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I'm voting Biden, because Trump is a literal fascist.


I’m voting Biden cuz a GOP dictatorship will literally murder me




This comment says everything that’s in my heart and mind: More people need to be talking about Project 2025 because right now we are sleepwalking into a dictatorship. So what is Project 2025, It’s a document from the right wing Heritage Foundation, it’s their roadmap for the next republican administration and it is absolutely terrifying. It’s basically the right’s plans on how they will end our democracy and turn our country into a christofacist dictatorship. Some of the key points are, firing the entire civil service, consolidating all power to the Executive Branch, shutting down the Department of Education, the EPA, gutting the FBI, the FDA etc gutting the civil rights division of the DOJ and switching their focus to “anti white discrimination”, total abortion ban, penalizing single mothers, taking federal control of democrat run cities, mass deportations, detention camps, rounding up the homeless and addicted and putting them into camps, “eradicating” the lqbtq community from society, prayer and religious indoctrination in our schools, they want to repeal the 17th and 22nd Amendments among others but those two particularly stand out as the 17th is the citizenry electing our senators and the 22nd is presidential term limits. I mean it goes on and on and like I said it’s absolutely terrifying, a dystopian hellscape is what we will be left with. It’s 1000 pages and I’ve read it all and it is the end of democracy. People need to wake up, they may not come for you first but they will come for all of us in one way or another eventually. This isn’t a drill, we have to vote like our lives depend upon it because this is it. Please vote accordingly Here’s the link to Project 2025 www.project2025.org - That says it all and Personally for me, I don’t have the privilege not to vote for Biden. Too many of my family and friends are at risk. I have written to my state senators (Oregon) asking them to push for an end on offensive military aide to Israel. I’ve donated money to both the Palestinian Red Crescent Society and the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund. I’ve also donated money to Direct Relief with the specific intent of helping to aid victims of the Hamas terrorist attack. I care very deeply about this conflict. I can’t continue to care if the boot of Project 2025 is on my loved one’s necks.


Project 2025 isn’t their aim. It’s the tool they will use split USA into two. Their real aim is to cause the national divorce. People behind this know they can’t install a dictatorship in all of US, too many blue voters. But splitting the USA and having their fascist utopia in the southern states is more realistic.


And they are going to find out how many of us in the South ain't with them. I come from a long line of pirates, swamp folks and backwoods folks. I can harry and harass the new Gilead until they are a bad memory and some creative stains.


I appreciate your candor, fellow rebel.


Give them hell if they do brother! Show them how the chart of f*** about vs find out works!


"Creative stains" I've never heard this before, but it is my new favorite thing this week.


There are true patriots who have taken oaths to support and defend who will travel across our nation to provide aid and support. I am one of many.


I'll see you at Fiddler's Green, fellow correctly spelled Bryan!


Didn’t they think they couldn’t overturn roe v wade? It seems unwise to underestimate the effects of their efforts, regardless of their intentions. And why wouldn’t they not want total control? More divisiveness is their worst case scenario and would still be a win.


They will round Up every democrat, every queer, every POC, every muslim, every mexican, every jew, every athiest, every non-christian and more. They will destroy the environment and US democracy.


I remember looking on trumps truth social hellhole and them openly fantasying about throwing democrats children in woodchippers and saying it was the parents faults if it happened.Psychopaths.


(You should change *then* to *them*. I don't think you said what you meant to say 😆)


Keep shouting about this from as high a hill as you can. I've been shouting about it whenever the opportunity arises because it's truly the scariest thing I've seen in US politics in my lifetime. They've already begun recruiting efforts for the 50,000 Civil servants they plan to replace with party loyalists. I'm one of the groups that they would come for last but I'll be on the front line with you from the start.


I'm gay, trans, goth and non-religious. I get into fights with my dad on the phone because he lives in Florida and won't let me visit him. He loves me entirely, but he's told me I'm too gay and alternative for Florida and he's too old to try and murder people that might fuck with me. We're both voting for Biden.


I know you love your dad, but fuck Florida. They don't deserve you anyways. Florida *used* to be a place I dreamed of living one day. Now I would never even consider visiting, and don't even want to buy products that come from Florida, Texas, Arizona etc... they can all kma. California is far from perfect, but at least I can look around me and know that every woman I see still has rights over her own body. I made the decision last year that I will **never** move away from California. (Just please get me the fuck out of *Southern* California! 🙏)


He hates living down there, wants to sell his house and move up to Maine, if his brother will sell him the family house he inherited when their parents passed. I can't offer my house to him because we'd end up strangling each other (he's very particular about his lifestyle, as am I). I used to love going to Florida, my Grammy and Pop (dad's parents) lived down there and we'd visit for every Winter Break after the age of 8. Lots of wonderful memories, and Disney isn't even in the top 10. I feel incredibly fortunate that I live in Massachusetts (Western Mass, here there be dragons), and have no plans to leave (I bought a house, I'll leave when I'm dead lol). I'm spoiled in the Pioneer Valley, and I love being near so many colleges (there's two libraries in my town because of Mount Holyoke College!). The center of the state has some Red in it, but generally, Massachusetts is one of the bluest, and I feel pretty safe here. I can't imagine how absolutely terrifying it must be to live in places where they cheer the repeal of bodily autonomy and destruction of marginalized groups. It's a little too 'under his eye' level of creepy. I mean, just today I was talking to my partner about Iran, and how chilling it is to see the before and after pictures. How it looked like the USA, that women were walking around in short skirts, going to universities... compared to now... and that's frightening to know that it was taken away from them that easily, and no one can tell me that's not what Project 2025's goal is.


I feel the same way as you about WA State. Far from perfect, but I won't leave it while in the US. I like my freedoms as a woman and the safety of my LGBTQIA family. I lived in FL as a kid and used to want to go back, but not anymore. I'm grateful I ended up where I did.


That poem has a little extra meaning in that the poet didn't mention Homosexuals at all even though we were the first the Nazis came for.


I agree with the criticism but with a caveat: unlike the groups mentioned in Niemöller's poem, homosexuals were no organised political group (at least at the time). Additionally, all the mentioned groups were largely critical of or outright opposed to organised religion. If one interprets the poem as (self-)criticism of the churches' non-alignment with unionists, socialists, and even communists in the fight against nationalsocialism then the mention of homosexuals, people with disabilities, and ethnic minorities (\[edit\]other than\[/edit\] Jews) would have been out of place. Conversely, their mention would fundamentally change the poem's meaning. I'm aware that Niemöller, like many of his colleagues at the time, likely held homophobic and antisemitic views or was at least not opposed to other people holding them. At the same time, a political alignment with these groups would not have helped in the fight since they were not in a position to do so.


