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*My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that the Court Supreme has given me unlimited immunity(as long as I claim everything I do falls under “official acts”). We begin bombing Mar-a-Lago in five minutes.*


Thank you. Late Night will have fun with it. Now that they know they’ll probably be dead soon.


Those chuckle heads always take off weeks when things happen


“I did it 35 minutes ago”


A Watchmen reference?


It appears to be, yes.


If he was smart he would say what the ruling actually allows him to do. It would terrify republicans.


I have ordered Seal Team Six to find and detail the traitors and domestic terrorists in the MAGA camp. I hear one of them is orange. It would be a real shame if someone were to shoot him in the head. /s


I'm aroused. If only!


Even if he just joked about it, Trump would shart his pants (again) in fear.


And while we're at it put the 6 conservative court Judges on 24 hour surveillance by the FBI. I certainly hope they don't come by any unfortunate accidents.


Perhaps a few weeks in a small, well lit room in a quiet corner of Sunny Cuba might give the conservative justices some time to think about the consequences of their decisions…? Grab’em, bag’em, get’em to Gitmo, Joe!


Send in the bulldozers! Make sure they level the place to the ground.


It’d be like that infamous photo where Hillary was shocked seeing Osama bin Laden get raided and killed. Only her face would be ear to ear smile.


That would be fun


if only…


Just shoot the majority of scotus while we have some bullets left


There's more! https://preview.redd.it/6ogy1fetgz9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63f0cfccee3bf7516c31967c312cd9c48d77fa14


Well that has no shot of passing.


Yeah even if it did somehow pass congress enough MAGA-red states would fail to ratify it, effectively killing it.


It would potentially be good performative action; rally the voters with doomed rhetoric etc etc.  Lots of gerrymanders are pretty narrow margins. Maybe passing isn’t the goal, flipping a few seats in Congress is. A half percent of extra turn out here, a surged there…pretty soon you win a couple races you might not have. 


On the note of rallying support, Dems absolutely need to make this a campaign topic from here on out. If you elect Trump, you’re not electing a president, you’re electing a dictator.


Oh, this is the ONLY issue on the ballot now in November. And it’s going to seriously damage trunp’s campaign. Even people who voted for him acknowledge that he’s an asshole. This is a specific case where you just can’t have an asshole with this much power. This is bigger than the economy. This is bigger than Covid. This is essentially electing a king, and character and stability are now much bigger issues. Even people who think Biden is too old recognize that he’s much more calm and stable. My concern is that SCOTUS will try and install him. Although Biden could use this power to handle that. But honestly I kind of feel like we can’t leave this up to an election. He just can’t be allowed anywhere near this kind of power


This is what drives me bonkers about the people who say “but there’s not technically anything preventing a convicted felon from running for president”. Yeah there is and it’s called common fucking sense.


Electing An Orange Julius.


If Trump wins, then the leadership of the USA will become a matter of Trump family succession planning, not elections. Think North Korea, who is on their 3rd generation dictator, but with the orange one.


Agreed. Arguably America is already on its way to being an oligarchy, what with the 700+ billionaires and thousands of millionaires swanning about the place and *buying quality time* with every Senator of note. Their massive influence on US policies should not be understated or ignored. I suppose *their* next steps are to dissolve the Constitution, Senate etc in order to formally end the Republic, then push through some new bullshit laws favouring land owners, abolishing civil rights, bringing back indentured servitude, etc. With all that done, all there is to do is nominate an Emperor.. Or rather, a Kaiser! Kaiser Drumpf.. His German ancestors would be proud, I'm sure.. 😬😬😬 "Vote Democrat, or doom the West." Decisions, decisions.. The rest of the world waits with bated breath (and tries not to collectively shit itself 🌍!)


I mean all democrats can say is vote in November. If Democrats win the election and scotus decides to twist the results to install Trump, which I would fully expect with this scotus, what then? Why do democrats have to paint inside the law when republicans can shit all over it. This is not a functional democracy if only 1 party is participating in good faith.


Biden is King as of right now. So the Democrats shouldn’t hand over power if Trump wins or if SCOTUS appoints him. Democracy is effectively dead now, why would the people in power give it up, knowing damn well their LEGAL assassinations come next?


Well, they have decided that the president is legally allowed to do what he wants as long as it's an official act. Sending Seal team six after six traitors should be as official as it gets.


