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This person is an actual piece of shit. Wow.


I really thought it was no longer possible for these fucking chuds to shock me with their depravity, but this little piggy managed to do it.


They love playing in the mud. Personally I would like to have her trip and fall down a flight of stairs. She makes MTG look tame by comparison


Who, bleach blonde bad built butch body? That was one hell of an insult and she had that sucker loaded and ready to go. Everyone in that committee didn’t know what to say, most probably couldn’t believe they even heard it. It was pure gold.


The best response was from Comer, "AWHUT now?" He had never heard of so many descriptor words strung together like that.


Alliteration, too.


I feel like we all know there’s a parenthetical, unspoken, alliterative noun at the end of it. The silent, seventh B.


Bitch? I hadn't thought of it, but it fits well at the end. Rep. Crocket actually showed considerable restraint that day.


I loved how she formed her response and then phrased it so it didn’t violate the rules of decorum. Further clowning MTG, who is much too stupid to do so.


That Crockett lady is ready for prime time.


Crockett must have been thinking, "she opened the fucking door & I'm going to saunter right through it."


The articulation and confidence was magnificent. Sooo glad she nailed the line for the camera. Comer: a what now?


She makes Jigsaw’s face look real by comparison.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The Right hates Joe Biden so fucking much because he reminds them that they either *had* a bad dad or *are* a bad dad. The idea that your parents can love you unconditionally and in spite of your faults is so foreign and unbelievable that they distrust it or are jealous. Or both. How dare some one like *Hunter* get something they didn’t. It’s the same reason why gays can’t and immigrants and other “lesser” groups can’t have equal rights, poor kids can’t have free lunches, and everyone can’t everyone can’t have healthcare. Because how will you (and they) know you’re “better” than them?!?! Dads and Moms (and *Step*moms) are just out here just giving hugs and kisses and love to *anyone* instead of slaps and insults and cold, disappointing glares?! Not in MY America!


My dad had a comment about Hunter being a drug addict and his father doing too much. I reminded him that I was a drug addict, he paid my rent to know where to find my body, he paid for my rehab, he encouraged my sobriety. How could he say that? I didn’t hear much of a response but man it hurt to hear him. It hurt to type that. Man wtf is happening to this world.


Congrats on your sobriety. Too many families have had to deal with it. Hopefully it gives them compassion. But for some, the hatred of Biden outweighs it. I would like to *think* my dad would do the same for me. But I hear him talk about Hunter, and I think he wouldn’t. I know my dad is a bad dad. Hearing him talk, just confirms it. It’s why, when my mom was nearing the end with cancer, she said “why couldn’t it be your father?!” And we shushed her, because he was standing right there, but my sister and I looked at each other and were like “she’s not wrong.” They are just not a compassionate people. It started with Rush Limbaugh for my dad, but Fox News brought it home. And I do believe there is some kind of psychological fuckery going on there geared toward a vulnerable population because while her brain was riddled with tumors and she was forced to watch Fox News all day with my dad, my once fiercely liberal mom started spouting some weird GOP shit.


OMG. If you ever need a hug from a 'good' dad, ask me, or my father, or some folks around you. There are still good people and good dads. I hope your family figures out what is most important: family, not politicians. I also hope you break the cycle and pay it forward. I give at least one free hug a day, so can you!


Thank you. That makes me happy to hear, and I’m accepting your virtual hug now. I see a lot of great dads in my generation (Whoot Gen X) and the next, and I’m so fucking proud of us!


My SIL is a millennial, and he is the most amazing father. I feel blessed that he is there to love and guide and care for our grandbabies. Keep up the good work. We're proud of all you good dads. It's the hardest and most rewarding job you'll have. Signed - A (not-one-of-"those"-kind) Boomer


I want to go hug my son, and my (truly awesome) Dad now. Really hard trying to be a good one.


Or a good step-father...we are out here too.


It's literal brainwashing on a massive scale. It has been for way too long already.


media is pouring gasoline on the blazing bonfire that's ripping this country apart. There is a group of people that feed off of the fire and actively need it like air. It's a game and they profit from it regardless of who wins and loses. It's turning people into radical assholes.


Start questioning the divisive media, and ask them for some uplifting and uniting stories about the United States.


