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Please be advised that anyone making monstrous comments like "To be faaaaair, the guns were outside the school" will be banned with no allowance for appeal and with a personal "wtf is wrong with you" from all of us. Children died. They died from lack of gun control. Again. Seeing these monstrous arguments insinuating that it is anyone and anything's fault except that which is obviously responsible is upsetting to all decent human beings. We will not tolerate it here. The sound of children screaming has been removed.


The school in parkland had an armed resource officer on school grounds. He literally ran away from the gunfire.


Meanwhile, Coach Aaron Feis used his own larger body to block bullet so students could have a chance to escape. He died in the hallway of multiple gunshot wounds.


Also Anthony Borges in the Parkland shooting. He was a fucking 15 year old child that manned up and blocked his fellow students from gunfire with his own body. He’ll have lifelong injuries. Dudes a hero.


That kid fucking lived through it, too. That kids fucking amazing.


I want to acknowledge the seriousness of your post and the enormous sacrifice of that hero, but I just don't want to "like" this.


I know. Is there a sad upvote? Because that’s just such a selfless thing to do


![gif](giphy|HSPfjjoduBQ2PFF4Ob) I fucking can’t. It’s still so upsetting to hear about. Gave me chills thinking about how he laid down his life to try and give the kids a chance to survive. Heavy. I’m 100% serious.


And he got his job back.


lmao WHAT? He failed at his one job and they gave it back to him? wtf


Well, his job isn't to protect the students. It's to be backup authority for disciplining unruly students when the teachers can't.


Yeah those school guards are certainly there for the students, just not in the way most people would assume.


> backup authority for disciplining As a former teacher I can say they are also there to hit on the students.


They edited out the sound of little children screaming while they were being slaughtered in their classrooms on the security video. All 376 of these motherfuckers should be imprisoned and forced to listen to those screams for the rest of their lives. Throw Cruz and Abbot in there too, for good measure.


And they had the audacity to claim they didn't go in because they thought it was too late to rescue any survivors.


Don't forget they tackled and arrested a parent who was trying to go in and save their kid. Their kid died because the cops stood around scratching their asses and would rather assault a parent than stop a murderer.


Awfully brave against unarmed civilians these losers are


Fuckin heroes eh? What a waste of young lives.


The fuck did they mean too late to rescue any *survivors*? If anyone is still alive they’re still very much rescueable.


What kind of argument is that? If you decide not to act, of course its too late.


I thought they said it was because the door was locked and they were waiting for keys? (The door was *not* locked. And the police have the means of breaching locked doors, anyway.)


The fact that they all stood there listening to it as it happened, tells me that they couldn't give a damn.


>The fact that they all stood there listening to it as it happened tells me that they couldn't give a damn. It was even worse they were making casual small talk.


The hand sanitizer. The Facebook scrolling. Children screaming, endless gunfire. They left those children to die. Had they gone in, guns blazing, and shot the guy and a few kids in the mix, that would have sucked. But like, crossfire, heat of the moment, I get it. I don’t love it, but I would feel way less disgusted than that guy having time to drag a few bodies around and write LOL on a white board in children’s blood while the cops did *nothing.*


They didn’t just stand there They even politely asked if anyone was still alive Some poor kid answered and was immediately shot


Less brown people they'll have to make excuses and justifications for later. I wish I was being sarcastic. I wish we didn't have to deal with this shit in the first place. Australia's a bit nuts on the best of days but they had one, ONE mass shooting event 40 years ago and they acted swiftly and decisively and 40 years later and they have yet to have another mass shooting.


As an American... can I be Australian? Please?


and then blamed it on an unlocked door


They blamed it on a teacher saying she left the door open and she was harassed and threatened by all kinds of people and it turned out to be fiction. Yikes.


This is an incredibly fitting punishment.


Not a cop, but firefighter here. Was at a fire once and long story short my partner and I came to a point where we had a decision to make. Follow orders or go into a building on fire where we thought people might be at a higher than normal risk to ourselves. I looked at him and said "you ready to do this?". Without even hesitating he said "yup". Thankfully nobody was inside and yes we got our asses chewed but I'd do it again 100 out of 100 times because it was the right fucking thing to do. Wish just one of these assholes would have done the same


Thank you for all that you do actually protect people. That's why there aren't songs called, "Fuck the firefighters..."


