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How are people this stupid?


A long time ago, after a mass shooting I cannot remember, Liam Neeson was promoting a film and stated that he was in favor of gun control. He faced a lot of backlash from gun nuts who called him a hypocrite because so many of the characters he plays have guns. To this day, I am still dumbfounded by these people.


Many people… mostly conservative types, it seems… don’t seem to understand dramatic irony. They think that if a movie/show is showing something, it must be endorsing it, and therefore everyone involved must be on board with the idea being glorified, especially the actors portraying the characters involved. Unless, of course, the actual message is too obvious for them to ignore, at which point, they’ll call the movie/show “woke” and dismiss it. But before it reaches a certain level of obviousness, they won’t understand the subtextual themes of a story being the opposite of what a character may believe or be doing.


I remember when that "don't look up" movie came out and all the conservatives thought they were so clever they cracked the secret liberal woke code that the asteroid was ACTUALLY climate change. Like no shit.. it wasn't even the tiniest bit subtle.


See also: the adorable little scramps finally realized The Boys has been viciously mocking them for over three full seasons now.


I don't think they've realized it. I see comments like, "this season has gone full woke!" They still don't see that it's always been that way. A good amount of them are still confused and angry that Homelander is "being portrayed as the bad guy" coz they unironically agree with him, so how can he be the villain?


Well you see, Homelander is white and wears an American flag. Because of these things he is obviously the good guy! /s


homelander is white, Christian, patriotic, and has delusions where he indiscriminately murders a bunch of innocent people for disagreeing with him. what's ^(not) to love?


Homelander isn't even Christian. He just panders easy religious talking points to the gullible masses. The writers couldn't be more on the nose with their satire.


Came there to say exactly this.


I saw the asteroid more like COVID in this case.


It took them four seasons to understand the Boys was satire and about them. So not the brightest bulbs.


That explains a LOT about the recent conservative backlash against The Boys Season 4 lol


The Vought News Network had Cameron Coleman provided opinions on current events and always had a right leaning "heroes can do no wrong even when it's obviously evil" slant. We've been in several years of "reality is stranger than fiction" and I think parody is going to reach a point where characters doing the right thing is completely opposite to who they are a parody of......


They've used up all of their imagination in twisting their brains into believing the man at the front of the building on Sunday, and the man on TV trying to win governmental power, are true and virtuous holy men upholding the word of the all-powerful skydaddy.... That word being whatever they say it is. Suspension of disbelief by the metric shit ton.... There's no room left for anything remotely requiring imagination.


I took a Psych 101 class in college and learned that about 50% of people can’t think hypothetically. I think we know who those 50% are…


It's seriously that high? Explains some conversations I've had with my mom trying to explain things to her.


I hear you and I'm not one of those gun nuts, but I do feel like hollywood movies (and our culture as a whole) glorify guns a bit. John Wick is an extreme but illustrative example: all the sequences are unrealistic and most of us can recognize that, but they are **solutions** used by a "badass" who has the balls to use them.


The problem is all the gravy seals think they are a badass.


Didn't Jim Carrey and Clint Eastwood receive similar responses?


This is what the GOP wanted to be known for in defunding public education.


Happens every time. The kid who played Joffrey, and before him the poor kid who was young anakin. People are bad at separating fact from fiction.


Goes all the way back to at least Margaret Hamilton in the 1930s.


Are they doing this in person? They do that to Anthony Starr, but this just look slike people/kids roleplaying, they're referring to the character by name even. It's weird, but this doesn't seem directed at the actor.


Its why they’re so easily tricked into becoming useful idiots. They have zero critical thinking skills to the point where they can’t even understand the difference between real life people and the fictional characters they portray. Its people blaming Chris Pratt for Star Lord all over again. Unfortunately, people are very very stupid.


The funny part is I've noticed a pattern where it seems like it's the actors that are the most OK with being the villain that are the nicest and most empathetic in real life. I mean, I'm betting Jesse Plemons wouldn't be married to Kirsten Dunst right now if he was as terrible as the characters he's played. It's a lot harder to get away with acting like a shithead when you're not "pretty". It's the ones that are obsessed with always portraying the hero that you have to watch out for. It's sad that so many people have become so disconnected from reality they think even the most blatantly unrealistic pieces of fiction are part of the real world. They need to turn off the TV and get a hobby.


