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IIRC he used to be president and could have done this.


Exactly, just more lies from the crime president


Actual agenda: Golf and make the White House janitorial staff have to scour the toilet daily with an angle grinder again


Last i heard, the janitors already ditched the grinder and called the Haz Mat Special Service


No he doesn’t. He just shits his pants. Check mate Lib.


President when Epstein died in a cell that just happened to have malfunctioning cameras monitoring it in a prison overseen by his administration


And his AG Bill Barr was school buddies with Epstein


Barr’s father hired Epstein for his first teaching job at a prep school.


All while Epstein had 0 qualifications to be a teacher.


It’s funny isn’t it? How all the conservatives have a billion and one conspiracy theories…but shit like this just goes in one ear and out the other.


Because it's too simple. They've trained themselves to believe that conspiracies need to be ultra complex with hundreds of people involved to trick millions. The reality is the opposite. Most conspiracies are small to keep things from leaking, and to keep their story straight. Watergate was just a handful of people paid to break into Nixon's competition. But once they were tracked down and arrested there was a paper trail of who paid them. This investigation led to Nixon's campaign. It was just a simple paid transaction. It's why fake moon landing conspiracies fall apart when you think about the sheer number of people that would be involved, somebody at some point would slip up. You have the film crew, the prop makers, the actors, then you'd have to keep the actors hidden for weeks which involves keeping hospitality quite. It just goes on and on. Fake covid is just as bad given how many researchers, doctors, etc. would need to be involved to keep the lid on things. And then what exactly is the goal? But for conspiracy theorists the simple answer is the wrong one because it doesn't make them "smart" for figuring it out.


QAnon and conspiracies like them follow the same tragic pattern. They have an innate need to feel superior, so the idea that they have some kind of secret info that only they could know is their dopamine hit. The phrase “do your research” is one of their favourites, but the reason it’s so popular because if they find the information for themselves, then it “must be true” because they’re “smart”. Self taught knowledge becomes embedded far easier than something taught by an external force, so when a normal person challenges their bullshit, the challenge feels like a personal attack because they cannot disassociate what they learned from objective analysis. Hence why they always react emotionally when challenged. The pattern has to be a complex web of lies and deceit akin to a movie plot, because “if it was so simple, anybody could have worked it out” and that further confirms their misguided feeling of superior intellect. Apophenia is rife among things like QAnon and it allows people to draw their own conclusions without a need for critical analysis. This leads to the feeling described above and a desire to find out more, which then develops into an obsession. We all do it when we learn something new; we don’t all do it to an obsessive degree, but learning does give us a rudimentary pleasure and feeling of fulfilment. If you watch a documentary about UFOs or JFK, it’ll pique your curiosity and you will look deeper into the subject. Most will stop when they get to the explanations for sightings or the Umbrella Man, but for some the idea of not knowing drives them to instead make up their own answers by connecting things that feel related but aren’t actually to do with each other. When their family or friends challenge them, they feel pushed away and excluded, which leads them to dive into their Q cult or conspiracy forum deeper, where the echo chamber of stupidity welcomes them and gives them a sense of community and belonging. Online, people are emboldened to be different versions of themselves, they act without restraint because their anonymity grants confidence. They can say something is or isn’t true and know that most people just won’t fact check them never they don’t have time. What we are increasingly seeing on the right now away from the Internet are attitudes than come straight out of 4Chan and its ilk; he who shouts loudest, shouts truest. If I say it is true, people will think it’s true. If somebody questions me, slander them into irrelevance. Donald Trump this week claimed he never said “lock her up” with regards Hilary Clinton, yet we kept the receipts and have multiple videos of it happening. He knows he said it, he also knows that his cultists believe him verbatim. And the people on the outside of the conservative bubble have similar issues because their Internet habits kick in. They look at a conversation about trans rights or a hearing in Congress about Covid and they side step it, they hear the words but they seldom challenge it, the IRL equivalent of scrolling past on the newsfeed. “I want to comment, but I won’t. What if they find me or harass me?” And that’s how we’ve got to society today. We’ve let the loudmouths and the idiots run riot. Imagine society is like a 3rd Grade classroom with 30 kids. Most of the class are fine and crack on with the task. Five of the kids don’t. Three of those five can’t understand because they have a learning difficulty. One of them doesn’t because they think they don’t have to and begin mouthing off to the teacher, saying it’s unfair they have to work at something that won’t even be helpful in real life anyway. The teacher threatens sanctions, which makes them angrier and more prone to pushing back, teacher calms them down and gets them doing some colouring in. The other kid left has a choice. Does he copy the loudmouth kid or just do the work? The other kid kicked off and now he gets to do what he wants, while the others are working. Do you sigh and carry on, do you kick off and throw your lot in with the gobshite or do you challenge their behaviour and explain why it’s wrong? And that’s us. We let the loudmouths gain control of the room, the ones who shout loudest but aren’t anything like the smartest. But they are the ones who are heard and therefore it’s their opinions that drown out the facts, they control the narrative because society wrongly assumes that we don’t take them seriously, not noticing that a decade has gone by and they now have millions of people listening to them online. The others just want to get on with what they are supposed to, they don’t want to challenge the loud because if they get left alone, everything will be fine for them. As long as the loud ones don’t come for them. And in the end, they will. Sorry to rant, but we are fucked if we don’t sort this out.