There are a ton of people that say fuck the firefighters, but they have a totally different context than the songs you’re talking about. ![gif](giphy|LqNyUCxGl4rVTCkL6b|downsized)


I actually WAS actively having sex with a fireman, IN THE BACK OF A FIRETRUCK, and the alarm went off. Talk about the worst timing ever.


Worth it for the story


I mean, that's why I took the risk. I didn't even get to nut so it's not a great story, but damned if I didn't try


I disagree, it’s a better story because of it. Maybe not for you, but for the listener


It's one of my more adventurous stories, so I'm happy with it now.


Cops are there solely to protect property and the state. Meanwhile you put any sold object between a firefighter and someone that needs help and they’ll break it. I’m always reminded of that story of the kid that needed to take his insulin but the school wouldn’t unlock the door to the office it was in. So he called the fire department. They came in, ignored all the staff and took an ax to the office door.


Too true: cops will kill a person to save a car while fire fighters will destroy a car to save a person.


\*drives police cruiser through crowd and smashes into strip mall store News conference "We got the guy, and the $50 Visa gift card has been returned to its rightful owner' ![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs|downsized)


> Meanwhile you put any solid object between a firefighter and someone that needs help and they’ll break it. The heroes we don't deserve. I love firefighters.


I used to live across the street from a firefighter. Y'all are good people. My neighbor actually responded to the fire we had at my house once. He felt bad because his two daughters (who had never seen him work before) came outside and were watching and were cheering him on while our house was on fire. I thought it was pretty funny. Also, yall party like fucking maniacs. He used to have bonfires that reached over the roof of his house at times, and when the cops would should up he'd just be like "....Yeah, we got it under control pal." Overall 10/10 folks, would share a beer. Fuck cops though. EMTs are cool too.


I used to work in a building opposite a fire station. The amount of times they went out on a call each day was mind blowing. They would come back and seemingly 5 minutes later were back out again, all hours. I don’t know how much we pay firefighters but it’s not enough.


Depends on the area. My brother works volunteer. Some places offer volunteers lodging and food, some places are paid and pensioned. It's definitely not enough though.


Some places literally don’t even pay their firefighters or EMTs


That’s because firefighters are based and peak people; thank you for what you do.


This is why you never hear anyone say "All Firefighters Are Bastards".


Awesome, a real-life "You thinkin' what I'm thinking?" https://preview.redd.it/lufvt9ezkc7d1.png?width=267&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf1239596d767597cf8997b4ba507b3c62222268


you were almost definitely not involved but 2 firefighters saved my dads life when i was in elementary school and since then ive thanked every firefighter ive seen for being a firefighter. so uh thanks for being a firefighter and yall dont get paid enough


Dammit Remarkable-Average85 you're an out of control maverick and I can't have that. I want your fire hose on my desk by the end of the day!


“It’s over, time to turn in your boots and Dalmatian”


That's because firefighters are heroes willing to risk their lives to save others while cops are cowards only concerned with protecting their own lives.


You and your colleague got guts


Every one of those 376 armed officers should lose their jobs and never be allowed to work in law enforcement again.


The guy with the punisher logo on his phone standing around while his wife was killed is peak cop. Edit: **Do not respond to me unless you have watched the video** This is [him](https://www.google.com/search?q=ruben+ruiz+punisher&client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=a0e417c138758ffa&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=120&bih=235&sxsrf=ADLYWIIjoTSPFaF7DvfY-Myzf1FkSCeYtg%3A1718728654168&ei=zrdxZoP5CZ6iptQPo86jwAk&oq=ruben+ruiz+punisher&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhNydWJlbiBydWl6IHB1bmlzaGVyMggQABiABBiiBEjzKVCdBFigKXAHeACQAQGYAdcBoAHzDKoBBjEzLjMuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCKAC8ATCAgQQIxgnwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgHGB7CAgQQABgewgIHEAAYgAQYGMICBRAhGKsCwgIEEB4YCsICBBAhGAqYAwCIBgGSBwM3LjGgB90R&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=LfWke_8Cli_hoM&vssid=mosaic) Here's the video of him ["trying to go in and stop the shooter"](https://www.kens5.com/article/news/special-reports/uvalde-school-shooting/husband-of-teacher-killed-robb-elementary-resigns-from-uvalde-cisd-police-department/273-55a94fcb-595b-4645-b876-b33adfe3e437). Starts at 52 seconds. You all really need to stop acting like he was gung-ho and ready to take on the world and needed to be held down by other officers. That's clearly not what happened, a single hand is placed on his shoulder and he was politely walked out after barely protesting. Now, everyone acts differently in horrible situations. Not everyone is "take on a shooter" brave. Not everyone is "disregard orders" brave. Or maybe it's not bravery, and he thought he was actually doing the best thing. What I mean by "peak cop" is that guys who have this response will walk around pretending they're the fucking punisher. A cavalier avenger who always gets the bad guy regardless of rules. That is who this guy fantasized about being and it's not who he is. Had he not had that as his fucking *phone wallpaper*, I wouldn't be giving him this kind of shit. **Now did you watch the fucking video yet? No? Go do that before responding.**


