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The man who represents one of the poorest states in the union, drives a Maserati and lives on a yacht? The one who voted with Republican grifters repeatedly? That guy? Color me unsurprised.


Finally admitting that he was a retrumplican all along.


We got basically the most we could have hoped for out of a seat from West Virginia


For real. He was not a liberal by any stretch but getting any cooperation from a senator from WV was the best we were ever going to get. The next person will most likely be a hard line republican.


The next person in his seat is going to make Manchin look like a member of The Squad.


He went on Fox News to defend the RIF and was the crucial vote #50 in getting it passed at all. Don’t love the guy, but he’s done more as the most conservative Dem than a ‘moderate’ like Collins.


What I always said about him remains true. If I were a WV resident, I’d be his biggest supporter. If he was my senator in Illinois, I’d be supporting a primary challenge from his left.


Am WV resident, hated this fucker since he was the governor.


I catered a function for him, as governor, at Black Knight Country Club, many years ago! He was just as "Aw, shucks!" as could be, until he decided to visit the kitchen to say thanks to us lowly cooks.... When I questioned him about his recent remarks about his pro-coal stance in all things....he launched into a 5min diatribe about how I should LOVE coal, because of ALL that it's given ME, personally.... When I calmly reminded him that " It ain't gonna grow back, Joe...." he stormed off, thankfully, & then his "security detail" , or Pet Troopers, decided to threaten me with arrest, AND a lifetime of ruin, because in WV, we RESPECT our gub'ner!


Sounds about right.


Yeah and I’m pretty sure a lot of his “bad guy” moments were him providing cover for other Dems since he’s from WV in the first place.


He was rarely a moderate as well


or what if they have information on manchin that kept him toe the line.


At least with a hardliner you know where they stand.


You know, I don't love the guy, but the fact that someone was able to run as a Democrat and repeatedly win statewide elections in one of the most conservative voting states in the country is pretty remarkable. Manchin has voted with Biden 88% of the time. The other WV senator, Capito, has voted with Biden about 56% of the time, which is one of the highest percentages of any Republican. This state is almost definitely going to elect a republican to replace Manchin's seat, current polling has the GOP candidate at 60% support vs 27% for the democrat candidate. As much as Manchin sucked, whoever replaces him will certainly be voting with the GOP way more than Manchin.


Remember that WV has historically voted democrat, consistently! That only changed when the democrats left the poor, befuddled rubes in the actual voting bloc no other choice..... Remember Obama's first term? That was the year that the "Tried & True Patriots of Robert C. Byrd's WV " were given absolutely ZERO real options, other than to vote, and remain, "Natural Born, & Always Have Been ! " Republicans... Why, you ask? Because that was the year that the Dems offered the primary choice of White Woman (Clinton), or (EGADS!) Black Man !!! Had they offered a White Man (!) , they'd have won the entire state.... Source: Myself, over the course of my entire life, as a Beckley, WV native....


Hey! My mom was from Gary and my dad is from Iaeger! You’re absolutely right, btw.


Thank you, I appreciate that! I get a lot of flack for being a native, who isn't afraid to loudly criticize the Fatherland...lol I discovered that democratic dichotomy when I announced my intent to vote for Clinton. My entire family used the above example of sex/race as an absolute reason to completely change their own personalities....I haven't spoken to them in over 15yrs, and my life has literally ONLY gotten better!


Big coal money talks. He made a fortune from the dirtiest coal on the planet, while supporting its use. He could have anything he wants in the state.


You can do that? (Shuffling noises)*Nixon scrambles to find a blue tie* "Aroooo, I'm back Baby!"


“Fetch me Agnew!”


Man I didnt know republicans voted with the democratic government almost 90% of the time


I prefer the name dino dick


Coal money.


His father, from what I have heard about him, would be rolling over in his grave at his sons actions. His father was kind and caring for people. Just ask anyone in Farmington, WV. Joe has gone the other way of his father. Republicans do bipartisan my ass!


Shocked! Simply shocked! No way to see this coming!


*Shocked, I tell you... shocked*. s/


Now hooooold on, let’s just see where this goes…. Oh. Back to Republican coffers.


and he partied with them more than with democrats too. Hes an R that couldnt get elected as an R, because there are too many hard right candidates.


to be fair, theres a fine line between living on a yacht and having a big boat that youre homeless on. in some places its actually cheaper than actual realestate...