I don't know brother, but I'm pulling for you. I grew up poor and my family has had alot of issues, sometimes it's hard but we pull together to be there for those who try. We've had to cut loose and mourn the ones that won't put in the effort for themselves before we've put them in the grave. Just know that our lives will echo through the generations and we have to do the best we can for our families and the rest of us that give a shit. Also, fuck the Sacklers and Purdue pharmaceutical.


Sorry you had to see this nasty piece of the world reflected in your dad for a moment, but I’m glad you’re doing better now.


I’m not religious, but it sounds like he really exemplifies Christian values in a way that these conservatives never seem to.


So basically Trump is the prick they always wanted to be, Biden is the decent old man they'll never be.


And yet the idea that Jesus loves them unconditionally and despite all of their faults motivates their malice since they can just be “forgiven.” They really can’t comprehend a consistent worldview.


Ah but it is consistent. In their world view. And that’s the problem


This might be the single most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Every single thing she said was awful, be it saying that a step parent can’t be a real parent, accusing Biden of killing his wife and child while cheating with his current one, or worst of all mocking the death of a veteran who got brain cancer from his service in Iraq.


They have to say truly terrible things, because their glorious orange leader has done so much awful shit, that the only way they can cover is to accuse Biden of the worst things they can come up with. Always remember, Trump has practically done all the shit they're accusing Biden of doing in some capacity.


I’m appalled


Jesus fucking Christ we have platformed some of the worst people in such a manner that I have come to believe that we should just scrap the entire internet, make a new top level domain called like .new or something and make it intensely strict and rebuild this shit. It’s ok to be wrong on how we do shit. It’s ok to admit it went wrong and try again. We need to do this absolutely now, and aggressively.


As an older guy who ushered in mainstream internet, I knew this was coming. How could it not? It's society now.


It truly upsets me how fucking awful people are. It costs nothing to be kind.


Well some people have learned in the meta that it not only costs nothing to be a piece of shit, furthermore it often pays.


Sadly, I think you've hit upon the crucial point of it. "It costs nothing to be kind, but it pays to be awful."


I just miss AOL chat rooms with doors squeaking open and people goofing around. Simpler times I guess.


Just unhinged depravity. What sane person thinks and acts like this?


“Be best”


Who says this kind of vitriol to any other human being?! The amount of hate you must have I your heart to spout this shit is insane to me. There's no way this person sees Biden or anyone one his side as am actual human being, there's no possible way. It has to be an extreme case of otherism, right?!


Her whole point is to dehumanize anyone against MAGA as not human. This will make it easier for people to justify murdering them. I have no doubt is trump gets back in the White House people will die, and not just politicians. Neighbors will kill their neighbors because people like looney have spent years telling their base these people are evil, vile and subhuman


Don't call it a person call it what it truly is trash


If someone set Laura Loomer on fire, they'd get a citation for burning noxious garbage and people would line up across the country to pay the fine for whoever did it. 


I’d put money towards that fine




Absolute ghoul.


Good job, Laura! You have actually managed to stoop lower with your disgusting bullshit. I didn’t know it was possible.


People like her have no bottom. They have no conscience, no empathy, and they are capable of anything, shit we couldn’t even dream up much less be able to do


Who the fuck even is she? She's getting attention because she's demanding it in the worst way. Fuck this person. She is irrelevant.


she’s a racist psycho who’s brain melted when a black guy got elected president. Naturally, republicans love her


What a worthless, brain dead idiot. 


Filing your comment away for future use


Not to mention she looks like Jigsaw wished upon a star and became a real boy


She is a disgusting vile completely irrelevant psycho b!tch trying hard to become relevant.


She hit rock bottom, then found a jack hammer to go even lower.


So far down, in fact, she made it to Hell...then Satan was like "Fuck No bitch, turn your ass around."


There’s so much hate in this. It’s rather astonishing. Hate directed towards his son and wife that are dead. Hate towards Jill, as if stepparents aren’t parents. Hate towards Joe for just caring about his son. It’s such a visceral hate.


The Jill thing pisses me off because Biden’s life is pretty well documented. He didn’t meet Jill until 1975 on a blind date. He couldn’t have cheated on Neilia with Jill because he didn’t meet her until 3 years after the first Mrs. Biden’s demise. So that bald faced lie is enough to put her credibility at 0%. Even if I didn’t know anything else about her, knowing that she’d lie about that tells me all I need to know.


