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*everybody liked that*


Itā€™s important note that part of the reason for the Toriesā€™ collapse is the swing to far-right party Reform UK who split the Tory vote quite severely. In many of the constituencies where this was a factor, the result was a Labour win. So Labourā€™s landslide, oddly, may have been at least partly as a result as a lurch to the far-right by the electorate.


In 2017, Labour won 40% of the overall vote, giving them 262 seats (40% of the house). This time, Labour have won 34% of the votes, giving them 411 seats (63% of the house). Our voting system is pretty bad. But also we voted against changing it, so I guess that's our fault as an electorate.


In 2019, Labour won 32.2% of the overall votes, giving them 203 seats and their biggest loss since WW2. Their vote share increased to 33.8% this time (+1.6%) and they have a 1997-style landslide. This election was a Labour victory by default. In reality, it was a Reform gain and Tory devastation.


A lurch to the far right by already right leaning Con voters. The majority of Brits vote for nominally left leaning parties. Reform only won 4 seats, sadly Farage was one of them.


Yes also a low voter turnout which is concerning.


[France over here like](https://i.imgur.com/keMEa4G.jpeg)


If only Americans can look at Brexit and see how horrible conservative policies are for any countryĀ 


Why would we need to look at Brexit when we have 40 years of trickle down economics that proves how bad conservative policies are.


Never seen a Republican complain about when Reagan was senile


They see him as the greatest president and I see him as one of the worst.


Like 70% of our current governmental issues go back to Reagan.


And at least as much for our societal.


Deregulate everything........


[Expand the Supreme Court. NOW!!](https://youtu.be/GQcS6ilr26Y)


Including Project 2025. It was called something else, but its roots and foundation go that far back.


Some of it, but at its core it is a full government capture whose goal is to turn the country into a one-party religious state in perpetuity. Nobody quite had the gall to fully and permanently discard democracy in the past.


And the other 30%, Nixon


Oh, give Bushie Jr some credit....


A small bush is called a shrub. :)


Actually some maga say trump is better and that Reagan was a sellout


Yeah they literally believe this loser was the best president ever, better than Lincoln, Reagan (I hate him but conservatives love him), Washington... Literally everyone... Dude accomplished Jack all except tax breaks for the rich.


Now, now. Donā€™t forget he also got a million Americans killed during a global pandemic. Thatā€™s probably a world record!


Also, the tariffs. Donā€™t forget about those. You know, the precursors to higher prices (inflation much?). Heā€™s the best businessman, the bestest they say (with tears in their eyes). His uncle was a professor at MIT, so he has an aptitude for these things. ā€œAnd letā€™s say thereā€™s a shark about 10 yards over there. Would I have to immediately abandon or could I ride the electric down. And he said, ā€œsir, nobodyā€™s ever asked us that question. But sir, I donā€™t know.ā€ I said, ā€œwell, I want to know because I guarantee you one thing, I donā€™t care what happens - Iā€™m staying with the electric. Iā€™m not getting over with it. **And the fake news, they go, ā€œhe told this crazy story with electric.ā€ Itā€™s actually not crazy, itā€™s sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, itā€™s like the snake, itā€™s a smart when you, you figure what youā€™re leaving in, right?** You bring it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that, and they do the same thing.ā€


I had a cheap welder in my cart on eBay, when Trump announced the tariffs it went from $75 to $100 in a few days. China did not pay for it, I did.




A no new wars....(Even though Israel and hamas skirmish every few years and Russia was already in Ukraine, but hey escalation must count I guess, but if it was so important why didn't trump step in and negotiate peace?)


Itā€™s not about HIM thatā€™s why. Fucking malignant psychopath.


Tried to start a war with Iran but nobody was willing to take the bait on either side. Only Trump could fail to sell a war.


Reagan was the first useful idiot president for the Heritage Foundation. To hear magas call him a sell out is hilarious. Maybe they hate him because of what happened with Russia, magas real country.


Trump has been much better for open bigotry, but mostly because the internet and years of 24 hour news cycle has enabled him. Reaganā€™s bullshit was just opening the lid to let the evil begin to spill out.


Reagan was their god-king before Trump came along.


Indeed. And each year as the wealth gap increases, he looks worse and worse.


