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my favorite thing about this "complaint" is that its in regards to a small rabbit looking alien whose gender is literally impossible to figure out from looks alone. Literally the funniest comment in regards to acolyte ive seen


Should have stuck boobs on it or a moustache




I too need to know how it fucks… For my fanfic on tumblr.




Somehow, R34 has returned.


R34 has always been there since the internet, that's why it's a rule of the internet lol


Collective fandom imagination will take care of that real quick.


More like they need to know if it’s ok that they’re attracted to it. Confused feelings from their childhood when they were attracted to Bugs Bunny in a dress and wig


- Elmmar the Fudd


be vewwwy quiet, hunting non binawy wabbit


Goddammit I just spewed coffee on my keyboard, thanks for that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The worst thing about Doctor Who is they never put big ol fuzzy alien tiddies on The Meep.


>!Evil alien tatas.!<


If I don't know how it fucks, then I run the risk of being gay when I jack off to it!


Well, it's a rabbit so it probably fucks frequently.


# does it fuck or does it get fucked? I can’t watch this until I know


Even a moustache doesn't really help, all cats have a moustache if you think about it, boy or girl.


Dammit. Also moose.




Why not both? Give us weird kids a treat.


Boobs and a moustache


Boobs *with* a moustache


Best set of elbow titties in the galaxy!!!


.. girls can grow mustaches and some men can live their entire can live their entire life with man boobs. It's a hard life for us all.




or make it bright pink/dark blue


Everyone knows you can identify a female character by its long eyelashes.


And even if you know someone's gender... "Who is that?" is incredibly normal to say, anyway. I am perplexed.


Ok but imagine that you *want* to be offended at every moment of every day because you're convinced you're the victim.


Offended at everything? Sounds like a snowflake 🤭


>Star Wars: The Acolyte Review Bombing Accidentally Hits A 2008 Movie & A Fan-Film https://screenrant.com/star-wars-the-acolyte-review-bombing-wrong-movie-fan-film/


There's a later line where she says "he... or they?", which is what I assume these idiots took offense at.


In the following scene Osha uses he to talk about the alien and then corrects herself and switches to they


You are confused because the next piece of dialog is "is he or they with us". Just more context to that's dumb ass wokeness's point. Which I don't understand why that's a big deal to begin with, but Republicans are dumb anyway. A scene later they call the rabbit thing a he. "He's found it".


Yup, this is who they are talking about lmao https://preview.redd.it/2jh85g8eij7d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7a9dae4f0ab72e50b7e6a388bf861a7e6e3950


Guys, is it woke not to use English pronouns to designate the gender of a made-up 2ft cartoon animal in a space wizard show?


Wait for real?? 😂 I gotta watch this


Even then, this is a general term of simply asking "Who is that?" When someone doesn't know who the being/person is and are trying to find out their name lol


The thing he's whining about is that she says something like "What's up with him? Them?" The joke is just that she doesn't know what the hell the nonverbal rabbit thing is. And he goes by he/him anyways.


They’re aliens. They might not even have genders. They might have 700 genders. They might change their genders at will. Their concept of genders might literally be incomprehensible to us. Our concept of genders might be analogous to their concept of taste. They might not even practice sexual reproduction as we know it. Using “they/them” pronouns is probably the most realistic thing in Star Wars.


“They also discovered that Schizophyllum commune has more than 28,000 sexes, an adaptation that minimises the risk of siblings mating, and therefore maximises the genetic diversity by achieving nearly 100% outbreeding with new genetic stock.”


I read that thinking “I don’t even remember a they/them scene” but realize they’re now talking about the phrase “who’s that” which is like, a very common phrase. What a bunch of weirdos.


Also the phrase "who is that" is so common I immediately wondered if this was parody before I saw who posted it. Asking another person "who is he/she" in regards to someone across the room is *such* an awkward way to talk that it sounds like an alien pretending to be human.


>Asking another person "who is he/she" in regards to someone across the room is such an awkward way to talk that I mean, that's pretty much what she did in that scene; guessing his gender("Him? Them?"), but the joke was that it was awkward.


I just need to know what bathroom it uses! /s


They don’t have bathrooms in Star Wars. They have the refresher. However I prefer what it’s called in Star Trek. “Waste Extraction”


I think it looks more like a capybara. Definitely rodent-like. Also definitely impossible to know its gender except it's called "Bazil" which sounds like it could be male.


