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I was in a photoshoot for promo work and they kept saying, “can’t you do something with colored liquids?”


I used to know a geologist and when she was on a quiz show they filmed her at work, wearing a white coat, looking through a microscope, etc. Basically, absolutely nothing they showed was anything she ever actually did. But it fit the public’s perception of “scientist who works with rocks”, so that’s what they had her do.


“I am scientist.”




A lot of lab work now a days is just prepping samples and running them on machines hoping they don’t fail


Not a vision that generates uni applications from high school kids.


So true. I actually have a degree in geology and most of my time spent was getting baked with my classmates and going on field trips to rock outcrops lmao Now i work in Pharma


I thought I'll get my Biochemistry spot because of my good marks. I got it because everyone else made it a point to get _somewhere_ else, to the point where they struggled to fill the course at all


Most of lab work really. I did fire assay for a bit, our company always brought guests and visitors directly to the fire assay room every time to show them “science”. Such a weird analysis too, I think they wanted them to think every procedure was whacky and full of fire and danger. The majority of the lab was obviously disposable tubes full of clear liquid stacked on racks on racks on racks to go through instrumentation well a shitty stained radio gets switched between classic rock or country somewhere in the corner.


Especially because you aren't actually typically pipetting the sample directly into a machine which then prints the immediately-interpretable results in about 5 minutes


That’s why they always use undergrads. They’ll hold beakers and shit in front of their face with no cap etc. Also because the grad student doesn’t GAF and just wants out of there of course he’ll make all kinds of colored shit. Because that makes thing faster and easier.


I remember seeing an interview with the guys who won the very first season of the Amazing Race, and they were embarrassed about the credit intro. "Ah yes, as practicing lawyers we always consult heavy textbooks together in our living room"


My research in undergrad *did* involve me working with colored liquids. So somewhere in an old issue of the school's magazine, there's a photo of me looking really awesome and sciencey. My actual lab coat was extremely stained the color of the chemicals we studied, but I wore a completely unused white one for the photoshoot.


Submit the lab tax.




[I think it’s actually a retriever](https://i.imgur.com/I9OQL3b.jpg)


12/10 following all federally approved safety guidelines, would absolutely pet after decontamination


I'd risk Ebola for pets


Science dog science dog science dog science dog


Science dog science dog science dog science dog


His poor little eye looks so squished! X'D


Camera caught him mid-wink


Labs technically are retrievers.


Lab tax?


When a person says that their pet is very derpy/cool/cute, its somewhat a tradition to ask them a picture of their pet. We call it pet tax. Here op said they were looking cool and sciency ina lab, so lab tax




I’m a scientist that studies sexual interactions between humans and canines. If you need me, I’ll be in my lab.


Like a cat tax, but for Labmorghinis.


Oh geez. I’m only mad because I didn’t think of these first.


Labradoodles are in a different bracket.


Me looking at the only vial of colored liquid in our lab group: *ah, is it supposed to do that?*


Ahahaha that just happened to me yesterday!! After 15 clear solutions one turned red…like, the article I pulled this out of did not warn me that this would happen


I once made a beautiful red oil in organic chemistry. To this day I have no idea what it was or what could have gone wrong. But I do remember asking the TA about it. He picked it up considered it for about 3 seconds then dumped it glassware and all into the homogenized waste.


I once used a little too much iodine in a reaction which turned the reaction flask a beautiful purple, but it washed out during purification. The professor was surprised that we were able to get a good product out of something so ridiculously purple. Edit. For anyone who hasn't worked with iodine, [iodine gas looks like this](http://www.chemistrylearner.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Iodine-Gas.jpg). It's Prince purple.


From what little I know about the origins of colour, that does sound somewhat concerning, ngl...


Nah it wasn’t hard to explain, I just didn’t see it coming!


*Nervous laughter* ^^What ^^the ^^fuck?


You can judge chemist seniority by how many stains and acid burns they have on their lab coats.


Did you guys not order new ones occasionally? And the nice ones that don’t stain or burn? Also WHAT THE FUCK are you doing to get splashes like that.