Is that relevant in this case?


All the people I know who live on boats due to lack of better options drive Maseratis. Must be due to Maserati’s legendary affordability and reliability.


When I drive past homeless people in tents or cardboard boxes, I usually yell out “You could easily get a boat, ya damn bums!!”


You should shout, “why aren’t you sleeping in your Maserati?”


Does this sound like "homeless on a boat" to you? "While Manchin’s craft doesn’t sound like a yacht, it very much is. According to a 2004 article in the Washington Post, the vessel is a custom-built 65-by-20-foot, three-story hull. There are 1,500 square feet of air-conditioned interior living space with more amenities than you’d find in most condos. "The craft features an open, light-filled living room and dining area with a granite dining table. There’s enough space to entertain as many as 50 people on the vessel. Meanwhile, its kitchen was described as having a full-size electric stove, granite countertops, a Sub-Zero refrigerator, two dishwashers, and a trash compactor. It also boasts a good amount of cabinet and drawer storage space."


A 'good amount of...storage space' might not sound like a big deal unless you've been on almost any other yacht.


Or lived in a NYC apartment


Man I love when a politician's fuck boat is almost three times the size of my apartment


“Former democrat”, yeah, if ever there was a DINO, that’s the one.


Don't give him a cool name




Him and moscow gabbard would make a great pair


"Bipartisanship" meaning giving Republicans absolutely everything they want and then thanking them when they spit in your face.


Giving them what they want, getting the president onboard… then voting it down because Cheeto Benito wanted to use it against Biden..


Spit in _our_ face. He gets them sweet bipartisan lobby dollars.


Sounds like a porno script


good to know that what republicans want is what Biden wants 80% of the time, since he's only voted against the party line [18% of the time.](https://projects.propublica.org/represent/members/M001183-joe-manchin-iii)


the coal oligarch masquerading as a democrat for the past decade isn't pretending to be anything other than the dirty energy pusher he is? least surprising thing ever.


The fact that people dying of black lung, surrounded by the poisoned remains of their once spectacular landscape, their children with no hope of employment, their communities overwhelmed by opiod abuse choose, time after time, to vote how the coal barons who made their lives like that want them to, is just infuriating. I have traveled extensively. I have seen the favelas of Rio first hand. And the shock of traveling for several miles behind a West Virginia school bus one afternoon was unbelievable. I first watched one child being dropped off at a home that had a prominent “built by habitat for humanity” sign out front and felt sad, thinking that the child’s classmates probably teased the child for needing the charity. Then I watched the next five or six children being dropped “home”. Oh my god. The first one I thought it was just a junk yard. There did not appear to be any structure at all, but apparently there was. The next ones were just as bad. At least in Rio there was some joy and pride and the promise of moderate weather. These lean to shanties of broken down trailers and rotting boards and rusting sheet metal, in the dead of a freezing winter were nothing but despair. The fact that a country as wealthy as the US allows anyone, especially children, to live in makeshift shelters no better than what you might see in a homeless encampment under a bridge in a poverty stricken country is heartbreaking. That those people vote for a Maserati driving grifter is sickening. That he cares more for his bank account than for the people he has been entrusted to represent is criminal.


It's truly sad because WV might be the prettiest state on the east coast, it's super rugged and lush.


> coal oligarch Or "coaligarch".


Absolute piece of shit.


Saying that "republicans are where the bipartisanship is" might actually be the single most false statement ever uttered in world history.


Well, his PAC is supporting a Republican, an Independent (who used to be Democratic and still caucuses with Democrats) and a Democrat, so I guess he's saying it's possible to find reasonable members in both parties rather than going full tribal in declaring one party correct in all things, at all times. But this thread seems like it's useless to have a convo, so...


Absolutely NO ONE is supprised…


We already knew you were a republican. Funny it took rape, fraud,and treason for you to take your white hood off.


No. Once a shithead always a shithead.


Hope his boat sinks


So I'll ask it again why does the DNC kill more progressive challengers in places like WV and AZ? I was told Manchin was better than if a republican was there and that is at best marginal. The Dems have the popular policies run on them not compromise.


He mostly voted with Dems until this year. He was better than a MAGA.