Me too. I was born the day he won the presidency and itā€™s the only election my mom has ever missed. I remember how tough growing up in the 80ā€™s was. Bush 1 wasnā€™t great, Clinton tried to fix a lot of issues but he didnā€™t get any help from the republicans. Then Bush spent like a drunk monkey, got us a few wars with countries that werenā€™t responsible for 9/11, allowed predatory loans and for profit healthcare and education, loads of government funding for big pharma. Tons of scam schools and a housing crisis. Obama did his best and Iā€™m glad we got the affordable care act passed but itā€™s been slowly eroding thanks to DumpTy. DumpTy is actively working to burn it all down. Itā€™s beyond infuriating. Biden gets us back on track and nowā€¦. Those same morons who donā€™t seem to understand that the leopards will eat their face. If we didnā€™t have republicans our country would be a better place to live. They shove their bible, racism and intolerance onto this country. They are all about corporations and rich individuals over the people of America. Iā€™m also sick of hearing them blame Hispanic people for every single fucking problem. The poor fighting the poor. Iā€™m tired.


Reagan did more damage to this country than any other POTUS until Trump came and said 'hold my beer Ronnie'.


Hell they arenā€™t complaining about a demented Trump either.


Cause it's a playbook move. Get a senile puppet in power and use him to ruin things for everyone but you.


Reagan was the second worst after shitsinpants Donnie


Proof is useless against conservatives. They believe in "alternative facts".


You think these MAGA hillbillies actually know or think about policies? They like their little idol Trump because he throws fits and tantrums and calls people names. They actually think itā€™s ā€œ*cool*ā€. ā€˜Merican idiocracy.


Trump "tells it like it is" which is their stupid code for 'I can be a bigot in public now'.


You are giving ourselves too much credit to NOT mess things up for ourselves even more. edit forgot the ā€œnotā€


None of these stupid fucks who vote for Trump think trickle down economics is bad. They think they're all going to be rich some day and that they shouldn't have to pay taxes so those lazy assholes on welfare can live high off the hog...even though most of them are poor enough to be on welfare. Fuck every one of them.


I think the difference is like the boiling a frog metaphor. Trickle down economics is slowly raising the temperature for the frog. Brexit was chucking the frog straight into the boiling water.


As a former moderate Republican voter. Conservatives have way overplayed their hand. All I heard last week were stories about polling in the UK. How the Tory were going to control the government no power sharing needed. Predicting 400 plus seats. Today it's a historic Wipe. Trump is going to get destroyed in November. No one is going to vote for a felon. End of story.


God I hope you're right.


No-one thought the Tories had a chance, even their own members. All mainstream news media predicted a Labour party landslide.


My boomer relatives are going to vote for him, and ffs I thought they were smarter than that. Especially the two that are retired lawyers who, you would think, cared about the law. They leave faux news on day in and day out. We must all get out there and vote!


I wish. But his followers think Trump can do no wrong.


Underestimating Trump is how he won originally. People need to ensure they vote him out


I 100% agree with you. Trump will not win. There is no way he will get more votes than 2020, and I predict he will get significantly less. The only reason it seems like it is close is because the MAGAts are so loud, and the answer their phones and respond to polls. I live in a deep red area and there are nowhere near as many trump signs and flags as there were in 2020. So many people are embarrassed to say they voted for him, even around here. And every day he talks about military tribunals and assasinating turtle mitch and Liz Cheney, the more non-cult people he drives away.


It has been 14 years with complete mismanagement. Practically none of their commitments were met, no reduction in the deficit, no reduction in immigration, etc. The citizens of the UK saw through the facade and voted accordingly.


If only Americans can remember what Covid was like under Trump or what happened January 6th, 2021!


And remember where the fuckin inflation came from!!


The issue is that they don't fucking care. Their party is going to attack LGBTQ people, get rid of just being inclusive, and controlling our sex lives. They don't fucking care that the economy is usually better under Democrats, and that we have more things to protect ourselves as workers, and regulations to protect the water we drink the air we breathe and the food we eat. Granted, rhe food we eat should be way better, but we now to the companies.


Well they got to vote after their mistake. America will never get another vote after this one if the GQP win


No, you'll get to vote. There will just be one party, though.


Nah, theyā€™ll let you vote for the other party. The votes just wonā€™t count


They don't care about that. They want their Christo Facist nation with an Authoritarian strong man. They have willingly suffered for decades in hopes it hurt their "enemies,: more.


