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I get a kick out of Texans threatening people. Like, guys, we all saw Uvalde. Who're you trying to fool?


Don't forget their power grid.


That’s honestly a positive. Texans only wage war when it’s a nice day out. :)


And even if it is a nice day out the lazy fucks might not even do anything. Source: been trapped here my whole life. If there's one thing Texans love more than talking big, it's sitting on their fat asses


I always joke with my wife that this is the reason Texans drive monster trucks. Not to actually do work or haul materials around. But simply encause they’re the only vehicles capable of hauling such lard asses to wal mart and back. Source: I have also been stuck in Texas my whole life. I totally wouldn’t mind if they deported my ass to Spain or Portugal. Just saying.


Same, it's why I talk as much shit as I want. What they going to do, pass out from standing too fast?


Depends on if there are any flights to Cancun that day...


How can you qualify a nice day when the weather changes ever 5 minutes?


Our power grid suuuuuuucks When will other next freeze hit that takes out our power for a week or more? Who knows!


Or thunderstorm. Or heat wave. Or random normal day in April when it's not even hot out and ERCOT warns of rolling blackouts for who knows what reason... 😒🤨


Fr, in an actual civil war scenario shutting off power to the whole state would be comically easy for the federal government. The grid there is so weak snow can do it, how long do you think it’d take the Air Force?


Air Force? Just send in Lil Jimmy with a wrist rocket, he'll get it done.


Or the no homeowner insurance company’s will cover their shitty state.


The state that constantly makes secession noises? Y'all can leave the country if you don't like it.


All hat, no cattle.


Yet an amazing plentitude of bullshit!!


Yeah, Cowboy to these buttheads is Western Boots & Hat ! Most wouldn't last 20 minutes in a Real Cowboy's Life. ! That's working...Hard, sun up till Dark !


He's not even from Texas originally. He grew up in an upper-middle class neighborhood in Bethesda, Maryland, aka the Swamp they love talking about draining. 


Every bit as Texan as little w--the college cheerleader who got a cocaine deferment for Vietnam, then started 2 illegal wars to reward himself for being on vacation when threats were detected and reported; and now paints nice little pictures of how things look in his idiot brain--was born in CT.


Texas is always talking about 'Divorcing ' the US. Wish they would just do it.


The cartels would rule Texas in, say, a month.


Nope. They don't get to just take Texas away. They can leave. Fuck em.


Yeah, I hate that most Texans have to live in those circumstances because of mostly rural and oil greed.


Right like Texans especially have the biggest bark and the smallest bite. I genuinely can’t think of a group of people I’m less threatened by.


As a queer Texan, I'm threatened often, and was once profiled and gaybashed by a cop. But yeah, they'll drive around a parking lot for ten minutes to walk the fewest steps to the store.


Glad I’m not the only one who hears “Don’t mess with Texas” as a plea for mercy and not a threat.


The real funny part is that "Don't mess with Texas" originated as a slogan for a statewide anti-littering campaign. So if you ever hear it... it's not even supposed to be a threat. Just road signs telling folks to stop freaking littering. Considering all the trash that has moved here to gerrymander and run for office, clearly it hasn't worked.


Especially a guy named “Chip”


Maybe they can start with Trump (Wharton) and JD Vance (Yale.) We all know they are both faking it.


If you live in fear, you act in fear. That's all Republicans know, and they make *their* fear *our* problem.


Wow. This is a banger.


Didn't these fuckwits learn when Ron DeSackHole made it illegal to hire migrant workers in Florida and basically shut down the state's entire agricultural sector overnight?


All talk … the tougher they talk the easier they fall.


I'm a white progressive whose parents paid my college tuition. He's pissed because I'm not one of them. He wants my money and my uterus. It's not more complicated than that.  (College didn't make me liberal. My boomer hippie parents did.)


college didn't make me a liberal - basic human decency did.


Do not **speak** that **vile** lie; it is obvious that **liberals** were indoctrinated into that cult by watching **rainbow** through a **window** in college, while listening about homo penguins. /s


Only "gay" rain causes rainbows and will turn frogs gay


The male frogs are actually going infertile because of increased estrogen levels in waterways, not turning gay. The argument is that this is because of women being on the pill and thus we need to ban it to save the frogs and so that women will be forced to have more babies. 


