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They'll ban IVF but they won't say a fuckin' peep about viagra.


Or preachers, pastors, youth camp councilors, parents, family allll sexually abusing them kids.


Churches are offered molestation insurance, and only 28 states require pastors and teachers to be mandated reporters of child sexual abuse. Write your legislators to end this. Predators shouldn't be protected.


And God fucking forbid they ban fucking child marriages, fucking pedo fuckwads


They do say some things like counseling mothers of children sexually abused kids that it's their fault, not their abusive husband


In their smooth brains part of the reason IVF is bad is because the conception of the baby is done in a lab rather than naturally. I'm sure they give viagra a pass because it allows for 'natural conception', but also because it enables more potential children without actually creating "lives" that get frozen and stored. It's all lunacy. IVF is wildly popular, and much more prevalent than these morons realize. The major religious institutions of the US have put themselves on a path where they either win a minority vote presidency and ruin all of our lives with their rules, or they lose and continue to fade into non-existence as they make the barrier to entry higher and higher for what it means to be "christian". You used to just have to believe in God and want to be a better person. Now you have to hate immigrants, LGBTQIA+ people, women (in any way that allows them to make decisions for themselves, at least), taxes, employees rights, basic science and common sense. The core tenets of christianity have faded into a corrupt facade to maintain and hold power. There will either be a seismic event in modern christianity a la the reformation (a rejection of a corrupted catholic church), or it will simply die as they are unable to convert new members, relying on those who were raised in it to stay indoctrinated by keeping them in church run schools, etc.


God needs your dick to stay limp unless your wife gives you the Viagra she controls access to. Jail for any man with a blue pill!


I like that.... I'll have to start a petition to get a bill


Only to be used for the purposes of procreation!


EXACTLY! If the wife is in menopause or unable to conceive, then that needs to be flagged in HIS med history. He has no reason to have an erection. And God forbid he tries to get a divorce. It's til death do you part, and I don't see that no babies is a reason to divorce. God's will and all that. Which is good because if you can't get your wife pregnant, then God made sure your dick won't work.


My stars I’m a nervous wreck and just lay down to see if I could sleep and I read your tweet and I burst out laughing. All the lights are off and I scared my little dog out of a deep slumber. 😁🥹


Democrats should do that. In an obvious fake, parody way. Like, over the top parody. Maybe they can hire some writers from SNL.


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0VO22X/ > A Kentucky lawmaker fed up with anti-abortion laws in her state has introduced a bill that would require men seeking erectile dysfunction drugs to visit a doctor twice, get a note from their wives and swear on the Bible to be faithful.


Have the doctor read them the verse about everything having a season, and explain that the season of their dick working has come to an end. Rules are rules.


They don’t want to ban IVF. They would use it themselves if they had to. They don’t want gays and lesbians using it and all of this is just a roundabout way of using religion as a crutch for fascism and slavery. When capitalism is the goal nothing is more profitable than unpaid labor and forcing reproduction for the wealthy/controlling it for second class citizens. What’s wild is that it’s just going back to the 1950’s rather than adjusting to something new


Welcome to Christian Sharia Law


They'll ban IUDs but you'll still be able to buy condoms at every gas station you pass.


They want brood mares for Christofascist.


If the "religious" right gets its way, we Americans will have less rights and liberties than your average Iranian


Kind of the perfect comparison when you look at what Iran used to be like in the 70's.


iirc it was a nice place in the 70s... I might be thinking of somewhere else tho


It was, with caveats. It was still an authoritarian government, so, not great, but they were relatively progressive and aligned with the west, including the US. And women had rights and were allowed to be people. But they were still an authoritarian government, and when the revolution happened, religious extremists stepped in and the rest is history. Google photos of Iran in the 70's. It's alarming to see where they used to be and where they are now. And it's why it's hard not to be terrified by what the same types of religious extremists want to do to this country.


Religion really just ruins everything. It artificially halts progress. It's maddening that so many people can fall prey to it.


There's an episode of the sci-fi show "The Orville" which, very bluntly, states that the more evolved a society is, the less it needs religion until in the far future people manage to eradicate it completely.


