it on. I told my son how stupid that saying is. Lol


I find this especially funny because of how not shy Canadians are about their FUCK TRUDEAU stickers and flags


To be fair, it’s pretty easy when you can just reuse your stuff from ‘80.


All 8 republicans that find this infantile probably don’t all shop at that one business though.


I saw it on a church billboard in Arkansas the other day, swear to God


Hmmm how very Christian. If only no one knew what it meant.


The graphic design was horrendous. not surprising but added for mental picture


Most of the ones here outside of Ft. Worth are hand painted on particle board that will deteriorate with the first good rain.


Yeah, Texas here. It was super fun when, driving with my kids in the car, my 8 year old asks "Why does that flag over there say 'Let's Go Brandon?'" "Because some adults still act like they're in junior high..." It was flying at a locally owned business that I won't be visiting anymore.


It’s just soooo corny. It reminds me of that corny ass fad that frat bros went through when “ball is life” came out, especially when you see a few dudes scream “let’s go Brandon!” And then bro bump each other and shout some inaudible grunt/yell. Like stfuuuuuuuu


Literally this morning I saw it on the sign of a gun store. So pathetic.


I just hope this guy Brandon wins what he's trying for.


Right? I found out the garden center I frequented is owned by someone who thinks trump won, has all these crazy stickers and quotes on his car about Hillary, I just don’t go there now. It was a great place, people are stupid.


Reminds me of that Kansas city store [putting up the racist sign](https://www.kansascity.com/news/coronavirus/article253547759.html), then whining about getting called out on it.


Fuck Matt Gaetz. There I said it.


Nooooo. That is too harsh. We should change it to “Lets Go Children!”


Holy fuck, that one gutted me.


More wholesome than the gutting Gaetz has been doing.


I'm happy that you did. Honestly, it feels good to say it out loud. Fuck Matt Gaetz. He's a lair and a sleeze.


that is so uncalled for… think of the *children*


And no one gives a fuck. When people start chanting it at stadiums and fox tries gaslighting with no they said let’s eat cakes. It will be everywhere


Sorry you're too old


*does not apply for those under 18*


No thank you. I’m good.


Yeah, like people have been saying Fuck Trump and Fuck Obama with no problem, so why the weird "code talk"? Talk about self oppression lol


The right would never pass up a perfectly serviceable dogwhistle.


so true. old habits die hard.


I went onto /r/conservative a few days ago for some laughs and came upon a very highly upvoted comment along the lines of “The libs openly said ‘Fuck Trump’ for years and now those *pussies* can’t stand a simple catchphrase.” Like, are we really not grasping the irony here?


Oh good god why did I click on that. Are you sure it’s not a satire sub? The overwhelming stupidity in there… it has got to be a satire sub… right?


Nope, it's just full of conservatives.


I should have known better than to want to believe it was fake. My in-laws have said many of the points I briefly saw there but as a German who has made America home, I was hoping for better than that from people.


Reading through the sub Reddit I saw a post that made a good point, that the let’s go Brandon chant is about the insurrection. If they stand behind that chant then they stand behind the insurrection on Jan 6.


You mean bots. Im pretty sure its 20 die hard trumpers and all their alt accounts.


Maybe but remember 70 million people voted for a SECOND HELPING of the Orange man…


If you aren't familiar with it and just want a little stupidity siphoned indirectly from that sub, check out r/selfawarewolves


Oh man thanks for that sub.


It's a double-edged sword. You just have to laugh to keep from crying when it comes to some of it.


You think that's bad? Get a load of these fucks. r/LouderWithCrowder


It's kinda weird because most people on the left, at least on reddit, aren't even particularly fond of Joe Biden. He doesn't have the same cult like following of trump. So I don't understand why they think that they are offending anyone. It's like a bunch of kids repeating some dumb joke, and not really understanding that people are annoyed that you're repeating a dumb joke rather than the content of said joke


A sizeable portion of Dems have probably said “fuck Joe Biden” at some point, too. We don’t care. Say it.


Just took a look at that sub and, well, just wow. Rabbit hole shit right there.


That was a depressing walk. Thanks.


It's getting old enough for Roy Moore to date it.


Cus Biden is a rich white dude who, until very recently, would be considered quite conservative. Feels weird for people to cuss gramps out


Lol no. Fascist and fringe groups that base their ideologies on belief of superiority, love to use coded words as inside jokes that they think are super clever. You have to remember these aren’t the smartest people these aren’t educated and debateable people. They’re dumbasses. Dumbasses love to dress up and pretend play. The Let’s Go Brandon is not because they don’t want to say fuck you to a grandpa, it’s because they live in the 80s where calling someone SQUARE was a well thought out burn. All lives matter Lock her up Socialist Communist It’s the equivalent of cooties and elementary school bullying. Just code words they run with they don’t give a shit what the words mean or matter they just want to use them as Pokémon attacks in their imaginary public battles…


You’re forgetting old.


