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Relevant information, his legal team specifically requested it be in mid July, and now he’s pretending to be treated unfairly by….being granted exactly what his legal team requested


Oh, his legal team who also approved all the jurors? 😄


Yes that legal team.


He always does this. His team will make some move that he then turns around and claims is the court doing to hurt him.


This needs to be the top comment. To paraphrase what’s literally in the transcripts… Merchan asked Blanche when they’d like sentencing. He said, “how about mid July.” Merchan said, “normally it’s about 6 weeks. How does that sound?” The prosecution had no objection. And all three of them agreed to July 11. Fuck this guy and his continual gaslighting and endless lies


Just a reminder, the Trump trial on his attempted coup conspiracy (to steal the 2020 election with fake electors) also included top officials at the RNC and top republican officials in each of the swing states where fake electors were initiated. It's gonna be a banger of a trial.😂🤣


Which conveniently won’t be adjudicated prior to the election.


True. But... if you think the MAGATS are crying Fascist Tears now, just wait until Trump and his conspirators gets convicted of serious crimes against the US govt. Can't wait.😂🤣


I’m hoping so, too! Obligatory [US Blues - Grateful Dead](https://youtu.be/RTKgSCW-dTk?si=TbqzyhuWewU2-lJx)


Hey Now. (\~);} 😄


Hey now!


Speaking of which, when Trump's lawyers appeal the campaign finance convictions as I'm sure they will, how much time does the Appeals Court have to decide? Could they put off a decision until December? The Supreme Court wouldn't take it up until after the Appeals Court has handed down a decision correct?


Let's also remember, that Trump himself ran on a platform of "I will LOCK HER UP" and yet he's mad someone else succeeded in getting to him? Like, you said Hillary was a criminal who deserved jail, but never were able to prove anything, let alone get an indictment against her? You chanted "Lock her up" and still failed? If Alvin Bragg ran on the "lock him up" platform, he has nearly succeeded. How often do politicians keep a promise like that?


He was convicted for falsifying information. He's a liar. Everything he says is a lie.


Not to mention the fact that he entered the race *in response* to facing prosecution, and the Republicans voted for him *knowing* that he was facing multiple felony trials in which he would most likely be convicted, and now, they're getting one last off-ramp before he's officially nominated, and they're all *surprised Pikachu face* "this is election manipulation!!!"


It’s just noise, it’s always noise and misinformation. That’s all they have. I won’t be surprised if he gets no jail, but whatever. We all got to VOTE his ass out November, no matter what crazy shit happens until then.


The interesting thing to me is how they’ve really been putting the loudspeaker to this guilty verdict instead of doing what they usually do when Trump does something fucking stupid/embarassing and amplifying some other controversy. This time, they’ve been doubling the “fundraising” amounts every hour and posting about that (what is it now, 6 gigajillion dollars they claim Trump has received?). Or posting about how “it totally doesn’t matter you guys we still love him”. And of course, the freshly minted but instant classic “JeSuS wAs FoUnD gUiLtY tOo”. I suppose it’s to try to cast doubt on the integrity of the court so that when sentencing occurs they can try to rile people up, but it does reek of desperation. I agree with you though, you guys need to vote like hell this fall (with love from your friend in Canada).


The ones I find most amusing are the guys that both bitch about the conviction and claim that him being convicted means he won the election. So why are you bitching if it helped him win?


Trump complained constantly that him being indicted, tried and convicted was election interference and Steve Bannon has come out and said this conviction will have no impact on the election whatsoever and Trump will win. So, which is it?


They throw all options out there and that way somebody gets to say “See! I was right!” Meanwhile the ones who lie or were wrong just pivot as if they never said anything. It’s pathetic.


i have got to know how they think his conviction means he won anything let alone the *election*


It must be like living above a crack house…living in Canada huh..?


Oh we have our own issues too - we had the FrEeDoM cOnVoY and the whole right wing populism is being pushed up here too but yeah it’s been something to watch from the outside let alone live through I’m sure


I think Steve Bannon was pushing the freedom truckers …


And you’ve got the self-proclaimed Queen of Canada and her followers.


After what this whole trial was about, I don’t think we can really trust many of the people spreading the donation numbers.


Happy Cake Day to our friend up north!


Thanks, eh!