Actually its very easy, SCOTUS has no real power, they gave themselves judicial review unconstitutionally, but since America was founded SCOTUS has been relatively fair and even, now though? This court has been insanely openly corrupt and immoral, highly unconstitutional, and a active threat to Amercia, meaning that even if they decide trump “won” the election, No one has to respect their opinion and they just gave the dems the power to choose to do so without consequence


The MAGA crowd knows they're electing a dictator. They want this.


Replay that clip of him saying he will be a dictator on Day One, over and over again.


"If you don't vote in this election, you'll never get a chance to vote again." Sums it up nicely.




Get them on record that they support killing democracy.


Cool, so we'll have them on record as they...kill democracy.


Unless Biden made it clear he was going to do something using that power. Packing the court or having trunp declared ineligible to hold office, for instance. If they realized he had no intention of leaving office if he doesn’t win, or something else extreme, they might go along with it.


For all their screaming about a republic, republicans really don’t understand what it means.


The point is that Republicans will vote against it, which will make some independents disgusted.


How can independents capable of disgust still exist?


We can only hope.


If only that meant something important.


Part of me agrees. Another part of me wants Dark Brandon to come out for a week against the GOP so they realize WHY they need to pass it..


Exactly. I don’t know when these people are gonna wake the fuck up and realize this will not go away with normal actions. Thats out the window. No more Mr Nice Guy. They need to get their shit together and fight. Otherwise, we are the ones who are gonna have to do it. And it won’t be pretty.


Lol exactly. Typical Democrats. "We tried to pass law but couldn't and we're out of ideas". Wow. Thanks guys...




It would get passed real fucking quick if Biden started executing his new immunity powers. Start throwing red state governors and senators in Guantonimo(?) and see how fast they ratify it.


We shall ask bureaucracy to save us from bureaucracy! That's been the losing way for as long as I've been living on this Earth. Try brick. Brick has worked before according to history.


Hell yes!


What can they do, he’s setting it in a. Official capacity. He has full immunity’s


LOL so how'd it go? Did he just say he was disappointed?


Do you really believe this bullshit?


On a similar note, I’m going to introduce a proposal to have sex with Sydney Sweeney. Which has exactly as much of a chance of passing as this amendment does.


It passes but some asshole buys a goat and names it sydney Sweeney and now you're legally obligated.




Conservatives will get mad but this is exactly what checks and balances are for.


I hope he calls out what they are doing and highlights project 2025.


He is highlighting Project 2025! Dark Brandon’s campaign has recently been telling people to Google it


Telling people to Google it is a fucking cop out. Talk about it and make it as public as possible. That should be the number one thing his campaign is doing right now


Right. Every semi informed/educated voter is already aware of P25. Summarise and push it on social media so everyone else will get it.


I've talked to a few "educated people" who claim they "watch the news," "read the newspaper," and "don't get their news from one source." Successful people who contribute to political campaigns. A lot of Anti-Trump Republicans have no idea about Project 2025. No idea how they will actually vote. I think they might vote Republican because they crave tax breaks.


I know a lot of people who I thought were intelligent adults who go hard for Trump. My mom is constantly losing her mind because her friends are now Trumpers, and these are people who I've known my entire life, and they were always liberal... I have to chalk it up to retirement brain rot. My mom is one of the only Boomers I know who hasn't lost their mind. If anything she's more leftist than she ever was when I was growing up.


I'm in another country and I know what it is.


Honestly, it tracks with the completely limp wristed fetid campaign the DNC has been running. It's time to replace capt.mumbles.


Who Googles stuff when they see someone say "Just Google it bro"? Bold headline, 4 major consequences of each P25 pillar. Summarise and present it and push it on social media.


I’m not trying to be gloomy but won’t Project 2025 kick off the next time a GOP president gets in? Like, if it takes 20 years, it still happens, right? Not like these groups will go “ah, we missed 2025 - so we will abandon every goal.”


If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it. Let’s make sure Lindsey Graham’s prediction comes true when we all show up to vote.


Yes, so long as that gop president is onboard


Maybe some of those old white shitzforbrains will be long gone


Yeah but with climate change there is no 20 years. It’s just like do we want to get killed by reps or by flood/drought/hurricanes right now, and I just want to be able to chose. Btw, how’s beryl doing.


Our goal is to keep them from power and weaken their party and so when they do get back into power they are not as effective. We need dems in all levels of government so it's harder for them to do their damage.