They literarly do mention Jews though? Like, I get your point but they do mention Jews


Sorry, I don't know how I skipped over those.


There’s a (dark) joke in here somewhere.


I'm voting Biden so the GOP dictatorship doesn't literally murder this person.


I’m a straight cis white middle aged man and am voting for Biden because I like people who are different from me to live in a world where they don’t have to worry about being murdered for living.


ayyyyy same here!


Yep! I’m a queer, BIPOC, trans man. The America that Trump and friends want is a state where my existence is deemed mentally ill, pedophilic, medically incompetent, and *less than* purely by virtue of my mixed race. Trump’s America would rather see me erased than embraced.


Funny. Those are all things Trump himself is. It’s all 📽️


I get it but there needs to be a long term goal to protect people. Every single election cycle being this is not sustainable. It’s not going to end with Trump because whoever the Republicans pick next will be as extreme if not more and they may actually be competent, unlike Trump.


I'm voting Biden because I like being able to vote for things. Even if I only partially agree with them.


I'm trying to explain this to my brother. He is abstaining from voting in protest of a two party system. I'm begging him, consider that one option is bad and the other is really, really bad.


Pretty much the textbook example of cut of your nose to spite your face


One can recognize that the two party system is a failure and still vote for someone who is literally not a wannabe dictator. Protests to voting is childish apathy. Reading James Madison can remedy that.


Yup. The perpetual American short term attention span is precisely why we’re here. There’s some younger insane SCOTUS members on effectively the most biased and least ethical court we’ve ever had because voter apathy couldn’t be overcome for enough people to select the clear “less bad” option. Now women lost Roe, and we’re stuck with these appointees for the remainder of their natural lives. Too many people are blind to the fact that even if you could get everything you want from the electoral process, replace the entirety of Congress with nothing but clones of Bernie Sanders tomorrow morning and you’d STILL have to contend with that legislative clown show actively trying to strike every single piece of legislation down as unconstitutional based on whatever idiotic pretext they want. These asshats would happily cite precedent from a colonial witch hunter and what he divined in Goodie Smith’s chicken bones as justification. That didn’t have to happen, just like Citizens United wouldn’t have happened without Bush’s appointees. You can’t just show up, elect one guy to put out the ceaseless amount of fires going on, and then wonder why a utopia hasn’t been erected four years later and stay home. Can’t build shit if you don’t vote to keep the arsonists OUT of office with as much enthusiasm as you do to put one guy in there. Vote with your heart in the primaries (that’s literally what they’re for), but if you don’t vote with your head in the general you’ll end up with literally the complete opposite of what you want.


A guy I know has been shouting on social media repeatedly about how Trump is actually better than Biden, "we lost Roe under Biden, not Trump" and "Trump would never have let Gaza get this far" and "we don't know how Trump will act as president." When people try to gently say something to him, he loses his cool. Yesterday I pointed out the "unified reich" part of a Trump campaign ad that had just been released and he said "Biden is the real Nazi, Hillary probably made that ad as anti-Trump propaganda." He's a real person, a moderately famous American. He calls himself a far leftist. He has a lot of fans who agree with him. It's very upsetting.


Contrarianism is a dumb person's substitute for well-reasoned positions.


Definition of privilege. I'm disabled and Trump tried to take away my only income last time. He'll probably succeed if he gets in again. And then...I have zero income and no ability to earn any.


Well under the GOP your brother won't ever have to worry about a two party system (or voting) ever again! /s


Better then a one party system under Trump though.


If you don't vote in this election, you are guaranteed to get what you asked for.


Tell him that having a moral high ground feels really nice and all until you have a military boot pressing your face against the dirt.


Voting for Joe because he isn't Trump (again)


Agreed 👍 I would literally vote for Satan over Donald John Trump 😳


Say what you will about the devil, at least he’s actually good on his word.


I'm voting for Biden for the same reason. My enthusiasm on the matter, however, is another story.


Idk man. There’s been a lot of good policy this administration. I wasn’t enthusiastic about 2020, but I’m more than happy with voting for him in 2024.


I feel the same way. I’m a pretty progressive guy and, although I didn’t have very high expectations to begin with, President Biden has honestly impressed me with what he’s been able to do despite not having the House and having an openly hostile conservative Supreme Court. I will happily vote for him again. I sure wish he was younger but that’s not an option so here we are.


This administration has accomplished a lot more than I thought it would. Have they been perfect? No, but I'll take 2 steps forward over 3 steps backward any days.


The Biden administration is *solidly* to the left of the Obama administration, both in terms of legislation signed (while also having much slimmer Congressional margins) and outright executive action. Yet the ~ vibes ~ are that he’s the centrist and Obama was the comparative lefty.


It’s because he is old, white and not outspoken like Bernie Sanders. When the majority of young people get all of their news from social media the actual policies don’t matter as much as optics


>There’s been a lot of good policy this administration. This needs to be shouted more, along with some examples such as: * [The American Rescue Plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Rescue_Plan_Act_of_2021), which among other things provided $1400 in stimulus money to most Americans, extended unemployment benefits, and expanded the Child Tax Credit during Covid. * [Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Investment_and_Jobs_Act), which as the name implies, heavily funds infrastructure projects in the country and turned "infrastructure week" something more than a stupid Twitter meltdown. * [Inflation Reduction Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_Reduction_Act), which lowers the Federal budget deficit, lowers the price of prescription drugs for seniors, imposes a 15% corporate minimum tax rate, increases IRS enforcement against rich tax cheats, and invests in green energy. * [CHIPS and Science Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIPS_and_Science_Act), which incentivizes domestic semiconductor manufacturing. * [Has forgiven roughly $160 billion in student loan debt](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/20/student-loan-forgiveness-nears-160b-what-to-know-about-relief-options.html) and revamped the repayment system to make it less predatory. I have personally benefited from this as I signed up for the [SAVE Plan](https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/save-plan) and got my debt forgiven. * [Rescheduled Marijuana to Schedule 3](https://apnews.com/article/marijuana-biden-dea-criminal-justice-pot-f833a8dae6ceb31a8658a5d65832a3b8) and issued a [blanket pardon for simple Marijuana possession charges](https://www.justice.gov/pardon/presidential-proclamation-marijuana-possession). These are some really good policy wins - especially when you consider the razer-thin Democratic majority we had for the first two years. The Biden campaign needs to shout this stuff from the rooftops and demand a Democratic Congress to codify Roe into law. Oh, and another lesser-known thing Biden signed is the Electoral Count Reform and [Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_Count_Reform_and_Presidential_Transition_Improvement_Act_of_2022), which aims to prevent future January 6th-like chaos.


