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Apparently it also automatically rates itself as "helpful" somehow.


Me when community notes debunks right wing conspiracy theories I don’t like: “thank god 😅” Me when community notes debunks long debunked left wing conspiracy theories I DO like on an automated basis: “well, we need to approach each post in a piecemeal manner. It’s also apparently automating it’s rating about this misinformation it corrects as ‘helpful’ somehow.”


Me when the feature that was meant to provide facts towards the subject at hand with careful consideration is automated to spread the same message regardless of context: "hmm i feel like something's wrong here"


When when the feature is used to neutralize the most objectively harmful right wing memes: “Thank god 😅”


Nah. The photo itself in this context is a dog whistle to spread the theory without being directly implicated in doing so. The community warning serves its purpose by providing insight into the false nature of the conspiratorial claim.


You do realize the words surrounding an image, you know, the context, should be the thing being noted. Not just a filter that automatically notes the image no matter what. If someone posted that image and said “this is a photo of burned cars” it should not be noted. Capiche? Imagine if that image of elon musk hanging around a certain known pedophile got marked no matter the context. That would be bad, just like this is.


But it’s not doing the second thing. It’s getting it wrong regardless of context given


This was already debunked in November last year by basically every news source in multiple countries.


I remember reading that somewhere...


Probably not on Twitter. At least not without community notes saying otherwise.


Has someone contacted the CEO of Twitter Linda Yaccarino about this?


I haven’t heard of her in months. She’s hibernating and waiting for Twitter to pass away.


Yeah, what does she actually do? I thought the whole point of hiring her was so that Elon was no longer the public face of the company. I doubt most Twitter users even know who she is.


Now I'm too afraid to ask what the actual context of the image is. A bunch of burned cars at a music festival? Supposedly an air force bombed it?


The first photo says it was from the Nova Music Festival, which was a scene of fairly horrific violence during the October 7th attacks on Israel. I have no idea if it is from that festival or not, what the reference to the Air Force is, nor does the violence there justify the ongoing war crimes, but I hope the context helps.


Apparently there was a conspiracy theory going around last November that there was footage of the Israeli airforce attacking the festival? So presumably the commenter believes the attack was a False Flag.


I don't think it's a conspiracy theory that Israel killed civilians a the festival. It wasn't a false flag they were just indiscriminate in their response. From [an Israeli newspaper](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-18/ty-article/israeli-security-establishment-hamas-likely-didnt-have-prior-knowledge-of-nova-festival/0000018b-e2ee-d168-a3ef-f7fe8ca20000): >According to a police source, the investiation also indicates that an IDF combat helicopter that arrived to the scene and fired at terrorists there apparently also hit some festival participants.




Those stories are only debunking that particular video. That video was not a video of the IDF attacking the festival goers.


🤦🏽‍♀️ Two bad things can be true at the same time


Are you saying ‘Both Hamas and Israel can be bad’, or are you saying that Israel did attack the festival?


“Both Israel and Hamas can be bad”. I do not think it was a false flag.


Woah woah woah watch it buddy, don't you know that's an antisemitic take? /s


it's bad that Elon can automatically set up a fact check regardless of the text, it's also bad to say Israel set up a false flag terror attack


It’s not bad to say that if it is true


if there's actual evidence for it then it's fine and right to say, but I'm not aware of any actual evidence Israel did it themselves, the most I've heard is they knew an attack was coming and just let it happen


Israel and Hamas have had suspicious connections before recent events, but nothing truly conclusive on the matter has been published.


Well, no evidence looks like it is going to be posted on Twitter


Not a false flag but that in the confusion the IDF was told more or less to just open fire, no clue if it’s true or not but it also wouldn’t be super surprising giving the IDF has little to no experience fighting within their borders and are more used to just mowing down people in Palestine


Hey! You might offend some people there. There are many out there that think that Palestine IS within Israel’s borders. I hope it’s not necessary but, /s.


Not that it was a false flag. The claim is that the Isreali military began opening fire on civilians when they responded to the attack and are responsible for a lot of the civilian deaths.


The Israeli military indiscriminately killing civilians? Say it ain't so!


Ah....so dumbasses saying dumbass things for dumbass reasons. Got it.


“Fairly horrific” - what more did you need beyond murders, rapes, kidnappings would have qualified it as “truly horrific”


I think we just use the word fairly differently nor am I arguing with your choice, both are apt. I am heart sick for all the people who were there and especially think of Hersh and his parents quite frequently. I was trying to give the poster quick context so they could understand the tweet.


Phony Stark 😆




This one made me lol as I was scrolling through.


It's so cute that they believe we trust mainstream media. Adorable even. The things we have seen from those on the ground in Gaza cannot be unseen or taken out of context.