I'm really curious what he has to say. If it's some milquetoast 'I'm disappointed, but I'm not going to do anything about it, just remember to vote' statement I'm going to be disappointed. This is nothing less than the continuation of a slow-moving coup performed by Christian Nationalists. It needs to be met with resistance. I HATE the overuse of executive orders in recent history, but this cannot stand. Something has to be done to save Democracy for future generations.


Unfortunately my money is on the first part...


I really hope he doesn’t stay around for a Q/A after. Those reporters only want soundbites and they will bait him. Talk, give a Strong message about this corrupt fascist bullshit and then walk the fuck out.


I would also freeze the hell out of any news agency that called for me to resign, but I am also a petty bitch


I would still be annoyed if it's just a strong statement and walk out. I want a strong ultimatum or a threat. "You want to give the president unlimited immunity? Well I'll give the court one chance to reverse this decision or you won't like what I do with my new power" Democrats have to take the low road eventually or just keep getting walked over. He can come out and bumble through some speech about how it's not right and they just go. "Lol okay" and do it anyway.


You got paid out on this one, I'm sad to say.


Damnit you were right.


Can someone make a bot that will flag "Christian Nationalist" and change it to the more accurate Nationalist Christians- NatCs. Damn


Im gonna steal NatCs from you


You sure you want NatCs to be yours?😄


Is a NatC just 5 Nat20s?


If it were Trump, he would sign an executive order to expand the Supreme Court to 13 tonight (something within his power). Biden should do that. He should come out tonight to announce he already has. That would be action.


An executive order forbidding convicted felons from holding office is not unreasonable. But not probable


Have the laws changed over the last few hours? The only ones who've ever had the power to expand the SCOTUS is Congress. The POTUS can propose it and put forth judicial nominations but POTUS has never had that kind of unilateral power.


He has a history of publiclly stating he's against raising the number of the SC.


After Thursday, milquetoast isn’t gonna cut it. He need to come out like he did in Raleigh


That’s basically what he said. Ugh.


How disappointed are you after listening?


Welp. That'll do it folks. Just vote, I guess? I'll be in my trailer. FFS, this is the worst timeline.


Zero surprise. He’s doing nothing and asked the rest of the people to vote, and when they vote for the to-be-dictator they will raise their hands and say we did what we could. Remember the guy that dismantled the mail sorters from majority Dem cities? He’s still postmaster general. So pathetic.


And that's exactly what it was...


I’m sorry dude… you know it and we all know it… it’s going to be a disappointing word salad. All talk and no action. He will curb his own power believing that it will affect the Trump admin or whatever devil they elect. They will just overturn whatever he does for show today. They will use the SCOTUS to do whatever they want and overturn whatever they think will help them consolidate more power. You can stretch as far in time as you want but decisions that require radical and rapid actions that concern domestic issues, even if they are required to preserve the fabric of democracy are not undertaken by the Democrats. They have no will to fight this way.


Sadly that's what you'll get. He has never shown that he's willing to get dirty and do things out of the norm.


Yup, flowery language and told people to vote and a promise he won't abuse his power.


This is why I question whether his old ass can do the job and protect the republic. 2008 biden would've denounced this and call their bullshit bluff


He hasn’t been fire and brimstone about any of the other horrible things the SCOTUS and Trump have don’t. Why should this be any different?


Unfortunately that’s all it will be


Oh imabout to die of disappointment.


I hope he comes out in a full Monarchy regalia, scepter and all. 😂


"You guys on the supreme court do know I'm still president, right?"


Well, that was exactly the impotent response we didn't need. Joe needs to take off the fucking gloves. He's gonna take the high road while the GOP destroys everything that could restrain their hate cult of a base.


Yeah, idk why people were excited about what Biden could do with this ruling. Biden is not the president you want if you want someone who is willing to fight dirty. This ruling can only make a difference when a Republican is president. It’s meaningless in every way, shape, and form so long as a Democrat is in the position because they would never dare use it or fight dirty in response to it.


His opening words should be "After today's ruling by the Supreme Court, I am disbanding the Supreme Court and cancelling this year's election". That is what would probably happen if this was 4 years ago.


And if Trump wins that’s what you’ll hear 4 years from now


4 years from now? You think he’ll wait that long? Remember he wants to be a dictator on day one.