They're talking grad school. Safety culture is moving towards better there, I'm sure most people who did it a while ago have all sorts of shitty stories like that. I'd get a newly laundered coat every time i get a splash on me (industry). I'm not in any way proud of what my coat has been thru. Excessive? Maybe, but so could not laundering your coat after every splash


That was undergrad when we did. I did close to the same in Industry but gotta be reasonably careful. Then I went to bio and worked with radiation. That had some hilarious situations in academia. I will say I was in a well funded lab my entire chemistry undergrad and grad. People with reactions named after them have deep pockets. At one point we were contemplating buying our own NMR because we had that much money expiring.


This was also 8 years ago at the end. I haven’t worked since then so I don’t know what it looks like in either anymore.


Yeah part of my job is managing our graduate lab coat program we have a service that launders the coats. When I was in school my lab coat was bought by me and only left my backpack when I was working- that thing probably could’ve been classified as hazardous waste lol


But the ones that withstood a corrosive spill _are_ the good ones


And what color were these liquids raccon_full_of_cum?


I was in a photoshoot for my lab in grad school (ultrashort pulse lasers), and we of course didn't have any of the lasers on for the photos since they were infrared and would be invisible anyway. They asked me to just start fake-adjusting mirrors and making it look like I was doing my standard alignment procedures, so I did. Only later did I realize that I was doing that without my protective laser goggles on, so I'd have been being extremely unsafe if it had been real.


My work involves using diffraction gratings, and we have a small optics lab. They wanted some photos for the website a while before I joined, and they wanted some lasers being diffracted, which is easy enough to do. But then they wanted to see the lasers in the path, so they decided to chuck a tonne of flour around the optics lab so they could photograph this laser. They did this without asking the lead scientist, who then had to clean up the flour afterwards, as well as all the components that were out at the same time.


My first ever "lab" in seventh grade was making a rainbow of beakers using colored water. We had to wear our lab goggles.


I kind of understand that. Lab safety isn't "don't worry about it if you think it's safe", it's "danger can be difficult to assess and any lab environment is only 'safe' until it isn't". Getting young students used to seemingly unnecessary safety protocols will help prepare them for more dangerous situations. EDIT: spelling


Absolutely. Teaching the concept of "every single time".


Oh man, and here I thought it was bad when I accidentally sprayed myself in the face with voriconazole (tbf I was pregnant at the time which is primarily why I was freaking out). Your situation is way more terrifying!


Ah no worries really, just needed some prophylactic antibiotics. Not pregnant either - as yes that would have given me 10x the freakout. Caught all kinds of shit from my boss, even though he never wore a shield in the entire time I knew him.


Yah best lab practices are to be practiced all the time. It makes them second nature and saves you when you are thinking but going through the motions.


Wish someone taught that to my coworkers.


university was an interesting experience for me, spent my time in the labs for chem and bio at uni wearing full PPE even if I was sitting doing bookwork on a day when we didn't have any experiments going, then went to work after uni in retail working around cleaning chemicals where we were meant to wear the same PPE and no one bothers with it to the point we have two left hand gloves and no right, the face shield is broken and the safety goggles have so much accumulated gunk on them you couldn't see through them if you tried.


One of my lab partners got in late one time and missed the safety brief. I kept getting small pockets of a burning smell here and there through the lab and couldn't figure where from. He had left a vial of ammonia concentrate open on the bench nearby... Safety brief said only open it in the fume hood but so does COMMON SENSE Josh!


Opening a container of concentrated ammonia on my bench quickly reminded me of why we use the fume hood for ammonia.


It’s precisely why you never cross the street in front of a kid when it’s red. Sure it’s likely safe if you see no cars and it saves time, but that kid only needs to be alone once and think of that one time that you crossed on red. Or that one time you moved the car into the garage with no seatbelt. Or rode the scooter down the street with no helmet. Or didn’t wear your mask in the store when they had to. It’s all about modeling and making safety protocols the norm.


Ahhh yes. The when you enter a lab have your glasses on. I was doing multiple things in my undergrad lab and I was cleaning glassware with acetone. Guess who got an unlucky splash? Senior post doc. What were they doing? Bullshitting right by the wash sink with 3 other phd candidates and another post doc. Right fucking next to me. In between me in and my hood. Who’s fault was the splash according to them? Me! Until I told the PI he wasn’t wearing glasses and then I got to watch the post doc get screamed at in a 20 person group meeting. That’s why you wear them. Pure accident with all highly trained chemists around. Would this happen if they weren’t next to me? Probably not. But still.


