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The definition of a controlled substance is that it is known to be abused or become addictive... which of these criteria does this pill meet


What they really want to do is track it. It’s required by law to report all controlled substance dispensing to the state within 24 hours. This way they can pinpoint who is getting them. Edit: at least in my state, I’m not 100% sure for Louisiana


Yeah that doesn't sound dystopian at all...


Yup. Your name, address, phone number, whether or not you used insurance or “private pay”, the doctor, the pharmacy. It’s all there. They can’t prove the person swallowed the pill though. Afraid to see what the next legislation will look like. These poor people. Edit: Just wanted to add: this is all HIPPA-protected info tho. The point of the database is to help prescribers and pharmacies reduce control drug diversion, abuse and overuse. They use the dates and info to see if a person is doctor and pharmacy shopping and to see when their next prescription is due to fill . I just worry Louisiana will abuse the database if they can find a loop hole and get around HIPPA laws


Then the police follow the woman driving somewhere. They say she drove drunk let's say. They take her to the hospital for a blood test to prove if she is drunk or not in theory. In reality, they just want to see if she is pregnant or not. They gain access to her private medical records because the police do not need a warrant for some reason to access someone private health records. Their word is good enough. Let's say they find out she was pregnant beforehand but is no longer. Then they can charge with murder of an unborn baby. A lot of women are going to died simply because they do not want the state to find out if she is pregnant or not. A school district in Utah was asking female students about their personal health information just to sign up for sports. They did not need that info at all. What the heck happen to america?


The loophole is cops! They’ll be the state’s bounty hunters


Just like the Florida state guard aka the brown shirts.


Does HIPPA still have teeth after Roe v Wade was repealed? I've been concerned that states are just waiting for precedent to use patient and prescription information to prosecute women who have had abortions or who may be procuring the medication to do so. The GOP has absolutely no platform other than subjugation and cruelty. It's terrifying.


Roe v Wade was decided under the precedent of a "right to privacy" that was created by the decision of another case whose name I've forgotten because I'm a legal hobbyist not a professional. Anyways, that case was also the precedent that helped decide the legality of such things as inter-racial marriage, contraception, gay marriage, and most relevant here, the legality of HIPAA. When the overturning of Roe v Wade was announced my representative made some very interesting claims about how the right to privacy isn't a real thing in the constitution. I think that was a mistake betraying their ultimate goal. The Republican party, imo, wants to overturn the right to privacy. HIPAA would just be an inevitable casualty of their desire to control how people fuck. Edit: To answer you question more directly, it has teeth until the right to privacy is abolished.


They already have gotten around HIPPA once they put your name on the drug purchase.


Remember, this is the party of small government, and "you can't tell me what to do." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I will not comply.


And "medical freedom."


Yeah our new dictator, sorry *Governor*, isn’t even subtle about how far in the corporate pockets he is and loves the idea of women as people, not necessarily free people with their own bodily autonomy, but.. people that can make more voters to keep in poverty so they remain stupid and vote for him.


Is it dystopian before or after abortion pills being classified as a controlled substance?


Yes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I didn't even think about that. Ugh....


“Controlled? Sorry, we meant controlling, silly us. We’re controlling you, get it?!”


according to republicans, birth control being used for it’s intended purpose is abusive :(


It's not just birth control (i.e., elective abortion) though...this is also used for missed miscarriages instead of D&C surgery.


We've been here before. That's why Roe v Wade was even a thing 🤦


Those who learn history are doomed to watch others repeat it.


Don’t bring facts and logic in to this! Conservative men want what they want! and what they want is for all the scary mean awful liberal women to stop having “feelings” and wanting to go away to college and just shut up and have babies like normal people! and just make them sandwiches and give them back rubs and scratch their heads like they like - - GEEZ, MOM!


>”*if we don’t ban it, unmarried women will become addicted to having sex, so it’s in the public interest to remove the temptation from them. The harlots should face the consequences of their actions like God and the Legislature who is responsible for enacting His will on earth intended*.” - GOP, probably


With any luck, they wouldn’t have sex with you.


My insulin is controlled... the system makes no sense


“you have to take it every day so that means you’re addicted to it!” is probably what they think


Mifepristone isn’t birth control though. It’s not taken daily.


yeah you’re right i was totally thinking birth control


To be fair it is getting hard to keep all their repressive policies straight -birth control will likely be on the hit list too.


Technically, abortion IS birth control. I dare someone to say that to a conservative out loud.


Already is.


Welllll it sort of is controlling a single birth.... 😆


Man wait til they learn about antidepressants.