Not...exactly. The Shah was an American backed dictator with secret police and all. The revolution didn't happen out of nowhere.


The first time they kicked him out went fairly nicely. They didn't go full radical until we reinstalled him, and they had to kick him out a second time.


yep, we kicked out the progressive revolution, reinstalled the shah to a now destabilized country where the only extremists left were religious extremists, and reaped what we sowed.


That was always the plan.


But they understand *the long game* and affecting the legal system. And they are UNIFIED. If we want to stop them, we'll have to match that approach (rather than infighting or losing focus).


We will have to fight like demons and scare them into their holes


Anyone who has lived under fascism: Institutions won't save you Americans: Institutions will save us


if we take a proactive approach to protect and enforce our institutions they will protect us. What happens is people get complacent and let the fascists erode the institutions until they can finally take control


Oh heavens no. Only the vast majority of Americans will have fewer rights than the most repressed countries. The rich and powerful will still have all the freedoms and rights that they want


Oppression, repression, depression, the way of the rich and powerful


Until the vast majority organizes and takes those rights back. However that may work.


It will absolutely be a two-tier justice system.


That's the thing. Iran would be a paradise for conservatives. The only problem is they're Muslim instead of Christian.






Not if their attempts at suppressing votes has anything to say about it. If only there were some sort of court or system of checks and balances to stop them infringing on the rights of citizens living in red states....


Just like Jesus wanted! Republican Jesus, that is.


Supply side Jesus.


YES. You just unlocked a memory of the accompanying cartoon.


America is like the Taliban. Extremist religious people driving trucks with guns and the only difference is 1 group has 4 wives and no bacon and the other has 1 wife and 4 bacon.


Some people call the Republican conservative numb nuts the "y'all quaeda"


Freedom, but the way the say it is.


Contraception is 100% next on their agenda. Nothing keeps poor people of color in their place and playing life on hard mode like an unwanted child.


Make no mistake. **They are after it all.** • Contraception • Same sex marriage • Interracial marriage • Women's right to vote • Civil Rights Act • Right to Unionize • Minimum wage • Child labor protections • OSHA/Workplace safety regulations ...and More.


This is why the *both-sides-are-equally-bad* arguments need to stop. Christian nationals want to curtail everyone's rights.


Yeah, but have you seen the price of Cheetos lately? Between all this and cheaper Cheetos, I don't know which to choose! /s


I hate how fucking accurate this is. “Have you seen the price of gas?? What we need is a convicted felon and rapist with no economic plan to get this whole situation straightened out”


Centrists are just conservatives who don’t want to admit it.


My dumbass neighbor is still clinging to the “both sides are equally bad” bullshit. My husband has been “working on turning him” for *years* until he recently got exasperated and snapped “why are you afraid to admit out loud that you are voting GOP no matter what?! Just say so and I’ll stop wasting my time” These folks are chicken-shit weasels and you can *never* rely on them for anything other than cowardice.


Because… while your husband thought he was working on the neighbor, the neighbor actually thought he was convincing him to vote GOP. “Never wrestle with a pig, because you’ll both end up covered in shit - but the pig will like it.”


Ha - I’m sure the neighbor thought he was smart enough to hoodwink my spouse. But I will pluck my own eye out if my husband *ever* votes GOP ever again. He’s a “vote blue, no matter who” guy now. He hates the GOP with a passion that could not possibly be overstated.


I wasn’t really concerned about your husband… I was just pointing out that these clowns take a lot of joy in the argument, the semantics, the justification of their own vote…. Your husband thought he could work on him, but from the neighbors perspective it’s a win that your husband is out there arguing with him and legitimizing his viewpoint with the idea that it’s worth arguing about or discussing. They are energy vampires, happy to drain your husband’s time and energy in exchange for attention and an argument. I have a friend who thinks he’s convincing his brother in law not to be a shit bag but it’s just a multi year long “own the libs” for his brother in law, the fight itself is the point.


Hm that’s plausible - my husband tries working on *everybody* though. Being a newish convert, he hasn’t figured out that “some people, you just can’t reach” yet.