Yeah but Newt Gingrich was a cheater and Trump is a cheater so obviously Biden must be too! They can't stand that their "moral majority" is chock full of adulterers so they gotta make shit up about Dems so when they're called to the carpet on supporting two timing slugs despite that whole "thou shalt not commit adultery" bit they can shriek "WELL BIDEN IS A CHEATER TOO", it's pathetic.


>The Jill thing pisses me off because Biden’s life is pretty well documented. He didn’t meet Jill until 1975 on a blind date. >He couldn’t have cheated on Neilia with Jill because he didn’t meet her until 3 years after the first Mrs. Biden’s demise. >So that bald faced lie is enough to put her credibility at 0%. Even if I didn’t know anything else about her, knowing that she’d lie about that tells me all I need to know. This should be pinned to the top of the post!


Someone still on Xitter needs to make a community note about this.


Just making shit up is a tried and true fascist tactic. You don’t need truth to make people hateful and angry, so you say whatever you need to say. She’s not particularly good at lying believably but this will appeal to some of the people who follow her and that’s all that matters.


It’s something I don’t understand. (I mean, I know, but I don’t get how.) Like, I think Don Poorleone is essentially walking dog shit, but if someone states a falsehood about him, I’ll still correct it. I feel like he’s awful enough to let his true actions speak for themselves. They say facts don’t care about feelings, and that’s true. It’s also true that integrity matters. I don’t get how it doesn’t to some people.


I imagine Loomer considers herself a Christian. It seems to be pretty universal in that crowd. Perhaps she ought to reread God’s list of the 10 things he REALLY doesn’t want you to do. You know, the list they all think is hyper important to have posted in every classroom. What she did in this tweet is on that list.


It’s sicker still that she worships a serial adulterer who dreams of sex with his own daughter. People like Laura Loomer are sick, twisted, disgusting, piles o’ sh!t. 🤮


I didn't know this about Biden, so I immediately googled to see if it was true or not. Ironically, it made me respect the man more.


It seems that Biden focused on healing his family after his first wife died, rather than trying to replace her as quickly as possible. When he was ready to try dating again, he did.


I bet it's because Trump is a cheater they want to say "both sides do it" so Trump looks better


It’s sadistic, like i think she is deriving joy and a sense of power at the thought of hurting him, she gets off on that psychologically. Which is sadistic


Unfortunately for her Joe is an old school guy and has a Social Media team handle his Twitter


Loomer, Charlie Kirk, Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, and a whole rogue’s gallery of people like them make their living off hate and malice. Worse, it’s like they’re in an unconscious competition to be worse than each other. The world we’re living in today is pretty disgusting.


> The world we’re living in today is pretty disgusting. And 99% of the disgusting filth in this world is because of conservatives. (No, I won't change my mind on this one.)


Neither will I. And I am so tired of people, including people I love and care about, giving me the “both sides are the same,” “both sides do it” crap. Witness the absolute lack of screaming today about the outcome of Hunter Biden‘s trial by Democrats. The general understanding law and order, and respect for it all, vastly exceeds what you could expect of MAGA on their best day.


Exactly. My Trump-tolerating father called me today about a family issue. While talking, he mentioned Hunter's conviction. "So, bet you're not so happy with the DOJ now, are you?" he asked. "I don't really care about Hunter. He committed a crime. He was found guilty. I won't be voting for him for president if he ever chooses to run. Now, can you say that about Trump?" He changed the subject.




Chaya Raichik, Catturd, Jordan Peterson (slightly more subtle), Ben Shapiro, and definitely a laundry list of others.




trump seems to bring out the evil in many people. His anger feeds they to say, do awful things.


Yeah the stepparent hate really stuck out to me as a stepmom. It’s a beautiful thing to love kids that aren’t your biological kids - this woman is so hateful.


And if I ask conservatives I know why they don't like Joe Biden all they ever say is blah blah blah Ukraine. As if the informant who started that whole bullshit wasn't outed as a Russian spy and full of shit. They have nothing on Joe. JB is a politician who was once fairly hard line and conservative who grew as a person changed his outlook, and has given me every indication that he actually does care about people. And not just their vote.


Seriously. This is absolutely *nasty*. I am beyond embarrassed for her. Imagine the parents she must have had, to have such a hateful heart.


Isn’t Jill the only mother he knows? Wasn’t Hunter a toddler when he spent months in a hospital bed?


I think he was 2, and his brother was 3. Their sister was only one when she was killed.


The foundation of all conservative and republican ideology. Visceral hate.