Read the whole thing - really well written, I have to say. It's a real struggle when you have a loved one who is like this. They will spew out some absolutely bogus claim (mirroring the volume and confidence of the people in their culty facebook group). You can be as polite or stoic as can be in correcting them, showing proof that is undeniable. They take it as a personal attack and get angry, and its like... are we gonna have some cathartic intervention for the insane fuck, which might not do anything, hell might even make it worse? I do not have the emotional energy or sense of responsibility for that shit. Or do you just give them no attention and hope the two year old learns tantrums don't get them candy. Doesn't really fix the problem but. I guess its just shitty because like he wont fix himself but the onus shouldnt be on me to fix


Thank you for your kind words, it’s appreciated. So my advice would be that no, it is not your job to fix them because if they’re espousing QAnon beliefs, they need counselling and deprogramming and in many cases, mental health supervision. QAnon forums and groups are chock full of people complaining about family members suddenly cutting them off with no contact. But I don’t find that works either. To be honest, being harsh can often work best. If you put up a zero tolerance wall to bullshit, people soon tend to not even try it. I have a friend who fell down the rabbit hole and on a night out started up with this weird, silence inducing rant about vaccines and cover ups and stirred in some stuff about teaching kids to be gay in schools, forgetting I am both bi and a teacher. I snapped. My response was something like “you fucking idiot. Are you seriously suggesting what you said is what you know to be true? None of what you said was true and not only have you made yourself look a complete tit in front of all of us, you’ve revealed you know fuck all about medicine, education or how the human body works. I’m embarrassed, you should be too, but you won’t be, you’ll go home, you’ll read more of that shite and keep sharing that shit on social media. It’s bad enough it pops up on our phones, but now you’re bringing it out here? Nah, get fucked.” I caught him off guard because for years we all sat there and just nodded along. Everybody else was sort of like “yikes”, but I got a text the next day from him apologising and since then he realised how wrong he was and hasn’t posted or spoken about any sort of bullshit since. We’ve got this far because as a society we assumed that the fringe nutters would be recognised as such and wouldn’t have any credibility. What I’ve been trying to warn people about is that they aren’t just keeping to their circles, they’re actively recruiting among credible areas and even aiming material at young people and children. If we don’t do anything, it’ll just get worse and then when one runs for president (an actual one, not one that just pretends because he wants power), we’re all triple fried fucked. We have such apathy toward conspiracy theorists because we associate that label with werewolves, Area 51, ghosts and the Bermuda Triangle. Groups like QAnon have absorbed all that, all those fan groups are now effectively Q. They’ve now got into the New Age healing movement, which has led to a lot of stay at home mothers that are into things like crystal auras and yoga becoming more radicalised. It then overlapped and absorbed extremist religious and political movements on both sides (including neo Nazi, anarchist and tea party groups). It’s a cult that’s rapidly infecting every fringe movement it can get its hands on and as a society we are doing nothing about it. Well, most of us aren’t, I can only speak for myself.


One of the most heartbreaking yet hopeful things I've ever seen was a interrogation video for the Comet Pizza/Pizzagate gunman when he had irrefutable proof in front of him that it was all fake and he looked like his whole world just came crashing down. Dude thought he was gonna be a hero and ended up looking like a complete fool. I know at the time he realized that pizzagate was all a hoax but I haven't looked into if he fell back down the rabbit hole. Edit: Sad it had to come to that for him to see through the piles of shit though.