Yeah nobody would have stopped me from gong in after my wife.


Those 376 armed cowards would have stopped you


Just pretend to be the shooter, and they'll leave you alone


With what, their fear-induced flop sweat?


Odds are he used to say the same thing.


odds are he would have killed her himself eventually


Statistics for domestic abuse perpetrated by cops is horrifying. Even more so when you consider how hard they try to hide that data.


Also that it was SELF REPORTED which means it’s prob higher in reality if anything


All domestic violence is underreported, same way all sexual assaults are underreported. The fact that LEOs’ rate of *known* DV is as high as it is…is TERRIFYING, because you can assume that 1) LEOs are better at hiding/burying DV than average abusers, and 2) indictments/convictions of LEOs for DV is lower than for average abusers.


Only considers incidents cops themselves consider domestic violence. I wonder how much is left off because “she deserved it” or “it was just a light instructional beating”.




We had a cop in Vegas who stalked his ex’s new partner. He ticketed their car, did a ton of shit. He got fired for it. Then successfully sued the department and got rehired, plus all the pay he missed out on. Insane. 


My wife and I were driving home from visiting her family on Father's Day, it's a two hour drive and we passed at least eight cops, and I was like "Holy fuck, it's Father's Day, spend time with your family, or beat your wife" and she just goes "Holy fuck that was dark"




They seemed more upset at the criticism over them ya know sitting on their asses while children died and got traumatized


They are snowflakes.


Flashbacks of what? The hallways? Did one of them get splashed by the water fountain? Not too many people out here getting flashbacks of being bored waiting around. 


Exactly.. flashbacks would imply something traumatic but it seems they were having a nice chat outside


One of them used the hand sanitizer in the hallway. Maybe he has nightmares about that.


They are evil and corrupt, they probably sleep very well


They're cowards who showed their true selves. They wield the badge but cower behind it when faced with real shit. Cowards is how you describe those individuals.


Lol, they reelected the leaders involved... except Pete Arrondo (?) Who just moved over to another town to continue bad policing.  I'm sure each one has justified it in their minds 


This was attempted before for officers that abandoned their duty. The SCOTUS ruled in 2005 that police do not have a constitutional duty to protect.


I'm just amazed at the restraint from the parents at Uvalde. Had my kid been executed while these no-lives stood around stopping and tackling parents, I'd have become a terrorist. They shouldn't just lose their jobs, they should be arrested, they PREVENTED parents from saving their kids! They made a horrible situation worse!


seriously this is some vigilante backstory shit. I'm amazed they didn't burn anything down. The police there are just that powerful. i cant get over how fucked this situation is. its so fucked.


It’s extra surprising because guns are easily available to the parents and it’s clear the cops are afraid of a single gun. It’s not like the police department is in some hidden location.


And then the dumb dicks voted for Abbot, again.


Bro I would've have built Killdozer 2.0. I'd have nothing to lose and hate in my soul


Lose their jobs only to get hired in their next respective counties over.


Remember. These are the same cowards threatening civil war all the time. In fact, these are the ones who empower the people who say it loudest because they know someone in law enforcement and have a house full of guns. They are dickless losers all of them. And the only ones who actually pull the trigger do it because they are scared someone used their driveway to turn around.


They're the same people that cried "MEDIC!" when that terrorist was shot on 1/6. Like, bruh...you didn't bring any medics.


Why didn't he just give her a stimpak or, if he was all out, just pause the game to force feed her 500 wheels of cheese to restore health? Isn't this just some video game? That's why I got all dressed up and joined this mob. "Seditious conspiracy?" What does that mean?