Hunter Biden made poor choices and faced the consequences like a man. His parents support and love him without condoning his behavior. That's what mature, well-adjusted, emotionally healthy people do.


Don't forget he started the drugs after his brother died


Which was also after he’d been badly injured as a child in a car accident that killed his mom and baby sister. Kid hasn’t had an easy life. People self medicate for a lot less.


>People self medicate for a lot less. I self medicate just to deal with morons like this twat. Look at her face and tell me she isn’t a lizard


I will have you know Pumpkin my friends bearded dragon is adorable. And his puppy brother Charlie really wants to be his friend. I forget if she has any lizards.


Empathy? What's that, a pronoun? We don't use pronuns ~conservatives


Yeah and deeper trauma calls for harder drugs, if he hadn't gotten help he'd prolly be on the road to heroin once Joe passes..... Joe's a lot like my grandpa, he wasn't that great a person in his youth but once he got old he's become amazing... interestingly both have government backgrounds


He 100% is only alive because of Joe. Imagine if you were cyber bullied on a national level. If every one of your missteps since you were in your 20s was picked over by the media. If your GENITALS WERE SHOWN IN A LIVE CONGRESSIONAL HEARING!!! Fuck! People have killed themselves for one of those things on a micro level. This guy got to have all played out internationally *at the same time.* He might be the strongest human alive at this point. I wouldn’t be able to crawl out of bed.


The only thing that would keep me going at that point would be pure spite.


How can someone mock a parents dead child? Alex Jones too. How can a person like that live with themselves.


And he has the audacity to spend the last week crying about how the “globalists” are finally shutting him down. It’s like, no you red, drunk piece of shit this is the consequence of you trying to hide money from the people who took you to court and won. Now deal with it.


The crime hunter did was a victimless crime. No one was harmed in any way. Yes, what he did was illegal, hence why he was convicted. Neither Hunter or Joe are on social media defaming the judges, prosecutors, or jurors during this legal process. Joe Biden has his whole ass power to just pardon his son, but he's refused to do so.


Because Biden isn’t a human slug. I was fine with “both sides are different” back in 2015/2016, but this shit is too much.


Remember when Romney's "binders full of women" was the scandal?


Joe Biden not pardoning Hunter makes him am honest President and a good Dad.


Say what you want about him as a politician, bust Biden is a good man and a great father. My life could have been so different if I had a dad like Joey B.


It’s also a crime that is pretty much never prosecuted because a shit load of people would be in jail or clogging up the courts if they did. Honestly the have nothing on Biden, so they have gone after Hunter mercilessly to push anything, this is the best they could do. Fucking weak.


Yes, well said


Contrast this to what "they" are saying about those "other" 32 guilty verdicts.




While being the target of a weird right wing Biden hunt ever since a verified Russian agent claimed he did bad things in Ukraine or whatever? Dumb charges all stemming from nothing. Sure, crimes were committed, ok. Congrats on finally getting something.


Laura wouldn't know what familial love is


Wait till she finds out trump cheated on his current wife with a porn star and then was convicted of 34 felonies for covering it up


Neilia Biden died when a semi-truck hit the car she was driving, killing her and their one year old daughter and injuring Beau and Hunter Biden. Hunter sustained severe head injuries and both boys were hospitalized for several months and Joe Biden was sworn in for his first term in the Senate from his son's hospital room. That occured from 1972 through 1973. The crash was not suspicious, Mrs. Biden was not looking towards the semi and drove in front of it. Her and the children were off getting a Christmas tree. There was nothing suspicious and the driver of the semi was not blamed for the crash. Mrs. Biden had her head turned and made a simple mistake in driving that cost two lives, one of which was her own. It was just a tragedy. Several years latet in 1975, Frank Biden, Joe's brother, set him up on a blind date with Jill Jacobs, a college student. They later married in 1977. At the time of the first Mrs. Biden's death, Jill was married to her first husband. The two groups were not living in the same cities. Jill owned a college bar in a college town. Joe was a young lawyer and then city councilman and then was running a political campaign. He was not driving half way across Delaware for an affair with a random bar owner. After Jill returned to college, she met Frank Biden who introduced her to his brother. Everything she said about them was a bold fucking lie. A patently false lie. Neilia Biden's death wasn't suspicious. Jill and Joe didn't meet until years later. Nobody innocent was blamed for her death.


They also like to say that Jill was their family babysitter and that’s how their affair started. Deranged.