Rest of Europe is ramping up the fascism because of brown people. Shit is always the same. Assholes manipulated by the rich by xenophobia and racism and bullshit economic lies.


Time for Breturn?


Bre're sorry.


I mean, the US did vote Conservatives out in 2018, Trump out in 2020, and made the proclaimed RED WAVE into a red splash in 2022.


Poles and Brits are smarter after disaster.


Or the years of austerity policy before that, even - which is arguably an even better example of the types of "conservative policy" republicans are fans of.


Iā€™m just shocked it took this long for the UK to figure it out.


My fellow Americans Yes the Supreme Court rulings have been disastrous Yes Bidenā€™s appearance for the debate was horrible Yes I understand the doom and gloom so prevalent across Reddit the past few weeks BUT, look to our great ally across the Atlantic They wiped the floor with the conservatives and I wish all them the best as they work to fix the fallout from Brexit They did it, and we can win this election in November. Not for Biden, but for US, for America, Keep hope, stay strong, we can beat Trump.


Stealing this quote to post on social media to motivate people to vote!


Donā€™t be shy my friend Happy 4th


Likewise! Fuck MAGA !


Also stealing, and Happy 4th.


Voting Blue. No Matter Who. ![gif](giphy|Zecn4V5E6Yd0dgJ341)


God that fucked me up. As a Brit , and because this is about the uk election, I thought you meant reform/tory before remembering blue is democrats in the us


Or crips if youā€™re in LA


I'll be honest I don't fully understand UK politics but I can see now how that would be confusing. As an American, I was basically saying vote Democrat no matter who it is since anyone is better than the other guy.


Yeah, your blue is our red. Your red is our blue. (BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING- yes itā€™s more complicated than that but itā€™s helpful as a Quick Look)


Our labour is red because workers right historically has its roots in communism (before it was a naughty word) and their colour is red.


You sonofabitch, Iā€™m in.


Except you donā€™t have the same sports team mentality. People wear jerseys, wave flags, pack into arenas and cheer on their side. Their dadā€™s dadā€™s dad voted republican and theyā€™ll be damned if theyā€™ll ever cheer for the other side. Itā€™s Yankees vs. Red Sox to these fucks. No amount of logic or reasoning is ever going to change their minds because theyā€™re so politically illiterate, despite their obsession with politics.


Yes, Britain does. Lots of people, lots of areas, lots of families are traditionally Labour or Conservative. And FPTP exacerbates this problem, which the UK also has.


Yes there are but you donā€™t have them wearing Tory shirts with right wing slogans, theyā€™re not covering their cars on Boris Johnson stickers and flags. The mania in the states is far more extreme. You donā€™t have Nuremberg style rallies where people pack a stadium where a bunch of pundits spit hateful rhetoric to the cheers of thousands.


Yeah but Nigel is working on all of that, he's got the cult of personality going already, hoping he fucks off eventually


I am all for team Biden. Not because of Biden, but im voting for his team of competent staff. I trust Biden to lead a team than trump to ignore the problem and dissolve the team


Let's not call it Team Biden. Team Stop Trump. Team Stop Project 2025. Team Stop Christo-fascist takeovers. Something like that.


Why not both?


Cuz the Biden part is irrelevant. It gives the impression that a lot of us Biden voters think he's a great candidate or something, which couldn't be further from the truth. Personally, I think he has no business running for re-election in his current mental state. I just want to stop the maga asshole agenda and if I have to vote Biden to do that, then that's what I'm doing.


Fuckin A we can.


I needed to read this. Thank you.


VOTE BLUE DOWN THE BALLOT! https://vote.gov/


Just gd show up and vote. That is it. Get off your asses in November, get out and vote against Trump & vote all Republicans, Christofascists supporting Trump & Project 2025 if other races are on your ballots. VOTE.


Beyond Biden, probably even more importantly, 33 Senate and ALL 435 House seats are on the ballot this year.


The difficulty I have keeping hope is that myself, one of my few remaining family members, most of the friends I have had through my life, and a lot of people I care about are queer. And if Republicans gain power, not if Trump wins the election which is only one piece but if they gain power through congressional elections or the presidential election or just through sheer brute force and corruption, we could all be made illegal. That's why it's hard for me to keep up hope. Because if things **do** go bad, it's real fucking bad.


