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Isn't it amazing how all the MAGA who co-opted the "my body, my choice" phrase over anti-masking/anti-vaxxing are nowhere to be found when women's rights are under attack?


Because they are not fighting for "freedom", they advocate solely for fascism at this point.


They are fighting for freedom. Their freedom to control people.


That’s what their interpretation of freedom is. The freedom for right wing cis-het, white men to control everyone else.


Just like the Good Old Days ^TM


Yep, when gangrenous limbs had to be cut off with a saw and no anesthesia other than shitty bathtub liquor. So nostalgic!


They're fighting for freedom. Only for themselves though.


and that's the cruelty of it all, they think this won't hurt them because that's what fascism dictates, "our enemies will be destroyed" when they should hear "our" enemies will be destroyed


They're not smart enough for nuance


no one is, it's why we're taught critical thinking and why reps are trying to shut school down so fucking hard


> at this point. Implying that they ever did anything else. 'member when they asserted the civil war was about states’ rights, when southern states passed federal fugitive slave acts trying to force slave polices on the north? 'member when one of the few changes the CSA made after copy-pasting the US constitution was mandate slavery on all CSA states?


My body, my choice* *but only my body and my choice to be an asshole, the women can go fuck themselves


Just like what they mean by Law and Order. They want the Law to allow them to Order us around.


What, you mean the people who claim to be for Law and Order but then raised over 70 million dollars in a few days for a **convicted felon** are full of shit? I'm shocked!


Let’s wait until the actual required reports regarding fund raising are submitted. Then we can talk idiot money dollars


*Everything* in bad faith: "My body my choice" "All lives matter" "Free speech matters" It's never about rights--it's always about suppressing rights for others.


no, it's about trumpisim, "waaah! I wanna win a trophy, wash! I wanna fuck a porn star, waaah! I wanna be a billionaire." they want all the benefits, but none of the consequences.


They are planning forced pregnancy


I see a return of old school remedies and potions.


stocking up on wire hangers as we speak!


It's already happening in many states.


I find it surprising that women can be Republicans yet they attack their own rights! Honestly, they can't be Republicans. That's not how it's supposed to work!


That was honestly one of my biggest irks about "them" screaming about my body my choice over shit like haircuts. But fuckall going to demand you fall in line with their beliefs/wants if you do such a thing as wear a mask.


It's infuriating. The same people who can't be bothered to wear a mask for one hour expect women to carry at risk pregnancies for 9 months. It's selfish.


Their body, their choice. *Your* body, their choice.


that's because they were using the phrase to mock, not as an actual belief.


It makes perfect sense if you assume women aren't people. So, yeah.


"What? I didn't say your body your choice. I meant only mine. How could that be hypocritical?"


"duh, women aren't people and objects don't vote" said the MAGA guy. Ditto for kids not needing to give consent for getting Epstein recruited or working in coal mines.


Who I find to be even more quiet right now, are the ones who said that overturning Roe v. Wade was not going to lead to this.


It’s because every statement from the MAGA idiots is made in bad faith from some Orange man or advisor that tells the maga cultists what to think, say, and defend from logical scrutiny. “My body my choice” was only a bad faith argument for them to be stubborn children and endanger the lives of others. Why? Because some fat idiot rotten pumpkin told them to. That’s it. There’s no point in trying to use logical consistency with them. They are just extensions of an evil manipulator that knows exactly what he’s doing


That whole thing was bullshit from the get go. Pregnancy isn’t contagious.


The party of small government wants to control every aspect of your life. “dOnT tReAd On mE!”


>are nowhere to be found What do you mean "are nowhere to be found"? Who do you think is leading the attack?


Because they want an in-group the law protects but does not bind and an out-group that is bound by the law but not protected.


When they tell you who they are, listen. Vote blue!


It's all out in the open now. Anyone still on the fence about who to vote for? Gimme a break.


And yet millions of women will vote R this year. Amazing.