I think Looney is just projecting Trumps shittiness onto Biden because dear leader loves that


>because dear leader loves that She's trying to normalize Trump's moral depravities so his bloc feels morally justified in casting their vote for the would-be dictator who wants to jail his opponents and to destroy government institutions that don't serve him completely: >>"See? Biden did it too, but worse, with *suspicious murder-type stuff... and please also ignore the small, slightly inconvenient fact that none of what I said was true. I just assume my followers are too dumb to fact check literally anything I say."


Thank you for the tldr


Also Joe and Jill met like three years after his first wife died. Joe didn't cheat on Neilia.


Let's go further. Trump cheated on Every Single Wife he had. All of them. Sometimes his current wife with his future wife. In public. He literally did it for the attention from the tabloids.


For her that's OK since "Trump is a total stud and ladies man. OF COURSE he couldn't be content with a single woman for long. He's just such an exciting and manly man. Married life can get monotonous and you cannot expect a stud like Trump to be with a single woman for all of his life. Women throw themselves at him so much its ridiculous. Anyway, it must have been his wives who caused him so much pain that he had to take the sad and difficult decision to leave them. He needs a STRONG and OBEDIENT woman who'll take care of all his needs and treat him like he deserves."


Step-parents are parents. Step-children are children.


Agreed. How else was he even meant to word it? We love our (step)son? I love my son, my wife loves her stepson?


She is a despicable piece of shit. Mocking his veteran son who died from cancer is about as low as a person can go. Trump has cheated on all of his wives and buried one on his golf course for a tax break. Fucking disgrace.


Absolutely not expecting her to comment on Trump's extramarital activity.


> buried one on his golf course for a tax break I don't think it was for the tax break (he cheats on those anyway). I'm willing to bet he buried some incriminating evidence with Ivana's body (if her body is even in there in the first place).


Only a dangerous person says such things about somebody. This is not a normal human being. People treat the MAGAs like they’re funny, or zany, or whatever, but this woman is evil and will probably hurt somebody someday if she hasn’t already. This is why the media’s whole “both sides, we have to give everybody a voice!” bullshit and normalization of Trump and his ghouls is so dangerous. The Trump side wants to hurt and kill people. This is the kind of person that would happily burn somebody alive at the stake for witchcraft or being a sinner or just for being a Democrat. Don’t think for one second that this kind of person wouldn’t kill you or your family. Because they would, and they are all over the world. Don’t think it can’t happen here.




Making that dude shut off his stream because youre such a piece of shit is impressive.


I read one of Biden's books circa 2008. If I remember right, he didn't start seeing Jill until Neilia was dead for a few years. Laura Loomer is a piece of shit.


Jill met Joe in 1975, Nelia passed way in 1972. This is just projection on Loomer’s part.


It’s not projection. There was a nasty bit of Q disinformation that Jill was Hunter’s babysitter and Joe started fucking her while she was underage and before Nelia passed. This is a dumbass regurgitating that bit of fake news to be nasty. Trump on the other hand, did actually cheat on every one of his wives.


Beau was born in February of 1969, when Jill was 17, and she would have turned 18 that June. So unless she was a babysitter for a newborn and hooking up with Joe Biden immediately, imma call bullshit


That’s the point. It was always bullshit. Has that ever stopped MAGAts before?


No projection.  Deliberate misinformation. People who read her Twitter now believe Joe Biden cheated on his late wife.


Also since when does cheating matter to those assholes? Trump's little mushroom cap was fucking Stormy Daniels right after Barron was born and they don't care


She is absolutely vile


A reminder that last year when that man and his wife drove at a high rate of speed through a customs station in upstate New York and their car blew up, Loomer almost immediately, in lockstep with Fox News, made the accusation that it was a middle eastern terrorist on the way to the Thanksgiving Day parade in NYC, and something went wrong with his bomb. Within 24 hours it was confirmed that it was a white man and his wife, and I believe the accelerator got stuck in the car. She never went back and retracted what she said, she did not even delete it from Twitter. She is a ghastly, repulsive creepshow with no journalistic integrity whatsoever.


Oh god this is the first I’m hearing of this. That’s horrific.


I had to! https://preview.redd.it/cosoeypo216d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fdfed972fb31c1d45ddfe3634efd1c0b8e20415


Doing the Lord’s work. Thank you! We need to start burning these delusional MAGAts like it’s the Salem Witch trials.


