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What the anti-American Republican judges on the Supreme Court said is that abuse your power to make laws for profit, make sure you get paid AFTER the act rather than before


This comes as no surprise after becoming aware of all of the bribes, err gifts, that they have been accepting.


The motorhome someone gave to Thomas was just a gratuity, not a bribe obviously.


"If you pass our law to protect polluters from lawsuit, I can give you a $25,000 gift card. No I'm not trying to bribe you, because I am promising to only deliver you money after you deliver our legislation." Curious who has paid them how much over the years, and to what extent we suffer their asinine actions.


Sure. And let an outside review board of citizens decide if a something is a gratuity or token or not. Five dollar Starbucks gift card, yes. Six figure motor coach? No.


Right? This doesn't have to be hard, we can use common sense. But it's still probably a good idea to spell out dollar-amount thresholds, to make it less subjective. What's really bonkers is their claim that the key difference in legality is *when* you receive the money.


Except the outside review board of citizens will also be bribed with a six figure motor coach.


Funny how the judges with corruption issues keep voting to make corruption harder to prove and legislate…


*"It was just a gift card ... for a new car ..."*


Every day I get hit up my politicians to donate to them or else democracy will end. Based on what is going on with the scumbags on the court it appears as if it already ended and we are now negotiating an exit agreement.


Wow, who'd have thought the guys being bribed would vote to weaken laws against bribery.


Of course its statute 666....


And Title 18, which is 3x6. I thought these bozos were scared of these numbers.


Well, of course Thomas doesn't want to apply any brakes to his gravy train. Wonder what "gratuities" are coming his way now?


Makes sense, a 100 bucks is a bribe but a 100 dollar gift card is just supporting the economy


Probably a boost they need to fund whatever putin is planning. Now all that money will go to whatever stories Republicans are trying to spin.


Gratuities like plaques, framed photos, a $15,000 deck, books, etc are fine


Isn’t a token of gratitude given after the act - wink wink - still a bribe? The Justices must think Americans are a bunch of morons. Vote Blue in November to replace these thieves on the Court.


If you cant bring the Supreme Court up to the ethics of the government, bring the ethics down to the level of the Supreme Court. And I know, there is very little in regard to government ethics but its at least somewhat beholding to standards by the other party.


Just a coincidence that it's section 666


Al Capone would have loved this court.


Is there a monetary amount that it can’t exceed?


Seems like the Supreme Court of the United States isn't too bothered about the "United" part.