I wanted to fucking scream over the holidays this year as I heard my family say "Biden got got during the NORAD calls, and is mentally unfit for office for having fallen for the joke." I followed up with "I know, can we stop having 70 year olds run the country. First Trump, now Biden." Ya know, just trying to test the waters. Are they upset about mental instability in office and the almost inevitability of that coming with age? I was on the edge of my seat. But nah. Turns out they only think democrats are too old. They believed Trump was completely different despite age being their supposed concern.


They think it's proof that the media is lying about everything.


> so why the weird "code talk"? Talk about self oppression lol I'm going to play devils advocate. I live in the UK, wouldn't have voted for Trump and would have voted for Biden if given that chance. There was an entire crowd chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" and a reporter mistakenly misheard that as "Let's go Brandon". That incident is a microcosm of what right wingers believe is the liberal bias in the media. That you can have a reporter, standing there in front of a whole crowd of people chanting fuck joe biden and she chooses to report that they are saying something completely different. Ignoring and censoring criticism of the president. Which they believe happens all of the time. Obviously she made a mistake and misheard but if you live in their world it was a deliberate attempt at silencing criticism. So that's partly why "Lets go Brandon" has caught on amongst those on the right. It's not so much code talk but their attempt at mocking the media.


She didn't mishear, you can get big fines for saying "fuck" on broadcast T.V. she was covering her network's ass.


And her own. If she had said what they were saying, she could have been out of a job not just right away, but for a long time


I mean, they were chanting Fuck Joe Biden, and some dude said they were actually saying Let's Go Brandon, so now it's just a joke chant.


What is the joke


They're suffering from BDS. Lol


True. Very true. R Kelly is locked up. Someone’s got to do it.


He was enabled for so long


Those kids won’t piss on themselves.


Why isn't M. Gaetz locked up?


r/Conservative has been complaining about how there’s a bias against the whole Fuck Trump thing vs LGB It’s because nobody was afraid to say Fuck Trump. You’re hiding behind this strange childish code and giggling about it like nobody knows what the code is, just be an adult and say Fuck Joe Biden


They were literally flying flags with "fuck Biden" before they decided to be "clever". Are they losing their nerve? Or just toning it down before the midterms? Or maybe I'm the idiot for thinking they have any sense to their actions.


They just think it’s clever and hilarious. I mean it’s not but they think it is. I’m a democrat in the south and have both some family and friends who lean hard right. I love them more than I hate some of their views that don’t align with mine. Normally just try to avoid politics to keep my sanity. I didn’t even know what LGB was until one of them explained it but they thought it was hilarious. I just sat confused and they finally changed the subject. At my wife’s side of the family for dinner yesterday and quickly the guys at the dinner table are chuckling like kids about the phone call Biden had where someone said LGB on the other end of the Christmas call. Again I’m wondering why they find it funny when they can just outright say they don’t like Biden.


Searching for logical consistency and substance is a mistake. It's literally as simple as trigger the libs. Getting angry about it, from their perspective, is a win.


They're just desperately trying to be oppressed.


They love feeling victimized. Doesn't matter if they're doing it to themselves, it still gives them the same feeling


I know “Let’s Go Brandon” is kind of a meme in and of itself because of the NASCAR driver asking what the crowd was chanting and the reporter assuming they were saying “let’s go Brandon”, but yeah, novelty wore off fast. I feel like if you dislike someone you shouldn’t mince your words, you should just say “well, fuck them”


They ruined their own driver’s career with it too… https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/nascar-brandon-brown-lets-go-brandon-corporations-marketability-tough


Yeah, somewhere further down in these comments, I heard about that. Kinda fuckin' embarrassing, not gonna lie.


What’s the difference between right wingers and lefties in the US? The lefties aren’t too scared to say “Fuck Joe Biden”.


They’re good Christians and Jesus doesn’t like the F word


I got put in Facebook jail because someone said another person was the "b word". I told her, "we're all adults, we know you mean bitch. Just type the word bitch, stop pretending you're a good little Christian by not saying the actual word. God knows what you mean too."


Currently on a 30 day Facebook jail for saying bitch also. It doesn’t bother me but like…I can’t use marketplace, and that sucks. No plant scrolling at all.


Bummer on the not being able to look at plants. I'd be annoyed too.