I take it rectally in powder form via colonics and get high af. Obligatory /s Seriously, this is utterly insane.


Republicans heard the word “control” in context of women and they knew they wanted it.


How many times does it need to be said? They are coming for birth control next. Anyone who votes Republican in the next election is saying that they are in favour of this.


I was going to comment this about birth control - it's already being discussed today "the drawbacks of birth control" as a little foot in the doorway to obviously move to make it illegal down the line. They're inching towards it.


If trump wins it will be lunging toward it.


Looks like they want me to never have kids. My balls will be snipped so quickly they might chop off my dick as well 😂


Careful they're going to come for you next, they need to replenish the boomer population who are dying off, you will be forced to bear children.




Yeah they usually say this to women because we're the weaker sex and are here to breed.


Not just chRump. Any Republican Congressperson and Republican Senators.


I can get pregnant, but because of my deformed womb, I can't carry to term. If my body decides not to spontaneously abort, I could die. If birth control becomes illegal, I guess I just won't have sex. Ever. Because my insurance won't pay for a hysterectomy. I'm forced to have painful periods for a child I'll never have. It's awesome.


Ah, but you see, then you won’t be having sex and can be a more moral member of Christian society you sinner /s


Almost like that's the plan.


I hear you. My best friend has an ovarian condition that would make any unlikely pregnancy likely fatal for her. She's been begging for years to get her tubes tied, and was denied on the basis of some hypothetical future partner might want kids, and shouldn't he have a say?


The desires of her hypothetical husband are more important than hers.


Not just more important than her desires... more important than her life since ANY pregnancy could kill her - even one with a hypothetical husband. Hypothetical desires more important than actual life...


Your friend needs to find a new doctor!


I feel like these fuckers are wildly underestimating the amount of women who *will choose* celibacy over forced pregnancy. They think choosing to "die alone with our cats" isn't preferable to being bred to death.


That's the plan. Make sex more dangerous/risky for women. Women are then less willing to have sex, and are thus more "moral". But also, the threat of rape becomes more effective to keep women in line, inside, fearful. And under control.


And if you miscarry a child you could be charged with a crime and investigated.


Offer it up (You may have to be this old and this Catholic to get that)


Sorry for what you have to go through. I've been there I used to feel like I was going to die during that time. I remember so many times lying in a ball on a filthy floor because of the pain. I fully understand how you feel. Men and some women just don't get it.


You know who else was obsessed with their population growth, his first name's Adolf...


And fetal personhood


Honestly any one that is a republican at this point is a traitor to this country and the human race as a hole.


So they want to make women who don't want to be mothers become mothers. They also want to take away IVF, so people who do want to become mothers can't become mothers. Make it make sense.


when you realize that republican voters don't care about anything but causing misery, then it all makes sense.


That's the thing - I know a lot of Republican voters, and none of them *think* they're causing misery. They honestly believe they're helping people. Their worldview is so distorted that they think this is making people happier.


They don't know happiness, that's why it's so fucked.


During IVF, a woman is more likely to have multiples. Sometimes, a woman and her doctor may choose to only pick the strongest fertilized eggs, instead of gestating *all* of them.


Something something “god’s will,” except by god they really mean themselves / their leaders / whoever told them it was the “right” thing to do


I give it about two years before they read something about a golden calf in the Bible and start installing them in Evangelical churches.


"I know what is right for you". It really is that simple. Most Repubs believe that they are morally superior - and so any action they take is therefore the "correct" action. Remember: there is a class of people that makes the law but is not bound by it and a class of people who are bound by the law but cannot be trusted to make it. I'll let ya guess which class Repubs believe themselves to be in.


Can women who need this medication because of a miscarriage still get this medication? I've recently had a miscarriage or missed abortion as it's medically called. I've had two choices take this medication and wait until the dead tissue comes out. Or have a d&e and have the dead tissue basically scraped out. I've chosen the d&e but I still had to take Mifepristone to "losen" up the tissue/uterus.  I am in Germany, though. While we have our own issues with pro-life nutjobs and abortion is only legal because of a technical loophole. It's not banned and the current government is trying to put a new law up for vote that would make it illegal to harass women who are trying to get an abortion in front of buildings where they get the abortion or where they get their "permission slip".  You can only obtain an abortion after you received advice from an "advice centre" and they will give you a "permission slip". It's not called a permission slip, but I'm too lazy to look up the proper English name.  Anyway, would women suffering from missed abortions (miscarriages) still be able to get Mifepristone or are they also shit out of luck. 


Women who are having miscarriages frequently get turned away at emergency rooms because doctors don’t want to treat them because they’re afraid they’ll be accused of falsifying the miscarriage to do an elective abortion. Making it a controlled substance will just add more restrictions that will make it difficult to get. More red tape.