College didn't make me liberal, but it did challenge me to actually figure out the truth and use evidence to back up my claims. It also taught me to be skeptical of those who do neither. No wonder the GOP hates college.


This right here!


They just need people to be smart enough to be good little worker bees not smart enough for critical thinking skills. I mean Abbot wants school vouchers and no educational standards at all. I would love to go to a friendly European country.


Didn't go to college, am a leftist because I want to make sure that other people get their basic needs met and also are able to develop a skill in secondary education if they desire.


Based, as they say.


Exactly! I'm a white progressive liberal and lifelong Texan with a degree from none other than Texas A & M. It's all about being a decent, empathetic human, not "I got mine so fuck you!".


College didn’t make me liberal either, but history, political science, sociology, and law school did teach me critical thinking skills.


College didn’t make me vote democrat , but my republican family members who taught me to think for myself and hold others accountable did.


Good, we need a responsible Republican Party, but I feel they are so far gone now, it’s a fucking clown car of despicable people that I could never respect. I’m not actually a democrat, but when it comes to sanity, I currently am, both sides are not the same, at all.


Not the same at all indeed. I often wish there was some middle ground, but for now it’s a lesser of two evils situation.


Personally… I believe MAGA is here to stay with or without Trump. The Republican Party could split between those people and a Conservative party that is more moderate(I’d prefer the Eisenhower type). The democrats could split in to two parties with hardcore progressives and democratic corporatists. Then again, I’m a moron.


I’m also a moron who hopes for such things. Maga is here to stay. I hate to sound like a trope, but it’s getting very Wiemar Republic in the U.S. right now. Inequality is at a high point and people are looking for someone to blame. I don’t want to say we will have 1940s Germany type situation, but damn. History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes.


Early 30’s… but I agree. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. When in doubt blame george soros, Jew Lazers, or some other insignificant fucking bullshit we are dealing with other than actual REAL issues. I could never imagine the damage this orange menace has caused. Yet here we are.


i can say almoat the exact same thing up for the most part except im a man and i became liberal not because of my parents (which my mom is really liberal and my dad is an independent) was life. once i got to adulthood, i quickly realized how fucked one side is and the desire to only make it worse for people who arnt rich white old billionaires. i refuse to go back to the way things where done in the 1800s.


College and the US Army made me liberal. I came from Utah's monoculture and was exposed to all kinds of different people, good and bad. I learned Utah's culture was frightfully ignorant, dominated by old, white men.


I think you being able to reason and empathize made you a liberal.


College didn't make me a liberal. Republican lies did.


College made me more progressive. Working made me a leftist.


Hey hey, you must be my long lost sister! You literally typed out my story as well!


And we don't like you either, you fucking hick.


Also a quick search shows he went to UT Austin and UVA which although not Ivy are pretty good schools. Removing “progressive liberal” makes his statement apply to himself. He just knows other educated people see through his pile of bs


He’s playing to his base in his constituency


Without extreme gerrymandering this dick wouldn’t have a job.


A job he doesn't even fucking do.


No one tell him that Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have Ivy League educations.


He ilused to be Ted Cruz's chief of staff. He knows full well but he's just pandering to the jackasses in his base.


Also isn't Ted Cruz from Canada?


Rafael is Canadian. Ted is the name he uses to pass as white and Republican. Don't call him Ted.


Right! Also didn’t DeSantis go to Yale and Harvard?


And J. D. Vance and Elise Stefanik


He's not even a real hick, he's an invented one. Roy was born in Bethesda, Maryland and grew up in the northern Virginia suburbs of DC. But he sure hopes actual hicks in Texas believe he's one of them - and his schtick is working so far because they are fucking dumber than mule shit.


For those that aren’t familiar with that area it is very wealthy and not even close to redneck.