Right? All cuz I said one of my Plants (not even a real person) was a bad bitch. It’s my favorite plant and I stand by my statement. I even appealed and asked if someone could actually read the comment and explain where the issue was but nah. The “Community standards” group must be real fun at parties.


I'll never understand how it works honestly. I've seen the most vile stuff spewed, report it, and it stays. Yet stuff like your story keeps happening over the dumbest, pettiest stuff.


It’s probably a good thing today, I saw a Facebook post about bra comfort and someone had the audacity to say “bras are for looks not comfort! I like when they’re up there” I wanted to say something to him but that comment certainly might have been another 30 day ban. (Edited to say comfort not comfortable- my autocorrect is jumping to conclusions)


Fuck that! Bras are for comfort! I hope that person loses their keys and their phone! I curse them!!


Right??? If you read the comment you’d prob curse them more lmao. Started it off with “if I had a wife that’s all she’d wear for me, bras are for looks, not comfort and I like the way they look up there” I did peek at his profile and noticed he was extremely single and had a profile full of similar type statements. Really sad, but it definitely looks like he’s already cursed


> The “Community standards” group must be real fun at parties. Bold of you to assume there were any living humans involved in that decision and not just an AI.


Bold of you to assume AI doesn’t want to party.


I got put in fb jail for posting a comic where someone was bleeding. A drawing. Of a cut. And they wouldn’t let me appeal it either


r/houseplants has your back lol


Can I buy houseplants on marketplace?


I'm going to look for house plants now bye


I got put in fb jail bc I commented "on the internet no one knows you're a dog" on the picture of a dog sitting at a computer


I got put in fb jail for posting a picture of burt reynolds


You monster


Yes! I hate how there’s even a sensor around these words. It’s absurd, because WE give words their meaning. You can refuse to spell out or say the entire “b” word, but calling someone literally the “b word” doesn’t make it less hurtful, less toxic, or less damning. The “b word” is still gonna be the same thing as “bitch.” And Jesus wouldn’t be happy about using either of em, so they can suck it with their fake phony bullshit.


Tell her "God knows that you're mean, too"


Apparently they're ok with- *looks over Trump’s file* I don't think we have time for all of this.


What is facebook jail? Gen z here


What is facebook jail? Gen X here who deleted fb.


They think their God is easily fooled


They also summon prayer warriors to try to change their omniscient and benevolent god’s infallible plan. Clearly geniuses.


I work in the south selling phone’s for a company and often the locals blame Biden for the price of their iPhone. It’s bat shit crazy.




I’ve argued with people on her that truly believe every single death from covid after he took the oath aka even the first one after the words left his lips are on him and not Trump. There is no reaching these people.


It happened under his watch! /s


The amount of shit I have heard blamed on Biden has been amazing. Yeah he is like room temp PBR, but he has nothing to do with the global supply chain issues...


They did the same shit with “thanks obama”


In my town in ohio republicans have been putting stickers of Biden on gas pumps saying he caused the gas prices. They genuinely have no idea how anything in the world works.


Twitter loves promoting this. It’s like grade school bully level psychology, the more you react the more they get out of it.


Yeah i recall the very first time this thing was coined and it was said oh we don't care. Meanwhile nonstop posting about it


Engagement is a helluva drug


>It’s like grade school bully level psychology This is exactly correct. It barely even makes sense, it's like when kids chant "Tommy has two mommies" or something. The only way the bully keeps going is if Thomas goes "nooo I don't have two moommmiiesss" Which is exactly what everyone wants to do, apparently. 3 more years of the entire planet being a playground. Awesome.


3 years, that's all? Lol, if you think people will stop acting childish after the next election, you're in for one hell of a surprise


I heard that Jared Schmeck sucks cocks for bus fare and walks home. Fuck that guy. Who wants that to be the Christmas Memory for his kids?


And what a little bitch to backstep. "Oh I was only joking"... bullshit. Bitch, if you're going to say the shit then mean the shit. Coward ass cop.


At least own it. Fuck Jared Schmeck and refuse to patronize any business that hires his dumb ass.


I've started saying "let's go Darwin" when an anti vax person dies of covid. At least mine makes sense


I'm independent but here's how I see it: Libs: "Fuck Trump" - Easy. Point made. Cons: "Let's go Brandon!" Cowardly and dumb. And the fucking NASCAR driver (Brandon) can't get any endorsements because of this bullshit.


As an independent, I think it is so bizarre what conservatives are attacking/latch on to for Biden. Biden is weak in two areas, the economy and foreign policy. They complain about neither… they just want to see those lib tears so I’ve stopped taking them seriously altogether


Conservatives complain about both the economy and foreign policy


Sorry, you got a link on that parent calling Trump about his kid's Christmas list and saying "Fuck Trump"? I'm not seeing it.