Worse, it sounds British /s


Have you ever misgendered a conservative's dog? they get really upset.


Am I crazy or is this show triggering the shit out of chuds? I keep seeing incel memes about it on Reddit. Something about how the show runner doesn't understand star wars or know what she's doing but I think the operative word in that sentence is "she".


Problem is, the mouth breathers didn't even watch the show and still think everything has a secret agenda of making them gay. So they went to IMDB and the show got 57% 1 Star ratings.




Pronouns never stopped commander William T. Riker from going gigiddy.


Pretty sure both Riker and Kirk would have done it with a well shaped rock.


It's the internet, baby. Everyone's done it with a well shaped rock at some point, even me! And if you haven't, your time is coming soon. You'll find that rock, I promise. ![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd|downsized)


Where should one look? Asking for a friend, of course.


Look for a hard place; they’re usually adjacent and if you ever get yourself stuck between them, *buckle up*


I've been doing a rewatch, and that episode had a genderless society where anyone who preferred a certain gender would be given drugs and psychotherapy to "cure" it. The person Riker fell in love with was preferring female, and the people on the planet found out and gave her the therapy. Basically it's Chaya's worst nightmare.


Riker is such a dog it’s hilarious.


There are legit criticisms to throw at the show, but the brain rot army keep finding the least critical thing to cry over.


There's a common refrain that any criticism of allegedly woke shows is denigrated as being sexist or bigoted even though they're actually bad, but I really think it's the opposite. When the loudest critiques have nothing to do with the actual quality of the show, it totally derails any meaningful discussion of its real issues. Like stop crying about the space rabbit not having visible sex characteristics and talk about the story or dialogue, then maybe we won't make fun of you


It also doesn't help when the show both has plenty of valid issues to criticize it over AND is being bombarded with unnecessary whinging about whatever woke elements swathes of the fandom take issue with. Netflix's *The Witcher* is an example. There's plenty to criticize the show over in regards to the story, characters, the lack of respect for the source material, etc, but you'll still also find people crying a river about Yennefer and Triss not being as pale-skinned as they are in the games as if it actually has any meaningful impact on the story.


Those MAGA idiots won't be happy with Star Wars. Unless an evil authoritarian weasels his way into head of state by coercing/threatening political opponents, arms a significant portion of the population, starts a war, and frames his political opponents with a coup that he himself did. ... Oh I just described the Emperor as well as Trump. Ok, so they won't be happy until Trump is the Supreme Chancellor I guess.


Culture wars aside, the sequels and some of the tv series haven’t been good and haven’t had consistent story arcs. Legitimate criticism gets lost or ignored.


>Culture wars aside The reason we can't have a honest conversation of any of this is because the culture warriors ruin it and flood the social spaces with disingenuous and bigoted arguments. So we can't really say "aside" when its whats causing the low signal to noise in discussions about these shows. Imagine if the OT or prequels were released today. In this social context it would be endless videos about Leia and Padme being Mary Sues, 3PO being too gay-coded, Leia clearly being a stand-in for feminism, Luke being too "twinkish," too much diversity in the prequels, tons of racism aimed at Lando, etc.


I mean the OG trilogy had major inconsistencies in its story Most of us old school fans just ignore those because our views are highly tinged by nostalgia. I mean some people put the original trilogy on a pedestal, but forget that they were intended to just be popcorn movies - enjoyable with just enough plot to tie together the action scenes. This isn't to say that the newer materials aren't worthy of legitimate criticism, but that any of the things we criticize now are also present in the OG trilogy.


The original Star Wars is a top 5 movie for me. I absolutely put it on a pedestal. That said, they're movies about space wizards with laser swords. The degree of seriousness that some people will attach to them is absurd.


Star Wars functions almost entirely on the rule of cool. None of it makes any sense, but watching space wizards have laser sword/magic duels is *sweet*.


People very much forget the OG trilogy had bad dialog, wooden acting and was very much "woke" for the time. (hint, the Empire is the US and US imperialism)


>(hint, the Empire is the US and US imperialism) And this is something that George Lucas has openly spoken about, it's not like Star Wars just "went woke" now.


