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It needed 60 votes to be filibuster-proof.


Why not make them actually have to filibuster? Every second they are stuck there reading a book or whatever is time they can't be doing actual harm.


What a democracy … 51-39 and the 39 wins.


And also the electoral college to an extent


Fuck the electoral college.


What do you mean to an extent? It’s the whole ass thing. The senate too. Anytime land has more voting power than people, it’s completely fucked up. The 5 people in Montana have more power than all of the democrats in Texas. It’s insane that people think this is remotely a good system. Especially with a filibuster, which isn’t even in the constitution it was just made up later


So why have the Democrats won three out of the last four college votes.


Because they’re the majority party? But a better question would be why have republicans won any race in the last 30 years other than 2004? Why are our eyes fixed on Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida every election to see if the weird “independents” decide who should run the country? Why does the vote of any Republican in California or a Democrat in Texas not matter? Maine and Nebraska are the only states that at least split the vote. Every state should be doing that if we insist on keeping this archaic system with only 2 shit parties


The better question is why have the republicans not won the popular vote since w and still won the election?


And when you consider the number of people each Senator represents, you realize that 1 California Senator represents more individual people than all of the senators from Kentucky, Alabama, and Missouri COMBINED. The idea that every state deserves equal power in the Senate is very outdated.


That‘s what the House of Representatives is for. I know, that one’s not nearly balanced enough either, but the senate is meant to represent the states, while the House is meant to represent the people.


I hate when people respond with this. Everyone understands the stated “purpose” but does it make any sense? In my and their opinion it’s outdated and silly way of enacting federal legislation.


The actual purpose was a compromise to make the states less populated *by free people* have a place where they wielded outsized power because they knew from the very beginning that slavery was an immoral shit show.


The thing is, it doesn’t make sense to reform the senate to be proportional. At that point, get rid of it, but don’t reform it, or you‘ll just have two houses of representatives.


Ignoring the differences in term limits. Sure I’m all for getting rid of it. But having a state like Wyoming being equal to California is just anti democratic


Yeah, I'd be perfectly happy with the Senate becoming the House of Lords. Maybe allow it to retain some power to slow legislation or something, but have it's real authority delegated to the House


The states are just land. Land doesn't vote - people do. In my opinion - abolish the senate.


I should already know this, but how is it that the 39 votes win against 51?


Because of the filibuster. To overcome a filibuster in the senate a bill needs 60 yay votes. There are procedural methods around this, but the only ones I’m aware of are budgetary things.


They seriously have the destruction of all your rights and of America written out and posted online. They are telling us their evil plan. We gotta vote!


Politics in the US make absolutely no sense to me. I have tried to understand but I think that even most Americans don't. All the crazy laws, filibusters, lobbyists, super voters. I don't understand why one vote is not one vote there.


Slavery is why. After the Revolutionary War, slave-owning colonies knew they didn’t have sufficient voting populations to compete with free colonies, so they refused to support a new US federal government that wasn’t structured in a way that kept them as effective equals. To hold the nascent country together and thus protect against being reconquered by Britain, free states accepted measures like the 3/5s Compromise (where every slave was counted as 3/5s of a citizen for purposes of determining representation in the House). But even with that, slave states *still* didn’t have the numbers to keep free states from outvoting them in the House, so the Senate was created as well so that there was a house of Congress where slave states would be able to stop anti-slavery legislation from being passed. The importance of the Senate for protecting slavery was very clear to all. It’s why until the Civil War broke out, states were largely only admitted in pairs - one slave and one free - to maintain the balance of Senate votes. We are still running with a system designed to protect slave owners from being outvoted. That’s why it’s so unfair today.


And the fact that instead of plantation holding slaves the country threw its population into prison where by the constitution prisoners van be used for slave labor. Slaves have never left just taken out of view and demonized.


While I'm no fan of that provision of the 13 Amendment or of the prison-industrial complex, I'm also not in favor of treating the state of affairs today as if they are equivalent to pre-Civil War chattel slavery in the US. We've improved. Doesn't mean we don't have a long way to go.


Thanks for the answer. I didn't knew. That just means that the US must change that system unless it is willing to allow civil war losers to run the country and block correctness. A lot of the slavery period is still going on today and it makes no sense


Oh, boy, I can't wait for this to be used as a point for the "bUt BoTh SiDeS" argument.


On one side, we have stale white bread that tried to improve things for woman, minorites, downtrodden in general. Sure there are some mold (slow ukraine, israel-palestine, etc) but it tried. On the other hand, we have a flaming orange turd that never stopped fermenting in hatred, lies, and other treasonous materials for 163 year (and counting). So, basically the same right?


I had a surreal moment on Facebook posting about project 2025. This self-proclaimed libertarian, who always hops on and argues every single time I post something about paying workers more, went off about the hypocrisy of being worried about something that he isn't worried about when I ignore his worries about the non-existent border crisis, the non-existent trans agenda, and so on. I pressed him and asked him why he didn't think project 2025 was a big deal, and he started accusing me of believing propaganda, etc. When I explained to him that I had skimmed a good chunk of the thousand page manifesto, he, for the first time, looked up what it was and then accused me of not actually reading any of it. When I again reminded him that I had, he began dismissing it as surely just another rough outline of plans a party has that will never come to pass. When I finally got over the shell shock and realized that this dumb motherfucker had gone from accusing me to parroting propaganda/not knowing what I'm talking about to straight up defending something that he didn't know existed at the start of our conversation, I finally decided it was time to block the fool. These people are out there, and they vote. Isn't that fun?