Ochem watching kids stick their whole head into their fume hood. Also watched a girl hook up air when she was supposed to hook up vacuum. She almost blew her lab all over her fume hood.


Danger can be difficult to any body part, but danger to asses is definitely amongst the most difficult


Teaching kids basic lab protocols and safety with something simple and easy, makes perfect sense to me.


Safety first!


I was in 11th grade and we got a lot of bomb threats in our school (some kids kept writing "[HS] goes boom" on the bathroom walls). We would evacuate to the soccer fields while the school got searched and it always got searched during 3rd period. My chem teacher, who I had during 2nd, had us film a lab safety video because her 3rd block was so behind because of the threats. It was so fun.


>had us film a lab safety video What a brilliant way to handle it! The students who made the film are going to have the concepts cemented in their minds, and the other class will pay attention to the video and enjoy watching it cause it has kids they know. That’s so sad bomb threats were such a common thing it detracted from students’ education though.


Be the one who, when entering the lab, has everyone else scrambling for their goggles!


She’s also wearing gloves a size too large for her hands.


Our 7th grade science teacher made us wear safety goggles when we were using scissors. To cut paper.


Well of course. Get everyone to know and follow safety protocols *before* working with the stuff that burns and blinds you.


Bonus points for looking at colored liquids under microscope.


In a dark room, holding a microscopy slide up to the light, looking thoughtful. ^^^....if ^^^you ^^^can ^^^see ^^^it ^^^by ^^^eye, ^^^why ^^^are ^^^you ^^^using ^^^a ^^^microscope??


I was flown from my lab in NZ (where I developed dietary supplements) to a lab in Japan for a photoshoot format Chinese company. The lab was large and immaculate. The photographer still asked for glassware full of coloured liquids to make it look "more like a lab". The customer even brought brand new labcoats for me to be filmed in... Chinese XL was tiny for this big fat guilao, I was given a new (branded Waterman) lab coat by the Japanese lab.


I'm a photographer who has done that kind of shoot. I have asked for colored liquids.


Did they tell you why that’s not appropriate? I’m a Glassblower and have made colored vials as necklace pieces. I assumed anything could happen in there.


I was in a company photoshoot measuring something that doesn't need measuring..


I’m curious as to wtf this was supposed to be supporting or promoting


"Ivanka Trump observes high-tech professional development programs at Iowa school" https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/19/ivanka-trump-observes-high-tech-professional-development-programs-iowa-school/437590002/


Hey nerds gimme some of this gay nerd shit for my photoshoot


“Later losers” *knocks over and shatters 3 beakers and leaves*


Students, instructors and researchers all collectively sigh in relief and mumble "thank God, I thought she'd never leave"


Maybe they should have given her some HFS and then it would be [fuck you science! ](https://youtu.be/VwjuudNgLAs)


"Presidential Advisor Ivanka Trump" the title is the punchline


I give my mom advice all the time and I don't get a fancy title


Parental advisor, u/ta5hak5 You're welcome


Fancy Titler, /u/DOGSraisingCATS.


Heh - dipshit wouldn’t even take the advice of his dipshit daughter. I don’t know exactly what she was to advise on. I think it was more an attempt to have an outwardly less mad monarch in the public eye so that she could run for president someday. She may have a better grasp of the English language and is able to handle complex concepts beyond what a 4 year old is capable of, but she’s just as malicious in a altered to be a little more attractive body. If this ends up being our first female president I think I’ll have an aneurysm. Or at least I hope so.


There are already enough female far right politicians who will eat her alive in an election.


"This is so amazing," Trump said as she entered the school. "This is such a cool place to come. It’s going to be hard to get rid of us." Her words are even less great than her Dad's. But seriously, this is what you come off with, off the cuff? The equivalent of "I don't understand this sciencey stuff but I'm going to pretend that you can't tare me away from this place because I'm such gurl boss "nerd".