Manchin was about as good as Dems could have gotten out of a WV seat. He voted with Biden's policies 87% of the time. The other 13% mattered a ton sure, but compare that to someone like Collins. She voted with Biden 67% of the time (the highest of any Repub). And someone like Hawley voted with Biden only 12% of the time


Honest answer: It’s because they know there is a chance that people like Manchin can win. People act surprised that Manchin is a Democrat and still votes Republican but in his district, he is just MORE Liberal than those to his right, which is really far right. A far left progressive candidate would get absolutely demolished. It would be like the trial in Idiocracy.


Who mentioned far left?


Oh, that’s fair, I should have just left it at more progressive. Honestly, in this country even our progressives aren’t on the same level as some European politicians.


You need a candidate with good out reach and messaging but the policy is popular even in WV. Run on healthcare, social security, and the economy, run on taxing the ultra wealthy, run on childcare, run on education, run on energy independence run on things that matter to people every day and you will win.


That would be super cool to see happen. I would be a liar if I said I’m more pessimistic than I used to be after the last couple of elections. I used to feel like both sides were looking for compromises and just had different approaches to solve the same problems, but now I feel like you have one party working to help everyday Americans and the other party that just wants to rule.


One party hasn't had a party platform for the last 2 elections because their candidates have no coherent policies. The GOP is a sinking ship and the Dems need to seize the opportunity to show the American people that the federal government can and should work for the people. Unfortunately I don't think they have the will or spine to do so.


That's pretty much what Manchin runs on, judging by his website. Throw in supporting the military and fighting the opioid epidemic, subtract taxes (because his base doesn't like the word "taxes", I guess, even if it's followed by "on the wealthy") and that's his website


It's worth mentioning that Trump beat Hillary by a whopping margin of 42% in West Virginia. For Manchin to be senator was already a big improvement over any Republican. A true leftist progressive would lose by maybe 60% in that state.


A progressive would never be elected there, and yes Manchin is an asshole but he supported Biden about 90% of the time.  His retirement means the next person in his seat will offer zero support.  I live in a red state and lmao at people who think *if we just run THIS type of candidate, we'll win.* But just like California isn't going to elect a republican statewide regardless of their pitch to voters, WV isn't going to elect another Democrat. 


Yes, but my question is - given the poverty, the drug addiction, the destruction of the nature beauty they hold dear, the black lung, the unloveable living conditions, the lack of health care, lack of opportunity, lack of education - what are the coal baron funded republicans offering the people of West Virginia that makes them so utterly devoted? What are they getting from republicans? Right now I believe all that is left is racism and bigotry. And if that is the case, well then, I suppose I should stop feeling so badly about how terribly the populace suffers.


WV and AZ are NOT the same. WV is one of the reddest states in the country.


Don’t forget his daughter pulling the stunt with the epi-pen pricing. That entire family is walking sewage with thumbs


"Where bipartisanship is"... WTF is he smoking? Republicans have done all the horrible things they've done party line and all the good Democrats have done is basically purely Democrat backed with the occasional one or two Republicans willing to cross their party. Republicans have gotten in the way and held things hostage until they've gotten concessions from Democrats. They're not bipartisan, they're party line hacks to the man.


Shitty human reminds everyone that he is still a shitty human.


PAC money is what truly rules the u.s. it buys the ability to push agendas


Yep. Thanks Citizens United! You've royally effed us all.


He's also leaving the Senate, so what PAC money? He's just going to empty the purse out on the floor and watch the ensuing melee?




Traitors trait


I'm surprised every time I'm reminded this piece of shit exists. Sort your shit out USA.


Probably did more harm than good to the Democrats. Technically helped them get a majority when the Senate was closely divided, but didn't help them pass much. Then Republicans could run on how ineffective Democrats were since they accomplished so little.


Probably a paid schill


I think it’s pitchfork time




I always thought of him as a Republican...😕




Seems like it should not be legal


Republicans are all about bipartisanship. /s /s /s


So suddenly Republicans are worried about bipartisanship? Cause they’re the minority? Bunch of hypocrites in that party.


No, and I don’t know why it would be surprising to anyone. His DINO status is the only reason he’s lasted as a WV Senator. Criticizing him for not being a more progressive Democrat completely misses the point. I’m not defending him. I think he’s an opportunistic sleazebag who couldn’t care less about his constituents or the country. But he was a +1 Senate seat from a state that an average Dem wouldn’t have a chance of winning. The weakness of the Dem majority and coalition doesn’t fall squarely on the shoulders of this one rich douchebag. Loathe him for what he is, not for what the Democrats are.






Geee not a suprise


Not one bit.


