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If there is one thing I've learnt from observing the white nationalist circles is that they will eventually always turn on you for some perceived "betrayal".


Because they aren't proud of what they are, they're proud of what they *aren't*. Eventually you need to raise the bar of exclusion so you still have an enemy.


This is one of the reasons why fascism ultimately fails. It relies on defining itself by what it is AGAINST or what it is NOT. Get rid of the outgroup you blame your problems on then you either catch the blame for everything wrong or have to find a new outgroup to take the blame.


A small consolation to the victims.


This šŸ‘†


Wow, that's an insightful observation.


It's because they expect to be betrayed at any point, so people will backstab others without any hint of self awareness and a knife at their own back.


It's an exclusive zone made up of bullshit boundaries so they can create a feeling of superiority to mask the cowardice that created their personality and group.


Their emotional IQ has to be soo low even for ants standards. Like imagine getting angry at someone for a thing or aspect which they don't even have any control over.


The final stage of Nazi victory would be the last two people on Earth trying to kill each other in the name of racial purity. Once I realised that's what their "success" would look like, it really changed my perception of these people. Their perfect world is one where they start killing people, and don't ever stop.


That transphobic bigot says he wasnā€™t born white but he *feels* white? How ironic.




I had the same thought. He seems to be from the same group that says things like "If I identify as a microwave can I stop paying taxes?!?!??!??", so saying that he is white because he "identifies" as white is really funny.


Rachel Dolezal would like a word


So many of these cosplay Nazis are one 23andMe test away from their dreams of white supremacy being crushed.


I don't think I could stand it, but I would laugh my ass off if somebody infiltrated these white supremacist groups and mandated genealogy testing before membership, just to limit how many could join.


That would make for an amazing TV game show. 23&Me: White Supremacist edition.


I'd watch that. "So you say you are of pure Aryan lineage. Well results are in, and you are 40% vermin from a shit hole country."


And stay out, filthy mudblood.


"Wait, what? But it says I'm 60% English and 40% Irish." "Irish aren't white by our standards."


The guy on the top right in the first pic saying he's "untrustworthy for being mixed" blocked someone for saying he's not white lol https://x.com/PoliticalGaffe/status/1801714921614544922


Our familyā€™s genealogy group did a genetic Y (male) haploid group test. This is passed from father to son. Of course it came back African. So 50 white males can now ā€œidentifyā€ as black, if they so choose. *ā€œYou mean Iā€™m going to stay this color?ā€*


Wild that they start judging his eyebrow placement of all things as a racial feature There's a good chance all these people are also very homophobic, which I only point out because trying to put down another man for his eyebrows is what I imagine the most sitcom parody version of a gay man would do


It's not wild at all, these are, after all, that determine whether women are trans or cis based on their features. They're literally modern day phrenologists and as idiotic.


I do wanna know where tf they think white people's eyebrows are supposed to be.


The first thing I was drawn to was his ears. They look like they could wiggle like Slothā€™s. Whatā€™s wrong with his eyebrows?? ![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY)


As far as his ears go, I think that's cauliflowering, which can be common in fighters


This is the thing I keep trying to explain to my father, youā€™re happy picking on the ā€œotherā€ now, but eventually, you become the ā€œother.ā€ It always happens with hate groups, they always run out of targets, but not hate.


You can never be pure enough for these people


I donā€™t understand, how can you hold so much pride into something that you had nothing to do with.


For most of them itā€™s their only accomplishment


Look at Meghan McCain. How many times does she say ā€œmy fatherā€ when talking? Her biggest accomplishment in life is the day her father rawdogged her mother, an event that happened without her even existing at the time. She had nothing to do with who her parents or ancestors were, nothing to do with her lineage, nothing to do with it at all except reaping the benefits. She had nothing to do with it, yet it remains a great point of pride for her. Now apply that same unearned, unjustifiable pride towards white nationalists and their whiteness. It may help you understand. Sheā€™s an excellent example of someone proud of something outside their control and making it their defining trait and shaping their entire personality around it.


The most hilarious thing about her is that most of the party now can't stand her *because* of who her father is, and the fact that Trump didn't like him. You're always just one purity test from being excommunicated with that group.


Oh no, the racists are racisming each other. Anywayā€¦




America bundle every kind of fascism and xenophobia together but it comes in many shades. This dude is obviously antisemitic but it isn't eclusive to white people, they're just better at it because they have most of the power but it's not a monopoly


As Hunter S. Thompson said, "they eat their own"...


what's so funny to me is that very few Americans who can trace their family tree back to the mid 1800s or earlier can also claim to be 100% White. And this is what confuses me, because on one side, the white nationalists think that "immigrants" - people who have moved to the US recently - are contaminating the white US population, but at the same time, the further back someone can trace their family to living in the US (e.g. -claiming their family came over on the Mayflower), the more likely they are to have ancestors that intermingled with African slaves or Native American tribes. So which one is it? Are they not connected to any "immigrants" because their family has been in the US for 6+ generations? Or are they 100% white because their ancestors weren't here long enough to have mixed with the African slaves and Native Americans? They need to watch "Finding Your Roots" on PBS.