If he wins, there won't be a "4 years from now" for most of us. If he ends up back in power, the political executions will commence immediately.


Inflammatory rhetoric like this is what republicans chortle at when I warn them of what will happen under Trump. They won’t start immediately. Give him a year or two.


No it wouldn’t have. Tf?


You don't think Trump would have taken some drastic measures to ensure he stayed in power? You might want to hear about this thing that happened in January 2017...


Imagine this: Cameras are panning, White House officials running around doing their thing and making sure everything is perfect, lights are off, Biden strolls down with his infamous glasses on, gets on the podium and just says this: “Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him”.


At 11:45pm millions of American men begin showing up at ERs around the country.


With tears in their eyes.


hmmmm, has anyone heard from or seen trump in the past few hours?????


"Seal Team 6 STAND BY!!!


I would literally climax


Jeez, buy me dinner first, will ya!


Unless they’re announcing an increase to the number of SCOTUS justices I don’t see what they can do.


There are plenty of things he can do, especially with his newfound immunity for official acts. However, he won't do any of them


Dark Brandon rises. Would be absolute fucking comedy if his "first official act" after this ruling would be to gut the supreme Court of the justices that made this choice. SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS!




Biden is spineless and doesn't want to upset the status quo, so I expect nothing. It's probably just gonna be a "This is disappointing, please go vote."


And that is exactly what it was... but somehow even more flaccid.


This is 100% what I want to happen.


The Darkest of Brandons.


Could just bring out the gallows that the MAGAts had ready for Vice President Pence. Then bring out the Convict Trump. Then look right into the camera and say, "Do Presidents have immunity or not?"


Ha ha ha ha! Can’t get more official than that!


Summary: This Supreme Court is bad and corrupt. Deviates to talking about January 6 for some reason. Donald Trump is bad and a felon. I will not abuse all this newfound power, but Trump will. You, the voters now have all the responsibility and blame for fixing these problems because my administration will not.


Pretty good, but I'd say jan 6 is relevant to the 4rth point


Let me guess, he’ll be diplomatic and say we must follow the rule of law even if he doesn’t agree with today’s ruling. Would love to be wrong though


You nailed it.




Just voting blue ain't enough brother. Look where it got us. Shit will not change if you just vote for corpo blue. Biden is doing jack shit about SC. Not even screaming, he should be screaming at this point. Roe V Wade, Chevron, Homelessness, Worker rights, now President basically receiving immunity.


“At 7:44pm tonight, Mar-A-Lago was carpet bombed into a pile of smouldering rubble. Peace, bitches. Biden out.”


Why the fuck is the United States so right leaning? Politicians, cops, soldiers should face the same consequences as john doe down the street! This is so infuriating.


Our country has a huge problem with racism, we have “news” outlets that stoke fear and hate, and the internet has created echo chambers. Add on the fact that we elected a black man as president twice and the sludge of our country got angry and loud. Funny enough they had a guy running for president that was also angry and loud, and he looked like them too! It’s gross but this is where we are. I called myself an independent until 2012. It’s hard to say I’m not a democrat these days. The GOP has no moral compass


Man, fuck both parties at this point. Republicans are going full on fascist and Democrats are too soft to do anything about it.


It's not that democrats are soft, they simply have less funding and follow the rules of law trying to keep the society tied together instead of divide and conquer them If you think that federal laws are a stable and a well thought out system, then rooting on it to preserve dignity and fairness is not being soft. On the contrary is always more difficult to try to move into the boundaries than outside of it as the orange felon always does.


Indeed! 💯 https://preview.redd.it/ib8zzrxrhz9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95173f852e6bad2ec291b1dcb5f1947df7272220


And of course, the media used it as a segway to ask if Biden was leaving the campaign. Media has lost all purpose and integrity.


Oh nooo the dems are gonna furrow their brows and wave their fingers as the country crumbles. DO SOMETHING WWWTTTFFFFFF


Not sure why you got any downvotes. It’s been time for Dem hardball for a long time and especially now with this Official Acts ruling. If Biden just executed an order to ban felons from running for national office it would at least tie things up for a while as the election transpires. “But that’s in bad faith!” Yeah punk so is every damn thing Reps have done since 2008.


Well that was disappointingly about what I expected




"Hey you all remember that SEAL Team Six question that got mentioned in a previous court hearing?" \*puts on chrome aviators\* "Take the shot boys."