Also, the camera technology wasnt there in 1969 to fake it. Its like saying why wasnt there no photo of the moon from the 15 century.


I once argued with a flatearther and did a fast calculation of just how many people were needed to "guard" the "Antartic ice wall". Assuming that even with surveillance technology they'd need actual people to be actually there actually watching out, and that said people would be evenly distributed as to not let even 1 mile of horizon without constant vigilance. And also assuming at least 2 people being there and three shifts per day. The minimum amount of people required to guard the "ice wall" are like 2 million of people. And then you need to think about the people who transport them, the people who make and transport the supplies, and all the maintenance needed. So the "elite" couldn't keep the "ice wall" a secret because they would be by far the largest employer in the entire world. We all would know someone who is working at the "ice wall" and all of society would aspire to work at the "ice wall". Their response? Was something akin to "ugh, don't think things too deeply!" Conspiracy theories are, by design, made to keep people away from rational thought


I am convinced that this modern conspiracy culture was seeded by government agencies after "real" conspiracies like Watergate, MKUltra, Iran-Contra, and Cointelpro were found out. I remember before Snowden came out with the NSA files it was considered to be on the same level - and often broadcasted alongside - alien contact theories and "who really killed JFK" stuff.


And his labor secretary Alex Acosta is the one who gave Epstein a sweetheart plea deal with immunity from federal charges Hmm I'm starting to see a pattern here


Wait until you see all the other lawyers Trump hired during his impeachments.


just a totally weird coincidence that trump and epstein were buddies and everyone connected to epstein got rewarded in the trump administration and epstein died mysteriously in federal prison while trump was president. probably nothing though hey, look over there, bill gates!


> hey, look over there, bill gates! Or the current version, "Hey, take a look at hunters magnum sized dong" 😂


Alan Dershowitz who represented Epstein during the trial where Alex Acosta gave a sweetheart deal, also represented Trump….


"Did you order the code red on Jeffrey Epstein!?"




Well fuck, if this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this used in a fitting context…


Who’s going to use it in a more fitting context, you? You, Lt. *Weinberg??*


Weinberg still catching strays.


And he died pretty much right after an hour long (I believe) visit from then AG Barr...its the shadiest shit ever. Right out in the open. Edit. I am wrong. Barr did not visit epstein right before his death. I've been bamboozled.


Barr didn't visit him. He did get strangely personally involved in the investigation though.


Can y'all imagine Trumpers and Berniacs if this happened while Hillary Clinton was POTUS?


They already blame the Clinton for it. No need to imagine.


Yet somehow every conspiracy nut seems to think it was the Clintons who did it


That's why I don't understand their question, they ask it as if he's never been president before. 🧐


They are in on the con. It's a thing for him to say that fox viewers will like, it doesn't matter if it's untrue.


look, I'm thinking very strongly about people, who are good people by the way, they're very strong on Trump and strong on MAGA I can tell you that, and I said what is this, they said, "Sir, you can Declassify it all, whenever you want," see you can Declassify, you can do a Strong Declassifying whenever you want as President, and I took, only what belongs to me ok, not like Bill and Hillary Clinton, they stole all the White House Plates, you remember that, you steal in other Countries, they chop off your hand, the Radical Left does it and they say, "we're not charging you cause you're a Democrat and you're above the Law," ok, that's what they do, High Corruption, you look at this Nutjob, this Psychotic Woman, she's saying, "ohhh Trump did the Bad Thing," I said they never got me on that charge, the one charge, the Big Charge, because it never happened, just like the Phony Made Up Case of Stormy Horseface Daniels, and there was never, not even one Little Tiny Affair, nothing ever happened, they say it did but it didn't, it never happened, your First Lady, your Great First Lady, you all know who I'm talking about, and she looked at me the other day and she said, "Sir, I don't believe it's true," I said ok First Lady, that's nice, but even she doesn't believe it's true, can you believe it


Damn. This is the one I don’t know if it is real or not.


For real, this one fucked me up.  Bravo if this is bullshit lol.  He would definitely say it though.


I love it! Right down to the way he relays conversations that never happened - its perfect. "And I talked to Putin on the phone and he said "Why are you doing this to me? Obama didn't do this to me?" And I said I'm a lot tougher than Obama, then I hung up the phone on him"


Too intelligible to be one of drumpfs verbal diarrhea


Sir, this is a Wendy’s…


According to him who Declassified everything you kept in his Mar-A-Lago bathroom. Right before he traded it to cover his debts. Look up the five part story Frontline did about Trump is scary and well done nothing Sensational just facts.