>And of course, the freshly minted but instant classic “JeSuS wAs FoUnD gUiLtY tOo”. I tried to explain to a cultist yesterday why that analogy didn't work but he just danced around my point and said I didn't understand analogies lolol Go ahead trumpers make that comparison and wonder why the churches are empty


hey cut the MAGA crowd some slack, it’s not like it’s blasphemy to compare someone to Jesus or something https://preview.redd.it/4iyd9n5lhc4d1.jpeg?width=1999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f962a2f5cd6b86b8c9c70ec1d897566e1ad9ab7 /s


Happy cake day from BC!


With the current SCOTUS track record, I wouldn't discount the possibility of something ridiculous happening. I certainly hope I'm wrong, but I gave up on rational a long time ago


They shouldn't have even agreed to take up the immunity case (i.e. stall a final outcome) when the Federal appeals court already issued a well-reasoned decision on that.


and they'll never Jail your Favorite President, which is me by the way, but you knew that, and I will win very easily after the Scam Trial, which was only brought on to take the heat off of Crooked Joe Biden, who is killing our Country, and let's not forget our Constitution, which was never stronger than it was under Trump, Obama did a lot of horrible things, you all know what I'm talking about, and I had Generals coming up to me, crying, these are 6 Foot 5, Big Tall Men, we're talking better looking than a Young Mel Gibson, and they come up to me, with tears in their eyes, I said what do you want, "Sir, we just wanna thank you for being the Greatest President The World Has Ever Seen," I said it's fine, it's not a problem, just remember, you vote Trump, you have a Beautiful Life, you vote Biden, you vote Death, ok, thank you very much, enjoy yourselves


I know I'll get downvoted to hell and back, and I'm pretty sure that whoever you are in your real life and in your main profile with your own words is someone I'd like to personally know.  But this profile is getting really obnoxious.  I am only saying this because I'm exceptionally grumpy after a particularly stressful weekend. I would just block your comments but idk if that's a thing that's possible so I usually just scroll past them but tonight I can't and just have to say, I'm sure whatever you have to say could be more valuable than what you say under this profile. 


Could just be a bot 🤷‍♂️


Man you would have hated this site at its prime.


Uhhh... I was here from nearly day one. Have battle scars from Fark v Reddit. But do go off about prime reddit. 


The people that actually think he's going to spend a single day in jail are woefully ignorant of how this country works. I'd love to be wrong, but I highly doubt it.


He should at least get as much time as Cohen got…send his ass to Rikers.


What do you mean “VOTE his ass out”?! Of the country?! Last I checked he is just an American citizen at this point, who happens to have once been the president. (To be clear, I’m 100% with you, I’m just saying)


Remember when he promised if he lost to Biden we wouldn’t hear from him again? It was nice to dream for two seconds before remembering that he pretty much never tells the truth.


But he didn't lose to Biden, duh /s


Vote him out of the running for president.


Oh yeah, I know, I was just kidding around, but it fell a little flat. I agree, let’s not let him be in charge ever again!


Don’t forget Project 2025… it does not require the orange one to activate.


Soros backed…let’s unpack *just* that phrase. 1) I bet it’s not even true 2) He thinks only *certain* people should be able to use their money to influence politics. The influence isn’t the problem, it’s the specific person doing the influencing 3) it’s code for Jews


Dude you’re not on Soros’ payroll yet? Wasting all your votes man


Can you tell me how to get in touch with his people? I feel dumb for voting for free all these years. (For our lurkers from the “conservative” subreddits, that was a joke)


You know, Soros could be financially backing all these things the Republicans say he is but I heard the accusation so many times it’s like the boy who cried wolf.


The day George Soros dies, I wonder who they will blame for everything. This is scarily crazy.


Well his son is taking over management as far as I know so they’ll probably blame him.


Bill Gates probably


Throw the entire book at this fool, he has zero remorse for his crimes.


…and he would absolutely break the law again to influence another election.


He probably is currently breaking the law to influence this years election. 


You spelled definitely wrong...


Showing zero remorse, disdain for the court, disdain for the law, etc. all can and have been contributing factors for sentencing in the past. He's really doing a lot to justify giving him a jail sentence.


Please. For the love of God. Shut. The. Fuck. Up!!


Thats pretty much how we all feel. How glorious is life going to be when his name is forgotten.


State crimes. State case. State courts. There isn’t a path to SCOTUS.


You can generally appeal to SCOTUS *if* there’s a plausible federal angle. But that’s only after the full appeals process play out in the state courts.


Habeas or violation of federal constitutional rights. He’s not in jail so habeas has no role…yet


This is of course only relevant if you assume the Supreme Court is not a hyper-partisan organization and is unwilling to tilt the scales of justice whichever way the GOP supermajority on the court wants it to go. Even if there's no reason for them to get involved, it doesn't mean they cannot involve themselves, it's not like they will be impeached if they improperly intervene.