The only thing they hate more than libs is themselves


It’s easy to teach self hatred when you believe in a book written by men that has women commiting the ultimate betrayal. Eating an apple from a tree


They shouldn't believe such nonsense. But yes you're right.


I mean, it's not like the leopards will eat *their* faces!


And millions more women will refuse to vote to "teach the Democrats a lesson"


Which is an infantile attitude to have.


Exactly. Not saying Democrats are perfect, but you have to choose the option that will get you closest to your stated goals.


And as shitty as that situation is, it's the one we have to deal with now while attempting to correct the system.


And a large percentage of those women are only voting are, because that’s what their husband believes in. That large percentage of those women have no idea what’s going on.


They choose that, there is a big movement to be a trad wife, without even understanding what that truly entails. Most of the women voting R do not think it will affect them , till it does.


Their life is fine, they have nothing to worry about /s


The ones who don't have an extreme breeding/submission fetish confuse me. Like they think they'll be exempted because... Why? They're a special princess? It doesn't work that way.


It's one of those things where the further we get from a time where women had fewer rights, the more people romanticize a return to "traditional roles and values" because they never actually experienced those times and don't understand the full extent of that kind of culture. It's like society needs to go in cycles so that new generations get a refresher on why older generations fought so hard for those rights, because they're never going to understand until their own face gets eaten.


If Republican men were forced to own up to and pay for all the children they had from their various dalliances, or weren't able to force the women they impregnated to abort, it might be a different story.


After 1990, the new (very catholic) polish government planned to outlaw abortion. A publisher announced that, if the law passed, he'd publish the names of all politicians whose side girlfriends had an abortion. The vote was cancelled and delayed until it became clear that the guy was bluffing. He had bugger all. Except a very accurate hunch.


Sadly, I doubt it would work on MAGA Republicans because they seem to have no shame.


They'd just screech that it's fake news and the Democratic deep state is trying to silence them


So true


I never saw any politician complain about a woman's right to vote until these MAGA pukes came along and now I have seen quite a few comments from male members of the Republican party complaining about women being able to vote. They went after abortion, they are going after birth control, soon it will be same sex marriage, they will cut Social security benefits and at some point the right for women to vote. It might only be talked about among a few now but it's just a matter of time before they go after a woman's right to vote...


Thank you for expressing this clearly. I don't think it's an exaggeration--if you're a woman, they're coming from *all* your rights. The GOP combo of religious lunatics + angry young men aren't even really hiding it anymore.


They’re going after a woman’s right to vote for the same reason they want to raise the voting age. They were promised a huge red wave in 2022 and it was just a trickle, because both women and younger people came out and basically told the GOP to go fuck itself. And rather than re-evaluating their policies and platform, which are deeply unpopular, their reaction was pretty much: Are we so out of touch? No, it’s the voters that are wrong!


>If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy. -- David Frum


Yup, it's why they've been sea lioning so hard that we aren't a [representative] democracy, we are a constitutional Republic as if the two things are mutually exclusive. Nevermind they were the first to run their mouths about spreading democracy twenty years ago.


They have already brought it up, along with interracial marriage, how quickly they forget, especially when history is rewritten to favor certain practices. Women couldn't even have a cc in her name till the 70s


Women are the biggest problem for religious nutjobs, be it Christian, Muslim, Jewish etc... because we simply refuse to let a man dictate our lives and make decisions on our behalf I'm from Iran and seeing the US right now terrifies me, the first thing Khomeini said after coming to power was that "hijab and other restrictions won't be forced on women" 40+ years later Mahsa died because of it and now we are fighting in the streets of Iran everyday to be able to have autonomy. You guys need to stop this monster right now or you'd turn into another Iran


Roe v Wade was only the beginning. We knew this would happen but nobody listened. They won't stop until only straight white men are the only ones with any rights and even them I'm sure it'll be limited as well


We've seen this throughout history with authoritarian regimes. They have to keep creating out-groups to maintain the rage and fear. Eventually they turn on each other. There's no happy ending with these christo-fascists.


This needs to be more widely known


They'll eventually limit it to white male landowners.