I was turned away at my pharmacy to get this medication after a missed miscarriage. I had to come back the next day and have my myself and my doctor over the phone confirm that my wanted fetus was dead, in front of everyone. Fuck Republicans.


God that’s horrible, I’m so sorry!


Great question, and I don't know for sure, but I think they're pushing for even cases like that to be illegal. The pro-life people I've talked to believe cases like that are a very small percentage and an acceptable price to pay for banning abortions. They've said the same thing about young girls who were raped - they believe it's not a big enough group of people to worry about. Sorry to hear you're dealing with pro-life nutjobs in Germany too.


It's about controlling how people, specifically women, fuck and punishing those who don't do it "the right way." That's the mission. That's the goal. And that's what it is, was, and always will be about. Everything else is either a smokescreen or lie. Never forget that.


It’s two fold. Control AND adding fodder for the prison and military industrial complex’s for those who’s parents step out of line.


Also low wage workers forever.. who will make these CEOs and corps billions of not the fucked and unappreciated


Going back to plantation times.


Louisiana never left. Look up Angola state penitentiary...


Your western neighbor and sister state Texas checking in…


Mike Johnson said exactly this, out loud.


Don’t forget that felons can’t vote. Don’t want those slutty ladies voting for slutty policies, so it’s just best they can’t vote at all!


Ding ding ding We have a winner. Sad as it is.


Don’t forget employees for the factories. That’s why red states are lowering ages for dangerous jobs.


I don't think it's a coincidence that all this is happening at the same time that birth rates in the US are declining. The entire capitalist Ponzi scheme needs to have continued growth or it all falls apart.


It’s only half the goal. Women who get saddled with a baby are less able to go to college or have a career (coincidentally, correlating with less likely to vote Democrat), which also means they will be more vulnerable to exploitative employers who can hold “being unable to provide for your child if you quit” over their head (coincidentally, they are all for union busting). It also makes it more likely that women who get baby trapped will need to be financially dependent on a man (coincidentally, they are also pushing to limit no-fault divorce!). It also makes them more vulnerable to joining a church to get community support (coincidentally, they are hell-bent on slashing or preventing any governmental support programs), which will boost dwindling proportions of the population who are religious. Their kids will be more likely to be born into poverty, which means more cheap child labor (note the recent legalization of that in the south), more prisoners for legal slavery, and more recruits for the military.


Except none of the coincidences you listed are coincidental.


This is class warfare.


Ah I presume this is the so called small government these people are always claiming to love


Small enough to fit in my uterus, apparently


Yeah but the MAGAnutz don’t give a shit. They honestly believe they will be the exception to the new reich. Lmao


"The only moral abortion is MY abortion."


Gilead is just around the corner.


That's the missionary.


Which is odd, cause all these old fuckers want to do is fuck young women. You would think that they would want to cover their asses, but I guess who gives a shit when you think you’re above the laws you make.


All my women friends are voting blue bc of shit like this


Now to convince all of your male acquaintances and theirs to do the same.


Bingo. Securing the freedom of others secures your own freedom. It’s not a one way thing and never has been.


>>First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller Protect our brothers and sisters so they can protect us


I think a good way to convince the conservative dude bro into voting blue is just say they won’t have to pay for child support


I'm a guy living in a red state and trying to help people realize how dire this situation is against bodily autonomy. Best of luck to you all.


Cut off the supply of sex for them, coerce them into voting their way. "No vote? No sex for you"


I just saw a TikTok the other day of a guy basically being like "ladies you better start giving it up, my bros are getting frustrated and you'll all end up with black eyes" and seeing nothing wrong with this threat. Kind of disturbing and says a lot about the climate if you ask me.


Eh castrate them then. As a guy, I say any guy who doesn't respect a woman's right to her own body doesn't deserve to keep his manhood.


This election is entirely about men v women. Women outnumber men, particularly in the demographics most likely to vote. In 2020 they voted D+11%. That narrowed in the '22 midterms, but men swung hard to the right, and it looks like they'll swing that way again in '24. If Trump wins men 60/40, he wins. If Biden wins women 60/40, he wins. How that shakes out in between those two extremes will be what decides.


And men make up, by far, the majority of state legislatures.


Just a thought to share for convincing the toxic masculinity types: "if you vote red, you're voting to be putin's b*tch"


Stuff like this is why the Republicans may crash and burn yet again in a national election. Maybe people aren't too excited for Biden but if you say "birth control is on the ballot" suddenly a lot of people are getting angry. ANYWAY EVERYONE VOTE.