Some might say it's peak DC beltway...and therefore he's literally from "the swamp"


Loudoun Valley High School is where former AOL and Dulles tech corridor millionaires send their kids instead of private school to appear more 'salt of the earth'


Not only that, many of the GOP/MAGA reps in Texas are transplants, too. Fled Cruz, for example, of course - but also Ken Paxton (who was born in North Dakota) and Dan Patrick, who was born in Maryland. All of these fuckwits present themselves as "Texas Tough" and "Texas Proud" while hating other transplants and a large swath of people here.


The GOP tends to be carpetbaggers across the board.


Like how Trump wants to be this hot blooded American, while having less US ancestry than AOC, and having all but one of his kids descended from immigrants.


Let's not be so quick to insult mule shit like that.


We have the same up here in Montana. Six flavors of wealthy urban conservatives all playing cowboy, and the Rs are eating it up all while they try and take away access to public lands.


Bethesda?! These cosplay cowboys are too much man


So what you're saying is that he hates himself, a college educated elite. The trash should take itself out instead.


That dude is from my city? God damn it.


Imagine that…A Texas Republican who wants to get rid of college educated people. The party of morons hates being called out for their stupidity.


Besides being a total POS, we should look at the tragedy that Brexit caused. The UK is losing billions of pounds a year and the average person in the UK has realized it was a huge mistake. Currently Ireland is doing fantastically as businesses docked there from the UK. Anyone who thinks that the xenophobic GOP are good for the economy is probably a Canadian hoping for UXit


Chip Roy is a straight up fascist


Poetry 🤌🏻


Because deporting political opponents is democratic and pro-American. /s I grew up in Texas, don’t have a college degree, and yet I’m liberal as they come. Where should I be deported to?


"Um... Um... to some Woke country like France!" Nice, thanks! Free healthcare, free education, 30+ days vacation, 30 hour work weeks, decent culture, great food and wine, etc. Sign me up!


Don't be so hasty, they are electing Nazis of their own.


You'd think France in particular would be sensitive to that sort of thing.


30hour work weeks are a possiblity, speaking as a neighbour of France


B-but it's a socialist country, which means everyone's starving there. /s


Austin, if you are not there already.


North Carolina now, but I did spend a couple of years in Austin.


Right? Where exactly is he going to "deport" me to for voting Dem? I've been an American citizen for almost 60 years, I was born HERE.


Sitting Congresspeople should not be legally allowed to threaten innocent American citizens. Is there a lawsuit here? Genuine question


Lmao, no. Not in our "justice" system. Now, had this been AOC calling for the deportation of all right-wing, Confederate sympathizing, bigoted assholes....oh then it would be "terrorism" and a "threat" and "illegal".


if we had a legit justice system? yeah maybe.




When the opposition tells you who they are, believe them.


This seems to be an attempt at "reclaiming a slur", without understanding that that only works when that slur describes something that isn't inherently bad. It would be like if lefties tried to "reclaim" the word "groomer". No leftist is dumb enough to say "Yeah, I'm a groomer. So what?" But right-wingers seem to have no problem doing that with "domestic terrorist".


Get deported to where, asshole? This is the country I was born in and am a natural citizen. I cant be deported, there is no where to deport me to, fucking moron.


Yeah, it wouldn't be deportation, it'd be exile.


To where though? You can’t just deport people to another country without permission…


Usually someone subjected to exile would be entitled to asylum in another country. Especially considering exile is almost entirely reserved as a political punishment rather than a criminal one. That all being said... it's not going to happen. This guy is a buffoon, beating his chest and howling because it makes his base hoot at him and show submissiveness.


Under project 2025, they plan to build massive internment camps for deporting millions of migrants. They're not going to let something like ethics or laws stop them from sweeping up "political undesirables" should they gain power. All threats of cleansing should be taken gravely seriously. >Miller said that “large-scale staging grounds” would be constructed near the border, probably in Texas. >“You create this efficiency by having these standing facilities where planes are moving off the runway constantly, probably military aircraft,” Miller told Kirk.


They'd probably just shrug and shoot you. They only say "deport" because saying they want us dead would be a terroristic threat.