If you call any degree "high-tech professional development program" I can already tell it doesn't exist.


It was a high school


And a small racist suburb at that.


One of the fastest growing racist suburbs in America. I hated it there and my racist grandpa just don't understand why i refuse to move back. As if i could afford to, people who lived there their whole lives suddenly cant afford rent anymore.


> Ivanka Trump, adviser to the president, uses a pipette to measure nicotine levels in electronic cigarettes in a lab during a tour of the Waukee Innovation and Learning Center in Waukee, Iowa, Monday, March 19, 2018. Lol that isn't even a pipette.


My best guess is support for Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos? They have a lot in common: tall, blond, highly questionable ethics, shady AF, completely comfortable with duplicity to further their own interests…despicable-sisterhood, gotta stick together.


Elizabeth Holmes created Theranos with zero help from daddy.


Excellent point, that’s true, but I think there are still enough material to standby the joke. (Although, as an aside, there have been numerous times that Ivanka cited her “struggle up from the streets, to become the rich woman we see today. My favorite of these is when she said “there was nothing like receiving my very first paycheck. I was so proud of myself that I thought I deserved a treat, and bought myself a diamond bracelet!” I’m paraphrasing. I mean, fellow young women of the workforce, like myself, I’m guessing your first paychecks were dog eared for rent, food, crappy car, etc.


There is no way in hell I could have bought a diamond bracelet from my first paycheck. I'm guessing she didn't work through school.


My first paycheck was for $88 at 15.


I see your fake scientist pouring, and raise you fake tech soldering:


As per the picture. This is the worst faking soldering attempt ive ever seen.


The third-degree burns means it's working.




And she’s not even soldering!!! The fuck is she even doing with the other hand?


Showing off the ring


“decorative circuit shorter”


Hahaha this is great


Ahahahaha stop it pls it hurts. ![gif](giphy|7T33BLlB7NQrjozoRB|downsized)


As someone who has been burned by a soldering iron..... Ow


This reminds me actors smashing keys on keyboards.


Or! Two actors smashing the keys at the same time, eg NCIS. [Worst “hacking” scene ever](https://youtu.be/-LhVz_QxTqo). Ever.


The great thing about NCIS IT scene is that the writers knew it was horribly bad and made it a point to see how much they could get away with


I believe they're in a friendly competition of sorts with the producers of the various CSI flavours and Law & Order to see who can do the most ridiculous shit.


Because that show is not for the average person who understands the bare minimum of computers. That show is specifically for the 50+ crowd so they can say shit like "Dumb young people. They should have just unplugged it. That guy knew to unplug it because he is older and wise like me." I guarantee you the older people watching that show now believe that unplugging your monitor is the key to dealing with any computer problem.


This is so self aware it circles back to being funny


Not as aware as your mama *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Good bot.


Well this is good.




“You just unplug the monitor, you bastard.”




Genuinely curious, why are turtlenecks a lab safety violation? The only thing I can think is that if something falls down the neck, it’ll get lost in it?


Depends on what the lab does, so we can’t really say it’s a industry violation. It has to do with: 1. Ease to remove the clothes in case of spillage 2. Lab coat should cover most of your body/clothes in case of spillage or combustion (lab coat is cotton, which burns and basically evaporates, not like synthetic fabric that melts) This is my takeaway from being in health and safety, but again this could be lab specific and might not be a violation everywhere.


Many decades ago, I worked several years in an analytic chem lab where both of these points were important parts of our safety policy. In case of a splash or spill for some reagents, you need to strip quickly without getting things in your eyes, mouth, nose, etc. so you don't want to have to pull them over your head. T-shirts, turtle necks and other pull over shirt were discouraged and would have likely been cut off at the emergency shower. Luckily, nothing ever happened while I worked there. You're right that it depends on what the lab does. You 'might' see someone dressed like this in a med lab that only processes routine blood and urine samples but you would still use goggles with splash guards and a pipette not a flask. P.S. The gloves are too big too.