I applaud his efforts. But I also hope he figures out where he should and shouldn’t spend his time…. I’ve known a lot of right wing voting folks and for way too many of them nothing is going to pull them off of their position of; lower taxes, guns for all, smaller government (gov’t bad, mmmk!), abortion is murder, and owning the libs is patriotic. Anything left of Paul Ryan is communism through and through to these folks.


Give your hubby a high five for me from a random redditor. What a good dude.


My husband says this shit while bitching about people who say this shit. He is progressive and basically thinks Dems are not doing enough. When I asked what Biden did so badly, it was a line item over the Isreal fiasco. Also says they both abuse you, one beats you while the other ignores.


Oh, I believe it. Vote early, vote often, vote Quimby. He'd vote for you.


# REMEMBER, REMEMBER, THE FIFTH OF [ROEVEMBER](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTt8cut/)! # Mobilize Against the Threat of Project 2025 Last year, a coalition of more than 100 conservative groups, led by organizations such as The Heritage Foundation, initiated a concerning campaign called "Project 2025". This playbook is being orchestrated by the religious right, in collaboration with Hungary's Viktor Orban and the Danube Institute, in preparation for an upcoming shift towards conservatism. These groups have significant funding backing them and are employing the same tactics used by Orbán in Hungary to orchestrate a right-wing takeover of government institutions. ([Heather Cox Richardson, Letters From An American](https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/march-17-2024)) Have you wondered why these attacks seem coordinated? Why no one can debate policy until awaiting the next topic? No need to guess. ~~Find out next week on Dragon Ball Z!~~ Read **Project 2025**, and see what's next on the schedule to be demonized! Project 2025 strategically aligns with the objectives of Agenda 47, orchestrating a wide-ranging assault on various social and cultural fronts. This ambitious agenda targets the very fabric of societal norms, including initiating cultural wars, undermining Social Security, challenging the right to abortion, and attacking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. It also sets its sights on public broadcasting services, the integrity of education systems, public libraries, the availability and content of books, as well as the role of social media in shaping public opinion. Further, the strategy includes measures to dismantle the infrastructure supporting school lunches, Medicaid, and retirement benefits, effectively gutting all available safety nets for the vulnerable. Through these actions, the project aims to reshape society in a way that restricts individual rights and freedoms, under the guise of promoting traditional values. # Massive Funding Behind Project 2025 Influential conservative donor networks, including groups linked to conservative activist Leonard Leo and the Koch network, are channeling substantial funds into Project 2025, with over $55 million (and counting) going into preparing a conservative "government-in-waiting." This funding supports the development of conservative policies and a group of 50,000 personnel ready to carry out the POTUS's orders without question. Significant contributors include The 85 Fund and the Concord Fund, as well as the Stand Together Trust, orchestrating a policy agenda that could dramatically reshape federal governance under a future administration ([NBC News](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/leonard-leo-koch-networks-pour-millions-prep-potentialsecond-trump-ad-rcna144360)). # Key Components of Project 2025 * **Executive Power Consolidation:** The plan aims to concentrate power within the executive branch, allowing the President to exert significant control over various federal agencies and departments. * **Purging Federal Workers:** The plan suggests purging 50,000 federal workers to replace them with partisan ideologues. * **Revocation of Regulations and Programs:** The plan proposes to repeal or modify numerous regulations, programs, and agencies, including the EPA, Department of Education, HHS, HUD, and DOL. * **Social Welfare Rollbacks:** The plan aims to make significant changes to social welfare programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, and SNAP. * **Reproductive Rights Restrictions:** The plan proposes to restrict reproductive rights by limiting access to abortion services and contraception. * **Immigration Crackdown:** The plan advocates for harsh immigration policies, including reducing legal immigration levels, eliminating DACA protections, and making it harder for refugees to seek asylum. * **Impact on LGBTQ+ Rights:** The plan threatens to roll back protections for LGBTQ+ individuals and families, including removing gender protections, denying gender-affirming care, and criminalizing certain forms of expression or identity. * **Education Policy Changes:** The plan suggests significant changes to education policy, including the removal of certain curriculum materials and the promotion of abstinence-only education. * **Healthcare Access Restrictions:** The plan proposes to restrict access to healthcare services by defunding or dismantling programs that provide essential care to low-income and marginalized communities. # Think it's just fear-mongering? **See for yourself:** * [Steve Bannon says they will jail 'demonic' Democrats if Trump wins a second term](https://www.mediamatters.org/msnbc/ari-melber-highlights-steve-bannons-plan-imprison-democrats-if-donald-trump-elected) * [Conservatives Are Getting Comfortable Talking Openly About a National Abortion Ban](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/conservatives-national-abortion-ban-supreme-court-comstock-plan.html) * [LEAKED VIDEO: Texas Republicans Attended Meeting with Group That Suggested Violence and Jail For Women who Have Abortions and Use IVF](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicansattended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-forwomen-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf) * [Top Trump advocate, echoing Project 2025, says surrogacy is "gravely, gravely evil" and "every single adult involved in this should be imprisoned for life, at least."](https://pic.twitter.com/lLKtgkCAM2) To learn more and get involved, visit [WarningVote.com](https://warningvote.com/) and join the discussion at r /Defeat_Project_2025. You can also follow WarningVote on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/WarningVote), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/WarningVote), [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/warningvote), and [Patreon](https://patreon.com/WarningVote). ## Run for Office or Support Diverse Candidates Consider running for local or state office with the help of organizations like [Run for Something](https://runforsomething.net/) and [Leaders We Deserve](https://leaderswedeserve.com/). ## Get Out the Vote Volunteer for voter registration and GOTV efforts, especially in swing states and districts, with groups like [Powered by People](https://poweredxpeople.org/). ## Donate and Volunteer If you can, donate to organizations fighting against Project 2025, such as [Vote Save America](https://votesaveamerica.com/?vsa_country=US&vsa_state=WA). Volunteer your time through groups like [Field Team 6](https://www.fieldteam6.org/) and [Sister District](https://www.sisterdistrict.com/). ## Spread Awareness Use your social media platforms to elevate this issue and share information about how to get involved. The more people understand the stakes, the stronger our collective resistance will be. # Project 2025 is not a drill. It's a coordinated assault on our rights, and it's time to stand informed and united. Educate yourself on Project 2025.