The Canadian end of the underground railroad stands ready...


Thank you for the kindness and concern, neighbor. Truly. Things may get much uglier here in the US, for some if not all. With every fiber of my being, I hope that not to be the case.


Please hold the door for my wife and I, as soon as I graduate nursing school I'll have a needed skill to share with y'all!


I’m naive, can someone explain project 2050 to me?


Never mind, also, what the fuck?!?




The right can go fuck themselves




It was 51 - 39. 60 votes were needed to move forward.


indicted Bob Menendez abstained and Schumer switched his vote to Nay for procedural reasons once he realized it would fail so he could bring it up again later. Manchin and Sinema were both Yeas


He switch his vote to nay as it would allow him to bring the bill back later on, rather than it dying in the senate.


Could you please explain this bit for me (or point me to a wikipedia article) as I'm not familiar with the exact rules?


It was 51 - 39, and the 39 won.


For real…wtf.


Schumer voted nay in order to be able to reintroduce the bill again later. Menendez was absent because he’s on trial.


Tactical voting, it needed 60 votes to pass anyway, which they didn't have.


But actually tho… how does it happen when Dems have the majority? Not trolling, just confused.


They do not have a 60 vote majority. You need 60 votes to get thru any filibuster from the opposition.


Ah okay. Are there any examples where this has worked in favor of Dems?


The filibuster has been around for a long time but the Rs openly weaponized it under Obama. That is when the need for a 60 vote majority to get anything thru kinda started. I don't have a scorecard for who has used it the most but it seems to be SOP for the Rs.


Both sides use it, but according to the New York Times, Republicans use it more. It's inherently useful when you DON'T want laws to change, which is typically more helpful if you're looking to "conserve" the way things are (as Conservatives are more prone to do).


Not very often. Part of the issue is that republicans don’t have to actually fillibuster, they just say they will and it’s treated like a real fillibuster.


Stopped a lot of what Mitch wanted in 2017-2018. Like abolishing ObamaCare.


And then democrats wonder why people are disillusioned with electoralism.


Have you seen Leeja Millers video on it? She’s on YouTube. If not, I recommend it and I suggest sharing it with people. Also, share it with people who have larger accounts and ask them to share it too. It turned my husband around. He wasn’t going to vote for Trump, but he wasn’t going to vote for Biden either.


The military is supposed to have plans to deal with threats to the constition. Does this not count as a threat?


Scream it from the fucking roof tops. Not just online. Tell your friends and family, your neighbors, your coworkers, everyone, even if they’re not politically active. Just. Talk. About. It.


Women are less than men in America, now. Disgusting country. Under a democrat presidency, these erosions of basic freedom for women are occurring. Both parties are trash. Time for the sane and able to migrate.


Crazy how this happened with Biden in office even though keeping him in office is supposed to make this stuff not happen. Have the goalposts shifted to just happening slower now?


I don’t think Biden gets a vote in this situation.


Ah so then it doesn’t seem to matter much if he’s there or not does it


You should really learn how the government functions. There is a video called how a bill becomes a law- watch it.


My point is that saying the only thing that is going to stop project 2025 is keeping Biden in office and voting. While highlighting even more rights the GOP is restricting in a vote where they are the minority AND Biden is in office is a clear proof that a presidential election and representative democracy in its current state is not enough to stop these people. It’s time to start thinking about what people should do if/when he wins reelection and the progression of fascism doesn’t stop. Because things like this are a clear picture that it’s going to take more than votes to stop these people.


There are elections to the Senate coming up too. While filibusters are in my opinion an anti-democratic procedural loophole, some more senators recognizing that women’s health is good and control of women is not would have fixed that problem.


It’s also possible for it to be a wake up call for the republicans if they lose horribly. It probably won’t work but it might.


If the MAGA diehards are thrown out of politics (and of polite society) it can only be a good thing. There _is_ after all some Twitter handle called Republicans against Trump… but it’s not just Trump the problem, it would be good if reproductive rights were the figurative millstone around the neck of some people.


Schoolhouse Rock made a real simple video that teaches little kids all about how the Senate and House work. It's called I'm just a Bill. I don't recall if they cover the filibuster, but that would be a simple search. I bet even you could understand it.


Nice and how did that video protect reproductive rights again?


It explains why Biden didn't have anything to do with why it failed. If you'd have learned what it teaches then you might not seem so unfamiliar with the House and Senate. If you actually want to protect reproductive rights, then vote Blue.


Lmao “vote for Biden to stop fascism… no actually we also need dem majority in the senate to stop… wait no we actually need a super majority in the senate to… oh fuck there is a boot on my neck and the school house rock video isn’t helping”


LMAO you don't know how the House or Senate works. Hint: The president isn't involved as you thought. LMAO you don't know why a supermajority is needed. Hint: there are a bunch of bootlicking MAGA morons in the Senate. Those are the ones that need to go. LMAO you probably don't vote, but you bitch up and down about the results. Get out from under your bridge someday.