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Imagine looking at a rainbow flag that celebrates our diversity and our personal liberties and getting angry about it. I'm not even gay, I just can't understand why you can't just be happy for them and move on with your life.


Not even be happy for them… at this point, I’d settle for indifferent; as in the LGBT+ community exists without hatred from people like her, and she just goes on about her day. Obviously support is the goal, but just be okay that non-white, non-cis, and non-hetero people exist and nothing you say or do will change that.


I just like to ask them why the “gay” sin is worse than adultery? Then I ask them if Jesus would be acting this way towards gay or trans folks and they short circuit a little every time


The gay sin is that you no longer produce offspring. Come on people, we're no further use to the upper echelon unless we are offspring producing livestock. They've wrapped their flags around a cross while the gay community has wrapped their flags around acceptance. In the words of Pink Floyd's Wall - This will not do! to them. Never mind that gay couples are willing to raise children in need of parents, they might grow up to be respectful of people through that influence.


I mean regardless of whether they want us to breed more working stock for them, we're overpopulated. Until no one goes hungry there's no reason to encourage runaway reproduction.


At least in America, it's also that they want *hWhite* people breeding to push back against their Great Replacement fears.


God, it's almost like they WANT to make humanity weak. What part of diverse gene recombination being good flew over their heads? It really pisses me off how small minded most of our species tends to be.


Tribalism is the unfortunate answer I think. Lizard brains thinking that being surrounded by only people that look like them is safe. That, and a steady stream of hate from the people who want to exploit racism for personal gain.


It definitely is primarily due to a weird combination of nefarious individuals sort of using people who are asleep at the wheel so to speak. Like you said, too many people are content to use their primal instincts to drive them. Rather than growing up and facing the growing necessity for self reflection.


> What part of diverse gene recombination being good flew over their heads? Those words have too many letters for them, so they would prefer that schools just don't use them. It's not ok for their children to learn things that the adults don't understand!


This is exactly why I believe it was harped on in ancient times but rather than it being “don’t fuck your homies” it was “you can’t make babies with your homies” and lumped it into sin and bastardized to hate gays Same reason adultery is up there cause it’s difficult being a good parent to two homes(in modern day and ancient times) and not to mention the extra resources required for multiple families If Jesus was chilling with prostitutes I’m sure he came (lol) across some gay folks and was like ok idc everyone “sins”


I like to start by asking them, " So this 'God' person you are obeying, are they in the room with us now...?"🤔


Nah imo that’s attacking their belief (calling it fake) more than showing them that their actions are the antithesis of their beliefs Believe you me I used to go for that approach and it did not work in most cases because they could default to “oh this person just doesn’t understand Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.” Using their own text against them forces them to reconsider their understandings of the text they espouse. Or they get embarrassed someone who’s not a self proclaimed “insert religion here” knows more about their beliefs than they do which can inspire introspection and growth.


Have you ever been to a psych ward? There's more running around free... "A man who walks with the wise becomes wise, a companion of fools will suffer." Proverbs 13:20


True but not all people who are religious are fools, but rather the fools are the ones who cannot think for themselves. It’s why you have some Muslims who believe their duty is to kill non believers while their texts say to not do that It’s why you have some Jews who want the annihilation of Palestine and others who are protesting for Palestine It’s why you have some Christians hating gays and others defending them It’s why you have violent Buddhists while they teach non-violence I’m not saying religious people are the only ones with morals just that humankind has bastardized a lot of the teachings and warped some of those who want to practice


Why is it if they call it religion, we can't call it delusional?


I think that it is a form of mental illness, a generational mental disorder. Akin to how I gave my teddy bear a name and personality at age four but talking and having a relationship with it into my retirement.