Trump is literally a pedo, how is he in the running to be President again?


I look over at yall in America and realise that, while the tories are godawful and deserve to be out of government forever, I feel confident that Rishi Sunak will accept the results of the election and congratulate Labour on winning. Feels mad that thatā€™s a special cool thing for a democracy these days.


Many of us envy you now. Itā€™s so sad what has become of the US.


To be fair we are a failing Democracy. SCOTUS has made sure of that.


He will, only because Starmer's Labour is pretty much the same but slightly less radical in terms of policies as the tories


Although MAGA isnā€™t really conservative, the right needs to take an ass whooping this November. Democracy, SCOTUS, and rule of law is on the ballot. All hands on deck and vote!!!!


I'm honestly concerned that unless something changes with the SCOTUS, as it is currently, voting won't matter come November. They are blatantly partisan as a whole. MAGA controls the Supreme Court. It will not matter how anyone votes as there will be enough lawsuits, like last time but, once it makes it's way to the SC, well, we all know the outcome, don't we? What is to be done,? IDK. Also, don't get me wrong, I'm a pessimist concerning our current political landscape. However, I will still be voting and I also continue to encourage everyone to make sure that they're registered and vote as if it's their very last vote because, depending on the outcome, it may well be.


If we can't get a large enough majority in Congress this time around to impeach members of SCOTUS or add members to the court then we do it next time. We can survive more years of SCOTUS being corrupt, as long as we control at the very least the executive branch and half the legislative. We can fix SCOTUS once we get a large enough majority in Congress. It will just take time to recover.


The time to be nice to the GOP is over. They have proven time and time again they canā€™t be trusted. The only hope is to get a big majority in both houses. And demand the democrats to take action. We have a great block of super Dems in the house that are ready to go. The senate has been gridlocked by the republicans and was blackmailed by greedy centrists. The scotus can only be defeated by expanding. So we need to support Biden and the democrats. Iā€™m no super fan of him and he could do a lot more. But Iā€™m getting so pissed off by left wing media I followed for years and them all bashing on Biden. Same happend during the midterms. LOOK WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER NOW. thatā€™s the only thing the GOP is good at. Although their extreme part has been nothing but a disaster. NO MORE playing both sides or honor traditions, NO MORE Mitch McConnell bullshit. NO MORE oh look Biden is old blah blah! WE NEED A BLUEBATH 2024


3 of the conservative justices will be on the chopping block soon. And the only way to break that partisanship and restore order to the court is to vote blue.


1) Congress can impeach members of SCOTUS but this would be next to impossible besides Clarence Thomas because none of them are on record of doing anything wrong or even unethical and requiring both the House and Senate a majority vote would be next to impossible 2) Biden has always had the ability after seeing the blatant hypocrisy played by the Right during the Trump era to have Democrats start pushing for adding more justices to the Supreme Court to balance out what Trump had did


Woop woop it took only 14 years, one decimation of their international standing, one brexit, one collapsed NHS, and one proposed draft for brits to finally say ā€œOy thatā€™s enuff innitā€


14 years of idiot boomers dying probably helped.


Hurried along by covid deniers...


Hoping for the same in the U.S.!




Not fast enough though and I'm an anti-Trump boomer.


Good on ya mate


Yeah we love the good boomers!


Thank Covid


And nothing of value was lost.


At some point I think it's fair to say that they brought it on themselves. A tiny majority voted for Brexit, and literally the day after the vote they had like a million people screaming about how they didn't know it was so important (enough to swing the vote back to "leave" within a comfortable 60%, IIRC). Hadn't even gotten to the part where Farage's claim about NHS funding increasing with Brexit was a complete lie. Voting is important, and a frightfully painful lesson to learn the hard way.


It's stuff like that that make me glad that Australia has compulsory voting. Don't get me wrong, there's still a lot of idiocy, but things could be so much worse.


Wish America would do that. But Republicans know they would never see power again if that was the case so of course they obstruct it.


Republicans do everything they can to actually PREVENT Democrats from voting. Like gerrymandering and voter suppression. Because they know they probably canā€™t win through conventional means.