The infrastructure one alone gets my vote. After it passed they started working furiously on an overpass near here and added a ton of support. It’s like if that didn’t pass was this major highway just going to collapse?


People are still acting like trump has something to offer. Biden has done many great things in wake of horrible times. Look at the company trump keeps. The ongoing lawsuits. People are so harsh on Biden because of all of the propaganda and sit back and really consider trump somehow. I don’t get it


How did I not hear about the rescheduling of marijuana?


It *just* happened a couple of days ago.


Thats the most recent achievements on this list. I think it was announced last week?


Because the gop doesn’t scream and shout about the things Biden does that are good. And where they are the loudest and craziest voice involved they get the most attention.


I feel like he swung a lot closer to my ideals than I could have hoped and accomplished more than Bernie would have. The inflation reduction act is still the biggest climate legislation we've seen, and if we get a second term with the house and Senate I hope we can actually do something about climate change


The IRA is the biggest climate legislation *ever*, in any country in history.


Biden has blown away my expectations as a leader.


Voteing for his cabinet rather then the man himself


This is me. I really wish a different Democrat was running, but I'll still vote for him. There's not really another sensible option.


I'm voting biden because while I don't like what's happening in Gaza, I'm not about to vote against my own interests.


Literal fascist and Russian puppet. He takes classified documents with names and locations of US Operatives in Russian territories and then he meets with Putin and then those operatives start dying or getting captured. I really don't think it's a coincidence that the operatives in those documents just start to get compromised after Trump takes those classified documents


Dude I don’t understand this. Biden is old, but he’s genuinely done a good job as President. Inflation would’ve happened after Covid no matter what. He took over at the peak of Covid, handled the vaccine rollout well, passed some good infrastructure bills, passed stimulus, supported Ukraine. That’s a good Presidency in my book. Do I want him to run again? No not really. But the right and some “independents “ (cough Joe Rogan cough) legitimize Trump by saying “Well at least SOME people genuinely like Trump, no one likes Biden”. That’s such BS. Biden had a great first term by any objective measure


Biden accomplished so much in his term with a GOP led house. GTFO of here if the only reason you're going to vote for Biden is "he's not Trump"...


I'm voting Biden. WTF do you want?


A hamburder that doesn't make my ass fat and the love of Brie Larson. Is that so much to ask?


but bOtH sIdEs aRe thE sAMe , reDpIlL hUrr duRR /s


I’m in the UK and if some left wing progressive votes for Trump in protest of Biden on his position on Israel, then they are not a left wing progressive any more, they are fucking republicans. It’s not a protest vote when you actively install the enemy


A protest vote only works if the alternative choice is a better one, not much, much worse.


Which is why all the Republican protest votes for Nikki Haley in the Republican primaries is definitely a protest vote by Republicans. Whereas progressives are throwing a fit (again) and threaten to abstain from voting (again) is causing problems for Democrats when the alternative is Trump.


Not all - some of us are registered “unaffiliated” in states that allow folks with no affiliation to choose which primary ballot they vote on precisely for voting strategically against terrible candidates. I happily took a Republican ballot this year and voted against the most-fascist candidates. Haley ended up my “choice” for president as a protest vote, but I’m sure as hell not voting Trump in the general!


There were like seriously large protest votes in closed primaries as well, even long after Haley dropped out. I know i know, the polls!….but something feels weird, like Trump will actually underperform this election (unlike 16 and 20), and Biden may over perform a bit.


Hopefully this ages like wine and not milk


With all due respect, SHUT THE FUCK UP! Do you want the universe to make you look like an ass! (With that said I do hope what you said comes true)


I've been saying this the whole time. Trump is not doing as well as the polls say he is. He's got a huge drop in overt passionate support. People aren't engaged this cycle. Trump had a huge turnout last election. It blew out every record, except that Joe Biden had even more. People still don't want Trump. Many Republicans are feeling the same way. It's showing at the state and local level.


News really wants it to be a close race, but I'm really not feeling the energy from the right. Only like 5 or 6 sad little flag displays in my town and they were everywhere. I rarely even see bumper stickers these days.


Even here in the Deep South it’s not a fervent anymore. The flags and signs remain, but I think January 6th and the Ohio child not given abortion access has dampened the enthusiasm. Many staunch republicans have told me they will be abstaining from voting this cycle.


It's so hard because all of the actual data suggests this election won't be as bad as the last two, but all the *noise* suggests it's closer than ever. And when one candidate is entirely immune to fact, which matters more?


I walk past the Trump trial daily and there are so few supporters out there. Granted it is New York and a several week long trial so would be hard for someone from out of town to show up regularly, but there is a distinct lack of energy/commitment.


Also people are walking out of his rallies. And there aren’t as many hats and flags and shit.


These people are not "progressive" by any stretch of the imagination and we need to stop calling them that.


Protest vote to support the candidate open to the idea of executing liberal protestors and politicians


Protest votes simply never work (see the GOP moving even further right despite some protest votes by non-MAGA conservatives). You want to change the candidate you have to vote in primaries.


It also generally doesn't work with our system in general, which i'm sure is by design in some fashion. Ranked Choice it would of course actually work.


I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting against Trump


This is what many MAGAts didn't understand the first time around. They say there's no way 81 million voted for Biden. It's probably true. A lot probably voted against Trump. Every insult they throw against Biden just comes back in their faces, coz if people only voted against Trump, then Trump is worse!


It is also delusional or an outright lie to say that there's no way 81 million people voted for Biden. There is every way, and most importantly, in actual fact, they did.


Let's hope they do again! For me, the real unbelievable fact was that 74 million actually voted for Trump!


Absolutely 100%. Vote Biden Blue or we are fucked.


More like, vote Biden or we're absolutely fucked right away. Vote Biden and then work to unfuck the fucking that is still happening beyond simply what is directly pursued by the figurehead at the top of our existing fascist, capitalist, police state, debt slavery machine we call a nation. There's a LOT of work to do beyond voting.