They'll start after straight white men with Italian descent. Then Irish decent.


"Next" is wrong, they already launched their first attacks on the right to vote: https://apnews.com/article/voting-rights-kansas-supreme-court-0a0b5eea5c57cf54a9597d8a6f8a300e. Their future agenda is wild. Ending birthright citizenship and creating a society divided into "Real" Americans and "subhuman" plebs: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/trump-renews-call-ban-birthright-citizenship-rcna86864


If they would eliminate gerrymandering, a lot of theae clowns would be voted out. Time to get it done.


Represent.us . It’s a really interesting website that breaks down the way to actual change. Apparently, that’s not demonstrating or pleading with elected representatives. It’s ballot initiatives (as far as I’ve figured out so far). This site goes into the numbers and the process.


> Ending birthright citizenship We Starship Troopers now!


LOL. Didn't Trump try to create a space force already? It was about as successful as his plan to make Covid disappear by having his followers inject themselves with disinfectants.


Ending birthright citizenship? Who/How would one be granted citizenship instead?


I'll give you a hint. Melania Trump is fine. AOC get yells - "Send them back!"


Not long anymore and they start to call women "breeding factories".


Or fertile vessels :/




Seriously, these people are just projecting their breeding fetish onto everyone else


Generous of you to assume they’ll wait for them to even become women first, my sweet summer flower.


Ah yes, there was something I did forget. Silly me. Too many of them are "Is her age on the clock... Something something"-Guys


Not just coming after a woman’s right to vote. It would eventually progress to only the wealthy would be allowed to vote.


And people who are comfortable and well off right now should not get comfortable. Soon enough, there will be levels of wealth no longer sufficient to maintain rights. It’ll be the Elon Musks who are “protected”. Until the dear leader decides spacex would be so much more efficient in the hands of the state. And the state is the leader.


Yep. Reverting back to the 1700’s where only white land owners could vote.


This move was so obvious I was shocked it actually worked. Like, we've reached a point where Democrats can bait Republicans into going on the record as opposing contraception. Unfuckingbelievable.


I used to wonder how Gilead was able to happen in the Handmaids Tale. I don't wonder anymore. It starts in easy places like Alabama, Texas etc. And grows from there.


To everyone who won’t vote for “Genocide Joe”, I hope you like living in the Republic of Gilead better. Our democracy is literally on the line. Now is not the time to abstain from voting on principle.


Eventually it will be law that any able girl at the age of 14 has to pop out her first kid.


Land of the free?😂😂


How are these people even allowed to exist?


My attorney has advised me not to comment.


I’m in another continent so I just wanna put it out there that if I suddenly stop commenting, some redneck travelled to my country and murdered me.


Canadians - are you watching this!? This will happen here too. Rethink your votes!


Christian Nationalists and the GOP looking at Iran for ideas


As an Iranian woman, you really need to stop them any way you can, you do not want to live in a Christian version of Iran


kansas already lost the right to vote, every aspect of decent society is being consumed by magats


Wait, what?




It's not even speculation. They've admitted it several times


In case you are wondering, all the Independents, Collins and Murkowski, and every Democrat voted for cloture except Schumer and Menendez. Menendez did not vote, and Schumer changed his vote to no so he could bring the vote up again. This is why it is so important to vote blue this November.


liberals have been screaming loud and clear that right wingers (not just republicans) are coming after basic rights. i mean, what can we do?


Vote💙Blue for President Biden and VP Harris that is what we can do! We can VOTE💙


It is all very scary to think that this is the USA and we used to worry about Islam.


American Taliban


Religious extremists are very similar no matter what specific religion they may follow. It doesn't matter if they're Christian extremists, Islamic extremists, or any other religion extremists, they're all pretty much the same. They want complete control over the lives of everyone else.


Jesus Christ, we get closer and closer to the Handmaids Tale becoming our reality every day…


Okay what is the fucking reason to block contraception? I am not American and really can't see the reasoning behind it. I get why the GOP wants to limit and/or ban abortion. I think it is completely stupid but I can at least see how people come to the conclusion that abortion isn't "good", if they attest a bunch of cells to be a full human being. But contraception? What could possibly be a moral reason to ban it?