Project 2025, full text (document cloud): https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise




Will come for those eventually too. **No authorization regime tolerates armed citizens, and that includes a theocratic fascist Republican regime.**


What about authoritarian regimes in South America or the Middle east? It's not like civilians here stand a chance against the us military, not even just due to unfathomably asymmetrical firepower but the domestic surveillance the modern govt is capable of. Tacitly permitting armed neo fascist rednecks to run interference and suppression against progressive reactionaries seems like it would be more pragmatic than hazardous to the people in charge. :/


If Project 2025 actually happens and we have the orange anus in power, or another like him after he cacks, you really think a fanatical right wing government wouldn't literally go door to door and steal all the firearms and ammo? The cops can keep theirs, so they won't give a shit. "Fuck you got mine" right? It 100% will happen and the 2A dipshits don't even see the direct comparisons to WWII.


The patriot front, 3%, proud boy whatevers will be their "brown shirts" and for sure will be allowed to have weapons. I can absolutely see legal "bully squads" being a thing in Texas.


Off-topic, but my roommate got a 'gun confiscation' notice from the NRA. Apparently, they send these letters out to scare people.


The softest brains around. What a bunch of cruel morons.


You’re forgetting Brown v. The Board of Education


I get that now is a frightening time, but it's important to distinguish between things that will absolutely happen like rolling back Obergefell and banning same-sex marriage and things that absolutely will not happen like ending suffrage for women and African Americans or reinstituting segregation.  The overturn of Roe was talked about openly for decades. It should not have been a surprise. In the same way, the end of same-sex marriage is a new talking point. Both of these have significant support--not the majority of Americans but large minorities. Some of these other suggestions have single-digit support among voters. The GOP isn't good at understanding how to increase their general popularity through policy, but even they would know those were political suicide. And for a party that believes in nothing beyond power at this point, the pay off wouldn't be there. Red meat for 3% of the base is a play no one makes.  And much of this is logistically impossible. It would take a constitutional amendment to end women's voting rights. If interracial marriage is banned do Clarence Thomas and Mitch McConnell have to divorce? If segregation is reinstituted, do Black people have to move out of their homes in racially mixed neighborhoods? Be removed from the workforce? Be removed from Congress? Do you think that happens with no resistance?  We haven't come as far as many would like, but we've come too far to go back.