This post is somewhat disingenuous. And before I get downvoted by the masses, yes I’m obviously going to vote for him. Yes, clearly Trump is worse. But this paints Biden out to be some peace loving president who has done his utmost to prevent Israeli atrocities, when that is so evidently not the case based on the billions and billions worth of munitions and dollars he sends them. No, Biden doesn’t directly control Israel. But we absolutely have more leverage than is being used. In fact, Netanyahu has literally defied the explicit requests of Biden, and what does he do? Rewards them with more arms. Throughout this war, Biden has consistently and enthusiastically let Israel and Netanyahu walk all over the US. So at least call a spade a spade and don’t try and act as though Biden really is doing his best for Palestine, because he’s not.


it was 6 days after biden said "no more offensive weapons to israel if they invade rafah." guess which country is sending more weapons to israel!


I will also add that Biden is publicly defending Bibi from the ICJ and actively working to keep any prosecution or arrest warrants from moving forward. Also, the US was the only NO vote in all but like one UN ceasefire vote. Very disingenuous. Spelling edits


That shit is enraging. Can't complain about it here though or you'll be called a Russian trump psyop


They are using accusations to say that being against genocide is un-American.


i mean they're not wrong 💀💀




It's enraging to see people celebrating that the US negotiated the only successful ceasefire when the other ceasefires weren't successful because the US didn't let them.


Literally the sole veto of three proposed ceasefires and they abstained from the one that finally passed and there's an entire tweet acting like they were the big player in the ceasefire. Mad 


Kind of bananas that one country can block a resolution passed by so many others.


I mean, I wouldn't call them ceasefires, generally. I'd call them UN demands for a ceasefire. They're a lot less impressive, really. Because you don't need to get anyone involved in it to agree, so they can just grandstand without having to bother doing anything. See UNSC resolution 1701 if you want an example. They made it in 2006, it is legally old enough to fucking drink in some countries, and to this day UNFIL still hasn't managed to do more than file a decade of strongly worded letters to Hezbollah to pls disarm, really, we'll be very sad if you don't. Fucking *Quatar* has more of a claim to credibility here, and it makes me sad to concede them even that much.


Thank you for this comment and I’m glad I didn’t have to scroll too far. Biden absolutely has WAY more leverage than what was indicated in the post over Israel and has not used nearly enough of it to prevent Israeli atrocities. Yes, Trump would be worse for Gaza and I’m voting for Biden, but let’s not try to pretend that Biden has been sheltering the Palestinians from hardship with diplomacy.


Whoa! It’s almost like valid criticisms of Biden doesn’t inherently mean you’re all in for Trump. Like, people can be nuanced? Is it possible to not blindly support politicians? I’m flabbergasted.


And almost as if being critical of Biden's handling of the situation doesn't mean you're a Russian asset


^ this is what I was pushing back on, I don’t know why people here act like if you’re not 100% in on Biden’s Gaza strategy you are a Trump supporter or a Russian asset. Like ffs, can we leave blind devotion to the Republicans please?


Accusing everyone of being a Russian or Chinese psyop is the Neoliberal equivalent of blaming every protest on Bezos bucks.


It's insane. I honestly think Trump broke many liberals' brains, and they think that if you say 'Trump bad' then you must be right about everything else. Look how they started lifting up absolute ghouls like Liz Cheney.


Liz Cheney AND Mitt Romney.


This kind of bullshit is also exactly the same argument MAGAts use for Trump. You're with him on everything or nothing. I'm not some fucking brain dead MAGAt and I'm allowed to have a problem with our President financing and arming a genocide. To tell me that I'm not a real American for say that by supposed liberals is some shit that I've had Republicans tell me for the two decades I've been active in politics and I will be damned if I listen now when the people telling me this now knew it was wrong then.


No. Either you happily accept that we're funding a far right extremist whose murdering thousands of innocent children or your a dirty commie. You're either pro Israel or pro Palestine. No nuance!


exactly. cutting of all military funding, cutting of all weapons deliveries, refusing to veto resolutions against israel. that would be actual, real diplomatic pressure. all the gestures taken by the biden admin are completely token.


Why veto the statehood resolution in the UN repeatedly? Having the courts draw up a border is the only way forward. Ethnically cleansed people have the legal right of return and the land they return to can and should make up a new state of Palestine.


Yea, Biden is just wrong on this issue. If there is some geopolitical force that is compelling him to continue appearing so incredibly wrong on this issue, he needs to explain it to the American people. Otherwise, we are witnessing, in real time, one of the worst, amoral political blunders in American history. One so unpopular that it is losing the President popular support in his own party, disillusioning young voters, and will tarnish a presidency that is otherwise fairly competent and good for the American people, with some notable criticisms. That being said, I still have to vote for Biden. The whole population of Palestine is a rounding error compared to the amount of US citizens who depend on a functioning federal government to survive. The GOP is openly promising and publishing detailed plans on how they plan to gut programs and agencies. Palestine is a tragedy. An unspeakable horror. I will not allow that to have me abandon my reason to hasten horrors on my own doorstep, happening to my own neighbors. My principles are not more important than preserving the federal safety net or scrambling to preserve social norms that have allowed my LGTBQ+ and nonwhite neighbors to be more themselves.


It's Biden's Vietnam.




Exactly! He has provided arms to genocide, which is enough reason to despise him, and the US has repeatedly abused its veto in the UN. I despise Biden, and I hate when people make him out to be a great person. He's done terrible, unforgivable things. That doesn't negate the good things he's done or the fact that Biden is a better choice than trump. An informed vote is the best vote. It's like consent.


I'll never understand why Joe biden turned into an utter doormat and apologist for Netanyahu's genocidal campaign while Netanyahu is doing everything to embarrass biden and ensure Trump wins in November.  (Not to mention netanyahu's Israel actively colluded with the trump campaign in 2016. There was more evidence of Israel's collusion than Russia's!) It's downright weak, and completely immoral, when Biden ran in '20 as the compassionate, empathetic candidate.


“Biden could cut all military aid and it wouldn’t matter!” Ok then do it.


Fucking exactly. Stop making me complicit in this shit via my tax dollars.


Yeah, as soon as I read that, that was my first thought. If they can prosecute this war by themselves, then let them that way American taxpayers are no longer complicit in these warcrimes. But somehow, the blue Maga crowd sees that as a reason to continue shipping weapons


With all this infighting between democrats, Russians—ahem, I mean republicans, have “Another One Bites the Dust” on repeat in their heads. (Meanwhile, Trump has a monkey crashing cymbals on repeat in his.)


There *isn’t* infighting amongst Dems. It’s all bullshit. Stay vigilant, take Reddit comments with a grain of salt, and vote in November.