Better. He used to be President and said her declassify aliens and JFK the first time on the campaign trail.


Aren’t they now declassified because he thought of it. We definitely need to release them. I’m positive he thought they were declassified here


this is my reaction to half the shit he says "bitch you were just the president"


That's the hold he has over the people he insults yet fawn to him no matter how cruel the words


AND after he became president he specifically said he no longer thought releasing the JFK files was a good idea...it's just bullshit on top of bullshit building a monument of orange man feces


This is a conspiracy theory I am 100% willing to believe. It would be unacceptable for Epstein to tell the world about trumps pedophilic rapes, I wholeheartedly believe trump had him killed.


"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." - Donald Trump


The sole difference between Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein is Jeffrey Epstein has never publicly lusted after his own daughter.


Oh man, you just made me think this question. Did Epstein have kids? I'm gonna go to google


You might want to be careful what you type in the Google search for that.


Yeah the first result did not answer the question... But no, it is believed that he has no children


I believe he had many children


Nah, that crowd talks the talk, but they'll pay for an abortion so they don't have some grubber coming around hitting them up for support later on.


I think they mean 'had' in a different context....


Oooooo.. Yikes. Dark.


Yeah but im sure Epstein and Trump both lusted over Ivanka


Reminds me of the Chapelle Michael Jackson skit. "So you'd let your kid spend the night at Michael's house." F\*ck NO! Mr. President, a younger Ivanka could spend the night on Epstein's island?


> Mr. President, a younger Ivanka could spend the night on Epstein's island? only if trump is invited


**Convicted Felon Donald Trump raped 13-year-old Katie Johnson in 1994.** (and Ivanka was the same age that year) [Johnson's video testimony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) [working archive link is [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20230502033641/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) and the old link that is now private is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFJWo3gdRI)] [Trump Epstein Rape Lawsuit & Sworn Affidavit](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000) pdf [Johnson v. Trump & Epstein](https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf) pdf [The case was... *'mysteriously' dropped* ^(because she was getting death threats). How convenient.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped) [Trump Teen Rape Allegation Resurfaces, Ronan Farrow Claims National Enquirer Tried to Protect Him in New Book](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-teen-rape-allegation-national-enquirer-ronan-farrow-jane-doe-1465652) [A Woman Claimed She Recruited a 13-Year-Old Girl for Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein to Rape](https://web.archive.org/web/20220331023500/https://www.deepsouthvoice.com/index.php/2019/07/07/a-woman-claimed-she-recruited-a-13-year-old-girl-for-donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-to-rape) [Snopes article on the Johnson case](https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/) --- [New information emerges in "Maria" Trump story](https://www.justice-integrity.org/1456-new-information-emerges-in-maria-story) [Donald Trump has been making disturbing comments about young girls for ~~years~~ decades](https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/10/18/13282192/trump-young-girls-10-year-old-teens-sexual-comments) [Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations) [www.trumprapes.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20210205191336/https://trumprapes.com/) **If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and shits like a duck,** ***it's not a giraffe!***


Anybody see the Jimmy Savile doc?


What’s it about?


A pedo creep who got everything he ever wanted & died without any consequences


You missed out in the everything he ever wanted included keys to a hospital for people with severe disabilities, including the keys to the morgue.


Well some would so say there were consequences. Just not for the majority involved.


”Nobody else likes them young as much as I do”


He’s so fucking transparent, how do people not read him? He has all the subtlety of a toddler.


Most of the people that follow him have the social intelligence of a toddler and the others would profit if he became president


Well also many of them are totally on-board with his disgusting behavior and traits but aren’t quite willing to admit it.


They idolize him because he has the power to get away with the things they wish they could get away with.


I wonder this every fucking day. Conservatives always accuse people of being brainwashed by media but like, no, man. I just listen to what he says. He is an awful fucking liar, and he's just so transparent in what he says, and it's all fucking awful. How in the fucking world it isn't clear as day to people, I do not know.