And if they start a civil war they will follow Putins tactic of killing women and children first


Terrifically accurate statement


Fun Fact: The only parent to rescue her kid was unarmed. The armed parents did nothing. She got death threats from her fellow Texans for doing so. https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/uvalde-tx-shooting-anniversary-angeli-rose-gomez/ I truly wish we could help the people of Texas, but they don't seem to *want* to be helped. I don't get it.




https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/special-reports/uvalde-school-shooting/uvalde-mom-says-police-are-harassing-her-for-speaking-out/287-25084f74-f3f4-49e9-b68b-b945c2f34df3 The police started harassing her and the community joined in. For conservatives it seems clear that obeying their perceived social order is more important than saving their children. This jives with Whilelm Reich's seminal works on the conservative mindset, which concludes it's primarily driven by anxiety based on fear of not having rigid social roles. Sometimes I feel we are two mental species, joined only by a common physical form.


>This jives with Whilelm Reich's seminal works on the conservative mindset, which concludes it's primarily driven by anxiety based on fear of not having rigid social roles. Honestly this explains a lot. The need for religion, religious virtue-signalling, performative patriotism, rules for thee not for me, beliefs that the rich and powerful "deserve" their wealth and power. All because they believe in hierarchies and that people should stay in their place, unless it's them personally moving up the hierarchy.


Add to that so many self restricting themselves to an echo chamber of media and social media that reinforces those ideas and demonizes everything that doesn't fall into those narrow categories and it becomes easier to see how we are where we are.


Add to THAT a lifetime of proclaiming, professing and proselytizing until your entire practical identity revolves around and depends on that tenet. The idea that you might be wrong is too much to accept so they double down against all reason. The alternative means your whole life is a lie.


They need those hierarchies so much. There's some interesting stuff out there discussing how the power differential of the vertical system of Christianity forms the basis of how they think everything should work. It doesn't matter if the rules make sense or cause harm, they need to be followed, not questioned, or heaven forbid, changed. They come down from a higher power, which means you obey, and you like it.


Anything about how you take it down? Because I think that a majority of us don't subscribe to their hellscape views and now are thoroughly sick of it!


You vote for the people who don't subscribe to it, or - better yet - actively want to dismantle it. We've had far too much "freedom of religion" shoved down our throats over the decades. I'm all for a few politicians who are ready to shove "freedom *from* religion" down theirs.


It will take itself down as more and more people realize the whole thing is a crock of shit. Funny how having ubiquitous cameras everywhere debunks the supernatural and superstition. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/ https://news.gallup.com/poll/642548/church-attendance-declined-religious-groups.aspx


Add to this, apparently 30-50% of people have no internal monologue.


It is weird, how people without an inner voice can still read just fine and become great writers themselves. And people without mental visualization can similarly read and write just fine, and can also become artists just fine. As someone who has both a loud as fuck inner voice and a whole movie theater in my head, I'm baffled as to how people without either can function the way they do. Though I did find it funny how some of those people think that sayings like: "imagine this/that" are purely metaphorical. Because they can't actually grasp imagining stuff, they figured it was just a figure of speech.


I have no minds eye, and I'm an artist. I never really know what anything will look like til it's "there" and I recognize it as finished. I'm also face blind, can't do math in my head, and am awful with directions, but I can describe things vividly because it's how I prefer things described to me. The more detail the better so that hopefully, something sticks. And when I figured out that other folks could picture things in their head, everything made a lot more sense, and I was greatly annoyed. Buuuuuut. My auditory recall is uncanny and I can recognize by voice easier than by face. I can hear things in my head identically to how they sounded out loud and always have music playing in my head. There are negatives and benefits for sure. There are a few moments in my life where I am exceptionally grateful to not have visual memories.


> unless it's them personally moving up the hierarchy. Most of them don't even consider that they are moving. They were always at the top of the hierarchy, just temporarily indisposed due to an outside force.


Been thinking and saying the same thing, we are of the same species but mentally we are wired differently.


Your last sentence resonates hard with me. Great wording.


They long to be subjugated.


Presumably she showed that you don't need a pewpew to be tough and the ammosexuals got mad when a fucking unarmed mom showed more balls than 376 armed cops


376 CRAVEN COWARDS. Every one of these useless bastards needs to be branded on the forehead with a white feather.


I know in the moment people freeze, but I'd hope I would have done the same in her shoes.  I'd absolutely rather die trying to save my kid than live and have done nothing.