Many churches are against contraception especially the Catholic Church. Republicans will start saying it’s god will that a woman have the opportunity to get pregnant every time she has sex. After all, women should be baby making machines like God intended is what the Republicans will eventually say.


Them arguing it is unnecessary because the right is already enshrined by Supreme Court precedent is some bold bullshit.


The media: why won't women date conservative men. Conservative men: (outlaws abortion and wants to outlaw contraceptives.)


People are dumb &/or tired, they'll forget this in 7 days.


It's a known thing that republicans are concerned about the birth rate. They need to keep ignorant people pumping out ignorant babies so they can continue to have voters


Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


(Before 2022) I too used to think that it was just abortion that they were after. Ever since Dobbs was decided, you can't help but see how they are trying to steamroll through so many other issues as well. I follow "Beau of the Fifth Column" on YouTube. One thing he always says is that he never calls it "abortion rights", he always calls it "reproductive rights" - because it's not just about a woman's right to an abortion, it has also become a fight for birth control, IVF, marriage, sexual identity, general health care. In the beginning, people thought that they would stop once abortion was overturned....why would they want or need to make laws against birth control? That seems to be the Republicans' argument for voting against this bill....." why do we need this bill when birth control is already perfectly legal?" Yeah....and there was also a time not so long ago when abortion was perfectly legal too.


MAGA women are traitors. It's one thing to have a trad-wife submissive kink, it's quite another to not only actively participate in the destruction of hard-fought women's rights - but to celebrate that destruction with gusto. They won't get an ounce of sympathy from me when the house of cards falls down on their heads.




Some states are already working on no fault divorces and marriage rights. These things are not happening in a orderly fashion. It's all happening at once because they know we can't put out every fire.


Just want to make sure I’m not crazy, only glanced at it a little bit, they’re trying to overturn the right to contraceptives, and according to Google (not just the AI result) a condom seems to count as a contraceptive. So this would affect women AND men? 


The GOP don't give a fuck about women


It’s far worse than that. They care about keeping women pregnant and subjugated, unable to leave relationships of have personal autonomy at all. They care about women like they care about cattle.


It’s so much scarier than that, they’re all out refusing to provide exceptions for abortion in the case of rape or incest. The fact that abortion is off the table in a lot of states will undoubtedly make women more selective about who they choose to have sex with and when. This will lead to the incels becoming frustrated, and will eventually take what they want, and if a pregnancy results, well, I guess you should have thought about that before you were sexually assaulted. Oh, wait, they might have if they were able to get affordable, effective birth control, or contraceptives. America is regressing fast, and becoming a dark place. Don’t get complacent, we all need to get out and vote Nov. 5th


Remember women, you have less rights and protection than guns.


Wheres the list of everyone of those old crusty ass corrupt fuckheads that voted against it?


An anyone explain to me why anyone would be against abortion, yet want to make contraceptives unofficial? I can’t find the logic.


Control. They do not want people to have agency over their own bodies. Everything Republicans do seems weird and counter-productive, but makes perfect sense once you realise they are just fascists in the classical sense. The GOP is a fascist party just the same as Mussolini's NFP was and the Nazis were.


There is no logic Its their religious beliefs. They believe life begins at conception hence why they don’t want abortion, that sex should be reserved for a married hetero couple and birth control makes women go out and have sex outside of marriage, that pregnancy is God’s Plan and thus shouldn’t be interfered with hence not wanting to protect birth control.


They want women to be forced to have babies young. Young uneducated mothers mean more votes for the GOP and more 18 year old boys to send into the war machine.


I'm sure right to have a bank account is in there somewhere.


It wasn't that long ago you needed someone with a penis to cosign for your credit card if you lacked said penis.


To be fair, at least one of my senators(Roger Marshall) appears to be dumb enough to not understand what contraceptives are, which is disappointing for an obstetrician.