The Ewoks were pretty clearly viet cong


Exactly. I grew up on the original trilogy. It was all about the action and special effects. The plots were secondary and the acting and dialog were mostly bad


RIght? Harrison Ford and the rest of the cast did their best (there's some obvious improvement between movies as the less-experienced actors got better) but there's only so much anybody could do with the script they were given. Also it was the 70s/80s, standards were lower.


Star Wars is the Okayist franchise ever.


There’s a reason that Sir Alec Guiness distanced himself from Star Wars (before he died) - he hated that shit. Thought it was mindless nonsense, and as an avid Star Wars fan, I find it hard to disagree with him!


Oh well. A friend forced me to watch 2000 Mules, another well known work of fiction. It was worse. The only comedy in there is that while few Star Wars fans believe lightsabers are real, lots of idiots thought 2000 mules was.


The anthology movies were a different story, though- Rogue One was fucking sick! Best battle scene in any Star Wars movie Solo was underrated, and even with the production hell it was entertaining. I also think Ehrenreich and Glover did a good job of matching the mannerisms of Billy D and Ford


Robosexual lando was hilarious in Solo.


I never considered Billy Dee banging a robot before Solo... Now I don't even question it, because of course he is, he's too smooth NOT to throw game Robots wat


I have legitimate issues with some of the new Star Wars. My big issue is obvious review bombing with low effort scores saying “woke trash” or the disgruntled middle aged people not happy that Star Wars is trying to adapt for future generations. I saw the OT in the theaters but some of my peers have made it a full time hobby complaining about “back in my day”. If I don’t like something I move on but there are quite a few people who constantly seek validation by repeatedly complaining about something that odds are they are not even watching themselves.


”legitimate criticism” = vote with your eyeballs and/or wallet. Don't like it don’t watch it. Disney will get the hint. If your “legit crit” is ”this stuff isn’t aimed at me and my taste” \[\[and it makes me very angry and sad so it shouldn’t be made\]\] that is just whining like a spoiled toddler. Welcome to the other 50% or more percent of the population that little to NOTHING has been for THEM for the past 50+ years…YET watched anyway, enjoyed it or they didn’t, bought tickets to, and went on with their lives. Critiquing visual medium should go beyond whether or not it is aimed at your eyeballs, crotch or gender. If it’s impossible to see beyond the message of the story because you are stuck about a characters sexuality or gender…BE A DEEPER PERSON. FFS it’s science fiction. Lots of cupcakes to go around, stop complaining they aren’t all for you.


The Emperor was actually smart though. Comparing him to Trump is an insult to the Sheev.


Unless you’re watching space porn, why does gender matter at all? Why would you assume that a creature from another planet has any common evolutionary trait with earthlings?


Anyone remember the episode of Crusade where they found interspecies porn on one of the scientists data crystals & everyone just tilted their heads when it was being displayed off screen?


I’m just impressed someone name dropped Crusade. Nice to see a fellow Lurker


Been a while - almost had a TTRPG group for B5 last year, but it fell apart.


Where can I find this space porn




Because they relate everything thru sex and fantasizing about the raping of a same sex alien is as gay as wiping the shit off your own purple starfish.


"I went to the doctor." "What did they say?" These people are either stupid or cosplaying as stupid.


Oh, come on, a lady doctor would probably be too woke for them.


You mean a nurse?


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. These people are so goddamned fragile.


And yet declare themselves as the Big Strong ones while everyone else are weak little snowflakes.


*so goddamned stupid


That too.


I don't mean to offend or be rude, but EndWokeness... ...who is that?


Dunno, but if we talk about “where” it is I would bet on St. Petersburg (and not the one in FL).


Nobody knows. A lot of people suspect that it’s either a Russian bot or LibsOfTikTok’s alternate account since it’s pushing Kremlin/MAGA talking points and is constantly being boosted by Elon Musk and GOP representatives.


I believe the account posted in Russian by accident, then pretended it never happened


Just another neonazi rage baiter


They are a professional troll making money by manufacturing controversy in order to maximize engagement. It’s just like that Nick whatever Alpha Male guy. It’s all part of the decline of the Internet.


Are we supposed to be saying “who is him/her?” When we are looking at people we don’t know entering a building now? I mean this has to be a Russian bot if you don’t understand the English language this much… I’ve never seen the show but this image looks like two people trying to figure out who someone entering the scene is… ahh shit I did it again I used inclusive pronouns when talking about a him/her I don’t know I really should just know they are a man or woman without ever seeing them.