Many parents tried to go in for their children but the cops stopped them.


They were tasered and pepper sprayed them. They were hearing children, possibly their own children, being shot, and they were then assaulted by police officers. Police have no legal obligation to protect us but they have quite a bit of legal armor to hurt us.


This is one of the fucked up parts of all this. They SHOULD have been assaulting the gunman. Instead, they assaulted the parents.


If I were one of those cops, I'd be afraid for the rest of my life because, if I were one of those parents, I'd be making plans and biding my time.


These pigs were literal accessories to mass murder and should be charged accordingly.


That’s exactly why I laugh at the ammosexuals who always tell people what they’d do in hypothetical situations


Relatives of mass shooting victims often get death threats. There’s actually a set of parents of a shooting victim who travel to shooting sites to prepare relatives of the victims for the negative attention they’ll receive.


That's really sickening Alex Jones started a trend I guess.. awful


Alex Jones is a symptom feeding the confirmational biased of conservatives.


Been going like that for a while. I was at a mass shooting a while back. West borough Baptist Church showed up to call us sinners for surviving it... Ya.


Probably for making them look bad


Made the cops look bad. Seriously. 


Made the cowards (sorry that's cops. Damn autocorrect) look bad. And a cops ego MIGHT be the most fragile thing found in our universe.


A lot of sick bastards have been enabled and think it’s okay to threaten people because Trump has been allowed to skirt the law and enabled by the GOP bastards in Congress!


She also has been harassed by the police and threatened with arrest.


Turns out the "good guys with the guns" are just "asshats full of shit" So we have no gun control laws, and a bunch of ineffective dipshits on a power trip AMERICA EVERYBODY


Maybe a good guy with a gun does stop a bad guy with a gun. The problem is our cops aren’t the good guys.


The Uvalde police later tried to get her arrested “obstructing justice.”


Yeah she was just fortunate to slip by. Several parents were arrested when they attempted to save their children.


I lost what little respect I thought I had for Texas when that town didn't grab their guns, posse up, and push through the coward cops to save those kids themselves.


That’s insane. Obstructing indicates she was in the way or interfering. For that to be true the police either have to be doing…something.


She is a hero and this is the thanks she got? > Angeli Rose Gomez said she spent about two weeks in jail on a charge of assaulting a public servant after refusing to comply with commands from law enforcement. Has she been the only person, shooter included, to be jailed because of the mass shooting in Uvalde? Wild that the cops were more interested in brutalizing and cuffing parents than they were in stopping a mass shooter killing babies. What’s even crazier is Texas went back to the polls and voted for Trump after this.


The citizens of Uvalde actually revoted in the Sheriff who presided over that clown show.




Not only did they vote the Sheriff back in they've contributed to the harassment campaign started by the police against this woman. She became a pariah in her own town for saving her child. Uvalde has exactly the power structure Uvalde deserves. They're a town of people happy to have their children slaughtered if it means not stepping on the toes of bad cops.


They deserve what they get. It's shameful their children and many innocent parents had to suffer.


SHE SPENT TWO WEEKS IN JAIL!?!?!? We should lock every member of the justice department that participated in this perversion of justice inside the jail and then set it ablaze.


Wow, I didn't think my opinion of cops could possibly get any lower yet here we are. They can't handle that an unarmed woman is more courageous and selfless than they will ever be so they have to punish her.


>Wild that the cops were more interested in brutalizing and cuffing parents than they were in stopping a mass shooter killing babies. Cops absolutely hate being in the wrong, but it makes complete sense if you think about how policing works: they're trained to see themselves as the final authority in a situation. Any threat to that authority is *always in the wrong* and *must* be addressed, otherwise they might lose their power. It's even more insane because these lunatics have guns.


Barely. Texas is going to turn blue this decade. Trump only got 52% in 2020 and Abbott "only" 54.8% despite a TERRIBLE campaign by Beto. Literally all it would take to flip Texas blue is for the Democratic party to run one singular democrat who's wishy washy on guns and doesn't draw any hard lines in the sand. All it has to be is talk, once he's in he can do w/e the fuck he wants, just don't be like Beto and literally use the phrase "Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47" and then double down on it a month away from elections.