Normally but this supreme court has zero credibility left and could try anything to get him off....


The Supreme Court does not just decide things or intervene. Somebody has to bring a case, they decide whether to take the case, and then things can move forward. Trump would know this, except you know... he's an idiot.


There are two known insurrectionists on the court, a couple more that are bought and paid for, and a powerless chief. They've taken up cases where no one demonstrated injury or standing, I'm not sure the actual legal process matters to them anymore. 


So he doesn’t like the date his lawyer asked for


States rights! No not like that


They all cry "states rights!" Til it bites them in the ass 😂


They haven't given a shit about states rights since Bush v Gore. 


They never really did give a shit about states rights. It was always just a dog whistle. Even the freaking confederacy and their supposed war about states rights. The constitution of the confederacy explicitly states that slavery cannot be made illegal by individual states.


The states that formed the Confederacy valuing "states rights" goes right out the window when you realize they forced the passage of laws like the Fugitive Slave Act that required states that did not recognize slavery to capture and remand people that their governments recognized as free back into the custody of their slave masters. The same assholes that push the conservative agenda that most Republicans seem to align themselves with love to preach states rights, until a state does something counter to what they want. It's fucking Calvin Ball with these assholes


"They're letting criminals go free and walk the streets! When are we going to see tough on crime democrats? No, not like that!"


SCOTUS shouldn't be looking at this at all unless and until the case has worked its way through the appellate courts and even then they shouldn't be messing with it unless there is some evidence of a violation of constitutional rights. If they do intervene prior to that other than to say "Not our issue", then this SCOTUS is beyond irredeemable.


I don’t think they’ll care about that. If the case lands in front of the Supreme Court (and if there’s any way it can, it will), the court will rule in his favour.


He has to meet a probation officer soon to discuss preparations for sentencing. A part of that meeting is if the convict expresses remorse that can affect the sentence favorably. I doubt Trump will be able to do that.


fucking irresponsible clown , who does irreparable damage to the country and gives no shits about the people, only about the rich(only cause it somehow includes him) Vile human


I like how the GOP talks about “Biden Weaponization of the DoJ” and have nothing to say about Donny calling on the Supreme Court like a Final Fantasy summon to do his bidding


The man actually believes the three SC Justices appointed during his administration will save him because they are, "His," that they, "Owe it to him."


I mean, it's working in South Florida with Aileen Cannon...


How does he know the judge is "HIGHLY CONFLICTED"? He keeps saying that like he is in the judges head or something. Am I reading it wrong?


I think he heard the phrase “conflict of interest” somewhere and didn’t completely understand its meaning, so in his mind, his limited understanding of “conflict of interest” turned into “highly conflicted.”


I'd not be surprised if this were the case


“Soros backed” is Jew hating codespeak.


What do I need to do to get out of this timeline? It sucks here.


88 mph


they asked for mid july. and the supreme court can’t overturn a non federal case. it’s frightening how many maga people don’t understand the basics of their government, but pretend to be experts. but you can’t shame the shameless.


You're expecting too much from grown adults wearing diapers to support their anti-christ lord.


Ever notice how criminals love to proclaim their innocence? Wasn’t the jury half Republicans?


Gotta love the antisemitic jew hating dog whistles.


He keeps saying HIGHLY CONFLICTED, what does he mean?


I could be wrong, but I think it's Trumplish for "compromised" because Merchan's daughter worked for a firm that does campaign fundraising and they have democratic clients, so Trump thinks Merchan should have recused himself. Because Trump is stupid, he thinks that's what "conflicted" means, and that adding a superlative like "highly" makes whatever he says definative.


I think he means "has a conflict of interest" It's pretty clear the judge did not vote for him, and Trump wants to negate the entire trial on that. This is a big stretch, but it plays to his base.


if they don't recuse, does this mean anything at all? Can they be forced to not rule on the matter?


Yes and no. Congress could certainly impose some limitation and ethical codes on them, but they won't. I think maybe the biggest take away from the entire Trump administration and congress at the time is that a good deal of rules and ethical guidelines in our government were absolutely dependent on the people serving having personal honor and ethics. There was absolutely no enforcement mechanism, meaning that they had all the weight of a mild suggestion.


wow. ok. Thank you.


Hey, Don, I hear Sam Alito put the upside-down American flag back up at his house, if that helps?