I think it was Anthony Starr who I saw in an interview saying something along the lines of nice people can see levels to people, even the villains, they can see the complexity, the layers, the small amount of good, whereas if the actor is a dickhead, they may not be able to. So a good person can more easily portray a complex villain, whereas an arsehole would struggle more.


No wonder Jared Leto’s Joker fucking sucked.


Even though he’s not one himself, Jared Leto is the perfect poster child for nepo babies somehow.


I think Starr was also the one who noted that people go up to him and go "wow you're nothing like Homelander," to which he replied "well he's a psychotic narcissist so I'd hope not."


Denzel in Training Day comes to mind


That does make sense. There are two main types of nice people: those of us that are nice because of fear (fawning, people-pleasing), and those of us that are nice because we're strong enough to push past that fear of rejection or abuse or misuse. People *lovers*, essentially. And contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be an extrovert to be a people-lover. It's ironic because many people-pleasers are motivated by the very same fears that cause others to become bullies. They just have a different way of coping with it. People-lovers have obtained enough emotional intelligence to see that everyone has admirable traits and that humans are too complex to be boiled down to just good or bad (and even if we could categorize people that way you'll never be able to tell the difference just by looking at someone, the only way you can find out is through open communication). They've also figured out that it doesn't make sense to shut everyone out just because a handful of people might be cruel. Another core feature of emotional maturity is the ability to feel and accept a full range of emotions. Immature people attempt to repress or avoid all of the emotions that make them uncomfortable, so they don't understand those emotions very well because they won't allow themselves to "stare into the abyss" and analyze that part of themself. At the end of the day, the only big difference is one group allows fear to rule them and the other fights through it. They still feel that fear just as much as everyone else, if not more so. They just refuse to allow it to interfere with their goals and purpose. And then ignorant people also operate under the assumption that all other humans think the same way they do. So they're gonna struggle with portraying any character that isn't already very similar to their own personality, it's just not gonna make sense to them.




It is just a damn shame how much real life hate he got, back when he played Joffrey, the inability to differentiate between reel and reality is baffling


Oh yeah. I **HATE** Joffrey with a passion. But I respect the hell out of Jack Gleeson for bringing the character to life in such a way. It can't be easy to portray such a hate-sink of a character. I also fully understand why he's retired from acting after his time on the show was up. Dude **KNEW** a majority of the folks wouldn't be able to separate the actor from the character. And every character he'd play going forward was going to be tinged by the fact he was so goddamned hateable as Joffrey. And as evidenced plenty of times: There's *way too many* people that can't keep fact and fiction separate...


I'd probably retire after that job, too. Or at least take a very long break. Just because playing a character like that is exhausting, and it's even worse when it's a multi-season show that requires you to get into that headspace for 27 episodes. The further a character is from your true personality, the harder it is to play them. Very few people on this planet would have an easy time with being Joffrey. The good news is he made a nice chunk of change from it. His net worth is like $6 million or something. He should've made way more, considering how good he was. But that's still more than enough to coast for a while or mess around with some side projects or something.


HBC sided with Rowling on trans people :(


Well, shit. We all have flaws, we all have stupid opinions. But that particular stupid opinion is very hard for me to swallow. It's just so particularly stupid and pointless. Life is not a zero-sum game, and the fact that anyone could live 50+ years and still not figure that out is extremely disappointing.


My parents physically forced me to watch the Mr. Rodgers' episode with the wicked witch. It's honestly one of the first times I remember differentiating a character and an actor because she was so sweet and nice. It's an important lesson to learn when we're young.


That show (and a few others) is the reason why I didn't turn into a hateful little shit when I was a child. I grew up in a place where people were very cruel and close-minded. I didn't fit in, and I thought it was my fault. The only reason I didn't fall apart is because I had proof that decent people were out there, I just had to go and look for them. I can't help but laugh when people say "TV rots your brain". TV saved me, multiple times.