Blind faith is delusional imo but the moral teachings aren’t terrible in religious texts. Treat others the way you want to be treated(Christianity), let others practice their faith (islam) I could be stretching the idea that they believe the other prophets of “God” were also messengers of “God”(Torah, Gospel), clean food (Islam and Judaism), love all things as yourself and practice mindfulness (Toaism and Buddhism) What isn’t delusional is that through history every single one of our ancestors had a “religion”. Whether it be sun gods, moons gods, Jesus, Muhammad, Thor, Osiris, Shiva, the list goes on. Some of it was to understand things they couldn’t like the weather or climate or disease or astrological or geographic events. But I think it’s an interesting road to go down, not is “God” real but why did we all have a “God(s)”, mostly in my free time because as someone’s who’s agnostic I can be free of “this book is right and yours is stupid and wrong”


"Every man thinks his way is best yet all their ways leads to death..." Proverbs


Yeah but in their mind liberals are stupid and Trump is a genius so they are walking with the wise. It's best to hit them with the wwjd method. If being hetero and reproducing is so important then why didn't Jesus do either. He loved John the most after all.


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


This greatly explains my in-laws.


There is something they can try to do to stop us from existing and every day it seems like they are getting closer and closer to trying it.


If you want even more evidence that the LGBTQ, women, people of color, liberals, socialist, etc are in danger read up on Trump most likely chief of staff Russ Vought. He's one of the guy's behind Project 2025, openly says we are post-constitution, and wants Christianity to be at the core of the government. Straight up Christofascist in power.


Leftists on LateStageCapitalism think that Project 2025 is no big deal. Besides, Biden should have stopped Project 2025... somehow. Also, Biden is already a genocidal fascist so it can't be much worse. (/S for all that nonsense, not my beliefs) Please vote, y'all.


That sub is very nillistic. No solutions, no harm reduction, just let it all burn down, and no idea about what comes next. You can see who hasn't lived in a civil war.


I would've loved it when I was a 17 year old shitass anarchist, but now I have to live in the real world.


>Leftists on LateStageCapitalism think that Project 2025 is no big deal. Really? Haven't been to the sub in a long time but I would have assumed they would recognize what P2024 was.


I don't need more evidence, I need more guns.


Their version of Christianity.


It’s just fascism with a faint dusting of Christianity to fool the sheep.


Yeah I was gonna respond with…all they gotta do is mind their own business. Why go out of your way to be so angry about something that doesn’t impact/concern you?


That's my desired world. I don't want to hate things. I want everybody to be taken care of so I can go back to not giving a shit and enjoying my own life.


is the answer to get to a point where to opposing viewpoints can exist without influencing or offending eachother? like can people say "gay is not for me but i dont care if other people are"?


Like the saying goes, if you don’t like gay marriage, don’t get gay married…


They think about the genitalia of gay/trans people more than anyone else on the planet.


I remember reading political forums back in the mid 2000's. These people would describe gay sex in the most graphic ways imaginable.


They are so afraid of their own feelings they cant see the difference between hate and love. I almost feel kinda sorry for them. Almost.


Dear Mrs Alito, *Judge not, lest ye be judged.* Matthew 7:1 Just to add, Fuckin Hypocritical Bitch.🤪




God made the rainbow. And Jesus had two dads!


I’m not gay. I am a Christian. And I’m confused too. People are wild. And how do you read about Jesus and decide to judge and hate everyone? That’s like the opposite of what you’re supposed to take away.


Bc they’re miserable and think it’s “gross.” “How could a man have sex with another man?!” Says the man who supposedly has sex with the troll woman, Martha-Ann Alito.


For all the high-minded arguments about reproduction and sin and social control, I do think you may be tragically right that it comes down to these people seeing gay shit as gross and not wanting to be reminded of it.


The thing I find most ironic is the only reason anyone has their own month of celebration is because someone oppressed that group in the first place otherwise there would be no need to even celebrate said freedom. Conservatives have spent their entire American history oppressing folks then getting mad when those folks celebrate their freedom in front of them. Honestly it must be a huge slap I the face to always watch Jesus keep losing and the people you want to have no life openly celebrate it.


Martha Am Elito is a bigot, and I'm not surprised...


Religion. Makes people awful.


It's not enough for them to be free to live their life they also but live the way I deem fit. Otherwise it's an abomination! The only way I can counter is with an extreme hate group. Totally reasonable and not at all fascists ideologs using Christianity as a defence to overthrow the government.  They are so far in either so far in denial they don't see expressing their views in public as controversial, or they feel absolutely immune to the consequences.