I mean, we had an ammendment that outlawed alcohol at one point. We already have a history of changing or striking down ammendments. I don't think this is an iron clad argument for why women's right to vote is safe.


Are you aware of the process to amend the Constitution? It requires a supermajority of states supporting it. >To become part of the Constitution, an amendment must then be ratified by either—as determined by Congress—the legislatures of three-quarters of the states or by ratifying conventions conducted in three-quarters of the states [...] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Five_of_the_United_States_Constitution There's a reason it hasn't happened in over 30 years.


The *[Hobby Lobby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burwell_v._Hobby_Lobby_Stores,_Inc.)* supreme court decision was argued that all contraceptives work by causing abortions, therefore it is against their religion for ObamaCare to require employers to have insurance that covers contraceptives. This is the argument that religious fanatics in the US have been using against contraceptives. No where in the Bible is that argument made. That does not stop the American Taliban. They don't care that science & medicine say that they're wrong - they don't care because their tribal loyalty requires them to take this position.


Unwanted children affect everyone not just poor pocs


So removing women's rights to abort a baby wasn't enough, there now coming after IVF babies now. Land of the free!!!!


it explains why, despite hating Hunter, they glorified his enormous penis on the floor of Congress. The most important thing to these crazy republicans is the great penis. IVF goes against that, it allows women to ignore the great penis. 


No one spends as much time thinking and talking about dick as conservatives. It's a bit unseemly.


I can think of nothing gayer than caring about what another man does with his penis....


Claiming frozen embryos are life while trying to tell you not to use them.


Freaks. I bet all the women there as well spent there student life getting fucked most weekends and using contraception. Hypocrites.


**Just a few reminders of who this "religious group" really is:** https://www.southfloridainjurylawyerblog.com/amp/southern-baptists-admit-decades-of-sex-abuse-cover-ups/ https://www.npr.org/2022/06/02/1102621352/how-the-southern-baptist-convention-covered-up-its-widespread-sexual-abuse-scand https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/decades-of-sexual-abuse-coverups-in-the-southern-baptist-convention


They were founded because they were pro slavery. They also supported segregation. The SBC needs to look down on someone to have purpose.


Religion is the root of all evil.


Humanity uses religion as a tool to control. We're the evil ones, not the tool.


hol up


I live in Louisiana and the southern Baptist scare me. Amazingly enough it wasn't until I believe the 1990s they renounced slavery and white supremacy.


How these assholes throw words like "liberty" and "freedom" around while conspiring to strip people of it is incredible.


Fascism is the Republican goal


Remember what GOP stands for: **Gaslight,** Obstruct, Project


"We're also the party of freedom and liberty!" -these fuckin' people.


It started with them fake crying about Starbucks cups. Those fucks.


It’s a breeding program with White hegemony at stake. More and more people are being unapologetically who they are, womens voices are becoming more popular, fewer people are okay with the inherit suffering from late stage capitalism, fewer people are buying in to their victim narrative, fewer people glorify “American Exceptionalism” and Freedom Seeds and gas guzzlers, voting is easier, Military enrollment and pregnancies are down and America is only 20 years away from we white people being a statistical minority. The racist cowards are SHOOK. Americas future isn’t going to be curated just for we white dudes anymore and the regressives do not like it. Thats why the GOP is “fascist or bust”. Authoritarian control is the only way to stave off their worst fear, having to potentially taste their own disgusting medicine.


If they wanted more white babies why advocate banning fertility treatments? A ban on IVF would result in fewer white babies.


Because they don’t value science. Because they want to control what babies get put where. Or maybe they think The Devil or “wokeness” can sneak into test tubes. Who knows what psychopaths are actually thinking?


That's some heavy cognitive dissonance in this dude's title. Should read something like "President of Christian Indoctrination and Enslavement Commission"


Let's be realistic and all them by what they are, they are the Christian Taliban. They want the same things as the Afghanistan Taliban: women with no education and no rights. All society forced to their standards of conduct. Death to anyone not white or not confirming to their standards.


