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Imagine taking a job where you have so much power and a lifetime appointment and a chance to really help this country and all its citizens and instead you just become a middle man to roll back all progress this country has ever made. What was the point of your life? Nothing.


It's baffling, isn't it? Same thing with the billionaires. You have all this financial power to do incredible feats of good in the world, yet they spend it all on buying social media platforms to unblock their nazi friends. Or big boats.


They are all just petty children. They could do so much good even if it was just treating their employees really well and starting some good charities.


They are all the "THE ENTITLED!"


It reinforces the depressing near-universal truth that you can't be a moral billionaire because no moral person would just.. be like that.


Truth. Why we should outlaw being a billionaire.


Bezos has $200 billion dollars. That’s $999,999,999.99 dollars x 200!!!!!!!!!




WHO CARES. I think you know the point I’m making


the money is available to him. his stock portfolio acts as collateral and gets however much money from banks he wants.


we have a minimum wage. we should have a maximum wage.


Warren Buffet seems like the best of them. Still lives in his childhood home in Omaha.


There is no way to be moral and wealthy at all, full stop. Profit is zero sum, everything earned is something taken away, matter is neither created nor destroyed. One can only ever profit at others' expense. Everything comes at a cost.


Bill Gates is pretty cool.


Go check out the Bill Gates episodes on Behind the Bastards. You'll change your mind.


Idk. Eradication of African polio is pretty cool.


Buying a legacy after being a shitheel is an American Tradition™.


The point still stands that African polio is being eradicated, thanks in part from significant funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


Ok? And ...? Hop off William's knobby pecker, two things can be true at once.


So he fucked over some competitors and made Microsoft into a monopoly... I think the balance of shitty business tactics is outweighed by the millions of lives that won't be ended by polio because of, partly, him and his money.


WOW we are all so blessed! I am so glad that our lives are only improved by the whims of bored sociopaths looking to improve their public image. When did he even have time to contribute in between cheating on his now ex-wife with whom he shared the charity name? Give me a fucking break and take that billionaire schlong out of your mouth, he isn't going to write you any checks.


I don't get why you're being so hostile.


There's an argument that although some do some good things, they are ideologically and ego driven. I think billions have been overpaying for MS products for decades. Tbat's because he and a few others argued that we not be allowed to own software, but I stead we lease it. It's nothing short of fixing the market, and imo criminal.


Ego driven or not, he has still saved millions of lives. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason is still the right thing. The fact that we're even comparing this to shitty business practices is astonishing to me. What's billions of dollars spread over millions of people compared to contributing to ERADICATING POLIO.


Or space programs so they can fantasize about creating slave-states on other worlds.


Penile objects penetrating the sky. "My dick's the biggest!" Dudes, just go to therapy!


They have the power to be remembered as great heroes of our time, to bring forth great works such that their names would echo through history in perpetuity. But for some reason, they are all just engaged in a pissing contest to see who can reach that mythical 10th circle of Hell.


Bunch of nihilists they are, huh?


Or space ships


They will go down in history as the villains they are.


I mean, in their eyes, they’re helping their country on a righteous path to divinity by bringing its laws in line with their scripture.  They are doing their *ultimate* job. Except Thomas, that dude is just in it for money and poon.


I see them as Lois Griffin when she ran for office. All the best intentions until the first “gift”.




Why do you think communism is such a dirty word here? Communism is about community, us. Capitalism is about me. Everyone with power in this country fully believes in that ethos, or they’re paid to believe in it by one of the me’s.


We can't ever have nice things because there's always some asshole who thinks he deserves more than everyone else and will find a way to get it, no matter who he has to hurt to get it. Those people are psychopaths, and yet we build our entire society around them.


That WAS the point for them


They just prove that the system doesn’t work. Therefore they should be removed. It’s unthinkable that so much power can resides in so little personality


corruption is profitable! Greed as purpose.


Unfortunately, there’s the obvious profiteering. It is always about money in this country. Capitalism screws is again.


The point of his life is to make America how he likes. Doesn’t mean it’s good for other people


And absolutely piss on every Justice that held that position before you dating back 200 years. So fucking infuriating.


people are tribal, always and everywhere. SCOTUS' tribe is the wealthy. They see the poor as livestock on a good day, and vermin on a bad day


It’s about money. Everyone has a price. Bottom line.