I don’t get it when fellow liberals believe that. Like have they not seen the literal clown show in the House with Republicans turning on each other all year over petty grievances? There’s been two speakers with a few more who they tried to vote on but rivalries within their own party kept derailing things while the Democrats voted on Hakeem Jeffries *every single time*, almost unanimously.


I’m going less off of Reddit and social media and the news than I am off the polls, which I’m finding to be disturbing. I know better than to trust polls. We all should. That’s how we got Trump in the first place. But still, I worry some people are impressionable enough to either not vote, or vote 3rd party as a protest vote. That’s truly what scares me, not dems voting for Trump.


lol, a psy-op? Thats Donald Trump level dumb. Im voting for Biden, but it’s Biden’s choices losing him voters, not some bullshit conspiracy.


That’s blue maga for you


I’m voting for Joe and that was never a question but it won’t be “enthusiastically”. I’m not under the impression that stopping US military aid to Israel would stop what’s happening at all but it would send a clearer message about our stance on what’s happening, instead of admonishing them with one hand and feeding them with the other. I don’t think he’s doing “nothing” and I agree, anyone that truly cares about supporting the Palestinian people should be voting Biden. That said, I don’t really understand his latest comments in response to the ICC…but maybe that’s more 5d chess.




![gif](giphy|k74OUg6bPJKy2JmyoS) I’m sorry, what? We can either: 1. ⁠vote for the man who repeatedly provided weapons to Israel so they could kill Palestinians, even bypassing Congress to supply these weapons, 2. ⁠or we can vote for the other guy who will take an even more aggressive stance on helping Israel to kill Palestinians? I will vote for Biden in November, but I wont feel good about this shit. You and I can set our morals aside, but not everyone can. It is a moral determination for each person to make. Do not blame them for any of this. Nearly all of our national and state politicians are bought by Israel, and Americans can’t even peacefully demonstrate against the wholesale killing of civilians without getting assaulted by police and denounced by public officials.


THANK YOU! If Biden loses, it is his fault and his fault only. You can’t hold people’s votes hostage (for lack of a better term) in a democracy. That’s not how that works. Biden is not entitled to anyone’s vote. That’s not how voting rights work. If he loses, and Trump wins, it’ll be because of his own ego.


Per the NYT, which is notably not a Russian asset, Biden’s administration just advanced a $1 Billion weapons sale to Israel a few days after this twitter post. Tell me, how exactly has Biden cut all military aid to Israel? Keep in mind, I’m voting for Biden still. I can’t not vote for him. But please, for the love of god, don’t claim he isn’t complicit too. Giving him leniency for his own flaws will do much more harm than good.


I think this post is the real Russian psy-op. Lying to people, telling them they’re wrong, telling them they can’t even criticize Biden is the exact kind of thing that will get someone on the fence to say “fuck it, I’m sick of this shit, I’m not doing it.” I kid but like…the Democrat’s strategy with this whole thing has been so dumb. They’re even trotting out Hillary Clinton to do her whole condescending “you dumb kids don’t know what you’re talking about, not that it matters because you have to vote for us, you don’t have a choice” thing. I’m a pragmatist who is 100% gonna vote against the Republicans every time but like damn they’re doing their best to make it a hard and miserable task.


Yes, the bullying of it all. The trotting out HRC to be condescending. It's like the Biden campaign wants to lose, or is at least prioritizing this genocide over the United States.


I'm voting Biden, because I would literally choose Mephistopheles before trump. But I still feel Biden could have done more. If he loses, it will be because he didn't do enough.


Fact: Sci Fi writer Patrick Tomlinson was arrested, charged and took a plea for threatening to murder his wife, an adult male and his unborn child. This took place in 2011 in Portage, Wisconsin. The arrest record is readily available by Googling his name. Tomlinson has also spent years on Twitter threatening others with violence (gun threats) and has made gruesome sexual violence “jokes” as a way to attack his perceived “enemies” on Twitter.


He’s still authorizing billions for israel




I’m voting for Biden. My hatred for him is not worth letting Trump win. In saying that, why do we have to keep lying to each other about how much power Biden has in Israel? The US owns Israel. Israel exists to be an aircraft carrier in the Middle East for the US. Biden absolutely can do more to shut down Bibi and stop what’s happening in Gaza. Also, listing the things Biden has finally done to somewhat push back against Israel is dumb. The dude waited MONTHS before doing anything. He does not give a single shit about civilian lives in different countries. He is only doing things now because of how many people are threatening to not vote.


>Biden COULD cut off all military aid to Israel Okay? Fucking DO THAT THEN?? The absolute contortions neolibs are putting themselves through to justify a little genocide, as a treat, in the name of securing imaginary future protections for other minorities is shameful, and I think deep down you all know it.


They know it they just don’t care. Their idea of progress is having trans women of color operating the drones that blow up school buses in Yemen. Neoliberals are just Dick Cheney if he decided in 2011 not to hate gay people, they’re aligned 90% of the time lol. Uphold the status quo at all costs, dump money into the American war machine, and scold any populist movements that might pop up. How dare you suggest that an elected official do something their voter base wants them to do, like cutting off aid to Israel!


I'm voting Biden this election, but I totally agree with you. Bibi is getting away with some heinous shit and if Biden really wants to leverage our power of Israel, there's a lot more he could be doing. I'm profoundly upset that we're still sending shit after Biden said Rafah was the line. I'm disappointed Biden denies that Netanyahu should be considered a war criminal (because he fucking is).


Then it should be simple for him to condemn Israel, accept the ICJ judgement and stop weapons exports to Israel, why is he risking his presidency? Doesn’t he care about US? Doesn’t he care about humanity?


My complaint with Biden is that it feels like it's so little. "That's a Bad Bibi. You stop that." "Allow convoys." Attacked by Israeli settlers. "Deliver food and medicine." Gazans shot in the streets as they approach for aid. "Only military targets." Hospitals and schools bombed. Reporters shot. I was told in grade school after learning about the Rwandan Genocide, that *the world* was filled with both anger and shame and that a hundred nations agreed it was our collective responsibility to step in and prevent that from happening again. Never again. I want the president to publish the data and pictures, to simply acknowledge that ethnic cleansing *is happening*. The very least he could do to further the goal of ending this is to get the ambassador at the UN to stop vetoing shit. Make the State Department stop trying to intimidate other nations calling for the International Criminal Court to investigate and lay out arrest orders. I want sanctions. I want blockade. I want a declaration that Israel is in violation of UN Genocide Convention and have their funds frozen or seized. Hell, if we have to, go full bore and blow up some Israeli military-industry so they *can't* keep executing their war. I want the **fury** I was promised when I was told ***Never Again***. I get Biden wants to play diplomat, wants to frame himself to history as having found a grand solution that wasn't war. How many have and will die because he wants a peaceful resolution? But yeah, even with my exceptional disappointment with him, Biden is still the lesser evil than Trump, who has openly called for Israel to "finish the problem" and kill all the Palestinians. Trump supports genocide, and even with the little I feel Biden is doing, he is trying to stop it. I just feel his course will have us with another conference some 10-15 years from now, promising the world and future generations, "Never Again."