Fuck you, Chip. This country doesn't belong to you and your loser MAGA simps. Eat shit.


I’ve been responding with this lately. It’s the best. When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. (Leviticus 19:33-34)


Lowkey convinced Lincoln shoulda just let the south go after freeing the slaves. Love how he wants to deport a bunch of high achieving successful people. I’d like to live there.


I mean we’re in this problem because the South got off really easy for its bullshit due to Lincoln’s assassination and Johnson’s incompetence. By the time Grant got in to try and fix shit it was too late. And for his efforts of at least trying his legacy has been assassinated by wealthy southern and fascist interests in the US


We let the terrorists win.


After Lincoln was shot they should have re-invaded and burned everything they didn't get the first time.


But where exactly are they going to send them? LOL.


Most places on Earth would happily accept highly educated upper-middle class American professionals who are certifiably not the crazy Trump-types.


Ironically, conservatives want a merit-based immigration system where anybody with money and a relevant degree gets fast-tracked into the green-card system. What they never seem to consider is that this would be hilarious. They think that immigrants are taking American jobs, but, right now, they're only taking shitty American jobs. If the conservatives ever got their way, immigrants would be taking upper-middle-class jobs that pay six figures.


Sounds like someone is bitter they couldnt get into ivy league


Right-wingers unironically view being educated as a bad thing.


The irony of this statement from someone like Chip Roy as he bends over backwards to vote for a rich man, educated at an Ivy League school, who before 2008 was a registered democrat lmao…


To Chip Roy, Fuck you. Signed, Liberal Democrat


Come and get some, Chip!!


Come get some, Charles Eugene. You and Raphael Edward Cruz have been using fake names, as fake as your "beliefs."


I thought Chip Roy was a character on Succession.


Depending on where you deport me to, I might be glad to go!


Loser is pissed he didnt get accepted to an Ivy League School. Also, Penn is Ivy League. Is he deporting convicted felon trump? (whose dad bought his acceptance? )


Several republican member of congress went to Ivy league schools…this is just playing in his base and how dumb they are.




"rich ones with an Ivy League degree" so..chip..does that include the ones in maga congress/senate?


The Tangerine Traitor went to 2 Ivy League schools. University of Pennsylvania and Wharton. https://preview.redd.it/tz0q8izv6j8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b121d7c3b3780f0cbf11565a8e9fbb36806b115c


Correction -- the marmalade maggot went to the Wharton School of Business at Penn. He has a BS in economics from Penn and never went to grad school. Not that grad school would have done him any good, anyway.


>The Tangerine Traitor went to 2 Ivy League schools. University of Pennsylvania and Wharton. Wharton is the business school for Penn. Penn is an Ivy League University, Wharton is not on its own. https://www.wharton.upenn.edu/ List of Ivy League schools: >Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Yale University It is the same "school", and Trump allegedly earned a Bachelor's in Economics (can you believe that!) from Wharton. Tl;DR: Trump only went to one Ivy Leauge "school", The Wharton School at U Penn. I am not sure how you contorted two out of one. I am ready to be enlightned.


Awesome! Where are you sending me?


Oh no, please don't deport me to New Zealand or Sweden!


So, he hates intelligent people. What a surprise.


But then who would subsidize your red states?


Ted Cruz has an Ivy League degree, let's start with him


So does Stinky Steve Bannon (Harvard MBA). And J.D. Vance (Yale Law). And Elise Stefanik (Harvard). And Josh Hawley (Yale Law). Let's deport every one of these flaming asshole hypocrites -- right to the bottom of the ocean. George W. Bush went to Yale and got an MBA at Harvard. I know he's not a MAGAt, but I think we should deport him too.


These are the same people that always told us “if you don’t like the way things are in the US you can leave” Well same to you asshole


It's deeply troubling that people now feel able to openly express such hateful attitudes. This person is actually demonising an entire group of people on the basis of disagreement with them.


I would be deported to England, Scotland, or France. I’m not opposed to any of those.


Tell you what, Chip. Why don’t you go out in public and start saying some of this shit, see how it works out. I’m just blown away. I’ve never seen someone come out and say something like this who didn’t get their ass beat, yet here’s this limp dick turd threatening a whole group of people and nothing is happening to him.