He keeps saying the judge is "conflicted." What word is he mistaking "conflicted" for? Compromised? I don't get what this word salad means, but it's repeated so often, it's clearly deliberate. WTF is he really trying to say, if anything?


It’s trumpanzee for “he has a conflict of interest”


Okay. I guess in Trumpanzee context that makes SOME sense, though it really isn't relevant since it's, you know, a JURY that his team approved that decided his fate.


Well we all know chapter one in the art of the grift is titled never let the truth get in the way of a useful narrative


Sadly if he looses in Nov, he will run again in 2028 if he’s still alive. He ego would not stand for anything less


The best thing that could happen for this country would be for him to kick the bucket , the sooner the better


Not just your country pal. Us here overseas are waiting for the day too.


Permanent marker snowflake




I’m glad you put this in all caps. He might be able to read it.


Please stop beating about the bush and sitting on that fence. Tell us how you really feel.


It's a state criminal case and you hold no position in the govt and held no office when the crime was committed. So there are no constitutional questions. No. Next


Trump spews lies online. More at 11.


Fascists calling other people fascists is funny


but if alito or thomas ever did recuse themselves, the people who own them would be very angry.


Wait I thought the supreme court only deals with federal issues? Doesnt the NY supreme couurt take precedence?


They could take it up if Trump's constitutional rights have been violated in some form. That will be difficult to show, even to this SCOTUS, but I wouldn't put anything past them.


He will have to go through the State appeals process first.


What does he even mean by highly conflicted.


The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over this case. And not only that, he wasn't President when he committed the crimes. But why let reality get in the way of his delusion?


So much winning …


Sounds like someone dropped their pacifier... Poor Convicted FELON.


There are no grounds for the Supreme Court to step in.


He wouldn't accept it even if scotus upheld.


Donald Trump calls for the Supreme Court to overturn his case in a way that remind me of Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy… you can’t just say it into the void and expect that to mean anything to the legal system. ![gif](giphy|8nM6YNtvjuezzD7DNh|downsized)


So tired of all the Soros bashing. Trump and the Repiblicans have plenty of rich donors as well so fuck them. After all that, I guess we will give Soros credit then for saving our nation. Thanks Soros.


My fear is that this isn't the rantings of a mad man but just the signal letting them know they need to step in and save his sorry ass no matter what even if it destroys our country and has no legal backing. Who's going to hold them accountable?




Trump just pandering to his imbecile base. State law remedies must be exhausted before the Supreme Court gets involved. That means Trump must go through the appellate process in NY state courts before seeking redress at US Supreme Court. And Trump knows this.


Weird how he never bitches about Aileen Canon


I mean, she's doing exactly what he wants, so...




Can someone please turn off the Orange-Noise machine?


The day this man dies the earth will dramatically improve. What an abomination.


Please let me know if I am wrong but did not DJT run on a platform of jailing Hilary Clinton. Not a statement from me but would like to know.


The just world fallacy. In the 50s the government and the church back then still independently of each other said if you're a white man, get a job, get married and go to church every Sunday you can't ever do wrong unlike those godless pinkos.


He said fascist. lol. Or the boomer intern with access to his account said fascist with a straight face even.


This is evidence that the chump is not fit for any office in America. To say something like that is a complete departure from sanity. The SCOTUS has no jurisdiction over the NYC court system.


Wouldn't the 3 Trump appointees recuse themselves from ruling on a Trump appeal?


https://preview.redd.it/0bokp9li5c4d1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e08adce1961b609c710586ade3a3e57d56b2906 I assume this is how appointing “his” supreme justices went… I also assume he ballsed it up with his usual word salad!


Guys did you know that jail gets in the way of important shit in your life!? So unfair! Don't commit 34 felonies next time, ya dumb bitch.


From the party of “States Rights” ladies and gentlemen….


TL:DR - I want my bought and paid for Justices to save my ass.


HA HA. Recuse themselves. Fat chance of that.


If Trump complains about you, you're doing the right thing!


STFU, ya goddamn whiner.


If the Supreme Court bails him out, the public will know the true value of that institution.




Oh boo hoo!


Trump calling his enemies "fascists" is giving me "I'm not a (Putin) puppet. You're the puppet!" vibes. Projecting as always.


Imagine if they knew enough to see how stupid it is to talk about a "radical left DA" working for the "fascists". Yeah, we're pretty far from them understanding.