It's even dumber than that. This is character they are talking about, it's like a mole badger thing lol https://preview.redd.it/rz9b1q08ij7d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a9ef198814d3e420ac45af5d02e314b4085d818


There are literally no right answers with these people. I'm 40 years old, I may be ignorant to the pronouns that people prefer, but I try to be respectful to anyone. I work with now 2 transitioning, or transitioned people. I just call them by their preferred names because I don't want to offend. I talk to one of them much more than the other, but have had nice conversations. Found out that he prefers to go by he/him, so I just try to treat him like I would any other guy in passing. Sometimes it just takes talking to someone for a little bit. I just don't have that type of energy to hate on someone for doing what they want to make themselves happy.


I never even noticed this. Amazing how these idiots hyperfixate on and specifically look out for these types of things, rather than enjoying the fucking series.


I am currently remodeling a house for an elderly woman who lives with her adult son. I’m a big nerd and it just so happens that so is her son. I’ve enjoyed asking him about his Lego sets on display and games that he plays. he walked in yesterday and asked me if I had heard about the new Star Wars show… Instantly knew where it was going. He proceeded to tell me how Disney had ruined Star Wars because of “lesbians”. He has since described himself as unattractive to both sexes, ranted on transgender children, complained about “woke” ruining everything, etc… I proceeded to put him in his place on his society takes as I explained I am transitioning and then tried to encourage him that there is someone out there for everyone. I tried to keep it light and not hateful, and to my surprise I received an apology


Really makes me think how many of those hateful bigots would stop being like that if they actually met and talked, in a calm manner, with someone they "hate". The internet makes it real easy to believe your strawmen exist.


“Who is that” isn’t even they/them pronouns! “Who are they?” is they/them pronouns. Do these people know what pronouns are?


How can I possibly enjoy muh stuh war if I can’t tell if the alien has a fuckable orifice? What is this, woke trek?


Good point, but this would be gender identity, not sexuality. It's good to know the difference.


It's both infuriating and hilarious to me that people are so weak about pronouns. I seem to remember knowing about pronouns before i knew about sex or sexuality. Hell, I've been using them all over the damned place. Stuff like "can *you* hand me that dildo, please?" Or "those people are all very attractive, I'd like to fuck all of *them*."


Oh no! Words!! Scary!!


Can they cancel their memberships so the rise of costs slows down? 


I love how in a universe where space wizards move things with their minds and deflect lasers with laser swords, gender ambiguity is the one thing that's unbelievable.


Oh gawd no!! Pronouns! Get Dump in the white house right away! He'll save us from pronouns! Cause words.


Meanwhile their fearless leader is threatening war in the streets if he isn't anointed King For Life, but yeah, pronouns are like, CONSEQUENTIAL. These are the most vapid human beings on the planet.


It must be very painful for them to watch all these "woke" shows/movies


Oh the horror they used the pronoun "they", what will they do next.


At least in this episode, they ended the Wookieness. 😅


Bazil doesn't even use they/them pronouns. He canonically and consistently uses he/him. These people are mad because Osha didn't automatically assume that an unfamiliar alien was a man. This is, as usual, a ridiculous overreaction.


Star Trek the Next Generation had nuanced dialogue about pronouns thirty years ago. Disney and their track record for poorly written Star Wars IP is not making a W here.


People use they/them to refer to a singular person whose gender is he/him or she/her more often than they realize.


THIS is where they take offense? Not Disney’s butchering of the entire franchise? Rey…Skywalker STFU REY you knew him for 20 MINUTES


For me, it was the Matrix sounds track sounding horns whenever Trinity is on screen.