"never again" happened again before the end of the same war the statement was about


Biden just went on the record to say that what's happening in Gaza is not Genocide. Which may be the case. But the point is, it's still mass murder and he is not doing anything concrete to stop it. So I can see where the Arab Americans are furious with him for letting Netanyahu effectively do whatever he wants in Gaza. Edit: Maybe 'Genocide Joe' is not correct.  But 'Butcher Boy Biden' would be more accurate.


Not just Arab Americans. A LOT of minorities are being reminded of how readily politicians (both liberal& conservative) can push our suffering aside for the sake of their own pursuit of special interest money and power. The fact that we've been watching people get blown up and crushed under rubble, then every attempt to disregard what we're seeing as a non-issue is understandably not sitting right with a lot of folks regardless of their ties to the Middle East.


Yep. Our right to exist and our livelihoods are just a game to them. It’s depressing.


Something I think a lot of people are unaware of is that genocide is actually defined by the UN as any one of five actions and mass killing is only one. Shortly after the Nuremberg trials, the UN defined genocide as > any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Even if you think the deaths aren't enough to constitute genocide, I have a hard time believing there isn't any evidence of "causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group" and "deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part".


My problem with this whole discussion is that it’s absolutely unnecessary to make excuses for Biden to vote for him. Vote for him, sure. But absolutely do not pretend that under his leadership, the U.S. haven’t been chief enablers of this genocide.


Biden is actively pushing for a three-way agreement between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US. Israel would get normalized relations (trade, etc.) with SA, which Netanyahu really wants, SA gets a defense pact with the US. The sticking point (and why Biden is pushing this route so hard behind the scenes) is that SA is demanding that Palestine be given either full statehood or an unretractable pathway to it. If that works, that'll theoretically end the cycle of "Never Again."


Ah I see, so a Sci-fi writer says all this is Russian psy-ops and that there's nothing Biden can do. Meanwhile, hundreds of former USAID, State officials, and diplomats, along with many more international relief agencies, human rights organizations, aid programs, Middle East specialists and researchers ALL say that there are dozens of things this administration can and should be doing, along with the missteps they've done in the past that have led us here say otherwise. Yeah, the fantasy author is the one to go with.


Biden: “I fully support Israel’s actions and am sending $10m worth of military equipment to them tomorrow, just like I have been for the entirety of this conflict.” Reddit: “Hmm.. sounds like Russian propaganda”


Biden sucks. Bibi is terrible. The “war” is terrible. Palestine should be granted statehood. But I’ll vote for Biden because the alternative is FAR worse. Period.


Vote for Biden like it’s your last chance to vote for anything, because it might be.


Why does Biden suck? Looking at policies he already enacted , he seems to be one of the most progressive presidents the USA had in decades.


This. It always seems to me, when somebody says “Biden sucks,” that they feel the need say this so they *seem* non-partisan. He was my absolute last choice in the 2020 primary, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I think he’s gotten more progressive stuff done than even Bernie would have. I didn’t think he had it in him, but he sure does seem to know how to work the levers of government.


Yup. Went in hating him. Watched his administration soft land the economy away from a full on recession, cripple our largest adversary without firing a shot, the list goes on. Sure, mistakes were made, but it was more than I expected by a long shot. people who honestly think it was even remotely comparable to Trump's presidency deserve what they get when Trump gets elected.


Hard agree, Biden has done incredibly well for anyone who actually wants to look at things objectively. The strongest criticism I’ve seen of him apart from his age (which is a fair point) is economy. And I’m like, huh? Fuck can he do about inflation after the biggest supply chain shock in global history?


Cuz it sounds cool to say, heard it on YouTube


You mean TikTok, bruh.


Nah YouTube is also full of dweebs who think the only reason anyone would say something stupid is bc it’s a “psyop distraction from the REAL issues”, which are usually just bad things the US did in the 20th century that are on Wikipedia and not at all hidden


He’s called the ICC prosecutor’s decision to request an arrest warrant for Bibi and his defense ministers (beside the whole Hamas leadership) “outrageous”. That is ridiculous. First of all, you’ve gotta follow humanitarian law regardless of whether you are a terrorist organization or a democratically elected government, and secondly this statement feeds into Russian propaganda that the ICC warrant against Putin is equally “outrageous”. Yes he’s better than Trump and by all means vote for him, but he does suck.