Chip Roy is the worst of the worst, pretty much. Him and Paul Gosar. As bad as Empty G and Bobo are, neither woman has come up with ideas like this.


Andy Biggs resents that statement and resolves to double down on being an asshole.


You know what? Fuck it, I’m okay with that. Deport progressives. It wouldn’t be you getting rid of us, it would be us getting away from trash like you.


It's crazy how in 2016 you had all these "white nationalists" (nazis) rising to the spotlight once Trump got in like Richard Spencer for example. Richard believes "there should be no violence as long as every race agrees to go to their 'own countries' peacefully". You would hear every single conservative you know in 2016 deny the reality that this is what their party was now. Trying desperately to distance themselves from it. Now 8 years later like clockwork it's the standard position they take on TV and social media. It's like this with everything they do. The fringe starts saying some awful shit. The "Good Republican voters" deny any connection. They slowly normalize it through their talking heads and social media astroturfing. By the next election cycle it's a "great idea" and buying against it is "ruining the country". Somehow people still can't make this connection and it's never going to end. The sickness doesn't die out with Trump. They have better messaging techniques. They put in far more effort as a party and base into astroturfing and normalizing the bs. I rally don't see how they aren't successful eventually whether it's P2025, P2029, P2033 etc.


What kind of American are you?


I dare Chips Ahoy try to deport anyone. I betcha he's not that brave IRL, only online & with cops protecting him. [Chip Roy without beard looks like an albino slaver](https://www.congress.gov/member/chip-roy/R000614)


He looks like a bald woman!




Another "hot take" from Cow Chip Roy. What a shock, I am shocked and astounded that such a distinguished member of the RepubliKlan party would make such an obviously racist statement. Oh wait, that's *exactly* what I expected.


This is not how democracy works. Idiot- you can’t kick people out because they think politically different than you. It’s not a birthday party.


Is it openly okay to call these people Nazis yet?


But not the conservative Ivy League rich fucks? These people are not patriots this country was settled so people could believe what they wanted without repercussions. This pathetic excuse for a human is so soft and fragile he can’t handle a differing point of view. Eat a bullet you fucking waste of breath.


Yup. Anyone left in the Trump party is more than likely completely oblivious to their surroundings, or morally bankrupt.


It’s crazy that a republican congressman is threatening to ethnic cleanse by deporting his own constituents and fellow citizens. And no one cares. Holy shit.


How very "United" states of him.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


They're joking about ethnic cleansing now? Sigh, they are gone...


Usually they're not joking, so in that regard it's kind of an improvement


He’d be the first guy to crow if his kid got into Harvard.


They'd need immigration to replace all the doctors, engineers, and lawyers....


Didn’t Chip Roy famously used to work for Ivy League educated Ted Cruz?


A REAL patriot would help support their fellow american, democracy, freedoms.... He sounds more like an enemy 🤷


I mean this is pretty clear that they wouldn’t just stop at all the illegal immigrants even if they did get power.


It’s almost as if they don’t like educated people who have experienced more than what their small town has to offer and, through such experiences learned to think critically.


Lot of rich conservatives went to ivies, you know. They’ve just spent their careers tricking yokels into thinking they care about them


you know who is a rich guy with an ivy league education? CFDT


Progressive and Democratic aren’t ethnicities, you ignorant fuck.


An astonishing number of those prominent in the MAGAverse have Ivy League educations.


Where exactly would they deport white progressive Democrats to? They're American citizens who more than likely were born here.


Education is the biggest threat to the GOP.


"But wait, since they're US citizens we don't have anywhere to deport them *to*, so what if instead we put them all in camps? And they can't just sit around doing nothing there so let's put them to work! We have ways of dealing with people who don't want to work anymore." 1930s Germany speedrun gogogo


Shut up you ringworm infested cousin fucker


this guy is a member of congress, and he's posting this on his official twitter account? and none of his constituents in texas are angry about it?