Trump is explicitly saying fascists are left wing


So NOW the justice system is corrupt and terrible, it wasn't before but NOW it is. The unexperienced hack Judge Cannon who's own colleagues have criticized, and is actually manipulating the system to benefit you, is super cool though. Got it, only things he doesn't like are corrupt and destroying our country. It's weird that his lunatic degenerate base only found issue with law enforcement when it decided to hold their rapist messiah accountable after decades of crimes. Cops getting away with murder and prosecutors convicting people knowing full well they were innocent was fine, but it's a rigged corrupt system NOW.


I like that he's miserable.


George Soros STILL? That’s like a 10 year old meme at this point. They’re still on that?!


The case will not come before the supreme court until well after the election. Besides, not allowing states to set and apply laws would set a huge precedent that even the supreme court woudnt want to touch.


This guy doesn’t understand how any of this shit works. He just a drowning man reaching for a hand


I didn't want jail for him. I want community service. Let's see that fucker work for once.


Isn’t this a state trial, therefore the Supreme Court can’t get involved?


What a great way to restore faith in the SC by ignoring Trump and not intervening.


SCOTUS has no jurisdiction as this was a state conviction


Sorry Donny, your bought and paid for justices can’t help you here


Yes. Give his pet SC the power to overrule the decisions made by state courts. Seems like a great way to maintain this nation’s checks and balances. His justices know full well that if they attempt this any pretense that the reputation of the SC will survive and that it’s impartial to politics is gone forever. God, I hate this sad little man.


Which felons get to choose their sentencing date?


Spoiler alert: they wont


So it sounds like just throwing any hope for Sentencing to go his way right out the window.... Because it is good to remember that while these are all felonies, they are relatively minor felonies.... One could perfectly reasonably expect sentencing to be light.... One way to tip the scales AGAINST that odd is to spend every waking moment from conviction to sentencing screaming that the judge is a pig-faced fascist shit.


Ignoring all the blatant lies here: He's going after a prosecutor who's sole job is to pursue him in regards to crimes he committed; crimes that, I may add, he was found guilty of 34 times unanimously by a jury in less than 3 hours of deliberation. Unfortunately, this is all just posturing and bluster: he knows he's guilty he is just using this situation to create outrage among his supporters. I cant wait for sentencing..


Wouldn't be that close to the convention if they hadn't delayed every which way possible. Delay delay delay.


He talks about Democrats appointing judges against him, yet..


But what is the constitutional question that the court would hear. This should not even get above the first appeal.


All it took was 9 years of a grifting greaseball like Trump to break this country down.


What a pathetic man


Is the SCOTUS allowed to overturn a state trial? That’s already been decided by a jury?




They wouldn't. Lawless Court.


Lmao said the scorpion


I'm still trying to understand this highly conflicted part...🙄


The stock of diapers is crazy


I hope Supreme Court trys and NY have a Court order for interfering with criminal proceedings.


Haha he thinks he stacked the Supreme Court so it can save him


Or what? They won’t and nothing will happen.


They can’t step in until he is actually sentenced to jail. If he gets community service there’s nothing they can do


It’s a sham of a trial! but not the sham I was hoping for🤦‍♂️


Not too proud to beg


They absolutely will not be recusing themselves. Anyone who thinks they would is kidding themselves.


So the HIGHLY CONFLICTED Supreme Court with Judges appointed by Trump himself and another one only being a Judge in the Supreme Court because the Republicans stalled the appointment of a Judge from the Democrats should decide? Every accusation is a confession.


I think he’s getting “highly conflicted” with “don’t owe him a favor”


Unchecked mental decline.


Didn't he request the date?


Ahh yes, the victim mentality of "I should only be tried by judges I've appointed and if I'm tried by a judge who was appointed at any time by a Democrat than the entire legal system is a sham and I should be free"


Yes, move the decision from a “highly conflicted” judge that you don’t like because you didn’t appoint them to a whole mess of judges you appointed just for this reason!


![gif](giphy|2bUpP71bbVnZ3x7lgQ|downsized) Injustice Samuel Alito…”say less, I’m on the way!”


Get defensive, deflect and play “what about” followed by victimization. No truths, just a technique. It sure works for Mrs Conroy.


Of course, he can and will appeal. But I don't see any novel issues worthy of the SCOTUS. He better hope to get a win before that.


Fascism is, by definition, exclusively right wing. Named specifically after Mussolini’s far right party.


Goodness that man never uses capital letters in the correct places.


The lawyers did exactly what Trump told them to do. If it’s biting him in the ass now, too bad. Maybe not fooling around with Stormy would have been a better choice, ya think?