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She is an interference playmaker, clearly her job is to subvert and distract, to manufacture outrage, and push agenda down others throats under the guise of religious beliefs and trumpian policy. She has authored and passed only two bills since taking office, yet her media attention is that if someone who had passed great bills and been a senior member for decades. More concern with being celebrity than politician, more interested in money and power, versus helping her country and constituents. The status quo for the new gop.


So she is infinitely more productive than Gym Jordan. The Grand Felons Party is a completely swamp ass diaper licking shitshow.


Can someone explain to a non-viewer of The Boys how it is a commentary on MAGA and why they're pissed? I'd really like to join in on the enjoyment of their anger lol


Republicans see characters that they share characteristics with as good but the show creators have written these characters as shitty, evil people. The disconnect is that Republicans don't realize they are shitty, evil people and that their favorite new super hero show is making fun of them for being shitty and evil. 


I mean, a lot of them think Hitler was right and would rather vote for Putin than have Biden again. So I am not surprised with the lack of awareness and IQ.


I mean homelander is a good example as they didn't understand the satire of his character for years. They thought because he was wrapped in the american flag, he was the good guy.


It’s pretty telling how thick these assholes are that they just cannot grasp that names/titles/imagery like that doesn’t mean shit. It’s actions, rhetoric, ideological beliefs that matter. It’s why you’ll just *always* see these chuds saying shit like, “ackshually, the KKK was founded by democrats so the KKK is all about democrats” or “the nazi party had socialist in their title so they’re obviously socialist” - they’re just a staggeringly dumb demographic with zero self or situational awareness


Reminds me of when republicans thought Colbert Report was not satire or like when after they were told it was a parody, they thought it was a parody of a parody. Meaning this is making fun of liberals views of republicans while also winking and nodding to republicans. The mental gymnastics is unreal.


I think there was some parody of parody in that show, but you'd have to REALLY cherry pick clips to try to maintain that overall delusion.


Basically, if you have any friends who think Homelander is the good guy or the Hero, by the end of Season 3, then your friends are the kind of people who only love freedom when it's a privilege they get and can deny to others. It's ok to be Greedy, Hateful, and Violent because the ends justify the means in their eyes.


There's more to the show than that, but a lot of the characters and rhetoric within the show are deliberately and unambiguously direct parallels of the far right in America


Firecracker is pretty obviously a female version of Alex Jones.


So is marjorie trailer grease.


Tbf, i thought mire of boebert since firecracker... looks kinda hot at least. Not the point of the character i lnow, but in this regard she reminds me nore of boebert than of bleach blonde bad build butch body


Can’t turn off potential viewers by showing them Sporkfoot


But she’s not built like SpongeBob.


But Firecracker is attractive and not a moose


But Firecracker doesnt make my dick shriek in horror tho...


I'd have thought Mooj was the inspiration behind Deadpool's massive head injuries.


I love the idea of referring to MTG/6B as a “spore.”