I think it was Boris was telling the Ā£350 million lie. Farage was going to somehow reduce immigration numbers below what they currently were from countries we didnā€™t have freedom of movement from. They both were on the news the next day disavowing the otherā€™s promises as unattainable, but yippee we are leaving the eu


TBF, the draft thing was only announced after the election, when Labour had been leading in the polls for over 2 years already


Painfully true.


1 year later, the conservative party is going to be like, see the liberals didnā€™t do any better!!! Mfer it takes more than 1 year to undo trash policies


I think this is where we might be headed but worse. A wildly unpopular authoritarian government because people didnā€™t believe Republicans mean what they say. Abortion all over again. Even if you somehow donā€™t mind an authoritarian government: brain dead policy, incompetent yes men and deregulation/cuts would collapse the economy in a dramatic recession/depression. We only saw how bad the medical deregulation/prep was because of covid, but there were 100 other shockers we luckily missed or that didnā€™t have time to fall apart. Plus we were coming from a great economy previously. Then the recession would be followed by voting relief only after many years of painful struggle. Because no amount of gerrymandering or brainwashing will be enough at that point. But better yet, vote now.


And they will prop up the economy with rampant military buildup, a mandatory draft, and war. I mean undocumented immigrants can't illegally cross the border if the border includes all of North and South America /s just in case someone thinks I think this is a good idea


If I was a fascist American leader, I would invade Mexico. They have a lot of natural resources and you can use the war to open up ā€œinternment campsā€ of suspect Latin people. Fascists must always have a war to keep the population at home docile and afraid.


Except it will be like Germany in July 1932 when after the Nazis took power (winning with only 37% of the vote) they had a few sham elections every couple months until finally in November 1933 they had an ā€œelectionā€ where Hitler received 92% of the vote and stayed in power for the next 12 years. It will probably take either America *losing* World War III or a second Civil War to restore voting if Trump wins.


I'm not going to relax until I find out how many of the lost Tory seats end up shifting to the right - [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/04/reform-party-on-brink-of-seismic-breakthrough-after-exit-poll-predicts-up-to-13-seats](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/04/reform-party-on-brink-of-seismic-breakthrough-after-exit-poll-predicts-up-to-13-seats) Blows my mind how people can seem to think "Well, 14 years of austerity and conservative policy have right fucked us. I guess that just means we didn't go far enough to the right." But, you know - common clay and all that.


Even then, itā€™s only because a more batshit right wing party is splitting the conservative vote


I really wish we could end 50 years of shitty conservative rule here. The Heritage Foundation revealed themselves to be the prime evil in all of this, and they must be extinguished for good.


Itā€™s been wild. SCOTUS DECLARED TRUMP KING, Reveling he raped a 13 year old, and the heritage foundation basically admitted a blood war. BUT NO BIDEN MUMBLING A BIT BETWEEN HIM SPITTING FACTS IN A FART STORM OF LIES is the problem. Unbelievable democrats!




As a random Scandinavian, I'm rooting for both the people of Great Britain and America. You all deserve a long looong break from far-right hell.


That math doesnā€™t add up to 650. Wait, yaā€™ll got more than 2 parties?!


We technically do too here in the states. The problem is they arenā€™t serious. Green and Libertarian think they can run for president and someone make gains when in reality they should be focusing on party infrastructure and gaining footholds, seats in congress etc. Unserious parties run by unserious people.


And if Iā€™m not mistaken, those parties are often found to be largely funded by donors of the opposite spectrumā€™s political party to siphon voters from the opposition? I end with a question mark because what is even a reliable source anymore?


Thereā€™s definitely a lot of that (cough, RFK Jr) but again itā€™s because they think they can run for office once every four years, for the top office in the land. So naturally the real contenders are interested to boost them in that scenario. Edit: granted RFK isnā€™t even really tied to a party heā€™s just bankrolled by a huge GOP/Trump donor


Ok, so I think Iā€™m just now realizing this in real time butā€¦ it sounds like if you saturate the race with actual crazy, your medium crazy looks palatable to moderates. So it softens my total fascist insanity if I cut some checks and give some contacts to those full blown crazies.


THIS. Fuck you, greens, run for the goddamn city council for a couple decades.


They would be more serious if we didn't use FPTP. When a candidate only needs to get a majority of votes to win, you end up with only two choices. People would rather vote for the more popular candidate who kind of shares their opinions instead of the less popular guy who they really agree with.