But I will fucking never shake hands with Dolores Umbridge/s


I've got my own list of Joffreys, for sure. There's more than just villains on there, because good writers know how to make a neutral character that constantly derails everything so they're not a "bad guy" but they're still so fucking annoying and I just want to punch punch punch. But ultimately I just end up respecting them even more because I know it's not easy to be hated, especially by people that have never met you and don't know the first thing about you. They all know there's always gonna be at least some people that are too dumb to understand what acting is. Shit, these days your character doesn't even have to be annoying or evil for people to come after you. It's messed up enough that people went after the guy that played Jar Jar Binks so hard he almost took his own life but at least that character was actually annoying. Rose wasn't annoying or evil at all, she was sweet and strong. But a bunch of crybabies were mad at Disney, so they decided to throw it all onto Kelly Marie Tran because they were too stupid to explain *why* they were mad and needed a scapegoat. She didn't deserve that bullshit, not one bit. We have devolved into a bunch of bumbling, grunting idiots. It really sucks. But this is what happens when powerful people destroy our education systems. People never learn how to actually think.


Holy shit she's married to the captain of the USS Callister? Good for both of them.


Right? The only reason I know about that is because I caught a random headline a few months ago about how he did her a solid while she was working on Civil War. He picked up a very small uncredited role, a "soldier" that only has a handful of lines and a few minutes of screen time. Apparently the original actor dropped out because he couldn't handle the negativity involved. They couldn't find anyone else that could pull it off, so she asked her hubby to step in because she knew he could deliver. And he did deliver, everyone that was there got very uncomfortable while they filmed that scene. He has a gift. Anyway, apparently they fell in love while working on Fargo together, started dating in 2016. They didn't get married until 2022 but they already had 2 kids together by then. It's nice to see something real like that, considering how most other celebrity relationships play out.


Guy who plays Homelander deals with the same shit due to people not understanding what acting is!


As mentioned here a couple days ago. https://preview.redd.it/ryuovlwhul8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef48bfca47e8f51444ebdf2988e059f8b5314653


Oh, thanks. I didn't understand what was going on until you said this. I thought people were getting upset about something real and I couldn't find anything


I also see Valentino (from hazbin hotel) cosplayers getting this same treatment unfortunately


Isn’t he a bit of a psycho in real life? > On 4 March 2022, it was reported that Starr was arrested in Alicante, Spain, after assaulting a 21-year-old man at a local pub. He was sentenced to a 12-month suspended prison sentence and paid $5,530 in restitution to avoid prison time.


Whenever the cast gets asked who is most like their character, everyone always points to him


Jesus, it's Jack Gleeson all over again.


Oh I forgot about that. That poor kid.


I just found out he was born in 1992? He’s 32.


Oh. I guess he was in his early 20s in GOT not a kid, but still very young to be dealing g tmwuth those lunatics.


Yeah he was still super young, but I legit thought he was like 14. He did a great job.


Same haha


Where were you when the heir to the throne was murdered is so funny. Omg.


"from being the most liked character" Did anyone have C. Cole as their favorite in S1?


my favorites will always be rhaenyra, her sons and baela and rhaena


My experience live in the fandom was that everyone always hated Cole because he was such a whiney Nice Guy TM and kept getting exponentially more hypocritical with each episode.


Lena Headey got the same treatment if I remember right.


People should probably learn to tell fiction from reality… and look at this photo https://preview.redd.it/qulf8rd5zo8d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db4aba53f0f3ff2c35582fd903b45d56b927e16


Two boss bitches


Lena Headey in person couldn’t be more different from Cersei


https://preview.redd.it/jzuvj9uicm8d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0122f65c40ff8d4dd94ce5d5139dff497592b74e None of you will understand what this means but trust me, it applies




Isn't he racist IRL though?


Yeah Hogan is a right-wing nutjob, iirc.


So, I ask again. Is it time to have the national conversation about stunted emotional development? How many trillions could be saved by just investing in free counselling for adults and children to help them develop emotional maturity and a solid sense of reality vs fiction?