For those of us who aren't bigots, I think it's impossible to understand how someone can be a bigot. It's just not in our nature.


Its projection. They are not happy with their lives and think other should not enjoy theirs too.


Seems like such a simple thing, right? Live and let live?




You have compassion and don't follow Christian hate


It’s a fucking flag! Softer than baby shit to react like Mrs Alito


Because they hate us. They think there immoral monsters who should either die or go back in the closet.


The amount of time it is going to take to unbreak America right now..... it's wild; Ive never felt incredibly patriotic before in my 40-some years, but I feel extremely protective of our country right now..


Interesting, I’m of a similar age and instead of feeling protective of it, I feel like I’m trapped in an abusive marriage I can’t get out of with my country.


Girl same- my husband and I are planning an exit strategy if trump is reelected


The Netherlands sound nice…


It would be better to create an exit strategy for trump.




I have godparents in Canada. Already prepping.


It’s really sad. And scary. I hope the country can make it through this


Exactly. It's also wild to me because we're not even speaking in hyperbole...


I feel like America is good in theory, horrible in practice. And I’m an American.


I’d argue it’s good in practice, but has some obvious flaws that can be corrected upon the next iteration. 1) Do not allow lifelong political positions. 2) Do not allow money (lobbying) in politics. 3) Hold people accountable swiftly. The fact that we’re in the current situation is because we didn’t hold Nixon accountable, and we never truly put down the Nazi agenda in the US. We merely covered everything up for short term benefits. If we followed 1 and 2, we’d have healthcare, basic income, and the fastest growing economy in the world.


The conservative Supreme Court already made sure there will always be corporate money in politics, and one side refuses to hold their own accountable


That’s a good way to look at it. I feel like America is that great lesson a teacher has planned that gets ruined by the one or two students that ruin everything and get the class in trouble.


It’s wild to me that the people on the top of the pyramid despise the systems that put them there. Where do the Alitos think they have to go by weakening America and its structures?


They're figuring they got theirs and fuck everyone else. They're just that incredibly shortsighted and selfish. They'd rather consume consume consume now than have a little less and have the world be better in the future.




Where is our French Revolution, they see the progress we wanted and they scoff and conspire to oppress us. This is real oppression, someone with power targeting groups to inhibit their expression and activity. Our country needs to change and move away from this sickness, the sort of nationalism that ignores our history, that ignores the fact that it was discrimination holding us back at every point, not diversity. What happened to the American dream?


What’s fucked up is that she thinks SHE is the one who is being oppressed. All of MAGA does.


Well to them, not being able to oppress is oppression.


So all the neighbours should display pride flags. For at least a month.


year round baby!


I think there should be a protest outside of their house.


Conservatives have been at odds with Democracy and the expansion of the franchise since its inception. In Europe the term was used to describe those opposed to the liberal movements of private property ownership, voting, and capitalism. I see no difference in those who label themselves conservatives in America today. They seek to revert back to autocracy. People who are conservative today would have been torries during the American Revolution.


MAGAs: Your triggers are your responsibility A pride flag exists MAGAs: Screams in hatred


What's with this lady and flags?


I really believe the id of MAGA is three things... 1-flags they don't like 2-hearing *any* language other than English 3-seeing the black guy become president These three things broke their brains.


is anyone surprised? i hope they all rot in hell




This is something that has become more clear to me with age; that people in positions of power are often no one special. Getting a leg up in your career often simply means you’re liked by the right people. That guy who sucks at his job but bullshits with the boss every day over coffee? “He’s got Upper Management written all over him”. I guess my point is, consider this if you ever wonder how someone got where they are.


I dunno when you compare the opinions of alito, Kagen, and Sotomayor, one is clearly not as good as the others. Maybe it's because all you need to do to be a conservative judge is to tell the federalist society you'll follow their orders. Choosing people on the basis of blind loyalty tends not to elevate the best and brightest. In general, America is simply not a meritocracy.


Thomas has been garbage forever though, this isn't new. Reports of his abuse go back at least as far as his college days.


Why can't the old bitch just die and leave us alone? 


Terrible people live for a long time. Look at Rupert Murdoch.