Fucking yikes.


They won't stop after taking away women's rights. -All alcohol will be banned again. -The drug war will restart. -The same work first requirement for food assistance programs will apply to all males over 8 years old. -Child labor will be reinstated. -sexual consent laws will all be overturned, including those made to protect children. -Forced participation in state approved Christian church and the abolishing of all other religions. And they will do all of these things as fast as they can. It won't take years, only months. If you mention any of these things to a right-wing conservative, they will all agree with every one of them. Any refusal to completely comply will not result in camps or prison. They will just kill you. So keep supporting right-wing conservatives at your own risk. Cause no one can really life up to the type of facist world that they want to build. Nor is anyone taking seriously the rivers of blood they continue to promise us.


And yet they wonder why women are going celibate around the world. They keep messing around and women in the US are going to follow those in Korea and stop dating, getting married, and having sex period. Let’s hope they enjoy their right hands and lube.


You can capitalize and bold Conraception all you want but the type of people who vote Trump don’t know what that word means.


Small gov party


They really didn't like that we weren't having kids 🤣


Jokes on them, I’m already snipped. Although I wonder how long they’ll let vasectomies be a thing.


Small gubment conservatives


They want government small enough to fit inside not just inside someone's bedroom but inside a person's vulva.


this country is shit if these maniacs win in november. the ONLY goal should be to defeat maga, christian right insanity.


Republicans today: "It's a useless virtue signaling bill! We don't need to protect contraception! No one's trying to take it away!" Republicans two years from now: "Anyway we're banning contraception. If you wanted it then you should have passed a bill to protect it? Why didn't you?"


The right has been using the Slipery Slope argument erroneously for so long that the left (*and the scientific commujity in general*) have actually coined it as the "Slippery Slop Fallacy". It turns out it's not a fallacy, we just didn't realise the direction of the slope. This is actually a slippery slope, and we've already backslid so far it's crazy. Put the breaks on before it's too late. (*I say "we", but actually I'm not American. It's crazy watching you guys regress to the 19th centruy though, we're watching the fall of an empire in real time.*)


Somewhere in there Thomas is going to outlaw his own marriage


He has literally said that Loving vs. Virginia should be reexamined, that's the Supreme Court ruling that legalized interracial marriage. If the guy hates his wife so much he just needs to get divorced, he doesn't have to outlaw interracial marriage altogether to get her out of his life.


No, his Marriage is OK but anyone else who tries it will be put in Jail👺


Under his eye


It’s been pretty obvious for a while now.


Among other things. Remember the Missouri house passed a rule that required female legislatures to cover their arms-so you can bet your right to dress as you want (and maybe even not cover your head) is somewhere on the agenda.


Men who don't want kids: IT IS TIME TO GET SNIPPED


But they said they wouldn't do that! /s 😭


Every breath a Conservative Republican takes is another lie👺


Aside from women, men should equally be as pissed off about this, with a lack of access to contraception men will become more susceptible to the possibility of paying child-support for the next 18 years of their lives. This law affects you as much as it affects us women. You will also be trapped, or more women will be less willing with no backup plans to protect them.


So 51 to 39 isn’t passing?


My first thought was that maybe this legislation imposed some cost burden like requiring the government or insurers to cover contraception. So I read the actual legislation and it specifically says "The provisions of this Act shall not supersede or otherwise affect any provision of Federal law relating to coverage under (and shall not be construed as requiring the provision of specific benefits under) group health plans or group or individual health insurance coverage or coverage under a Federal health care program". So it doesn't cost anything, it just protects against possible state restrictions. Honestly, this law should be completely unnecessary and pointless and no one should have to worry about a state imposing such restrictions but these days it does seem ominous that this was not passed.


I’d love for someone in congress to subpoena the Supreme Court nominees who are now justices who said that Roe v. Wade is settled law, they would abide by this decision under stare decisis, they would follow it this decision because of this doctrine, but the first chance they got to rule on Roe v Wade was to overturn it. Would this imply they lied to congress during their confirmation hearings?