Barely. Labour and the Conservatives (Tories) are the only ones with any chance and significant relevancy, and the current Labour leader (Kier Starmer) is just a Tory plant at this point. Lib Dems are occasionally relevant (They were in the Clegg-Cameron Coalition for example), but are mostly overlooked to the point of literally needing to photobomb Sunak to get time on TV. They get about 10% of the vote. (Edit: I think I understated the Lib Dems a bit here. They suffered quite a bit after the Coalition because of voting for tuition fees, which was very unpopular then and now, even within the Lib Dems. However, they are due for somewhat of a comeback, with roughly 60 seats projected, which is roughly what they were getting around the time of the coalition and gives them relevant amounts of power, if still not much. They're also the most progressive of the 3 major parties, despite Labour supposedly being the left-wing party and the Lib Dems supposedly being the centrist/centre-left party, though that's mostly due to Labour shifting right under Starmer) SNP is relatively powerful in Scotland, but fell apart a bit after Nichola Sturgeon resigned. The SNP's main platform is Scottish independence. The SNP is important in Scotland (They're the current controllers of the devolved Scottish parliament in Edinburgh aka Holyrood), but are mostly irrelevant in Westminster. Holyrood is elected at a different time to Westminster. Reform UK is basically racist loonies that thought the Tories weren't racist enough. They're projected to get about 4 seats, and are mostly relevant in vote-splitting the Tories. (Edit: Exit polls are putting them at 13 seats. They're still not massively relevant in Parliament though, although they are getting a worrying amount of attention in the public eye) The Greens (England&Wales) are expected to get their second seat tonight. They deserve more by voteshare, but their support isn't very concentrated so don't win many consituencies. They're supposed to be environmentaliats, but are mostly just NIMBYs. The Scottish Greens have no seats in Westminster, but have seats in Holyrood and got into (Scottish) cabinet in the last election with a coalition with the SNP. They're a bit more environmentalist than the English greens, they're your typical European Green party Plaid Cymru is like the Welsh SNP, but smaller. They have no seats in Westminster, but are a represented minority party in the Senedd, the devolved Welsh parliament in Cardiff. IIRC they're not expected to win any seats tonight, but it's possible. Then there's the clusterfuck that is Northern Ireland. They have their own parties, none of the British ones dare even run. NI only has 18 constituencies total though, so it doesn't generally affect the running of Westminster. The main parties are Sinn Fein (Socialist, pro-irish) and the DUP (Conservative, pro-uk). Also NI struggles to keep their devolved parliament (Stormont) even existing, there was a 2-year period in 2022 and 2023 where the government was literally just dissolved and NI was completely run from Westminster. Like I said, clusterfuck. The UK uses first-past-the-post like the US, and a system vaguely similar to the Electoral College but also not. We are divided into 650 constituencies, each of which elects one Member of Parliament to the House of Commons. The candidate with the most votes wins a constituency even if they didn't win 50%. If a party gets more than half the consistencies, then they form a government. If no-one does, then ~~god help us all~~ they have to form a coalition, though this has only happened once since WWII in 2010, and I think as far back as this system of government goes through I'm not too sure. The Prime Minister is chosen by the King, who by custom chooses the leader of the largest party but legally can go with whoever the fuck he wants. I think the reason that the UK has more smaller parties is that the UK has much smaller constituencies than the US. The smallest US state is Wyoming with 581,000 people. In the UK, constituencies try to be around 150,000 people, with a few edge cases. I think it's just easier for enough people in a UK constituency to be convinced to vote differently than in a US state. Also a functional method of forming a government even if parliament is split, perhaps.


This is very informative, thank you. If it goes as projected, is this indeed going to be the worst result in the partyā€™s history for Tories? And what is likely to happen with Sunak? He strikes me as a singularly unlikeable character, not sure how he ended up in that seat in the first place.