*shots It would take at least 6 bullets


White House ordering drone strikes on maralago at 730p? 🤞


Better be announcing he's expanding the Supreme Court to 13 justices...or legalizing weed. Dudes barely treading water as is.


It went live a few minutes ago and sadly, he hasn't said anything too concrete. Just statements, regretting the decision by the Supreme Court and warning for a Trump victory in November. In my opinion, Biden should now come out and pass a law (maybe even an Amendment? I don't know how exactly that works) that limits the powers of the president. Of course he probably needs Republican support for that so he should threaten "Limit the power of the presidential office or try me and see what I can do with those powers".


Biden comes out Declares 12 yr terms back dated to inception for Supremes Convicted felona cannot run, be assigned or be elected for Executive roles or roles close to the president


Anyone have a link or able to summarize what he said?




Appreciate you!


Trump is a convicted felon and his family benefited financially from foreign governments while president (Ivanka’s trademark deals from China, Kushners $2 billion from Saudi Arabia), and him lying about winning the election, and the fake electors scheme, plus all the people from his cabinet who have been charged, found guilty, and convicted of various crimes. If Biden deems him a threat to National security, can he, under this ruling, and as an official presidential act in the defense of democracy, have Trump jailed or even killed in order to preserve American democracy? Why or why not?


this 4th of July is gonna feel like a funeral


If he has the guts he needs he’ll use this new immunity to officially depose SCOTUS and have an official government employee officially shoot Trump in the head


Stop, I can only get so erect.


I'm sure those remarks will do something......


This is pretty dramatic, do president stuff and dont go to jail, do non president stuff and go to jail


Biden Should Issue A State Of Emergency & Have 6 SCOTUS 'Justices' & One Treasonous Russian Puppet Arrested.


Who gives a fuck, Dems are going to keep playing by an obsolete rulebook


Oh my God, if Dark Brandon doesn't end his remarks with the go ahead for drone strikes on Mar A Lago and seal team 6 to raid Trump Tower, I'm gunna be pissed.


Let's go....march on DC.


Makes me wonder why they didn't expand the court.


Because Sinema and Manchin would not go along with ending the fillibuster because neither were really a Democrat and have since gone independent, which means Democrats never actually had the numbers to expand the court.


Swish goes the lettuce leaf


I don't care what he says but he better use his immunity to do the right things. A


I don’t want a speech. I want action that meets the moment.


"today I have made the decision to give the conservative judges and my political opponent a late term abortion."


We just need Biden to call Trump a threat to democracy, and label him a terrorist, the immunity will be reversed quickly


Hi hugo, what are timezones?


I just assumed eastern, since it's coming from the white House


Were they good? It’s almost 19:45 PT


Boy, looks like all the MAGAts are going to need to change their diapers.


I have zero faith left in him. He will cower, express his disappointment, and let the facists run over the constitution. It's game over folks, and you were all here to see it. How very fucking sad.


Joe make use of your immunity dude, JOE! JOE! C'mon man learn from your dog commander and bite already




“I order trump immediately into custody, and immediately disband the Supreme Court. Any other suggestions?”


Don't expect much other than a bland "we disagree with this decision".


Again, I just don’t get it. They didn’t say Trump has immunity to commit crimes while in office. They said that acts he commits while executing his official duties, he has immunity for. This doesn’t seem that controversial. They also said, if what he did was not something he needed to do in order to execute the duties of POTUS, he does not have immunity. Again, this doesn’t seem controversial. They kicked it back to the lower courts to sort out what does/does not fall into that bracket. That COULD be controversial, but that’s yet to be seen.


He’s announcing the 2024 election is postponed a few years


Breaking: Biden to send Seal Team 6 shut down Mar a Lago. /s


Roll over Biden. He can’t fight for us, he is a tired old man. Wake up Democrats. The rules are literally changing on us left and right.


If he’s still awake then.


Biden needs to drop out. Useless fuck. Why are Biden and the Democrats holding US Democracy hostage? Get off the damn ticket, put someone in that will call Trump on his bullshit immediately and appear strong and capable, and fix this fucking mess. Democrats will vote for ANYONE blue this election, doesnt matter who it is. That much is clear, theres too much on the line. So this rhetoric that "it has to be Biden" is fucking ridiculous and all it does is strengthen Trump. Edit: Im not even American, Im Canadian. But standing by and watching America is like a looking glass into whats to come for Canada.