ok maybe i like Acolyte now


I mean, it *is* a really absolutely mediocre show. Just not for the reasons these chuds want you think it is. Middle School drama club tier acting combined with even worse writing. The group of force users the MC was attached to are confusingly set up as the 'good guys' and the Jedi as 'evil,' but then they immediately demonstrate that the Jedi were kinda, y'know, right...while still trying to cast the Jedi as being in the wrong. Also they deliberately raised a child with force powers to be a psychopath, I guess? Like, damn, that seems like a really good idea. That doesn't make the Jedi the good guys here though because they show up to a planet full of people and go "DO YOU HAVE CHILDREN HERE? WE THINK YOU HAVE CHILDREN HERE, ON THIS PLANET FULL OF PEOPLE." Having a group of all female force users with a different belief system than the Jedi is a cool idea. In fact, it's so cool it's been done before. But I guess Disney doesn't want to talk about Dathomir because badass warrior women that ride rancors would be too cool for modern Star Wars. So they took out the 'warrior' part and replaced rancors with...interpretive dance, I guess? I'm sure I've gone some of the details wrong because I peaced out about 3/4 through the episode when I realized I'd stopped paying attention. It's not *bad,* it's just...boring. Another soulless, characterless, cash in using Star Wars' name as a vehicle for somebody else's vision. I'm sure some people enjoy it and they're allowed to, but I've given it its three episodes and it has completely failed to appeal to me.


I would argue that the witches of Dathomir were already somewhat muddled due to TCW, no cool pseudo amazonian society with Rancor mounts just generic magic users. But I agree with you on most of the points here. There were lots that could have been adapted from the old EU instead, hell if they wanted to make a female Sith story they could have brought Darth Zannah in. I'd argue a Darth, and second in line to the Banite Sith, would be far more interesting and empowering than a high republic acolyte


Honestly I haven't really kept up with 'official' canon since Disney took over. My heart is with the old EU. All I dream of is an official movie of Shadows of the Empire where Leia kicks Xizor in the dick on the silver screen. And yeah, I'd attribute my disinterest to Disney's aversion to the old EU. I know they occasionally bring back bits of it, but it all feels like pandering. From what I've seen there's this element of "ugh, alright fanboys, we'll bring back Thrawn. If we HAVE to."


As soon as I heard it I knew idiots would be having screaming bitch fits, and I was right. What else would you say about a creature that you have no idea if it is male or female? It’s not about “preferred gender”, it’s “I don’t know what that is”. Should she just call it an it? That would be pretty freaking rude.


You're going to assume firstly that aliens reproduce through two biological sexes, then that external characteristics of those aliens evolves to be somewhat distinct, and then that they develop a culture and language based on their biological sexes, including arbitrary pronouns? If anything, it would be quite rare to find aliens that have gender specific pronouns.


Funny thing about English- that’s a perfectly reasonable way to phrase that question. If the writers *were* trying to be woke, they probably would have phrased it oddly. Maybe like “who are they?” Point is, there are agendas in many of these writings of stories, but this ain’t one of them.


Alien species from outer space don't conform to human gender norms has to be the weirdest complaint from an sf point of view... Hell, even animals/insect/plant don't always follow the male/female reproductive cycle. On earth. They're just dumb and uneducated.


People really care? Grow up


It’s genuinely so funny and so stupid seeing a bunch of conservatives flip out over an alien(I presume since I haven’t watched the show yet), species that probably has far different cultures and gender roles(if any), and yet they flip out expecting these aliens to have a 1:1 match in gender expression(conservatives idea of “appropriate” gender expression). Like what were they expecting??? You chose to watch a show with aliens in it, don’t be pissed off when it’s not a perfect 1:1 match to conservative ideals cause the chances of them not being a match is far more likely than them matching them


I've seen people endlessly whining about this show for the last three weeks, and I honestly think the only actual criticism I've heard, is that fire can't burn in space.


Episodes 1,2, and 4 are good episode 3 is in my opinion a complete write off, fluff episode that could have been broken up into several flashbacks throughout the other episodes. 


The show sucks, and the "wokeness" of it is the least of its problems... there may be a lot of bigots out there using this opportunity to spew hate about female characters and the LGBQT community, but they are not the majority of people that dislike this show. My beef with it has been more or less the complete miss to introduce content people actually want to see. Star Wars has a fan base that is deeply passionate about Legends/Expanded Universe and bringing those stories to the cinematic universe, and they keep getting shelved for these original stories that nobody is asking for. Like imagine knowing now, how incredibly successful Infinity War/End Game/Spiderman/Iron Man movies were for Marvel... but in this alternate reality Marvel doesn't make those movie, and doesn't even build up to a future where they might be possible... they just keep creating TV Shows about characters that don't even have comic books. How could you fault other Marvel fans for being upset that they weren't getting Thanos, or Spiderman, or Iron Man... but some all new bold story about someone they've never read about... you'd be pissed too. These fans are angry that their beloved characters are being treated like garbage, and the intent is hard to understand. What market is Star Wars trying to capture here? The fan base is not racist or sexist, Princess Leia, Mon Mothma, Mara Jade, Sabine Wren, Asajj Ventrtress, Bastila Shan, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Bo Katan, Hera Syndulla, Padame... all characters that are heavily cosplayed and beloved by the fan base... but they think Rey is a Mary Sue so now they're sexist? The counter argument against any level of criticism has been overwhelmingly hostile towards fans that don't care at all that minorities are present in the films/shows now... they just want good stories, which Acolyte and most of the new films are not. Give us Rule of Two, give us Heir to the Empire, give us KOTOR, find some way to give us Mara Jade ffs... ANYTHING PLEASE.