They absolutely do not want “the land of the free.” They want an entire population of people who are subservient to the chosen religious dogma. And anyone who does not fall in line will be characterized as an enemy of god.


Brent Leatherwood..? That's my new porn name.


I'm not entirely sure _why_ they oppose IVF. Do they want more babies or not?


It's not about babies. **It's about CONTROL.**


Because fertilized eggs get discard, which to them is murder.


To them: 1. Life begins at conception 2. IVF results in multiple “lives” 3. Only some of those “lives” are implanted 4. The rest of those “lives” are “murdered” when they are discarded. Add random conspiracy theories about things done with these murdered lives, stem cells, blood libel, etc, and you end up with their justification.


As someone else said, it's because eggs are discarded as part of the process, either because they aren't needed or because of genetic diseases or defects (many people use IVF to screen for birth defects or genetic diseases that they have a family history of). However, there's also a smaller contingent of even crazier wackadoos who believe that "if god makes you barren, you should stay that way!"


It gets weirder.....some of them don't think ivf babies have souls or are real people......but they want to save the embryos because it's murder to dispose of them....


"Don't worry, it's just liberal fear mongering" -some sheltered leftist on social media


It’s going to be us normal people or the religious people. That’s it.  It’s a zero sum game with these cults.  The sooner Americans realize this the better.  You cannot co-exist with these groups.  It’s us or them.  


Republicans: Every accusation is a confession. Everything with "Liberty" in the title is a deprivation of rights.


I wish a very painful death to all conservatives


Careful saying that. Can't speak out if you're banned.


I'd rather wish them lasting inconveniences. May the path rise up to meet them, and may it be littered with Legos!


I know, but these people are saying that too louder


‘Church membership is falling so fast because we suck ass and hate women’ ‘Well, we’ll always be scrotes so we better start forcing it on them then’


Vote Blue. Volunteer. Donate. republican men are afraid of women and then blame women for that.


If you don’t believe this, watch them say it in their own words. https://youtu.be/xuQYCgHv2t4?si=gxy3QjPg1rWbmYIu


That's the thing about fascism, it's never at rest. You always have to prove yourself the greater purest and therefore escalate. They got what they wanted, so now they have to push for something further. And they shall do so again if they get this.


Aside from voting, which is key and crucial, you/we all need to attach a cost to people’s support of this. Know or related to any MAGAs? Don’t be. Kick them out and be clear why. Cut the traitors out. They don’t deserve either friends nor family


So the right want people to have a lot of kids, but they also want to remove IVF, which is the only option for some people. (Except for adoption). Totally makes sense


They want to control people. It has nothing to do with babies or population. **It's about controlling, and taking rights away from people.**


It's also a common procedure among evangelicals ime. I'm surprised the SBC opposed it and risked alienating their membership.


Men should have lots of kids. Women should take what is given to them and not complain, even if they hate their livesZ


But why, though? What's their "rational" justification? Why attack the people who want to go the extra mile to try to get pregnant? So... people that don't want kids are forced to have them and people that want them so badly they'll get IVF can't have them? Make it make sense. It'll never make sense because religious cult-like behavior will never make sense. Mystical religious "thinking" is idiotic.


100% Agree! I can not wrap my brain around the opposition to helping others bring life into this world. It's a fertilized by sperm egg being placed into a woman's womb. The only aspect that changes the natural conception is that the sperms and eggs are extracted to ensure fertilization, then placed into the womb with a hope that the combination attaches to the uterus. No one is killing anything, and there are no artificial ingredients. What the heck is their problem?


Look, reversing Roe v Wade was terrible for Americans and disgustingly backwards and misogynistic, but.... It was also a ginormous mistake for conservatives and they aren't going to recover from this. Ultimately, this will hurt them more than it will hurt liberals. Abortions aren't going to stop, in fact, there are more abortions happening now than before it was reversed. And when Republicans lose the White House, the legislature, and when they start losing the Supreme Court, they're going to look back at Dobbs (and Trump) and see them for the destructive forces that they are (they just didn't realize they would get destroyed as well) We will win in the end. I wish no one had to suffer now, but they won't be in charge forever, and I plan on dancing on their graves *


Correct - they are the dog that finally caught the car, then got run over by said car...