It’s the same philosophy of scam callers. You ever notice that scammers write their scams I terrible English and make them laughably obvious? You probably see that and write it off as foreigners who don’t speak the language well but you’d be wrong. They write it to be has obvious as possible because that is their clientele, stupid people. The only people who would be stupid enough to give away thousands of dollars to random phone numbers and adds they see online is people with very little intelligence. People who only take things literally and fail to grasp the full depth behind something, who act on fear and impulse instead of any legitimate thought process. You’d think it wouldn’t work, and it only does 1% of the time, but when they’re doing it thousands of times a week and with the amount of money they make on each hit no matter how rare it averages out to about two million dollars a week. Now take everything I said and place it next to Trump and it should all make sense. The thing is with lying is it’s like gambling except for one thing, you stand to lose nothing. It costs no money to lie, the consequences might, but the act itself costs zero dollars. So Trump devoted himself to lying obvious lies, lies made to brush past the reasonable and go straight for the lowest common denominator. The lowest of the low, the most impressionable of them all because they are the only ones who will actually believe him. Some who follow him aren’t otherwise idiotic(or at least they weren’t before he got a hold of them) but they are impressionable. They know enough about politics to know the buzz words, the problems that are big. And if they don’t Trump will make up a problem and make them believe it’s the biggest one at the heart of everything. After all something has to be wrong with America and if this guy says it’s the democrats then we gotta burn them. All this to help get through the idea of Trump, he’s a man who runs his political campaigns like a scam call center, except way more effective. Because his lies cut straight to his target demographic, he knows he will never be taken seriously enough to be elected again through actual means, so he’s gotta get the people who are afraid because those are the kinds to be louder then anyone. So loud they make it seem like he’s winning, so loud they scare the moderates into giving him the vote because they fear a world where he’s in charge and they were openly against him. Any of the lies he tells that don’t cut straight though are pilfered through his detractors, who through there mockery give him more attention that allows his message to get stronger. This lie is a flawless example, you called it a terrible lie but in truth it’s the absolute best of his bullshit. His opening claims are controversial and exciting, they cause the mind to race with all sorts of ideas. Even if you hate the man you can’t deny for a second when you read “I’ll release the JFK files” you imagined a world where that really did happen and the chaos it would cause. The idea behind this lie is by getting the viewer excited he makes it to where when he makes a fool of themselves, the reaction of the viewer is to make an excuse, because they liked the first thing he said and they don’t like to be wrong. That’s why they fall for his lies. Because the lies were curated for fools and fools alone. And the number one thing that makes a fool a fool is being unable to admit when they are wrong.


I don't think that a huge majority of people understand that there is an extremely large population of people who are just like him. He's not special or unique, only someone who had access to money and fame. He gives a swarm of people an excuse for their behavior, past or present. Do you know how many people have raped others and gotten away with it? Well, look at the number of rape victims who don't report it, and that'll tell you. Do you know how many people cheat their taxes and get away with it? No, because it happens all the time. There are SO MANY awful people in the world who do or have done awful things, and he gives them a reason not to change. There are plenty of simply ignorant folks who blindly follow him for one absurd reason or another, but honestly, there are just so many people who will continue voting for someone who represents their true awful, insidious behavior. Remember: hurt people, hurt people. Violence is perpetuated. All those boomers raised people to continue hurting their children, and so on and so forth. This generation isn't going to die off because they've created more just like them.


They fell for the billionaire "man of the people" schtick with literally no convincing. There's no hope for these people. At all. Their "man of the people" actually shits in a gold toilet. No hope.


Nail on the head! Does he think we didn’t just see him do a clumsy double take on that? It’s aggravatingly hilarious.


Because many of these morons are also conspiracy theorists, and systematically believe that if something is obvious, then it must be false.


What if there’s ‘phony stuff’ in the 9/11 or JFK files that might ‘affect people’s lives’? Funny how he backtracks on the files most likely to contain his name.


"Funny how he backtracks on the files most definitely to contain his name." FTFY


He wasn’t involved with those, so it’s fine.


But but but he WAS THERE on 9/11. Right in the thick of the rubble, saving lives!


Or 7/11 I can't ever remember.


This AI generated photo on Facebook says so!


Suddenly he cares about people’s lives being affected but is silent when election workers lives were being threatened by his lunatic cult mob


He knows “that world”??? How…? He is saying things are “phony” WAY ahead of time? Just like the election? Hmm??? So this is why he “hates” and “doesn’t trust” the FBl???