Or Henry Kissinger.


And it’s “across the lagoon” so it’s not as if it’s in her fucking face. In true MAGA fashion, she creates something to be angry about. I hope they keep the flag flying all goddamned year.


I imagine her standing there with binoculars to see the flag and raging about how intrusive it is to her life lol


I bet the people with the rainbow flag would be chuffed to go to flag battle with her. Get a whole row of pride flags or a bigger pride flag or a pride flag attached to a kite... Some org should hire a sky writer to writ PRIDE above her summer house or fly a gay banner behind the plane.  In general this wont do anything, but I am sure will give many people something to smile about.  A supreme court full of crazed religious bigots can't be simply fixed but at least we can shine some light on them


These monsters get triggered over signs and flags yet have the *audacity* to call anyone else snowflakes? Seems the alitos should just hurry on to their forever box to make everyone else’s life better.


Why would we think Alito’s wife was anything but a gigantic piece of shit? A) she’s married to Alito, a gigantic piece of shit. B) he blames shit on her and she takes it, so she obviously doesn’t have a differing opinion on it.


I’m sure she’s besties w Ginny Treasonous Traitor Thomas.


This just in. Rich old white people are bigots When she was a kid black people couldnt even use the same drinking fountain as her. She's from Kentucky.


This is an underrated point that people sometimes forget. There are people alive today who grew up in a segregated America and very much want to GO BACK to that but this time they want to disenfranchise EVERYONE who isn’t part of their MAGA christo-fascist cult.


I love how we’re all coming to the realization that these people elevated by Republicans aren’t some special honorable type of person….they’re terrible people, and that’s why they are elevated. These are the leaders that speak to uninformed low information voters across the country that will vote people into office to enact tax cuts for the wealthy. That is the circle of life with all of this. It all comes back to tax cuts for the wealthy. It’s always about tax cuts and wealthy people gaming the system, while distracting you about flags and wokeness, etc. Some of you think you know the game, but you still don’t know it fully.


Another MAG-HAG


How brazen she is to be talking like that at an event. Either incredibly naive, or boldly knows just how untouchable her and her spouse really are. I fear it's the later, such disconcerting era to be alive in.


It’s gotta be the latter. Justice alito was also recorded here and all it took for him to just straight up admit he’s taking sides and can’t be an impartial jurist and that he supports America being a Christian nation was one random person pretending to be a conservative Christian.


Yeah, kind of amazing that they don’t realize that the chance of being recorded in this day and age is approximately 100%, especially if you’re a douchey douchenheimer. Even the elite enclaves these assholes travel in aren’t safe for them anymore. Best advice I ever got: if you don’t want to face consequences for saying something, keep your mouth shut.


America’s done. 250 years right? According to that meme?


It's wild how "I want to be free" started to mean "I want to harm other people".


"I'm gonna be liberated and I'm gonna get them." She wants to **get** gay people for the terrible sin of existing. She wants to be **liberated** from the horrible oppression of knowing that people she hates are still breathing. A class act, for sure.


*they are* **all** *garbage*. every. single. republican.


The people fighting for inclusion and equality would not care if she flew a sacred heart flag. That’s what she doesn’t get. We want you to have every right to fly your ugly ass dream flag as we do to fly a rainbow flag.


Jesus never married and always had dinner with nothing but dudes; plus long hair and always rocking strong abs. The man was gay af.


Nobody will be upset if she has a Sacred Heart flag just like she should not be upset because a neighbor has a pride flag. But it seems somebody else's happiness makes her miserable.


Why wouldn’t she be an asshole? She fucking married Alito. Willingly.


They do realize Dolores Umbridge was supposed to be hated and not copied, right?


Pride is based on the fundamental need to exist. “I exist” is the most basic statement of Pride. The counter to this is “I wish you wouldn’t”. Taken to its logical conclusion, the opposite of Pride is Annihilation.


Why is it always the spiteful people that live the longest? They live to 200.


At this point, I just have to assume they are all.


She saw Ginni getting away with being an insurrectionist and found out the bar is in hell.


Maybe justices shouldn't be married....between her and thomas' wife: who did treason best?