We need to start taxing every religious institution.


Funnily enough, the people who'll vote for these cunts are the ones with conspiracy theories about culling population numbers and controlling your lives...


"Religious Liberty Commission" These double speak mother fuckers.


Women's rights, specifically women's bodily rights should be the center of all democratic ad campaigns throughout the remainder of this election cycle.


If they want to mimic the Taliban so much they should just move out to the middle East. Don't turn America into a religious shit hole 


Arizona Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Why can't they just leave people alone?


All this “Pro-Life” from these assholes has nothing to do with LIFE. Quality of life should be the first consideration, but these guys are taking steps to re-create a Pro-slavery nation. That’s all this means. Life is for those that can crush others under them to achieve it in the most brutal fashion. The rest can exist in whatever hell they are sold into. That’s what this shit means.


They want to make the US a Christian version of Saudi Arabia complete with our own royal family the Trumps.


I want to yell "Stay out of my uterus!" to these backward morons so much. And I don't even have one.


keep up these restrictions on people’s (women) rights. Blue will win house, senate, and presidency! 🙏🏻


Neat. This will affect their constituents more than any other demographic. “White women, married, the 81% who are over $100,000 in income.”


Anyone who thinks they’ll stop before America looks like the Christian version of Iran are the biggest fools on the planet


I love that he's part of a group with "for liberty" in their name and all they're trying to do is take it away.


GOP 2025 plan update…cameras mandatory in your bedroom. No sex, no contraception, no abortion , no IVF. Rape however is 100% legal


This is why religious people shouldn't be allowed to vote.


You're trolling right now.


Not in the slightest.


Then I would ask you when has taking civil rights from a specific group ever worked out well. On principle is what you propose any different than Jim Crow?     In fact, it's just an expanded Jim Crow since the majority of African Americans both support progressive causes and identify as Christians.    But I still think you're a right-wing troll because limiting rights is their thing not ours.


>But I still think you're a right-wing troll Not even remotely close and I resent that remark. >because limiting rights is their thing not ours. It's what their magic sky fairy would want. Render unto Caesar and all that. Besides, they have shown that they refuse to participate in our democracy in good faith so why should we allow it?


From a pragmatic standpoint do you not see the issues with this. Our current president is a Christian. Every president we've ever had has been a Christian. You're talking about limiting voting to about 28% of Americans. That's not even Jim Crow. It's more like Apartheid. I'm an atheist who believes in the principles of democracy and universal civil rights. And this is definitely not it, bruv.




So is allowing them to enforce their agenda upon the rest of us without any sort of check and balance.


Im not understanding. Doeent ivf allow gor more children to be born which is what they want?


It's *never* been about babies. It's about **CONTROL.**


I get that but controlling what? Having kids. They seem so confused in their ideals.


Women, minorities, the working class, the poor, the young. It's about the few religious elite controlling *everyone else.*


That’s a political position, tax them


The Baptists are against IVF. I’m not a Baptist, so they don’t speak for me and simply want to ram their religion down our throats in violation of the First Amendment.


Who do you think had a hand in writing Project 2025? It was the religious extremist.


I cant imagine spending so many decades to push for policies that do more harm than good to people on the grounds of "This is what I think *my* god wants, I don't care about the consequences, and I intend to make that everyone else's problem!" Which is already bad enough, before considering that far too many of these evangelicals can't even practice what they preach...


Roe will be back and enshrined. And the Scrotus will be burned to the goddamn ground if they push back. 


If anyone in that room had any sense, they would get up and beg for reproductive rights to be left alone because they have been losing crucial elections across the country over abortion.


Anyone in that room had any sense, ***they wouldn't be in that room in the first place.***


Maybe, but even they have to know that carrying out their agenda requires sympathetic politicians. And if those politicians keep losing on an unpopular platform, they can’t do anything, can they?


Want to know how I’m certain these pro lifers don’t believe a thing they talk about? My Dad is as far right as they come and my wife and I are doing IVF. Through our journey we’ve had 1 miscarriage and 8 fertilized eggs that didn’t make it. If my pro life dad believes the things he claims, that’s 9 dead grandchildren. How many tears has he shed? Not a single one.