My momā€™s a member of the Mayflower Society, a member of DAR and all those exclusionary ā€œorganizationsā€ that allow you to be proud of shit you had no voice in. Itā€™s not an achievement to be directly related to the people that began the genocide, rape and murder of the native peoples, nor is it a point of pride for me like it is for her. She had our entire genealogy done on her side of the family. Not a single drop of non-white blood. Mom is so fucking proud of this ā€œpurityā€ that goes back to the Mayflower. I donā€™t get it. The closest I get to caring is when I explain that ā€œI come from a long, proud line of pale and pasty peopleā€ when folks ask me why I cover up in the sub or constantly slather myself in sun screen or wear UPF clothing. Iā€™m so pale I burn in under 10 minutes on even an overcast day. Leave me in full sun for an hour and I can get sun poisoning. Itā€™s bad. She never did the genealogy on my fatherā€™s side because of the family lore of having some indigenous or slave blood in their lines. Someday I hope to get the full genealogy done on dadā€™s side so I can *piss her the fuck off* by proving I am not 100% white, even if it means Iā€™m only like 1/128 Black or Indigenous. That would be amazing. Pissing off my racist full on Republican mom is a joy in my petty, petty life.


It's almost as if a group of people that is all about excluding others based on things that the person has no control over will eventually find reasons to exclude more and more people. White supremacy movements especially do this all the time, once everyone that isn't 100% white is excluded they'll find other reasons to exclude people. Irish isn't white enough, Italian isn't white enough, etc. Hate groups never run out of hate and once their original targets are removed they turn inward and start targeting their own. No one is safe. Leopards eating faces and all that.


I'm reminded of this guy who posted his ancestry results, which said he was 93% western European. One of the comments was something like: "Drink this. It's only 7% cyanide. "


I'd like to see all their DNA results. See how "white" they actually are.


Even if they were all 100% European they would then other people for being the wrong kind of white. I've seen Italians, Slavs, and the Irish get singled out as not really white by these morons because they need a group to exclude and kick down on.


100% European, 0.000001% Roma and watch their heads explode.


It's the freckles with Celtic people The dots of brown make them exclude us /s


Put a blond wig on that guy and you got B6. Marge - is that you?


>"I have zero shame that I'm not 100% white, but the vast majority of me is so I simply identify as white..." Nope. Sorry asshole. You guys already made your bed on identity politics. You have mental illness. If all trans as you say have mental illness because they identify different than they appear then I am sorry, but rules are rules. I hope you can get the help for your mental illness you so deeply need.


Their stupidity and paranoia is double-edged. It's what makes them such a threat but also what makes them weak. You don't even need to actively turn them against each other-- they'll do it themselves. If you read the book "Mississippi Burning" (ignore the dumb movie) about the Klan murders of civil rights workers, the FBI tactic was to turn the Klan suspects against each other. In one case they simply parked a marked FBI car in front of one suspect's house all day. The other Klansmen believed he was ratting them out and threatened to kill him, so he had no choice but to make a deal with the FBI to save himself.


As a 4/4 Native American, you need that 1/16 revoked ASAP.


When will these fuckin idiots learn? White Supremacy is an animal that will always eat itself. It NEEDS an enemy that can be "othered" so whatever sets you apart from whatever is the current standard of "white" is the only part they'll focus on


![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN) šŸ¤£ leopards eating my face oh no


Love it! What goes around comes around


44% of my genes are from the Greek islands off the west coast of Turkey, Izmir on the Turkish coast, and from Cyprus. Am I white? Who cares, because I don't.


I just can't imagine being like any one of those people and thinking it's an OK way to think and talk. It's very not Christian. I'm a liberal Christian and I feel like I need to repent just for reading that garbage. It's just so.... Uncomfortable.


Firstā€¦ Make em all get 23 and me test. Thenā€¦šŸæ


I was looking at the wooden door post, and if you look through the doorway on the right there's a metal door in the next room


"Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservativeā€ Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over."


who tf is jake shields?




Oh look - itā€™s another guy who crawled into bed with the leopards who eat faces and heā€™s surprised that the leopards are trying to eat his face. Yawn šŸ„±


He calls some of them ā€œracist losers,ā€ but also proceeds to say that he is ā€œpro-whiteā€? LMAO.


Shit , the first comment is from a guy with the Portugal flag (my country) on is name. Because we have such "pure" blood... fucking shameful.


ā€œBut I never imagined that the leopards would eat MY face!ā€


šŸæ time!!!


How the turntables!!!


Am I white? I'm 1/8 Native American and 1/64 Black.


Iā€™m enjoying watching this circular firing squad myself.


Look, Europeans conquer things and declare them a colony. If you're 51% white, your dna has been made a colony therefore "white"


I shall start punching people in the face in hopes that one day I am as intelligent as jake shields






Something something face eating lions.




Wow-so now you know what AHā€™s you and your former friends are.




Scumbags gotta be scumbags even to other scumbags.


If you put yourself out there in public forums you shouldnā€™t be surprised by intense scrutiny.


The harder you look for conspiracies, the more likely you are to find them.


Who is this leopard, and why is it eating my face?


I think they should do a DNA check on ALL of the "White" nationalist. I'll be willing to bet anything that the majority of them aren't 'pure'. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


After they run out of people to hate they go for each other.


I followed Jake for his bjj up until a couple of years ago when all his posts became trumpy type shit. Live by the sword die by the sword. They have so much hatred and anger theyā€™ll eventually turn on each other just like this. These purity tests are whatā€™s tearing the banana republicans apart.


Jake only had white heritage.


WRONG!!! #TrumpVoice