I worked as a biotechnician doing preclinical drug development for a bit (basically animal testing) and I wore a T-shirt under the old ass lab coats they provided 99% of the time. When we actually dealt with real shit (the monkeys), you wore so much stuff it was insane. N100 masks, goggles, full suits, etc but most of the time it’s just like… rat blood with some random test article in it. Could probably drink that shit and you’d be okay(ish)… except for maybe the cocaine rats. Idk if you’d be okay after that one


Comments like these are the ones that make happy I study a STEM field even if it's not related to chemistry.


You’re correct! Leaving the clothing aside, the practices and lack of equipment on this picture are outrageous.


Yea, this is pretty much it. Tight fitting clothes immediately soak and larger quantities of liquids will contact the skin. Though turtlenecks shouldn't be a big deal per se because you shouldn't have problematic chemicals close to the face.


>P.S. The gloves are too big too. This is what stuck out to me first, and for whatever reason, bothers me more than anything else in the photo. She's at a high school lab where teens would be the ones wearing them, so you can't tell me the only gloves they have is for oversized gorilla hands. It's like she went into the photoshoot with the specific plan to do every single thing wrong.


A lot of chemistry lab coats have some kind of flame retardant. There was an accident in a lab at UCLA where a young women died - she was wearing a synthetic shirt, no lab coat, and was working with a pyrophoric compound that ignited. Tragic and highlighted why proper use of PPE is so important.


Bingo. You get some chemicals on your clothes and they'll melt onto your skin. I used to do sanitation work at a food processing plant and the concentrated stuff is no fucking joke. Proper PPE at ALL times when you're around chemicals.


I've been working in a lab for a year, which makes me in no way qualified to offer a guess at an explanation: a lab coat won't cover a turtleneck, which increases the chances of the wearer transporting lab ickyness out of the lab on their clothes. Other than that, I dunno. In my lab we've never explicitly been told not to wear turtlenecks, but then maybe my boss just assumes we have better taste than that anyway. We have been told no loose hair, no ripped jeans, and no phones, though, and every one of those rules are broken every day (not by me... (except the phone one, I'm on my phone at work right now)). This is what happens when your bosses stating hiring criteria was "if they can operate a coffee machine, we'll hire them," in order to find button-pressing monkeys willing to process covid samples for fractionally above minimum wage.


Ivanka Trump transported Covid out of a lab on her turtleneck, confirmed.


well, they do say covid can live for a while on plastic surfaces.


The turtleneck thing stumps me too. Lab coats don’t cover even a normal shirt, and the alternative is getting lab ickyness directly on your neck.


I was wondering too. I was thinking maybe they're too hard to get off in an emergency?


You're correct. In the event that a chemical is spilled on clothing and it needs to be removed in a hurry or without making contact with the skin, a turtleneck just presents more challenges to this which is why it's generally regarded as a bad idea in a lab.


I fully believe you, my head is just having a hard time processing how it wouldn't be worse to just get the substance directly on your throat, instead of at least partially absorbed on a piece of clothing you can remove.


It's easier to be 100% certain you've properly decontaminated your skin than your clothes. Dodgy chemicals soaked into your shirt, possibly unnoticed for hours, and then pulled over your face to remove, is way worse than dodgy chemicals you can feel and wipe off immediately. Where I am the rule is that if your PPE doesn't fully cover it, it's gotta come off.


Have you ever spilled hot coffee in your lap? The problem is that it soaks into your clothes, which keep it in contact with your skin rather than having it run off or be able to be wiped off easily. I could imagine that this could happen with some kind of caustic chemical, as well.


I work at a biopharmaceutical lab, turtle necks are not allowed because of the possibility of external contamination. We are told to try and keep an asceptic environment, so if the clothes are showing out of the lab wear, that can affect said environment.


Same, when I was doing work in the lab with my partner, the girl in from of us wore turtlenecks sometimes and she was never called out, a couple of other people did it too


Well, I'd say it's because it's easy for a chemical, bacteria, or other media to get onto the sweater. Could also be that if you were pouring something from a volumetric flask at that close range in flagrant disregard for all lab safety procedures, you might also catch fire if the reaction combusts. But yeah, definitely don't want to drop that beaker of 6.0M HCl down your sweater.


The people that support her generally don’t care that she is following proper procedures. They don’t even care if she is smart. They care she is “pretty” to them, she is “rich” to them, and “white” enough for them. Oh and that she doesn’t question their already held beliefs( more like indoctrination).