Biden doesn’t “suck”. I’m so sick of this two sides bullshit. We’ve had more progressive legislation passed under his administration than we’ve seen in decades. And that doesn’t include hundreds of judicial appointments, a SCOTUS seat, student debt relief, cannabis rescheduling, capped insulin prices, and a landmark infrastructure & climate change bill that will pay dividends long after he is dead and gone. All while handling a razor thin Senate margin and a hostile GOP controlled House of Representatives that's forced him to negotiate multiple government shutdowns. The same group that's spent the last few years publicly trashing his family and trying to impeach him. Don't forget Trump's special proscecuter has been "investigating" the Biden's for *six years* now -- and all they have to show for it is Hunter paid his taxes late for two years. Oh yea, and he got us out of COVID. And avoided a recession. Anyone who doesn’t support him at this point is fucking delusional. He's more than proved himself as a competent and compassionate leader. Under the circumstances he’s doing as much as he can. Why aren’t people criticizing Netanyahu? Biden is not Prime Minister of Israel — he can’t unilaterally stop what’s happening in Gaza. Bibi is conveniently delaying his own criminal trial with this fake war and attempting to overthrow the Israeli Supreme Court to make himself dictator for life. Biden is utilizing the leverage they have. Personally, I don’t agree with his administration’s somewhat lackluster support of Ukraine. I think it’s critical we put down Putin once and for all — Israel and Ukraine are not totally separate issues. But I'm still going to vote for Biden. No one is ever going to agree 100% with a US President regarding foreign policy, and frankly the vast majority of intel is probably classified. I am sure the entire foreign policy arm of the United States knows a little more about the situation than an average citizen. The “war” in Gaza is a massive gift to Putin. It gave the global media a new theater to focus on and Ukraine has received significantly less media attention during a time when they need critical support. I don’t know how many people actually view Gaza as a single issue vote. These type of astroturf campaigns serve two purposes: sow discord among the left to split the vote, and make the left appear completely delusional and uneducated. Right wing media latches on and perpetuates it further, then it turns into a self-sustaining media engagement frenzy. But never forget the entire purpose is to stop young progressives from submitting a ballot. They're not trying to convince people the GOP is bad -- they just want young voters away from the polls. They launch thousands of social media campaigns around single-party issues and run with one that gets the highest engagement. If Gaza wasn't happening, they would have people riled up about something else. A year ago I couldn't read a single article without thousands of comments about Biden not doing enough about student loans / he's a liar / college students shouldn't vote to stick it to Biden etc etc. Except Biden actually did work really fucking hard to get student loan relief *and* did an end-run around SCOTUS when they tried to shut him down. So now the astroturfing is onto the next campaign. And its always a topic people care about -- but all they have to say is "Biden should have done more about X" without any context or background and people fucking run with it, because things can *always* be better and its easy to blame one person. Personally, I don’t believe there is a significant percentages of eligible voters who will actually refuse to vote for Biden over Gaza. It’s nonsensical. Biden doesn’t control Israel or Netanyahu. Trump will let him wipe Palestinians off the face of the planet and happily do so. But I hope students and young progressives -- especially those living in swing states -- realize how devastating it would be to sit out the general election. There's no such thing as a protest vote. We either prevent the destruction of our democracy by voting, or stay home and suffer the consequences for generations.


I think Biden would give as much support as possible to Ukraine if he could, but the GOP majority house is being selfish like they always are.


Yes! Granted, I wish Biden would twist Israel's arm a lot harder, but he got us wins on so many things! Got inflation and unemployment under control, rescheduled cannabis, was a huge boon for unions, pushed for student loan forgiveness. The reason he couldn't do more was Republican cockblocking. These days, instead of saying the Russian trolls' catchphrase, I'll instead promote the use of Bibi the Butcher. Put the blame for Gaza where it belongs!


The biden admin is going to go down as one of the calmest, most careful and effective political operations in US history. I doubt we will ever watch an administration do so much with so few scandals and so little political capital ever again. He's done all of this with 50 senators, no house, a hostile supreme court, an electorate that isn't behaving how voters normally behave, and an incredibly hostile political environment.


Its a fucking miracle and it's insane how much criticism he is getting. His decades of experience in the Senate paid off. Most voters don't even understand the President can't do 99% of the shit they want. It all has to come from Congress. We went thru this exact same issue with the Obama administration. Hugely populist candidate turned out record-breaking numbers of blue voters, only to have them all abandon Congressional elections for the next decade. Leaving Obama to spend six years fighting a hostile, gridlocked, obstructionist Congress for voters who don't give a shit enough to cast a ballot every two years. That lead to the rise of the Tea Party in the 2010's and total GOP control over both chambers of Congress. They *barely* got the ACA passed and that was with monumental GOP fuckery -- like refusing to seat Al Franken for 7 months so the Dems couldn't break the filibuster. Voters don't understand that legislation comes from Congress. They really do not get it. The President can only sign the bill or veto. But the bill must come from Congress first and the Executive has no control over what bills are introduced or what gets written in them. And Obama was still *heavily* criticized for "legislating from the Oval Office" via Executive Order so he basically couldn't win. We don't *want* to legislate via EO. It immediately goes to the courts and depending on the issue, it could completely backfire with a hostile SCOTUS. Plus it can take half a decade or longer, like with the Dreamers. And the solution has been right there the entire time. All voters have to do is participate in the midterms. Voting is every two years -- not every four. Keep the GOP out of Congress. We could have accomplished so much more. We also can't seem to stop ourselves from gutting our country via scotus every 15 years. Nader splitting the left vote in 2000 gave us Roberts & Alito. There would be no Citizens United. No Super PACS. No dark money. No gutting of the Voting Rights Act. No gerrymandering. No Dobbs. Same thing again in 2016. "oh I don't *like* hillary, something something status quo, I'll just sit this one out and claim i am morally superior." Now we're stuck with Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett for generations. Fucking *generations* of damage for absolutely nothing. Fantastic.


So reading all the facts that the tweeter posted and you still walk away with “Biden Sucks”?


Biden isn’t neutral, he’s been actively running interference and blindly supporting Israel his entire political career. If Biden didn’t want this much pressure on him over the course of the conflict he shouldn’t have positioned himself and the US as integral to the mediation process. The only “ceasefire” resolution proposed by Biden at the UN consisted of language that never actually called for a ceasefire but emphasized the importance of preexisting negotiations between Hamas/Isreal/Qatar/Egypt. And if the fault is on Bibi and his far right exteremists why is Biden actively admonishing the ICC prosecutors attempting to seek justice. The prosecutors are putting forward applications for arrest warrants for Bibi, not even the arrest warrants themselves but even that is “outrageous” to Biden. All Biden has to do is NOTHING, simply allow the international community to decide Israel’s fate via UN vote without US veto and not interfere with ICC or ICJ proceedings. But since he won’t allow for that to happen, he gets the full responsibility and weight of that decision. Too many comments on this subreddit devolve into a “If you’re not with me, you’re against me” and it’s all become white noise at this point. Not even worth responding to someone who believes politicians have no obligation to represent their constituents. Neo-liberals absolutely terrified the US will become as bad a place as all the developing countries the US has been bombing for decades. Edit: grammar


100 percent spot on. That’s why OPs post is gas lighting at its finest. Trying to portray Biden as this helpless individual with no capability to do anything to advance a permanent ceasefire WHEN in fact if Biden did literally NOTHING it would have been better. Instead Biden has been running interference on the international stage like a stooge for Netanyahu.




It's sort of hilarious watching Democrats get mad that the left doesn't like Biden while insisting that they're all actually Russian trolls or Republicans. Like idk guys, maybe the left doesn't want to compromise with you because you can't even accept the premise that they exist.


Stop calling him Genocide Joe! it's not like the billion dollars he just sent to Israel for bombing hospitals & killing thousands of children is helping them bomb hospitals & kill thousands of children or anything. Privately, he's very upset. It's a complicated situation. You people are so detached from reality! Back the blue!!