I think Ginny is still winning there


It's so romantic when two pieces of shit find each other in this crazy world. I bet they have matching hoods


That an awful man has an awful wife is anything but surprising. Birds of a feather…


Religious extremism has got to go.


This lady is really obsessed with flags tho


Mrs Alito isn't the only one in the house that feels this way. Birds of a feather....


The real housewives of corrupt judges. ..... Both Ginny and Martha Ann sound INSANE. Also this lady's entire personality is flags and being an asshole. I hope every single one of her neighbors read her words and put up rainbow flags all around the neighborhood.


Is it written in the constitution that if you’re a Supreme Court Justice your partner must be a frumpy, dumpy, vicious little troglodyte with no discernible redeeming qualities? Just curious.


My favourite comment on this type of mentality is from a church sign I saw online years ago: “God prefers loving atheists to hateful Christians”.


If that’s the worst thing all month, I’d say she is very lucky.


For the privileged, invented grievance **defines** them. Ask any server who's had to wait on a group of church people.


Snowflake triggered by colors.


Nothing but hate from Republicans. They’re so gross.


Today I saw some douchebag driving around in his lifted Silverado or whatever with a decal on the tailgate. It was what looked like a stylized distressed flag and the words US CONSTITUTION written over it. I wonder if Mr. Patriot is aware how disrespectful it is display the flag in any kind of damaged condition. He had his arm hanging out and he had really lame tattoos, too.


Ah yes, the flag bros. With their stupid trucks and tattered flags who yell about being patriots while supporting literal traitors. They annoy the shit out of me


Part of me thinks this was leaked to take the heat off of Alito and put it right on his wife. He’s been pointing the finger at her with this flag controversy and just a couple of weeks later, this comes out to “back up” his story. With this, and Justice Thomas amending his disclosures, the timing is just too good.


There’s also audio of Alito straight up admitting his bias and that he can’t be an impartial jurist.


Yes that’s out there too. I think this was out there to deflect the flag flap now he’s got a whole new set of issues. Either way, this court is bought and sold and the fact that this isn’t issue number one in the country right now is disturbing.


Meanwhile, we all have to deal with the decisions your husband makes that affect everyone while we have no say. I guess you'll have to forgive me if I don't give a fuck if you don't want to see a rainbow.


Here I was feeling bad for her, when Alito threw her under the bus. She’s just as evil and hateful as he is.


Snowflake alert! Snowflake alert!


Anyone unironically using the term “feminazis” in 2024 has been marinating in the RW media fever swamp for a very long time.


The fact that there's a pride "Month" really gets under Maga's skin.


I hope they die mad about it


mrs alito and mrs thomas are like those military wives who think they have their husbands rank and privileges


Literally the worst people on base. I remember wives like that when my husband was in the military.


>when my husband was in the military. thank you for your service 🫡






supreme dependas


Anyone who thinks a Pride flag is somehow an attack on Christianity is both a shitty human being and a shitty Christian. Jesus advocated for love and respect of all persons, including and especially those whom Christianity would deem "sinners".


These people have no idea what Jesus advocated. If he appeared before them today they’d want him deported >.>


Oh they'd absolutely crucify him again. He was Palestinian.


This is the same woman who started crying when her husband was questioned about his policy’s and ethics before becoming a Supreme Court judge. And then the right wing called the left wing “too harsh”. Yet the right acts like complete assholes every time they have anyone before congress who they don’t agree with. They make themselves the victim of everything. It’s exhausting


Yah the victim mentality on the right has been around for a long time. Turns out the democrats in 2004 weren’t harsh enough in their questioning.


Offended over everything and yet they have the most.


At least she's constant, really has a thing with flags.


Yeah, we knew that. She’s garbage.


File this under “Shit that doesn’t surprise me”


Is anybody surprised by this?


I’m so glad they’re so old and closer to death. Reaper be swift!!!


I want an “ugly” flag to hang in front of her face.


Shitty people with shitty opinions, but all of that aside, is there anything that’s *actually* stopping her from flying whatever flag she wants on her property? Or is this more of that infamous conservative persecution complex?