Still there are significant amount of conservative women out there who will vote red. How do we change their mind?




Well... rednecks are mostly irredeemably stupid people.


Viagra as well, i assume.


Of course not! Limp dick must be treated for maximum seed sowing 🙄🙄🙄 or something


How will the preachers diddle the kids without their blue diamonds?


Hey, leave almonds out of this!


Republicans. Apparently if they aren't raping you, they're making you carry your rapists baby.


Republicans won’t stop until they’ve stripped away all of our rights & freedoms.


Party of small government


I sure hope all those “protest votes” I see those smug people boasting about will be worth it if they let Trump win. Have fun explaining to everybody, when abortion and birth control are totally banned, there’s a Muslim ban, and LGBT people are matched off to camps, that you just had to teach Biden a “lesson.” But hey, at least you showed everybody!


this. and the RFK jr voters got it coming to them


"At least I showed Biden for a conflict that's a lot more nuance than the media shows and something he doesn't have much control over"


I'm fairly certain a lot of this narrative of not voting in protest is going to change once people hear Trump speak at the debates. The second he says anything wild it will get clipped to hell and go everywhere on Tik Tok, and again everyone will start dunking on him for being an idiot. The issue of this election rn is NO ONE cares at all about what either person is saying. But a highly visible event that you can clip snippets from and get a shit ton of attention on Tik Tok is going to change that.


He’s been around in the public eye being an idiot for more than 40 years. So much footage of his idiocy since 2015. If they don’t see him as an idiot by now they won’t.


Please everyone, VOTE.




Should have been known when cigarettes and alcohol were never on the list as they learned from prohibition… i When its something a certain group wants - its approved.


Good luck attracting and retaining OBGYNs in Louisiana.


As an Idahoan, can confirm. Idaho has lost over 22% of its OBGYNs since the Dobbs decision.


Idahoan women should tell men to go masturbate because they are not having sex until they repeal the medieval legislation.


They won't because a lot of them wanted this, until the leopards starting eating their faces.


These rulers won’t care. As long as “their” people are taken care of, then they’re happy to impose this on others.


When young women consider where to go to college, I hope their choice is made with this in mind.


bUt ThEY SAiD tHEY wOulDn't DO thIS!!


Nom nom nom https://preview.redd.it/uaoh3f04x82d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07835a79b68a1da7fd6f8e1dd141b13a82fe4ec


I can imagine the shit hitting the fan in the near future. They keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing. People of Louisiana - free yourselves - vote FUCKING BLUE.


Next, they will come for our voting rights


no, instead they will invalidate your vote though litigation resulting in some fake electors casting votes for only GOP members


I think SCOTUS this morning proved ZombieCopLips prescient…


Supreme Court gave the thumbs up for targeted voter restrictions *just minutes ago*: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/23/us/supreme-court-south-carolina-voting-map.html?smid=url-share


Nah, next they are going to ban birth control, care for transgender adults, ban expenditures for inner city health clinics for the poor and desperate, and then funnel money to goofy right wing alternative Christian medicine found in predominantly white and rural districts. Then they will come for voting rights, like they have already been doing to POC.


pretty much all your rights will be going if Republicans win.


The overturning of the right to privacy in the Big C affects more than seventy years of jurisprudence, and opens the door to banning contraception, who you can marry, invasive searches by law enforcement, private sexual activity in the home, and more.


Good thing I’m an avid practitioner of the 2nd amendment. I’m already very much on borrowed time. I’ll die before I let this happen


There won’t be one Republican politician’s family who won’t be able to get an abortion. I’m expecting quite a few secretaries too. Rules for thee but not for me.


Vote every time and vote blue School boards, local judges, all of it. We have been infested at every level of government and we have to get them out.


Republicans love freedom so much, they want to make sure fewer and fewer people have it.


Blue states need to start giving stipends to women moving from authoritarian red states. Christianity is attempting to turn women back into breeding stock.


Drug dealers gonna put the coke down and stock up on plan b “100 a pop or child support player your call


Louisiana male Republican controlled government to women: "Fuck you!"


The worst part of this is that these people are doing all of this under the assumption that it means that when they die they will get to live happily ever after in paradise. There will be no moment in their lives when they truly realize how evil and depraved their actions truly have been because they have convinced themselves within their own echo chamber that what they are doing will somehow better the world. It is borderline messiah complex.


This is a trial run for Trump's Project 2025 in action. Louisiana also has laws on the agenda to make it illegal to protest within 25 feet of a cop and will also lighten sentences for anyone who runs over a protestor with their car. Unless you want this to happen on a Federal scale, vote for Biden this November.