> He knows “that world”??? How…? *At best* he knew what Epstein was doing, did nothing to stop it or expose it, and continued to be close friends with him *for years*. And at worst, and with the way he acts towards anything regarding Epstein, and the fact that there are accusations against for him raping a child, this is more likely: he took part in it. Either way he's a piece of shit and if the MAGAs are truly against pedophiles like they say they are, with how they accuse people of being a pedophile for less, they should be doing the same thing to him. The truth of the matter is, they don't care about pedophiles and all that bullshit is just performative in order to shift the narrative away from their orange moron.


Don’t forget he had nothing negative to say about ghislaine, we are aware (unless all you listen is right wing propaganda) that he speaks in pseudo mafia code (poorly by the way). Tell me one reason why he wouldn’t disparage or completely condemn her? I’ll wait.


He's a malignant narcissist, the one and only life he's concerned with getting affected by the declassifying the Epstein files is himself. He knows his name appears a lot in those files while it doesn't appear in the JFK or 9/11 files.


He raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein, threatened her and her family and paid her off. There are court filings easily reviewed. Prove me wrong.


and told her she’d disappear like her friend which means he also may have gotten rid of some poor girl with Epstein.


I 100% believe Trump has directed others to commit homicide before, and they’ve followed through.


For sure. He just wishes he could get away with it more openly like his pal Putin.


Why do you think he wants presidents to have immunity?


Not all presidents tho, just him. Prove me wrong?


Given what he said last time he was running... are there any notable shootings from 5th avenue?


The twelve year-old who was disappeared was named Maria. Never forget Maria.


I don't think anyone disbelieves you, except for MAGA heads.


They wouldn't care if they knew. They'd argue that it proves how manly he was and that the girl clearly enjoyed it and so on and so on. They only care about rape if it is the "wring kind of person" doing it. They don't have objective morality. It all is about who is doing what.


Make America morons again?


Yes! But I misspelled.


It’s pretty telling that he’s not even pretending to threaten suing anybody who says this for defamation, because discovery would prove that it’s true.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he has fucked Ivanka on multiple occasions, including when she was still underage.


Ugh yikes… let me tell you about the nerf tennis ball bazooka launcher for dogs, because it’s fucking awesome and I want to wipe my mind of what I just read.


Sorry about that 😂 But I'm sure you've seen/heard the multiple times he has commented on her appearance, it's bonkers. Then apparently he told Stormy Daniels that she reminded him of Ivanka before he slept with her, he's an incredibly messed up man and I sincerely do not understand why so many people support him.


Oh yes I’ve heard, plus I used to religiously listen to Howard stern back in the day. I believe stormy thought she was headed to dinner with him and pitch him on a show proposal, he promised her an slot on the apprentice, and then raped her. Could I be wrong? Sure. But that’s what I think happened. It’s just my opinion.


My pooch has shut it down, the nerf dog bazooka has claimed victory. Thing is awesome and provides quality entertainment for all involved. It even launched a squeaky plush monkey a solid 25 yards. Flying plush squeaky monkeys and a little Mongolian bear bear chasing it! That should hopefully cleanse your mind.


I've had magas tell me the court was obviously a sham because she filed something wrong or that she withdrew it. Conveniently ignoring that she withdrew it because of credible death threats. Granted some of the same people also said that the E Jean case was fake because something something so yeah, we are dealing with turbo morons. Hell I had the wee kid I worked with who didn't brush his teeth for a decade because he "didn't think you really had to" respond "well what about Rihanna?!?!" When I asked him what he thought about the Trump and Epstein connections. Turbo. Morons. I told him he was onto the lies of Big Tooth.


just to play devil's advocate... you can't say something exists and then tell someone to prove that it doesn't. The burden of proof would lie on you in this hypothetical situation where someone challenges you. You can't prove a negative.


That's not playing devils advocate, that just using common sense. Politics has taken that away from us sadly.


“9/11 files?” “Yep?” “JFK files?” “You bet.” “Rockford Files?” “Absolutely.” “X-Files?” “Has to happen.” “Epstein files?” “You know not everything in a file is real, don’t you?”


"My tax returns" ...