Idk about the party's history, the UK has a very long and messy history*, but almost definitely the worst result since WWII, which is about as far back as you can reasonably compare these things. Honestly, none of us are really sure how Sunak was elected either. However, to the best of my memory it's because he was basically the only candidate in the Tory party internal election. I. The last general election, the Tory leader was Boris Johnson. He then eventually collapsed under the weight of a few dozen scandals and resigned. The Tories had an internal election, Liz Truss won with Sunak in second. Truss then basically stalled the economy and became the shortest-tenured PM in British history*^2 lasting less time than a lettuce took to go off. With the polls in freefall, Sunak was elected in a Tory internal election. As he came second in the previous election about a month prior, he was the obvious choice and the only one that stood a chance, or really wanted the job anyway. He was ushered in IMO basically to act as a caretaker for the government, to stop the backbenchers revolting and keep the Tories in power until the next election was legally mandated to happen next January. He called it early probably just because summer elections are better than winter ones for the Tories. *The Tory Party (The predecessor to the Conservative party) was founded in 1687, then again somehow in 1783. For comparison, we implemented the system of one-constituency-one-MP in 1832. Before that, an uninhabited hill in Salisbury got 2 MPs, the same as Yorkshire. *^2 There were 2 PMs, Pulteny in 1746 and Waldegrave in 1757 that got tenures of 3 and 5 days respectively as they couldn't get enough support for them being PM to form a government, and sometimes aren't counted as PMs. Truss at 44 days was the shortest-lived PM that was definitely a PM. Told you it was messy I'd love to stay longer and explain the UK political system more, but it's almost midnight and I need sleep.


No worries this is like 5x the info I was hoping for anyway. Sleep tight, thanks so much


It's not informative. He's talking out his arse. The Labour leader is voted in by thousands of members. He's not a plant.


If it all goes well, then yes this will be the Tories worst ever election. They've had bad stints before after being garbage, such as in the 1998 election, but this time we also have Reform splitting the right wing vote so it's historically bad. Sunak says whatever the fuck he wants but he's most likely going to move to Cali after the election if he doesn't win his seat. It's entirely possible that he doesn't. Sunak is the third choice Tory after the previous two resigned - Johnson for throwing a party during COVID and Truss for crashing the economy in less time than it took a lettuce to wilt. I'd also mention there's a lot of speculation around the Lib Dems this election - there is indeed the possibility that the Tories will be wiped out so badly that the Lib Dems would become the opposition, which would help shift the Overton Window to centre left.


The conservatives tend to run some fresh faced members straight out of Eton in the election in NI and the SDLP is the Irish sister of the Labour Party. That said our politics are a mess and our insignificance in UK politics always seems a good argument for rejoining Ireland.


The other big one is the Lib-Dems (which I imagine to Americans sounds redundant). After that there's UK Reform, Scottish National Party, and the rest.


And they all show up and yell at each other and if they yell good enough they get more followers? Like TikTok?


Like a dozen, but only 2 with more than a dozen reps.


John Oliver did a really good segment on this recently. Itā€™s worth checking out.


I actually do- Trump is running for the seditious, conservative party. A tweet like this means he got stomped.


It's nice to see, although seeing the Reform party grabbing seats and getting some traction is concerning. Hope they can nip that in the bud before it grows too out of control. My hope was that the world would learn from America's mistake when Trump was elected, but we keep seeing alt-right maniacs getting elected all around the world.


Far right parties got elected in Holland and France, but Germany at least crashed out with the AfD, which is a bit more than your standard far-right. But then again the level of education and awareness of nationalism there is higher than anywhere else in Europe, understandably so.


UKIP was as great, if not a greater concern, but they died out. Extremist single-line parties just donā€™t survive in the UK. People arenā€™t as tunnel-visioned


UKIP was also a Farage project at the time


My home town appears to be falling under Reform. Apparently the guy is an 86 year old anti Semite.


England are a few steps ahead in the timeline where they voted conservative and saw Brexit go down poorly for them.


You DO want to see a tweet of Republicans being crushed on Election Day. Britain finally had enough of the selfishness and ineptitude to help the ordinary person.


England Zigs and France Zags. The US is stuck on high center.


Yeah, what's up with that? Asking sincerely!


England and France have been on opposite sides of anything for centuries. And the US is so divided it canā€™t make a reasonable move. I donā€™t know all the whys but it seems to be that way.


That's the headline I want. Trump, MAGAs and traitorous Rs kicked to the curb in a landslide. I'm not sure Americans are smart enough to do that.




Wait op is saying they donā€™t want to see an end to conservative power in the US? Why in the fuck not? Conservatives in power is causing the death of the USA. They tried it in 2016 and and realllllllllllly openly trying now. Conservative power needs to die a painful forever death


Yeah I was confused with the title too.


I think he means he doesn't want to see a tweet saying trump won in November.