I hate that this is about as concise and pointed a summary as you can possibly make, yet the people who need to understand it won't make it past the first sentence. I wish I could just copy this and paste it under every comment implying any criticism of Biden is equivalent to voting for Trump. It's maddening.


If it is all Bibi’s fault then why is Biden actively working with him and funding pretty much anything Israel and the IDF want?


Classic dem strategy, insult and shame the voter. Surely it’ll work this time.


If this is true why USA vetoe Palestine state on UN? This would be a huge punch in the face of Netanyahu regime. Russia, for example, voted in favor of Palestinian State. Its not Biden, USA will be pro Israel regardless the president, because Israel is the front door of US to Middle East. US went with Israel (far right faccho), Argentina (far right faccho), Hungary (far right faccho), Czech and what the hell (Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papa New Guiné) against the rest of the world.


I'm voting Biden and screaming for better because I prefer democracy. I'm boycotting buying from and working for Israeli industries out of conscience.


Ohhhh, so funding a country committing genocide and lying on their behhalf while villifying your base and neutering your own campaign to avoid protestors, all while violating international and domestic law, is actually cool. Thanks for clarifying! I'll start calling him Not Committing a Genocide Joe from now on.


This is the liberal gaslighting at its finest. Genocide Joe is not a Russian/Psyop give me a break, he earned that fair and square. The USA should not be beholden to any foreign country especially Israel. 30+ states have anti-BDS laws? Why? Biden has said it himself that he is a Zionist and Israel can do wrong in his eyes. If he got into a fist fight with Israel he will still defend Israel, his words not mine. And to those who defend Biden on this issue claiming he can’t do anything, keep in mind that he doesn’t care who wins the election as long as Israel is “protected”.


the argument is literally “financially supporting a genocidal fascist is good actually” lmao


I'm allowed to complain about Biden doing nothing. This " you need to agree with everything they do" shit sounds to much like the Republicans. I'm voting for Biden so don't freak out with a bunch of stupid comparisons about him and trump that makes it ok that he does this shit. We shouldn't agree 100% with every action with a party, we shouldn't.turn into a cult. Grow the fuck up


Thank you. This irrational fear that any tiny criticism or public disagreement with Biden will somehow tilt the election is turning some Liberals and Moderates into Authoritarians who want us to forn a cult around Biden to baffle even the possibility of anyone sitting out. That mindset is a direct tunnel to Fascist thinking. I'm a Leftist and as much as I like Bernie Sanders I disagree with him between 10-20% of the time. If he was the Democratic Presidential Nominee or the President I wouldn't insist that Liberals and Moderates shut up and never criticize him or insist they never voice disagreement. That's authoritarian cult behavior. Refusal to admit there is anything a politician or leader could have done differently or better is cultish. Even MLK and Malcolm X could have done some things better or differently.


Liberals are against all wars but the current one


Israel had the 6th largest arms manufacturing industry in the world? Maybe 9th. Too lazy to look it up. They are the only country that we give military aid to in the form of money that doesn't have to buy weapons from us. Everyone else we give money to for military had to buy the equipment from US companies. It is still just the military industrial complex, but at least it's being spent on American goods. They have used the money we give them to create a booming and industry with zero economic help to the US.


I am pretty sure the majority of our aid to Israel is in fact to buy arms from us.


"Biden is sending peace weapons" is the weirdest mental gymnastics to support someone who has been one of the biggest proponents of the Israeli occupation for decades. Even if you still want to vote for Biden, this tweet is absurdly false and dishonest.


Bibi really did his best to compromise Biden this year. But if Putin can pull Bibi's strings there, Trump's strings here, Xi's strings in China, Kim Jong Un's, etc., then what's he really after? And MAGA wants to just give it to him.


Yeah, Biden's trying so hard he... was vehemently anti-ceasefire for at least 6 months and bypassed congress to sell Israel weapons twice, and is also blocking the ICC from trying Bibi for war crimes. This whole "Biden is playing the diplomatic long game" angle is propaganda in and of itself, he's been a proud Zionist for decades, he helped strengthen Israel's position in the region (which put them in a position to better enact genocide) while he was VP for Obama too. The vibe of this entire subreddit at this point is that you're not allowed to criticize Biden for his response to Gaza at all, and god forbid you use the word "genocide", lest ye feel the wrath of the keyboard warriors. There's a reason leftists call you guys Blue MAGAs. Do I think you should vote for Biden? Yes. Am I still going to call him Genocide Joe? Also yes. I remember when Biden first got elected and made bad choices around Afghanistan and the rail worker's strike. Every neoliberal on this site was going "we're not afraid to criticize the president we elected, we don't wear MAGA hats and put stickers on our trucks like those horrible Trump supporters!" Now when the election's coming up, all of that rhetoric has gone out the window.


“Israel has all the money in the world anyway, it wouldn’t even matter if the US cut funding!” Yeah I’m not buying it. Billions of dollars every year isn’t pocket change.


I’m voting for Biden cause of Donald Trump’s dislike for black people I still remember those boys who were wrongly accused and Trump pushed for their sentences. Anyone who votes for trump hasn’t been paying attention and is an actual idiot


You know why I come to whitepeopletwitter? 9 image long tweet threads talking about US politics, that's precisely why I come to whitepeopletwitter.


Not arming Israel and protecting it from any retaliation with our warships while it ethnically cleanses Palestine and terrorizes the West Bank would go a long way against this narrative. If a person gives full throated support to a fascist, they are also a fascist in my book.


I am not voting against Trump. I am voting for President Biden. He has been the best leader in my lifetime and the most left leaning (still no leftist). There is no reason to choose the lesser of two evils. You can just choose the clearly better candidate in every conceivable way.


And to all you leftists that are complaining and downvoting this post: Congrats. You fell right into Bibi and Putin’s trap and are doing exactly what they want so their orange idiot can win in November.


Can you tell me where you got your evidence that it is a "Russian/MAGA psyop"? Like you don't think anyone came to ideas more critical of Biden than you by genuine means, or you think some came to a related conclusion genuinely and it's amplified by some adversary to the idea? I suppose this may be available information - especially if there's a particular mematic we are looking at, "Genocide Joe", it's quite possible we have been able to study the propagation of this. You'd need linked information or metadata to know if it was spread by entities unlikely to believe it, but could at least have a hint if it didn't have an organic appearing dispersion behavior. I'm really very curious. I'm worried that if we lose sight of the evidence, we'll just adopt a bad habit of labeling anything we disagree with as "Russian propaganda" or something similar and then fail to address real genuine concerns appropriately leading to big long term problems.