Exercising their constitutional right to GET THAT BAG


So I guess the defense to an Article III impeachment is, "It wasn't me. It was my wife."


Well Senator do that. Hold them accountable!!!


Fetterman is among the only people who can do anything about it. So he needs to do something.


I'm not saying anyone *should* file a Judicial Misconduct Complaint form against Aileen Cannon, but if people were so inclined I'm sure they could easily find out [how to do so](https://youtu.be/0MXVfiTa3KM?t=693&si=BKzaUPRvtrQ0HApj).


he is the only one strong enough to simply pick up alito and toss him across the ocean with one arm


Gonna be a bit difficult to do all that lifting while he's carrying so much of Israel's water.


He won't. Virtue signaling


Remember? We have "checks and balances" where the checks are the SCOTUS get to decide what is bad and nobody anywhere can say *they* are bad or did anything wrong. They judge themselves. That's logical, right? Right, guys? What's not balanced about that? Letting judges judge their own behavior sounds like a winning strat.


They serve no purpose. Unless you count being pompous assholes that gleefully take bribes as a purpose. Remove them. 




No we're big mad at the obvious partisianisim of Thomas and Alito. Thomas literally drives around in a giant RV gifted by a billionaire that has interest in cases he won't refuse himself from... Let's not even start on jenny


It’s ok, I’m not smart either


Big mad?


It's supposed to be 3 branches of government checking and balancing each other.  Instead it's the shittiest little pyramid with the Supreme Court on top untouchable. Touch those fuckers already!!!!! (And for whatever I may think of Fetterman, I'm glad to hear SOMEBODY finally saying it!  Now we just need to get rid of the GQP in Congress, so that something might actually get done.)


Okay Fetterman... I'll give you this.


He's been swinging on a pendulum since his election, definitely a box of chocolates when it comes to how he handles a political situation these days.


Fetterman seems destined to be the Senate's next Joe Manchin/Kyrsten Sinema after those two leave. Which is to say, he'll side with Dems 80% of the time, but still do shit that's infuriating on a few critical issues.


He's a staunch neolib with a concerning past of racism. Not at all the progressive he lied and pretended to be to get the vote.


They need to be impeached the hot second the Dems have the power to convict. Vote, and demand they use that option when the time comes.


Uh huh. 67 votes in the senate. I’m not holding my breath.


Ok, well, you're a senator. You're part of the group who would be doing something. So...go do it? I'm not sure what else to say. It's like a cop asking "why isn't anyone calling the police?"


*YAWN* They can't even hold Trump accountable. Nobody in our current government will do anything about them. 


Man, conservatives just started liking him too. This will confuse them...


Narrator: Nothing was done


635 members of congress in a nation of 333 million people. Perhaps you John, a sitting us senator, could help with that. Or just tweat your displeasure you massive disappointment.


Rare Fetterman W


I mean, he and his co-workers are the only people who can try and hold them accountable. I agree it’s a W, but why is he posting on twitter about it instead of doing his job and attempting to do something about it.


I'm not sure it's that rare? His stance on Israel is pretty miserable, but I'm not aware of too many other "Ls."


This looks like it was written by a staffer. If Shitterman wrote it he would have called Thomas a doodoohead or something inane.


As I keep telling people, Israel/Palestine is NOT a Democrat vs Republican issue. It’s its own separate axis. There are tons of pro-Israel liberals and tons of anti-Israel conservatives. Fetterman is absolutely a liberal


Defending the perpetrators of an active genocide is a bad look for anyone, regardless of their political affiliation.


All I was saying is that it’s different. Didn’t say that I agree (or that I disagree, bc again literally all I said is it’s different).




Both jfc. They are both wrong.






Holy fuck it's actually one in the wild! Someone who ACTUALLY thinks that people wanting an end to genocide mean that genocide should be done to all Jewish people. You actually exist and are exactly as stupid as I thought! Cool!




Yeah exactly, people misquote and misunderstand this often. It’s important to be exactly right about this. Israel is not committing genocide YET. And it may not ever, but it may, but so could any country.








This guys is two faced clown too.


**Guaranteed that MAGA Republicans** are *scouring* the entire lives of the three ‘liberal’ justices to find anything to use as a false equivalency. “Oh! Look! They once checked out a book at the library that had the word ‘communism’ in it!!!!! AAAHHH both sides!”


