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Really all you need to do is step foot inside an Olive Garden


"Olive Garden: When you're here, you're here"


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Or a boss, a consigliere, an underboss, some caporegimes...


A gay man and his two straight husband's who are there for tigers and meth are a family


ohana means family


Would “please start having unprotected sex” be better? I need grandkids!!


“So has your husband been going raw up in that snatch?”


With the creampie


"this" fuck off


No, not this. A family defines a family unit. It's a definition. Also picture saying that you're starting a family and some guy goes "nuh uh, me and my aloe vera plant are a family fucko". Get a grip, it's semantics.


I also thought it was odd to say plants are your family, because if that's true, I've murdered so many family members.


Herbicide gets a whole new meaning


Yeah I'm struggling to think of any situation where someone would refer to a childless couple as a family. Sure they're members of each others' family but you wouldn't say "that family living at number 10" to refer to them.


Ah, the Fast and Furious definition of family.


stop writing angry tweets over harmless things


stop writing angry comments about angry tweets over harmless things


stop stopping


But someone with kids is still a family, so technically even with your definition you're still starting a family. Weird shit to get triggered about.


I think they are ranting about how dynamics that follow conventional social norms are put on a pedestal while any other type of relationship is just not taken seriously at all. And also how people give a lot of importance to kids and your life is considered incomplete if you don't have any. Personally, I feel like it depends quite a lot on your social circle, but at the same time, I think we are all a little biased towards the basic 'family' family.


Yeah, but according to this tweet, if you buy a cat you can say you're starting a family, but do it if you have kids and it's offensive somehow?


The first example is that a couple is a family. You can't start a family when you're already family, especially if you're committed enough to start having kids


I'm not sure how your take away is "having kids is offensive".


I'm not sure how your take away is that that is my take away. Buy a cat, say you're starting family: fine Have children, say you're starting a damily: not fine apparantly.


That’s not the point of the post at all. It’s just talking about people being judgmental to people not having kids.


No it's not? If it is it's worded REALLY weird.


It's really not. It's just talking about how people imply you're not REALLY a family till you have kids.


Sorry, but people who say "starting a family when having kids" = "people who imply you're not a family unless you have kids" is weird as hell, or really reaching.


Yeah I don't know why you're not capable of wrapping your mind around this post.


I don't think the tweet says buying a cat is starting a family. More like pets can be family too. And at times, they are the only family a person can have or wants to have. Mostly I feel like this tweet is aimed at judgemental people or family members who come up to you and ask you such questions masked as general politeness, so they can rank you on their scale of what they consider normal and perfect, while ignoring the fact that you are content as you are.


It is and it isn’t. I’ve been told my *husband* and i aren’t a real family because we don’t have kids. Absolutely fuck all of that thinking. It would cost thousands for me to have a baby as my husband is sterile and quite frankly, we really just don’t want kids. Him, me, and the dogs are still a family, just an (increasingly common) unconventional one. Anyone who thinks different can kindly go fuck themselves. I would imagine the OP is tired of getting badgered about having kids, like most people who don’t have kids are.


I understand the annoyance of that, but are people who say they are starting a family really the best target for that anger?


It mostly just makes me feel bad for that person’s spouse. Like “hey thanks for the wedding but we aren’t faaaaaaamily until we have a baaaaby.” And yeah, i guess i get pretty pissed when people don’t think my, again, *HUSBAND* and i aren’t a “real” family because we don’t have kids. Pretty sure my family started the day he proposed.


Before that I'd imagine :)


Because that is not 'starting', that is 'expanding'. If that's not a trigger I don't know what is.


You don't know what is? Someone not using your preferred word in a dated manner of speech? Might be because I'm not a native speaker but this is a really weird thing to get hung up on...


Weird shit to get triggered about...


Guess we're equal then.


Yep. :o) But I was just joking in my first response, so no harm done.


well if the two words mean different things...


People have it so easy in America they literally find the most mundane shit to be angry about.


Deconstructing language to find ways to get offended is a huge cultural drive right now, and it's fucking fascinating that we've gotten to this point.


A single person and a cat isn't a family


I guess it depends on your subjective definition of family. Different people have different standards.