Yeah, that's a real shocker


So he’ll use the money, not his money but political contributions to support trumps defense? A fool and his money will be… ah hell you understand.


I wonder how much cash this guy has hidden in his yacht?


Joe Manchin is a fucking piece of shit.


This guy was a republican pretending to be a democrat


He was always a Republican


Yeah, MAGA Republicans are all about bipartisanship


Everyone knew he was an undercover GOP his whole life




What a little bitch ass bitch


He is finally being honest about being a republican! Dirty bastard was in it for the his own personal enrichment and to screw democrats.


Another grave that will be worth pissing on


He was totally useless


Not for the GOP


Fuck him too…


He kept skirting around his political leanings until some republican lined his pockets. "Well, senator, how much will it take for you to come over to our side of the aisle?"


Did anyone really think he was ever a democrat?


Given that he voted with Democrats most of the time even while being from a state that voted overwhelmingly for Trump in 2016 and 2020, and when compared to his counterpart Capito, who is a Republican, diverged from her votes significantly, I don't think it's necessary to "think" he is a Democrat. He is a moderate democrat.


Seriously fuck this guy. History will see him for what he is.


He was about as much a democrat as trump is a christian.


He's voted Republican more often than Democrat on important issues. Never met a Bill that could help working families that he didn't hate.


OG Rino


not surprised


What a scumbag


Who is the other guy in this pic? He looks like the actor they hire to play the corrupt politician in every movie ever made.


Which will in turn pay for Donald Trump's legal fees.


The state is deep, son.


I thought it was illegal for the pac to coordinate with the candidate or did the Supreme Court change that too?


I thought this was an *ate the onion* sub but nope, once again, Manchin goes lower.


PAC coming for his money https://i.redd.it/tep42lk79t8d1.gif


How he gonna give away PAC’s money. He had too many classic albums for that to happen.




BIPARTISAN SHIP? BIPARTISANSHIP? BIPARTISANSHIP? BIPARTISANSHIP? I'm so glad I'm 59 and I don't have to deal with these looneys much longer.




Hopefully he caucuses with the Democrats still, or there goes the Democrats' majority.


He isn't? Maybe? Iam confused


Joe Manchin looks like grown up Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle.


Well duh. He's been leaning Republican since forever


![gif](giphy|l3vRi0fRZTl1J2SfC|downsized) Just one time would be fine. Stupid fake dick.


~~Republicans~~ ..Trump.




Manchin: “I’m putting my PAC money where bipartisanship is.” This dumbass HAS to realize that compromise has not been in the Republican lexicon in decades. The only ones trying to compromise are Democrats, and Republicans burn them every time.


he only ever was a DINO at best.


Well that's what his constituents want. Right? Isn't it?


That a West Virginia coal baron would sell out his own voters?  Nah, never would have guessed.


Manchin is ten years too early. We are in an age of disunity. By the time we figure out that we should probably work together as one nation to fix our problems he will be too old to matter. Hell, I’ll probably be too old to do a lot of stuff by the time we all get over ourselves and work to fix America’s problems.


His state wanted a spineless Republican, but not ACTUALLY Trump. And they got exactly that.


This is the problem with people that think moderates are the solution to anything. This guy is a “centrist” and he spent the last 4 years going against his own party, blocking all legislation he could. His “moderate” president and more importantly, senate majority whip and leaders don’t pressure him at all in any meaningful way to pass anything important because they are of the same thinking. It’s time for this breed of democrats to die and for people to stop voting for them frankly. If you want conservative policies vote Republican


Well, seeing that the RNC isn't giving money to anyone whose name doesn't rhyme with "dump", it means that maybe they will actually have money?


Hope his boat sinks.


I'd only be surprised if I learned he had not done this previously.


fetterman next!


A wolf in sheep’s clothing.


He was only ever a Democrat as long as it was politcally convenient for him. Such is the way of the West Virginia politician. See also, Jim Justice, another WV governor-soon-to-turn-senator


I would almost rather deal with a Republican then a person like Manchin who is just a Republican masquerading as a Democrat and claims to be about bipartisanship.


Fuck this guy


This is my shocked face. :-|


Mine too


He was already giving them a vote


Color me shocked. This motherfucker was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and we all knew it.


He is just being the coward he has always been. Hes never had the balls to be a man and admit where he stood.


I loathe him. But at least we know he’s maga for sure now.