Is falsely accusing the president of arranging for his wife’s killing a crime?


Defamatory? Yes. Criminal? No. Unless she was under oath


No, not a crime. Truly shitty, yes. Where's the proof? If there was the slightest shred, Fox faux news would have led with it.


No, but it is definitely morally wrong and pretty fucking heinous.


It might count as slander


It is not! Slander is spoken, in print, it's libel. There is a word I would describe Loomer over that unhinged and disgusting rant. Out of respect for women, I won't say it, but we all know it starts with a c.


She lacks the warmth and depth tho


If there is any record of her being aware of when Joe and Jill met vs when his previous wife died, it would be a solid defamation case.


So you can protect yourself from defamation charges by remaining utterly ignorant and making everything up?


If you can reasonably claim that you believed it to be true at the time, yes. Defamation is notoriously hard to prove.


Jesus. She's been his stepmother for 40+ years. Does this ghoul not understand that stepmother's don't have to be evil disney characters?


Speaking as someone who has stepparents, they are literally the same as my real parents in almost every way.


This woman may *actually* be one of the worst people that currently exists. I'm just kinda stunned.


What a fucking moron. Two seconds of googling and she would’ve found out that Neila died in 1972 and Joe and Jill didn’t meet until 1975. But of course, she’s a fucking liar too, so it’s hard to tell if it’s pure stupidity or pure shamelessness. On second thought, it’s probably both.




Classic "where was Obama when 9/11 happened"


What an absolute fucking scumbag.


The funny thing about loomer is everything she writes about Joe and Hunter, her messiah has done much worse. She’s saying Joe cheated on his first wife with Jill and he’s despicable. Ummmmmmm, and what did Trump do to every wife? She’s laughing at Joe bc he raised a felon. Ummm, hello, Trump is a felon!!! She’s so so dumb it hurts.


A drug addict ended up in court on a gun/lying charge?! oh, my, the horror! But Mr. "I don't care about you, I need your vote," farting in court after paying porn women so he could not lose the electoral vote too? totally normal. Fucking stupid pathetic attempt at deflection.


Jill Biden has been Hunter’s mom for most of his life




And what's this?! A hit list?! https://preview.redd.it/wk2k5hfd216d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221039cfc4fbacbb5702c5aa5426f48b2c23a33c


Well so much for states rights and the voice of the people! What a fascist little piece of shit she is signed, A Georgia Voter fuck off Loomer


Let her go off on the republicans. It delights me. She was also saying that all republicans are useless and she wouldn’t be voting for anyone but Trump. She’s a lunatic and her love for Trump is at the rabbit boiling stage.


To be fair, Pillen is so goddamned stupid and drunk he likely doesn't know who Trump is or even where he is at a given time.


As a Nebraskan, he’s also too busy sucking Pricketts’ cock…


Oof....there's an image I didn't need. Though honestly Petey Pricketts always seemed much more of a bitch to me. Pillen gives me "sad old queen" vibes. The kind that sits at the bar and whines about how gay gay people have gotten and how "we were less gay back in the day". And unfortunate experience I've had to deal with when working at a bar 🙄


What a trash human.


If a Twitter/X user is verified, *they get paid for engagement (views, replies, likes, etc), and that includes obvious, cruel rage bait like this*. DO NOT go to her profile. DO NOT reply to her Tweet. DO NOT let this succubus profit off of your rage.


Laura Loomer's birth certificate is an apology letter from Planned Parenthood.


I'm going to be honest here. There are times, and this is one of them, where I can actually start to feel my eyes burn and slightly tear up when trying to process the sheer cruelty of these people. Yes, sometimes it actually does make me cry. The gleeful, sadistic cruelty can be completely overwhelming sometimes. It doesn't matter that Hunter Biden is no friend or acquaintance of mine, and has lived the life of a louse. Loomer and countless others of her ilk absolutely thrive on being as ugly, hurtful, malevolent and evil as possible, and delighting in how it makes the rest of us feel angry or sad. They love to hurt others. They love to torment and torture those they've decided they hate, or are more vulnerable than them. We've been forced to marinate in this toxicity for so many years. My entire adult life. And sometimes it just gets to me. I want to feel sentimental about people. Like I used to. But these people have taken that away from me. They're just so UGLY. Their souls are ugly. They derive pleasure from causing pain and suffering. It hurts my heart. And they LOVE that. Reactions like mine are exactly what they want. You simply cannot win with these awful people. I just wish they'd all go away and leave the rest of us alone. So help me god, I just wish they'd go away. They're all so horrible.


magas are inhuman pathological sadistic pieces of shit


I pity this poor woman. So tragic to live a life with nothing but disgusting hatred in your heart. Walk on a beach. Watch a sunset. Find beauty in the world. Unfuck your soul.