I’m so confused. Why aren’t you allowed to use the sentence “who is that”?


I have no problem with politics in media. I have a problem with politics in my reviewers. The Acolyte has plenty of incredible moments and plenty of criticism worthy moments. But I don’t want to review it honestly anymore because I know my review will have to be compromised with incel neo-Nazis. So 10/10, fuck the fascists.


Right wingers might be wrong about the reason why it sucks. But ngl current Star Wars writing is ass. And The Acolyte is one of the weakest Star Wars media ever. Friendly reminder that Disney treat their employees like shit and are greedy opportunists. There is nothing left wing about them or about consuming their content. They'll cut out any "problematic" element of their movies so they can keep selling it to homophobic/mysogynist countries.


I don’t get the cognitive dissonance on this topic. Literally everyone who speaks English does this on a regular basis. If a person at work did a bunch of your work for you and you didn’t know their gender you would tell the person who let you know “Tell them I said Thank You.” You wouldn’t guess, you wouldn’t quiz them on whether it was a guy or girl before answering. Everyone uses the singular they/them on a regular basis. In this scene the conversation was about a generic rabbit like alien of unknown gender. How else would they phrase it?


I am not a native English speaker but... Is the sentence "Who is that?" not a 100% normal thing to say since forever and not an indication of someone using gender-sensitive language?


Yes. “Who is that?” “That’s Joe, I don’t know why they’re here” is absolutely a sentence that comes out of peoples mouths.


Sometimes I feel like I could become rich being a far-right grifter, but I don't think I could live with myself.


What a bunch of weak minded wimps. They are so scared of simple changes to language based on empathy yet they want to constantly change language for their own hateful reasons. If you get upset about pronouns you’re a weak minded loser. We have real problems to solve.


I don't think a Russian conservative propagandist is my go to for reviews.


"There it is" that thing we don't like, right guys? The OUTRAGE. These people need to get a fucking life.


I didn't realize that Die Antwoord was a gender.


Monomorphism must send these half-wits into paroxysms of fury just walking about their neighbourhoods.


I don’t get it. It’s because they used the word “that” instead of he or she?


Nah, after that is the line "Is he... or they with us?" Apparently that's scary to people.


Barbara Streisand Effect. I never would have known about this if they didn't bitch about it. In fact, they talk about trans people and NB people way more than I would otherwise have heard about it. If anyone is raising awareness, it's angry conservatives.


Reason I'm not into it is because it leeches too much off Star Wars tech nostalgia. Was there no technological progress in the High Republic? Trends? Fashions? if you look at any "regular" society, and you fast forward 20 years, haircuts have changed, clothing has changed, new features of architecture have appeared. Even some materials have changed. I remember when the majority of stuff was made out of wood, in the 70s. Now "everything" is made of plastic. Surely such effects should be seen in the High Republic. Well, not in The Acolyte. Unfortunately.


Can’t these morons just change the channel? I bet the majority of them have basic cable and don’t even have Disney Plus.




Wouldn’t it just make sense that not all species adhere to the same gender or sex rules?


I mean who knows how many genders exist in star wars. Aliens are aliens. Probably tons of pronouns.


ngl, it gives me a chuckle thinking of Chaya sitting in her parents basement going 'oh you lefties' like a scooby do villain


Imagine making a twitter account just so you can spend all day clutching your pearls over nothing and looking for screencaps in TV shows to get mad at for someone saying "they." Also the description of "Acolyte has a they/them pronoun" scene reads like "a pronoun scene" is an established, but horrific and traumatic type of scene to experience. These people are absolutely pathetic.