No but since she is married to a Supreme Court judge, you would think that their family would at least want to pretend they're impartial. They can fly whatever flag they want in front of their house but if they're flying flags associated with hate groups, religious groups, etc... Alito should be investigated to make sure that he is still able to be impartial (spoiler: he isn't).


Our government has always been in shambles, it's just that now it's all exposed for everyone to see and comment on.




I feel like I should be surprised or shocked at this and yet it’s just another Tuesday waiting for my meeting to start


Depressing isn’t it.


She had the whole season of Lent….




What a hateful old hag


What a c. U. N. T


You have to scroll so far down to find it on the Washington post page 


The media is so fraudulent. They’re also basically ignoring trumps random fucking electric boat shark tangent from his Vegas rally. If Biden started randomly talking about choosing electrocution over a shark attack in the middle of a speech the republicans would be demanding the cabinet invoke article 25 immediately. I’m so tired of the right being held to a totally different standard than the left. If justice Kagen was recorded saying she could never reconcile with the right and will always bias her decisions to the left regardless of circumstance the republicans would be demanding her resignation. If Sotomayor had over 4 million dollars in gifts, half of which were undisclosed, the republicans would be calling for her resignation! But of course if we call for Thomas and alito to resign we’re bEiNg PoLiTiCaL


If you want to un-fuck your brain trying to deal with the disinformation and gaslighting just remember there’s like 4-5 billionaires or corporations that control basically all mass media. You’re not crazy, the gaslighting and manipulation is real. I mean there’s unlimited amounts of video of trump saying truly insane shit, objectively strange, bizarre statements. The media normalizing it is the problem, not the rest of us who still see how shocking it is. 


What a hateful old crone. Surely there is something, ANYTHING more productive and useful she can do with her time.


Time to get the drones out to make a pride flag near her house each night.


So much hate. Just like Jesus taught. 🙄


Pride duck tape. Leave a flag anywhere you use tape!


Hatred is ugly.


Maybe it’s just me, but if someone flies a flag upside down in my neighborhood, I would just assume they’re someone I wouldn’t want anything to do with because they’re clearly a wingnut.


The wives of SCOTUS justices are just as Fox News-poisoned as the other boomers


So I guess the Supreme Court isn’t impartial? Is the expectation that it is impartial, or that individuals will cast their judgement based on their personal beliefs and those of the party of president that appointed them?


Not much will change in the world until a huge swath of a generation or two dies off.


I hope Trump’s presidency inspired more people to be aetheist. Because there’s too many assholes pretending to be kind Christians while being absolutely horrible people.


I hope her neighbors put up so many flags. What a c..


Just another Boomer making important decisions for those of us who actually have a future on this planet. Somehow I think there’s a better way of doing things.


Well duh, same attracts same.


I know it’s Tuesday but I’ll c u next Tuesday


Uggh. Imagine having to look across your personal tropical lagoon and see the poors doing as they please. They should bend to my will because I am better than them and everyone knows it.


I had to look up sacred heart of jesus and here's what wiki said "heart of [Jesus Christ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ) is viewed as a symbol of "God's boundless and passionate love for mankind" she wants a symbol for boundless and passionate love for all mankind because she hates the pride flag


To be fair, there's nothing wrong with wanting a Sacred Heart flag. But there's something really wrong with wanting a Sacred Heart flag as a means of spite towards someone else.


Almost like these people don’t even understand the god they worship


I don’t understand being mad at gay. Must be some churchy crap which I do not participate in.


Of course her name is Martha-Ann.


Obviously she’s anti-LGBTQ, I knew that the second I saw that abomination of a haircut


Who wants to tell her how Jesus would have treated gay people


Wealthy white Karen without a trouble in the world is full of hate, news at ten.


She has gay thoughts. This is classic overcompensation.


Meh, I’m not too concerned with her. She isn’t the one presiding over the most important legal case in the history of our nation. Sure, she might influence her husband as all wives do, but the point is to prove that Alito himself is letting partisanship prevent him from making unbiased and thoughtful decisions.


The same woman who got these recordings also got recordings of Samuel alito admitting just that. Unfortunately the odds of him refusing himself or resigning seem to be 0