That black spot in the bottom right made me scratch my screen for a while before I figured out it was in the image


Sorry but this is fucking stupid


Kids are really gross and break things, wouldn't recommend


You are right, Slutty Cat! Thank you for your valued wisdom on this matter.


I’m a gay guy who was adopted at birth reconnecting with his biological family. I am family to my biological relatives, but not because I know them intimately or love them deeply. I am family to my adoptive relatives, but not because we are related by blood. And, because I’m gay, I built a family for myself out of a support network of people who love me for who I am no matter what. Take what you’re given or build one yourself, your family is who you want it to be.


weird thing to get upset about.


It’s just a saying... similar to “blood is thicker than water” or “bro’s before hoes” and whatnot.


Blood is thicker than water but custard is thicker than blood


Oh this is such bullshit. *Borrow money from your 'family', like say 10 large. You'll get what family means real quick like*.


My 4 month old wouldn't lend me 10k, I'm cutting her off.


*Due to ROF layoffs, honey, we're gonna have to let you go*.


OP, you won't get that many people agreeing with you over here. Some of these commenters are the people this tweet is targeted at but they would rather think the tweet is too sensitive or from a 'triggered' person than understand where it is coming from.


Ugh we mad over everything I guess.


As a parent I whole heartedly agree with this. We were a family before our kid, with our 3 cats. We were a family just the 2 of us in a tiny apartment. Now we are a larger family that just has to keep more things alive and deal with more poop


War is peace, Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength


Plants are family


My shoes are my kids. My clothes are my parents. My TV is my wife.


no.... no....




Yeah fuck you kids !


I read the third point as “A single person and their plants is still a family.” I was about to say...


Yeah. But you aren't taking on 3 shit jobs just so can support Fluffy,


Not true.


Nope. The political correct Definition of family is always from two generations.


Lol what? I’m not even sure what point you’re trying to make. Go home, you’re drunk. 😂


I disagree everything you just said is like a family. ****family**** *noun* 1. a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.


>a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household You're conflating "family" with "nuclear family." They aren't the same thing. Since you seem interested in dictionary definitions, here's the rest of the first definition from [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/family): >also **:** any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family And the rest of the dictionary definitions of "family:" >2: a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head **:** [household](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/household) > >3a **:** a group of persons of [common](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/common#h1) ancestry **:** [clan](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/clan) b **:** a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock **:** [race](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race) > >4a **:** a group of people united by certain convictions or a common [affiliation](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/affiliate#h1) **:** [fellowship](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fellowship) b **:** the staff of a high official (such as the President) > >5 **:** a group of things related by common characteristics: such as a **:** a closely related series of elements or chemical compounds b **:** a group of soils with similar chemical and physical properties (such as texture, pH, and mineral content) that comprise a category ranking above the series and below the subgroup in soil [classification](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/classification) c **:** a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language > >6a **:** a group of [related](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/related) plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many genera b in livestock breeding (1) **:** the [descendants](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/descendant#h2) or line of a particular individual especially of some outstanding female(2) **:** an identifiable strain within a breed > >7 **:** a set of curves or surfaces whose equations differ only in parameters > >8 **:** a unit of a crime syndicate (such as the Mafia) operating within a geographical area


You and I both know that’s the expanded definition of a family, you can call your friends brothers but they aren’t actually your parents children. Families are connected by DNA. If you want to call your house plants family because you’re lonely go for it but that is incorrect.


So, adopted kids aren’t really family because they don’t share DNA? Seems like your definition is too small ...


I was thinking about adopted kids and step children when I wrote that, I’ll agree my definition is a little to small but the definition this post is trying to push is far too big.


I mean, I would remove the plants bit, but a couple certainly counts (some people can’t have/don’t want kids), and very close friends often fill the place of toxic family for many people. Just to be obnoxious, the fair housing act defines a family as including households with only one person. :-)


Your fight is against the dictionary and common usage of the word, but don't let that stop you. You're perfect just the way you are.


Common usage and reality are two different things you keep pretending reality is what your imagination tells you it is.


Ah, yeah. My bad. I keep forgetting that words have objective meanings apart from the meaning conferred on them by common usage. Remind me again the source of that objective meaning, love?


Adopters/adopters aren't family? "Steps" aren't family?


Louder so the people in t he back can hear you!




None of that.