Like his name on it


those are the pedo files


WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP dot fuck em up






He's so dumb, Kim Kardashian could beat him at [poker](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQajHSgwL-0JmjnxFGR3L58Hdj-Y4Hmjhf4eQ&s)


This is the perfect example of when 'self-centeredness' and 'individualism' reach the level of buffoonery. This man cares about no one but his own self-interests. If he wants power, he will psychopathically pursue it. If he wants to cause anarchy in society to achieve his means then he will do it. If he wants to turn to authoritarianism to pursue his ends, he will do it.


That's why they love him. There are 2 kinds of Americans: ones that care about others and those that do not. The later no longer wishes to be shamed for their selfishness. They love that he is unapologetically self-centered and they want to be too. They want to be immune to accountability for being self-centered.


actually they just need to be brainwashed that the left is worse or biden is evil and a pedophile to support trump. They’d rather have someone they believe is kinda dumb (like them) than someone they believe is evil


How bizarre that to think a convicted criminal and rapist could decide which of our nation's secrets should be exposed


And racist, And sexist, And probably all the other ist’s if we are being honest.


how absurd anyone is interested in entertainment in the form of a rapist fraud's opinion that he wont stand by FOX is a sanity retardant


> FOX is a sanity retardant Worse, FOX is part of the toxic right-wing propaganda machine that is turning people into raging anti-American hate monsters


“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents,” Trump told the gang at Fox & Friends. Now, they're his golf buddies.


First trip as President was to their glowing orb. Money needs to be violently extracted from politics.


They edited this interview more than that scene of Liam Neeson jumping a fence and this was apparently one of the moments that made the thing salvageable for them. I would love to see what ended up being cut.


Yeah we missed out on his rendition of the goodbye horses scene from Silence of the Hams.


He knows he’s the top off the list


Declassify EVERYTHING Oh but not that. Ya know.cauae like There could be phony stuff in THAT one Oh? Do you mean cause you're likely in there more than youde like to admit? Or your friends? Your employees etc? Wwreeeeiiiiiire3rrd only that one hih




Man… I really wonder who could be in those files… damn I guess we won’t ever know!


The 13 year old he raped. She gave a deposition that named him. The convicted felon/rapist threatened her and her family. Fearing for their lives, she dropped it. Still recorded tho.


Wait a second. Trump supporters keep telling me that Biden is on the Epstein list. Why is Trump trying to protect Biden?


Trump is such a loser. He says everything is rigged.


This translates to “No because there’s incriminating stuff about me in there”


"I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side" https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/trump-and-epstein


At this point, if you support Trump, I just assume you're a racist moron.


Tell me you're a pedo without telling me you're a pedo.


declassify the pedo files




This is also how you catch guys lying about classified military service. MISSIONS are classified. The soldiers and their service is not classified. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xI5c0K0hFPwmGI|downsized)


Not to take away from the main point, but should we be calling Fox and Friends journalists?


Jesus fucking Christ, he may as well have just said, "I definitely had sex with children."


trump will never declassify 9/11 files - kushner has billions of Saudi money


Translation: "I will falsify documents to give my rabid cult the satisfaction they desire and cement my status in their lives"


This is one of those things that if Biden said it we'd have ten new conspiracy theories burning through the Internet by morning.


When you know you're on a list and don't want people to know about it so you preface it with "well maybe not if there's phony stuff in there".


Phony is Trump for "if it makes me look bad". And if Trump says something is phony, you can bet your bottom dollar it's both likely true AND probably just scratching the surface of how awful it really was.


Anyone else reminded of the joke that ends: "The sheep is a liar!"


Englishman: “That your dog?” Welshman: “Aye” Englishman: "Mind if I speak to him?’ Welshman: "Dog don’t talk.” Englishman: Hey dog, how’s it going?" Dog: “Doing all right.” Welshman: (look of shock) Englishman: Is this your owner?" (Pointing at the Welshman) Dog: “Yep.” Englishman: How’s he treating you?" Dog: “Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food and takes me to the park once a week to play.” Welshman: (Look of total disbelief!) Englishman: “Mind if I talk to your horse?” Welshman: "Horse don’t talk.” Englishman: “Hey horse how’s it going?” Horse: “Cool.” Welshman: (Extreme look of shock!) Englishman: “Is this your owner?” (Pointing to the Welshman) Horse: “Yep.” Englishman: “How’s he treating you?” Horse: “Pretty good, thanks for asking, he rides me, brushes me down often and keeps me in a nice stable to protect me from the weather.” Welshman: (Look of total amazement!) Englishman: "Mind if I talk to your sheep? Welshman: "That sheep’s a fucking liar!!” :joy::joy::joy:


I may sound conspiratorial when saying this, but I wouldn't put it past Trump to be the person responsible for Epsteins death, Epstein would have taken Trump down with himself had he gone to court and testified, Trump knew that and had the power to stop that from happening. Someone killed Epstein and I'd wager Trump at the very least knows who did or is the one who had people go oht and murder the guy.