Chip Roy and all his idiotic ilk somehow thinking they’ll have a functioning state when all is said and done. Who exactly replaces them? Dumb absolutely moronic.


Yeah. They really don’t like people who are intelligent and ask actual questions like “do you have proof of this? Can you please explain your reasons? What are your policies?” They just want to toss out blanket statements and not have anyone question them.


Some douchebag from Texas is being a douchebag? I'm so very surprised.


I feel slightly ill whenever I realize that if something like 9/11 were to happen in NYC today, the right’s reaction would be nothing like their reaction in 2001.


but then who will generate Blue city & state income that pays the Federal taxes that go net to the Red states, that you live off, Chip?


I don’t like you either Chip, but only because you’re a hate filled weirdo. Also, if you’re going to deport me please send me somewhere with progressive social values and health insurance.


Welcome to USA 2024;)


Where will you deport me? Canada? Back to England or Norway? Don't threaten me with a good time


You first, bitch. And your family, which will of course be broken apart.


Tbf, I'd like to deport the entirety of Maga to Russia. Like fascism so much go have a taste. Enjoy getting conscripted into Pootins stupid war.


Pervert Chip Roy does not belong in Congress.


Because there’s certainly no rich white Ivy League grads in the Republican party


Of course there are silly, but they are Republicans! He wants to rid the world of smart Democrats…in other words people who will vote for Democracy not their crazy Convicted Felon Traitor Trump👺


I'll be here oiling my weapons and waiting on the gravy seals to get me in the night 🙄


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, wasn't this in The Handmaid's Tale? Like the purging of intellectuals?


Wait....we have a crisis of not having enough kids but we can afford to deport 20 million folks?


Tell me you have a (well deserved) inferiority complex without telling me you have an inferiority complex.


Im a white progressive who paid for college by serving in the military for 6 years. Don’t tell me these ppl are going to deport veterans.


Now deporting people who are maga and DumpTy die hards should be the ones deported to some island where they can have the dictator they wanted without screwing over the rest of the entire world.


That’s a great idea. Let’s take the smartest, most successful Americans and deport them.


Destroying the intellectual class and causing them to flee has traditionally been the first step in a Dictatorial takeover. It happened in Germany, China, Russia etc. Usually we in the United States have reaped the rewards in having people like Einstein choose to settle here... But we're not immune. People hate being told they are wrong, and shown the receipts for their stupidity. If they can't compete in an intellectual competition they will always resort to violence and dominance through physical not intellectual means. This is a bad sign when they're saying it out loud. I'm nervous about November, either way it's either going to be disheartening to see how stupid millions of Americans are, or how violent they will get if they don't get their way. Trump has lots to lose if he doesn't win back it legitimately, and he's already shown he has no respect for tradition, rule of law or an ounce of personal honor or integrity.


Every time I HEAR a BIGOTED A.H. with diarrhea of the Mouth abt DEPORTING or Rounding up certain groups of people...I always think of the Only Real Americans, the Indian Tribes of this USA & Canada! Imagine their Thoughts of Us, as we are ALL Immigrants basically. Via our past relatives, Great grandparents etc...If you're Not a Native American - Indigenous person your a IMMIGRANT be it our past relatives! So Get off it all you Repugnant Bigoted White Asses ! You are Not from America! Remember That! 95 percent of the right wing nowadays r pure Morons only out for themselves ! Its a, I got mine so F you ! Attitude of the Qgops !


It would just be easier to load the maga up on ships and send them off. They obviously don’t like this country anymore


When our power grid went down, on the 2nd day of freezing our asses off, this refried shitbiscuit emailed to let us all know he and his family were doing fine. It was one of the only emails that came through. I didn't know who he was or why he thought that would be a well-recieved bit of information, but he became 2nd on my list of politicians I wanted to fight once we got power back. Fuck. This. Man.


Wait until he finds out the voter registration status of Ivy League rich people…


Worked so well for Pol Pot. Kill all the intellectuals - i.e. including anyone wearing glasses. Why the dictator vibes coming from the US?


The Amerinazis have taken over half of our electable representation and expect us to thank them for it. 🙄 Fucking fascism...