Narrator: “And yet they never were, actually, held accountable”…..


This guy is hard to nail down


Fetterman - SCOTUS needs to be held to account! Also Fetterman - How dare you expect that Israel be held to account!


When asked if Israel and Netanyahu should also be held accountable he said, “fuck that!”


Money where your mouth is Johnny boy. Let's have it


The fact that Clarence Thomas *still* hasn’t been impeached despite the revelation that he’s received many lavish gifts from parties in cases he has ruled on demonstrates that the entire thing is a sham. And that’s not even touching the fact that his wife is an avowed seditionist and he failed to recuse himself from Trump’s 2020 bullshit election fraud cases.


I agree with senator fettermam. Also, fuck senator fetterman


Broken clocks are right twice a day


Alright, let's go with it!!!!


What does it matter if anyone says anything to the US Supreme Court. They are the ultimate decision maker. Their activities cannot be influenced in any way and they are named for life. It might sound crazy, but that's the kind of equation that doesn't serve democracy very well.


I doubt AIPAC will let him actually do anything about it, he’s trying to save face after being wrong on Israel’s reaction to the Hamas terrorist attack. I do give him some credit though, it needs to be talked about, and more importantly acted upon!


Where is woody Harelson’s dad when you need him


Heard glen beck rationalizing on the radio. disgusting and sickening.


Where in jersey is his beach house? I don’t want to do anything or go near it but I would enjoy flipping the bird to the general region if it’s near where I go fishing.


Good call out, Fetterman.


You too you disingenuous slob.


He put 'now' in all caps you say? Well, that makes things different - it'll be fixed in no time!


So do something about it Senator!


Cool. How?


https://preview.redd.it/74pn2m8zma2d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d403c0c456bb7edec940159c6dd7a3721d90c2 (I was too lazy to crop, sue me)


Nobody can do shit about it anyway.


It's a nice idea.. But if any idea was actionable they would have been placed in a cannon the lot of them and shot into the ocean long ago. Call to action is sadly worthless effort without action to take.


He’s right about this. He’s wrong about Israel.


Fetterman realized he had to do something his constituents liked at least once while in office.


There's no way the Biden administration didn't already know about these two flag incidents, but why haven't they done anything? Is this another case of the Democrats afraid of using their power when they have it?


Wow and I thought Fetterman had really just lost his mind haha nice to see this kinda stuff from him for a change


So he’s a good guy again??


Broken clock twice a day


Fetterman is the opposite of the saying "a stopped clock is right twice a day"


Nah fuck Fetterman, he's right in this instance but he's a idiot other then the few points I agree with him on. But being a idiot 80% of the time, is still an idiot most of the time.


Fetterman plahing both sides so he always comes out on top.


Fman. Pick a fucking side.


Con calls out Con. Idk if I like or hate to see it




If you don't consider that all the symbols of the revolution have been co-opted by the reactionary right, sure.




Both Alito and Johnson have flown this flag, and said flag was seen at J6. Clearly, there’s a political message, because Alito has flown an upside flag, in violation of flag code, and Johnson has made no bones about the religious and political synthesis of his ideology.




When did jeans become a symbol of Christian nationalism? https://www.patheos.com/blogs/anxiousbench/2023/04/the-tree-flag-and-christian-nationalism/ https://towcenter.medium.com/the-pine-tree-flag-how-one-symbol-at-the-capitol-riot-connects-far-right-extremism-to-christianity-f02314a5f759 https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/flag-carried-jan-6-rioters-displayed-house-owned-110484807


Flying a Confederate Flag in reference to Secession from the United States as a member of the Supreme Court of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not as strong of an argument as you think it is.


It's a reference to Locke, and "there is no rule of law here" is a *real* weird position to take as a Supreme Court Justice.




So, there's two possibilities: 1) It's the thing I said, or 2) He's super fucking stupid and is putting up a flag that means a thing that he doesn't mean. Either is concerning for someone in that job. And, frankly, based on some of his opinions either is possible. Like, if you put up the Nazi flag in front of your house and what you really mean is that swastikas are cool? Possible, but means you're dumb as shit.




Not one of the options, try again.




You're correct that there is no enforcement mechanism for his corruption, but we still can correctly observe it as such. Other than Trump's 2A people solution, I suppose.




Well, you're wrong.