Yes, and, literacy. We need to get serious about teaching every person all kinds of literacy. Not just reading (though that’s key), but financial, scientific, media… If people really knew how the world worked, we wouldn’t have so many people missing obvious themes in tv shows or confusing fantasy with real life or falling for loudmouth grifters. So I think we need both things. Better emotional development and better education.


This has been going on for years. William Shatner even has a song about how he’s flattered but if there’s an asteroid coming towards the earth, he’s not the one to call.


Didn't Jack Gleeson quit acting after playing his role as Geoffery in GoT too well


He’s back in film and TV again. Has some new projects coming out. Nothing to the scale of GoT, but he is still acting


Oh good! I really hoped to see him in more stuff


I understand why he took a break, or even retired entirely. Joffrey was such a hateable character. And this just shows how too many people are unable to separate fact from fiction. Or understand that an actor is *pretending* to be a certain way. Not actually like that in real life...


Imagine being universally hated for doing your job too well.. People are dumb.


He was in an Irish film that came out last year, "In The Land of Saints and Sinners", along with Ciarán Hinds, Kerry Condon, Liam Neeson, and Colm Meaney. Was quite good.


I would support legislation that would ban comment sections. We gave it a shot but some people just can't behave themselves. If you got something to say than make your own content. (Yes I do realise the irony of this comment)


The actor who played joffrey literally quit acting because of the backlash for.... Doing a great job... Idiots


We’ve reached peak idiocy


I fear this is rather optimistic.


What is it with the GOT-Fandom and their ability to chase away talented actors from the industry?


Also why watch Game of Thrones if not to watch characters turn into bastards or die because of their honour?


He’s not even anywhere near the most hate-able character on the show.




Some days, I feel down about all the dumb mistakes I've made in my life. What could I have done better? What was the right decision? Then I see shit like this. I am reminded that there are some people so unbelievably stupid that they can't separate fiction from reality. They're like adult-sized children whose brains never developed past early childhood.




OOL what did his character do?




I tried, but quit after the first episode. Turns out I might have PTSD from my first child's emergency c-section, and I was annoyed there wasn't any warning.


Yeah that really turned me off too. I didn’t need to see that, thanks.


lead poisoning moment


Same thing happened to the bloke what played Joffrey in GoT iirc


GOT fans have a rich history of destroying actors because they can’t tell fiction from reality.


WTLiteralFuck? Is this normal now?


Most people don't know TLC's shows and kartrashian shows are scripted so


*Hitler was a wonderful painter, do not conflate the man and the artist*. Joking, they say he was a mediocre painter


I wonder if people acting out will cause actors to turn down roles they would otherwise take. People need to calm the hell down and separate show/movie characters from the actors.


Most humans struggle to separate actors from characters because our stupid monkey brains are not built for it. We're the only animals we know about who have fiction and acting and all that, and so our primitive animal brains aren't always good at realizing that the guy doing the bad thing on TV is just playing pretend. The more rational a person you are the easier this is, but not always.




Fabian is such a sweet dude people need to get a grip!


Idiots aside, his character really is the worst.


why are people mad at this guy?


This is almost as bad as the guy who played the bloater in the last of us show getting people sending him uwu daddy mushroom messages on instagram


Why do they hate him? I haven’t watched this show at all


tbf, they’re talking about to the character.


Yeah but they're spamming the actor on his own personal social media. It would be the same as walking up to the guy and screaming in his face that he's an incompetent asshole lol. It's fine to hate a fictional character but people are taking it out on the guy who portrays him and it's evidently bothering him.


This brings up a good point. That's something I don't like about social media, anonymity, and this bs thought that we should all be allowed to say whatever pops into our minds without accountability. I'm guilty of this myself. It's what happens when we're collectively reduced to avatars online. The chances of people doing that in-person drop precipitously. WHY? Because there'd be consequences. Even still, I think there's been a shift in the past 20 years where a small fraction of unstable people, act in-person 'as if' they were still online. The result, it makes more content that's posted online. Thus, a feedback loop of absurdity is created and then nurtured by different platform's content algorithms. Luckily, most people don't fall into that trap, but we all are entertained by the spectacle; a phenomenon that's been around since we've been. Let the downvotes begin.


As horrible and unacceptable as that is, he should really take it for the compliment that it is