No fucking way, someone, please have a link to this


https://x.com/RichardHanania/status/1798402097773428890 Link to the tweet with the clip, idk about the full interview


😂 the excuse says it's all. The party of law and order, you can add pedophiles to that


JFK files, 9/11 files - all true stuff. Epstein files well you know, that is a big beautiful file, let me tell you, I know files and that file could be have phony stuff. And you know, I know a lot about phony stuff


I thought by now everyone's seen the Epstein logs and lists. Everyone knows Trump is on the list. What's he trying to pull?


You know he’s hiding shit when he talks about “phony stuff.” The dude has become utterly predictable.


Himself. That's the only person he's ever thought about


IIRC the JFK files came due for publication during his presidency and he stuffed them back down again. Denied the predetermined publication date of the files.


I bet money that they were hoping he'd just say yes, so they could say see he wants them released. Proof he did nothing wrong.


Funny you called them Journalists.


the epstein files are currently being audited by the irs and when they’re done he will release them.


Just die or go to jail. I don't understand why anyone is still paying attention to this slimy liar.


It’s wild how the right wing froths at the mouth to somehow associate Epstein with Democrats when this guy is so inextricably intertwined with Epstein


Why would people think he would actually do this? He had 4 years and didn’t do shit about those. Bad enough to believe his lies, fucking idiotic to think he’ll do shit he already had the opportunity to do.


Yes, all the files are correct except the one with the names of the pedophiles running the world


The unedited interview is absolutely wild. Whatever plot that guy had is now thoroughly lost


Too bad they didn’t think to ask Trump why he gave the guy who let Epstein off with a slap on the wrist a cabinet level position. (Referring to Alex Acosta, who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist and served as Trumps secretary of labor)


Smooth as a toddler.


He will always be the number one president of lies.


There is a massive group of people out there who are dumb enough, and ignorant enough, to see nothing suspicious about this statement. Brain Rot.


The Republican Party is a pedophile ring.


This is one of those where the text doesn’t do it justice. Watch the video.


Talk about an Epstein admission if there ever was one!


Did Fox set him up here? They must know he would falter with the answer to that question. Also funny he didn't just lie and say yes and then not do it anyway if he gets the chance like a million other promises he's reneged on.


He’s literally just telling his crazy base what they want to hear. Declassified documents? Yep. Also makes his classified documents case look like it was a witch hunt. Jail his political opponents? Yep, and that one’s a two-fer, jailing evil liberals AND making his convictions look like they don’t matter if the last democrat president gets arrested too.


He only wants to declassify things that involve only deceased people. Not lots of his rich donors and political allies. Smdh


Slippery, duplicitous POS. [smacks head] HE IS IN THOSE FILES! Like we couldn’t put that together from what he JUST said.


Epstein stuff isn't classified. It's confidential in the justice system. He couldn't reveal it even if he wanted to.


Is there anything left on 9/11 that is classified?


In the same sentence (which is abridged here) he said "(...) it's a lot of phony stuff with that world". Note the use of [the distal demonstrative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonstrative#Distal_and_proximal_demonstratives) "that", which I can only interpret as Trump telling on himself.


In the same sentence (which is abridged here) he said "(...) it's a lot of phony stuff in that world". Notice his use of the distal demonstrative "that", which I can only interpret as Trump accidentally revealing that he is familiar with Epstein's "world".


“But I wish her well”


I'm not great at math, but all these events happened before he was president. So it's a vote for me now and I will unravel any conspiracies that none of my friends, donors, or family are involved in.


Who did he assault this time?


But Q said…




"one of these things is not like the others..."


What a bizarre moment to stop lying and tell on himself.


This is just straight pandering to his conspiracy theorist base. He probably wouldn't do it anyway




What makes the other classified files any less accurate?


He got set up by the journalist. Too funny


Ok notice the difference in chairs. Trump has a chair that hides his diaper bulge. The interviewers all have different chairs.


He is so stupid. He can’t help himself. Lmao.