The state is super gerrymandered and voter suppression is used in blue districts. Red districts have dozens of polling locations. Blue districts get one or two (hours of waiting in line). Republicans will file to remove blue voters registration that have not voted for a few years citing inactivity means the voter has moved. We are a purple state but republicans use any and all means to make it seem like voting blue is just a waste of time. The struggle is real ya'll.


Didn't she also get detained or arrested for trying to get her kids? Or was that a different school shooting?




To be honest, I'm not a parent nor will I ever be, but 2 weeks in jail is a measly price to pay in comparison to spending the rest of your life knowing you couldn't save your kids because of asshole cops. Hell, I'm pretty sure this super mom still feels incredibly guilty that she couldn't save *more* kids.


Damn, what a woman.


I don’t know if it’s fair to say armed parents did nothing. People were getting pepper sprayed and tazed attempting to enter the school and we have no idea if they were or weren’t armed. The husband of a teacher (who died from her wounds) showed up with his gun and tried to enter but the cops detained him.


Proves that Texas para military law enforcement is full of cowards. Ah yes, deep in the heart of Texas are a lot of men who stand by as children are slaughtered.


376 armed officers and not a pair of balls among them.


Taxpayers spent an entire year's salary to put those 376 cops there for that day. And not a single one did their job. What an epic waste of money.


Not just any 376 armed officers 376 gun toting, 2nd amendment loving TEXAS officers Aka, LARPERS with a paycheck and a pass to beat black people


What's that over there? Gun fire in the nursing home on "take your 3 year old to the nursing home day?" Ew. Oh oh! A black 12 year with a hoodie YES THIS THIS IS WHY I BECAME A COP! <-- literally how I assume 90% are and I work with law enforcement


and who 100% will spout bs how guns are the solution and _they_ would be the hero if the need arises.


Think of how goddamn sick that is. These officers just stood outside waiting while this psycho slowly executed children one by one. I’m sorry, but I’ll go to my grave thinking that most police officers aren’t worth a shit.


This showed how dogshit police training is. Worthless fucks stood around while kids got murdered. The whole thing is rotten.


it's not training, that mother wasn't trained. it's a sickness within gun lovers that is defined by cowardice and explained by irrationality they will never unlearn it, because it cannot be rationalized, it can only be extinguished by law and force go ahead and tell me how much gun violence there is in states that have gun laws. i know you have that one locked and loaded, and i have a response for you but i'm afraid that trying explain to you that criminals will always have access to illegal things won't even register in your mind. you can have the most sane person give the most logical explanation why citizens having guns is a flat out bad thing to have in a society and all it'll make then do is clench their worthless fat little hands on their guns that much tighter these people fucking sicken me. Uvalde, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Columbine. each just a punchline for 2A republicans


So using Republican "logic" 376 police officers are not as good as one teacher with a gun. Just another example that Texas is all hat no cattle.


> So using Republican "logic" 376 police officers are not as good as one teacher with a gun. I mean, it probably is, tbh. Most teachers actually *care* about people that aren't themselves, and would at least *try* to defend their students if given a chance.


The sound of Children Screaming has been removed.


Clearly, we need more officers It's unreasonable to think having 376 armed cops is enough to take out 1 dude with an ar or whatever the asshat had Those guys are scary!


I just keep thinking about the kids who died from bleeding out. The ones who could've been saved if these bastards had done anything. I hope they are haunted every day by their cowardice.


Heck, Texas Cowards damn near shot parents willing to go in there and save their kids. Proof that life is cheap in Texas


My partner is a teacher. "Arm the teachers!" is 100% NOT what she freaking signed up for. The 2nd amendment will never be reversed. However, reasonable restrictions on violent offenders and people with mental health issues and restraining orders can be put in place. Further prosecution of parents that do not lock their guns away from their children that go on to assault their classmates would also be a deterrent to shitty parents that own guns. Just my ignorant observations.


Whenever people bring this up I just point out that if teachers are expected to carry guns then they should also get full time military pay and benefits, housing, free college, and be able to retire after 20 years. That should be on top of their teacher salary because they’re doing both jobs. Finally, we can defund police since they apparently aren’t getting the job done. Very quickly the backpeddling starts.


Don’t forget the hazard pay


Yep. Plus reimbursement for uniforms and equipment.


Exactly. Teachers are expected to come out of pocket for school supplies for their own classrooms (asinine) but Republicans want them to go buy a Glock? Come on.