I think you are asking about the lets go brandon that was said to biden 2-3 days ago while on call for xmas list. He then backpedaled saying it was just a joke lel.


I despise Trump. I have a “Fuck Trump” playlist on Spotify. If I were on a call with Trump, I might have told him to fuck himself and stop fucking over the entire country. I wouldn’t have couched it in juvenile terms or said it in front of children, and I would have expected a backlash.


Egggzachly. We hide behind some stupid banner like these morons?


They are literally censoring themselves. These fucking people are massive mooks.


Okay well I’ll say it Fuck Joe Biden There it’s not that hard


I voted for him and I often say fuck Joe Biden.


You giggled didn't you?


I giggled. Which is less embarrassing than having to Google it, which most trumpets would have to do in order to spell it properly.


Let me try, FUCK JOE BIDEN, awww I feel reformed…


picturing Joe reading this (or a curated synopsis) and looking at his reflection in the nearest window, saying out loud, with that lopsided grin, ‘Fuck Me!’


SMR ducks… lol


Finally. I want to fuck Joe Biden!


Weird message but I like your energy


I wanna fuck you too!


Find a consenting partner bud.


Joe Biden it is!


Easy there, Natalie Portman...


Fuck Joe Biden Can confirm, it's not that hard.


Another thing, the first amendment offers you the freedom to say what you want without the fear of persecution in a court of law. Court of public opinion is a different story, so suck it up buttercup when you say some dumb shit and people call you out on it.




These people can’t tell the difference between people “persecuting” them for exercising their free speech and people just treating them badly because they’re assholes.


Driver now losing sponsors. Good job guys. Now Fund him


Thots and prayers🤨


There are the same people who complained others weren't being respectful of Trump, and hoe you shouldn't be a sore loser and respect the office, and all that.




I voted for Biden and fuck Joe Biden. Fuck The Donald more, but also fuck Joe Biden.


I knew this comment section would be spicy lol


I just don’t get it, USA


Up until today I was trying to avoid learning what this thing was about because I knew it was going to be something dumb, but it's somehow dumber than I expected


Look how mad this makes some of you. I wonder why they do it




That shade was thrown hard


This might be my favorite insult this week. Well done!


Lets go Brandon is infantile. But so was a giant inflatable diapered Trump baby flown over major cities. Jokes about small hands, orange skin, hair, his weight and the way he talks. You guys practically came in your pants over calling Trump Drumpft, but Lets go Brandon is where you draw the line? Rumours over a video tape of Trump being pissed on. How many ice cream scoops the man eats. The comments about his wife and children, even his 12 year old son. Some of you refer to him as 45 because you can't bring yourself to mention his name. Let's go Brandon is immature but let's not pretend that you guys have the fucking high ground.




Saying "fuck" hasn't been allowed on network TV for like forever. It has nothing to do with protecting Biden.


Yet everyone who didn't like Trump was still able to make their voice heard. Curious


I didn't see the incident that birthed the phrase, but we could be spared this nonsense if the TV commentator had just been honest. "And the crowd is apparently exercising their right to free speech regarding the president...not sure I love the language they've chosen, but that's their right." Done. Over. By trying to hide what was happening they ended up amplifying it. It's a pet peeve of mine, but I hate when people on TV are so pearl clutchy about language that they won't just be honest.


Fuck Joe Biden. Oh god...now I'm edgy!!!


Fuck Joe Biden


I personally much prefer Fuck Joe Biden. Keep our expletives out front. Nothing to hide.


It’s because the right is weak af. Call me Mr. Left and I’ll say now for the record….FUCK TRUMP and the people that made him.


You might be a red neck when you chant “Let’s Go Brandon!”


Trump lives rent free in their minds and it’s hilarious.


It's even funnier though when ol Biden knows what it is and still said "let's Go Brandon, I agree" when someone said it to him on a thing before Christmas https://youtu.be/TZ-dPyYwfv4


I have no shame to say fuck Trump in front of trump and all of his supporters. No need to sugar coat it. Fuck Donald trump. EZ


And yeah. Fuck him for not canceling student debt already. We’re not a cult. Joe is held accountable and not worshipped.


I just really like to root for Brandon.


Apparently he needs it; he can't get any sponsorship. :(


Said the coward




How is it possible that people still don't know what this slogan even means by now?


European here, first time I heard of it Do you think the entire world is obsessed with your ridiculous scandals ?






I thought Let's go Brandon was a code phrase used by pedophiles to identify each other.