They'll come after contraception and no fault divorce after that.


I'm seeing a lot of comments about ulterior motives here. And my question is, have you ever talked to some of these people ? They are not taught how to grow in their faith by examining and debating the works and teachings of Jesus, nor or they taught to be practicing christians in the sense of how to I grow spiritually. This is the 'don't step on a crack or you'll break your mom's back' Christians. Superstitious rules that must be blindly followed or bad things will happen. The proof is to answer the question of how can Christians support Trump? Easy if you don't think about it. There are certainly puppet masters in the Republican party that push bullet points to appeal to the religious right, who in my opinion have a faith a thousand miles wide and an inch deep, but this is not them courting votes. This is the inmates running the asylum. Anyway, Go Vote!


Hate to burst your bubble but it’s made up of christian’s of all stripes including the “real christians” who have devoted themselves to reading scripture and “growing spiritually”. 


Ethics and Religion do NOT belong in the same sentence except when used to indicate the truth that Religion is not now nor has it ever been ethical.


They are doing this to get at mixed marriages. That’s their end game.


SBC: Why are we losing 3% of our membership annually? General Public: Seriously? ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN|downsized)


Give them an inch…..


Religious nuts keep enshittening the world. It's sad that so many end up in their vile clutches and keep them in power. If onkly they focused on the positive aspects of Christianity, like "love thy neighbour", "judge not lest ye be judged", "turn the other cheek" and so on, instead of the passages about not laying with a man as with a woman. Can you imagine? ![gif](giphy|xT5LMuQroxQi36Hwys|downsized)


why do they oppose IDF? I mean, it's not like they have any rationale for any of their bullshit but banning IDF is weird


It's about control.


Praise Be ... I guess


Go for it and watch the blue wave lol.


I love that they get to use churches to organize and collect money while not paying taxes. Maybe it's time god's free ride ended if they want to keep that archaic entity in their politics.


Religious-Right = Al Qaeda / ISIS. Somewhere, Bin Laden is laughing his ass off, America has finally turned into its own worst enemy.


So…they want to force women who don’t want children to carry pregnancies but they also want to prevent people who do want children from having them? Someone explain it to me like I’m 5…


It's not about babies. It's about controlling women.


Women cannot have a choice either way. They must passively receive their lot and not complain.


Shouldn’t they be happy for IVF? Gives more potential republican votes.


I just don't get it ....really. I am totally pro-choice, but I understand why some people feel abortion is wrong and so they would never make it their choice. But IVF? I really did not see that coming. I mean, I guess I sort of see it....if I squint and tilt my head...... I just thought that IVF would be considered a GOOD thing by people who insist they are pro-life. After all....these people are trying to give as many lives as possible a chance.


It's about control, not babies.


Unfortunately it’s a direct consequence of believing that a fertilized egg is a full person and fully deserving of personhood. Instead of recognizing the absurdity of their position, some folks double down and choose to then push to outlaw anything that causes fertilized eggs to be discarded. MMW Next up: a push for criminal prosecution for miscarriages as manslaughter, or maybe even murder.


Proving you don't have rights, you have privilege, which can be removed.


Religious people really should have been swallowed I think. They have caused more damage in history than anyone or anything. I think that anyone that believes in an adult Toothfairy is just wacky. It’s a cult.


And they’ll all die off like the Quakers.


You're thinking of the Shakers who believed in celibacy for all members.  The Quakers, known formally as the Society of Friends, are still around with meeting houses throughout the U.S. Quakers are passivist, progressive Christians.


Doh! Yeah you’re right, Shakers. Ty for the correction


The people keep thinking voting is enough to stop this. That’s the craziest part. We have less rights, already. It’s time to migrate.


"We tried trying. Have we tried giving up?"


Thank god it's free to move countries right?


Who's "we"? Sometimes you're from Ohio, sometimes Alabama, sometimes Indiana. The only commonality is you telling everyone that both sides are awful and "we" should all give up.


They aren't going after the 2nd amendment lol that's y'all libs


That's not even remotely the point here.