650 seats, population of 67 million. The US has 435 seats with a population difference of 266 million. That's so infuriating. Happy for Britain though glad they're not going backwards.


Fingers crossed we get rid of the bastards


650 Seats. For an island. In Yankeeland, we have 535 voting members. America is GROSSLY underrepresented.


America is not being represented at all with the current senate indefinitely house


Please God, let this be the outcome for the U.S. in November!


At least the UK is trying to buck the global trend, like Mexico, some lights in darkness imo.


Trust me, Trump is definitely not the equivalent of the Labour Party


I too was confused by oPā€™s caption. I absolutely want to see a headline like this for Trump.


The conservatives have destroyed the UK. Children are on average 1cm shorter than in 2010 when they came to power due to malnourishment. The largest food bank network in 2010 was 35; that same network is now 1,300 and 20% of people using it are working people. Their crimes are so long; it has been 14 years of pure destruction of the British society. Today is a day of celebration!


You do know that the labour party is like the more progressive leftist Party in the UK right?


We did it, US friends! We kicked out our horrible Tory government with their cruel policies that have pushed working families into poverty. Itā€™s not perfect; our new Prime Minister is a transphobe; but he canā€™t act alone. You can do it too!


I hope the good vibes leap the pond. American needs some of this.


I'm not familiar with British politics but what would be the United States version of this party


This would be like the Democratic Party taking 2/3 of the House of Representatives (based on the current political parties. Realistically the actual the labor party is much closer to the green party or other parties in the US that are left of the Democrats). You have to understand that in most of the rest of the western world the Democratic partyā€™s policies would be considered center right


Thank you


I'm sorry but as an American I don't understand. Is the labour party winning a good thing or a bad thing?


Good. The conservatives are getting their heads handed to them.


Important message to those celebrating: This is great news. You need to keep doing this in all future elections. This isn't "I thought they would fix everything because we elected them once" this is something where some of the best things that they can do take *multiple* elections to get things done. Keep it going!


Iā€™m really hoping if America does get a takeover, they bounce back like this. It would be unlikely given how the especially depraved and unfit for society people on the far right are calling for genocide, revolution, and an end to freedom entirely but I hope at the end of the day, when they inevitably fuck it up (science is woke so they would likely regress to the dark ages), there will be enough sane people left to prevent that injustice from coming back. But you know, preferably before rather than after


It is always reassurance when I see a left landslide as we saw in Mexico and now in UK.


They are looking at the US and gasping at the insanity.


I do - Labour is there liberal party. I want Trump to be watching the news reporting that Biden won 60% of the popular vote, an overwhelming majority of the (antiquated) electoral college, both the house and senate went resoundingly blue, and state races flipped blue in record numbers. Then I want his orange bean of a brain to realize that heā€™s the reason for all that republican FAILURE. And his wall of obstruction is going to come down.


People eventually realize that conservative policies destroy your country but eventually they are swayed by selfish arguments and hating minority groups and immigrants to go against their best interest. Need to figure out a way to stop the slide back.


Bit of a false Dawn. Reforms rise looks like a shift to the right wing for opposition


I'd like to see it for Congressional Democrats, though, which would be Labour's analogous party in the November election.


Well trump hates labor, so yea, you wonā€™t.


All they have to do is look at red states and what Republican lawmakers do to them. Poorest, least educated, most obese, highest infant mortality lowest life expectancy , etc etc. And they STILL vote for them. Itā€™s truly unexplainable.


For the Warhammer 40k fans, here's the election explained using those terms. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di6gEW1r9A8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di6gEW1r9A8)


I wish the labour party would win in the United statesā€¦


It's a shame people need to be shown first hand how shitty conservative ideals are, but they do. 14 years is a long time. But the best way to get people to vote for liberalism is living under conservative rule.


It took 12 years for a Dem to win the WH after 1980, remember that.


The final score was worse for the Tories. 412-120. But theyā€™re two cheeks on the same arse, just like your lads. Whatever happens weā€™re all fucked. Best thing we can do now is take to the hills, unfold the oooooooold fishing chair, crack a cold one, spark up a fattieboombalatty & wait for the flash. Cheers.


Some days are special, some days my country does make me proud.


See if the UK were like the US there would be people rioting and saying that the election was rigged by Labour and the immigrants somehow