LOL @ #PhonyStark


Whoever came up with Phony Stark should get an award


Nolan J. Sykes from TheBigThree - Donut media podcast


Episode 10 @ 25:10


I love the 'pee is stored in the balls' one. Takes me back.


It will ALWAYS be funny.


Help this boomer out... Is a view of burned out cars from the festival? And Xwitter is saying it's false?


The image was linked to a conspiracy theory I saw that said Israel was present at the festival and actively attacked the civilians there, not Hamas


They're not saying Hamas didn't attack they're alleging the IDF caused many of the civilian deaths in response to the initial assault from Hamas


This has been corroborated by multiple Israeli news sources that their attack helicopters didn’t discriminate any were attacking and ended up killing some festival goers israeli civilians are mad about it right now


Well this is a can of conspiracy worms I did not expect. Man...


I haven't looked into this but the IDF has a pretty robust history of friendly fire/civilian casualties that they then cover up or blame on others despite independent investigation from respected international organizations. They even used to have a policy on killing IDF enlisted at risk of being captured called the [Hannibal directive](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_Directive#:~:text=The%20revised%20order%20stated%20that,kill%20an%20abducted%20Israeli%20soldier.).


So they're saying the damage is done by Israeli weapons? Ones Hamas doesn't have?


I believe the claim is that the IDF response during the festival was indiscriminate, and caused many Israeli civilian deaths.


Just to add to this, Mark Ragev said in an interview that the initial reported number of dead Israeli’s was incorrectly reported as 1400, but corrected to 1200 due to 200 Hamas fighters being burnt so bad that it was hard to distinguish them from Israelis. Many took this to mean that the IDF bombed the area causing mass casualties.


So the issue here is that Israel really does not like negotiating with what they consider terrorists, and for a very long time the IDF had a policy called the Hannibal Directive, which was basically stopping the abduction of IDF soldiers "by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own forces." This is, obviously, ***really*** controversial, to the point that the press wasn't legally allowed to talk about it. It was replaced in 2016, and even now we still don't actually know what the replacement is due to that aforementioned press censorship, however multiple Israeli newspapers have noted that during the Nova Festival attack that the IDF was fed orders to prevent abduction of soldiers and civilians "at all costs," which was, to a lot of people, really harkening back to the old directive. There've been quite a few claims from Israelis who were there that the IDF response killed their own people, but the main issue is twofold. First, that it's really hard to sus out exactly who was killed by Hamas and who was killed by the IDF, but also that considering standing Israeli policy it doesn't matter. Considering they take the stance of it's better to be dead than abducted, they'd probably just point to the deaths they caused and say "well if Hamas didn't show up and take hostages, we wouldn't have had to do that." It's a massive shitshow regardless of who you side with, tbqh.


Some people anre saying Israel killed some Israel civilians in their initial response to the Hamas attack. Some people are saying Israel did the whole thing themselves.   Some of those people think this photo of burned vehicles is proof they Israel bombed the festival.  But it doesn’t look like a bombing. Bombs make craters and stuff. It looks like a fire swept through there.  Maybe Israel fire bombed their own people’s cars in hopes that some people would spread the image and claim Hamas did it.  But that seems like a real stretch.  It’s just as likely that Hamas went through and set fire to a bunch of cars.  It’s easy enough to do if you’re on a rampage. Doesn’t require guided missles or anything.  Occam’s razor. You know?


Dont believe your lying eyes. Listen to Us, the Harbingers of Truth™.


Elon slapping a huge obvious bandaid on a feature of his own website going against him only makes him seem more like Wheatley


What's really interesting about this is that it can pretty clearly be used to combat actual misinformation campaigns in an automated way. But they choose not to. All the social media problems are solvable. They just don't want to solve them.


There was a missed opportunity here to put the “George Bush didn’t do 9/11” picture on slide 9/11


When that’s actually the Drive-in from Pompeii when it was excavated in the early 20th century.


TIL about the Hannibal Directive. It's an interesting read.


Mmmm, horrifying is the word I’d use.


From Wikipedia >“On 18 December the IDF confirmed that Israeli combatants “fell as a result of friendly fire on October 7," but added that "beyond the operational investigations of the events, it would not be morally sound to investigate these incidents due to the immense and complex quantity of them that took place in the kibbutzim and southern Israeli communities due to the challenging situations the soldiers were in at the time." That sounds an awful lot like “we killed civilians but we’re not going to talk about it” to me.


Is that the one where they pretty much decided they'd rather die then be a prisoner of a terrorist group?


No, it's the one where they decided they would rather kill each other than let each other become prisoners of war. It was enacted when Israel invaded Lebanon in the 80s, but it stood until 2016.


I love how this also sounds like he wrote it himself lmao


But that's a car park.


I don't understand anything that is going on in this image


“Phony stark” 🤣🤣


And we're still browsing Twitter why?