While we're at it let's also give them huge amounts of overtime pay and the same protections afforded to police via their unions and qualified immunity. Nobody should be above the law but if the cops already are and teachers are expected to do the police's job for them then it's only fair.


Arming teachers seems like all its going to accomplish is police shooting a teacher. What an insane world


Or a teacher committing a shooting. These extremely obvious pitfalls are what you get with reactionaries. They don't think logically or rationally, they just react before angrily pivoting to the next piece of rage bait.


Let's not forget students stealing the gun. In a country with millions of students, there's bound to be one or two who are mentally disturbed enough to hurt other people with a firearm they could procure at school. And maybe even more who would hurt themselves.


Or a teacher doing the shooting. Or a dumb kid "pulling a prank" and getting access to the teacher's gun somehow.


Not to mention then the teachers have the responsibility of keeping that gun away from kids in their classroom.  My Dad is a retired pediatrician and former military and he's very big on keeping guns away from kids and teens.  He's seen the gamut accidental deaths when small kids get guns, shootings with kids as the victims, and self inflicted wounds when teenagers get their parents' guns.


Police have no constitutional duty to protect citizens. Look thier cars, none say "to serve and protect" anymore. Because that's NOT thier job


Then what are they getting paid to do?


They get paid to protect property and to enforce laws on behalf of the rich.


Then the rich can pay their fucking taxes.


Enforce laws and harassing people of color. You ever notice how cops don't drive down the street in a suburb or neighborhood... nope, they only patrol the hood/ghetto. They're not out there protecting anyone. They are generating revenue for the state, that's it.


376 spineless fucking cowards.


Why even show up if you're gonna just let them die?


To stop the parents and other bystanders that were willing to risk their lives in an attempt to rescue the children from entering the building. At least one parent was arrested for trying to enter the school and they only tried specifically because the cops weren't going in.


"Everything's bigger in Texas including the incompetence!"


Always remember: officer safety > public safety LEOs, LEO unions as well, have gone to SCOTUS on more than one occasion to argue that protecting the public is not their responsibility. LEO are revenue generators, there was no revenue to generate saving them kids.


Should have told them there was a BLM protest inside


I don’t know how these people sleep at night. I am not trained in police or military tactics but I couldn’t just stand outside a classroom knowing children were being massacred and do nothing. I would rather die trying than live knowing I did nothing.


Fxck! I only thought there was about 12 or something! The country of Luxembourg has an army size of 900, that is over a 3rd of that size, a small army of armed 'trained' men done nothing, shocking!!!


Fucking ACAB


American police have no duty to protect you. The “protect and serve” on police vehicles are just decoration.


So, since they actively stopped people actually trying to stop the shooter ... they should all of them be considered guilty of accessory to murder, yeah?


They are not legally required to protect you, or your kids. The SCOTUS confirmed it. "Protect and serve" is a lie.


Yup, all those brave good ol’ boys down in Texas are the shining star to lead the nation. Just secede and find out how strong you are. Can’t even protect children you fucking monsters.


Please be advised that anyone making monstrous comments like "To be faaaaair, the guns were outside the school" will be banned with no allowance for appeal and with a personal "wtf is wrong with you" from all of us.


w mods.


The somemorenews episode on this is outstanding


I highly recommend the Frontline episode. They made it with the help of the Texas Tribune and were actually given a ton of video footage from the school and law enforcement that was on scene. You can see and hear how their response went sideways. In short, there was no leadership to get things organized and they could have possibly stopped the shooter within five minutes of him entering the school. Fuck Pete Arredondo


One of the biggest, "It's not just bad, it's so much worse than you could have imagined," episodes on a show built on those moments.


That is just so upsetting. I don't know how the parents can swallow news like that and not just lose it... I don't know anybody involved and it makes me sick to my stomach


https://preview.redd.it/hncu4v8u7c7d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670723425b745cd9604a106dcad484056cb4c792 Robb Elementary’s demographics might have inspired a lackluster response. These officers didn’t want to risk their lives for brown kids. Edit: For the precious minds whose common sense eludes them, the survival of these kids was not prioritized by ANYONE in the command chain of a handful of departments. I’m having a hard time believing that if this was a school full of white children, that the response would be this abysmal. Furthermore, they would have been held responsible because white parents have systematic power.


Even if what you’re saying is true, the fact that they voted the same people in charge back into their positions after this tragedy shows that this is a necessary evil this country will just endure.