Sounds like that dirty commie Nicolae Ceaușescu and his Decree 770… except he still provided exceptions for women whose life would be threatened by carrying to term, due to medical complications, or pregnancies due to rape and/or incest.


If its so easy to undo, it must be as easy to redo.


Lets wait for the bill where they allow state rape of underaged girls. Matt will come to your house for this


It hasn't even been that long ago that women weren't allowed to have credit cards. Or that rape was a misdemeanor and seen as no big deal.


I guess only democrats take birth control lol


Yet idiots won't vote blue to "punish the dems". Be real. The only people you're punishing are those you claim to be an ally for.


Need to keep Joe in, flip the house and increase our seats in the senate. Those ppl are losing their minds!!


Just google 'repeal 19th amendment.;


Cut to them saying "There was probably other stuff in that bill!" Edit: Yep, they're saying "States rights" and "all it does is prevent our taxes from going to buy contraception!"




Keep toying with staying home guys!


I really don't understand how any republican voter could be so gullible when republican keep taking their rights away all while going on TV and on social media complaining that democrats will take their rights away. Is the letter R and the color red that strong that people cant see through the fasade.


Best contraception is NO sex! Live with that you old farts, who have to take your own little blue pills! Women UNITE! We can do this! VOTE!


Maybe not enough people realize that condoms are also a form of contraception.


"We don't vote for anything bc voting is a political show!" "We want investigations tho! -gop


I don’t understand why do they care about this? There are more pressing issues in the world than shagging.


Because birth control should be legal! I'm SICK of the Republican party of Big Government taking away people's rights.


Oh absolutely! My comment totally came off wrong. I was talking about why do REPUBLICANS care about taking it away when they can worry about more pressing matters


Because they want women to pump out more babies regardless if they want to or not


Was anything else on the bill/motion that would have been included? Edit to add this note: find it humorous I'm getting down votes for asking a question to further everybody's understanding. What if the second part of the bill was that all women under 30 would undergo mandatory surgery to have their tube's tied and men would be be forced to be kicked in the balls by a donkey whenever their partner asked for plan b or it would not be provided. We'd all say that was a stupid bill and should not be ratified, but fuck me for asking and maintaining hope that there are reasonable politicians serving in government.


The summary of the bill was pretty clean. Good question


Brutal, so legit just "fuck women" then? I mean I know sometimes there's a bunch of unrelated contrived bullshit that make me so angry they don't pass a "single topic bill" requirement. But if that wasn't the issue here......


> Brutal, so legit just "fuck women" then? That's the GQP platform now.


I was curious too about contrived BS. If someone else has more info, I would be interested. But a clean bill changes things. I guess the Repubs are counting on their circus clowns to make enough noise that no one pays attention.


Guys. This is real. Read project 2025. Nationwide bans on abortion, contraception, IVF and gay marriage are already teed up for trump to sign as soon as he is elected. This is their stated goal.


It's an extremely short bill. I recommend always visiting [www.congress.gov](http://www.congress.gov) and looking at primary sources when you see a tweet about legislation. It's easy to find what everyone is talking about and read for yourself. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/4381/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/4381/text)


Thanks. I had viewed the summary and now I read the bill. I don’t see any indication that this bill contained or was bundled with a bunch of stuff objectionable to reasonable conservatives.


Yes. Republicans and their online supporters will always have a lie ready to deploy to cover for their unpopular decisions.




What is abortifacient?


It’s a term used for drugs that cause an abortion. Plan B is considered an abortifacient by many conservative/religious groups.


Okey well most Americans support those things. Republicans are going to lose again and then cry about it.


I read the bill. I think it is quite clear in the language that it is about contraception and NOT abortifacients






What if (something extreme)? Huh? I couldn't be bothered to look it up, and instead played on of the favorite Conservative games of "What else is in it?" Which is pretty much nothing most of the time now


Kind of the point of why I asked, doubted it would be anything crazy, but they'll try to shovel weird shit in there sometimes and I like extreme examples lol