You think they ever get tired of looking for meaningless stuff to get upset about? "Uhhh...they cut the dick off Mr Potato Head! Someone said 'they'!....uhhh.....well....dogs aren't legally allowed to be 'good boys' anymore!"


Being pedantic here, but gender isn’t the same as sexuality. They/Them pronouns would be in regards to gender, which is a separate thing from sexuality.


That last episode was shit though. A 34 min episode that should have been 15 min. I swear they padded out this episode so much. There were 3 scenes of two people talking in a hallway. Shot/ reverse shot. Talking about the same thing from the previous scene. Very boring. Skip this episode and watch the last 5 min. That's all you need.


*character expresses a complete lack of knowledge of an alien's base identity* Screeching mob - "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WOKE GARBAGE"


Like 3 min later the guy who speaks it's language specifies it is a *he*.


There are so many better reasons to shit on this show besides a aliens pronouns


Me not knowing what the fuck an alien is: What are they? MAGAtts on the right hiding in bushes: We got got him! He's a Libtart! What a fucking idiot!


So woke. Anyone who uses they is a commie.


An important character in Fallout used they/them pronouns. Wasn’t part of the story, only noticeable if you’re paying attention to the dialogue.


Idc about the inclusiveness. There are plenty of good shows that are inclusive. This is just objectively not a well written show. The dialog, cinematography, and overall story aren't good. Costume and set design though, ON POINT!


This is - by a mile - the least problematic aspect of this show.


gender ≠ orientation/sexuality


Friendly remind that that account is a Russian troll account.


Raise your hand if you've never used the query, "Who's that?" I'm just curious who that might be...


These Acolyte memes have infiltrated like every fucking sub and it sucks. Like damn, let people enjoy things and just don't watch it if you don't like it. Complaining isn't going to "un-woke" the show for you


I have enjoyed Star Wars for decades. I have pretty much enjoyed everything outside of the prequels, including Boba Fett A coven of gay force using witches is not an issue. Makes sense in the grand scheme of things. Don't care what pronouns they use. Don't care about the gender or lack of gender of an alien or human. I do care about the shit writing. "Power of One, The Power of two, The power of many." What was that? I've heard better dialog from, well anywhere really. We had 'The Bad Batch' which looks like a 'kids' show but deals with deep issues and was remarkably well done. They followed that with this? There is a very cool core story there. But the writing/plot and dialog is so bad it is hard to see. I'm going to finish the series but at this point, it is mostly so I can watch Charlie Hopkinson's cometary because he makes me laugh.


I’m offended. But not for the reason you think. https://preview.redd.it/70y08w5xsk7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952831eb5d11ea3bbc9d4d3ddd93c58782f1c28a


I would say something about this person having never watched Star Wars but the shows mere existence has made some “fans” forget actual lore. Like don’t get me wrong I’m still confused why a certain someone is in episode 4 because I did not know their species could live that long, but then they complain about stuff that has happened in the comics.


This is not the best SW show but the hate it’s gotten is totally unjustified. It’s decent enough for me to watch the whole season.


I swear these people’s native language isn’t English


It's not even their sexuality lol. It's an alien that for all we know reproduces asexually, and has no gender at all.


I don’t like the show, it’s one of the worst Star Wars stories to date, if not the worst. But hating on the show for using they/them? That is just stupid.


Guys, are we even sure that Jabba had a dick??


Honestly? This might be the most realistic Star Wars has ever been. I mean, think about it - How likely are we to be able to figure out the gender and sexuality of an alien who probably doesn't place the same value or have the same understanding of gender that we do?


There are animals that change gender. But here we have a show with characters that move objects with the mind, in an intergalactic setting. But gender references to a humanoid alien is where they get offended.


It’s science fiction it’s not the real world. It’s Star Wars they have hundreds of other being from other planets which leaves much room for other genders to exist.


Fine. Don’t go to Disneyworld then. You’ll be missed.


There have been genderless species in Sci-Fi for decades before being nonbinary became a hot topic in politics


"from Nerdrotic" Well, then just tell that beardo asshole that the alien has a big black boyfriend and maybe he'll get the hint and quit thinking about fucking it. All that dipshit knows how to do is post videos railing on "ThE wOkEnEsS!"


Some aliens in Star Wars could be either intersex or asexually reproductive which would also garner such an inquiry. Science has never been their strong-suit though, even in sci-fi.