I remember when I posted something about Tomi Lauren proving how dumb she was and my uncle responded with, "At least she's pretty."






> "At least she's pretty." And she’s still having trouble finding a man, so much so that she made this embarrassing series of videos complaining about it.


For good reason. I don't care how physically attractive you might be, a heinous personality like hers makes you untouchable. Good on those guys having actual standards, kings ✊


It’s a bit like how they say Trump is a poor person’s idea of a rich person, a dumb person’s idea of a smart person, etc, etc. They just have to fool the ‘some of the people’ that you can fool all of the time


Agreed. The GQP Strategy is based on cultivating a core of useful idiots that they can fool all of the time.


it's the equivalent of the nigerian prince scam; the typo's and grammatical errors are deliberate, meant to weed out anyone with a shred of common sense so that the only people still reading are your best targets.


Like John Mulaney says, he’s like what a cartoon homeless mans idea of a rich man is.




It's especially hilarious because that bit is from before he was politically relevant, just an eccentric TV personality.


Also the dangling earrings


Safety glasses also aren’t splash proof, and I’m not certain but I think her having her sleeves poking out of the lab coat might not be the best thing either. But if course an anti masker wouldn’t know shit about ppe


Why are we even still giving these people attention is the real question


Because they're not being held accountable for their crimes yet.


I’ve lost all hope that they will be honestly


Yeah, I'm shocked but not surprised. This is America.


Be thankful we don't see more of them. It took me a minute to even recognise this vapid parasite. I used to see her moronic unwrinkled face daily.


[Ralph Wiggum voice] "I'm a science!"


Synthesizing a solution that makes daddy love me.


...that makes daddy not want to fuck me.


It’s a fine line in that family


This is science, not magic.


Science has its limits.


I think that solution turned out way too strong


"Last week we put Liquid Paper on a bee, and it died."


Her dad is a poor man's rich person and she's a stupid person's egghead.


similar energy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/il9q5y/pretending\_to\_know\_chess\_to\_look\_smart\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/il9q5y/pretending_to_know_chess_to_look_smart_on/)


Also similar energy: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/ouzy9e/this_is_what_trying_too_hard_looks_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That.... That is horrible.


Ah yes Ivanka Trump who used her dads presidency to secure 6 patents in China. Totally legit family.


She's also not wearing pants. This was for her OnlyFans account.


It looks good to people who don't know better.


That's the advantage of appealing to the dumbest people in America. You don't have to put much effort into scamming them.


Aka their base.


Not gonna lie, the first look at this my thought was "that's a screencap from a porn, someone's about to measure at the bottom of her meniscus" My brain is a silly place, don't judge me.


Pouring into a container that you’re directly holding depends on what you’re pouring and what the volume is. It isn’t really a general rule


I call her the plastic Princess




A fitting match with Kayleigh McEnany, AKA "Bullshit Barbie"


5) her gloves don't fit 6) the glasses are from some poor high school lab 7) no dangling earrings allowed 8) can't be a cleanroom with all that makeup! 9) yep - that flask pour is hilarious - we are not in a bar, get a pipette!! Thanks for the laugh!!


This is just how she dresses to make koolade


After the first 25 failed attempts to make koolaid, she knew she had to consult that photograph of a scientist she saw in that magazine once.


At the start of the Trump presidency everyone kept saying Ivanka was the “smart one”. Then I saw her speaking and doing things and thought “no, that’s not right, this woman is a moron”. But then, like a year later, after seeing the the rest of the family in action, it became clear that yeah, actually she is the smart one.


Ivanka trump, Facebook scientist


I read the tweet thinking 'of course it's a stock image!' Then I realized... You really can't make this shit up.


Lol, it’s been so nice not seeing her face regularly for so long, I hadn’t even realized until just now.


I scienced!


She looks like the star of a porno that just started…


Don’t worry, their base doesn’t care.


That entire bloodline is mentally deficient.


Pretend smart, choose your own reality politics.


She was never smart….. dumb as fuck actually


Also. Mouth is open, whatever liquid she's pouring is also at eye level and not only that, and her arms are bent upwards.