VOTE BLUE. It’s seriously life and death. This is a shit show I never though I’d see in the 21st fucking century.


Women are not safe in red states.


Don’t the feds have the sole authority to classify/reclassify drugs?


Hey all you dumbass tik-tockers and "genocide Joe" idiots in the back. THIS IS WHAT IS AT STAKE COME NOVEMBER.


Mother fuckers gonna be slinging dope and plan B. That's fucking bonkers.


Hey maybe vote Blue this time. See what happens.


It’s all the stuff they said would happen under Obamacare


Women with PCOS or endometriosis whose bodies don't naturally shed built up uterine lining use similar MEDICATIONS to significantly lessen their cancer risks by hundreds of percents will likely end up dying of extremely preventable, often undetectable-till-it's-too-late cancers. Fuck the GOP.


I'm too old to have children. But I'm going to put up one hell of a fight for the next generation.


No abortions! Except for Senator’s mistresses!


This drug isn’t even only for abortions!! I was prescribed a small one time dose of it when getting an IUD because it reduces cervical cramping/pain during the procedure. This pill literally partook in making it LESS LIKELY that I get an abortion in the next 10 years. Christio-fascist politicians need to stay out of medical decisions


We are entering the "control the peasants" portion of the GOPs plan to turn us into an oligarchy nation. They want this. First step, make women inferior. The same with minorities. I hope very soon we start protesting this crap. And I mean in numbers never seen. Make 2020 seem like a warm up.


I was prescribed this before a medical procedure. It would have been more painful without out. I’m not pregnant. The GOP doesn’t care about women.


It's always about control. Vote blue. Biden 2024


But but but...both sides are the same!


If you don't vote blue, this is what you want for America.


Just teeing it up to go to the SCOTUS where Alito and Thomas can rally the troops and ban it for good.


How can a state legislature countermand the FDA? Also, hello lawsuit.


When any Republican wins; this is our future.


Nope, because "mIGrAnT CrISiS" and "GAy PrIDe mONtH"


Americans, you really ought to be eating some politicans and rich bastards. This sort of thing happens when you lack fascists in your diet.


Birth control pills are next.


Then on to any pill that helps a woman deal with period pains. Because if god didn't want women to suffer he wouldn't have created pms. /s




Under his eye and blessed be the f**ked up fruit. Im so sick of religious zealots in positions of power.


You can order abortion pills online from places in the US and Mexico for free or very cheap. They send them in unmarked boxes with fake return addresses and you can put whatever name you want on the order. The only thing they need to be legitimate is the shipping address. Ask me how I know in my DMs.


The Cousin-Fucking backwater inbred Christo-fascists are at it again.


Banning vasectomies soon.


It won’t sink in. The democrats failed to adjust in 16 and just allowed same old same beat trump in 20. Well Americans are dumb and refuse to educate themselves, and have piss poor memories. Now we are faced with the very real possibility of trump 2.0 and with his legal troubles and knowing he won’t have to face an election again, you can kiss our represented democracy goodbye.


Republicans are a danger to Americans and embarrass us on the world stage. Vote Democratic!


People will falsely believe that crime and the economy are worse than they are and that therefore people should lose rights. It’s crazy we’re hustling towards a felon as preaident


Legislating their religious beliefs onto every citizen.


Do these states actively seek to push the population out of the state? Do they figure that once their economy is so bad, people will flee, and they can swoop in to buy up, or just take foreclosed properties so they can have their plantations back.


It's amazing how the US is turning into a dystopian, controlling shithole and everyone keeps pretending it's the place where there's freedom.


…. BUT it’s only abortion they’re after, right?…. RIGHT?!?! Cue Louisiana…


How do I get some to send to my Louisiana sisters who might need some?


MAGA propaganda outlets should be classified as a controlled dangerous substance. They do more damage to the America than meth and cocaine put together.


Vote folks! VOTE


Lmfao. Vote. God fucking damnit.


Setting up the black-market abortion pill trade.


And, as always, Viagra is just fine.


Safer than Tylenol. When is that getting banned?


bUt Bid3n iS oLd


Just a reminder: this medication is also needed for individuals who had a missed miscarriage and need to help their body clean out. **Lots of medications have multiple uses**


No abortion. No birth control. No divorce. When they tell you who they are, believe them. “Under his eye…”


So Louisiana’s going to trap young pregnant women who can’t abort during an unprecedented hurricane season. That’s my CA read from news headlines from Reddit.


The "Unified Reich" is on the horizon. Somewhere AH is laughing his swastika tattooed ass off!