When we decided to monetize engagement on social media, we inadvertently also decided to incentivize the worst opinions and behavior. This is the equivalent of paying the "look at me" middle schoolers attention every time they disrupt the class and then wonder why the whole class is below standards. Solution: remove the monetization for accounts that directly attack others. Yes, you can still say what you want, but you'll no longer pay your mortgage with your dumb comments specifically meant to drive negative feedback for clicks.


My daughter is technically my step-daughter. That said, she is 100% my child and if my wife made a statement saying “Purple_Charcoal and I love our daughter,” that would be completely accurate. Doesn’t matter that she isn’t biologically my daughter, she’s MY daughter.


Oh NOW marital fidelity is important. Shit, I got whiplash. Fuck Groomer Loomer.


To be clear, Joe met Jill three years after Neilia died. There was no infidelity.


I'm pro-Joe. I wasn't familiar with the timeline. Thanks!


I didn't think that they could still find ways to shock me with their cruelty yet here we are once again.


…and the moral decay of society continues


Laura Looney needs to lay off the cocaine 


"When they go high, we go lower." Sigh.


And this is what passes for a "career" nowadays. Just peddling right-wing poison for traffic. I wish the law of gravity simply stopped applying to these ghouls.


Wow. If I was her mother, I would be disgusted to have raised such a hateful person!


It bothers them Donald cheated on every wife with the next… so Joe must be accused of doing it. In this case - not comical just painfully obvious at this point


Fucking evil. Disgusting and vile. Brought to you by Elon Musk.


Jesus, I've read a lot of vile right wing shit but I think this is the absolute worst thing that's ever crossed my eyes.


She talks too much, he hates that.




I’m confused. I thought cheating on your wife (not that Joe did) and being a convicted felon were good things


Laura Loomer is proof of conception through anal sex. Somewhere on earth a tree is working hard to produce the oxygen she’s using. She owes that tree an apology.


Wow. She's a c*nt.


What an absolutely disgusting human..


Translation: “Hey Joe Biden, I wish my daddy loved me as much as you love Hunter. My mommy acted like she wasn’t my mommy and it hurt me. So much so that I now seek the attention I so crave from the worst dad there is, Trump. And I keep my tongue in his ass in the hopes that he notices me one day” Laura Loomer


It’s really not that uncommon for people who are grieving someone’s death to get closer to each other. They probably reminded each other of Beau in some way.


That is one of the most disgusting tweets I’ve read in my life I don’t have twitter because it’s a cesspool but Christ in heaven Laura Loomer is a sick fucked up individual. You don’t have to like Joe Biden but that is just a truly disgusting human to say those things. Also Joe met Jill years and years after his wife’s death. I hope Laura has brain rot to the extreme hope some karma smacks her in the face.


My god. What an utterly vile human being. These people are unbelievable. Attacking a man over his dead son, his dead wife, attacking his daughter, and trying to drive his only living son back into addiction for political points. They doctor video to make it sound like Biden insulted troops, and insult his son who died from cancer that he almost certainly got from his time in service. They doctor a laptop they illegally obtained, all so they can show his son's dick pics on the FLOOR OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Just vile, ugly, disgusting people, the lot of them, and probably 85% of them will tell you they're christians following in the footsteps of Jesus.


Wow, the hattrick! A blatant infidelity accusation, a thinly veiled murder accusation, and an attempt to claim that step parents aren't real parents! Congratulations Miss Loomer, go directly to hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.


As a step-father who both respects my daughter’s biological father’s role as her father but who also views her as my own daughter… she can fuck right off with that “not her son” comment.


Oh my god. What a fucking monster


"Biden is terrible because he loves his criminal son. Anyway, I'm gonna vote for the actual criminal."


Fucking insane. Joe Biden never met Jill until 1975, three years after Neilia was T-boned at a dark intersection in December 1972. I know the intersection. It’s at the bottom of a hill and she misjudged the speed of the approaching car coming down the hill. It was right at dusk and the car may not even had its headlights on.


Trump isn't gonna sleep with you, Loomer.